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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1941, p. 4

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ý 1 . -- - 7q , THE CANADIAN STATESMAJI BOWMANVTLL~ fl~T~a~ur~ w..aa.~ss r a.c~.~----,---~ --a ~ FThe Newcasfl Phone CI Miss Phyllis Clemonce spent the weekend in Belleville. I*s. P. F. LeGresley visited Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Weston. Mrs. Bond, Winnipeg, is visiting her father, Mr. T. W. Jackson. Mrs. Carl Selby and children vlsited Mrs. Leslie Guy, Oshawa. Corporal Harold Hockin, Camp Borden, was homeo ovor the week- end. Misses Margaret and Ann Bcd- low Toronto, visited at C. Rut- land's. Mrs. J. Scott Howard lost ber pet dog, Angus, presumably thro' poisoning. WOOL Before Schoel starts select Wool fer that Fali Sweater Soc aur Fali and Wlnter Specials Star-gbo A fluffy 2 oz. bal! in many colours 39c Monarch Down sud Jumbo 2 az. baUs 40c and 50e Lewdura Ser vice Woola 4 oz. skeiu Beehive Service Yarn Juat the fling for soldiera' gloves - 4 oz. akelu "V, BrOoches are aU tlic rage loc BEST BOOKS ln Uic LENDING LIBRARY JO HNSTON 'S B00K STORE Phone 651 Bowmanviile E c fi s G t' h eg IV. s ri ir tE Ji tt ORANGE iule 45-in' 39cm- SAJLMON KETA Ti. 14c APPLE JUICE 2= 15e SOUJ5 iS &Veg 2104eI15c I AP COMME BOKAÎ' ahy rousi I9 REDgCIRCLE Bu 31c JONA CUT NE5W PAC& WAX DEANS Z »T-ma17e KONA CUT NE5W PACK GrENU DBERNSZ m 1De AmN PAGE MAYONNAESE J-r23C VLun 3c"z.? -77c A? & i NW PACK TOMATO JUICez 25 z Tns o 5 %MNA OlczAm BAU» <iE*WET -Steas or Roasts 9 ýÇ SZJM g'm Lb.17C E NOAS! la"1 mNID ieOAST lb. Zie M D OAS! ILb.270 r. Spi Ib7ÎM m"m IJ lb.2e lb.Zie lb. IL19C APPLES Ducheas Mous1 POTATOES Cclory louis Ontario Grown Domestic Grade Ontario Grow, No. 1 Grade Cook Ontario Grown No. I Grade Ontario Grown Fresh Criap Bask A3 lbs o< cing 3for Peck 29< 2 for 15C California 4Ibse- 3 Luscious 2fo ARRIVING DAILY FAMOUS NIAGAIRA GEOWN ]pEIIAcHlaEs ATERACTIILY wMCBu CAMAYSOAP 3 CM« 16IC CEIPO'2p43,c «,-t47e TISE CATSIJP ti e DEANS with Park CLARK'S 2 le 15c MATCHS Mapi. Lof 3 23c OLENDES OgîIvr's 2 »£& . 19 CHoliCR NM3WPACE PEAS creenaant2 %m27, A"a Pag DAKED GOODS Chocolate »Omaum D *OLL.17c Rnglth nom BREAD ~EàTObtL 25e dur, wmx pkg. 12< RINGS EUflEIdoz. -Se IPICE Picifring il pkgs. 15e asEAJD8Smafldo«. 899 SEAIERS Me& doz. 1.05 jg je ~MP.  1- ul lf nrate m armr to 0pe eto oa [so ropreto of he edaraleworkers) received one-third of the irage. In 1918 he joined the nation a ncomne. In the 1926-29 .E.F. and transferred to the perîod (which bas been accepted .A.F., but subsequently served as a base period for wage rates) Lthe Medical Services. Aiter farmers(then 34 per cent of the )me years on the education total) received one-;sixth of the Dadho became an alderman in national income. And in the dec- M.d ado 1930 to -1940 the farmers' q .Fraternal circles claimed much share of the national income had i b is turne and enthusiasm. He dwmndled to one-tenth. as a member of the Riverdale Take the cash incarne per farm. asonic Lodge, St. Andrew and Ini the 1926-29 period it averaged ýJohn Royal Arch Masonic $791.00 per farm i Canada. For apter, Danforth Lodge I.O.O.F., t1i edoyen yoars 1930 ta 1940 in- aple Leaf L.O.L., Native Sons of clusive it averaged only $329.00 inada and a charter member --down ta less than balf the form- Ç )ronto Lodge L.O.O.M. Ho be- orfigure. For the 728.000 tarins s .ged to the Riverdale Kiwanis, i the Dominion tais means a drop 8 )ronto Board of Trade and in total purchasing power of e wing Men's Club of tbe Board. $335,000.000 per year. ewas aiso an the oxecutive of Ihis picturo ta givren in support inforth Business Men's Asso.. ofI'lny contention that the plight tion, a member of the Durham of our basic food producing i- Id Boys' Association, and be- dustry is the major domestic ged to the United Cburch. In