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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1941, p. 5

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--«MMRN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE ONTARTO ~A(2U~ WT171~ SOCIALAND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mrs. Chas. Mutton is holidaying .Edger and Doth visited Mrs. wîth relatives at Midland. L. M. Curtis, Omeee. Pte. Stan Dunn, C.A.C. Hdq., Miss Jean Porter and Mr. Jack Camp Borden, was -home. Chadwick, Kingston, were visitors Pte. Frank Efirrel,; Camp Bor- witb the Carter family. den, visited relatives here. Miss Dorothy Knox is home Miss Donalda Creasser is . .it after holidaying with a party of ing relatives* at Camillies, N .Y. friends at Talion Lake. MissDôrthyWilsn, oroto, Mr. Wilfred Snmith, of the Cope- ~~~~ es !Ms ab2n tewart. -ChtesnCo., Brampton, ksguetoMisCteieSea. visited Mr. Bob Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Eston Darch, New Miss Mae Kozak with Mis. York City, are visiting relatives Bryce Brown were weicome cail- here.ers at The Statesman office. Misa Jean Battie, Oshawa, spent Mrà. Geo. McClellan and Mr. the weekend ut Mts. Charmes Mut- Harry Hyde, Toronto, are holi- tofl's. dayung witb Mrs. J. A. McClelian. Mr. John Lenz has been vlsiting irinduin ewmrke ad To Capt. 'and Mis. P. E. Irelund frindi Nware a and John, Toronto, were week- ronto. . end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morrison Westwy hre holidaying in Northern On- twy taro. Mrs. W. L. Rowe and son Bren- Mrs. E. Bennett, *Oshawa, visit- ton, Toronto, visitcd lher sisters, ed ber sister, 'Mis. Geo. E. Prit- Mis. H. Humphries and -Mrs. W. chard. H. Denuem. Miss Dorothy Bradt, Willard Mi. and Mis. J. F. Nickerson, Hall, Toronto, was home over the Dorothy and Edward, have been weekend. holidaying in the North Bay-Mat- Mis. R. M. Mitchell, Belleville, tawa district. has been visiting lier father, Mr.Pur. Russell Williams, Niagara JqhnLyle Fais s, N.Y., visited relatives here. Jqbn Lyle wife and family îeturned - Mis. Vivian Argue spent the home with him. firat o! the week with friends -in Misses Greta Munday, Betty Peterboro. 'Snowden, Eileen Hately und Eve- Pte. Geo. Wiseman spent the lyn Woods are holidaying at Deer weekqeýd with Mi. and M% Mel- Lodge, Haliburton. ville Wiseman.I Misses Beatrice and Ethel Ba- Mi. and Mis. Sam Bond, Oiil I ker, Lambethi, Ont., spent a few lia, were visitoîs with Mi. and Idays with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tait. Mrs. Orville Osborne. Mis. Hairy McMullen andi Mis. A.C.2 George MeFeeters, R.C. Verna Wilis, Ottawa, visited Mrs. A.F.~, St. Thomas, spent the week- Laverne Souch. end with his parents, Mr. and Miss Molly Hynds, Toronto, is Mrs. Chas. McPeeters. spending a few days with Mi. and Sergt. Robert Wallace, R.C.A.F., Mis. Lou Rundle. has been visiting ut Mi. Clarence Mis. N. S. B. James, Mis. W. A. Hall's and left Tuesday, for bis ______________________home ini Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mis. C. H. Mason, Helen and Don, Mrs. Frank Morris and Mis. Norman James spent the weekend at Guil Lake. W OO~L Mi. Jack Dixon, oustown, ____________ N. Y., visited Mi. and MS. Wllett Hawley and was entertauned by BE WISE! Mi. and Mis. Wmn. Slagbt. Mi. and Mis. Norman Colville and son Ronnie and Miss Meda Pethick, Toronto, visited their cousin, Mis. W. H. Densem. Mi. und Mrs. Percy Williams are on holidays.