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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1941, p. 9

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THVfRSDAYý, SÉPTEMBER 18, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE 11111E %iss Jo 4Armstrong visited here. Mant Richardson has returned fram holidays.' Miss Louise Cowan, Toranto, is visiting here. Mns. Fred Lycett and son Doug- las are hame from the east. Mr. and Mrs. Drummand and Alec are back from their holldays. Mrs. Pearson left for Toronta Saturday. The Farestry men naw wark from 8 ta 5 p.m. The Statesman is on sale at Tyrreil's Drug Store at 5c a copy. Friends were glad ta see Mr. Wlddis Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Piggott, Toronto, visitéd here. Mrs. M. A. Carleton was in Toronto. Mr. Frank Pearson visited his1 mother. Mr. and Mrs. G. Suggitt 'and Nancy, Toronta, visited here. Dr. and Mrs. Leslie, Peterboro, werc at W. J. Riddell's. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane vislted O. W. Scott. SIPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS TO ALrd STATIONS IN Western Canada OOING DATES DAILY SEPT. 12 TO 26, 1941 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL. IN COACHES Excursion, tickets good in Tour s Parior and Standard sleeping cars aima available on payment of llght lhgh.t or pasgfares, plus girice 0f parlor or alàngcar accommodation.c ROUTES-Tickets good going via Ports Arthur, Ont., Chicago, Ill., or SaultC Ste. Marie, returning via smre route and lune only. Generous optional routings.e STOPOVERS-will be allowed at any point In Canada on the going or re- turn ttip, or both, within final Ilirit of ticket, on application to Condue- tor; also at Chicago, Ill., eault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west. In accord- ance wlth tarif fa of United States lines. f Full partIculars froni any agent. 28-4-11-18 WUN SOLDIERS! ATTENTION I ISTAND YOUR FET* i-AT EASI gIARD'S 'g' Bill Found, Toronto, visited hene. Mrs. Marshall, Toronto, visited hier father, Mr. Gea. Cooper. Mrs. H. Barnett and Mrs. Hun- ter visited at Mr. W. Banrett's. The Fonestry and School got a day off for the fair. The aluminum collection consý tinues until Sept. 20th. No bids were received on Uic A. G. Waddcil property, up for sale for taxes, s0 it revents ta thc township o! Clarke. Onono friends extend congratu- lations ta Mrs. J. Rickaby who will be nînety Friday the 26th. What's.,happened? Milt Morris is actuaily walking a littie dis- tance each day ta save gas. Dr. and M~rs. Carroll and daugh- ter o! Arthur were guests o! Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin. Mns. Howand Walsh was hostesa ta membens of the W.C.T.U. Tues- day afternoon. G.'Dent, C. Tennant, C. Cowan and Bob Kean were home on leave. Mrs. Wm. Glanville and Mrs. Ted Woodyand were at the lat- ter's cottage. Madison Hall and Percy Lunn purpose attending the fishing derby at Meaford. HRev. and Mrs. N. D. MacDonald, Hamito, and Dr. and Mns. D. D. Monald, Toronto, called on Mns. Neil Smith. Miss Jean White leaves this week ta undergo an aperation. Eileen Joncs is taking hier place in the post office. Mn. Carman Haw, Fort Fran- cis, is visiting here and expects ta undergo an operation this manth. Mr. and Mrs. Marwaod Heard and children, Elgin and Elcanor, Enniskilien, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin and children Murray and Allan, Tynone, visited at R. H. Wood's. That idea that children hate school is all baioney. Last week a littie 4-year-oid wended his way ta school-,armcd with paper, pen- cil and a cook book as big as him- self-and announced that hie had came ta school. He staycd, tool Mns. Wm. Armstrong ententain- cd her Sunday School class at supper. Games wcre cnjoyed and thc fallowing off icers ciected: President-Shirley Porter; Vice- Shirley Myles; Se'y.