problemn facing Canadians today orts ho was president and vice- It as second only ta that of Y' c esident of two local basebali prosecution of tac war-ad t ibs. the saine time it ta a vital part fl Surviving are bis wife, former- of tac war program as well. Alice Evelyn Hutchinson, and Prom a news standpoint it isaI ce childron, Gwendolyn, Glo- naw in the hoadlines-thanks to and Douglas. the good work and public spirit- a odnoss of many friends of tac ighway Kilinge farinera. And a fnerous abaro Qf that goos, I a happy to say, a Show 25% Incmease ta you mon of tac Canadian Weeklies. I bad known that the Deaths fromn fatal accidents on weekly press was giving agricul- Shighways of Ontario for tbe tural every support, but, since we st six months of 1941 total 64 began to socure clippings, I have. Se, than for the corresponaang been amazed at the extent of it. 7bd of 1940. The increase is at It prompt& me ta suggest that pou- rate of 25.7%. sibly the farmor's story la, from rh number of deaths in 1940 a news standpolnt alone, second ven by the Bureau of Statis- only to that of the war. as 746) for the full year was Origin af Federation higbest for the poriod of ro- d, 1926 to 1940, save one. The- As larmers we are flot seeking i1937 showed Ontario high- pity. The lack of equal oppor- yfatalitios at 766. tunity for agriculture, our bolief r. Logan Clendening, speaking in solf-help, and our faith in con- tho investigations of road ac- str-uctive action by domocratlc ents in the U.S., and the fmnd- processes are the taroe ideas sdoubtless would ho sîmnilar which togzether inspired tac origin e, said; "Alcohol with the at- of the Canadian Federation o! Jing varying degrees of alco- Agriçulture in 1935. lintoxication, can ho consid- ' In the first five Y'ears wo bave 1thc groatoat single factor." been even more successful than he limiting of gasoline with any of us dreamned at taat timo resultIng urh of carausing at we might be. Today tac Can- twl robably check te adian Federation of Agriculture Otoriowe rei for includes the groat majority of ail -ralslng recordi of bigbway tarin organizations i Canada ties for the current yoar. wlth an afflliated membershlp of Wedding On August llth at Trinity Unit- ed Chuxch Plarsçnago, Bownian- .11e, Mahel Ethel Brookham, eld- est daughter of Mr. Thomas Brookham, was united in mar- riage ta Mr. Russell James Balson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert 3alson, Solina. Tbe -bride was dressed in tur- quoise sheer with white acces- ories, and wore a corsage of pink andi white roses. She was' attend- ed by ber only sister, Miss Irene Brookham, wbo was dressed in old rose wita white accessories and wore a corsage o! white roses. The groom was attended by Mr. Ewart Bragg, Bowmanville. A rocoption was beld ait the bride's home where a wedding supper was enjoyed hy the bride's and groom's famlly and noar trlends.' The dining rowm was prettily decorated wita pink and. white streamers attached froas wedding bells to the table, where Rbcautlfully dqcorated cake was laced in -the centre o! tac table. Pink and white gladioli, phlox nd other gardon flowors decora- OFF 1CE WE TEST EYES AND FITTR SE To Your Entire Satisfaction In Quallty And Price. *M- - à m .. tomn Ontario, stayed over at New- castle Friday and bad dinner with M. and Mrs. Percy Haro and Mr. le In epen ent JackHaro, an interne at Oshawa General Hospital. On Saturday larke 1114 Mrs. Haro and Jack and a fow Newèastle friends are attnding UMMUM UMMMa reception for Mr. and Mrs. Jack *Mrs. Thos. Enwrlght and family Haro at Dr. Munro's old homo have returned from visiting at city of St. Thomas. Strataroy. W.A. of. the Untted Cburcb met Mr. ackCooe, Dminon ankAugust 14th, with President Mrs. Rouyn, Quebec, visited bis cousinJH.osintecar rpue Miss Reita Cooke. was read by Mrs. Ross Dickinson., It was decidod ta