* Bill* McFeeters is ini charge of the A. & P. Store iduîing,.Mi. Williums' absence. 1 Mis;' Allie Weisb Shantz o! Ro- chester, N.Y., anid Chicago, Ill., BUY NOWIbas been renewing acquaintances Our Stock ta Complete Belle Allen's.9 .Planes from the Oshawa train-1 SOMESPECALS ing centre swoop low over High- SOMESPECALS field farm; their mascot a wood- nympb in auburn, maroon, and 3-ply white p umps. Four Bowmanvile girls are en- Fingringjoying life at Spairow Lake Camp. for fluer garmients They are Elinor Wight, Ruth Bail Hutchinson, Marion Poiey and 20c Betty Stevens. 20C Mis. Wm. Smith, Belleville, *called on. Chie! S. Veton. Her Non-Shriuk husband, who was a ?'iovuncial Officer here, is now anf anti-air- Service Yarn craft gunner in England. Bail Mis. Ernest E. Andrus and Freeman, Hamilton, Mr. and Mis. 75c Freeman L.> Audrus and Mrs. One Bail kuits one pair of Thornton Andrus, Chicago, Ill.,c socks. visited Mrs. Bert Andins.N Mi. and Mis. H. N. Rice andc. HEADQUARTERS Jerry, Mi. Ross Rice, Toronto, FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES and L.A.C. Jack Rice, Victoria- O)PENIN!a SEPTEMBER 2ND ville, Que., spent Sunday with -.Mr. and Mis. Chas. F. Rice. f LL The luwn at the Cenotapb bas taken on a new sbeen. Pte. Bil JINWJ EWEL Tait, V.G.C., is towu bail and park supervisor ini the abéence of Bit 20 Phone 556 Roger Bird wbo is on holiday. c ___________________ A.C.1 Roy Swindells, Bombungc and* Gnnnery School, Mountaine RICHMELLO COFFEE e lchly lavigoratiagt You'U Sud the bearteniug aroma and flavour of a cup of the is ner coffee puts you on your, toes for the day. So stan - with Rcbmello-the coffee pk39 that's roaster-fresh afid #rountd wklen ou won( iti DOMINO Fly-Oed Tin TEA Insect Spray 25c 11h 7<0Perfection ____ ___ ___ _ em - b. 25c MANNING'S ASïO ïT ED Fry'i@La DISCocon 1/2[b. Un 21C 190 Pckls - - »9c LIS. Spirit or Blended Vnoer - gal. 45c ______________ Parowax, pkg. 14e EXOELSIOR PASTRY Rubber mIngs - - pkg. Sc 2 BFLOUR Zinc L4 LB. I3AGWyC eSoalers - doL. 99e Doza - 1.05 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES -Tomato.. Gqte. 29c Bananes - lb. 9c Piumns e qtp. 39c Head Lettuce on. 7c Lemns dz. 5cCorn - doz. 25c No. 1 wax Penches 6 qt.,. 69c Bean* - 2 Ibo. 25c j ---------- a b *1 .fi t m a t aI t c Il d i s t] q, bi s] Cl T ved n th boue no occpied Jy Principai L. W. Dippeil. Both arothers dlaim they utill enjoy ugle blessednesu. Norman ls vith the Trust and Guarantee ompany and John lu with the iiperiurl 1Ce. Throngb The Statesman the 'imer e! the Chevrolet coachi ut View, returned to dnty Tuesda after'a 7-days' leave witb bis pai ents, Mi. and Mis. J. Swindells Miss Murjorie Calver, Rocheý ter, N.Y., Mrs. Emily Martin an Miss Yvonne Martin, Toronto, an Mi. and Mis. Robert Aflan, WinÉ sor, were visitors with Mis. Mui iel Dunn. Mi. and Mis.- W. P. Thompso and family have been taking tw weeks' holiday. P.T.O. Chas. Sip] o! Port Hope looked after M Thompson's work policiug th highway. Miss Gertrude Dewell, who ha been cierkung at the Big 20 Boo: Store, wiil begm training iu Pet erboro Hospital in Septembe3 Miss Lilianne Naylor bas take: her place at Jewell's store. Mi. and Mis. Roger Bird ar on a motor trip te the Maritime to visit their son Robert witb th Midland Regiment at St. Johr N.B., and Geîaid, witb the R.C A.F., stationed néar Montreal. Mi. Gilbert Jones, manager o Dominion Stores, bas returnei from motering north te th, Powassan district witb a party e auglers fîom Whitby. Gilbert re ports some fine