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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATE~MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEM~ER 4th, 1941 ZMon Mr. and Mis. Fred Canieron, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Staintor and sons, Hans Geissberger Jr., and Miss Margaret Perkins at- tended the fx. . .. Mrs. Russel) Pcrkins and*iMis. Fred Cameras visited Mis. Frank'Pascoe at Bow- -nanvile Hospital. . . . Misses !,Eileen Stainton, Bownianviile, BenieStainton, Peterboro, Mr. Lloyd Stainton, Toronto, at A. T. Stainton's. . ,,. and Mis. Am- son Balson aRnd.daughters at Vic- tor Parkin's, Rinsale. . .. Mr. Jas. McMaster and Miss Jean MeMas- ter returned ta Toronto MondaY. ...Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, Greenwood, Misses Jean Leach and Iva Ferguson, Bowmanviile, Mr. Narval Washington, Windsor, at Narman Leach's. . . . Mr. and Mirs. Stanley Martin, Miss NancY Byam, Uxbridge, Mi. and Mis. Ted Martin and baby Laverne, Orono, Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's. . . . We wel- came Miss Margaret McClure, To- onta, aur new teacher at S. S. No. 12, ta aur cammunity..- . . Messrs. Fred and Lawrence Martin, Jack Cameron and Misses Shirley Mar- tin and Nellie Nemnis attended the Tyrane supper on Monday night. ...Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walker, Oshawa, at Fred Carneron's. * Nestieton Nestleton W. I. will meet at Mrs. K. Burton's Sept. lOth at 2.30 p.m. Visitors: Mn. Osborne Johnson, Mr. Wal- lace Keils, Mr. Hamly Haskin, Elmvale, at Mr. R. M. Hoskin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bert- Howlett, Benny and- Ellen, Little Britain. with Mr. L. Joblin. .. Miss Margaret Steele, nurse in training at Toron- ta; is home. . . Mn. and Mms. H. Wheeler, Connie and Glen, with thxe Wilsons. .. Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Tracy, Oshawa, with Mrs. L ~Jobin.. . Mxs. Jackson, Mi. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield and.faniuly, Oshawa, at Nestieton. Mr. Elmen Wright is ixnproving after an accident when the steer- ing geai of his car broke. Miss Nana Porteous, Oshawa, spent the weekend with hem parents. Mis. Geo. Johns has gone ta teach sehool at Cedar Creek (sauth of Port Perny). Laurie Hoskin is quaranteed for scarlet feven. their very liberal patronage during achool openligt. NOTE We have replenished aur supplies and will endeavour to Iurnlsh efficient service to al efltoiners. OUT -OF -TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTEN- T10O4 -BIG __I Obituary John Fisher Atcr four months' îllness Mr. John Fisher, of Grimisby and To- r onta, passed away on August 22, 1941, in Hamilton Hospital. He was bora at North Easthope, -near Stratford, eldest son o! Alex- ander Fisher and Margaret Mc- Gillawce Fisher, anc of thre Fisher familles, members a! a large graup o! pioneeir settlers from Pcrthshire, Scotland, te the Huron tract in Western Ontario aven one hundred years ago sud i whose honoun the Cauaty a! Perth was namcd. *In 1902 hie went ta Toronto, where for maay years lie was weli sud favorably known in business as the capable sud honourable partner o! bis brother, Archie M. Fisher, lu Fisher Publishiug Comi- Spany, publishens o! trade sud techuical magazines. Since retir- ing lu 1933 he worked on plans *for canimunity development sud advocatcd decentralization of pop- ulation froni large cities ta many smail ones and rural communities surrounded by restricted farniing areas. John Fisher was "a Christian gentlema" 'nil relations of 111e -home, chuhbusines su conimunity. Foni, carlymaahod he was "anc o! the niost faithful" church members - first o! the Presbyterian, later o! thc United Church; in Toronto o!