bold a bazaar Apple growers began picking in the fail. Mrs. Percy Brown, Duchess apples last week. The whose graup had charge of the apples are large and of excellent pragrana and lunch, presidod over quality. these features. Misses Kathleen Management Committee of the Toms and Editb Hendry enter- community hall sponsoreda tained with a piano duet, Mrs. H. other successful dance Fiday C. Allin cantributed a reading, evening. an~d Mrs. C. A. Cowan fvour1d Mr. Garnet Caswell, Toronta, solo. has been holidaying and recuper- Newcastle Public and Higb atmng from an ilînesa at Mr. Jno. Scbools will re-open an Septean- Caswell's. ber 3rd. Principal Hughi M. Mc- Mr. Jas. Quigg bas taken a posi- CoUl, B.A., and Miss Helen M. tian witb the De Havilland Cor- Smith, B.A., will again be in poration, Taronto, where bis bro- charge of tae High Scbool, now ini ther John is employed. its 83rd year of operation. Pria- Mrs. Harding and daugbter, cipal Thos. A. Rodger and Misst Mrs. Harvey and son, Mr. and H-attie A. Mason will be at their1 Mrs. Fred Bond, Toronto, visited posta ia the Public Scbool wbilet at C. Rutland's recently. Miss Bernice Smith, Millbrook, will succeed Mass Norma F. Or- Mr. Walter Blackburn visited chard in the junior room. There Mr. Edwin Hancock, bath having wiîî ho a largo beginners' class as completed their summer course at the Board o! Education bas re- Queen's University- Kingston. scinded a former motion permit- Robt. Duck of the R.C.A.F., Ot- ting beginners ta enroîl as pupils I tawa, wita Mrs. Duck and daugh- only an Sept. lst, noarest their ter, was hoans for a visit wîth Mr*_- sixth birtbday. They may now ho and Mrs. RolIt. Duck Sr. and Mr. admitted at the dascretion of the and Mrs. Robt. Milligan. teachers. Pte. Bll Alliai, a traineo of the W.M.S. took charge of the ser- 21 year age class, writes ta bis vice at the United Cburch Sunday J parents, Mr. and Mrs. Imwin Allin, morning. President Mrs. NormanC that hoe is now at an army train- Allin presided; Mrs. Norman Ric-N ing camp at Nanaimo, B. C. kard told the cbildren's story,q The Newcastle Orchestra, wbich based on the boybood of Maos; has been dormant thraugh the and Mrs. Percy Haro reviewed the spring and early summer, bas ho- lîfe and labors of Rev. W. E. gun ta rehearse again under the Smith, a Durham boy, bora near ] leadership o! Mr. Stanley Rickard. Elizabethville, a modical mission- Gardon Cotter bas been accopt- amy in China for 40 years and the ed in the R.C.A.F. at Toronto. Ho author o! a book telling o! bis was home ta bld goodbye to bis life and exporiences. Miss Hattiea parents, Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Cot- Mason, wita Miss Marion Rickard, er, and bis sistors, Grace, Viola A.T.C.M., at the argan, sang a so-9 and Marie, and is now stationed prano solo, Open the Gates o! the ait Brandon, Man. Temple. Baskets o! beautiful a Newcastle girls hy defeaing gladioli again adorned the com-IV ~outic te scon tme n Ag.munion table and the organ con- a .8a tCourtice edlim n aedthesole. Y.P.U. will bave charge, o! vetemn team roe einae the of.the service next Sunday rnorning weserntem fomtheplyofs.wben Mr. Jack Young, Oshawa,j rbe score was 16 ta 6. Now New- àmdlvrtepuptmsae 'astle will have ta engage in the wl eie h uptmsae Fials witb eitber Hampton or The Sm. Canadian Girls in Train- M alem. ing group met August l2th atM Mrs.Irwi Colill'. Th puroeto Miss Coma Butler and . 