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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1941, p. 6

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*.................. . .****4*$t ~ t, -7 PAGE SIX THE CANDIAN STTESMAN.BOWMANVLT~ - -- ---. ~ .L1URSDAYft, -TJUST 21Z, 1941. ~a.-- zlOfl Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Chas. Bennett, North Oshawa, at Fred Cameun's. .. Master Bruce Selby, Ôshawa, is holidaying at Ahi. Ayre's. . . Mr. and Mis. Thos. Maitin and Lawrence at Ed. Par- ker's, Kedron. . . Mi. and Mis. Alan Fisher and family, Miss «Shrley Martin at Roy Leach's, Ashburn. . . Miss Peggy Killen, Oshawa, at Robt. ilen's... Mis- ses Heidy and Margaret Geiss- berger, Harmony, are holidaying at Hans Geissbeiger's. . . Mr. and Mis. Stanley Coverly and Lloyd, Ebenezer, at Wes. Cameran's... Mi. and Mis.Rabt. Klilen, John- ny and Marie, at Mr. McKnight's, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mis. Ted Martin and babe, Orono, Mr. and Mis. Wàlter Huff, Mis. Louise Ford, Mi. Fred Martin, Toronto, at Thas. Martin's. . . Mi. and M~rs. Lloyd Metcalf, Bawmanville, at Al. Ayre's. . . Mi. and Mis. Fred Cameron and Helen at Caesarea. ..Mr. and Mis' Russell Perkins and Margaret, Mu. and Mis. Rus- seli Stainton and family, Mis. Jas. Stainton, Mr. and Mus. Robt. Kil- len and familly at Cream aof Bar- ley Park. . . Mr. and Mis. A. T. Stainton, Berenice Stainton and Diane Lee spent the weekend at Capt. Orcher's, Browning Island. They attendcd the wedding of Miss Gladys Archer and Mr. Bruce McLeod. They also took tic Muskoka Lake boat trip and re-j tuined home by Peterboro where Berenice returncd ta wark aftcr n-oîhotavisit heu niotheér, 1 eoStephens. Another Bingo Party wss rged byMis. G. Burrus at school on Friday evening wl over fifty were present and $11 was reslizcd for War Victi Funds. A large display af cio ing wss on exhibition incluc some from Hampton W. I. Master Russell Alldread, ToN ar- the hen loth- ding )wn, Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions FR011 ALL STATIONs i AsTERtN CANADA GOING DAILY Sept. 12-26, 941 IInclusive RETURN LEMIT - 45 DA'YS TICKETS GOOD IN- Coaches, un Tourlat Sleeping Cars or in Standard Sleeping cars at Special Reducel Rates fou cacis cîas. Cost ai aoccmalation in Sleeping Cars allitional. BAU-GAGE CHECKED. Stapovers at ail points en route. Similar Excursions frani Western ta Eastern Canada Duiing Sanie Peiod. Tickets, Sleeping Ca Reservations and aIl information froni miy Agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL T 251 CANA DIAN NATIO NAL PLAN NOW TO ATTEND ORONO VAIR lJnder auspices. of Durhami Central Agricultural Society TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Sept. 16 17 This às recognizeds aone of the best Agricultural Taira ia Central Ontario. Durhamn County bua reputation for ita fine pure bred liv'. stock. Corne and see them in the competitive ring. WRITE FOR PRIZE LIS T M. H. STAPLES, Secretary, B.l. 1, Newcastle. An Important Message To Every Ilouzeholder: We sincerely advise you ta make arrangements now ta get yaur next winter's fuel supply. There is plenty af coal available at the present time and pruces are definitely at their 10w. No onc can pie- diet what the situation wifl be next fail, but we are certain prices cannat be lawer.than they are naw and the possibllity ia thcy niight be cansiderably higher. You