-Anna Sta- pies; Asst. Sec'y.-Audrey Bull- ings; Treasurer-Dawn Maffatt. W. A. has decidcd not ta hold a fowl supper this fail. .At Park St. Church Sunday mornig thc pastor gave an mn- tcresting sermon dealing with the advisability a! advertising reli- gion and whethcr the road was smooth or rough. In the evenig he spoke an the strikc at the Campbell Soup Company plant and alsa referred ta C. B. Sissons' letter in The Statesman, intimat- [ng that the govcrnment was act- ing for its own advantage in bath cases. A splendid vocal duet was rendcned by Misses Gwen and M!uriel Tennant. W.C.T.U. met Tuesday at Mrs. HIoward Walsh's. Worship pcriod was conducted by Mrs. W. Stutt. MIrs. R. Rainey led in prayer. Mliss Stella Best favored with a vocal solo, accompanicd by her nother. Plans were made for the ,nedal contest. Pnogramn commit- cee includes. Mns. J. J. Mellor, M'rs. W. Stutt; Judges Com. Mrs. S. Littlcwood; Books Corn., Mrs. R~. Best; Medais, Mrs. R. Raicy. 'What has been donc in Uic pro- vinces regarding Uic Temperance question" was read by Mns. Walsh. Y. P. UNION' ELECTS OFFICIERS Park St. Union met Manday evcning when officers werc elect- cd. Rev. and Mns. S. Littlcwaod gave a splendid vocal duet. Elsie Rowe read the scripturc. Tuese officers were clected: Hon. Presidents-Rev. S. .Little- wood, Robt. Sherwin; President- Dick Morton; Vice President- Gien Hancack; Sccretary-Mar- garet Flintof!; Treasurer-EJsie Rowe; MiÉsionary Tre as un er- Gloria Richardson; Pianists-Myr- tic Smith, Glen Tamblyn; Con- venons and Assistants: Fcllawship -Myntie Tamblyn, Lenona Wood; Missionary-1Myrtle Smith, Mur- ici Tennant; Citizenship -S'a m Keane, Edna Myles; Cultural- Donald Stapies, Franklhn ram- blyn; RecreatiaTi Com.-K. Smli, G. Tennant, G. Hancock; Lunch- Mrs. Littlcwood, Allie Wood, S. Best, R. Berry; Ushes-E. Blcw- ett. M. Hancack. . Glen Hancack gave words of encauragement ta the ncw>execu- tive. Antîoch Club Disbands Gives Al Funds To Red Cross Antioch Home and Schooi Club, after ten months' 111e, has dis- banded. This move was made Thursday cvening when it was decided it was nat having Uiecoc- openation necessary. Moncy i the tneasury will be given ta Onono Red Cross. A suggestion that Miss Smith see that several community get-tagethers be held cach ycar was reccived with ac- dlaim. An excellent pnagram was pre- sided aven by Mns. H. Coathani: Vocal duet by Keith and Evcnett Woad, with Miss Smith at the piano; humorous reading, Miss K. Smith; two vocal duets by Mrs. Mary Phasey and Mrs. H. Can- treli, with Mrs. V. Hancock at the piano; and a reading by Mania Hancock. Ail werc much enlayed. Members now look fanward ta the Halaowe'en party which is the flrst social event in the pnapased iist o! cammunity gàthcnings. PIM AND DISTANT HAPPENIROS From The. Orono News of August 27, 1925 Ororia Juniars jounneycd ta Oshawa and tnimmed Uic Mets il ta 1. On the return game Mon- day nigtte lçcals handed the- Mets a shutout 6 ta 0. At a meeting o! ratepayens o! the school section thus nesalution was passcd: That the Board be requested ta make such tempor- ary arrangements as may *be pas- sible for the present year until such tirne as a permanent addi- tion can be built and that the Board ivestigate plans and casts o! such an addition and report at a subsequent meeting o! the rate- payers. Important changes are taking place with some o! aur business houses. The Rainey groceny is mavig ta