THURSDAV, AUGUST 28, 1941 PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO EDUCATI AVAILABLE FOR AIL AS SCHOOLS. mtrdto Hamilton and Stoney HIGH -BGHOOL PRINCIPAL PUBLIC SOHOOL HEDAD Inspecter Announces CamsCeek on Sunday. cummlieClasses Miss Noreen Dickey is s1laying Schoo vva agwRe alls For Farm Ppl with her aunt, Mrs. George Black. Ppl Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Clare Ar. Phillip Geai attended To- P Iu .bl !avv fm y tdnsWrlgl etme Fallis and Joan spent the week- ronto Exhibition on Saturday,--w - --TMkeULotTe en-i Mdln . ..Mr. C. J- Veterans' Day. m Stue. -.. w wInSetebe Mountjoy, Ilington, Mr' William Mr. Sweet has purchased Mrs.' Mountjoy, Gait, spent a couple of R . J. Bruce's farm. Os aw , ____1__ r a me o -days with their three sisters, Mis. Mr. Elmo Archer has rented Mr. Graduai but constant change in But now the scene changes to Oshawa, Asug. 21 - xn aymeubo- Elliott, Miss Mountjoy and Mrs. Wm. Fitz's farir. ahendumtinissuedrninyesterday, Publicucemntsap Siemon. . . Mr. and Mi5. W. P. Mr. Moriand Anderson has rent-th edctoasytm nBw-14. yteanuce nsapSholIpctrTR.ME n CobetMs.F.H ori aded a farm on the base line Baw- manvilie often goes by unnoticed, pearing in this issue there is a stated that district schools will Mrs Wliamson of Bowmanville manvilie. but the apenîng next week of the new crop of youth prepared to provide special classes this fall in caledonMrs J E ,Eliott on The church service on Sunday local educational inst it utio n s continue making history and no order that students remaining on Sunday. .. Mr. and Mis. George was fairly well attended and was coupied with the recent passing of doubt one of themn will record that farm work during September FweMsHeeMsVeaabîy taken by Mr. Samuel Farmer historian David Morrison brings in the middle of the 2th centuryi abebltomkupfros Armstrong and Mr. Erie CapstickofPrPerwhgaeavy to mmnd that things were not ai- (no need to be too exact about a eal omk pfrls enlightening talk on the text "Ye ways thus. According to an arti- dates for when one has the weight tient te îis osbemm cotiuàio chel ar tesat f heert ad lcie written by Mr. Morrison sev- of years on not-too-strong shoul- 1 e nco sae ha rn At Backsock the saIt has iost its savor where- eral years ago: ders five years one way or theciasoalshoswlib A l ksok with shall it be salted," and dweit "The big union school where other doesn't matter) that the cquese o prscoide extracases Fo em on the thought o! what the churchL.. Iiî the public school now stands was Principals were Dippeli and Ocstdtoerovd etfclse Opens Foealiy stands D for. where the town hall was situated Thompson, that Bonnycastle was i n Otbe or sucli pupils when ________standsfor. and the hall had two large wings chairman of the Board of Educa- they return from farmi work. The Blackstock Continuation frtady hswe. hausing the classes. tion and that "in the year I start- "In view of the fact that in- Scolwl eoe o h alhomefo wdastiwek. Many old timiers taught in that ed ta High Schooi (or Public) as formation has been received from Zinion D HhySet.ShiGt io Mr. and Mis. Ceccl Bush, David historic aid school mnciuding Samn the case may be, the new teachers arow e frers innhedisrituwo tav ter.m