THURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO Wartlm. Fair la Special Event At Orano Sept. 16,17 Just four more days and the Durham Central Agricultural Soc- iety Fair opens at Orono, se plan your work accodingly for you shouid be there on Sept. l7th. The stage is al §et for the grandest faim ever to click the turnstiles in the County of Durham. Monday night the Board of Directors, in full session, heid their final meet- ing and herewith announce some of their decisions: It is to be a Wartimc Fair, with ail the flair mnd accouterments that go te impress us that a war is on, yet in spite of it, yes, be- cause of it, "the show must go on." Fammers who are really carrying the bigger burdon of war- fare, now take time off to show te the world and themselves, too, just how they are carrying on ... and cheorfuily. Successful exhibitors have this suggestion from thc Ontario Cern- mittee on War Savings: When you colect your prize money, why flot devote ail or part of it to War Savmngs Certificatos? The Boardi is preparing a booth where ai) such arrangements can be made and Certificates deivered. Beef cattle are due for special attention. There wiil be three Trephies for the best beof herd; lat, a silvor cup donated by the Bank of Commerce; 2nd, a hay. fork donated by The Pedlar Peo- ple; 3rd, a milk pail by DeLaval. The awards wiil be made in front of the grandstand. The Big Black and White Day, a]ready popuiarized. is expected to bring eut over 150 head of "Who's Who" in thc Hoistein worid. In connection with Uic Bacon Hog contest. a special feature and dispiay is being made by Canada Packcrs, iilustmating the points Uiat determîne Uic various grades, domestic and expert. Besides the herse races and driving events Uiat take place before Uic gandstand, there wil] WA.NTED!e TRAINEES For War Emergency Classes in machine shop practice. Sponsored by a large flrm on direct war work. The only qualification lu: A Brittlsh subict, 16 to 19 years of age, or 26 years and Up. Subsistence a il o wa nace wHillbe pald whlle leara- ing. Apply at the Oshawa Col- leglate and Vocational I- stitute, any day, from 4 p.m. till midnlght, or at any time on Saturday. OSHAWA, ONT.. A Pansons Players Theatre Fr1. & Sat. those howlarious MARX 19ROS. camp for a nght at thc "BIG STORE" with Tony Marin REVIVAL Friday Nite: "PRUDE AND bromsPREJUDICE" GerGarson - Laurence Olivier Mon. & Tues. ROBERT YOUNG LARAINE DAY ln "THE TRIAL 0F MARY DUGAN" Prom Uic play by Bayard Vilier also RICHARD ARLEN JEAN PARKER "FLYING BLIND" WIithRager Pryor Wednesday PMS 4 RIOTOUS DATS tise.. lony BUCK PRIVATES are TI HE NAVV" ZWD LOU ABBOT COSTELLO TOE ANIREWS SISTERS PICVK POWELL ~Nowlous -New Laugisu - 110W W7te> floalyoiir cares «m '¶NTHE NAVY" be ather iomms ai entetainment that will capture attention of bath oid and young. The Junior Dept. classes are open toalal under 20 ycams, wheth- cm you attend scisool or net. There's no entmy ice but entries must be made with Uic Faim Sec- etary by noon ef the fimst day of thse faim. On the first evening of Uic f air,______________ Tuesday, Sept. 16Ui, tise Society is spansoring a pictume show in Ciething and House Purnishings, Laid ai Uic "Wings for Britain Durhami epresentatives did net Fund." A splendid film, "Thse appear. Prize maney was distrîb- h, Lion Has Wings," will be Uic main uted in tise beys' sections arnong t( Mature. This film bas seldenilà winners wlio secured placmngs f( Lbeen shown outside ai tise large iw a'cc event; and, since there r, ;cities and wiil be a sensation at were 283 boys actuaiby taking 'l r Oone. part, Durham Ceunty boys weme F Theme will be other films bath