- Emmnanuel Presbyterian where he organized and taught the Boys' Bible Class; sud o! Central Presbyterian lu the tinic o! the beloved Dr. MacTav- ish; snd, a! ter -church unian, o! Westminster Central, sud St. George's United. For a !ew years he sud Mis Fisher lived in Hamilton sud were members o! Ryerson United Church. For the past threc years they lived in Grimxsby and be- lougcd ta Trinity United Church. For two years they lived in Bow- manville, !ollowing a fcw years in Whîtby. His long illnaess-,was*bravely and partiently borne, withaut bitter- ness. He "kcpt fixe faitix." John Fisher niairied Mary Me- Diarmid, Toronto, daughtcn o! Rev. H. J. McDiarmid, Kemptviile, who survives hlm. Other survi- vors are sisters and brothers - Miss Chistina Fisher, Toronto; Dr. Alexander Fisher (formcrly Kew Beach, Tomante, sud Calgary) now Staney Cneek; James Fisher, advcrtisiug agent, Toronto; Archie M. Fisher, advertising, Toronto; and Miss Katharine Fisher, Direc- ton o! Good Housekeepiug Insti- tute, New York, nieces sud nepix- ews. The funeral was held August 23 at A. W. Miles' Funemal Home, 30 St. Clair W., Toronto, and was conducted by Rcv. J. R. Watt o! Grimsby United Church, assistcd by Rev. Stuart Woods, retîred Presbytenian mnister. Intennient was lu Mount Pleasant Cenicteny, Toronta. The teniperate arc thc most truly luxuniaus. By abstainamg froni mast things, It ih surprising how many things we ejoy.-WiI- liai Gilmare Siuims. For Rent FOR RENT - COmFORTABLE house in thc village o! Orona. Ail modemn coaveniences, part- ly !urnished if desircd. Apply George Cowan, Orono. 36-2* FOR RENT-HOUSE, 24 LIBER- ty St., Oct. 1, 1941. Apply Mr. W. Manjoamn, King St. E. 36-1' FOR RENT-TWO UNFURNIS- cd roonis. Central location. Not suitable for childreu. APPly P. O. Box 364. 36-1* FOR RENT-3 ROOMED APART- ment with 3 picce bath and garage. Immediate possession. Not suitable fan children. Apply Box 183, cia Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 36-1 SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Alexandra Park Fairos HAWA MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY ,Sept. 89-10 BIGGER AND SETTER THAN EVER Tueuday - "Yuth, Day" - 2 p.. Blg Program of Greyhound, Bicycle, Pony e nd Flat Hlorse Raclng - Model Airplane IFllghts . .. Band and Vaudeville. I ALA GRANDSTAND REVUE -8 Mo. Gates andi 5dM. open OSHAWA CMVC lAID Admi Auction SaIf: Residential Prop.rty Town of Bowmanville Under instructions from thc Estate of H. T. McMillan, there will be affered for sale by Public Auction, by W. J. Challis, Auc- tioncer, at the roonis of Challis Motor Sales, King Street, Bow- manville, on Wcdnesday, thec 24th day of September, 1941, at the hour of!«2.30 a'clock in Uic after- noon, Standard Tume, on condi- tions of sale then ta be read and subject ta a reserve bid, and sub- ject ta existing tenancies, the fallawing propenty:, In the Town of Bawmanviile in- thc County of Durham and being part of the North -part of Lot num- ber Eleven in the First Conces- sion of thc Township of Darling- ton in the County of Durham, and bcing composed of Lot 1 in Block 34, an the West side of Liberty Street, having a frontage on Liberty Street of 1 chain, 39 links more or less, by a depth of 5 chains, 63 links more or less, and comprising 157 square rods of land be the sanie more or lcss. On such lot there are said ta be erected a pair of semi-detached brick dweilings, each contamning seven roonis and bathrooni, with hot air heating, known as 338 Liberty Street in Uic Town of Bownianville. For fuither particulars and conditions of sale, apply ta W. J. Challis, King Street, Bowman- ville, or ta Uic undersigned. THE TORONTO GENERAL. TRUSTS CORPORATION, Bay and Melinda Streets, Toronto. 36-3 Auction Sales E. A. Wemny will sell by public auction, stocker cattle, milkiag cows, springers and number of calves at bis farm anorth of Ennis- killea at 1 o'clock Friday, Sept. 5th. Free delivery. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctianeer. 36-1* On Thursday, Septemben 1 lth, 1941, the uudcnsigned wiil sel by pu ilic auction for M. O. Tindail, Lot 32, Concession 10, Clarke Township, %k mile west of New- park School, ail his fanm stock and iniplenients and a quantity of household furniture. Sale at 1 o'clock, S.T. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson, auctiancer. The- undersigned has been au- thorized by Daniel Kaufman ta sell by public auctian on the pre- mises, Lot 34-35, Conc. 2, Town- ship of Hope (2 miles east o! New- tanville on Highway No. 2), on Tuesday, Septeniber l6th, a quan- tity of implemeuts, f arm stock and 23 head of registered and accredited Shorthorns. Sale at 1 o'clock, Standard Time. R. T. Amas, auctianeer. 36-2* Strayed STRAYED -BLACK HEIFER, 1 year old, no haras, strayed fmom Lot 13, Con. 8, Darlington. Phone John His, 2495. 36-1* COLLIE DOG STRAYED FROM Newcastle, answers ta name of "Duke," white nase, regular browu sud cream colon with decided parting of hair down back. Anyone knowing a dog o! this description notify A. O. Parker, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3712. 36-1 Exhibits: Clydestile, Percheron ant BeilanHerses Jersey, Holstein, Ayrshlre Cattie Fruit, Fiowers, Seeds, Grain and Vogetables HEaudicrafta, Art, Canneti Fruits, sud Baklng Automobiles, Farm 3Machlaery, Eloctrical Gooda Mammoth ID WAY DAILY Noon Until Mitiniglit "-4 p -~ - - -~. -w- -~ - '-w'~ 'w~~ W-~~w ~ - IN BIG $3(WmOoPRIZES BIRTH-S BICKELL-In Bowmanviile Hos- pital, on Satuiday, August 3oth, 1941, ta Pte. sudMi&s. Dean Bickdl <nec Helen Bnookiug), Uic gi!t o! a son, Daniel Alfred Norman, a brother for Deanna. 36-1 HACKNEY-Bdi. sud Mrs, New- tan Hackney are pleased ta aunounce thc birtix o! a son (Donald Newton) la Bowmnan- ville Hospital, Saturday, August 30th, 1941. (Daddy la Eagland with R.C.A.). 36-1* HOSKIN - Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Hoskln of Caratairs, Alberta, announce the gift of a daughter, on August lth, 1941, (Patricia Ethel). 36-1* MARRIAGES ANDERSON-KIRK-- Announce- ment is made of the marriage of Fern Mildred Kirk, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs., G. J. Kirk, Toronto, ta Hubert Massy Bar- rett Anderson, son of W. H. B. and the late Mrs. Anderson, Newcastle. The ceremony was performed in the chapel of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin by Canon the Rev. W. F. Sea- man, cousin of the groom's father. ROSS-CLEMENCE - On Satur- day,, August 3th, 1941, at Fair- view Farm, Bowmanviile, by Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, Phyllis Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence, Bowmanviile, ta James Bruce Ross, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ross, Winnipeg, Manitoba.361 DIEATi-S BUCKHAM-On August 25th, af- ter a short illness i Toronto, John Andrew (Jack) Buckham, AC2 R.C.A.F., and late of lst Midland Re.-iment, Ontario, age 19 years, beloved and loving second son of Max and Winnie Buckham, Brandon, Man. STE VENS-Suddenly on Friday, August 29th, 1941,. at his home in Mayerthorpe, Alta., Harold Sherwood Stevens, beloved hus- band of Calle Romeo and dear- ly loved son of Mis. Esther Stevens and the late Enoch Ste- vens, Hampton, Ont. 36-1 Cards of Thanks I wish to express my heartfelt thanks ta the many friends who were s0 generous in their con- gratulations on the opening night of the redecorated Royal Theifre. Also ta members of Local 189, U.R.W.A., ta Mr. and Mrs. Ramn- mell of the Kingsway Nursery, and ta Jackman's Nursery Who sent a prOfusion of flowers on that occasion. is. Doris J. Ross. 36-1 The family of the late Mis. Richard Johns wish ta thank their many friends and neighbors ,for kindness shawn during the illness and death of their ilear mother. 36-1* Mis. Thomas Cannons and fam- ily wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciatian ta rela- tives and friends, Dr. C. W. Sle- mon, and staff o! Bowmanville Hospital, for their many acts of kindness aud expressions o! sym- pathy duning the illness and pass- iug of a loving.mnothen and grand- mothen, Mrs. Walter Lambert. 36-1* Pire Chie! Lucius Hoapen sud members of the Pire Brigade wish ta express their grateful thaaks ta the girls and others who car- ried out sa succcssfully the Tag Day last Sstumday in behal! of thc British Fine Fightens' Relief Fund. Around $100.00 was naiscd. tlelp Wanted HELP WANTED--BOY WANTED wlth chauffcun's license. Apply Bowmanville Cleanens and Dy- ers. Phone 520. 