Uic store vacated by Foster Hardware Ca., and the post office may move ta Uic Tour- jce building, fornicnly tin shop. Postmaster R. Z. Hall is rcported as having bought the property with the intention o! rcmodclling it. From The Orono News of September 3, 1925 Local talent under direction o! Mrs. Donald Robb arc gctting Up that popular comcdy "Nathing But Uic Tnuth," whlch they pur- -posc showing fair night. , The splendid work Orono Con- tinuation School is doing is - ne- flected in the number o! qualh!ied teachens that le! t this week ta take charge o! ichoals in variaus parts o! the country: Miss Kath-~ icen Stapies, ta Uic Hlgh School staff, Port Hope; Fred Lanrinian ta Toronto; Miss Belle Allin, Osh- awa; Ken -Hall, Whitby; Harve Winters, Bowmanville; Bill Ly- cett, Strattan; Roy Cornish, Wcs- icyville; Miss Eileen Souch, Sixth Line; Miss L. Barweil, Drumm; Miss Mamie Archer, Clarke Un- ion; Jim Ford and Arthur Payne, New Ontario; Miss Lèta ,. Stutt, Centreville; Ken Fraser, Brooklmn. In the Centre St. Church Sun- day evening an impromptu quar- tette comprising Messrs. O. A. Gamsby, Harold Aluin, Wyvan Reid and James Swarbrick, Ken- dai, sang in excellent vaice "Jesus Saviaur Pilot Me.", License Inspectar Goadcnich and Provincial Detective Cousins an a trip ta the nonth o! the town- ship yesterday seized a ten-gallon still which was in aperatian some- wherc amang the pines on the ninth concession. The out!it was loadcd ta capacity and several gallons a! moonshine wene rcady for delivcny. No arrests wen.e made. W. M. S. met on the iawn o! the president, Mrs. Rev. Tucker. A~ good pnogram consisted o! a topic "Christian Stewardship"' read by Mns. D. T. Ailin and Mns. James Dickson, sacned sciections on the victrola and a letter rcad by Mrs. T. H. Powens from Mn. Nedrie at Bennins River acknaw- ledging the arrivai o! a baie o! clothing. From The Orono News of September 10, 1925 Ratepayers assembied uesday cvening ta consider providjing ad- dîtional accommodation fan Con-ý tinuation School purposes. The only dog in Orona ta Win a cash dividend - and we have as many varieties and brecds o! dogs as most towns - is Lion, Uic huge St. Bernard, owned by C. G. Armstrong, wha nat only won two firsts and a second, but the Grand Gold Medal and $38.00 in prize money at the Dog Show at Toronto. Veryr few people had any idea he was any gaad only ta ban Uic way in and out o! the big store, and mast people who passed an opinion claimed thcy would nather !ced a cow or a pig if Uicy had ta make a choice, but he took Uic dog show people and judgcs by starm and now Peter- bora and other big centrai fairs want hlm as an attraction. Tue aid dog is almost human; when told be was gaing away before taking hlm on the Orno Trans- portation truck for Toronto, he whined and crled like a child. Mns. George Butters is home from vislting her mothen in Eng- land. Mns. (Rcv.) J. W. Rac is home from the hospital iToronto, her son Dr. Cecil Rae motoring hen down. W. J. Martyn Intends erecting a ncw nesidence on Uic James BrQwn lot. Thýs wMl make Uic six th fine new residence Mr. Ma- tyn has built' ince comig ta Orono. Obituary Fred Wellesley Allin The Auburn News of Washing- ton, U.S.A., records the death o! Fred Wellesley Allin, age 84, who dicd at his home in Algana on Sept. 2nd, after an illness o! six months. Deccased was born at Bow- manville, Ontario, March 19, 1856, and came ta the United States 50 years ago. He was a real pîoncgn ,o! Algona, being among Uic finit people ta lacate thene 33 years aga.. Sunviving hlm is his wifc who hias also passed the 80-year mark. Rev. Wayne Wright officiated at the funcral