imprtant winnems. educatianal and laugis povcking ... a genuine "taikie"' and a higis-7 ceieds for Uic fair. The entime pro- Mon Wanted0 ircesgo ta tise Wings fer Britaîn lTo Leamn Trades £ Fund.p On tise second night cf Uic Pair,J tiseme will be a dance, ta Uic ac- companinient ef popular music Under an a dv er t ise meont, and ase stot a tempo Uiat wlll 'WANTED', in this issue will be aaemodaete nhsat falfound particulars ai Uic Domin- ages. odte Uic uist f l ion-Provincial War Training Plan.c -Com to hePair" is tisesic- It will be observed Uiat mon be-5 rgan. Remember Uic dates. Mark twoen 20 and 25 are not called0 1your calendar and plan your fer, because Uiey are subject ta 1work accerdingly. miitary duty. But those who are ______________ unfit cm have been dischargedV from tise army may attend UieseV To ns ipCo ncl classes. After training for 6v Towns ip Co ncil wecks or se, Uiey will be taken onE by Uic sponsoring factomy at regu-c * CLARKE TOWNSHIP bar rates oi pay. While attendingr classes at tise Oshawa Cellegiate *Clarke Tewnshlp Council met and Vocational Institute, tise *Tuesday, with ail members pres- student is paid from $7.00 te tcnt. $12.00, if baarding la Oshawa ac- s R. R. Waddell addressed Uic cording ta wisetber single or mar- s ceuncil asking for a letter cf oc- ried. Those who want te take upa cupation ai township road allaw- weiding will have ta get some r sance between lots 26 and 27 con. firm te sponser Uiem fer tise e 5 on behaif of Lyall Lowemy. course. Ail other branches, sucist, 1 The Clerk was instructed te get as general machine shop practice, s 1further information concerning are already spensared. Mon are ii iWarkmen's Cempensation Subsidy. needed every day of every week.a 3 Clerk was instucted to preparc * ccupancy by-iaw ta be present- cd at Uic next council. Litigants May Estimate- 1 1 These resalutians werc passed, Court Costa Now granting $10 te Durhsam Pieugis-____ 1 mcn's Association; instmucting Clerk ta advertise adjourned tax Set Seale of Fees For Division % Lsaie; grantîng permission ta pal- Court Ua Adopted ice e Park and Centre Streets oni bOrena Pair Days; declaring cor- A "block system" ef division tain offices permanent employecs court costs bas been appreved by ef tise township in cennection witi tise Ontario gevermnent, Attorney Uic Unemployment Insurance Act; Generai Canant states. It be- cantinuing C. P. Awde as tax cel- came effective Sept. 2, and fol- lector up to Oct. 7tis; granting ta laws recommendation ai tise sel- Lyall Lewery a letter ai occupa- ect cemmittee of tise Legislature tien on tise unoccupied township wich inquired into tise adminis-t road allowance between lots 26 tration ai justice. Formmrly, liti- and 27, con. 5, until suc i ure as gants ceuld net cstimate casts on this oad allowance be necded fer division court cases, but tise new township purpases. arrangement wiil provide a set Tax Sale-C. F. Awde bought scale. 27%' acres of tise Spingstein Cases are divided into six estate; Wmn. Armstreng beugist classes for clerks' and bailifis' thse Laing estate preperty at Kirby fees. - Cierks' fees range irom $2 for $34.60. A. G. Waddell estate fer cases when tise caim is less was nat seid. than $10, up te $7.50 wiscme tise These bils were passed: dlaim exceeds $200. Bailifis' fees Mms. E. J. Randali, R. F. $ 32.00 range from a minimum of $1 toaa C. B. Tymeli, paint, etc. maximum of $3. for town hall------------- 1.35 Registered mail, as recemmend- J. J. Mellar, salary, etc - 64.41 cd by tise committec fcr scrving Cecil Glass, i sheep killed 11.00 cf papers, is net adopted. Mm. Alb. Soncis, i shocp killed 1000) Conant