catches, includinI lake trout. Capt. and Mis. Sidney Lodge danghter Helen,and sens Metcalf Lee and Witbrow, from Beltviile Maryland, Mrs. Fred Gale, Whit by, and Mi. and Mis. S. Snewden Oshawa, were recent visitors a - Roy VanCamp's. Editor Kennedy o! the Peter bore Examiner says: It's nice tc whack off a fat slice o! bread anc lay the butter on thick and i able te thiuk that by doing yonw own slicing you are someho% helping te win the war. Mis. G. A. Cook bas retunned home ufteî visîting ber sister Mis Esther Morrison who recenti3 suffered a broken arm in a motox accident. is. Cook, aise visiteé her sister-in-law dangeionsly il]. in Collingwood bospital. - Mr. and Mis. Jack McIntyre Kleinburg, Mi. and Mis. Cotting. ham, Oshawa, Mis. Wilbeît Fee, Omemee, Mi. and Mis. Lewim Cornish and son Ray, Mi. Will Cornisb and son Alan, Stratford visitcd Mi. and Mis. J. Mclntyre Mis. Wm. Calvçr and daugbtcx Mari oxie, Mis. Chas. Marks and son Jerry, Rochester, N.Y., hav( been visiting Mis. George Barton Mi. Harry Robinson, wbo ha beeri visiting bis sister, retunned tc Rochester witb tbem, on Priduy. ,,Lieut. Baker bas been notified by tbe Officci Çommanding tbe 32nd Regiment, Veterans' Guard o! Canada, that bis command, No. 4 Piatoon, "D" Company, must resume regular drills, twice each week, witb lectures, commencing September 2, 1941. Provincial Constable Arthur Dymond, Madoc, bas been assign- cd by beadquarters at Qneen's Park, Toronto, te the Bowman- ville district. The serions illness o! P.C. David Silvester will pie- vent him resuming bis duties for an Indefinte time. Mis. Geo. W. James and daugh- ter Ruth attended the Canadian Weekly. Newspapers Association convention in Quebec City held at the Chateau Frontenac. Over the weekend, with the press par- ty, thcy enjoyed a bout trip up the Saguenay River. Ruth is now visiting friends in Montreal. Lieut. Baker îeceived a card from Jack Kent o! the Pest Office staff, dated Edmonton, Alta., which says: "Here's a news item for The Stateuman: F.O. Len Lu- cas is !lying east on the 22nd, and will visit Bowmanville." Jack id Eloing the parks, Jasper, Ban!!, Lake Louise and on te the ceaut. Pte. N. J. Richards, lut Mid- lands, St. John, N.B., is ut bis fathei's, Mi. Thos. Richards, on 18 dayu' furiough. Interviewed, it was learned that he was gruuted one tliird fare, or $7.20 for the round trip, and as this wus re- cently expiained, it iu indicative of "eiders to move", ere long, elsewhere. Mi. and Mis. A. L. Nichoils have returned from Buffalo, N.Y., after attcnding the funeral o! ber biothei, Mr. H. A. Cruicksbank, who was killed instantly on Au- gust IMt and was buried ini Tborold. Mi. Cruickuhank fell from a fire escape where he was auuistîng with some repaira. He wras in bis 68th ycur. C.O.F. girls' softball team, had a f arewell gathering ut the home of Fiances Clarke, 20 Liberty St., for Mis. Gordon Major <nec Joyce L>arge), who bas gene te live ut Barrie. Jo who played third base for the team was given a levely travelling bag.. All the girls had on oui problemu, in war condi- tions, methodu e! dealiug with social preblems and plans for post-war reconstruction." Col. Drew attracted wide attention in 1935 with -articles on: "Germany Prepares for Conquest."' His bout known book is "'Cauada's Pighting Aiimen,"-an iuupiriug bistory of, tbe Canadian accu o! the hast wam, which iu the busis o! the official pamphlet given te evcry Canadi- an pilot ou receiviug bis wiugs. Though a good motive cannot sanctify a bad action, -a bad mot- ive wiil alwuyu vitiate a good action-William Jay. Wben a man bau net a good reason for doing a thiug, he bas one good reason for lettiug it aloue.