1fr. 6f this specif meeting was ta C baerge Butler expect ta move in-~ decide about sonding ropreseata- ai ýo Dr. J. A. Butler's enlarged tives ta a C.G.I.T. camp at Oak ouse this week. They have reat- Lake, Aug. 17ta ta 27th. It was g ed their bouse ta Principal Hugli decided since moat o! tac girls are SI W. McColl, B.A., o! the HIigh not free ta go, the group would to chool, wbo was receatly mar- send no representatives. The lea- A led and who will soon ho return- der, Mrs. Colwill, infornaod the in rg ta Newcastle with bis bride. girl's that their work o! tac past M Dr. and Mrs. Muaro and daugb- year bas been very commendable, era, Mrs. Jack Hare and Miss and the group bas been made a i rane Munro, Cleveland, O., re- Chevron Group. On Fiday after- ta .iraing from a trip tarough Eas- noon, Aug. lStb, the Sm. C.G.I.T.,&' group met at Miss Catheriaqe LOOKS WILL AND H.APPY 350,000. As its namo implios, it la LMinto's. This was nfot a regular a federation of existing tarin and meeting, but was a social gauuhze. co-operative organizations. Eacl# ing closing the *C. G. I.T. 'ear poic a t w eeain Everyone greàtly enjo3ied tha rvnc a tsonfdeain tornoon. June Allia moved a irct with taree directors on tac na- a! thanks ta, the hosteas and ber tional board. (The taree Maritime mother, and the girls made it ul- rovinces function as anc prov- animous. ica unit.) In Ontario we have Hampton Girls eliininated Or- ce formtion o! cati n aita ono from the playoffs in the Girls' h omto f onviisa Sftball League in a tie-breakng oUl. Some 22 o! theso have been gameon Nwcasle' neural aliofficially organzed and othrs park last Friday hy 23 ta 11. are under way. Somrnechampionsbip pitchffig, waa On the 2nd of July last the doe y essie Knox, Hampton, :Canadian Federation o! Agricul- wben ta one inning she struck out turc operped a national office in eabOoote, Eunice Middleton the.Boota Building, Ottawa, with included, in tura as they came to Walter E. Haskias, fommerly o! bat. The co-aperating and suc- British Columbia, installed as cessful catcher in tais feat was secretary-treasurem. Myrtle Page, up Enniskillea way. Shr tWel rc Orono used two pitchers, Allce Shr fWel rs Mclsaacs, a aummer visitar tramn You wiil ask, naturally, what Toronto, and tae regular hurler, threita F hew ed es youthful Joyce Lowery, a mis papera can do ta assiste Feera- with lots o! promise as she gains tion o! Agricultural ta ats mission. strengtb and experience. TI the 1 would suggest the fallowing five absence o! the publisber's daugh- tamngs: ter, Jean Forrester, Mrs. Carlton (1) Interpret the farmers' pas- funetioned behind thc home plate Gunner Stanley Couch ition ta business mien, towns peo- for Orono. T. W. Jackson passed Who is somowbeme ta England, pIe and others not ongaged in the bat for the silver collection bas sent tac ahove photo ta bis !aring.b whicb went ta the t*o contending relatives in Newcastle. "«Barney," (2) Explain ta Federation mcm- teama. as ho is popularly known, ias sn bers)ta your district how nation- o! Harmy Coucb, Newcastle, and al probleins and policies of the was employed with thc J. Ander- Federation apply ta affect those Erm ssklle son Smnith Ca. hefore cflistiflg ta members locaily. Enniskillen the amtillery at Petawawa. He 3 opt Visitora: Miss Nora Krsefonbsapancmitaybe members consciaus o! their pan- Hamton M. ad Ms.E. . 1 ,. in the Oîd Land bas not lessened ticipatioii <as ta bath responsib- rison, Mm. Reginald Weaving, T- bis ahadow or bis good nature. ilities and benefits) ta the work ranta, Miss Muriel Moore; at Mr. o! the Fedemation in, the broader O. C. Ashton's. . . Mm. and Mra.nainl il H. J. McGill and family, Mr. and, MORE ABOUT- n4 ept mk eeation Mrs. Jas. A. Werry witb frienda 'CONVENTION TALK meqabers realize that tac national in Oshawa. . . Mm. and Mrs. Bd. ____policies o!the Federation gtart Bradley, Whitby, Mr. and Mms. <contlnu.d from, page 1) wita them, and haw tac Federa- C. Bradley, Pickering, at Mri. tion tuactions democmatica2ly Wm. Okes. . . Mr. W. C. Stainton, is uawise and futile ta attempt from. tac battoin up. Ia tais con- Toronto, with AU. and Mrs.. H. ta establish a stahilizcd econoihny nection mombors ahould ho en- Stevens. . . Mrs. C. Usher and wita factors wbicb. are out o! bal- coraed t sudy national agric- Misa