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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1941, p. 8

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1.PAGE EIGHT THURSÔAY, AUGUSTr 28,' 1941 THE CANADIAN STAItSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1The NtewstIndependent. Phone Clarke 1114 Mrs. McConnell and daughters, Toronto, visited at C. Rutland's. Miss Ethel '$,djan, Toronto , visited Miss "'Ôdfield and Mr. Tracy Maz e, Mràcej lood, Toronto, was a j~eele,~ guest of Mr. and Mrs. ,Georte Crowther. Rev. Lorne Thomas, L.Th., has been hoiidaying with is mother, MrsW*. Thomas. Mrs.'Ma Stinson is having a house bult on her property at Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Masters Ernest and Rolie Spen- cer spent a week i Oshawa with thoir aunt, Mrs. Arthur Tuson. Miss Margaret Pearco of the Bank of Commerce staff spent part of her vacation i Toronto. Mr. J. T. Brown is doing a lot of'threshing ini this section with the new outfit he bought last year. Miss Helen Wood, Orono, spent a week with Miss Peggy Gates, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Neil's sum- nmer home. Cyril Meadows has comploted his course at the Gait Air Trai- ing School and is now awaiting a cali from the Navy. Miss Margaret Ash is visiting lier aunt, Mrs. Wright, in Toronto, and Miss Joan Duck has also been visiting i the city. Mr. and Mrs. i. S. Britton have gono -a holiday up north to Algon- quin Park; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan have aiso gono north on a vacation trip. BABw Rev. W. P. Rogers, BABw manville, wiil occupy the pulpit of the United Church on SundLay morning, August lst, the last Sunday of Rev. R. E. Morton's vacation. Newcastle ladies besides rela- tives who attended the trousseau Free osHAWA Phono Parking 11 AMR CONDMTONED Friday - Saturda' AUGUST 29 - 30 ROBERT TAYLOR ln "BILLY THE KID" wlth Bria Donievy - Ian Hunier in Technicolor REVIVAL Friday at 11i p.m. "DAYTIME WIFE"' starrig T>rone Power - Lynda Darneil SPECAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Mon. - Tues. - Wed. SEPTEMBER 1 -3 Songe I Dances! Galet>'! i Glorlous Technicolor DON AMtECHE BETTY GRABLE MOON OVER IAMI ivith Robert Cuimmings Charlotte Greenwood Thurs. - Fri - Sat. BEPTEMBER 4 - 6 HFAROLD BELL WEIGHT'S ""THE SHEPHERD 0F THE HILLS"' iColor starring John Wayne - Betty Fild Barry Car.>' tea for Miss Phyllis Clemence last Satumday were Mesdames Nor- man Allun, W. E. Boman, J. C. Hancock and W. H. Pearce. Mr. and Mms. C. H. Epps, Clin- ton, have boom visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Hanna, Cobtt's Point, and M. and Mrs. Kenneth Wemmy, Bowmanvilie, and had tea wîth Mr. and Mms. J. H. Jase on Sun- day.' Messrs. Jos. and John Quigg, empioyed with the DeHavilland Corporation, spent Sunda>' at Newcastie-on-the-Lake. Mr. Jos- eph Quigg bas been transfermed Wo London, Ont., where be wiil be sevicing planes. Accompanying Mms. Haro and Jack to St. Thomas lat Satumday, as gucsts at a eceptian tendemed M. and Mms. Jack Haro, weme Mr. Harold Delime, groamsman at the wedding, Mms. Geo. W. Waiton and Miss Reita Cooke. Mms. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, attended the trousseau tea in4 bonor of the bide-elect, Missi Phyllis Clemence, at Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemenco's on Satumday, August 23md, and visited hermôm-j ther, Mms. Geo. P. Rickamd. Thos. Brereton, deiivemy boy for Britton's Grocemy, Is leavmng ta join the R.C.A.F. Ho wili be - succeeded in the position by Miss Kathleen Toms as delivemy girl. Mm. Bremeton bas also been super- intendent of St. George's Sunday1 School. D. and Mrs. Stanley Uglow, Chicago, have been visiting his bother-in-law and sister, Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Caveth, and an the pmagram of entertainmelit was an enjoyable and successtul trip ta one of the Reeve's favourito fishig aunts.1 Mr. and Mrs. Skelton and f am-; il>', Toronto, have been holiday-i ing in Mrs. R. B. LeGresley's cot- tage, Apple Blossami. Their fri-1 ends, Mm. Marshall of the Acmo Fammers' Dairy, and Mrs. Mar- shall, Toronto, weme weekend guests of M. amd-Mrs. Wm. Nei at thoir summor hôme. Decomation Day will be heid at Bond Head Cemetemy on Sunday, August 3lst, when Port Hope Band will be in attendance and lead in the singing for the me- marial service at 2 p.m. Large quantities of flowers fromi the Horticuitumai Show on August 28 wiil be held over for decomation purpoSes. Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., and Mms. Rickamd attended the C.N.E. on oponing day and had front seats in front of the band shel when H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, officially apened the exhibition. Aftemwamds like thousands of others on the grounds they had the pleasure of soeing hlm at clace ange as ho made a tour on foot,i Company' with Lieut.- Govemnar Matthews, through sev- oral of the buildings. Five cars figured in collisions on the west hiil on Monday, the day of the big ai and down in the village a car ram over a black spaniel said ta boiong ta Mr. Wm. Lockwaod. It subsequently died but was mot killed instanti>' and wbile maimed and n pain it seoni- ed ta implore thoso who gathered round ta do somnething ta mlevo its suffeings. Constable Garod at the time was at the scemo of the accidents uP the bill. The Young People's Union was resp onsible for the service in the United Chumcb last Sundny morn- ing when Mr. James Young, an active Y.P.U. workem, Oshawa, occupiod the pulpit and preached on, The Marks of the Lord Jesus, 's spoken of by St. Paul- Miss Maroaio Lycett, president of the \Tewcastle Y.P.U., assisted in con- ducting the service and Miss Ruth Honoy, B.A., sang a solo, with ac- rompaniment by the organist af the day, Miss Beatrice Bagg. A basket of lovely Pckamdy glads ,tond before the pulpit. a h Miss Phyllis Ciemenco wate guest of honor a a pro-nuptial qhower beld for hem at the home of hem aunt, Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- -d, on Monday ovening, August 25th, wben about twenty-five girl friemds of Shaw's, Newcastle and 'ther communities weme present. Miss Ciemence was hailed with c eAC The Luclcy New Wav t Io . Claur TethSrIgbtOi Suites 40iu1 FREEI Modium sSIz. Colgate's Rlbbon Dýeut&l Creamx with purchase of Giat Site tube 40c. 1lm- KODAK V IGILANT JR. dImmvpouar piced coin- La packd wIlhfeatures lk.Large waist-evel and 'Wl,âCdemfCmrIy engi- 10-point support coaatruc- Miek-n n uflding camera f Pun.Avlable in ewo Ions and objute oembinatofii and ewo o se& af.Vigilant juniors are se oay $1100 ad 8 14.2 5 LdS.20 mode18J6 12.7 5 and $10-25 for te 'ujsert Slx-16 modela, e. ehmn bore eoday. BABY NEEDS Dextri Maltes. - - - 60e L.B.T. Talcues 25e - se Hein. soupe - - 3 for Z5ç Puretest C.L.O. 75e - 1.25 Pablum-- ----- 45e the singing of, Sbe's a Jolly Good Fellow, and thon showemed with jitchonware. Miss Marion Rick- mmd comçlucted a questionair«anid other contesta ta make thé even- ing pass with' profit and enjoy- mont. Refeshments of sand- wiches, biscuits, cake and coffee were semved. Miss Annabelle Hendry, wbo is to be mamied on September 6tb, was given a miscellaneous shower by the yaung people o! Newcastle at the home o! Mms. Wm. Brunt on Thusday evening, August 21. Among those present were memi- bers of Mr. Gea. Cowther's fist softbmli teami of wbicb Miss Amna- belle was catcher and Mrs. Brunt, then Miss Ruby Shaw, was pitch- or, and aiso n number of bis pro- sent toam. Fom out of the cam- munity wore Mms. Jas. Tamblyn, Orono, Mrs. Kenncth Wommy, Bow- nianville, and Miss Doratby Quan- trill, Cobourg. Refresbments weme served and n pleasant social per- lad enjoyed. MR. J. H. JOSE IS SUCCESSFUL EXHIIBIITOR 0F GLADS AT TORONTO The Canadian Gla44lus Show was held in the Horticultural Building, C.N.E., Toronto, on 'Fi- day and Saturda>', August 22 and 23, when Mr. J. H. Jase was again amang the successful exhibitors, gtting a total o! ton prizes, firsts, seconds and thirds, on baskets, a vase and specimen oxhîbits. Among bis first prizos was one on a