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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1941, p. 4

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTMUO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1942 IThe Nfewc.astle Indepeudent Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. George Grahamn is home from Sudbury. Pte. Gcrald 4lWa4ng was home froin Petawawa. Mis. Armstrong, Brighton, visit- ed hcr u~~r. Percy Hare. uInr. lrtJarvis of'the R.C.A., Petàwawa; visited Newcastle tri- ends. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemenice, Ophaws, visited IW, and Mirs. H. @WMAN VILLE Mhurs. - Fri. - Sat. 13EPTMIR 4 nhe Aldrieh Family (of Radio Faine) Brought to the acreen in dLIFE WUTH HENRY' ON THEM aE L BTrAGECOACH WAR staring William Boyd lu thc role of "Hop-Along Uaauldype Mon. - Tues.- Wed. SEPTEUMBZR8- 9 - 10 ""LOV£ cRAZY"Y starrig Willam Powell - Myrna Loy NEws AND SHORTS AS 0000 AS NEW!* That's the way your child's shoeu wll be after they have becu recondltlonod at Lenz'. Clet them off to a good start wltli turdy achool uhoes. Sehooltime is Uic lime Yeu wiMt your ehlld looklng hlm beut. Prices are low. Expert craftamanship. FARMERS! Hfaream promptly repaired. We have Uic equlpinent to serve târm' needs. 8h... Ma"de .Orde.' More and more people are flulln complote foo.t oomfot ln Lens' mae-to-order ahoos. Inquire. The cosl lu much loua la you pay for upeclily flttldfootwear. JOHN LENZ Kilng St. at Silver Mr. Tracy Manes was hon from his teachig position et S Ca;tharines. Miss Maijorie Lycett has take e position et Pickering at Uic nei industriel plant. Mr. and Mis. -Henry Dicksoi Toronto, were guests of Couni laund Mis. Chuis Law. Mr.nd Mis. Allan' Hawarc Toronto, have been holidayin with Mis. J. Scott Howard. Mis. Harold Toms returned 0: Friday froni heu visit with Mis Frances Toms, St. Lambert, Que. Dick Anderson, now a membe of Uic R.C.A.F. and in traininga Jarvis, was home for Uic weckené Douglas Langman has joino Uic R.C.A.F. und is in training a an aircraftman at Manning Paool Toronto. MS Muriel Pcdwcll assisted ii Langman's Gencral Store whi] Miss Phyllis Lengmen was o1 vacation.1 Rcv. and Mis. Russell Gordai, 4ondon, have been holideyig a Dr. W Wltgn-Ball's cottegE Hanrs Lodge. Mis. J. S. H. Joncs and Mi. Ont Mis. Roy Joncs, Tarante, visitet Mesdames W. j. lHoçkin ,and E< Powell and Mn. A. O. Parker. Mr, and MIs. H. E. Hancac] ueceived e visit frarri Mu.nd Mi:c Wade, Milweukee, Wis., and he sister, Mis. Cemeron, Golden Va: bey. Rcv. and Mis. W. P. Rager Bowmnanvillc, dined with Mi. ni Mis. W. E. Beman Sunday anc aIsa ceiled an Mr. and Mis. Porc, Haro. Mu. H. J. Toms hua taken position et the new industria plant, Pickering, in the offices c the United Kingdom Technica Mission. Mr.nd Mis. James Wrighl foumcrly of Capper Cliff, aie nov résidents of Newcastle and ar, accupying e partof his fethcu' hause on the hill.. Mis. W. J. Hockin receivet word that her son, Pte- Jas. Hoc kmn of Uic Midlend Régiment, sta tioned et St. Joh!, N.B., hed un dergone an opération fou eppendi citis. Mi. Basia Pickford, Brightaxn after js4dging the floweu show o1 Thursday and delivering an ad dresa hinfthc evening, went on tA Toronto -te visit Rev. F. il. an( Mus. Mason. Atlas Wiecking end Selvegi Company, Toronto, have beci cleaning up the lendscapo aroun( Uic C.N.R. station, Newcastle, bý uemaving e portion af Uic 80 yea: old, obsolete buildings. Misses Betty and Marie Auli returncd fram their week's vis: et Mi. Herbert PoobeY ,S, Torantc eccompanicd by* Miss Lillan Pool ey who essisted Uic Junior Chai ôf the -United Church Sunde, mouning. Several Newcastle ladies ai tended a trousseau tee givon b: Mis. Jno. Hondry, Lake ShorE Friday, for hou eider daughto: Miss Aninaboile Hendry, who i ta became Uic bride of Mu. Gaine Rickaid, Shew's, Sept. 6th. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bowmer ,ville, occupiod Uic pulpit Of th' UJnited Church on Sunday morn ing and preeched an, The Dca af Heavon. Miss Beetrice Bragi pîesided et the orgnnd th, junior Choir sang two anthoms. St. George's ChurcDi has put ul e new notice board et Uic naît] of the main entrance poitico. 1 ennoundes Holy Communion oi Uic first and thurd Sundays a 8 a.m. and il a.m., Matins on th, Second, fourth and luth SUndaY and Evensong ut 7 p.m. Mr.and Mis. Kenneth Pearce Midand, were weekend guests 0 Mr. nd Mis. H. R. Peerce. Mr Kenneth Pearce met Mr.nd Mi, H. C. Bonathan in Midland whl wcre intending ta cal an a forme, Newcastle couple, Mr.and Mii George Lumsden, ut Elmvale. Miss Annabeile Hendry, bride The Crop 1s In... Frutas md vogetibles are at their boul now sud prlcou are 10w. *Save money. Preserve NOW for wlnter noodu. Prices vary dally. W. wi be pleau.d to anuwer dally querleu about prlec fluctutlona. I - PUCKLING SUPPLU!ÇS Jaru, Vaeu-top BoUles, Rings, Rubberu, SplcouCertô Everythlng thi Housowlfe Needa ERNIE LUNN Phone 596 for Quiek Dellvory The Store wnil remaln open Saturdaya until Il o'clock D.S.T. ME CAN LAU OH AT DISASTER Flichus uualy bit Me We«yrttha&. But Uic mm muoalaughat di- aster Who lu adequa*ely ine& Be ptoted- the. safe Wm. lejuMINU&o 3t. n at d. >d as in le )n n, 't Ld elect, was Uic recipient of a pan- try sheif shower at Uic home of Mis. W. J. Clemence, Shaw's, on Monday alternoon when besides cutlery and useful utensils she receivcd a nicc variety of food- stuffs wiUi which ta set a table for two. 'The hostess, Mis. CIe- mence, was assisted in serving lunch by her daughters, Mrs. John Hohuies, Lake Shore;,anid Misses Mary, Isabel and Mabel Clemence. Arnong Uic many visitars at Uic flower show weue Mu.anid Mis. Ernst Vicikoter and daughter, To- ronto, staying at Mis. Milton Long's cottage, Oyapeila; Mr. anid Mrs. Bait Jackson, Toronto, wha were holidaying at their sunimer cotag; i.Wilcox, Hampton, an enthglaticgladiolus fa n c i c r; Mesdames I. R. Bragg and J. F. Heyland, Providence; anid Rev. H. W. Foie». and Dr. E. W. Sisson, Bowmanviile, two of Uiat town's leading amateur harticulturists. Salem girls whacked ouat a lb ta 8 vlctorly over Newcastle in the first game of Uic final playoifs at the local park August 27Ui. For Uic first four innings for either side it was almost perfect bail, neither team scaring a run. Then Uic Salemite heavy hitters began lambasting Uic bail ta Uie far stretches of the park and gave Uic Newcastle girls Uieir worst beating of thc scason, since on Uic few occasions Uiey lost during Uic regular schedule it was by anc in marima. d. DECORATION DAY AT k BOND HEAD er Decoration Day wins obseuved et Bond Head Ccmctcry lest Sun- day dospite intermittent, heevy ~downpours of iein. There were Ld nat meny people ta be seen, but Ld e largo numbeu af graves and 'Y plats were decarated, nat anly by relatives of the deed but by Uic a Village Council headed by Reeve al C. R. CarveUi. Most of Uic exhibi- 3ftous et the Hoticultural Flower al Show left their eut floweus et Uic hal and Careteker Jna. Garuod