onlpTu esdyet2nt and Catherine, Oshawa, with Mis. Hughes, Robert K. Qir and Dr. were. îigh cho0-G. B ol-go si h ititwohv shui e reet f osileo Vsios:Mi ndMi.RuseiS. Bush. . . Mr. and Mis. Hugh Crowle. At this same period there ing of Toronto, and Miss Jean .M~!stae htp ilworteyav theu b o pnngdfretheppose on Stinton Mand ailMis. as.llMurdock and family, Mr. James were several private schools. The Lennox of Stauffville; BrdPLidauatM.Clica. is sho e tcde a heeShoiMsesZt io ofAM.Tmsnan bo temngonarehesarm registration and receiving instruc- Stainton at Mrs. P. J. Gi!!ard's, coe's. Mis. Wilfrid Dewell, Roy Ms lnWlim'rsdnei enGedlnGeBtay after the opening of school, we ts for h esi en .* Osaca. . . Mr .and Mis. Delbert and Haold, M. Sam Dewcli, at now on Qucen St. Mr. Rogerson Marjorie Couch, Bowmanville, part in the competition which is havesdc," t o these spec ial Spwork and Home Ecanomîcs Fiintoff and sons, Kedron, at Wes. Mr. A. Martin's, Bowmanvillc. was the teacher. and Mr. Laine Mortson, classes," the inspehcClutork ad H said.ta hl ayo h will be offered in Grades IX Cameran's... Pte. Michael Nemis, Mrs. D. McLaughlin, Mavis and Later Mr. Fenwick was !irst Tu tiadtogiteJno amr.ppl ol iet eano and X. Camp Borden, and Mis. Nemis, Glen, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Wal- Tprincipald o! theh Hiiogh Schaol, foi-ldlie t, rmai o Grae Xflao nto ok nBrrent otKllnse 1,~ i.Nomnîwed by J. J.Gilfillan.yugtr !todymynt Mr. Samuel Farmer, Port Per- the farmn for another monta, they GrdeXII orenraceinto the F. B. Glaspeli and Norma at Ed. Graham, Haveiock, at Mi. A. L. Thnteewshelte i realize the part they aie playiiigtherfacademic tand ightnoe Ail pupils who have Entrance Mis. A. T. Stainton at Ross Lee's, Moîcomb, Omemee, at Mi. James tactaTiity Sunday School. da schooi next Tuesday and au- Church on Sunday evening.yarithycnnudhirwr stadig soud ated HghKedon . M. Agut Gisbc- Smales'. . . Mi. and Mis. Wes. Thtwsaby' coladte ciousîy speculate on the pîob- Rev. E. P. Wood pîeached at into September. This was given School for at least two years if ger and famrily, Haîmony, at Hans Yellowlees motoîed ta North Bay Tatce was ather' sco!ohn able merits o! the staff, they are' St. Chîistophcî's Camp on Sun- as the reason for the aperation of at ail possible. Geissberger's. .. Mis. Wm. Stan- last week. .. Mi. and Mis. Veine I Mocr afathe MisfesJooî- nevertheless gîving an unwitting day afteînoon and special musicthspcaclse n cte. Wallace Marlow, R. P. Allin, îey Pckrin, t . . aandl's -hro, oMntosase.saurcecîft contribution ta, the history o! the was fuînished by the campers. the _______clasesn______r Chairînan o! Board. Principal. ... Mi. and Mis. Blake Annis, Bakeî's. . . Mi. and Mis. George The aid Union Schaol was buint town of Bowmanville. Visitais: Mis. Mary Breen, Mi. Witevale, at A. T. Staintan's. .. Gibson and Marion, Taunton, at in 1887 and the pupils movcd into One would be very pessimistic and Mrs. Carl Breen and daugh- B o n Mi.. and Mis. Russell Peikins and Mi. Edgar Prescott's. . . Mi. and the Primitive Methodist Church." indeed if he dià not foîecast for ter, Ingersoli, at Mi. and Mis. A. ____ - to's rers. Iv Mi. awTn - Mis. De, rolsn, Mi andMs. BJ.l Ah this, and more, Mi. Marri- these beginners a happier and L. Bailey's. .. Mr. and Mis. Floyd rw'ReCosCmite Fred ,Camners..n r and le sat G e, H.DaviM and Wltrs.Mis son. has rccoîded about eaîly bcttcî future than the past which Hall, Toronto, at the Smith Bras. held a quilting at Mis. Trea Sonl C's, Taand.Helen tayed EsbittDvisKdpoalterMi. Rai tes in Durhami County foi the Mr. Moîrison sa !aithfuîîy record- .M. ýd r. evi raaClaik's. Next meeting at reman Solys oot.Hlnsae ebtKdn tM.Rlhenlightenment o! posterîty. ed. Grace and Roy, and Mis. John T at Mis. C for a week.. . Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Davis'. . . Beryl and Glenn Lai- McKee spent Sunday at Fenelon unr5 School Metcalf, Bowmanville, at Ai!. mer, Blackstock, at Mr. A. J. Bal- ataFalls. . . Miss Gwenyth Mailow SvRyCial in Bowmre anvle. h Arerned tashawauc. Slb has son's. . . Mr. and Mis. Leonard the home o! Mis. W. Scott on came home on Saturday but be- went back ta Toronto with Miss VstaCis: Miss Aurey arrow, Coungrautiosata. adMi.Baîton, Lavonne adBeverly, Ags 0h ihalre te-cm l n a ae oTrnoRuth Marlow on Monday tStaîkville, wzt Miss de ai-w Frank Pascoe on the arrivai o! a at Mi. Narval Wtten's. Floyd Dudley pres1dcd. After tac R.C.N.V.R., Halifax, N. S., is iM in tion. . . Miss Eva Brown spent row. . . Mi. and Mis. Wm. Hug- SOS young daughter at Bowmanville Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pascoc at- business was conciuded, Mis. G. haspital. Here is hoping bath boys thîce weeks with her father in________________ Hospital. tended the funeral o! the iate Mi. Rosevear, group leader, took will soonx be well. Congratula- Florida and is now visiting Miss Mi and Mis. Fred Cameron J. W. McMaster ta Orangeville. charge of the follawing program: tions ta Bill Breck o! the R.C.A.F., Vera Farder. .. Mi. Roy Hilîgait- It ls essential that the school and Helen attended the dance at* Roscae Baker has bec n trans- Reading, Miss Betb Miller; duet, Dunnville who rcccived his wings ner at Mis. John Forder's for the chlldwearsolidowatr-pr o n M ssî.Ail. Ayre, Bod anderîcd !rom Manning Pool, R.C.Misses Dorothy Wright and Fiai- an Wednesday and is now a Pilot weekend. . . Mi. and Mis. Roy chil wer slid waer-roo Mesrs Al.Tore ontoExibtin. A.F. Depat, Toronto, ta Montreal. ence Rundhe; Mis. F. Dudley gave Officer. Bill is home on eave. Reynolds and Mis. Franks, Peter- aesLezue onyIlb Lloyd Ayre atTootExiton an intercsting tahk an her trip ta Wc all are very proud a! Bill for bora, wîth Mr. and Mis. Leslie shoe. Lnz ues uly igh The sympathy o! the communi- Miss Doris Milîson bas ietuin- Quebec and Ste Anne du Beaupre he is the youngest bay o! oui Mountjoy an Sunday. . . . Miss grade leather in rejairs. Shoes ty goes ta the family o! the ate cd froni LaSahhe Park, Hamilton, and sbowed snapshats a! a numn- community to sign up for active Mabel VanCamp, B.A., Miss Laina brougt An.Aoda .w11be J. W. McMaster who passed away and leaves this week ta take UP ber o! the historic points. Lunch service. He also had a view o!fIs rwn rodadNi on Sungt u tday maîning.b duties on the public schoal staff was served by Mis. Roscvear's home !rom the air when he !lew sa n ae olTrno reay orseholopaln. ___________at Kirkland Lake.anarpaeoe eeafwsnadRgrDrélTot, Sympatfoy o! the community. .group. a coln vrbr wwith their respective parents for exptenod tahis. Harvcy H is days ago. We wisb Bill all the the wcekend... Miss Celia Spinks, on tede tao!er sitarer, andrta lucli in the world. Toronto, with Mis. Albert Wright. SHOES MADE TO ORDER th.ail fte-l. r.J .Bu k tnMis. J. A. McArtbur and dau- The oatIs mall- uc cmfot Ha donthefamly a th lae M. J.W. urk tonghters are home from. a visit ta la gret. EnuireIntended for ast week) The sum o! anc hundîed dol- r. Union, Dar1ington Stafoe tede h la great EnqufreVisitais: Mi. and Mis. Bert lais bas been !orwarded to, the i.Mnyfmbreatndte She'olsh- ares RparsAshton, Miss Viola Bradley, To- "'Tehegrarn British War Victims' E. Rahm, Oshawa, with Mis. A. Rotary Fair in Bowmanville. ranta, are home on hoidays. . . Fund" as the resuit o! a dance Wlo...M.adMs .Da Visitais:' Miss Iva Feiguson, M. iladFhsisow it Mi ndMs LusAstnan ed hr, auda0i1t u and baby, Oshawa, at Mi. Ch. Bowmanville, witb Miss Blanche the R.C.A.F. at present in Toron- Mary Lau, Mi. and Mis. Stan partîculars esewbcre in this issue. Dean's and L. Gatchclh'...MlBeh issMra en a ntutro ah.T EB S O ___________ and Mis. R. Bailey, Toronto, Mis. and Marjarie Shea, Sunderland,TH E F I JOHN LENZ Woollings Jr., Marilyn and Doug- J. Blight, Brookhin, Mi. and Mis. adM.Jh ukrPceig Slve la, Taont, atMi.A. ead'. .. iN siiLonL. Shoîtrîdgc and Shirley, Mi. at Mi. Frank Mooîe's... Miss LO SHG KigS.a ivrMi. and Mis. E. Bradley at Mi. et to and Mis. J. Stredwick and aiyVenGrfnwthM.nd rsLIN CLUB E. Whîte's, Orono. .. Mis. E. Ste- Oashaweiaaifi with Mi.. . os and Mis. Ntpa phensan and Vaughn wita ber Ohwwt i.H os n James Latimer, New Toronto.. sistr, is.A. ande, ampon. Sympathy o! the cammunity is Mi. J. Shartridge. .. Mi. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. Frank Moore at Mi. (cofltiflLJCd ram page 1) FE oea Mi. and Mis. . RnloydHashtonetntaM. David Johns in C. Brunt, Janetvihie, Mi. and Mis. Rusel Taylor's, Ashbun... Miss CM LT TC FR ______________________Mis. Henry Wcrîy, at Mi. R. Or- the passing o! bis mother Mis. H. Farrow and Carl, Mi. and Mis. Blanche Beech, Mi. Donald Car see.We a ihBianb- CMPT TC FR mistan's, Enniskillcn. . . Ronald Richard Johns at Janetville W., King, Nina and Miss Marie and Mi. Clintan Hoe at Mi. Cecil came a rcality there was a rush SORIBBLERS, NOTEI ____________________Ashton at Mi. Gardon Wcrry's, Service in tac United Chuich Hartnett, Oshawa, Mis. Harold Rahm's. . . Miss Isabelle McLean ta the American consuhate for SUPPI - - - - - - Mimico.. . Mis. Sam Mountjoy, next Sunday morning wilh be in Larmer and !amily, iý. Lea Mo!. and Mi. Frank Cook, Toronto, at passparts. But alniast immediate- VMis. Littlepraut, Hampton, at Mi. charge a! Mi. Rowe !rom Janet- !att, Oshawa, at Mi. S. Mof!att's. Mi. R. Gri!fin's. ly hie was requiied ta, surrender Best Quality Procurable Gi VTheron Mountjay's. . . Mi. and ville. . . Mi. and Mis. M. Gatchehl and Several fram this community this prccious paper ta the police Your F RMis. Ross 'Richards at Mis. K. The W. A. sponsored a miscel- f amiiy, Oshawa, Mi. Thomas attcnded the Exhibition. un exchange for a receipt. He had V FF RBaiid's, Toronto. .. Mi. and Mis. lancous shawer for Mi. and Mis. Gatcheil, Bawmanville, wita Mi. Schoal will re-open Tuesday, ta report ta the authorities twice Out of town orders ga CclSieman, Mi. Howard Oke, Meiwin Bird at the home of Mr. J Gatchelî's.. Mi. R. Carter,Set rwhfomreae a ek.Lewn nmu s We wilU endeavour1 VUCOR MssMar Hrrsat i.Doal M.Emisn.Pickering, at home. .. Mi. A. AI- Miss Jean McLean. usual. Afteî about five weeks efficient service. FerguY M snsa Coburg, rDol. EVisonis . Whim isdîd, neai Cobourg, at home. . . ____________there was talk o! inteînment. Mi. W. A. met atCoourMis. Vcniy Ah- IvaR Wiliams, Miss adaMi. and Mis. R. Wilson, Oshawa, StUples was advised, howcvei, tan's. Bible rcading was read by Mi. and Mis. L. Joblin visitedMi Mr. an Ms.W.Sct, yrne 1.....thA op o etin otSI h Mis. H. Ashton and devotianal Gea. Joblin at Zion on Tuesday... witb !îiends.. is Ruby Balley ..ACiSO cauntry lay in the fact that as aAFE S by is W. Mrtn.Prgrai i.Kenet Vah, oroto wthwith riicnds in Oshawa. ... Mr.____ student for the ministry bis status Studeflt's Fountain Pens anc included:Rc artinbM. Troan Mr en. . Mss lToronceoFalis Jack Collins, West Hill, visited might allow bis exchangc with Loose Leaf Macuntj ay;dng by Ms Bahe clld n i friendM s Forecentl. Mi. Roy Carter.. Rev. and Mis. On Sunday afternoan, August German officers in England. On and Meta Degeer; reading by Mis. Mi. and Mis. Gea. Marhow -and H. Vanflyke, Brooklyn, N.Y., with 24tb, members of the Young Pea- this basis be began the long peril- T. Cowling; duet by Misses May !amily with friends near Burke- Mis. Jack Carter. ple's Union met at the home a! ous trip toward the Dutch fron- VISIT OUR STORE AN Trewin and Eileen Co wlii ng. ton. . . Mi. and Mis. Rex Lamb, Wclcome home ta aur minister, Mis. Roy Ferguson ta present tier. TEERN Mis esieNiagara Falls, with Mis. Cccil Rev. Plant. gi!ts o! appreciation ta their for- Athefr so t cag Blackbuîn's graup. It was decid- Wilsan. .. Mi. and Mis. L. Joblin We are fartunate in having the Brown and Mi. Roy Hilîgartener. tan ewstknit utd Vetasnboetaacouple of spent Sunday in Port Peiiy. . .. train and bus so neai at han at Thcy will be greatly missed from on suspicion o! being a spy and _ _ _ _ J.bxe w Jntlyserhe.Evn ole former Haydan boys overseas. Misses Mary and Elizabeth MOl- Exhibition time. Many !romn here churcb work, for they gave their mntl erbd vnafle FOR ~~~~lard, Scugog Point, visited Miss plan ta attend. bs hnvrcîe pnt paper in the bcd o! bis shoe, Jean Malcolm.. Miss Irene Mai- Miss Marilyn Ann Mo!!att drcw hclp. We wish them success inthr tbheinctBG VALUE low visited friends at Port Hoov- Mi. Brown's name, a traveller their new scbools. purpose o! keeping dawn an o!- ARE YSolina ci. .. Mi. and Mis. Melville Tra- for Oshawa Wbolesale, which Several fîom here attended the !ending nail, ncarly seahed bis AN Vsiai: MssDooty arycey, Oshawa, Mi. Allan Jobnstan, made him the proud awner of the garden paîty held at Mi. Red- fa e Thelsuse nhs ltattnp ANDViitos:-Mss orthyHadyElmvale, at Mi. R. M. Hoskin's... -Wamen's Associatian quiît. man's, Scugog Island, îast Wed- wravet caed a nd hisf rlisteneis VOLUME at Mi. Harvey Haidy's, Bowman- Mi. and Mis. Sid Snelgrave, 0sb Edward Emmerson, - Nestîcton. nesday evcning. Among those tak-. Mi as igh ! li efootbon ville. . . Mi. Walter Blackburn, awa, witb Mis. Jas. Wiliamson. bas been engagcd ta teacb at ing paît in the programn were: uc*ol Janctvilie, Mi. and Mis. J. Chap- . . Mi. and Mis. Wm. Samelîs, Buiketan scbool. Roy Carter will Miss Lucille Farder and Mis. Ada ucsol man, Hampton, Mi. and Mis. Ev- Mi. and Mis. H. Samnelîs, Mis. teach at Myrtle. .ones..Sadler with vacal solos, Churchill Points the Way ertt Elliatt, Mary and Barbara, John Hoocy and Miss Gwcn Wil- The Thos. Brcck !amily have Mis. Earl Dorîcîl, a reading, and Relating these events to the Oshawa, wita Mis. R. J. McKes- son visited in Peteibaro. been having bard luck and also a Miss Anne Thomson a piano solo. present situation, the speaker re- so..... Mi. and Mis. S. E. Wcrry Wc wehcome Mis. Panke and great deal o! gaod luck. L.A.C. The Girls' Club are gomng ta !erred ta Mi. Chuîchilh's speech and George with relatives at !amihy ta aur community. Mis. Ewart Bîeck, R.C.A.F., Mantreal, Peterbaro on Wednesday ta take in wbich be declared there must Woodville. . . Mi. and Mis. Nor- Panke will teacb at Cedardale ________________________nation__________________ man Brown, Lindsay, Mi. and Schoh. Miss Narna Hoaey bas _________________________________ _ b ibnovr ainsfîint Mis.Pctc MaAithr, Ieneand een ngacd fr Casara scoolgoad will ta enable it ta carîya Mrs.Petr McArhur, Irne nd eenengged or aesreascholinternational life. This basis for I C O LBilly, Hartley, at Mif. Bryce Mi. Edgar Emerson goes ta uk-teftr s ob ondcae I C O Biown's. . . Mi. and Mis. A. E. ton ta tcach. the futukr i th e cuoudl, dered Whitnell, June and Lorraine, Ta- B W A VL Etnthe paerin teuour ral ineri-n ront, a Mr.Jac Reyold'. A- T onemusic and literature and bonds a! SUPPLIES thur and Jean Reynolds rtre r goiiai:MsoBidstaMs P B Iw i I H SC O L llîhat tlexsbtwn toToronto idiiuas AT Ms Lloyd Vice and daughter, Vstr:Ms etAhoMs U L C a d B G C C L netimn Cbapleau, Lorraine Tink, Base Viola Bradley, Toronto, and Mir.eraumn OPEN gins, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Graham's. ..Mr. Alfred Graham, Newcastle, at Mr. Wellington Farrows.. Master Russell Branch, Lock- hart's, with Master Sam Turner. . Miss Joyce Adams, Toronto, at her uncle's, Mr. Henry Reichrath. . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hendry, Lake Shore, at Mr. C. Turner's. No man is rich whose expendi- tures exceed his means; and no one is poor whose incommngs ex- ceed his outgoings.-Haiiburton. OLEN RAE DAIRY 4 L 'THATr CHAGES POOR') HULHOUT O0F THEJ PlCUR EVERY TIME. RPUBLIC AND iCHOOLS To Every Purchaser EGULATION TEXT BOOKS mBOOKS AND OTHER PLIES xuarantees Best Values For lWoney given speclal attention. ta give prompt and PECIALS Ld Pencil Sets, School Bags, Note Books. ID SEE OUR SUPPLY :ORDERS 556 EWELL IH dressed'. Dring them te, Couch, ,Sehool Clothea, where many re being featured for the neit E THING BREASTED SUITS ;- Regrular pruce $10,95 1.50 EPARTMENT îchooi toggery. Thules, dresse, hat wlll make Youngsters proud PARTMENT 1Youtli's serviceable clothes. MOATS FOR FALL v in. For ivideat assortment In ~Cryderman, Lt. RowmpnvJe I I ~marked wltn the setter iidintprv.s ad.Abo 1o Women's Institute was. heldat "eed", îcward for gaod service. ýýýIý j- 4 t; TRUP-eDA'Y, AUGUST 28,1941 PAGE THREE