36-1 HELP WANTED - J A N I T O R wanted -for Royal Theatre. Ap- ply Mis. Doris Rass. 36-1 HELP WANTED - CARETAKER for Shaw's School. Duties to commence immcdiately. Apply W. J. S. Rlckard, R. R. 4, Bow- nianvilie, phone 2218. 36-1 HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general hotel wonk. Apply at once Balmoral Hotel. 36-1* OPPORTUNITY FOR Y O U N G MAN - Opcalng for ambitions man with local fimta learn business fmom bottoni up. Must be educated, aient with good phesique and able ta drive car (pre!erably exempt froin inl- tary service). If yau are inter- estcd in a steady job wlth an assured future snd good cain- ings and have 'the above quali- fications apply i owa hand- writing with fuil particulars ef age, cducation, psst and present employnient. While successful applicant will leama salesman- ship this h nat a selling or com- mission proposition. Our staff have been advised of this ad. Address reply ta Box 181, cia Statesman Office. 36-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - 5 OR 6 rooni bouse in on near Bow- manville. Apply P. O. Box 270, Bowmnivlle. 36.T* WANTED TO RENT - FARMb, asa small place about 10 acres. Write Rlvlng full particulans ta Box 182, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 36-1 Clauffied Ad Rae One cunt a word cash, ecd insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge ef 25e extra ta madie when ativertisement ta flot psud sasse week as Inser- tion, Extra charge cf l0c when replies are directe t t a Stateunan box àumber. Blrths, deatha andi marriagei' 50oeoach. lu Memoriamn, 50o for notice plus 10o per Uine for verso. Ciaufsietiativer- tisements accepteti Up until 6 pan. Wcdnestiay. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-ELECTRIC STOVE, $25.00; coal range $18.00, almost new; oak dining room suite and chesterficld suite, both for $12. Mrs. Alex MacIntyre, Queen St. 36-l* FOR SALE-GOOD USED ELEC- tric Washer, fully rebult and guaranteed. Ternis if desired. Apply Mason & Dale. 36-1 FOR SALE - ABOUT 6 ACRES standing hay, 'second cuttin aif alfa. Apply Mrs. E. WNotten, Haydon. 36-1* FOR SALE - ONE RE-BUILT Vacuum Cleaner. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Mason & Dale. 36-1 F O R S A L E - FURNACETTE, nearly new. Apply W. J. Mller, Hampton. 36-1* FOR SALE - ONE RE-BUILT Beatty engine-drive w as h er, guaranteed for ane yean against defective parts or warkmgn- shîp. Ternis ta responsible par- ty. Apply Mason & Dale. 36-1 FOR SALE - SAVE $26.00 ON new Chesterfield Suite - 3 pce. suite jugt taken out o! starage. Regulan $85.00 suite sacrificcd as buyer famced te give up housekeeping. Wiling ta seli for balance awing. Can be seca at F. F. Morrjs Co. 36-1 RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up ta 50 % on tires and tubes, including neW Goodycars, Do- minion Tires. Full stock in al sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shap, King and Silver St. 14-tf FOR SALE - ENGLISH PRAM, Deluxe niodel prani, originally factary sample with special sleigh runners attached. Neyer used or awned in town and in perfect condition. A real buy for cash. Cail 358. 36-1 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT - 150 acres, 70 workable, nest pas- turc, in Maripasa Township, Concessian P, Lot W3/20, 10 miles south west of Lindsay, goad buildings, hydro available. Apply Mrs. Hancock, Oshawa R. R.2, phone -1827-Jll1. 35-2* FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congaleum rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Fur- niture Store, 156z Simcoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modemn, chestemfield, bedrooni, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality nierchand.ise at coni- petitive prices. Befone buying visit Bnadley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 19-tf FOR SALE-ABOUT 10 ACRES af mcd claver for hay or seed. Mrs. E. Strutt, Tyrane, phone 2504. 36-1 FOR SALE-JOHN DEER TRAC- tor; Case tracton; two-furmow Cockshutt tracton plow; twa- furnow Massey-Harris tractor plow; recouditioned corn binder. W. S. Staples, phone 781, Bow- jmanville. 