-Walter Scott., Indicative o! the rupid expan- sion o! the Royal Cunadian Navy under stress o! war is the !act thut a baud bas reccntly. been or- ganized. This new baud, made up o! experieuccd musicians, will be ut tic foithcoming Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. It is net Uic inceuse, or Uic of!- !ering which is acceptable te God, but the pnrity and devotion e! the worhipper.-Seucca. Unkind lauguage is sure te pro- duce the fruits o! nnkindness, th tis, su!fering in the bosom o! otbers.-Bentham. 1-- --mM LOWEST PRICES GEORGE DREW PLIES TO ENGLAND SEE THEVODER AT THE C. N. E. The Voder. the marvellous ap- paratus which actuaily creates speech, will be eue o! the fMatures, o! this ycar's Cunudian National Exhibition. Demoustrations wil be given severul times daily in the National Industries buiding <formerly Ontario Goverument building) throughout the two weeks ut the fuir. Thrce o! the 24 long distance telephone operatoru who demon- strated the Voder at the New York Werld's Pair and Golden Gate Ex- position, San Francisco, will pie- side ut the key-board o! the "el- ectricai voice," wbich resembles the console o! an organ. They will make the Voder sing, as weil as laugh and talk. Botb scientistu and humble lay auditors have pronounced this uppuratus as oee o the marvels of modern scicntific devciopmeut. Ail procceds o! the demoustra- tien, whîch is preseuted by the Bell Telephone Company, will go te the Red Cross British Bomb Victimu' Fuud and The Eveuiug Teiegram's British War Victimu' Puud. Bicycle Safety Club Te Be Guests C.N.E. Citlzeus May Have To Provide Transportation For Club Laut Suturday's meeting o! the Lions Bicycle Safety Club wus in charge o!fIreue Cuûiniugham, presideut, and Nellie Parker, sec- retary. A test wau held te deter- mine who could recite the 10 Commaudments o! Traffic Rules. Only eue could qualify and he was Charles Cattran. Consequent- ly, wayu aud meuns are under censiderution to induce ail mem- bers te "leuru the miles."1 Main discussion was meuns o! transportiug ut leaut 50 club mcm- bers te Toronto Pair on Augut 25th. It is expected that a bus muy be chartered. Betty Osborne reud a letter from Hon. Gordon Canant, iuviting the Bowmanviile Club te be present on Sa!ety Day, Augut 25th, and that they would march ut the head of the proces- sion which iucluded clubs from aIl Ontario. Letters were alue îeceivcd !rom Elwood Hughes, Manager o! the i Ex., and from "Red" Poster, boos- ter par excellence, who bau charge o! aIl the Sufety Day arrange- ments. Bowmanville Club mcm- bers will uppeur in bright yellow sweaters se thut parents and visi- tors and boosters from this dis- trict will uot miss tbem us they lead the parade. Iu case a char- tered bus cunnet be uecured, it is hoped thut patriotîc citizens may provîde private cuis for these youngsters who are members o! the first Bicycle Sa! cty Club to be formed in the British Empire. Ail phone caîls and communica- tions should go te Charlie Carter, phone 855. Bowmanville. 