have nothing ta lase and everything ta gain, by ordering at this time. Yau'll ave money: yau'll have your coalin yaur bin and you'Il be saf e in an emergency. It la also a declded advantage ta aider "blue coal," be- cause this trademarked anthracite assures you of getting what you asked for-the warld's finest anthracite. TÉhese dona with so mnany fuel problems, substitution or mixing may of neceasity be mare prevalent than befare and this ý.mom inferior heat and mare cast to yau. But.wlth "NJue coaL"' the blue claur that you can sec at a glance, guarvitees the quality--and guarantees deivery 6f the. colyou ordered. Why xiot get i touch with us by phane to-day---and we ffl sure you will thank us next fail for the suggestion mw. are nalng ta you naw, because we sinceîely be- 11ev. that what we say is truc: you'11 be better off In Many wa.ys by getting "blue coas" and ordeulng it rlght Siusard & Gill Lumber Co. Liniïted -t' I Ebenezer 1 Services on Sunday were well iattended. Mr. M. H. Staples, Orono, gave a much sppreciated address. Misses Velma and Louise Pearce contiibuted a vocal luet. W.M.S. met August l4th, with thse south. group in charge, and 18 present. President Mus. Pearce spoke on "Friendliness." Bible lesson was given by Mis. F.- Woî- den;, "Christian Living" by Mis. Coverly; the study book was ably taken by Miss Lyla Osboune; Questionaire on Medical Aid ta Poor, Housîng Problenis, Labour Conditions, Child Labour; piano solo, Marilyn Rundle. Mu. and Mis. W. R. Pickeil at- tended thse funeral af Laine Trul on Saturday in Toronto, and scv- eral athers were cahiers st "The Trui Home" on Friday. Sympathy is extendel to the bereaved fani- ihy. Harvesting and threshing wihl soon be a thing af the psst and with quite satisfsctory retuins. Visitors:. Misses Marjory and Wilma Dawn, Eilecn Pickdll anl Messrs. Carl and Lloyd Down spent the weekend at Oak Lake Camp... Mr. Douglas Veimilyea, Gaît, with fiends. . . Mis. W. E. Courtice la spenling a shoutUme in Ottawa, returning -home with Howad and Mis Courtice afteu visiting here. .. Misses Aima anl Carie Couitice, R.N.'s, Chicago, are visiting, with their many re- latives. .. Misses Worlen, daugh- ters af Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wor- den, Melville, Sask., with theWr aunts, Mis. Frank Rundle and Mis. Chas. Found. . . Misses Faye and Muriel Pound are holidaying at Sparuow Lake Camp. . . Mr. and Mis.,J. S. Feltan and Mi. Alan Arnott. Noifplk, Va., at Mr. Blake Oke's. A family picnic was heil at Elliott Park, Hampton, on Sunday when they weue the guests of honor. . . Mis. Irvine Sexsmith and sort James, Belle- ville, at "Thse Grange," and in company with Mis. Puice, Messrs. Jay and Angus Trull, attended thc funcrai of Lamne Trull in Ta- ronto. . . Mir. and Mis. Norman VanNest and son Gary, Windsor, at thc Truil home and Mr. Blake Oke's. . . Mis. Allie Shantz, Ro- chester, isvisiting Mis. Geqrge Peace. . . Mi. and Mis. Mei. Sta- pics, Orono, wcre dinner guests with Mu. and Mis. Arthur Found on Sunday. Solina Miss Muriel Baker, R.N., Peter bora, has acceptel a position ai tise Hospital Staff at Hearst, Nor theun Ontario, and was home fi a few Isys priai ta lcaving. Wt wish Muriel niuch success in hei work. Mr. W. T. Taylor passel awa3 at his home Frilay naght aiter i lingering illness. The siccie sym. pathy of tise cammunity goca oui ta tise iamily. Wamcn's