explained tisat it was de- W. Sbemwin, 1 gheep killed 12:00 cided te wait ta sce how tieserc- Clarence J. Allen, 3 trips vice cf summonses in hîgisway as valuer-------- 7.50 traffic cases by mail warks eut. W. E. Davey, ait sis- Under tise former system, Mr. awa B.O.H------------- ----- 4.50 Cntsadcots were made up Dr. W. H. Stanley, refuli of a number ai small itemis which B.O.H. «-------------------- 3.00isad ta be tabulated. New a liti- Mm. H. G. McDonaid, sup:- gant wili knaw costs la advance se that hoe may detemmine whether plies ----------_------------- 5.00 lie wants to risi tise amount. C. H. Preste & Ca. supplies 12.00 __________ Orono Tmes, printing --- 8.00 C. G. Armstrong, supplies 2.00 Socei eS Join In J. J. Cemnisis, supplies ------- 3.00 Grant ta Pair -------------200.00 Reconsecration Orona Previncial Treasury B.. E. -------- --- _-------------- .73 Tise government bas pmclaimed EF. R. Osborne, S.S. No. 9 tise period September 10-17 as salary advance ---------- 3500.00 roconsecration week and has is- George Butters, B.O.H.- 14.00 sued a seroîl and campiied figures George Richards, care cf for immediate elease by ncws- town dlock ---------------- 5.00 papers imoiniceast te caast. The R. H. Woed, came ai tawn idea is tc impmess everyene with hall----------- - 2.00 tise fact that Canada has now Grant te DurharnPaugs- entered tise third yeam cf war and men's Assaciation ------ 10o.00 wiilc tremendous efforts have E. L. McNacitan, 50% Hos- been made, theme is stili need for pital mtce -- ----------_22.50 tremondously increased effort. Rcad Voucher No. 9 ----688.47 Churcises, clubs, associations and individuais, are asked to pause and do haner to aur living de- Dur'ham Excels Un fenders and our war dead, to tmy tencompass thse prospect that it Judgng t Ex maybe yeams before tisis war is victoicusly concluded. T h ere- Durhsam Ceunty had few on- fore, we must re-dedicate eur- trants la Uic Junior Parmers' Live selves ta tise democmatic cause Stock Judging Competitions at Uic against tyranny. Canadian Natianal Exhibition, Governmcnt figures b e i c w, Toronto, Sept. 3rd, but came aff wisicis The Statesman gladly pro- with two "first place" winners sents, freciy, for tise information and etisers wcil up la Uic run- cf ail, show ta sanie extent how ning. Lloyd Ayre, Hampton, was far we have advanced la certain tidfor fjrst place in sjiecp judg- fields of war endeavar. Twa lag and Lawrence Malcolmn, years aga Canada's forces totalled Nestîcton, held undisputed place 68,000; te-day they number 490,- Armstrong, Lorthy Armstrong, The govemamen1t has spent over Irene Coates, Wllna Armstrong, $520,000,000 for ncw plants and Jean Wright, Helen Wtten. In machincry te assist industriabiste tisis event 19 Caunties were rep- in gctting into production ai war resented. goods and sis. Second Prize Greup, 70%. 23 In two yoars, Canada has siip- Counties epresented - Durham ped ta Britain tisese things: Two came fourth: Bemnice Richards, hundred million bushels ai wiseat; Luella Kennedy, Joan GiUs, Nom- 7,000,000 barreis aificlur; 13,000,- mia Gillis, Margaret Millson. 000 Ibo. eofisoney; 15,000,000 dozen In Nutrition and Home Detence, eggs; and 800,000,000 Ibo. ef park COMING EVÉNTS- A Community Dance will be heid in the Township Hall, Hamp- ton, Wed. Sept. 17Ui. Lucky draw for beautiful. mantel radio. Ad- mission 25c. Pmoceeds for Evening Telegram British War Victims' Fund. 36-2 An Afternoon Tea will be held Thursday, Sept. 18th, at the. home of Mrs. E. C. Southey, Egi St., from 3.30 te 6 pari., undor tie aus- pices cf the Wemen's Guild cf St. John's Churcis. Admission 25c. Everybody welcome. 