THUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN -* m=mMM M M Social and Personal * M9iss J. P-IPpin visitçd here. Mrs. Embley 'vlsited in Toronto. Miss E. Waddeil was ini the city. Jim Major has joined the army. Lloyd Myles was home on leave. Mns. Batchelor and son, Toron- to, vislted the Misses Waddeil. Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans enjoyed a trip to London and Alymer. Gerald Ralney is home from his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Major visited her parents in Aurora. Several from here attended the W.M.S. convention at Whitby. Miss Doris Lowden, R.N, Oril- lia, vislted her parents. Miss Ruth Lowden spent her holidays wth friends i Montreal. Miss Edith Sberwin is visiting Mr. Robt. Sherwin. Mr. and Mrn. Spence visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Winter. Mr. Walter Sherwin visited his brother at Raseneath. Mrs. W. S. Roy and Margaret visited li Toronto. Mr. Wallace Sisson, Sudbury, visited here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bebee visited ini Lindsay. Mrs. C: Moon has been on the sick list. Lloyd Myles bas been promoted to Carporal. The Mausoieum is now nearly completed. roir KITCH EN and BATH ROOM You need Gllet's Lye in thi kItchen and in the bathrooen Koep it handy fSr .&ain=, fSt pots and peanu, foSnmru other hoSmhold taska. Gilet'a Lye m wil sveyo hours cf hard wok-it's thu cMy" efficient, econoanical W" 1of cleaning. *"TIRED"I ALL THE lIME si» fat mimssls dvsggye WluvINft u.yFUktumahsw %AN* Dodi'.. I= a*gu et IadlI hlâsya dappeavmLi112 Dodd's Kidney Publ Marion Cooper, Toronto, was Ihome. Wm. Brown, M.A., visited his parents. Young People's Union will have tfirst meeting Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hamm have returned ta Stratton. Miss Beatrice Hamm, Hamilton, visited ber parents. Dr. and Mrs. Leslie visited at W. J. RiddeUl's. Miss V. Noden is home from the hospital. Mrs. S. Payne is out around again. & Charles Walker bas been trans- ferred ta Winnipeg. Mrs. J. Richardson spent a few rdays in Toronto. H. Mercer is baving bis roof epainted. Alb West la working again at -Armstrong's. Mrs. O. W. Rolph spent a few rdays li.Toronto. Miss Rena Ball bad ber tonsils 9removed Wednesday last. Miss Edna Stutt, Grafton, visit- ed Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn. The school choir practised Thursday afternoon. Mr. Chas. Shaw had bis tonsils tremoved Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans attended the funeral of Dr. Shaw at Aly- mer. Sympatby is extended ta Mrs. E. Bryson on the death of ber mother. Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn attended a Lshower for Miss A. Hendry, bride- to-be of Sept. 6th. Mrs. J. Eagleson -attended the McDoweil-McGuire wedding in Toronto Friday. Mr. dfid Mrs. G. Richards and Mildred attended the Ex. Tues- day. Mildred sang in the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin visit- ed Mrs. I. Winter. Misses Muriel Morton, Toronto, and Lily Cole, Scarboro, were guests at Mr. George Morton's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and two sons spent Sunday with bis parents. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Neale on the birth of a daughter, August 24th. Mr. and Mrs. George Crowthers and baby Charles, Newcastle, were guests at Mr. Charles Wood's. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Davy, To- ronto, visited Miss M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fralick. -«spot" Cooper is once again as lively as ever, seeingly none the worse for bis accident. Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner, Helen, and Mrs. W. Cowan enjoyed a trip to Callander. Ail Oronoites teaching in vani- ous schools have neturned ta their duties. The Simpsons and McIsaacs have returned to Toronto alter summering here. Andy Clarke read a poem Sun- day marning wbich put Orono on the map. Did you hear bim? Mr. and Mrs. E. Porter left for 3herbrooke, Que., wbere Everett 's engaged as teacher. Ron Patterson, Syd Hughes, Tom Lewis, Mult Green and Gil- bert Dent were home on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. Allen. Mn. and Mrs. Edward Hicks and daughter Jane and Mr. George Henderson, St. Catharines, visit- ed at J. E. Richards'. Mn. and Mrs. Froste, Tam- worth, visited bis brother, and with the brother and son Wiifred enjayed a fishing trip. miss M. Richards, Mr. Wm. Mc- Adam% and Mrs. George Peters, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. S. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rutherford and family have returned to Nakina, wbere Syd bas been re-engaged as teacber. Clarke Council, awing to ut- tendance at the C.N.E. Tuesday, postponed their council meeting until Tuesday the gtb. Miss Ruth AllUn, daughter of Bandsman and Mrs. H. C. AllUn, was the lucky winner of $50 at the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Linton and Florence, Marmora, spent the weekend bere. mon of 30p,40y 50 PEF. DfvISO dwSUtMfB? T., Oatr TaMiS.W Cu-tals j Il FORE WARNED IS FOREARMED B~ e prepared for the. Sehool Days juat ahead by hovlng Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cloaning copayLiia take cme et reur Laundry and CI.onlag requirements now, PHONE 419 sud our driver wl colil. Mrs J. J. Mellor wil be bostess ta the Executive of the Younig Women's Bible Clas to-morraw (Fniduy) xilght. The five girls training la Whit- by have now started their year's training in Toronto. Next Sept. they will be gnaduatlag. Mn. and Mrs. John Morris anid Mn. Everett Stapleton enjoyed a motor trip ta Ottawa and Callan- der. Interment took place in the Lang Mausoleum of Dr. Lang's father, sister, and baby nicce, whose bodies were braught from their former resting places. C. Cowan, B. Tennant, C. Ten- nant, P. Whceler, D. Graham and R. Keane ail were ta report la Toronto this week for assignment ta duties la the R.C.A.F. Everything was quiet in Orona Monday, slace labon day provid- ed a last opportunity for people ta holiday. Ail now are back at work. The names of Mns. Ailison Co- wan and baby were inadvertently omitted la last week's paper. They wene balidaylag here along with Allisoxi. W. E. Davey and W. J. Riddell uttended the fire chiefa' conven- tian in Peterbono iast week. Tbey arc enthused about the ncw "Fog Nozzle" equipment wblcb was dcmonstrated there. Schools re-opened this week with the same teachers, plus Miss Edythe Tnull, la charge. The Con- tinuation school opexied Tuesduy and the public scbool Wednesday. We regret that the nume of Gardon Major bus been omitted in aur mentioxilag of newly jola- cd troops or airmen, whicb la made xiaw and aguin. Gardon joined the army same time ugo. Nex Wedxiesday aur aid friend, Oscar W. Scott, celebrates bis 89tb birthday. Oscar la stiil hale and hcarty and puts many a man of 60 ta shume. Many happy returns of the day!