PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 PORT Mlike's Sol thallers Take Series As High School Defeated 9-3 The Mike's Place Express roil- cd on to its second consecutive Town League softball champion- ship as tbey downed High Schooi' by a 13-9 score at Uie high schooi grounds ast Monday evening, te, take the final series in four gaines in a best-of-five phayof! round. The Billiard Men went into a 4-0 iead in 'the first inning and were always in front for Uic rest of Uic gaine. Sbowing tremendous hitting power, the Garagemen iooked like winncrs ahi Uic way except for a rather bad et-down in the third stanza when they al- lowcd the students to score six runs. Not the ieast bit crest!ailen by this set-back, Mike's Place pound- cd out fîve runs in Uic first o! the fourth to ahnost ensure thein of ultinýate victory, as the scorg book read 13-6 in their favor. Except for one poor inninj Dave Osborne pitched superbl for the west end boys. Althoug he was touched for thirteen hil seven of them came in the calain tous third inîng, which mear that he allowed an averagec only one hit per inning for th other six frames - which is u: ually wnmig bail for most gam( in this circuit. High School crowded ail thé runs into tWo innings-the thir and the seventh, getting six in th third and three in the last. Jack Colville and Gib McI1vee were the leadmng sluggers for th High School, the former gettin three hits in four trips to th REDUCED FARES SPECIALS BY Garton's Coach Limes TO TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FR01!. Auge 23 to Sept. 6 (Daylig ht Saviug Time) Leai Read 1D AMh 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.55 8.00 8.20 Iown IKAWARTHA MAPLEIS JANETVILLE -- YELVERTON -- NMTLETON- - - - BLACKSTOCK - - - BUEKETON --- ENNI8KCITLEN -- HAMPTON - - - BOWMANVILLE -- 10.W0 TORON~TOExhibition- CHILDREN - - - lu Arrive Return Read Up Pare - 1.35 $2.25 - 1.25 2.15 - 1.15 2.00 --1.05 1.90 -12.55 1.80 - 12.45 1.70 - 12.35 1.60 - 12.25 1.50 - 12.15 1.40 Lv. 10.45 p.m. ALF FARZ FARES INCLUDE EXHIBITION ADMISSION Bus Tic.. Passengers Right On Te Exhibition Grounds and Stays There Ail Day for the Convenience of Passengers. GOVERNMENT REVENUE TAX EXTRA -FOR INFORMATION PHONE Bowmianville »60 - Oshawa 2283 FREE PARKING AT KAWARTHA MAPLES OR AT GARAGE IN BOWP4ANVILLE. GO5 5 ITH gR IHTNGFOCE Gi,. yoursel and jour service station cma nomI~Jt a break.Let hlm check up Tour car and =MM t itinashape to save gasoUin.. It givem Woud* okan epeyukepyu It ý= m ~ ndwk m op o o yu >~,. et iI/5 Pledgre. Every gadlon count&u se. IW Dont a drop in wastedaOur Fghting yeos.« need aU the gagoline th.y cen geL à . th ptbigchores, and "Buck" orrus 'st waricrrso-te cons o! hs Large gets the managmng assign- vwdmtatdy atclr ftecs fti ment. A few last minute changes KUP i t hmndY 130 hilarious experiment wihl be sub- CombinMt1on rnay be made in case some ofteect to questioning in the House. PaintDor above are unable to play. M DhoBySotsoorabQe. si LClSinyCso!uin a M NARD ThePARoy&SGILIsLUMBERaCbyLQMeTE L-Cpl Sidny Casournwhose salvage campaign last suin- n recent etter, informs us Uiat 'ID" A U mer produced $476 for the Red H P ARGIL UM E CO LMTD nty ofth fivln e thslail ECrtonlsage acarg hth at PoeA75 Cotywt ofUi idan Rt. sbaanINIM ENt iColss, ae n chag ! icn ta- ho 71owmanville teama down New Brunswick way, district. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 I would flot enter on my list of Signa With Oshawa Generals Stts afanrHgl iends (though graced wlth pol- St t s a .R k 6 h yihed manners and fine sense, yet needlessiy sets foot upon a worm. wins Four Awaras ini Vontest-wp:ensbl. Y h Ruinner Up For Cainan Trophy In Wiarton Echo. ..... :w sConimunity Service.. Placed Class "C", over 500 and under 2nd and 3rd Repeatedly In Na- 1000, for the Hugh Savage Shield, -4;tional'Competitions.. Gratif y- for best 81-round paper, lst, ing Unlformlty In Ail Depart- Wolfviile N. S. Acadian; 2nd, La- ments. combe, Alta. Globe; 3rd, Rossland, plate, while the latter got two for B.C.Mne. h JhnW Ed Everyoe on Mke's Pace go 'i trphies n the ewspapr