37-1 Crooked Creek Home & School Club will hold a dance in New- tonville Hall on Friday evcnmng, Sept. l2th. Adwpissien 25c. Good orchestra, 37-1 Salem Harvest Home Services s'ill be held on Sunday, Sept. 14, with Rev. J. E. Griffith, Bowman- ville, as the speaker at 2 p.m: Rev. Plant of Ennlskillen will conduct services at 7 p.m.' Special music by Uic choir. (Standard Time). 37-1 Street Dance and fermai pre- scntation of new traffic signai systcm, Saturday, September 27th, it 8 p.m. The Lions Club af Bow- nanville is giving this valuable equipment *te the citizens of the :ewn and wish te mako thc occa- sion one to be remembered. Danc- ing fmom 9 to 12 p.m. on Temper- ancc St. Dance tickets give holder chance to win $50 War Savings Certificate. Pmoceeds in aid-cf the Red Cross. 37-i The ladies of St. Andrew's EChurch are having a sale of work with afternoen tea and sale of riomemade cooking on Thursday, December 4th.. Reserve the date. 37-1 ENGAGEMENTS Dr. and Mrs. William Tonnant, Bewmanviile, announco Uic en- gagement ef their younger daugh- ter, Winnifred Irene, R.N., te Mr. Oarl Eugene Pequegnat, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmend Pequegnat, Kitchener; the marriage te take place eamly in September. Mm. and Mrs. Alvin Stacey, Bowmanvillc, wish te anneunce the engagement of their eidest daughter, Helen Leuise, te Walter Herbert Geede, oldest son of Mrs. Robt. Rogers; the wedding te take place early in October. Mm. and Mms. Howard E. Ed- mendson, of Oshawa, wish te an- neunce the engagement af their younger daugister, CatherineLou- ise, te Fmedcrick Archibald Wood, son of Mr. Spencer Wood and Uic late Emmna Tucker Wood, Bow- manville. The marriage te take place quietly Octobor i itis in Oshawa. NOTICES Miss Leela Miller wishes te in- form hem patrons that she will be on holiday fromn Sept. 22nd for twe weeks. 37-1 DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP AUl thoso desirous of having their children* innoculated against scarlet foyer and diphthemia will please got in touch with the teacis- cm of their local school, who in turn is mequested ta reiay the in- formation te Dr. Austin, M.O.H. for Darlingten. 37-1 Music FREE TRIAL LESSON, EVEkY night, 7.30. Guitars leo a ne d. Play real music whice learning. Over Wilcox Billiard Parler, King St. Enquire aise at Green- leai Caf e, Newcastle. Brancis, Victoria School ai Music. 37-2* Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR FOUR. Appiy Mrs. Lillian Mountjey, Concession St. noar Elgin *St., Bowmanville. 87-1 products, besides millions ai tans of othor geods. Te-day Uic Active Army is cail- ing for 7,000 velunteers p ee month; the Navy wants 400 ohlps and 27,000 mon by noxt Marcis; Uic Air Force wants incmoasing numbers; women are being en- iistcd, and thse end is net in ui4ht. Reconsecration and rodedicaUon must, of course, encompass Uic fact that we are stili fightin and preparing upon a voluntar bas. Prayers are groatly needed.' Total casualties in Canadlan Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, ech insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra Is made when advertlsement is flot pald arne week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies aredlrected to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deathsa"an marriages 50o each. ln Memorlams, 50o for notice plus 10o per lme for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTHS HAY-Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, (nec Jean Logan), are happy ta announce the blrth of their son, Donald Gray'son, on Thursday, Sept. 4th, 1941; at the Privato Patients Pavilion, Toronto Wes- tern Hospital. Mother and baby doing nicely. 