vase of four vaieties, one on a basket o! ail red and white glads, and anc on spocimens of the Charles Dickens valiet>' <puple). Mrs. Jase accompanied hem bus- band ta Toronto on Thursday night and heiped ta sot up the exhibits, ahl which hnd ta be in place by 9 a.m. Frida>'. Mr. Jase also officiated as one of the judges o! the show in classes where bis own oxhibits wemo mot concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Jase aiso had the ploasume of seing the Duke of Kent when ho o!fficiaily opened the exhibition. Haydon Visitars: Mrs. Gardon Robert- son and Doeon, Mms. Clarence Dompsoy and Marilyn have e- turned ta Toronto after holiday- ing at Mr. T. Cowlig's... Mr.anmd Mmc. Walter Bridgett mmd famil>' attended the Ex. an Snturday.. Mmc. E. Bradley', Mrs. Fred Ash- ton and Mariene, at Mr. A. Mon- gan's, Oshawa. . . Miss Margaret Sellers, Toronto, at Mm. E. Bad- ley's. . . Mr. and Mms. Rocs Rich- ards and Maurice at Mm. A. Lar- mem's, Buketan. .. Mm. and Mms. Arthur Rend and Cinyton, Mm. and Mms. Bort Ashton attended the Fleming Reunian at Stiling on Wednesdny. . . Mm. and Mms. Bert Ford, Buffalo, Mmc. E. Mc- Gowmm, Miss Mildred Fard, To- onta, M. and Mms. Stan Moffatt and Miss Betty, Miss Lamna Houso, Burketan, Miss Gmace Tmewîm, To- onta, M. John Avery and Clar- once, Enfieid, Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd. Bradley, Brooklin, Mms. Lloyd1 Avcry and Jini, Lindsay, at Mm. C. Avery's... Mmc. Charles Tamblyn, Mm. Fred Brimacombe, Oromo, Mr. and Mmc. J. Aikenbead, Mm. and Mrc. J. O'Neill, Toronto, at M. Lloyd Asbton's. . . M. and Mmc. Luther Goodman, Darothy Skin- nom, Tyrano, at Mm. Cocil Siemon's. . . Mr. Llayd Ashton with bis mia- ther, at W. Browmiee's, Leaside. ..M. and Mmc. C. Aven>' at Mm. John Avemy's, Enfieid. . . Miss Vemna Tewin, Oshawa, with hem parents.. . M. Roand Thomipsan witb fiends in Toronto. . . Mm. and Mmc. Roy Thompson and Gar- y, Leskard, Mm. Enni Thompsan, Miss Veda Purdy, Bowmanviiie, at Mm. W. Thompson's. .. Mm. and Mmc. Wm. Trewin, Miss Vemna Trewin viited Miss Anme Trewim, Hamilton. The Rninbow Girls' Cinss held their annual picnic at Cremm of Barle>' on Saturda>'. Mm. and Mmc. Wm. Trewin and PRE VENT EYE'STRAIN GIVE YOUR CHILD A CHANCE TO SUCCESS! Mfentîmes, a. chiid's ne- tarded record i shool la traceable te, undue trai on eyes as a result ot coucentrated a t u d Y. Sometimes there la no evldence of e>'estrai. Parents, pla>' sale! A.20 minute checkup cam as- sure you ot your child'u e>eslght. FOUNTAIN PENS mec - $10.0 B>' arrangement witm the manufacturer, we wHI ai- low you Haif Price on your old Waterman Peu, when purchaaig a new une. BIRTHS COLMER-In Bowmanvillé. M-os- pital on August 2lst, '1941 to Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. èoî- mer (nee Gladys Thompson, Oshawa), the gift of a daughter, Donalda Edythe. 35-1* EAGLESON - In Bowmanville Hospital, Sunday, August 17th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Les. Eagleson, Oshawa, (nee Helen Osborne), the gift of a son, Wil- liam Edward. 35-1 MARRIAGE HOCKLEY-HUMPHRIES - On August 27th, 1941, at Christ Church Cathodral, 'jictoria, B. C., Gladys Mona, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr.,'G. C. Humphrios, to Sgt. Douglas Hockley, 5th Provost Coy. Camp Borden, eldost son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hockloy, Liberty St., Bowmanville. 35-1* DEATIIS FISHER-In Hamrilton, on August 22, 1941, John Fisher of Grims- by and Toronto, beioved hus- band of Mary McDiarmid. In- terment Mount Pleasant Cerne- tery, Toronto. 35-1* ROWE-In Bowmanville, on Au- gust 24, 1941, Charles R. Rowe, aged 52 years. IN MEMORIAM« BAILEY - In loving memory of Howard E. Bailey who passed away August 28th, 1940. 'Tis sweet te know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved se well Has just gone on before. -Lovingly remnembored by Mother and Father. Auction Sale Auction sale of farma stock- springers, stockers, aows, bilîs, etc., the property of F. J. Clemnens, Lot 27i;-onmession 3, East Whltby Townsh.ip, on, Wodnesday, Sep- tomber 3rd. Sale at 1 o'ciock. Terms cash. See bis. 35-1* Livestock For Sale- FOR SALF-12 PIGS, 7 WEEKS old. Apply Harold Evans, R. R. 3, Bowmanvilie. 