34~l* IGet the habit of reading the Classified Adv'ts. Soldier's Letter Prom Mac Hart, C18654. England. Bowmanville Lions Club. flear Sirs: Just a few limes to let you know that your smokes arrived safe and sound. Thanks a million, they sure are a treat as you have to try a haif dozen stores before you can buy a pack and then they are awful. Things are stili about the same with the old army routine. For the last three weeks the weather bas been swell and ail the boys are beginning to get back the good old Canadian tan. We have just spent another ten days at the ranges for firing practice and now are leaving Aldershot. Everyone seems to be quite pleased about it. So maybe next. time I wîll be able to make the letter more interestîng. So thanks a million for the smokes; they are greatly appîeciated. Too Late To Ciassify_ WANTED - ROOM WHERE could get own meals, or give services for board, town or country. Mrs. S.W.S. Box 367, PICKLING SPU1tES AT LOWEST PRICES Aluspice, Cloves, Mustard Seed, Tumeric, Cassia Buds, Cara- way Seed, Black Pepper and many others. LOOK! Exceftional Buys. . AUl flavours Good Humor pkg. JeIIy Powders ea. tic Puffed Wh.ant Sc London House Supreme Çoff.e - Ml. 29e Short.ning lb. 18c Parowax----------------b. 15C FRUI1ÉS AND VEGETABLES ARE AT THEIR LOWEST NOW. BE MISE, BUY NOW! Ait pickling supplies at competîtive prices. The Store wiii remain open Saturday's until il o'clock D.S.T. ERNIE LUNN 1Phone 596 PRESCRIPTION S CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED lVhen you bring your prescription to us you can be assured of the fiuest possible resait. Eaeh one ta carefully studied and accurateiy filled with the finest and purest ingredients. Wc specialize lu this work. Let us call for your prescription, f111 it and deliver it. NOXZEMA UMIEI olJNiITY »I way of Introduc- tion-a *entrous regular) 1 Se jar of NOXZEMAS double action Cold Creamn for Sdyiv c-wlth a ras. ular new 15c jtar o NOXZEMA CREM.E 36C. Ca t iIs baun today. LYSOL Disinectant AntisePtia . 3 oz. - 35 7 oz. -65c -16 OZ. 1.25 ,the Whitby Rotary Pair was rfouud. Mis. Don Westnutt, Bow- 1manville, a bride o! three menthu, ewas the lncky winner, ber bus- baud having given ber the ticket. iThe firut kuowledge they bad that tbcy beld the lucky number was by rcading The Stuteuman. And werc tbey dcligbted, as they did net own a car! Don wbo drives a Weston Bread truck in IWbitby, truc te bis promise, gave the man who uold bim the ticket $25.00. MORE ABOUT- PRESS CONVENTION (Continued fram'page 1) varions ways and ail the editoru present werc glad te meet again their old friendu J. Harry Smith -o! the Canadian Pacific aud F. E. D. McDowell o! the Canadian Na- tional publicity departmcnt. The LCanada Stcumship Lines aise con- ttributed ini making special ai- 1rangements for the a!ter-trip up the Saguenay. The Cbuteau Frontenac, the C.P.R. botel wbeme the convention wus beld and where vtrtually al the delegutes stopped, is undoubt- 1cdly eue o! thc fxnest hotels, on a site which probably exceedu in historic interest anything that can be found anywhere. The hotel management put itsel eut te pro- vide accommodation for the pnb- lishers' party at a sepson o! the yeur wben its facilities arc utrain-, cd witb the teurist traf!ic. The tourist truffic, by the way, seems, te be excellent in the Quebec- area. One saw as many United States. cars in. the city us Cana- dian cars. Visit Kent House Other institutions which coutri- buted te the enjeyment and ini- tereut o! the gucats included lm- perili 01Limited, whicb previd- cd a street-cur ride te Ste. Anne de Beaupre. The Masuey-Harris Company gave a sigbt-secing trip uîound the city itscif and golf was avuilable ut Kent Golf Club. A trip which was te seme cx- teut marred by ain was the jour- uey te Kent House, ut Montmor- ency, ou Saturduy a!ternoon. The bout, the Shawinigan Water & Power Ce., hud arîanged for tea on the beautiful luwns. The par- ty bad te be beld indoomu, in thc bouse built by General Haldi- mand in 1778 and eccupied for some yearu prier te 1794 by the Duke o! Kent, fourth son e! George 1III It is a beautiful man- sien, modernized by its preseut owners, the Shawinigan cempuny, and witbin sigbt o! the great Pulls e! Montmorency, bigbcr than Niagara by 109 feet. The 200 peo- pIe who joux'neyed te the scene in buscs seemcd hardly te crewd the upacions moims. Kent Hanse lu numed a!ter the Duke o! Kent who became the futher o! Quecu Victoria sud it is said thut the Princeus Victoria speut a summer ut Kent House some years before ber acèession, MORE ABOUT- ROTARY FAIR (Continued from page 1) sud Eilcen Bartmau. Girls Deco- rated Bicycle - Bernice W e 1ls h. Bey's Decoratcd Bicycle--Donald Bute. Girls' Decoratcd Carrnages -Ruby Welsh, Shirley Bute. Beys Decorated Wagon - Dauny Resu. Costumed Boy - Billie Harndén, Jimmie Anderson. Costumed* Girl -JLydia Bute. Decorated Tricycle --Xeith Shackelten, Lavonne Bur- ton, Dickie Poole. Pony Outit- Douglas Heyland, John Wight. Pet Turnout-Marilyn Carpenter, Harvey Luuney. Industrial Float- Goodyear, Orono Forestry. Merchant's Pleut -Sheppurd & Gili, J. Infantine. Novelty Float-Military P 1 o a t, Salvage Red Cross, Women's War Auxiliary. Farmer's Decorated Team and Wagon-S: S. Morton, Frank Crydermun. Special Prizes -Brookdale-Kingsway 'Corvette.' Special Individual Effort Prize -Cmlppled Cbildreu's Plot-Dr. C. W. Slemen. WÂKE UP AND LIVEI SPECIAL PRICES - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Minerai O1I, heavy - - - - 40 ozs. 63e SBromo-Seltzer 1.20 size- - Parowax - lb. 13e 2 for- 25e Curi Combs -- ---- -----4c Pocket Combsbiack -- -----4c Brownie Writing Pae 3 sizes 7c Laxative Vegetabie Tablets - - - 17c Rubb.r Baby Pants - 18e 2 for - 35e JarRings pkg. 12 -- -------e -Huy Feyer Remedies- LD.A.0 Nose Drops. - 25e Haytoue Nasal Atomiser. - - 69e Poisîgex Kellogg's Asthma Remedy At - - - - .23e - 98c 1Razmah -25e - 50e - 1.00 - - - 1.50 50-eO - 1.00 ANmAZÎéNErW ? DENTAIL LIQUID Attoks dlney film. BMvhea your ta.#h to natural bdllluac. Zu sieeàairShare the Weieh' evea7 I:- SaLa)ti>.-oaofbiCa.hprieS~ 31Caaa asdn- .., L Free Delivery Soffer.l Saferi 12 .x25e 30O»X59C Box. 85C DEVELOPING & PRINTING -Prompt Service- m umuuwfflvWu SHAVE CREAM Th*OMVUIL1egsosqma se e «mmmenhgmd cendklems IwdWmd sie. - -*IN? o.~430 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX Laura Secord Candies DLnc 'VI~I M .cOREOOR -il r1noDRUIS We Deliver Please Say Ahh. ..a We cure slck watches-no operation is too difficuit for us. Clocks called for and dellvered. Men's and Ladies' Wrist Watches at popular prices. S. J. HARTWUG EXPERT WATCHMAKER <f Col. George Drew, Ontarioe Conservative leader, is pictured witb bis wi!e and thice ycur old son. Edward, and Jim Cussidy, bis secretary, as they uaw him off ut Malton Airport. Toronto, on bis fligbt to; England. Col. Drew took the Americun Clipper plane from New York for Lisbon and Lon- don. He told New York report- ers: "It is a fart-!inding uurvcy on subjects thut have a bearing CUE i 1 16 THURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE PIVE à Peel 2ir.d, Lif .1.., a!..! TRY- Noya-K.Ip Nwo'. the time to take 750 Tabs. 2.79 il Il 69C 1 ý DRUCS

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