37-1* OKE-In Bowmanvillc Hospital, Wednesday, September 3, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oke, (nec Dorothy Carter), the gift of a son, Donald Carter Oke. 37-1 MARRIAGES BENNETT-WILLIAMS-Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Williams wish to anneunce the marriage of their daughter Alice Mildrod, ta Wil- fred Bennett, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. John Bennett, Picton, which took place at Baysîde, Septomber 6th, 1941, with Rev. Mr. Mercer officiat- ing. 37-1* RICKARD-HENDRY--On Satur- day, September 6th, 1941, in the United Church, Newcastle, by Rev. R. H. Rickard, assisted by Rev. R. E. Morton, Annabelle Erskine Hendry, eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry, to Gamnet Baker Rickard, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Bowmanville, Ontario. 37-1* DJEATHS BROWN -In Clarke, Septemnber 6th, 1941, Alfmed Hammond Brown, aged 72 years. TREWIN-Geomgina Robinson, in Toronto on Tuesday, Sept. 9th, 1941, Geomgmna Robinson, widow of Wmn. Trewin, late of Bow- manville, in hem 88th year. Resting at the residonce of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bain, 77 Westmount Ave., for service on Thursday at 2 p.m.. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery upçn arrivai by motors at 4 o'clock. 37-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-1930 OLUSMOBILE Sedan, 1927 Chevrolet Sedan. Apply Charmes Rundie, R. R. 1, Hampton, lehone 2246. 37-1 FOR SALE - HAND POWER washing machine, nearly new. Will sel cheap for quick sale. Write Box 184, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 37-1w FOR SALE - BOY'S BICYCLE and a radie, very reasonable for cash. Apply R. H.' Westaway, Qucen St.,Bowmanvile. 37-1 FOR SALE - F IR ST C LAS S quality Tomatoos. Phono Osh- awa 289J2, D. J. Courtice, Courtice. 37-4* FOR sALE-QUANTITY 0F OAT straw, cheap. Appiy Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries, phone 345. 37-1 FOR SALE - ONE DEFOREST- Cossley mantel radio. Apply K. Hooper, phono 404.' 37-1 FOR SALE -OAK EXTENSION dining table, poiished. top, $6.00. Apply Mms. Frank Carter, phono 2460. 37-1 FOR SALE - TWO MASSEY- Harris cern bindors, one is near- ly new, anc Frost & Wood bin- dem, seed drills, Kangaroo plews walking plows, tracter plows. Sec your Cockshutt dealers at Hampton fer new *and uscd im- plements. 37-1 RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up to 50 % on ýires and tubes, including new Goodyears, Do- minion Tires. Pull stock in al sizos from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver St. - 14-tf FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congoleum mugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are lnvited te vlew theso at BRADLEY'S New Pur- niture Store, 156 Sinicoe Souths, Oshawa. 19-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNI'PURE Store - Everythlng in moderri, chesterfleld, bedroom, dlining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at cam- petitive pricis. Beore buying visit Bradley's New Furnturo Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 19-fl CALLING ALL QUILTMAKERS - A v o i d winter disappoint- ments - We have the patches you need te finish Uic job - Prints, Broadcloth, Ra y on, Woolens, Veivets - Ail ,sizes, shapes, colors, weights. Save fuel this winter. Make redhot steamheated quilts. Send for Dollar Assortment. Satisfaction or reiund. Buttonshep, Whltby. 137-1* The right thinker and worker dae bis bout, and doos thc think- ing for thse ages ... Hoe iproves moments; ta hlm tume t. money, and ho hoards this capital ta dis- tribute gain,-Mary Baker Eddy. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE SOLID BRICK house on Centre St., Bownian- ville, modern convenlences; will be sold cheap to close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beliman, King St. West. il tf FOR SALE-8 ROOMED FRAME house on Manvers Rd. at Con- cession St. Ail conveniences, hot water heating, furnace. Pos- session this Fail. Apply H. Bea- cock, Nestleton, phone Port Perry 172r22. 36-2* Livestoek For Sale FOR SALE-THREE YEAR OLD Registered Holstein bull and one 2-year-old rcgistered lijol- stein beifer (accredited). Apply W. Craig, Hampton, phone 2365. 37-1* FOR SALE - YEAR OLDi breeding station hens, Bi Rocks, ne reacters whon b tested, 90e each. Edgar Gi R. R. 1, Burkcton, Ont. FOR SALE-TWO CHO Shorthorn heifers, due to f en this month. Apply1 Frank, R. R. 5, Bowmar phone 2403. For Rent TO RENT-100 ACRE FARi% No. 2 Hlighway, about five east of Oshawa. Possessio: tober lst. Appiy by letter, 185, Statesman Office. FOR RENT-6 ROOMED HC ail modemn convenionces. ply R. H. Westaway, Street. FOR RENT-3 ROOM4ED APi ment with 3 piece bath garage. Immediate posseý Not suitable for childmen. é Box 183, cie Statesman C Bowmanviile. FOR RENT - COMFORTÉ bouse in the village of C Ail modemn cenveniences, iy furnished if desired. É George Cowan, Orono. ONT. arred àlood- [tason. Tea Cup Reading TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Darch's Te- bacco Store, phone 2884. 36-tf Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - FARM, also smail place about 6 acres. Write giving full particulars to Box 182, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 37-1 WANTED-BOARD AND ROOM for Protestant hlgh school girl in return for light housework. Write Box 187, Statesnian Of- fice. 37-1* Ilelp Wanted WAI4TED - CAPABLE G IR L -for general housework. Apply Mrs. Chas. Cattran, phone 505. 37-1* HELP WANTED -TWO GIRLS wanted for general office work. Apply Box 189, Statesman Of- fice. 37-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. August Furniture Sale Wise shoppers weould do well la avail themselves of our 10w priced specials. Vemy large selectien ' m our twe stores. Wilsen's Va' es iead Uiceniarket. Inner Spring Mattresses $9.95-Spring iilled mattresses la heavy striped ticking, moll edge, handies and ventilators. Ail sizes. Wonderiui values. Studio Couches $19.95--,Spring 1111ied stuÙdi o couches. Gaod loobing. Webl tall- ored. These will ploase yau and save you meney. Ovorfilfty to cheose fmom. Floor Covering Specials $l.49-New borderlons rugo, Ot. by 9 t. Yau will find at WilIsn's everything in floor coverings. Personal attention te a11 your floor covoring problemsÈ. Inlaida, congeieums, feltols, heavy lino- leum. Ail widths. Wibseti's prices 37-1 WNED-CAPABLE GIRL FOR New Checsterfield Suites I CE Mms. Smitisewrusone 37-iI$69.50-Specially pricod for aur fresh- Ms mt egsn 71 sale. Modern spmîng f ilied cis- Chas. RELIABLE MAN WANTED - A tcrfield suites. Smart c a r v ed iville, local Watkins route is now open shaw woad. Excellent combina- 37-i for a good reilable man with tien ai coverings. We have niany - car. No capital or experionce beautiful chesteriield suites for rcquired, but yau must be a you ta cisaese froni. Newest styles. real hustier. Permanent con- Gmandest- coverings. Our iow - nection Vitis good future for pricos will please yeu. K ON rigist party. Write Tise J. R. Bedroom Suites miles Watkins Ccmpany, 2177 Masson ýn Oc- Street, Mentreal, Quebcc, Dept. $59.95-T b r i 11ii n g new smart 7Box O-B-9. 