Institute met at tht churcis Thursday when Brooklir Institute members were enteutain. el. Mis. S. E. Weury preside aveu Uic business session, afteï which tise visiting Institute pua. videl an enjoyable pragram, as- sistel by Mis. W. Leask who gave a ueading anl led in group sangs. Lunch was served. Young Peaple's S. S. Class en- joyel a picnic at Mr. and Mis. Percy Dewell's, Kinsale, on Sat- urday. Visitais: Miss Mac Kazak, Chap- leau, spent s pleasant holiday with Mi. and Mis. Bryce Brown, Mus. R. J. McKessock mil ather frienîs here. .. Mr. and Mis. Wil Quick mil Don, Bownianviilc, Mr. and Mis. Grahami Willan, Mi. and Mis. Rusell Thompson, Mis. S. Thanipsan, Toronto, at Mr. S. E. Weuîy's..,, Mr. mil Mis. A. E. Whitnell, June and Lorraine, Mr. and Mis W. Cauuick, Toronto, Mr. Jim Reynolds, David mil John, Hamptan, at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. ..Miss Jean Leachs, Bowmanvillc, at Mr. J. R. KCivel's. . . Mr. and Mis. Chaules Schah, George, Mary Catherine and Chauleen, fram. Charlotte, North Carolina, sue holilaying at Mu. Roy Langmaid's. ..Mi. mil Mis. Burney Hoocy and Barbara, Burketon, at Mr. B. G. Stevens'. . . Mis. Frank Cale, Miss Betty Showlen, Miss Nancy Lammiman, Toronto, Mis. Leslie Evans, and Murray, Chapleau, Mr. and Mis. Howard Cale, Hampton, Mus. L. C. Snowlen, Maple Grave, Messrs. W. Lamn'iman Si. and Jr. al Miss Helen Kiltcy, Oshawa, at Mu. Tisas. Baker's. . . . Mis. Howard Coucis anl Maujarle, Bowmanville, at Mr. Jack Baker's. Mr. Alpha Pincis, 85 yeaus Y'oung, Oshawa, called an Mi. and Mrs. George White and Mr. Frank Shautuilge wisile on a bicycle trip as reportel in hast week's States- man. . . . Mu. ad' Mis. Chaules White and Eddie, Oshawa, at Mr. Gea. White's. . . Mus. (Dr.) L. N. Hogarth, Detroit, Mlch., wltli Mis. R. Pascoe. . . Mus. R. Paacoe and Mu. George Hogarth wlth Mi. an~d dus. Harol Thampson, Scarbaro, ..Mr. and Mia. Bruce Tlnk and halidsying at home,. . Rev. Mur- is halidaying with his sunt, Mus. ray A. McKittrick, Hamilton, Mr. H. Strang. A. D. McKittrick, Orangeville, Mr. Master Allen Richards, Town, is and Mis. Lamne Watsan, Bramp- witii his grandparents. tan, at Mr. J. W. McMastcr's wha m n r. .Bru n is veuy ill... Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Mrss an attended.Deratan Nab and Audrey, Miss Jean Bal- Serice at LiettendBrîtan on n son, Hampton, Mr. and Mus. Chas, dayica LtteldaBrrus faoiyun- Fergusan and Bobbie, Thorntan's dyadhl ursfml e Corners, Mr. Alan Arnatt, Nor- unian. Miss Daphne îemained folk, Virginia, Miss Meda Hager- with her aunt at Little Bitan. man, Bowmanville Beach, Mr Hampton W. 1. East graup weue Harvey Balson, Miss Emily Kil.. entertained by Mis. L. Clemens len, Oshawa, at Ansan Balsan's. on Augus 13th while at their sew- ..Mr. and Mis. Ross Lee and mng bec. Brian at A. T. Stainton's. . . Mr. Mrs. E. Doidge ueceived word and Mrs. Gea. Jaîl, Taronta, at lsst wcek of the death af her Norman Leach's. . . Mr. Ivar Ger- aunt, Mrs. John Orr, af IRenfrew, ry, Toranta, at F. B. Glaspcll's. Pa., U.S. _______________Mis. F. Catar reccived ward that her grandson Douglas, af Salem Mitchell, passcd inta Grade 7 with hanors. Miss Doris Butteuy vlsited her Mr. Jackson, Chathanm, who is uncle, Mr. S. Lancaster, Newton- visiting Rev. Gardner, taok part ville, last week. ini the Sunday service. Rev. Gard- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. ner's discourse was an appeal for Everett Cain, Orono, <nec Beatrice better church attendance. Cator), on the arrivai of a 7 lb. Mr. Philip Pollard, Miss Pollarei son on August 16th. Mi. and Mis. and littie Maurice Pallard, Can- F. Cator visited them on Sunday ton, were Sunday guests at Mr. and called on Mr. and Mrs. Ar- and Mrs. Chas. Pollaud's. thur Blewett, Orono, taking a cup Mr. and Mrs. Schahl and fam- of tea with their aid friends. ily, North Carolina, U.S., motored Saturdlay The beautUfuI new rernodeffle Royal Theatre wMf hold . %f officiai opening Saturday even. btg. Corne and see the luti Word in tJheatre designlng. Thurs. - Fr1. - Sot. AÙJG.21 -22 - 2 Double Featur. "'KIT CARSON" 1 starrésg ION HALL ad LYN BAIl and '"MURDER -IN THE AIR"' starring RONALD REAGAN Mon. - Trues. - Wed. AUG. 25 -26 -27' d"MEET JOHN DOE" witla- Gary. Cooper, Barbara Stan- wyek, Walter Brennan and Gene Lockhart SHORT FEATURES NEWS -COM«INO SOON- 6<Men of Boys' Town" Lôrne at Mi. Percy Deweil's, Kin- sale.. . Mi. and Mis. Nelson Gage and Billy, Toronto, Mu. Harold and Miss Kate Moore, Union, Howard and Betty Lou Westlake, Hampton, at Mr. Frank West- lake's. . ., Mr. and Mis. Ernest Debair, Violet and Gîsce are staying with Messrs. C. Shotridge. . . Mios Fanny Smales, Toronta, at heu home... Mr.. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott' at Mr. Les. Gîbson's, Columbus... Miss Mar- garet Puescatt attenled a party given by Miss Ida McCuilough, Enfild. . . Mi. and Mis. Claude Bain, Winnipeg, Man., with her brothers, Messrs. Ait mil Ed. Millson. Ziori (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mis. Fred Cameran and Helen, Mis. Reford Cameron, Kathleen and Jean, at Geneva Park. Miss Peggy Kilien has accepted a position with the Bell Tae-e phone, Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Robt. Killen and iamily, Mr.ând Mis. Wes. Cam- crani, Jack and Joyce, at Lake- view P'ark. Mi. and Mis. G. N. Moncrief, Doris âAdt Jean, Peterboro, at A. T. Staintan's. Misses Bcicnice and Eiieen Staintan enteitainel their newly- wed cousins and s fcw friends ta s corn and wiener rost. Mr. and Mis. Vernon Osborne, Mi. and Mus. Carl Bradley, Mi. and Mis. Ray Scott, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Metcahf, Bowman- ville, Mi. Alex MeMasteî, Miss Norma Glaspeli, Mr. and Mis. Ray Cameron and family, Mu. Henry Scott at Mis. P. J. Gifiord's, Osaca. Mis. Mary Leachs, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. W. R. Williams, Miss Jean Leachs, Bowmmiville, Miss Pearl Leachs, SaUina, at Norman Leach's. Mis. Alf. Ayue, Mis. J. Cruick- shanks, Isobel and Douglas, at Mis. Lloyd Metcahi's, Bowman- ville. Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronta, at Mu. J. W. McMastcu's. Miss Jeanj lI#cMasteu returnel ta Toronto1 with him ta the Est Gencral1 Hospital.9 Miss Berenice Stainton at Mr.1 Elgin Varcoe's, Bowmanviîîe Beach..1 Mr. and Mus. Bert Cooke, Cher-j F-ml( o-o-rrý NoTm4iNi P '< VHEW "<VE OP-EN' MEN RAE DAI RY Mon of 30,40, 50 PIPI , VIGO£700, Subuoraal rvotrZ,,jlWTbUr .Oeataluae aoia b normal 8Om,4oo aie ot aw U atory dzor a' Mp. mor «01 .gi ?..w» ru»S"Tl*e BOWMAN VILLE OPENING NIGwHT Tyrone Visitais: Miss Doiathy Haskin, Warren, Hampton, at Mr. Lorne Hoskn's. . . Mus. Mary Mutton, Bowrnanville, ,Qdth Mis. Percy Hayward. . . Mu. mil Mis; Albert Wood and Audzrey May, Bowman- ville, at i i .Cameron's... Mi. anl Mis. Léolie Sleight, Mr. and Mis.S ill Brooks, iroronto, at Mr. Lcslic Brooks'. Mr. George Brooks retuinel to 'thc city with them. . . . Miss 'Marilyn Spicer, Town, with Mi. anl Mus.. E. A. Virtue... Mus. Ueo. Grahaniandl Barbara, Miss Marie Thampson, Bowmanvile,, at Mi. Leslie Thompsosi's. .. Mis. James Starie has ieturncd home after visiting friends in Orano. . . Mis. Floyd Dudley, Billy, Don and Jean, are visiting fuiends at Maîkham. Mr. Percy Haywarl is an guald duty- at the anisnnition plant at Pickering. Congratulations .ta Mi. and Mus. Harol Burgess an the birth ai a son an August 15th. ]Burketon Visitais: Mi. anl Mis. Cecil Brunt, Misses Darothy Walker and Wmida Heaslip, Janetville, Mis. Peter Moffatt, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. L. Ralin, Richmond Hill, Mis. A. Valant, Mis. F. Smith, Mi. and Mis. W. Stark, Toronto, Mi. and Mus. B. Ford, Lacawanns, N.Y., Miss Marilyn Moffatt, Oshs- awa, at Mr. and Mis. S. Moffatt's. ..Mr. mil Mus. M. Gatçhell, La- vein and Ann?- Oshawa, with Mr. J. Gatchell's. . . . Pilot Wm. A. Breck, R.C.A.F., Dunnville, with Mis. Thos. Bueck... Mr. mid Mis. D. Kaye and Biliy at Mis. C. San- derson's. . . Mr. mil Mis. D. Ad- amsanmiltamily, New Park, at Mr. Tisas. Baîley's. . .'Miss R~uth Lunn, Orono, with Mis. 'Ch. Dean. ..Mr. and Mis. R. Oke and baby and Mr. E. Cochrane at Mr. E. Adams'... Mr. Clive Abbott, Osh- awa, at 'Mu. H. Abbott's. .. Mr. and Mis W., Slingerland, Oshawa, with Mu. B. Hubbad's. .. Mr. and Mis. W. Cochrane, Jeanne and Harold, Bowmanville, .Mi. and Mi. S. Pedler, Touanto, at Mr. H. Rahm's. . . Miss Betty -Moffatt at Mr. mil Mis. C. Brunt's, -Jmiçt- ville. . . Miss Joan Aldrel at Mr. J. Sii's, Pontypool.. Mr. R. Plrilp, the superinten- ddht, took tic Sunday Scisool les- son an Sunlay. Mis. Larmer, a former Sunlay School teacher, taught thc primary class. Cadmus Visitous: Mr. and Mis. Keith Brown, Oshawa, at Mu. Russell Brown's. . . Miss Ruth Crosby, Collingwood, wlth Miss Marjorie Galbraith. . . Missr June Sweet, Toronto, Mr. Wesley Sweet, Osh- awa, with their parents. June la home for two wceks' holilsys.. Mus. Montgomery with her grand- laughter Marjorie Galbraith at Mis. H. A. Galbraith's.1 Strains ai swect church muslc greetel Uic church warshlppeîs in goodly numbeus as they enter- ed Uic churcis Sunlay marning froni a gramophone mil amplifier set up by Mr. Claire Faillas who misa taok charge ai Uic service, basing his remauks on "Happi- ness, its cifect an pisysical health and its relation ta ordinary every- dlay lii e." His remarks Were vcry Iielpful mil puactical. Oui chair aie rendeuing remarkably goal service in Uic summuer months. Mvrs. C. H. FaIil and Miss Birlie Faflia assistel. Nestleton Service in tise United Churcis was well attenlel Sunlay main- ing. Service was spansorel by cottagers fromn Scugog Point mil Mu. S. Farmier, Port Perry, gave, Uic aîdresa. Nestîctan W. A. met at Mis. R. W. Maîlow's Thuislay evening W. Steele's graup. Scuipture real- ing by Mis. W. Jackson. Ladies decidel ta have anIice cream and cake social. HRearty vote ai thanks was given Mis. Marlow and heu group. Visitors: Mr. and Mia. Fiel Toîl mil Ross, Clarke, Misa Iva Wifllams, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Robt. Wallon, Watcrdawn, at Mis. R. Wihlams'. .. Mr. mil Mua. Meuvin Hill, Little Bîltain, at Mr. Nelson Marlow's. .. Misses Fiai- ence and Mary Cook, Buiketan, with their sister, Mis. Ueo. Mai-, low. . . Mis. -Aicisie Hoskln andr tamily, Midimil, at Mr. R. M. Hoskin's. . . . Mr. ald Mi. H. Whceler mil family, Part Peury, I with Mis. Jas, Willamson... Mas- ter Biily Johns la holilaylng at Madac. . . Miss Veina McNally, Coîboîne, with Miss Jean Mal- colm. . . Mus. Stanley Malcolmi wlth her sister, Mia. Marvin Nes- bitt..-. Mr. Elaier Wright, Kcing- uywaod, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van- stone, Toranto, at Thas. Martin's. Miss Ruby Gifford, Toronto, ai T.C. Glaspell'a. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Glaspeil and family, Miss Ruby Gifford, Mrs. W. Glaspdil, Mr. and Mia. F. B. Giaspeil, Miss Norma Glaspell at George Hilts', Williams Paint. Mr. ap_ Mis.. George Aluin, Helen and Elleen, Newcastle, at Mr. Russell Rabbins'. Eileen stay- cd for a few days. Mr. Ivor Gcrry and Alan, To- ronto, at F. B. Glaspell' s. Alan is staying for a week. Mis. W. Glaspeil is spendin g a weekat Gen -y&Glaspell's,Witby. Mi. and Mrs. Tam Samson, Mr. Elwood Samson, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Peikins'. C.G.I.T. girls had a plcnic at Geneva Park an Saturday. C.G.I.T. girls took thc warship service an Sunday morning. Mr. and Mis. Wes. Cameron, Jack and Joyce, at J. W. Balson's, Hampton. Mr. anid Mrs.: Stanley Caverly and Lloyd, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mis. Delbert Fnintaff and sans at Wes. Cameron's' Mr. Frank Ncsbitt's. .. Mr. and t Weather la much coaher, mak- Mus., Cecil Dawney, Jane and ing it better for waiking. Mary Elien, Reabora, at Mr. J. R. Rev. H. W. Foley, Bowmanville, McLaughlin's. . . Gunner Stan. will take charge ai service at Rahm, Peterboro, with his par- Shiloh Sunday morning. ents. .. Miss Vivian Sadier, Clare- Visitois: Mr. and Mis. S. G. mont, with her parents. Hallowell and Miss Norma Hallo- well at Port Hope... Misses Beu-B lah and Alice Hallowell with Mus. BLACKSTOCK CONTINUATION C. Reid, Newtonville. .. Mi. La- SCHOOL vein Farrow was in Part Hope... Mu. and Mis. Lew. Hllawell and Upper Sehool Resuits 1941 family at Mi. Wilfred Waad's. .. Beacock, Mamaon J.-Trig. III. Miss Meda Hallowdil, -Newcastle, Couiter, Jean\ - Mod. Hist. III; at home. .. Mi. M. Sjiutka, Osh- Tuig. III; Chem. C. awa, at home. Demille, Henry-Comp. C; Alg. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, was helpinig II; Trig. C. A. Dabson finish hauvcst on Mon- Edgertan, Bessie-Lit. C; Alg. C. day. Emerson, Frank-Comp. C; Trig. The younger gencration is think- C; Phys. III;, Chem. II. ing holidays are nexly aveu and Marlaw, Mvadeline - Comp' C; several new pupila arc pieparing Alg. C. ta staît schoal. Taylor, Kathlcen-Alg. II; Trig. III;. Chcm. III. Weiiy, John - Lit. C; Alg. II; Cowanville Div.I1, 75 % ou over; Div. 11, 66 Mi. and Mrs. J. J. w. stringer C, 50 ta 59%. ýand Eileen Burgess motared wlth R. P. Allin, Prin. Mu. and Mis. T. A. Reid toai- Heintgrawos ot venhuist. H sntget h snt Mr.. and Mrs Gé,. pnprn greatly good.-Shakcspcsre. anl family visitel at Mi. and Mis. B. Cuossley's. Sympathy la extendel ta Mis. B. Miilson on Uic sullen death of her brother. Mi. and Mus. Anlrew Bandy, Hermon, with Mis. B. Miilson. .Miss Eileen Burgess, nurse i training, at Mi. Wes. Stringer's. Congratulations ta Mi. mid Mis. Jini Rutherford (nee Ada Hal- lingswoith) upon the birth af a baby boy. Mi. and Mis. J. J. W. Stringer are movig into -Mu. J. Tuinei's house at Crookel Creek. -Blaékstock Mus. Cecil Hillapenel heu home for Uic meeting ai Uic Women's Misslonary Society with 25 in at- tendance. Mus. Jabez -Wright pie- silel. Rev. Clarence Feuguson took the Bible icaling and gave an inteuesting, talk. Mis. Hill's group was M- charge. Mis. Jabez Wright gave a splendid repaît on Bay ai Quinte Conference Brmich at Buockville. Mis. C. Hill gave a realing "My Miribr." Rev. Char- ence Feuguson sang a salaoI Heard tise Voice of Jesus Say," and Kathleen Wright gave a ical-7 ing about Africa. Miss Grace Hoaper. la .wouking i Peterboro. Sympathy is extended ta Mis. Ernest Larmer an Uic death of heu father, Mr. Taylor, Salins. Mi. Clare Faillis, Toronto, was guest speaLker at Uich United Church séivice Sunday night. Bath churches were bcautifully lecaratel with summer floweîs on Sunday. Mission Band met in Uic United Chuich on Satuulay wfth 19 chul- lien present. A misceilaneous showeî was gi;ven by Uic people ai this cam- munity on Frilay night ta Mr. afid Mus. Frank Wright. Mr. La- verne Devitt was chairman, and the following pîogram, was enjoy- cd: "O Canada" playel by Mis. Robt. Sadicu; Miss Lucille Farder sang veiy niccly the "Welling ai Jack and JIU," accampaniel by Miss Verna McNally, Coîbrne; and Veuna also playel a piano solo; Master Howard Tiewin sang Enjoy ed i ta eico s men.f breath pisat. OIT soma TODAYI u g05 0WT OUR IGH INGFOCE i IC OR --- Ieetlrst OlLRNIEY stove iras buili WORKING la their amali foundry in Hamilton, the brother. E. mid C. Gurney made few stovea...but they made them wcfl. Wiscn a wvagon-boad wau cornpltcd, tbey mal thcm direct ta Uic forme and home-« steada for miles around. Ycar afteu yeau they mae more stoves, and made them botter aad botter. Taday, whea you look et thse gleamning ncw Gurney ranges k your Gurney dealer's, Uic utiugglea af those cari7 Imys ~qe ~ are mat apparent. Yct. Uic smre careful woukmanship mid attention tola rovements are still there - features that have p etURE awy a icading namin e tovc-builing. Whetheu y ou use wood, coal, gai or elcctulcity, thâre lsaa suitable Gurny range that ln unaurpassed for efficiency, economy amd convemence. Sec GURNEY fit Sc LouN Local UUTUU7 LeaieT If nso lordl Ganse7 Deaar adi- alte, write direct to th# Gara.> Four 'Co, Limited, Toronto. .LJ14' ~.2' - r - 4 .4 stan, with his mather. . . . Mrs. Oscar Edwards and Miss Helen, Richmond Hill, cailed an frlends. . ,Mi. and Mis. Percy Malcolmn, Torbnta, with Mis. L. Joblin.. . . Mr. S. Farmer, Port Perry, with Mr. Wesley Campbel. .. . Miss Dorathy B*awers with Miss Jean Campbell. .. Miss Anne Griffith, nurse in training, Toronto, at Dr. IR. P. Bowles' and Mr. W. G. Bowles'. Starkville wi THE CAXADIAN STATESMAN, BOW3LaLýE- ONTARIO 1. tlmvpclr%,&ýv ýàttriTTëv" et tft- "WIsh Me Luck," accompanled by Miss Lenore Fallis. Speeches were *~« '*s:i made, anda dance was enjoyed ~ after, with music pravlded by, the ~. v»« Courtice Orchestra..........*.. Visitars: Mrs. Jabez Wright is an a visit ta her sister, Mrs. Ueo. Wells, Detroit. . . . Mrs. F. W. ~ . . . Newell and childien, Fenelon Falls, with Mr. Jabez Wright....h~ Mr. Jack Waldon, Toronto, wt ~ the Smith Bras... Mr. and I~s Russell Mountjay and Mrs. Henry Mauntjoy at Calumbus... Mr. and5 Mis. _Russell- Nesbitt, Taronto, at lh.-a

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