Ethel Usher roturned to their ance ta begin Wita. Farm pricea ultûralProbls n t oru hom i Toono. .Mm.Alinand farmn incarne are so far out late olcies 1 cally upon whicb Boyd is holidaying at Graven- a! ine with retumas of labor qpd national activities are based. hurat. . . Mr. and Mms. W.' A. induatry that stabilization ne- (5 To pravide for Federation Rabm and family enjoyed a tip camnes a ahana. mmesa no taa evc in Tiai Gaton's new bus and mmesa nomtoa evc also had a boat trip amound Stun- Price Factors whicb, based on better under- geon Lake. . . Mms. O. Rodman Twci factors, however. have standing, -will help croate and and Miss Lydia Rodman, Buffalo, came ta the fammer's rescue. G<>v. maintain groaton confidence in 4M. sud Mrs. S. Rodman, Scugog, crament policy in the Unitedj their own organization and la t Mm. E. C. Aston's... Mr. sud States ecentîy gave their fariners their owa demacratically selected Mrs. W. B Wood and Nancy, Osh.,. a guarantce o! 85 per cent parity otticers. awa, Mra. Jas. LeDrcw anýd fr1- (with > thc hase period 1909-14, (6) Since the Fedoration of Ag- enda, Caesarea, at S. R. Pethick'. wbich waa, if anything, -more miculture la non-partisan you can .Mr. sud NMms. R. D. Preston, favorable ta the fariner thas encourage the discussion! t arai Ray and Maurice, at Mr. Bruce 1926-29). It moved their prices probîclms always 'froin a non- Ashton's, Catwright. . . Mr. sud up very considerably sud ta Can- partisan viewpaint and help vira. F. McGill and Donald w1it ada we were compolled ta raise members ta see how taey c su get lm vira. J. McGill. .. Mms. A. Orains- aur pnices in order ta prevent our their views sud ecommeadatioas su ad Mma. Palmer, Miss Elaine producta (boga. particularly) from across ta, and inaplemented by, 1. Hoakin, Toronto, wita Rev. gomng across the lino wben tacy any and every government froin nýd Mrs. A. E. Harding. were so urgontly needed ta fumiÇ township sud county Up ta pnov- tivg An iatonesting tempernce pro- aur canimitinents ta Britain. incial sud dominion. ram was given on SundayhePeolato unday School by Mrs. M. Stain- The bther factom la: NationalWantePoec' ;on. Readiags were given by Ross authorities are loarning that me>! I anm appealing ta, you for moas- thr, %,shton and Raymond Petit. An munerative returns toa agicult- ans that I consider are more im te rteresting tory was given by une, as t a bon and industry, is portant sud I make tais appeal es Wra. H. McGill. the -way ta get the job donc. Pro- wîthalal tac omphasis o! which 1 vil, W.M.S. and W.A. held their fessor McDougall issued a warn. am capable: Tell the people of! %ugust meeting and wore enter- ing in the above mentioned article Canada - atract their attention, son ained at the homeofa!Mms. Win. when ho said: "la tinie of war arouse their. intemoat, explain, ahi shton. Canadian production is doubly importune, persuade-not ta take and valuable ta Great Britain ho- an averflowing dininer pail for hon ObituThisys la ethiag on which thaught 'ta those on whom welA~ stand ta danger o! taat very thing. which fills the dinner pail. Tell tes( Lamne Truli unlesa we allow higher metumna them taat if taoy do flot give Goc The death occurred in Toronto, ta the f arn population, sanie taougbt ta agriculture taey for ;ddenly, an Auguat l4th, o! The farm labor situation is may, unwittiagly perbapa, ho bu:. ®rmne Willand Truil, directon of acute. The need for men tin tae Party ta a trend wbich is deplet- on rie Trull Funeral Homes on Dan- farces sud pmeferred conditions lag the soul and the buman ne- one orth Avenue, former alderman provided for lahor and iadustry sources a! our tarais and tarin and Lnd member o! the Toronto Board have dnawn fanera' sons sud population. Tor, f Education. Mr. Truil collapsed tarin labor away froan the tarin. Warn the peoaple that if sucb a taw ftor delivertag a lecture on Air