35-.1* FOR SALE-ONE MARE,'COLT, Jersey cows, young Jersey bull. Simon Harabulya, hall a mile north-east of Courtice. 35-l* FOR SALE - 12 YORKSIMIE pigs, 6 weeks old; also car edàb- tor. Apply Nelson Robbid#i, Hampton, phone 2349. 351* family attended the reception giv- on at Mr. Sidney Trewin's Satur- day evenmng in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin. Several were in attendance on Sunday afternoon to hear a very. ýexcellent sermon given by Rev. A. F. Gardner on, 1Total Chris- tianity." Church service is with- drawn next Sunday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewinon their marriage. .Congr#tulatioffs to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephenson on the arrivai of a fine baby girl. As a nMember of Lowney's Young Canada Club which is con- ducted by Red Foster, young Maurice Rich'ards received an in- vitation to be a guest of the Ex. on Children's Day. Maurice received a certificato from the Young Can- ada Club last April as an award of bravery for an outstanding act. It was through hlm that the resi- dents of Victor Manor were awak- ened the night of the fire. Mrs. Cecil Crossman was hos- tess for a miscelianeous shower in honor of Miss Eleanor Shepherd, R.N., Toronto. The rooms were prettily decorated in pink and. white .and wîth a large umbrella under which the bride-to-be waa seated. A dainty lunch was serv- ed to about twenty, guests. The excessive main ini the past week has delayed the f armera who have not finished harvesting. On Friday we had a bad storra, but a few miles south did not get even any rain The ramn camne down in torrents accompanied by a strong wind and inter by bail, the size of marbies, that literally covered the ground. Carnival Procoeds Are Over $2000 Rotary Hear. Net proceeds fromn the recent Rotary Fair wili be well over Notices Dm. W. H. Birks' office wiil mW cloaed from August ltb ta Sep-, tomber 3rd inclusive. 31-5 Dr. H. B. Rumd.Ie's office will bo losed froni August 27tb ta Septembor th inclusive. 34-2 Whoever phoned Oshawa 723- w12 in reply Wo advt. by Mr. Knis- ter, re pasturing sheep, please phone again. 35-1* In compliance with the request of the Red Cross the Newcastle branch will undertake an Aluni- nuni Salvage Campaign-the pur- pose being to collect ail worn or waste aluminum ta be used for war purposes. Please hunt up any ,alumium w*hich can be spared, and have it ready for the coliec- tors who will cali upon ail house- holders, Sept. 5th and 6th. Alumi- num is urgently needed now for our war effort. Do your bit by contributing some piece or pieces of aluminum. . 35-1 For Sale or Rent FARM FOR SALE O09 RENT - 150 acres, 70 workable, rest pas- ture, in Mariposa Township, Concession B, Lot W3/20, 10 miles south west of Lindsay, good buildings, hydro available. Apply Mrs. Hancock, Oshawa R. R. 2, phone 1827-Jil. 35-2* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-128 CHEV. COACH, four cylinder, in good condition. Phone Bowmanvilie 2173 be- tween 7 and 9 p.m. standard tume. .35-1* FOR SALE -KARN PIANO ýcase organ, in good condition. Perennials, Iris, Bleeding Heart, Shasta Daisy, Delphiniums, Lii- ies, Oriental Poppy, Bocconia, Spirea. Prices reasonable. Mar- jorie Oke, R. R. 4, Bowmanville.' Phone 1r13 Orono. 35-1* FOR SALE-4BOUT 10 ACRES of red ciov , r 'for hay ôr seed. Mrs. E. Strutt, Tyrone, phone 2504. 35-1 FOR SALE - CASE TRACTOR and Cockahutt 2 furrow tractor plow and two furrow horse, drawn disk plow; 8" Maple Leaf grain grider; also 3 gooci work horses. W. S. Staples, phone 781. 35-1* FOR SALE-CRAB APPLES FOR sale. Phone 2649. 35-1 FOR SALE - Mc AIRY ELECr- tric Rangette, new. Will sacri- fice for quick sale. Apply Wal- ter W. Blackburn-&R R. 6, Bow- manville, phone 2577. 35-1 FOiR SALE - 2000 LB. TRUCK Scale, good as now. Appiy Ethen E. Jones, Clarke R. R. 1. 35-1* FOR SALE - LINOLEUM A] Congoleum rugs. Select yeours -fromn over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to View these at BRADLEY'S New Fur- niture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf OSHjAWA,' NEW FURNITURE Store - Eve*yh 'IrùgcdOn, chesterfield; ibel qmi dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality mercifandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradiey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 19-tf RECONDITIONE]) TIRES--SAVE up to 50 % on tires and tubes, including new Goodyears, Do- minion Tires. Full stock in al sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamnie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver St. 14-tf Real Estate For Sale HJOUSE FOR SALE - BUNGA- low, frame, 6 rooms and sum- mer kitchen, 3-piece bath, fur- nace and separate hot water heater. Good gardon, fruit trees, etc. Apply H. Everist Smith, Queen St. (north side), Bow- manville. FARM FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN Estate - Lot 13, Concession 7, Darllngton, 9 Iroomed house, bank barn 80' x 30', 100 acres land (70 workable and 30 pas- ture and bush), runnig water, hydro availabie. Haydon school on corner of property. Appiy Alymer Beech, R. R. 2, Burke- ton, phono Bowmanviiie 2292. 34-2* FOR SALE -- sOLmI BRICK house on Contre St., Bowman-- ville, modemn convenlences; wll be sold cheap to close up an estate. Appiy A. E. Beliman,, King St. Wost. il tf Notice To Credîtors ALL PERSONS having any dlaim agaist tho Estate of the late John H. H. Jury who diod on 1941, at the kown f oTa- Music Teachers VERA M1t111.LFERGUSON, Teacher of Piano and Theor>' Pupils prepared for mil Conserva- tory examinations. Speciai kinder- garten course for cbildmen four to six yeams. Studio openimg Sept. 2nd. Phono 606. 34-2 RETA VOLE DUDLEY, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., F.C.CM Singing, Sigbt-Singing Piano - Organ - Theory Studio, King Street Phono 757 35-2 DOROTHY D. EDGER A.T.C.M., Bowmanville Teachon o! Piano and Theor>' Wiii open classeg for the f ail term on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. Pupils will receive personal and imdividual instruction and, if the>' wish, wil be preparod for examinations, practical and theorotical, up ta and including the A.T.C.M. diplo- mn. Improved and modemn meth- ods for teacbing young beginnors. Phono 403 for details o! courses and arrangements. 35-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. August Fumiture Sale Wise choppons wouid do weil ta avail theniselves of aur low priced specials. Ver>' large selection from aur two stores. Wilsom's values lead the market. Inner Spig Mattressos $9.95-Spring fiiiod mattresses in heavy stiped tickimg, roll edge, handies and ventilators. Ail sizes. Wonderful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spring M i1ie d s tu di o couches. Good lookimg. Well tail- omed. These will pleaso you and cave you money. Ovon fifty ta choase froni. $l.49-New borderless rugs, 6 ft. by 9 ft. You wiil find at Wiison's everything i floor coverigs. Personal. attention toalal your floor covering problems. Iniaids, congoleums, feitois, heavy lino- leum. Ail wîdths. Wi]son's pricos are iowem. New Chesterfield Suites $69.50-Speciaily priced for aur sale. Modern spig filled ches- terfieid suites. Smart c a r v e d show wood. Excellent combina- tion of coveigs. We have many beautiful chesterfieid suites for you to choose from. Newest styles. Grandest coverigs. Our low prices will please you. Bedroom Suites $59.95-Thrilling new smart waterfail design. This la an out- standing buy. SeeOour large selec- tion of beautiful bedroom suites you will be proud Wo own. Wil- son's iower overhead means iower prîces ta you. Cea Gift Suggestions Cdrchests, book cases, lamps, fancy cushions, end tables, che- nille bedspreads, smokers, coffee tables, occasional chairs, dol pranis. Hundreds of other gifta at Wiison's lower prices., Wllson's Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Church St. OSHAWA . 33-4 Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B. Barristor, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Mono>' ta Loan . Phono 791 Bowmanviloe, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - 'Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law i ail Its branches office lmniediately east of Raya] Theatre Phono. Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinon Gadunte of Royal Dental Col- loge, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. office bours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dail>', oxcept Sunda>' Phono 790 - House phono 88? X-Ray Equlpment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, amy boum, amy day -F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipniont, Ai- bulance and Imvalid Car. Tele- phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinary R. B. MURRLAT, V.S.; B.V.Se. Veterinarian Churoh St. - Bowmguville Phone 843 29 tf Au<tloneer zLMER WILBUR Licensed Auctioneer Hfainptmn . Ontario Speclilzig i Fanm, Liveatock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for T errm and Date ta: Bowmanville 2428 The mon who succoed beat in public life are those who take the risk of standing by their own convctons.-James A. Garfield. FA ----- tif READForSERent . 1 - R ALEXANDRA PARK, OSHAWA II3 BIG DAYS & Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday SEPT. 0M90m10 Ce - -i Canada's Leading Ci*oùnty Exhibition $2j5OO IN PRIZES Thrilling Triais of Speed Bicycle, Greyhound, Pony, and Fit- Running florse Races 3 DANDS - -MIDWAY Grandstand Vaudeville GATEéS OPEN DAILY 9. A.M. D.S.T. ,*f - Je Je MASON & SON S INSLJRANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville Iii VICTORY YEAR South Ontario Agricultural Society NOTE - To Parents of Sehool Childnen. Thie la the tmie of year to check up on th. child's sight. Consut J,. I. Stutt. j URY ULOVELL BOWMANVULE - C.N.R. TICKETS - PHONE 778 Mhen we test your e>'.' it la doue propeni>' Auto nsurainC( wl provide lJOU with leg~ ý 1 - Wanted to Rent SWANTED TO RENT - HOUSE or apatment. W. E. Riddoils, write Box 176, Statesman Office. 35-1* WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Used drap bond Singer sewing machine. In repiying definiteiy state age of machine and prico wanted. Appi>' Box 178, States- mam Office, Bawmanviilo.351 Kelp Wanted WANTED -GIRL FOR GENER- ai housework, amali famul>', separate room and bath. Apply Wo Mrs. L. A. Smith, 128 Hilas- dale Avenue West, Toronto. .35-1- HELP WANTED-THREE WAIT- rosses for dining rooni et On- tario Ladies' Collège, Wbitby. Piense appiy at the College be- tweem 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. D.S.T. Uel 35-1 WANTED -J RIGHT YOUNG man for office womk. Muet be good at matheniatica. One mot oligible for militar>'srvce Appiy Box 177, cia Statesman Office. GIRL WAN9TED -FOR GENER- ai -bousewomk, ta begin about Sept. 151. App>' b>' letter or phono 721, Mrs. J. E. Griffith, Trinit>' Parsonage. 35-1 WANTED - CAPABLE G IR L for genomni bousewomk. Appi>' Mmc. Chas. Cattman, phono 505. à , 35-1 ' TO RENT-5 RO DHOUS* large shed, garageEandgarde*. $15.00 per month. Occupancbabout Sept. lst. Tom Lymer, phone 379. 35-1* Wanted WANTED - HOME FOR HIGH School boy, in exchange for services. Mrs. A. Murray, R. R. 1, Enniskillen, Ont. 35-3* POSITION WANTED - EXPERI- enced housekeeper wishes posi- tion in good home. Best refer- ences. Apply Box 175, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 35-1 WANiTED - APARTMENT OR small house, with ail conyen- iences. Apply Box No. 174, clo Statesman Office. 85-f DrugleaPractitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitionqg Liberty Street - BowmanvlO Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 27-5 Dentlst DR. R. O. DICKSON tOffice heours in Orono: Monda>' to Frida>' (inclusive) ftom 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Evenings b>' appoint- pointment. Office hours la Newcastle. Ever>' Saturda>' from 9 a.m. to 9 P.m. For appottueat Telephone Orono 1Brl. 28-4* ý-- 1 0

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