37- waterfall design. This is an out- 37-1*- standing buy. Soc our large selec- )USELOsttien ai beautiful bedroom, suites )USE,_______________ you wiil be praud te own. Wil- .Ap- LOST - A ILOGGING CHAIN, son's lower averhead means lawer Queen out Manvers Road district. Re- prices ta you. 371 tuma ta B. Purber, Qucen St. Giit Suggestions bART- Rewýard. 37-1 Cedar cisests, book cases, lamps, iand LOST-ON SUNDAY, BETWEEN fancy cushians, end tables, cise- nssîn. George Street and St. Paul's nille bedspreads, smokers, cofie Appiy Cisurcis, anc man's white wind- tables, occasional chairs, doll >fice, breaker. Reward. Bill MeNutI prains. Hundmeds of ether gifts 37-1 at Gilmore's Barber Sisap. 37-l* at Wilson's iower prices. ABLE Wilson's Furniture Co. rano. Fouiid 40 King W. 20 Church St. part--~C WCRANONOHWA3- .Ippiy -BGOFGAIO OHWA3- 36-2* TO RENT - 6 ROOMED COM- fortabie home, every conven- ience, tenant te board lady own- cm. No chiidmen. Phono 581. 37-1 Wanted WANTED - USED BICYCLE IN good condition, easonabie price. Phono 2355. 37-1 WANTED-3 OR 4 ROOMED apartment in Bowmanviile or vicinity, about Oct. lst. Apply Box 186, Statesman Office. 37-1* WANTED - HOME FOR HIGH- Schooi boy, in exchange for services. Mms. A. Murray, R. R. 1, Enniskillen, Ont. 35-3* HOUSE WANTED-HAVE $1000 cash for smail place in or near Bowmanviile. Apply Box 188, Statosman Office. 37-1* WANTED-WHEAT AND GOOD miàxed grain. Apply A. H. Cie- mens, R. R. 6, Bowma n v il1e, phono 2433. 36-tf the highway. south of Hampton. Ownem can have sanie by pmov- ing pmeperty and paying cost cf advt. Elmer Wilbur, Hampten. 37-1 Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS having any dlaim against the Estate cf Uic late John H. H. Jury, who died on om about the 2lst day of June, 1941, at Uic Town cf Bowman- ville, in Uic County cf Durham, are required te file tise sanie with proof thercof with thse undersign- cd Executors, or thelr 'Solicitor, net later than October lst, 1941, aiter which date the Estate will be distibuted and ail ciaims of which tise Executors have not me- ceived notice Will be barred as agi'inst them. DATED at Bowmanviile this 25th day cf August, 1941. JANET JURY, Bownianville, Ontario; THE TORONTO GENECRAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Tomante, Ontario, Executars, by M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanville, Ontario, their Soicitor. 35-3 Notice ot Cancellation 0FTIM A ATONFAL Take notice that thse auction saie cf property on west aide of Liberty Street, in lte Town ot Bowmanvllle, advertised for Wodnesday, thse 24th day of Septepiber, 1941, bas boom cancelled. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUST CORPORATION Toronto. Lowest Drug Pritces We are nover undorsold. We wlll mccl and 50 callod "eut" prices wlth suporior merchandiso. Everybody Needs VITA MI NS ilalîbut Liver 011 Caps., 50's 90e Vitamin Plus, 36, 72 1.50-2.75 Wheat Germ Caps., 50,8 1.00 Neo Chemical1 Food 1. 15 - 2.45 Adex Tablets -- -----1.00 B. D. Flouses Vitamin B. - 90e Calcium A. Caps. - 1. 10 - 2.00 Multiple Vitamins - 1.50 - 2.50 Kepler's Malt & C.L.O. 75c.1.25 Yeast & Iron Taba. I100's 79e Alphamettes 1.00- 1.85 -3.50 Waterbury's Comp. - - - S$c Scott's Emulsion - 59e - 98c Phono77~8 For HAï FEVER tIay-Tone - 25e - 50c - 1.00 Raz-Mah Caps. --500 - 1.00 Nose & Throat Relief 25c - SOC Rinex Capsý. ---SOC - 1.00 Vapure Inhalant - 25C - SOC Ephazone Tabs. - 1.50 -2.50 Gluco Fedren 85e--- I Respirin Caps. -- -Sc Rexal Catarrh Jelly -.25C - soc Chase's Powier - - - - c~ Vatronal-- ---- B. & W. Ephedrlne Tabs. âge Ticket Agey Jury BLovel exali Drug Store WHEN WE TEST ETES IT 18 DONE PROPERLY. -C.N.R. DailduSE-ZIWWANTADS TRE CANADIAN 8 TATESMAN,.BOWTJANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN