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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1941, p. 8

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THURSDAY, AUGIST 21, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT sportNews MUKES WIN 7-S OVER HIGHSCHOOL Lou Rundie pulled one for the books when hé came to bat with two men on base and two out in tic last inning and Mike's Place trailingjVb two runs. With two strik on him, Lou suddenly for- gt his identity, turned himself nto a Frank Merriwell, and pro- ceeded to hammer out a homer into lft field to give Mike's Place thceffrst game of the finals by a 7- argin over Hligh School, in a7-6mlin exhibition of softbal at Uic High School campus last Thursday. High School jumped into a first inning lead as Uiey sent Mason and Aines over the plate with If counters, and then held the Mike's Place team to one run, "Dub" Piper doing the scoring on Clar- ence Osborne's hit. The High Schoolers added to their lead in the second inning as they once again sent Mason and Aines scampering across the plate wiUi tallies. Neither side scored again until the f ifth inning when thc Billiard Kings addcd a pair of runs to their total, making the score 4-3 ini favour of High School. Both sides added singletons in the sixth inning'. High School came to bat in the first of Uic sevenUi with the.- score-book reading 5-4 in their favor, and Don Mason scored on Doug' MéIlveen's double. Incid- entally that was Mason's third run of Uic game. "Porky" Osborne and Buck Large were on base in Uic final frame as Lou Rundie stepped up to Uic plate to put the finishing touches on one of the best games of the year as he pounded out that dramatic homer to win the game for Mike's Place. Don Mason. Ralph Ames, and FrOSHAWAPhn AIR CONDMTONED A Famous Players Theatre LAST TWO DAYS Walt Disney' s Amazlng New Full-Length Feature Production THE RELUCTANT DRAGON wlth ROBERT BENCHLY sequences in Multiplane Technicolor REVIVAL jSPENCER FRIDAY 1TRACY in "ýEDISON THE MAN" MON. & TUES. 2-Hits- ROBERT MONTGOMERY INGRI!) BERGMAN in James Hilton's "RAGE IN HEAVEN" with GEORGE SANDERS -ADDED- "BLONDE INSPIRATION" BIG SPECIAL CAST! Coming Next Wed. FOR FOUR DAYS Robert Taylor i "BILLY THE KID"' IN TECHNICOLOR Reins Dean and Spaghetti Scup Faniliy size 2 for 25c Mother Parker's Tn 1-- /2lb. 43e pound Lrd & Short.ning 15e We.toii's Assorted Biscuits - - lb. 30C Dog Ration 4 lb. 25e phone 387-MS "Gib" and Charlie M'iclveen ahl had two hits apiece. Incidentally Uiey aIl sharcd the first four spots on Uic batting order. "«Porky"l Osborne was the lcad- ing hitter for Mike's Place with Ihice safeties in four times at bat, wih"4Dub" Piper a close second with two for thrce. Hfigh School-Mason, Ames, G. McIlvecn. C. McIlveen, D. McIl- veen, Coiville, Siemon, Powers, Rickard. Mike's Place-Moore, Piper, De- pew, C. Osborne, D. Osborne, Large, Rundle, Welsh, Kent. R H Mike's Place 100 021 3 7 9 High Schooi 220 001 1 6 10 STUDENTS TRM MIKES MEN After dropping the first game of the play-offs to Mik's Place last Thursday, High Schooi struck back with a vengeance as Uiey set back the Billiard Kings by a score of 7-4 in a wcli-playcd game at Uic High Schooi campus Monday evening. This game started off much the same as the game on Thurs- day with the students getting a pair of runs in each of the first two frames. But this lime theY didn't suffer a iast inning 'let- down as they did in the prcvious game. Mikc's Place scored two in the first and from then on they were unabie to hit Uic score-sheet un- tii the fifth inning whcn they pushed another run across the plate. High Schooi added a single counter in Uic third inning, and two more in the fourth, and then were hcld scoreless for the re- mainder of the -affair. Powers pitched superb bail, and despite the fact that he was touched up for twelve hits. he was well nîgh invincible in the pinches. He was affordcd excel- lent support by his tcam-mates throughout Uic entire game. In ail Mike's Place lcft thirteen runners stranded on base, and their inability to hit in the pinches was thé major factor in their defeat. The students also left a flock of runners on base, bemng alrnost as bad as Mik's Place in this respect. They lcft Uic grand total of tweive men on the paths during Uic game. Strikeouts wcrc few and far between. Only two Billard Rings and thiee of the Hîgh School team swung unsuccessful- ly. Once again "Porky" Osborne was the leading hitter of the day, gctting four hits in as many trips to thc plate. Mason, Colville, G. McIlvecn, and Siemon ail shared hitting honors for the High School, gettîng two hits apicce. High School-Mason, cf; Aines, 2b; G. Mcîlveen, 3b; C. Mcîlveen, c; Colvîlle, lb; Siemon, ss; D. Mclveen, rf; Rickard. f; Powers, P.Mike's Place-Moore, if; Piper, 3b; McKnight, rf; Dcpew, 2b; C. Osborne, ss; D. Osborne, p; Large, lb; Rundie, cf; Kent, 2b and rf; Welsh, c. R H E High School 221 200 x 7 12 0 Mike's Pi. 200 011 0 4 il 3 OSHIAWA GIRLS DEFEAT LOCALS Oshawa Foresters' girls tcam defeated Bowmanviile 11-7 in a splcndidly played game Monday night. Bowmanville neyer had a chance though they stayed right in the game to the iast like reai sports. Ail the Bowmanvile play- crs were outstanding and stand a good chance for the play-offs which may be scheduied for Aug. 2lst at Oshawa-on-the-Lake. Pic- kering is in third place. Bowmanviile girls are develop- ing into a real team and with luck thcy wiil stili cause some anxiety -among the other teams. For an exhibition of first rate bail attend the play-offs. 4 bars 25c ASK FOR CHRISTIES BREAD WITH STE' YOUR GROCERY RE CAKES FOR EVERY OCCASION HARtRY ALUIN TNEl CORNER GROCERY BIRTHS BARRABALL - In St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough, July 23rd, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don James Barrabaîl (nee Fran- ces M. Reynolds), a son, Donald James. FOLEY-In Bowmanville Hospi- tal on August l8th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foley, Maple Grove, (nee Eileen Hocken), the gift of a daughter (still- born). 34-1* LUNN-in Bowmanville Hospital on Saturday, August l6th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lunn, a daughter, Nancy Jane. 34-l* McCLELLAN-To Mr. and Mrs. J. Guernsey McClellan, Toron- to, Saturday, August 16th, 1941, a son, John Guernsey. SMITH-In Bowmanvile Hospi- tal, on Sunday, August l7th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith, the gift of a daughter. 34-1* TAYLOR-In Bowmanville Hos- pital, Wednesday, August 20th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Oshawa, (nec Velmq Woodwàrd), the gift of a son, Douglas Charles. 34-1 MARRIAGES SMALE-I)ERRAUGH - On Sat- urday, August l6th, 1941, at the home of the bride, Frankvillc, Ont., by Rev. A. Keyes, Mary Elizabeth, cldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Derraugh, to Hugh Russell Smalc, elder son of Mrs. and the late Mr. C. J. Smale of Bowmanville. TREWIN-ROWE-On Saturday, August l6th, 1941, 'at Queen Street Anglican Church, To- ronto, Anna Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Roy Rowc, Lorne ,Park,1 and Roy Drew Trewin, kon of Mr. and Mis. Sidyïey Trewin, .Enniskillen. DEÂTHS COBBLEDICK-On August l3th, 1941, at the .residence of, her son-in-law, Dr. T. B. Stevenson, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, El1i za Walsh, widow of the late Joseph Cobbledick, Calgary; mother Of (Vera) Mis. A. G. Austin, Cal- gary; (Ethel) Mis. T. B. Steven- son, Wetaskiwin; N. B. Cobble- dick, Toronto; and sister of Howard Walsh,. Orono. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. MORRISON-In Bowmnanville on Monday, August l8th, 1941, Da- vid Morrison, aged 92 years. TAYLOR-In Darlington, August *lth, 1941, William Thomas Taylor, in his 83rd year. TRULL-Suddcnly, at Uic Wel- lesley Street Hospital, Toronto, August l4th, 1941, Lorne W. Truil, aged 47 years, dearly be- loved husband of Evelyn Rut- chison, 105 Cortleigh Boulevard, and lovmng father of, Gwcn,- Goria and Douglas. PITS AD PATS As if the brand of softbail bemng dished up in the present play-offs, is not good enough, the league is going to top it ail by sponsoring a gamne between an ail-star team and Local 189, just as soon as the play-offs are completed, Uie pro- ceeds to go to George Piper. Just when Uic gaine is to be played is not definitely known, but it wrnl be staged after Uic series bctwecn Mike's Place and High School is completcd. The ail-star tcam is to be cho sen by the league executive ad Uic managers of each team. Play- ers from Local 189, o! course, arc not cligîble for positions on Uic team. We are not trying to interfere with any arrangements Uiat have been made in connection with ts proposed gamne, but wc would like to suggest that, in order to strengthcn Uic Local team, once the ahl-star team is chosen, allow Local to choose any players that they may like to have from Uic rest of the icague. We are not in any way endeavoring to dis- parage the efforts made by Local in regard to Ihis gamne, nor arc wc in,'any way beittlng the Lo- cal learn. But we feel Uhal il stands to reasozi that a tcam' that finlshd i third position ln Uic leagye will find it .difficult to compete adequately agaiiist a band o! thc best players chopen from the entire league. Wc would like 10 sec Ibis gaine get the support from Uice fans Ithat it so surely deserves. And we feel that the best way to erisure~ spcc- tator suppcrt la to put two teams on the field who will produce Uic best possible brand of softball. Local 189 has Uic nucleus for a first-ratc bail team, but it could stand strcngthening in several positions. That la why wc prof- f er the suggestion that once Uic ahl-star team la chosen. allow Uic Local team to choose any players thcy want from any o! Uic other tcams in the league. Dentist DR. R. O. DICKSON Office hoursinl Orono: Monday to Frlday (ioclusive) from 9 a.m. $o 5 p.m. Evenu by appoint- polntment. Office hours ln Newcastie: Every Saturday from 9 a.m to 9 >,m For appoitment. Telephone Orono l8In. 28-4* Clausiied Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion <minimum charte 25c). Charge of 25o extra is made when advertlsement Is flot pald sanie week as inser- tion. Extra 'charte of e when replies are directed to a Statesmau . box number. Bfrths, deatbs and marriages 50e eaeh. In Memorlajns, 50c for notice plus 10o per lune for verse. Classlfled 'adver- tisements aocepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. IN MEMORIAM son Maurice who passed away suddeniy August 23rd, 1937. Oui thoughts go wandcring whcn daylight fades, To the land o! long ago, And mcmory paints the scenes of old In the gold of Uic twilfght's glow. We seem to sce in Uic sof dim A face We loved the best, And think of hlm whcn the sun's last rays Go down in the fa off west. -Mother and Dad. 34-1' KING-In lovring memnouy of Pte. G. L.. (Tomnue) King, C.F.C., No. 2498023, who dicd hI Chris- tic Street Military Hlospital on August l9th, 1925, age 25 years and 3 months. In fond memory of Pte. A. F. King, 2nd Batt. No. 745409, who was killldd at Vimny Ridge on April 12Ui, 1917, -age 21 years and 2 months. --Sadly missed by Father, Mo- « ther, Sisters and Brothr.341 MOUNTJOY-In loving mcmory o! Elgin H. Mountjoy who pass- cd away August 20th, 1935. Not 1111 the loor; la sUent and .thc shadows cease 10 fly, Shail God unrohl thc canvas and explain thc reason why; The dauk thrcads are-as nccdful -in a weavcr's skillful hand As the threads o! gold ang ssu- ver in the pattern he has pianned. -Sadly misscd by wife and sons TOMLINSON-In loving memory o! oui darhin.g daughter, Mai- jouie Tomlinson, who departed this 1f c August 19Ui, 1933. Time roils on, we are rcminded O! a day oui heaits wcrc crush- cd When God took you, oh, su quickly, And wc ail ln gloom wcrc - thiust. In the byloom o! f edaîh claiincd you, In the pride o! carly days, But we hope to mccl you somne day, And be with you always. -Lovingly rcmembered by heu Father, Mother, Siste.r, Brothers. Carda of Thanks Wm. Beacock and' family wish sincerely to thank their many friends for their thoughtfulin l- terest and sympathy, also the klnd ncighbors for their assistance at the lime o! the recent Ioss o! a loving wife and moUcur. 34-1' Mi. and Mrs. Sewad Dowson, Providence, wish to Uiank their neighbors and fricnds for their many expressions o! kîndness, floweus, cards and gifts with which Mi. Dowson was cheercd during his convalescence foilow- ing his recent accident, and also to Dr. MeKenzie. 34-1 The family o! thc late Wm. T. Taylor wish to-thank their fricnds and nheighbous for their manY kindnesscs during thc illncss and afteu the death o! a, loving f ather and for the many beautiful floral tributes. Auction Sale The undemsigncd bas uecclvcd instructions from Miss Mixie Colwill, King St. E., Bowmanville, to sel'by publie auction at heu residence ail hem houschiold effects including living uoomn, room, bcdroom and kitchen furni- turc. Also îugs, pillows, curtains, dishes, cutlcuy, mirmors, sewlng machine and garden tools. Sale at 1.30 D.S.T., on Satuiday, August 23rd. Terms cash. Wm. Challas, auctioneer. 34-11 IIelp Wauited HELP WANTED - EXPERIENC- cd faim hand. Apply F. L. Smith, Enniskilcen, f)hone 2157. 1 4-1 WANTED - CAPABLE G IR L fou gencral housework. ApplY Mns. Chas. Cattran, phone 505. 84-1' WANTED-CAPABLE GIRL TO do housewoik. Phone 365. t 34-1 SALESWOMEUN WANTED-PRO- fitable opportunity for womnen supplying demand for Faxilex Fla v o ri ng s, Foods, Spices, Househoid Remedies, ToiiNt Ar- ticles, ctc. On market over 13 years. Write lmmediatcly- for tertoiy and wholesalc pro- position. Attractive catalogue free: Miss G. St. George, 570. St. Clement, Montreal. 34-1 DruglesasPractitioncl' ROBERT COLVILLE BrDuglesi Practitioner Liberty Street - BowmanvMl Electulcal Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 27-5 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN COW, Jersey cow, due to renew., 'Ap- piy Bruce Metcaif, south o! Mapie Grove, phone 2469. 34-1* TOMATOES FOR SALE - BY basket. Apply B. Stackaruk, R. R. 2, Bowmanviile. 34-1' FOR SALE-TWO 19-5.00 TIRES, one new and one nearly new, $11.00 for pair; also Croydon hot water heater. Phone 2498, Jack Trinim.' 34-1* FOR'SALE - SQUARE PIANO. Mis. Albert E. Clark, Brown St. North, Bowmanville. 34-1* FOR SALE - 12 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old; also car trac- tor. Apply Nelson Robbins, Hampton, phone 2349. 34-1* FOR SALE - NINE PUREBRED, smooth-turned Yorkshire pigs, 8 wceks old. Apply Ralph Da- vis, Solina, phone 2413. 34-if FOR SALE - USED UPRIGHT piano in good condition. Wil1 seli for cash or tcrms. Leave name at Box 168, Statesman Office. 34-1* FOn running27 cdtio. AppEyA. W.Robnins ondiamtion . R. 1.A Phone 2611. 34-1 FOR SALE -TEN YORKSHIRE pigs, 9 wccks old. Apply H. E. Tink, R. R. 1, Hampton, phone Bowmanvillc 2232. 34-1' FOR SALE-GIRL'S C.C.M. BI- cycle, good as ncw. Apply P. O. Box 368. 34-1' FOR SALE - 1 SOW AND 10 pigs 4 wccks old; il pigs over two months old; 1 cow, milk- ing, .6 ycars, old.. Apply to Mis. M. Blcccker, R. R. 3, Cobourg, Ont., Highway 45. 34-1' FOR SALE - UPRIGHT PIANO, kitchen table (large), and Que- bec heater, medium size. * Al l i good condition. Write Box 170, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile. 34-1* Shorthorn bull, fifteen months old; and Collie pups. S a m Keane, phone 51r3 Orono. 33-2* FOR SALE-FORD ROADSTER, reasonable for cash. Apply Har- vcy Corden on Saturday, Aug. 23, phone 850. 34-1 FOR SALE - SEED WH E AT, Dawson's Golden Chaff, grown from registered secd, second gencration, field' govt. inspect- cd. Sample now under test at Ottawa. Price $1.00 per bushel at farm. Chas. Glenncy, New- castle, phone Orono 86r18. 34-2 FOR SALE - AN EXCEPTION- aily good Holstein cow, due- next wcek; also Leicester ram lamMn. Apply W. B. Ferguson, Buiketon R. R. 1. 34-l* FOR SALE-LADY'S C.C.M. BI- cycle, gone less than 50 miles. Batgain at' $25. P. O. Box 26, or phone cvenings 616. 34-f FOR SALE - PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods, mailcd postpaid i lain sealed envelope, with pce lit_ 6 samples 5c. 24 s a m p l e s 1 d u t3 n1 . A e Rubber Co., Box. 231 amilton, Ontario. 26-9 FOR SALE-FOUR COUNTERS, 8 to 12 ft. long, real bargain for quick sale; no reasonable. offer turned down. W. J. Martyn. 34-1-. FOR SALE - WICKER BABY buggy in good condition. Phone 835. 34-1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-PURE- bred Ayishire bull cal!, elght months old, bued by W. H. Co- verdale, Portsmouth, Ont.; also two young Yorkshire boas, 5%½ months old, from advanced registuy brecding stock. Apply Garnet Rickaud, Bowmanvillc, phonie 2218. 34-1 POWER MACHINES FOR SALE -1 Fordson Tractor in excel- lent condition; 3-furrow tractor disc plow; 2-furrow horse disc pow; 2-furrow tractor Moul- board plows; 8" Maple Leaf grain ginder. W. S. Staples, Massey-Harris Dealer. 34-1 FOR SALE - MAN'S BICYCLE in good condition. Apply J. Shackleton, Wellington Street, Bowmanville. 34-1' FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND) Congoleum rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns acttaslly in stock. You arc. invlted 10 view these at BRADLEY'S New Fui- niture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf FOR SALE-lO PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. H. C. Pcdwell, R. R. 2, Newcastle, phone 3823. 33-2' OSFIAWA'S NEW FUENITURE Store - Evcrything lu modern, chesterfleld, bedroom, dining suites, and studios, Bcddlug and floor coverlngs a specalty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prlceé. Before buylng vist Buadley's -New Furnilture Store, .156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 19-t) RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up to 50 % on tires snd tubes, lncluding new Goodyea's, Do- minion Tires. Full stock lu al auzes from $1,00 up. G. F, Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver St. 14-tf Il Wanted WANTED.a-FARe OR VILLAGE property betwecn Bowmaxiville 1 and Port Hope. State lowest cost price, etc. Box 169, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 34-1* rWANTED TO RENT-6 ROOM- ed house with ail conveniences, centrally: located, wanted by September lst. Apply Box 171, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 34-1* WANTED - HOUSE CENTRAL- ly located wanted to rent by September lst. Phone Bowman- ville, 2138., 34-1* WANTED - SOME CHUNKS 0F pigs around 100 lb. cach. Phone 2198, Bowmanville. 34-1 WANTED - WORIK FOR BOY nearly 16 years of age, passed into third form High School, good penman, willmng- worker, father in the Army. Box 172,' Statesman Office. 34-1 fWANTED - A SILO FILLER blower in good condition, ten inch mouth preferred. James Stone, Clarke, R. R. 1, phone 2231. 34-1 smTE Aalhuswt ah cOn iencehs. Aply Bx . 17 cJo Statesman Office. 34-f Room and Board testDANDom fr offie RO-ig tahmor . pl oxce3, dog Stsm ilan OficeBoxw1anvilc 34-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. August Furniture Sale Wise shoppers would do wcll to avail themselves o! our low priced specials. Very large selection from oui two stores. Wilson's values lcad the market. Inner Spring Mattresses $9.Ô5-.-Spriné filed maîtresses in heavy striped ticking, rol dge, handles and ventilators. Ail sizes. Wonderful values. $19.95-Spring f illed studio couches. Good looking. Viel l aU- oued. These will please you and save you moncy. Over fifty to choose from. Floor Covering Specials $l.49-New borderless rugs, 6 ft. by 9 f t. You wiil find at Wilson's everything in floor cove;ings. Personal -attention to ail your floom covering problems. Inlaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy lino- leum. Ail widths. Wilson's prices are lowci. .New Chesterfield Suites $69.50--Specially priced for oui sale. Modern sprnig filced ches- terfield suites. Smart c a r v e d show wood. Excellent combina- tion o! covcrings. Vie have many beautiful chcsterfield suites for you to choose from. Newest styles. puices w111 please 3rou.. Bedroom Suites $59.95-Thrilling. new smart waterf ail design. This la an out- standing buy. Sec oui large sclec- tion o! beautiful bedroopi suites you wiil be puoud 10 own. Wiii- son's lower overhead means lower puices to you. Gi! t Suggestions Cédai chests, book cases, lamps, fancy cushions, end tables, che- nille bcdsprcads, smokers, coffee tables, occasional chairs, dol prams. Hundreds of other gifts at Wilson's lowcr prices. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Chureh St. OSHAWA 33-4 FI1TED CLASSES GIVE GLAMOIJR QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly JURLY BLOVELL, Agents for Canadian National Railway and Steamship LUnes Notices, Dr. W. H. Birks' office will be closed from August lOth to Sep- tember 3rd inclusive. 31-5 Experienced mechanic now at Carruthers' Garage. Repair work at reasonable rates. Phone 667 day. Ernest Turney. 34-1* Mis. Muriel Dunn's Rummage Sale is re-openng two doors wcst of Len Elliott's plumbing shop, Friday, August 22, 1941. 34-1* Dr. H. B. Rundie's office will be closed from August 27th to September 5th inclusive. 34-2 Music Teachers DOROTHY M. EDGER, A.T. C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theor>' will resume classes Tuesday, Sep- tember 2nd, 1941. Phone 403. 34-2 VERA McGILL FERGUSON, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prcpared for ail Conserva- tory examinations. Special kinder- garten course for children four to six ycars. Studio opening Sept. 2nd. Phone 606. 34-2 For Rent TO LET-TWO HEATEID ROOMS partly furnished if desired. Ap- ply EI. Turney, corner Scugog and- O'Dell Sts. 34-1* FOR RENT - 3 ROOMED A- partment with 3 piece bath, and garage. Immediate possession. Not suitable for children. Apply Box 164, Statesman Office. 34-1 TO RENT-5 ROOMED HOUSE, large shed, garage and garden. $15.00 per month. Occupancy about Sept. lst. Tom Lymer, phone 379. 1 34-1* Real Estate For Sale Estate - Lot 13,1 Concession 7, Darlmngton, 9 roomed house, bank ban 8Q'x 30', 100 acres land <70 workable and 30 pas- turc and bush), running water, hydro available. Hay4on school on- corner of property.. Apply Alymer Becch, R. R. 2, Burke- ton, phone Bowmanville 2292. 34-2* FOR SALE -- SOLID BRICK, house on Gentre St., Bowman- ville, modern conveniences; will be sold cheap to close Up an estate. Apply A. E. Beinn King St. West. il If T im ely Nec cessities At Low Prices. This week your Rexaîl Drug Store offers many suggestions in merchandise you wilI need durlng Septçmber and October. Supplies Certo -bottie 25c Jar Rings - - - Sc Parke's bottle Catsup Flavour 35c, Ail kinde Spices -ounce 5c Parowax lb. 13c (a real buy) Memba-Soal does away with old fasbloned meltlng wax for capping bottles Nothing can be truly great which is not right.-Johnson. Buildings ForSt ~iik I I the underslgned up to August 3oth for thc demolition adre- moval of thc folowlng frame buildings on thc Tenth Con- cession o! Darligton Townshlp near Burketon:. Lot 23-25 Barn 30 x 50> à Stabe 24 ir 5 Lot 16-17: Bouse, 18 x 24 & Kitcheft Ba 740 m,»4 Lot 14-15 Bouse 20 li3 & Xitohen Barn i 80 5 Fowl Pen 10 * 28 Garage 14 x 14, Tenders wll be consMepsid on ail or a portion* of abave. The hlghest or mny tender 4ot uecessarily aoceptedL G0odmo.ntracting C&. iiited 203 Richmonid St. W. Toronto SHOES Dit to Order Qulck, expert repairs on ail klnds of men's and ladies' shoes. Prepare for Wlnter-Walk on Solid Soles HARNESS REPAIES A SPECIALTX *JOHN LENZ King St.'at Silver t' Wlth These Preparations FIt - - 23e - 39e FIy-Dd - - - 25e FIy-Tox - 24c -.43c Fly-KiI - 24c - 43e Insect KIiIur Fiy Pads . 4e 1FIy Colle - 2 for5Se1 - Hay Foyer Remedies- Benedrine inhaler - - 550 Epheie tablets - dos. 850 Noge and Throat Spray Keiloggs Astha, Remedy 1, At - - 3,5 - 50e At - - - - S8c-19c Ephedromat JellY - - 500e Raz-mah Capsules - 500 - fb FORE WARNED 15 FOREARMED Be prepaued for Uic Sehool Days Jut ahead hi havng Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Compnl mta take care of your Laundry and Cleanlng requirements now. and our driver will.eall. P i. ioc We Deliver 1 1 1 PHONE 419 We Deliver Phone 778

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