% Heaven's floadgates certainly bave opexied wide this past two weeks. It's beexi nain, nain, and more rain-probably ta make up for the dry spel we had carlier ini the summer. Mn. Baxisberny was painfuily injurcd whexi a ludder on which be was standing gave way, catch- ing bis uxikle between the ruxigs anid breuking bis leg. He was takexi ta Bawmanvile hospital. Mn. Clifford Joncs, Stirling; Mr. anid Mns. G. Joncs, Mt. J. Eaglc- son, Mns. James Tamblyxi, Mn. Fred Bnimacambe, Mns. Thomas Patterspru OrQxia, and Mns. Hut- chison, Owen Sound, attendcd the 4th wedding unnivcrsary of Mn. anid Mns. Wesley Elliatt, Kexidal, celcbrutcd ut their daugbter's, Mrs. Dunibar, ut Pcrrytown an- August 28th. Those wbo listencd ta Mns. Babb's school choir bnoadcast aven CFRB Tuesday were de- lighted with the performance. Mn. O. A. Gumsby had the bonor of intnoducing the singers and in bis fcw remarks praised Orono for the encouragement given the childnen by its citizens. Mrs. Robb, instructness, announced the sciections, which werc neally wcll rcndered. Mrs. Aitkins cangratu- lated Mrs. Robb and pupils. Rememben thut aid sang "Crazy Oven Hanses"? Well, Stan Bowen may be, but appanently tbey're not crazy aven hlm. The old teum <which nan away twice and in- jured hlm), buving been sepurut- cd by -the deatb by ligbtxiing of anc of them, Stan sported a new team ut the Forestny and Thuns- day morning, mirabile dictu, they nun awuy. Na anc was witb theai but mcxi cuught tbem before they gat veny fan. J. J. Mellon toak charge of the Park St. cbuncb service Sunday morxiing, preachlag an excellent sermon on the subject of "Bauds." lI bis talk he emphasized the tact that thene wene aniy two roada-the anc toward God and the anc away from God. He pre- ceded bis talk by autlmuing the vaniaus types ot noads since the Indiaxi trail ta the present wide bighways. Mns. Charles Wood and B. E. Logan f avored witb a splendid vocal duet. The evcningj services will ne-commence next Sunday and Rev. S. Littlewood will be in charge. Salem gave Newcastle a bad trimming in the first of the play- offs for the girls' sot tball prise cup in the game played Wednes- day of lust week ut Newcastle. The score was 15-6. Salem beld Newcastle down ta no runs in the first five innlags but ailowed anc li the sixth and five la seventh. Newcastle held Salem dawn ta no runs i the first four but allowed three i the tourth, six i the sixtb, and six la the sevexith. It was decldcd ta play the next gaie twa days after ut Bowmanville. A number' tram Onono wltnessed this game. Our aid frlcnd T. W. Jackson passed the bat. Brown's Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Turner and friends tram Osbawa went on the Warden's Mooxilgbt Cruise. Sahool opened on Tuesduy witb the former teacher Miss Cain la charge. Don't farget the Home & Scbaol , meeting Sept. Mt. Visitons: Miss June Brown, Tweed, ut Mn. C. Bnown's.... Master Norman Eddy wlth bie graxidmather, Mns. Payne, Ponty- pool. . . Mrs. Boy Stephenson, Rnie and Elynar, Lackport, N. Y., wlth ber aunt, Mrs. R. Gra- ham, and cousin Mns. C. Turner... Miss Pauline Branch, Lockburt's, wlth Miss Joyce Eddy... Mn. Tait and Bill, Toronto, ut Miss Jean Perrin's. .. Mr. and Mns. Archie Brown i wth relatives la Toronto. Orono Scho.I Choir Broadcea From Toronto Exhibition The other day Orme Gamsby camne lato The Statesman office ta tel us he was going ta the C.N.E., (and ta use the phone). It's not news when anyone cIme goes ta the Ex., but when Orme goes ... . To make bis long story short about 25 Orono residents, representing civic organrizations and churches, had luncheon as guests of the C.N.E. Tbey were presented ta the assembly by "Mayor" Gamsby, Oroxio's well- knowxi nesidexit and rmusician. The Orono School Choir, under the direction of Mns. D. E. Robb, sang fnom the theatre of the Elec- tnical Building in the afternoon and evening, while Ormne wus pnevailed upan ta introduce the choir on these occasions. MILITARY DISPLýAY AT KENDAL (Intended for last week) On Sunday afterxioon ail rouds seemed ta lead ta the sand ridges, about four miles xiortheast of Kendai, where the Genenal Ma- tons proving grounds are situated. For some days previaus army vehicles of ail kinds had been a- riving from Camp Bandexi, Peta- wawa and Oshawa for the demnox- stration. There were upwaMd ta forty vehicies consistlag of scout cars, Bren gun carriers, the artil- lery tractor and guxi, utility trucks, huge wrecking trucks, an ambulance, reconnaissance cars, motoncycies, aiso field kitchen, water tank, witb distiller, fine figbtixig equipment, and two weil equipped 'machine shop' trucks. The soldiers veny amiabîy de- scibed the ixterestlag facts about the vaniaus vehicles and answered hasts of questions. After the arrivai of the f ive special buses and the 'cars con- tainixig members of the Editars Tour and army officiais, the cars, trucks, tractons, etc., came up ta the top ridge where the iloud speaker anxiounced them. They then continucd arouxid the two courses, up and dowxi bills, aven bumps and holîows, with cîouds of sand flylag, but ably display- ing their ubiîity ta get there. The gun crew gave mr demon- stratioxi of setting up their gun and aiso of taking it up a steep sandy hill where the artillery tructor was unable ta draw it. The hundreds of civilians who came from muny districts anid lined the fence row and adjolaing biliside, whicb gave. a command- ing view of the west course, were an indication. of the intense inter- est tuken la the mechanical side of the army. Ail this mechanical equipmexit, backed by nows of tenta, the sol- diers, the cnowd of civilians, the brightness of tbe five big coaches flanked by row on row of cars, the Union Jack, against the back- grounid of a bare sand bill, is a sigbt long ta be remembered. As we watch such a display, the great xieed aur country bas for money and the conservation of gas cames home more clealy ta US. Starkville Pupils of Starkille scbaol sang ut the Ex. Tucsday. Mr. A. Dabsaxi and duughter werc able ta matar ta Mn. Ed. Ruthven's ut Zion. Mn. and Mns. Frank Gilmer are moving ta Ncwtonville. Bey. McLacblaxi bas neturnnd from bis balidays. Visitons: Mr. Victor Farrow went ta Peterbora.. . . Friexids fnom Chatham, ualsoMns. Will Rutherford of Ncwtaxiviile, visit- cd ut Mn. H. B. Gilmcr's. .. Mns. Wilfred Wood wus in the c.t... Boss Halloweil and others toak la the Ex. . . Mn. M. Shutka and friends, Oshawa, wene home. Mn. Shutku is building a new hen bouse... Mn. and Mrs. Sid Hulao- well were li Toronto. . . Miss Beuluh Hallowell bas returncd ta the city after ber bolidays: . . Mr. and Mns. H. B. Gilmer and dau- ghtens, Mns. Wm. Saveny, spent the holiday witb frlends. .. Miss Dorexi Farrow attcnded the Ex. ..Mn. and Mns. Victor Farrow and Miss Hazel Farrow wcee n the city. .. Miss Bertha Hallowell and Miss Joan Benneft, Toroxito, witb Mn. and Mrs. Jacob Hulao- ....... Mn. and Mns. Thas. Fails ut Mn. H. Lyttle's, Newtanvifle. Man's chief menit consista la re- sisting the impulses of bis nature. -Samuel Johnson. Human menit or demerit willl find Its proper level. Divlnlty alone salves the problem of bu- manlty, and that la God's own time. "By their fruits ye shal know them."ý-Mary Baker Eddy. q ODRONO Obituary Mrs. Thos. Snowdon Muny friends and relatives wifl leaxýi witb regret of the suddexi passing of Mns. Thas. Snowdon, an aid and nespectcd nesident of Gosfond, ut the home of ber sisten, Mrs. E. J. Snowdon, August l4th. The funenal services wcre con. ducted by Bey. L. M. Somerville, Spexicenvîlle, la the absence of ber pustor, Bev. G. W. Dustin, North Aubusta. Bunial was made li Bishop's Mils cemctery. The dcceased was born ut Or- ana, December 3, 1859, and lived there until 1901, wben she was manried ta the late Thomas Snow- d9,ç.1 ,Snowdon's Corners. They nesidcd on the oîd bomestead un- til the passing of Mn. Snowdon an December 24, 1919. Later she lived witb ber sister, where sbe remuined until ber dcuth. Left ta mourn ber buss are anc brother, J. A. Coatham, Sandis, B.C., and anc sister, Mns. E. J. Snowdon. Gostord. Those attending the funeral wcre Otto Coatham and Haisted Coatbam, Orono; Mn. and Mrs. G. E. Young, Mn. and Mns. E. K. Browxnidge and Boy Dillabough, Toronto; Mn and Mns. W. J. Dillu- baugb, Menickville. Deceased was the daugbter of Robent Coatham and Ann Cumisb af Flamborougb and Filey, York- sbire, Englund, and was bigbly nespected by Orono fniends. Mns. Robert Sherwln The passing awuy an Sunday of Mrs. Robent Sbenwixi, a bighly respected and well liked citizen of Orano, came as a distinct shock to the community. Althougb ber hcalth had been pon for same tume, her deutb came suddeniy, follawing a stroke. Mrs. Shenwmn was the former Catherine Hugb- son, daughter of the late Richard1 anid Jerushu Hugbson. She wus born an the farm now owned by E. J. Hummi, (wbo married ber niece) ta which ber parents mov- cd ini 1851. Practically al ber life was spent i Clarke, the maj- ority of it in Orono and vicinity. Deceased was a quiet unus- suming persan wba bud great in- fluence in the Park St. Church and societies in connection witb it because of ber Christian char- acter. She was a great belp ta ber husband in pneparing bis les- sons for teacbing bis Suxiday school class (he being handicap- ped with very poar cyesigbt) and taok a great interest li bis pupils. Surviving ta mournnber loas are ber husband, one brother. Cornellu, Hughson. and anc sis- ter, Mrs. R. Moon, the sale sur- vivers of a family of cight cbiid- mcxi. The funenal toak place on Wednesday afternoan, with in- terment ixi Orona cemctcry. Newtonville Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Davey, Toronto, witb Mns. Rutheford... Mrs. Nana Triggs and ber daugb- ter MNI. Madeline Bunker and two boys, Detroit, Mich., at Mn. Willis Farrow's. . . Mrs. Metcalf, Port Hope, ut Mn. W. C. Laxe's... Mn. and Mns. G. Ovcnland, Mitzlc and Gregory, Detroit, Mlcb., ut~ Mr. Wilis Joncs'. . . Mrs. Petty, Ottawa, ut Mr. S. R. Joncs'. .. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Caldwell, Mn. and Mns. Haold Caldwell, Misses Betty Hogg axid Helen Caldwell, Messrs. Bud Caldwell and Ernest Halse, Tenante, ut Mn. George J. Stapleton's. . , Mn. an4 Mrs. Tom Curry, Bancroft, ut Mn. R. Bruce's. Isabel returned wlth the.... ?&. and Mns. L. E. Milison and Dareen ut Mn. Hilton Avcry's, Baltimore. ..Mrs. J. Bragg and Miss Allie Bragg, Bowmanviile, Mrs. Ernol Mainard, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. J. Lancaster, Newtonville, Mn. and Mns. Wllard Lockhart and Florence, Niagara FaIX,, Mns. R. Bcst and Mro.FP. W. Haydeun, Wes- NBwS Yamily Retvnion; SREInv-BLACK Ifi the early 1800's six Sberwln brothers, namely, Hugb, Anthony, John, William, Richard and Jos- eph, came ta Canada from York- shire, England. Accompanied by their sister, Mns. Hampshire, tbey ail settied in Alnwick Township and their remains are laid ta rest In Centenary Cemetery. Mns. Hampshire was buried la a ceme- tery at Cobourg. On December 11, 1862, Mary, the eldest daugbter of John Sherwla and Ann Turner, became the bride of Samuel Black, wbo was barn in 1834 near Bailmena, Ire- land, and came ta Canada when 17 years of age and settled at Bomanton. They later moved ta Warkworth, where Mn. Black died la 1927. 0f this union child- ren who survive are Mns. C. L. Crydermnan and Mns. O. M. Alger, Oshawa; Mn. James H. Black and Mnrs. W. J. Harper, Wurkwonth. Those deceased are Bey. J. A. Black, Dr. George Black and Mrs. James Armstrong. On August 23 two hundred or more of the descendants of the Shenwin and Black familles gath- ered ut Victoria Park in Cobourg for their annual reunion. The secretary, Miss M. McCul- loch, wus requested ta seuid a letter to Mns. O. M. Alger, Osh- awa, expressing the sympathy of ail those la attendance on the deatLIast June of Mn.'Aiger, the first president of the reunion. Aften the evening meal, Nor- maxi Sherwin, vice-president cali- ed upon William Jibb ta give the report of the nominatmng commit- tee. As a resuit tbe officers fan 1942 are: President, Norman Sher- win, Roseneuth; Vice-President, William Arnold, Cobourg; Secret- ary-Treasurer Marjory McCul- loch, Harwood: Sports Convener, George Turner, Roseneath; Ex- ecutive Committee, Wm. Jibb, Cambonne; James Black and Mrs. W. J. Harper, Warkwortb. The reuxiion li 1942 is ta be held in Victoria Park, Cobourg, in August. GURNEY HA» BEEN MVAKING RANGES FOR 54 TEARS T ,exndenamour cf the Kiondyke GoId are a par c terugged frontier tradition of Canada. The nasse Gurney, toc, bus helped build another.Canadian tradition.- . . the tradition cf hcarty, homc-cooked, hospitable mcah. Unlike the Gold Rush, which devcloped with suddets fury, Gurney rages evolved slow!>' and steadil>'. Con. sistent improvements kept them, always more than abreast of the tisses, )ust as Gurney ranges sti!f maintain a tradition cf fine cccking, so, too, bave they fostercd a new tradi- tion of beaut>', convenience and economy la every Canadian kitchen. Stream- Iined, gleaming Gurney ranges offer outstanding aa. vantages to ever>' home- whethcr coul, wood, gas or electrcit> su sed. Sec these ioder mirdesof range- building ut your Gurne>' dealer's. Soe Yeur Local Gurney Dernier If nso local Garuey Dealer avail- able, mrite direct t. thre Guruey icyvile, Mns. C. J. Stapies, Miss S. Bennett, Mns. H. Reeve and Jane, Mn. and Mrs. Simons, Port Bnitain, Masters Ray and Jack Munday, Maple Grave, at Mn. S. J. Lancaster's... Mrs. C. H. Wal- key bus neturned fnom Lindsay. Congratulations ta Mn. R. J. Rawe who celebnated bis 84th birthday recently when he ne- ceived a visit from bis cousins, Mn. Frank Manning, Reston, Man., and Mn. J. Moise, Osbawa. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Percy Hoskin upon the birtb of a fine taby boy. Miss Fue Jones underwent a tonsil operution Tbunsday. Mn. and Mns. Wiilis Farrow en- jayed a moton trip ta Mantreal and North Bay. Rev. and Mns. J. McLachlan bave returxied froni their hali- days. Mn. and Mns. L. Saveny ând sons moved ta Osbawa Satunday. We ahl regret losing them from aur midst. School ne-opened T u e s d a y monning witb aur new teuchen, Mn. Frank McMuilen la charge. Mn. and Mns. Harold Little have moved lato the bouse vacated by Mn. and Mns. Savery. Tyrone Schoal opened Tuesduy morn- ing with Mns. H. Smule, Bowman- ville, la charge. Five new pupils wene ennolled. Harvest Home was a huge suc- cess. A large crowd turxied out on Sunday. ta heur Bey. R. H. Wylie, Columbus, who gave two inspir- ing sermons. Special music wus givexi by the choir, assisted by Misses Helen and Betty Knox, Hampton. On Monday a football game between Zion and Solina was won by Zion. Hampton de- fcuted Sulem in a girls' softball game. A sumptuous chicken pie supper was cnjoyed by a lange crowd. A fine concert by the Johnson Co. of Bluckwuter wus greatly cnjoycd. A beautiful quilt made by the Bed Cross wonkers was uuctioned by Elmer Wilbun, and was sold for $10. Proceeds of Harvest Home $230.00. Visitons: Mn. Brent Wilson and lady friend, Montreal, Mn. Lamne Mortson, Richmond Hill, ut Mns. Storie's. .. Mn. and Mns. A. Bol- taxi and Miss Venu Cunr, Toronto, ut Mn. E. A. Vitue's. .. Miss