Lt looked after Uiem until Sundey W when Uiey weue taken ta Uic ce comoteuy, about foui bushels of "them, anid widely distributed. Cauncillor C. Law also buought .d e nice lot af gladialus kindly 2donated by Mi. Gea. N. Bull. Rov. '~D. R. Dcwdncy, betwecn twa showers, conducted e mcmouial servicie. Among those present wore Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., and ri isJean Rîckeîd of Oekvillo; ,Reeve C. R. Carvoth; Mr. C. S. 1Haruocks of the Cemetery Board; OMus. Dowdney; Rev. Russell Gai- ddon of Hamilton Roed Presbyter- Fian Church, London, anid Mus. , Gardon; Mi.anid Mis. Kenneth ýn Peaice, Midlend, besides local Ld residents. ýy ir RECEPTION TO MES. in J. H. RARE Lt - (St. Thomas Tmes-Journal) SHonoring heu niece, Mis. J. H. Ly Haro (nec- Miss Frances Mauy t-Munro), on heu marriage ta Jack )Hawkins Haro, Mis. William G. ~' Lyle of St. Thoas gave e do- ýr, lightful recoption et heu homo is Seturday evening. Mis. Haro, etArt' s student of Queon's Univer- sity, Kingston, is a deughter af Dr. and Mis. Neil Afchibald Mun- iro of Cleveland, Ohio, formerly l-0f St. Thomas, anid a grenddaugh- eter of Uic lete Mr.anid Mis. David 19H. Gzooding of Talbot Roed West, ge anid Mr. Haie, a medicel student of a Queen's University, is a son af *p Mr.anid Mis. Percival F. Hareofa th Newcastle, Ont. It Rocciving with Mis. Lyle, who )n woîce qua chiffon, was her ic t in white jersey anid lace with cor- ce sage of pink roses, Mis. Munro in ys dusky pink chiffon, end Mis. Haie in quccn's blue chiffon. Miss Jane e, lgunro, B.A.,B.LSc., sister of the f bride, gowned in pik orgaanza, r. and Miss Buryl Munro, R.N., cou- s. sin af Uic bride, i blue organze, Lo invited Uic guests ta Uic tee room e which was lovely with pik anid s.white rases, cosmos, nid tell white candles. Mis. Wmi. Munro, Mus. Frances Parish, Mis. Laine Mun- ro, Miss Margaret Lyle anid Mis. Stanley Lyle piesidcd aveu the tee table. Assisting in Uic serving were Uic Misses Ann anid BeUi Tufford, Isabel Futcher anid Mary Lyle. Guests were present frarn Guit, Newcastle. Chicago, Cleve- land anid Oshawa. Haydon- Several fram houe attended thc Haivest Home ut Tyrono We are sory te lame Mis. Elgin Mountjoy anidFay fîom aur com- munity, havig moved ta Bow- manville. Our achool opened Tuesday mornlng wth Miss Jean Houston as teacher anid ten pupils on Uic roll, the sialleu numbor ever remezibered here. Mr.anid Mia. Leslie Graham anid famlly, Mr. Chas. Garrard anid Alfred, Mus. T. Cowling anid r Vivieniattended Uic Ex. Mis. Henry Weiry attended Uic funcual af Mis. Sherwin, Ornn. L Mi. Walter Blackburn ha again taken up his duties as teacher et Janetville. Visitais: Mia. Wesley Thamp- son in Taranteanid accompanied Miss Laina Thompson an a trip ta Niagara Pa... Mr. Les. Gai- raid, Tarante, ut Mr. C. Gariard's. ..Mr.anid Mis. Louis Ashton nid Mary Lau, Tarante, ut Mr. Fred Ashton's... Mr. and Mis. C. Av- ery et Mr. Geo. Avery's, Little Britei. . .. Mis. Paon Cameron, Bowmanville, uet Mr. T. IMain joy's. . . Miss Stella Blackburn, Newcastle, Miss Bessie Blackburn,' Ottawa, Mis. Walter Faîey, Maple Grave, ut Mr. M. Blackburn'a.. Mi. and Mis. Gardon Werry anid son, Mimico, et Mr. Lloyd Ash- tan's; Mus. Henry Werry anid Ron- ald Ashton coming home with them. . . Mr. R. Sendeuson, Mis. Philp and Miss Laura Philp et Mu. Wm. Stebe's, Nestîctan... Mr. Bruce Gernard et Mr. H. Gay's, Oshawa. . . Mr.anid Mis. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, Miss Enniskien Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. 018e, Mr. and Mrs. F. Olde and Miss Vivian Olde, St. Thomasat J. A. Werry's. .. Mr. and Mr. Giil and Donald, Toronto, wtth Mrp. J. McGill. .. Mr. ancý Mra. M. Hall, Orillia, Mis. R. HaliMis. L. Smith, Whltby at Mr. Wesley Oke's... Mr. and %&ir. J. A. Wer- ry with frlends in Oshawa. .. Mis. Wesley Oke with her sister,'- Mrs. Gourlie, Toronto. . . fr. Walter Smith and Mrs. Otkens, Bge- north, Mr. and Mrs. A. B ech, Blanche and Lloyd, Union, *itli Mis. Ella Smith. .. Mr. J. Griffu, Weston, Miss *Vera Kerslake, Hampton, at Mis. W. Rahm'u.. Miss Verna McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. Tra'Vel, Beth and Bruce, Oshawa, at Mr. O. Ashton's. Sympathy is extenided ta Mr. Howard Stevens in the passing of hig brother Uarold ShqXwood Ste- yens in Mayerthorpe, Alta. On Tuesday morning the pupils of the senior room of aur school wcre scen wending their way back ta start on a clean sheet for another short year. We are sorry ta hear of the seriaus illneas of Mis. Sanders, the junior rocin tcacher's mother. On this account the juniar raom will nat open un- tii a later date. Coutie Sunday School will be held Sept.. 7th in the schaol house. Leachcrs of S. S. No. 8 are Miss Florence Bennett ini thc junior raom and Mr. Jas. Hancack, prin- cipal, who has been teaching at. B.T.S. at Bowmanviilc. Miss Gladys Reynolds has re- turncd ta her last year' position as teacher at Wcstmount school. Mis. Sidney Barrabal has re- turned ta her home from thc Bowmanville haspital. Oui sym- pathy is extended ta Mr. and Mis. Barraball on thc losa of their babe whose birth was premature by several months. Ed. Pidduck has won many rib- bans at thc C.N.E. with twa of his purebred English buildoga. The women finished their six- teenth quilt for thc Red Cross Society last wcek at Mrs. Mac- Lean's. Thursday next another wili be started at Mis. George Lowe's.0 Vîsitors at Uic Exhibition i- clude: Mr. and Mis. Ansan Phair, Misses Dorcen and Audrey Phair, Mis. S. Paternoster, Mi. and Mis. Joseph Gearing and Billy, Allan Trevail, Gardon, Balsan, Talbert Gearing, Misses Gladys Reynolds and Valeria Romhanyi, Mi. and Mis. Hugh Short, Mis. M. Adamns, Mr. Lloyd Courtice. Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Gardon Barrabail and babe, Peterboro, with their familles here and at Mi. Russell Gimblett's, Maple Grave. . . Mr. Fred von-Gunten, Geraldton, North Bay, with his sisters and brothers. . . Mi. and Mis. Earl Gatcheil and babe in Toronto. .. Mi. and Mis. Harold Scorgie and daughters at Rice Lake... Mr. and Mis. Joshua Gay and f amily, Detroit, with Mis. Robt. Adams... Mi. and Mis. C. F. Tarey and grandchildren, Mis- ses Marjoanc and Dorothy Tarey,' of Myrtie, Miss 1. Sleep, Oshawa, at Mi. James Tooly's... Aircraft- men Raymond and Thomas Bar- ber with their parents.. . Mi. and Mis. Bert Schmefling, Mi. and Mrs. James Douglas and Sandra Douglas, Stratford, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Matthcws, Toronto, at Mi. Geo. Johnson's. Local improvements include: New houses under construction by Mi. Shipman, Frank Balson, Curtis Gearing, Von Gunten Bro- thers, John Hanewich, clapboard- ing Howard Taylor's house, ver- andahs at Harry Baldwin's and Ian McKay's houses, a garage by A. Hoy, and coats of paint on numerous hauses. Mi.anid Mus. ?arl Gatcheil are maving into their new hotise this week. Maple Grove Miss Madeline Meficalf, Base Line, is visiting in Muskoka and Toronto. School opened on Tuesday with Mr. Wm. Lycett and Miss Douathy McMaster in charge. Misses Susie Laird, Nellie Snowden and Thelina Freeman1 have gone ta their schools. Mi. Lawrence Wragg, Oshawa,1 has apcned up Base Lane school again this year.1 Congratulations ta Mi. Ralphi Ormiston and Miss Doris Wilkins an their marriage.3 Sonry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. Ferg.1 "Aw I don't want a bite of your o18 apple. Nom boutht a swell applo pie at Carter'. for my dessert toulght.'l Deluxe Dinners Bine where the preparation and uervlug of fine food Io an art. Thic Beut Coffee lu Town. TheCarter Family Bakeru For Two Gonerations Phono 855 Bowmanvllbe Abernethynd familyfroan oui Peterur .yiWho havemoved to We welcome Mr. and Mis. Wm. <Jeké) Laird nd song, Courtiçe, ta aur comniunity. They have bought Uic hause formerly owned by Mi. Ferg. Aberncthy. Howard Ormiston, R.C.A.F., Ot- tawa, spent thc wcekend at home nd attcnded his brothcr's wed- ding. The final .church school service was held on Sunday. Mi. Nor- man, Down, Ebenezer, gave ar splendid report on Uic Tempe?-' ance convention held in London in March. Rev. W. C. Smith, pas- ter, will be with us next Sunday. Mr. Davey, Toranto, wiil be guest speaker in intcrests of Temper- ence Fédération., Sunday School at 2 p.m. (D.S.T.). Misses Helen, Mary and Donna Snowden, Toronto, have rcturned home ta Toranto. Miss Edna nd Mi. Clifford SwaUaow were. guests et Uic Grif- fiths-Phipps wedding in Faiilawn Church, Toronto, August 27Ui. Miss Joun iller, Tgrontop visit- cd M1rs. L. C. Snowden. Mi. and Mia. P. Swallow visit- cd Dr. and Mis. Gardon Brown, Toronto, who have reccntly re- turned from China. Mr.nd Mis. Sanmuel Snowden, Miss Mamaon Snowden, Oshawa, Mis. John Sandeis, town, Mi. Thos. Snowden, werc guests with Mr. and Mis. W. J. Snowden. Hampton W. M. S. met at Mis. A. Allixj's on Tuesday with President Mis. H. Salter in charge. Mis. W. W.~ Horn as4ed thc ladies ta her home for Sept. meeting. Piagram was in charge of Mis. H. Peteis. Bible lesson was taken by Mis. Rack- ham. Miss Audiey Nouthcutt, Bowmanviile, favored with a vo- cal solo. The topîc "What Aie Oui Ideals for Uic Canealan Home" was taken by Mis. H. Saiter- and Mis. W. W. Horn. Miss Madlyn Wilcox favored with a piano solo. Mis. Cale gave a tempérance reeding, "Dry Centeens Build Christian Character." Misses Mur- ici Smith nd Jean Balson favor- cd with a vocal duet. Mi. and Mis. A. Blanchard spent Uic wcekcnd in Toronto. Mis. A. Blnchard visitcd rela- tives iCoîbouine. Miss Audrey Northeutt, Bow- manville. and Mis. Brown, Toron- ta, spent lagt weck with Mis. A. Blanchard. Cadmus Miss Marjorie Galbraith has gane ta her school at Springville and Miss Helen Fowler ta New- market. Mr. Irwin teaches at Cadmus schaol Uiis yeer, Miss I. Hickllng at Mahoo)d'ss thoal, and Mis. Rev. Hintan fornacrly of Coîborne, is ta tèaâh et Devitt's schaol. Rev. Hlinton is granted a year's leavc of ýLbsence from the ministry ow- iT1g ta illncss, and with Mis. Hin- tan is maving inta Mis. John Mc-. Kee's house. Miss Marjorie Hanne is in Bow- manville Hospital canvalescin..g from an appendix operetia, W.A. and W.M.S., which met at the home of Mis. J. E. Elliatt, took the faim 0of a quilting. Président Mis. H. A. Galbraith apened the meeting nd Mis. Harry Philp gave a splendid talc on Uic work- ing Christian. It was dedided nat ta hold a fowl supper this year. The ladies completed Uic quilt nd it has since been sent an ta Uic Red Cross. List of woîk donc by Cadmus ladies for Uic Red Cross was read.. Refreshments were served and ahearty vote af Uianks tendered Mis. EIIiott nd Miss Mountjoy for their genial haspitality. Another quilt is ta be quilted et Uic next meeting at Mis. Merwood McKee's. Saturday cvening the "Live Wirec" yaung 'ladies' dlams enter- tained Uic young men's Bible class ta a wieneu roast. The heavy showcrs puevcnted Uic bonf ire on Uic leke shore, s0 thé church base- ment was uscd. Miss Helen Fawl- ci conductcd musical games which added ta the evening's enteutein- ment nd caused a deal of fun. ,Wienes nd coffee were seîvcd. A vote of thanks was tendeied Uic girls' clas by Merlin Philp on behaif of Uic class. Miss Lyda Ginn huascscured a position in Bowmanville. Mr. Narman Edgerton lost twa good horses causcd by eýating toc much wheet. SVisitais: Mr.nd Mis. George Fowler and Miss Helen visited Mis. Ray Blai... Mr.and Mis. W. C. Hîckling, Misa Inez, Allen- woo, Missf Fo.ence- lubine to Ballyduff. A double presentation waa held Ln Sons of Tempernce Hall on Batuidey. night for recently mer- rled, couples, Mr. and Mis. Frank FWrlkht and Mr. and Mis. Ruseil Saison. Mr. A. L. Pascae was ixaster of ceremonles and Ms Velma Gilbert îead Uic addrosa whlch was cleverly campoucd ln rhythm. The couples were pro- sented with silver tee services and Mis. Wright, a former mcm- ber of Uic C.G.I.T., was given a picture tray by that arganization, ta which Uiey ail replicd. Sig- ing and dancing wcro enjoyed and lunch seuved. About fifty young people were onteitained at Uic home of Mr. and Mia. S. E. Werry, Thuisday night. Various gaines were play- cd an the lawn after which ail gathercd around a camp fire. Thspoved a suitable sctting for abrief warshlp service wli ~~oup sangs and a stoiy well tald by Vena Gilbert. Finally, -an abundance of coin, caffec and mnarshmaliows, was served ta Uic gastronornical satisfaction of ail. Mis. Clifford Nayloî enteitain- cd a number of girls August 27th in hbnar of her miccc, Doucen Arney, who has sice rctuuned ta her home in Wcstport. Mis. R. J. McKessack conduct- cd Uic temperance prograni et sunday School when Pearl Leach gave the address and Beryl Lai- me, lsckstock1 sang "This is my Visitônat. Mr. Luther Hancack, Hamilton, Mi. Nelson Wilson, Myrtle, Mr. Normani Sheldrick, Misses Ileen, Doris and Betty Cooke, Coîboýrne, Mr.and Mis. Eddie Ashton, Mis. Thos. Ashton, Mis. Bll Taylor and Audrey, To- ronto, with Ms. C. Banchard... Dr. and Mis. Gardon Chisholm and friends, Kalamnazoo, Mich., with Mis. R. Pascoe... Miss Veina Milison, Western Hospital, To- ronto, at home for a day. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allita, Bowman- ville, Miss Nan Allun, Toronto, at Mu. Wcs. Yellowles... Mis. Nou- man Buas, Mis. Walter Buss and Carolyn, Oshawa, Mis. Walker Fraser, Miss Isobel'Westley, To- ronto, at Mr. J. Yeilowlees'. 1&. and Mis. Bryce Brown* withî relatives in Toronto. - . Mi. and Mis. Percy Dewcll, Kinsale, et. Mr. H. E. Tink's. .. Mr. and Mis. H. R. Cation and Velma, Mis. Ducklow, Mr. A. R. Cation, Miss Jessie Cation, Dr. anid Mis.'J. M. Cation, Joan and Isobel, Toronto, Mis. H. L. MacDonald, Necpawa, Man., Mr. Ivan Elliatt, Belleville, Miss Jessie Yeilowlces, Oshawa, et Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. . . Mr. and Mis. B.alph Davis et Mr. Laine -Hoskin's, Tyrone. . . Mr. and Mis. Clarence Tink and fem- ily, Hampton, Mr. Charles White and Madeline, Maple Grave, et Mr. George White's.. _ Miss Helen Baker, Peterbora, is remeining et home for e while... Mi. and Mis. E.R. Taylor and femily et Mr. E. Laumcu's, Blackstack. .. Mi. and Mis. George White with their son, Mi. Will White, Ouono. . . Mis. Charles Blanchard and Mis. Ar- thur Blanchard with relatives et Colboune. .. Mu. end Mis. Hugh Sm ale, Bàwmanville, Mis. Alen Belson, Kingston, et Mr. A. J. Balson's... Mis. Wilfrid Dcweil, Ray and Harold, with friends in Toronto. Razmah CaPi. - 50Ce- 1.00 Parowax - 2- for Rie Baytone 25o - SOe - 1.00 Jar Rings S e HBay Vox - 1.00 - 2.00 Momba Geahs- 1e Rtnex-- -----------50o Memiba PIcin - Is1e WOODBURY'S POWDER and CASHMERELIPSTICK CASHMERE44e value TISSUJE .- *Fer 33,e 'of " wc Wite 4 Cakes 08cr Soap - 180 SoftPuveWhke10 Cakes Castile Soap 250 700 SHEETS Large Bar Castile Soap lie ta the raliAff,0~ 4 Cakes Woodbury's Soap For - - - - 24e 13 fo2r Cakes Lu Soap - Ilc 3 f'~51 4 akes Bouquet Soap lec -FILMS DEVELOPED FRE - WITH 24-HOUR SERVICE 695on P. R. COWLING, Phm, Be Feivro Salem Service wes withdrewn Sundey in favor of Tyrone Heuvest Homo services. Several of aur people ettended the evening service. Wc welcome Mi. and Mis. W. Hendensan ta Salem egein, Uiey having moved itt the Rutledge house on Uic Manvens uaad. Mi. and Mis. F. Huust, Mis. and Miss F. Maady, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mis. H. Geud. Warren and John Hunst ieturned homo with Uiem. Ralph Simpson also' went home with thean for a holi- day in the city. -Threshing seemed ta be Uic ardcî around here lest wcck, (that is bctween the showers). Miss Marie Collacutt spent Uic weekend with fuienda in Toronto. Hempton W. I. East Group met et the home of the pieident, Mis.. P. Honey, an August 26th, and during Uice ftcrnoan e shower af pîotty and useful. gifts wes given by the membeus ta Miss Jessie Knax,'bride-to-be. BARGAIN COMBINATION COAL & ELECTRIC MoLARY (Flor Samplo> COMWATION COAL & GAG FINDLAY (Looku Like New) COLEMAN GASOLINM275 STOVE, 3 BURNER ----$75 COAL OU STOVE, 8 B14RNEIR, HIGH ELF _$ 115.00 BEACH EBLECTRIC RANGE, 3 BURNER OUU*uF OEN 5 i$1a0e.00 GURNEY ELECTEJO RANGE $59g .4 BURNERS .00 Electrlc Refrigerators Save 550.00. 1 C.G.E. Hotpoint Electric Range Latest Style, Automatie about haif price MUTROYAL CO0K STOVE ---------- 35Jm.00~ HBAPPY THOUGRT $LJU COOK STOVE $50 ACM-$0 0 COOK STovE ---- $0A ROYAL wAsER -- ---------- 2 *0 LOCOMOTIVE TABLE TO P * Â WASHERS VACTEIC VACUUM$3 CLEANER, Cylinder _ý GENERAL ELEcTIJ $7 f BATTERY RADIO ----3 * g, GENERAL ELECTR C $ 5 0 FINDLAY OVAL 99-18 l COOK STOVE, loks llke now$69400 RENFREW RANGEITE $7@9 PELCO MANTLE RADIO $35.0o~ - 4 Don Christian Electri, Phonoes 8t - 85 - Open Evoange OSHAWA 38 - de Slmcoo Street North VA Don Christian Electrlc Tradeo-ln Cleara nce Sale Many of thome appilances have been thorou ghly re-condltloned and look like new. some have only had a amail amount of ueand are gI'aranteed to ho as 1008 as brand new. Phoose your atove now while there lu a good cholce. ~1 1 COWLING SELIS FOR LESS And Serves You Weil a I iSfice COLGATES TOOTH FASTE HOT WATER DOTTLESi and. Gâârateed Glant Sfio COLGATES TOOTH FASTE 9,8 ,*S,.3 B@th for 400 BABY FOUDS- MACLEANS Lactogon - 69 - 1.59 uLAauMSTuwiooH Pabluin - - - 45e FA IN EEAT Relus Soups - 3 for 25co IAM Robluaonu n arley -33e Dextri Maltose 65e Horlick's Malted MINk At - - 45e -97e Plukham's Pluex Camp. comp. - -29ç 47 1 87e Mec mur THE CANADIAN STATBàMAN, BOWMANVILLE, -ONTAMO -q THUMDAY, SEPTEUZM 4th, 1941

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