36-1* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-TWO REGISTERED Hdlstefri cows, fully accredited, negative ta blaad test. One fnesh 3 weeks, Uic othen due in Oc- tober. Apply Wilson Abennethy, R. R.2, Bowmanvillc, ph on e 2419. 36-1 FOR SALE- FORTY YDUNG pigs, ail ages. H. C. Pedwdil, Newcastle, R. .R. 2, phone 3823 Clarke. .36-1* FOR SALE - SIX YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 wceks aId. Apply W. J. Reynolds, Salins, phone 2181. 36-l* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE -- SOLID BRICK bouse on Centre St., Bowmsn- ville, modern convenlences; Win be sold cheap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Bellwan, King St West. il t! FOR SAI,. - 140- ACRE FARM, 10 acres o! maple, 20 acres mix- cd bush and pasture wlth big crcek. 100 acres can b. culti- vated, 5 acres a! buckwiu and 1 acre miangles. BarsnlO0M by 40 ft., wlth good wcll inside and new Pedlar tin roof. Seven rooni bouse, fumuace and sink; aiso a number o! other mnail buildings. Price. $5,800, only $1,000 cash, small interest. Ap- ply 'B. Budal, (Maple Grave), R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 36-1' FOR SALE-S ROOMED FRAME bouse on Manvers Rd. at Con- cession St. AUl convenlences, bot water heating, furnace. 'Pos- session this Faîl. Apply H. Bes- cock, Nestîcton, phone Part Pemny 172r22. 36-2' Mugie Teachers RETA COLE DUDLEY, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., F.C.CM Singng, Sight-Singing Piano - Organ - Theory Studio, King Street Phone 757 35-2 Wanted WANTED - HOME FOR HIGH School boy, in exchange for services. Mrs. A. Murray, R. R. 1, Enniskilen, Ont. 35-4* WANTED- WOULD LIKE TO place two Hlgh School girls in Protestant homes where thcy would receive board and room for light services given during school ycar. Write Box 179, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile. 36-1* WANTED-WHEAT AND GOOD mixed grain. Apply A. H. CIe- mens, R. R. 6, Bowma n vil1e, phone 2433. 36-tf WANTED - A.PARTMENT OR smail house, with ail conven- iences. Apply Box No. 174, cla Statesman Office. 36-f Lost LOST-TWO HOUNDS, BLACK and white, an~d black and tan. Phone 2884. 36-1* LOST-ON MONDAY, SEPT. 1, between post office and Beech Avenue, black coin purse con- taining sniall sum of noney. Findter please leave at States- man Office and receive neward. 36-1 LOST - SMALL BLACK change purge cantaining sumn of money, lost an King St. Re- ward. Finder please leave at Statesman Office. 36-l* Room and Board jROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO men. Write Box 180, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile. 36-1* ROOM AND BOARD FOR FOUR. Apply Mis. Lillian Mauntjoy, Concession St. near Elgin St., Bowmanvflle. 36-l* For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - One acre corn for sale qr wil exchange for hay ta feed horse. Apply H. Wàtchorn, R. R. 1, Bowmanville. -36-1* Tea Cup Reading TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, phone 2884. 36-tf Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS having any dlaim agsinst the Estate of the late John H. H. Jury, who died on or about the 2lst day of June, 1941, at thc Town of Bowman- ville, in the County of Durham, are equired to file the sanie with proof thereof wîth the undersiga- cd Executars, or thein Solicitor, not later than October lst, 1941, aftcr which date the Estate will be distributcd and al daims o! which the Executors have not re- ceived notice will be bard as sgainst theni. DATED at Bownianville this 25th day of August, 1941. JANET JURY, Bowmanville, Ontario; THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, Executars, by M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanville, Ontario, their Solicitor. 