Kay McDonald is home from Cobourg, Lake Simcoe and Toronto. .. Bob Cameron, Air Fonce Scbool, Gaît, witb bis parents. . . Miss Nîna Neads, Bowmanville, ut Mn. Har- ald Skinner's. .. Mn. O. J. Hexi- dersan, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. W. Hexiderson, Bowmaxiville, with Mrs. A. W. Annis. .. Mn. Percy -j.41l &5,c H OW LONG DOES UT TAKE YOU TO EAT? In those bus days, many fuà tbave ta satiafy ur hungrerywith a sandwih, ften balted huridy. We kn wawere paigfs n loase with aur Lnuidebut h=o muet take first place reua measireuar slep, and newrways oflvn areal causes of constipa- tion. IIow to GetG entle Relief L Constipation, as you know, là caused mainly by the disappeaace of moisture from the large intestine. threfore that moisture miuet ne- Lun hsis dons by the action af the several minerai, saits which are present in Kruschen. At the same time uachen, by its diuretic action helpe ta, flush the kidneys, thus ridding your bloodstream, of its accumulated toxic poisons. It stands te, reason that the aize of dose for relieving constipation depends on the individual. But once Lis initial constipation bas been relieved, a small daily dose-juat enough to cover a dime-will help La keep y au regular, and cheerfu. Start today to remedy the mischief wought by irregular meals and hours. You can get Kruscben froni any druggist-25c. and 75e. Rogers, Brookfln, at Mr. Harold Jebson's. . . Mn. Will Dobson, To- ronto, called on bis aid schoal chum, MJrs. Henryetta Woodley... Mn. and Mns. Fred Brooks and Floyd, Cobourg, at Mn. George Brooks'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Emmer- son Connor, Toronto, at Mn. Clan- ence Waodley's and Mns. E. Wood- ley's. . . . Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Sleight, Town, at Mn. Leslie Brooks'. . . Mn. and Mrs. Roy Knox and family, Mrs. T. Sykes, Hampton, ut Mr. Gardon Brent's. ..Major Floyd Dudley, Kingston, with his famiiy. . . . Mr. Edgar Scott, Bruce -and Jessie, Nakina, New Ontario, with Mn. Ronald Scott and Mns. Tom Scott. .. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Larmer, Mn. and Mns. Melville Bail, Millbrook, ut Mn. Gussie Rosevear's. . . Mn. and Mnrs. Will Dobson, Mn. Earl Hugb- son, Toronto, Mn. C. Hughson, Orono, ut Mns. Hugson's. .. Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Wylie, Mr. and Mrs. Tennysbn Pereman, Colum- bus, Mn. and Mrs. George Wilson and John, Mn. Glen Hoskin, Osh- awa, Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis, Sauina, Mn. and Mns. Wes. Hoskin, Miss Dorotby and Mn. Bert Hou- kin, Bunketon, at Mn. Lamne Hos- kin's. .. Mrs. Lamne Hoskla, Mur- ray and Allyn, spent a few days with Mrs. George Wilson, Osbawa. ..Mrs. D. Fletcher, Oshawa, wlth Mrs. R. Luke. . . Mn. and Mrs. Len Bradley, Enniskillen, Miss Gladys Bradley, Oshawa, at Mn. Eanl Luke's. r odwry qc Toronto. 1 SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN Western Coa&.d GOING DATES DAILLY SEPT. 12 TO 26, 1841 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACH4ES Excursion tickets good in Touriet Parlor and Standard sleeping cars aima available On PaYment of slightiy high- er passage ares, plus price 0f pari.; Or sleeping car accommodation. ROUJTES-Tickets goad going via Port Art hur, Ont., Chicago, Ill., or Sauit S9t. Marie, returning via smre route and une an. G(enerotis optional routingg. STOPOVERS-wilil be aliowed at any point In Canada on the going or re-' tum trip, or both, within final lirait af ticket, on application ta Conduc- ton; aiea at Chicago, Ill., eault Ste. Marie,1 Mich., and West, In accord- ance with tariffe of United States linds. Full panticulans tram any agent. 28-4-11-18 0r'