While aur larinera will apprecat trend continues there ta grave aid Preveation, and died shortly every hour of contributed l1aaor danger, firatly, that we wilI fall fter. suad it will heof o! aie belp, tace l2wn on the suppby o! food wbach 'Born on a tarin ta Durhain tarin labor situation cant be the people o! Great Bnitain are aunty in 1894, Mr. Truil was the savdo1acbsso0acsa 0oking ta us ta provide sud, sec- , on of John Calvin Trull and slbon upl.theanly ofatiafa- ondlY, that wo wiil over a long langaret Williams Trull. The laime peniode taevatifac amm was sottlcd by bis gmra tory answer ta tae tarin labor tr Pridi itably undermine ýret-gandater ohnTruea-siuto is ta estabish a proper our national economy and nation- 794.atrndasen Jhn 1,lIin sitation between tarin prices on Yual Woky ewpaer o 19.Ate cooling ta Darling- Y. relationewpaer o :r and Bowmanville, ho moved the one band sud taduatrial pnacesCadh :) oroto n 113andachev suad labar costs on tae ather. C ad.ave il witbin youn paw- arlyand ontnuedsucess s anFar Ilnomeer ta, raise a voice, lusty sud per- ndr er su1atno ucs a nFruIcre - sistent, wbicb will effectively Ho etend bsines wen nly Lot us glance at figures on the prevent auch a tagedy befalling venty-ono yoars a! age but found Ptrmers' incarne. During the for- ti aa !groat promise and me anciicand cominntysn mer world war periad of 1915-19 groat dosttay. ï Bayes Gin Mlka Nycetal 22c39c 3 PHISc Seltzer alt = » 98C 3C- 929e7c 2e-3e Soft asa $1.20 Size Brama Seltzer SOt 8 feocy clou. I 10 W 69C $1.00 Size Hnd's Creaai Now 49e GMette Razor & 5 Bla"es .49e Wardola azor nd Blades FILMS DEVELOPED FREE 24-HOUIR SERVICE 95P.R. COWLING, Phm. B.DeF:0er rely surroundod the room. Atter tae roception the happy Duplo left on a wedding taux irougb Nortaern Ontario, and on iir return homo will take up sidence'on Centre St., Bowman- le. Before ber marriago Mrs. Bal- )n was guest at a miscellaneous iwer givon to ber by frionds ,d neighbors at bier fatlxer's Dme, Queen St. Anne Menzies, widow of the ot Hugb Davidson, a former acher at Newcastle, died in eorgetown where she had lived îthe past 14 years and was ried in Bowmanville cemetery iAugust 14th. Surviving are ae daugbter, Mrs. Percy Cleave, id two sons, H. A. Davidson, )ronto, and R. D. Davidson, Ot- wa, also four grandehildren. "I wou!dn't wark that han aon a hot day for a millin del- la,." "Maybe flot, -but you wauld for what ]Pm golng te get- a great big piece of cake train tic Carter FandJy Baker>'." -SPECIALTIE5 Wedding Cake%, CaterlIgt for ali occasons, TesaRoSxq, Fountalu and Restaurant Service. UIt waa a lucky day I diacvered Carter'. Dregd,, THE CARTER FAMILY Plione 855 Bakers For Two Generations 5Bo 'wmanvill. HEL P WANTE D ' - m a s the SUPPlY of gradùltes- Enquire NOW regarding riodation is limited.' ss College Telephone 1314w MG FOUR EVANGELISTIC TABE.RNACLE Whcre the Full Gospel lu proclaimed 'b - SUNDAT SERVICES - 11.00 a.m.WorshlP 2.00 p.m.-Subday Sehool 7.30 p.m.-Evangellstic - THE SUBJECT - "Justificaion R>' Faith"l -WEEK NIGETS - Wed. 8.00 p.m.-Blble $tul>' Fri. 8.00 pin. Evangellstic Coeand enjoy theso services. The demand fori office help now exceedE from the Oshawa Business Colege. . ..1 day and night school classes as ftccomr] The Oshawa. Busine 18 Simco, Street N. 500'rALIAN BALM 250 HAND CIREAM Speclal Prioesy Lactogen - 69C - 1.59 100 A.S.A. Talets 19o Fy Coils - 6 for 1c Jar Ring. - - dos. Se 1 l. Parowax 2 for 25e Dodd's Pilla - - 33e Castile Soap - - bar 15e Odex SoP - 4 fr 18e Plkhar's Cmp. - 87e 100 A.B.S. & C. ain. 1e MODESS BELTS 25Ç A&P FOOD STORES %qmmmmm m Vlctory Health Salto ---39o D. T. Health Salis . - 59e Kkovah Health SaIte 25o - aOc 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnJýÈ. ONTATun -THIMSDAY. AUGUST 21 laai 1 m .- . bwmmvme U R G E N T L

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