com l page, lst, The Creston, B. C. mU D _______ Eveyoe n MkesýPlae otpetitions as announced at the an: Review; 2nd, Grimsby, Ont., In- THlEATEIK uat ion itcalyept the dSe- fuai convention of the Canadian dependent; 3rd, Lacombe, Alta., BOWMANVILLE up mn (roncail enugh. Se- Wekî Nespaers ssoiatonGlobe. In the Printer and Pub- ciai mention goes to Dave Os-. hel at QuebeCtre nsowiatlisher Special for best front page: bon hosahd u ou ishand. Although Th;e Statesman lst, Grinmsby Independent; 2nd, F W GETFCUE -e- in five trips to the plate. failed by narrow margins to at- Wolfville Acadian; 3rd, Lacombe T GRETFCUE Bill McFeeters, playing his sec- tain first place in individual coin- Globe. yOU HAVE BEEN 1,ond game for Mike's Place, play- petitions, its ranking, generaîîy, In Class "D", 500 or less, The g, d a great gaine, and was responi- wsottniga h olw Charters Cup for best ail-round WAITING FOR ly sbleforthre o th fist oursummary indicates. paper: Ist, Grenfell, Sask. Sun; gh put-outs made by the Billard Of artcular inerstisth 2nd, Jarvis, Ont. Record; 3rd, Ash-.- ts Kigs Pac croft, B .Journal. For The T urI.ri i-.Mk' lc -- n'cfnlgnt, f; pace in tthe naew etcometseiond. Printer and Publisher's Special, ri iper, 3b; Moore, 2b; C. Osborne, thacntheCmmnit Servie it best front page: lst, South Koote- AUJG. 28 - 2i - 30 ofss; D. Osborne, p; Large, lb; Run- plat fc we nt t heLierpvoce(Nova - nay, B. C. News; 2nd, Jarvis Re- ofdle, rf; McFeeters, cf; Welsh, c. Slc eotiahdvne.Lvepol(Nv cord; 3rd, Grenfell, Sask. Sun. e Hih -,W5the Fr the best editorial page, win- MEN 0F B YS TOWN HihSchool- Masoni, cf; nAmes first time the handsome ,afian F ls 2b; G. Mcllveen, 3b; C. McIlveen, Trophy was awarded 0to tihefier of the H. E. Rice Trophy, was saTn ýes Ilveen, rf; Rickard, l; Powers, p; weekly newspaper adjUdiged to The Alarneda, Sask. D i s p a t c h; sarn c; Colville, lb; Slemon, ss; D. Mc- have accomplished the niost for 2nd, Grenfell Sun; 3rd, Pilot Spencer Tracy - Mickey Rooney frJackman, 3b. its community throughout the Mound, Man. Sentmnel. Enetii lotFetures RHE year." The condtions governing bu provinces were represetd E era.Shr es ie's Place 43 00013160 hi Tcmetiton dto oei t ot al papers winning in the ______________ Mie' Pgh aco4100600 0 3- 13 6 agicultue ftring etducatonarious categories can be includ- îen Uie s Cole0 and00 Murphy.3 1stimulating civic pride, aiding ed in this summary for lack of M on. - Tues. - Wed. hetic campaigns linked with the na- The Statesman carnies thiSE .i- -3 tional interest, etc." abridged report to acquaint its Barbara Stanwyck =SNAPPY GAMIE A fuiler appreciation of the readers of the extent and general- RESULTS IN WIN C.W .N.A. and the awards may be ly high character of the wcekly Henriy Fonda had when it is remembcred that press of Canada and to point out in FOR BILLIARDMEN there are 520 weckly papers in as welthecfact that their own LD ir these are divided into four classes: The Statesman, has achievcd forLI "A" of 2000 circulation and over; itself, and thus, likewise for the Milce's Place staged a remark- "B" over 1000 and under 2000; whole community, an enviable The picture everyone is talking able reversai of form in vcry con- "C3vr50 n ne 00 "Dee place among the keenest weeklics aot vincingly defcating High School uner50.T e aemnfIso aaa bhdy niicly sotailtitast- Tommy Depew into Class "A" and when it is con- Thud aeeningtowake -1 sidcred that proximity to Toronto A rcally great man is known aneLboDy hcadin gine in he own ea- One of Bowmanville's most ver- News of Tommy's signing with renders it subject to the "over- by three signs-gcnerosity in theManeLbrDy gue softbail finals. satile and promising young ath- the Oshawa team will be happily shadowing" influence of large design, humanity in the execution, Brothers Dave and Clarence letes, Tommy Depew by name, reevdb h omnil o-dailies which reach out for local moderation in success.-Bismarck. Osborne emerged as the heroes of reccntly signed a contract to play rcle yteBwavlefl circulation and national advcrtis -________________________________ the game. Dave set the students for Oshawa Gencrals, the Motor lowers of Canada's favorite win- ing, its success in these keen com- down with 6 hits, while "Porky" City entry in Junior 'A' O.H.A. ter sport. The short jaunt to Osh- petitions has added significance. continued his trenchant clouting hockey. An erstwhile star with awa wiil be a cheerful respite Entries come froin the Yukon to by smashing out 3 hits in 4 times Bowmanville Lions junior hockey froin the much longer trips to Newfoundland and an outside at bat. This brings his total to team, Tommy has played for the Toronto which many of- Tom's committec of experts decide the 10 hits in the iast 12 times at bat. past two ycars with the classy followers have had to make for winners. l o u Once agai.n the students got off Toronto Marlboroughs, who have the last two years. Citizens and In this national competition . 8 7 to a good start, as they scored 2 given the Generals, twice Domin- sport fans alike are concordant in there are three trophies for Class runs in the first inning, but Mike's ion champions, such ruggcd coin- wishmng this erhlliant young hoc- "A" papers, as enumeratéd lbelow: Place host no tixne in tieing the petition fo the last couple of key player continucd succcss in The Mason Trophy, "for the best When the Fathers gae h tdnsadda-seasons. his new surroundings. ahl-round paperl' was won by the 1, I . . other run in the second inning as iln FrePesH adwtho cneeainne . Keith Slemon bit a double iiito and they are not doing at all the success of the Mikc's Place 120 points. Editor and publisher centre field and scored on Dick badly - at present holding down 'teaini hmhyof ost of the winner is the veteran J. H. Rickard's double to the samne spot. second place in the league, with three of their. regular stand-bysCrntfo.2yesedorf In the upper half of the secondagod cac o!vr-aig-C recOsrnDu"Pp, the Toronto Star Weekiy. Simcoe inning, Mike's Place scored twice the leaders before the end of the and Dave Osborne who have ahI Rorme; rwasmseond wievth 184 to take a one run head, as the regular schedule. Thus, i a soft- been cîouting the bail steadiîy and tidwt 1 1 points; a C n eo Billiard Kings combined two baîl ses, the so..called "Mad" far. At the conclusion of last tird with 113 113 pointand uth hits, a wahk, and an error for Midlands have surely belied their Thursday's gaine, "Porky " had wmanv2 11 i n ttsmaout their, couniters. nickname. thirteen bits in Uic hast twenty- Wih 112 f the0Dpoints.lam The third inning featured 'Buck' ** one turnes at bat; "Dub"l had cight Winneoro the Dav d i iamsag Large's homer into deep heft f ield No smalh amount of credit for hits ini the last thifteen times at Cupfo thc bmestbugeditoi ag with two men on base to give the_______________ bat; and Dave ten in the hast was The ahesmtgEchforwit .r Billiard Kings a 7-3 lcad. t97. Thlae wtthe smn tiRdformr Dave OSborne's uoffengs afterwith 95 points. In chairacter and the sonframebings ale r "Gib" Mcllveen has been the impressiveness no other paper the seond 3 mhits iii he aeto ~ tA I IT sparkplug of the High School out- was ranked higher than The îings. Osborne was afforded ex;- fit with ten hits in the past scv- ls ntemshawihi h ceilent support by his tcam-mates enteen turnes at the platter; Ralph ls t h f tha, c th e who piayed errorless bail bchind T B A L Ames has been batting an even se eaîing ofheeditorial co- him. T B R A L .500, as the High School second- umn. Dic Rchrdstrtd ffthe Where the FuIl Gospel is sacker has poundcd out ten hits Winner of the Amhcrstburg Dick Richard startedf cooffeEcho Shield for best front page fifth innmng with his second dou- proclaimed moea ndhen rothbbrdmpo! a couplee ble in centre field. Then Jimmny ls wnytmswt 9pit.Aa h tts Powers got on wben Dave Os- - SUNDAY SERVICES - at bat; whilc Don Mason has con-ma thr with 9 points. Aar h tts borne fumblcd his pop fly. And 11.00 arn.-Worshp icc fl n eg thsos aea hidwt 9eons GURNE Y HAD IBEEN MRAKINO thestrneto showsefome clerk 7.30 p.m.-unayel1stl fourteen times at bat. Al tes were receivcd froin places asRA ESF R 5Y A S thoe tage owas sove o P ry" 7.00 p.m.-Sunagehooli figures include play-off gaines widcîy separated as Peace River,RA G SF R2 E S fielding and some equally clever - THE SUBJECT - onîy. ** Nova Scotip, Manitoba, New bramn-work. Phaying in close, Os- Brunswick ahd the northern min- 1HEN Canada was rejoicdn at its nely 'nd borne twice forced the runners at * "Calvary As It's Related to Tommy Depew, local product ing district. VVDOrniion statua, GrWY-8 clbrtigaIflh third base; and on the second at- Justification" bas sîgned with the Oshawa Gen- The appearance of new entrants z ed-ietter da)4-thfe twenty-fifth anniversary of the build. tempt he set up a double play as erals for thc coming winter's among the long establîshed and Yn f-tefrs unyrne "Dub"' Piper whipped the bahl - WEEK NIGHTS - hockey prochivities. Wc would bighly organizcd weeklies bears ago h is unyrne down to second in time to nip Wed. 8.00 p.m-Bible Study like to add our nickel's worth in out the purpose of the sponsors What greater strides, however, Gurneee yet tgs Don Mason who had, got on first Fr1. 8.00 p.m. Evangelistlc wishing hîm even greater success of these competitions, that is to y caowte odt ucea eas e res o by virtue of a fiehder's choice. Corne and enjoy these services. than le has already enjoycd in stimulate within this field an ap- iaeaoger, t ucesIBeaseure r TheHighScholers ere n- * the past fcw ycars. preciation of the possibilities of werc careIufy built, thoughtfully deaigndici ay i able to produce the brand of bal ** community papers and to so de- tela ihnwidate odud to grow in, faine that they showed last gaine when _______________ The date of the alh-star gaine partinentalize thein that they wiii and popularit-" thcy rakcd Dave Osborne's pitches agarnat Local 189 bas been defin- be acceptable in an ever widening rr.iGrnyrnesaeusrpse.Whte o for 12 bits. This time thcy only itely decided upon. It wiil take cirche, both for entertaininent andToaGnyraesrenspaed eteyu managed to get bah! that number. L ab or *.&U1'Place Sept. l3tb. Jin Coyîe, man- news value and as community use saelercsycalr 1Dick Rickard was the only phayer &V~ ager of the Local tearn, says that builders, second to none. woo tric ,alor on the teain to get two safeties. bitem ihbetrntndfo The winncr of the best aIl- cir;er sa modr, Outside o! "Porky" Osbornethis encounter. round paper, J. H. Cranston o! theglaigG ne efcy brother Dave was the only man Midland Free Press deserves the 4sie to your individual for Mike's Place to get more than F igh bonor he bas achieved be- edsGunyrgspove one bit. Dave pokcd out two bits Fares DONALD DUCK cause flot onhy is he'an editor ofgrar fieny ecom in f our trips to the plate. Between ail points In Canada Ewid F Re eeien ce, btebas pion- ',j"i nd Convenience tdan you Jimmy Powers workecd for four v to pNosED FOsirdbnlec.prtiel nwMe innings in the box for B.H.S. and Falie Anud One-Quarter WAR EFFORT parture, the tabloid rural wcckiy. me. ' ve toght osle Se allowed only two bits and two FRTERUDTI In Class "B" for the Charles . Gurney firat!1 runs. Dn Maso, the tartinDTRIP Clark Cup, papers over 1000 and pitcher for High Scbool, walked Tcesgo on rmNo rdy o.J .Tosn under 2000, for the best aIl-round -SiY.'LaiSruyuao two stuckou on;Pwcr ick tsug. 29, until 2 pm., on rda Opt o th J.NTonal Film ChaW an paper, Kelowna, B.C. Courier was , faelelGie7 Deaie,. ag,4 - Au. 2ý unil p.., Mnda, spt. . o th NatoBaoardBordsaid first, illwa CbilliwackcndobProgresedirctsecondGW cd four, struck out none; Osborne RETURN LIMIT to leave destination ta UcNainatil oadbarndte rnCokoBC.Cur, three and struck out two. fOtisethn M idniaht, Tuesday, SeuFsdrC.,L,ùd Hig Shoo-Mson pandcf TIES Set. 2, 1911. ecred Uic co-operation o! the third, ahl from British Columbia.Ten. Hig Scoo-Maon p nd f;TI.ESSHOWN ARE "STANDARD" Wait Disney Studios to make The Malcolm MacBcth Memorial Aines, 2b; G. McIlveen, cf and 3b; MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE films for the Governinent of Can- Shield for best editorial page C. MclTlvecn, c; Coville, lb; Sle- AutsoCldrnO8 da.botfisnlc t h eo