35-3 Wllson's Furniture Co. August Furiture Sale Wise shoppens would do well ta avail theniselves o! aur low priced speciais. Very large selection froni aur two stores. Wilson's values lcad the miarket. Inuer Spring Mattresses $9.95-Sprng fillcd mattresses ina beavy striped ticking, ral cdgc,' handies sud ventilators. AIl sizes. Wonderful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spring f illed studio couches. Good loaking. Wcll tail- ored. These will please you sud save you nioney. Over flfty ta choose from. Floon Covcning Specials $l.49-New bardcrlcss rugs, 6 ft. by 9 ft. Yau will find af Wilson's everyfhing lu floor covemlaga. Personal attention toalal your floor covering problenis. Inaads, dongaleunis, feltels, heavy lino- leum. All wldfhs. Wllson's puices are lowcr. New Chesterfield Suites $69.50-Specially priced fan aur sale. Modern spring fillcd chez- terfleld suites. Smart c a r v e d shaw wood. Excellent combina- tian o! coverngs. We have may - beautiful chesterfieid suites for you ta choose froni. Newest styles. Grandest coverlags. Our low prices wlll plesse you. Bedroom Suites $59.95-Th!iling new smart waterfaU dpsigu. This la an out- stndn bySee oui large selec- tion a! beautiful bedroom suites you wiil b. proud ta own. Wil- son's lower averbead means lowen prices ta you. Gi! t Suggestions Cedan chesta, book cases, lamps, fanc cushians, end tables, che- nillebedspreads, amokers, coffec tables, occasional chairs, dol prame. Hundreds o! ather glfts. af Wllson's lower pruces. Wllson's Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Churoh St. OSHAWA 33-4 Legal ML G. V. GOULD, B. A, L.L.B. Barse,elcitor Notary Bank of Commerce B1dg~, Bowmanviile W. R. STEIK Barrister, Solicitor Notary Solicitor for Bank a1 Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanviile, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister' - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office imrnediately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT 1 Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hours 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, exccpt Sunday Phone 790 - Hanse phone 883 X-Ray Equipmnent in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern I&$ti Equipment, Arn- bulance ahd Invalid Car. Tele- 1phone 480 or 734, Assistet 573. Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarian Church St. - Bownianville Phone 843 29 tf Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Licenseti Auetlonecn Hamupton - Ontario Spedlslizing la Fan, Livestock, Implements sud Furaltune Sales TERMS MODERATE Phase for Terins sud Date ta: Bowmanvillc 2428 Dentlst * DR. R. O. DICKSON Office heurs i Orono: Monday te Frlday (inclusive> from 9 ai. to 5 p.m. Eveulngs by appoint- poiutmeut., Office hours In Newcastle: Every Saturtisy fromn 9 a.m. te, 9 p.m. For appolutment Telephone Orono iSmil. 28-4* IDrugles Pr actitioner - ROBEERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electrical Treatments - SPiÎg Adjustmnents and Masage,4 27-5 For The> Student.. Thec First Nccesity ta a Good îPen and Penc.1l'Bet JURY & LOVEL THE REXALL DRUG STORE Mecn we, test eyes It ta doac properly. C.N.R. Ticket Agency. Phone 778 Bowmgavfle SPECIAL SALEI IT'S sot often wo're able ta effer suc à ut. standing values in Spring Mattressos that bout the label cf Casada'a ieading maker, .W va j s esfruaeoog egsa lhd p I 1C I suppiy l hc r onWe pugpdig icki ngani orm shpoaqaiyfa n ' 7 exceas a 0 a w as$sa1ygs9t-76c ha onabies us ta selI for se littic. Se we'ro inaing Chia spoci a fer for quick turnover. Coins in cariy. It's an opportunity that coities alang oniy once. in a long trne. ALL STANDARD SIZES IN THE LOT iii Other Sprlng-Flled Mattre ses fr0. $1 1.5 to $39.5 SAVINGS FBOM $3.00 TO $12.00 DURING THIS SALE. Dedtint prices have adivanced 10% Sept, lut. Abeve Specilt are deflniteiy withdrawn Sept. isth. F. F. MORRIS cou Bowinanvllle Orono b à, 4 ~ 4 4 WEDNSDAY àAPTERNOON - 2 PAM TRIALS 0F SPEED 2.18 - 2.25 Trot or Puce m a m Children 10o issÎOR - Aduits a 25e "Youth Day" '- Chlldren 5c READa aiUSE Il, 0 J/00 deWANTeAns , 1 - 0%0%" THE èANADIAN STATESMAIX, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTZMUCR 4th, 1941 PAGE EiGHT .àmmmý.A 1 -ý

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