services, and Rev. Harian R. Stone, Mn. Allin's for- mer pastor, sang. Following Uic services cremation took place. Eyesight Education And Effliciency By C.II.Tuck Optametrilt Disney BIdg. f b (opp. P.). Number 191 "Eyeslght Conservation" (Part 10) Actuai cancers from chraniE irritation a! il fitting glasses are nat unheard of. It is impossible ta fit a frame by mail. It is impossible ta carrect your vision by mail. Impossible ta'o! the disease case nceding attention at once, by mail. The peddlar- from hanse to house is nat pr9perly equippcd tb render "tti srie. The mail order service and the merchandise supplicd thcreby hs inefficient and even idiculous. The average persan depends upon his cyes fan his living. Much pon heaith cames from inipcn!cc vision. Do not neglect the cyes., -.1*ýpgLIcIQOsI Rujoy Its doUdousm genuine peppemlpt flavor after e'ery mal ... rýeieves that atuffy feelng... helpe kuep teeth clean, briijitandattraciv... breath pleaant. GET SOME TODAYI 1Oc Qet ofuck 8* FPAY I.PAceo Crnr MORE L OE L[ 'A i i r t Pictur. Shows Orono Man Talklng To Duke 0f Kent Miss Agnes Waddell, Orona, has a pic turc of which she is very proud. It shows her brother Ai- fred talking ta the Duke of Kent.i Alfred, a former Ononoite, and sonl of Mr. and -Mrs. Geo: Waddell, Bethany, is now stationed at Cal- gary. Kendal Visitors: Miss Myrtie Falls is vislting Mns. Pacdcn, Wesleyville. -.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke and Mn. Robt. Alexandew, Toronjo, wlth friends. . . Miss J. Perrin and Mn. Bill Morley at Mn. Fred Falls'. . . Mns. Ted Woadyand and Ann at Loon Lake, near Apslcy. Miss Olive Gardon has return- ed ta Port Hope ta wark in Trin- ity College. Mrs. Wilkinson, Guelph, is i charge o! Kendal school this ycar, and Miss Dorothy Smalc at Mc- Lean's. Sympathy gacs out ta Norman Kennedy in. the loss of his father who passcd away in Toronto. Bcst of luck ta Don Little who has been in a drug store in King- ston and is now taking his .first ycar in Phanmacy i Toronto, and ta Alec who is training in mech- anics in Toronto. Gunner Pete Martineil has ne- turned from Debent, N.S., on sick Icave. He expects ta neturn ta Kingston.1 Mrs. Eben Luxon underwent an operation in St. Joftph's Hospi- tal, Peter ana. W. I. met Sept. 1llth. The ladies broiught pienty of penennials ta plant the two large beds in Uic Park. As the weatherman did not favor a picnic the ladies heid their meeting and lunch in the libnary. Those wishing ta send aid wool- lens ta make into biankets must have them on hand at the ncxt meeting. Twelve pounds of aid woolicns is rcquired ta make anc bianket. Brown's 0 d Cross held a quilting at Mn. Clarence Turner's. Business e meeting will be held at Mns. Frec- s man Eddy's on Sept. 25th. Brown's Home & School Asso- sciation held a meeting on Tuesday à cvcning when these officers were -t eiected: Pres.-Mns. Henry Reich- ratit; lst Vice Pres.-Mns. Clar- ence Turner; 2nd Vice Pres.-Sid- ncy Brown; 3nd Vice Pns.-Bill Morley; 4th Vice Pres.-Mrs. Gea. Stephenson; Rec. Se'y.-I r e n e Curson; Connes. Sec'y. and Paper Editan-Wylma Farrow; Treas- Jean Perrin; Pianit -B enrt ha Caïn; Sick Com.-Mrs. Robt. Gra- ham,, Mns. Andy Hunten; Chair Comi.-Freeman Eddy and Andy Hunter. Jerry Cnaig favored with sevenal vocal sehections accomp- anying himsclf on the guitar. Meetings begin at 8 o'clock sharp. Mn. Clifford Brown is quite ill. Wc welcome Mn. and Mns. Smythe and family to aur com- munity. Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Chas. Bedwin in Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mns. Wellington Farrow and Wyh- ma at Mn. Laurence Jamieson's, Coid Springs... Mn. and Mns. R. Grahami in Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Turner and Sam at Mn. Chas. Osborne's, Ebenezer... Mn. and Mrs. Cecii Mahhcy and farnily, Lockhart's, at Mn. Clifford Brown's. .. Mns. J. Hiler at her daughten's in Toronto. Clarke Union Archie Watson, who bas been in Kingston fan three years study- ing drugs and is now gaing ta the College a! Pharmacy in Toronto, was home. Roy Berry is busy with his binden cutting corn. He has aven 100 acres waiting fan him. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Power and children visited Trenton. Mn. James Oak, who bas ten- anted Mns. Neih Smith's place for 20 years, is moving ta the Ashton place on No. 2 highway. We are sorry ta hase the Oak !amily. Leslie Thompson is in the sec- tion with his threshing out!it. Grain is tunning out well for thc quantity o! straw and a very good samnpie. Edwin Sandcrcock has secuned a position in the Goodyear, Bow- manville. Mrs. Hoocy, who has been kcep- ing house for Mn. Fred Hill, has returned ta her home at Orono. Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto, visited her cousin, Miss Eilien Sou ch. YOUTH? Then what is youth? It's when anc's young, And evenything looks bright; When suns ne'en know a mist by day, And moons, no cloud at night. When ail the futurc's full o! hope, And bechons fandly on; And ail the world's a-tune with lave In singing li!c's swcet sbng. When fiowcrs' fragrance multi- plies, And reaches into space; And turns the ozone's molecules Ta f111 each farthcrest place. When fruits on evcny twig and l1mb Ambnosials tastes dispei, And ailUicheair with songbiri.s' note Is fllled, like Anion's swell. Ycs, this is yauth, but soon ald age Steps hIwihcertain stnide, And aU Uice beauties yauth has known Are sadly shoved aside. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford S., Toronto. ORONO M. Langdon, Regional Clothing Organizer. To the Women's Institute, Hampton, Ont.: 36 Essex St., Levenshuime, Manchester, 19. Dear Fricnds: Again I thank you for the twol beautiful parcels o! baby cioth-' ing. It is splendid o! you ail ta wonk so hard. I oniy wish I couid thank you ail personaiiy but I know my niece Mns. Burrus wiii do that for me. I am naw distributing these things myseif as I am back in Manchester, and I shahl sec thcy go ta those who need them mast, but as you know we neyer knaw what the night may bring, so please forgive these pon souis if eou neyer hear from them. I ieft my nicce's address ibath pan- ceis 50 I am hoping whàevcr gets them will write yau. I have sent a lit o! littie woolies (white if possible) for babies who wiii neyer waik or sec whom I have a great interest i, so if any o! yau couid help me I should be giad. Yours incereiy, D. Moses. BABIES' SHORT KICKERS Approx. 4 ozs. wool. 4 neediesj size 5. Cast an 88 stitches on anc needie. 1 row plain. 3 rows two plain two puni. Make haies, knît 2, thread in front o! needie and knît two ta- gethen. 8 rows, 2 plain 2 puni. Knit plain for 64 nows. Take off on two eitna needies, 32 stitches for each end ieaving1 24 in centre. Knit the centre plain for 16 rows Increase at the end o! cach rowj NEwýs PATTERN 0F KICKERS WITH FEET Materias-5 ounces o! 4 ply wool. 3 No. 8 knitting needies. Cast on 68 stitches. Work in nib of knit 2 puri 2 for 8 rows. 9th now: *Knit 2 waoi farward, knit 2 together, repeat fnom * ta end o! row. Work 7 more rows in nib a! knit 2, puni 2. i7th Row: Knit 8 - turn. i8th Row: Knit 8. 19h Row: Knit 16 - turn. 2th Row: Knit 16. 2ist Row: Knit 24 - turn. 22nd Row: Knit 24. Continue in this manner, knit- ting up 8 extra stitches in every alternate raw. until only 12 stit- ches remain. Knit ail the stitches on ta anc row agamn. Work 70 'rowa in plairi knitting, încrcasing once at the long side a! the work in eveny 7th now, thus making 78 stitches on the nccdle. Wonk 40 rows, decreasing once at the beginning o! each row, thus making 38 stitches an the uiWedle. Knit 24 rows without shaping. Commence Uic Foot - Begi- ning at the front o! the work <Uic shaped edge is Uic back) as fol- lows: Knît 13, knit 32 more raws on the next 12 stitches. Break off the woai and sew in Uic end, then commence again at the side in- step where the 13 plain knittcd stitches arc left on Uic needie. With the same needie knit Up 16 stitches aiong the instep, and the first 6 stitches acrass the tac. Take another needlc pointed at bath ends and knit the xicxt 6 stitches o! the toc, knit up 16 stitches aiong the lc!t side o! Uic instcp and knit the remaining 13 English Letters Readens of The Statesman "Eng- lish Letten"' column will ncmcm- ber how the citizens o! Hampton- Salcm district anc hclping British bombcd victlms, specializing in sendmng childncn's clothing. We take pleasure in pritig letters necently received and also a cir- cular issued by thc Duchess of York Hospital for Babies which sets out what kind of articles it needs and how to make them. Manchester, England, August 25, 1941 To Mrs. Burrus, R. R. 5, Bowmanville: It was With the grcatest plca- sure we neceived the two layettes sent by you through Mrs. Mosco, Levenshume, Manchester, 19, for the air raid victims. Thcy will prove a real boon ta mothers who have lost ahl their beiongings. They are not only grateful to receive the comfort of goad cloth- mng but also gain fresh hope from the knowledge that this help is caming from peopie living thou- sands of miles away who show them practical sympathy. We shouid like ta thank you on their behaif. Dentist MR R. O. DICKSON Office hoursinl Orono: Moudy ta Frlday (inclusive) fromn 9 a.m ta 5 p.m Evening by appoint- »olutment. Office hoursinl Newcaste: Ever7 Saturday front 9 a.m. te 9 pn For appolntment Telephone Orono 18r1. 28-40 stitches on the ather needie. Knit 10 raws on these two needies. Kpiit 5 mare rows, de- creasing once at each cnd of bath needles. Cast Off. - Work a second piece like the first, but wark 25 raws in plain knitting at the ankie, this will commence the foot at the back of tic wark, and make it correspond with thc first half. Sew the seauns of the feet and legs and joi the two pieces together at thc front and the back seanis. Thread at the waist with elastic. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO until 40 stitches are on the needies. Then decrease at the end of each row until no stitches are lcft. Legs-Pick up 8 stitches along the centre piece in addition ta the 32 on needies. Knit 2 plain 2 purl for MI rows. Cast off. BABIES' SACQUE COAT 4 ozs. 4-ply knitting wool, 2 needies size 6 or 7 - or - 4 ozs. 3-ply knitting wool, 2 needies size 7 or 8. A border of 8 rows, 2 plain 2 puni, round the bottom of the coat is a great advantage, though flot necessary. Cast on 60 stitches. Knit 60 rows. Cast on 30 stitclies for sîceve. Knit acnoss and cast on 30 stitches for thc other siceve. Knit 30 raws. Knit 50 stitches, cast off 20, then knit rcmaining 50. On these 50 stitchcs knit 4 rows. Cast an 18 stitches for anc front. Knit 30 rows and cast off 30 stitches farming anc sîceve. Knit 60 rows. Cast off. Knît from othcr needie (hold- ing 50 stitches) for thc other front. Cast off. Sew up under anms and sîceve. Crochet siot for ribbon round neck. FORE WARNED IS FOREARMED Be prepared for the. Sehool Days Juat ahead by havlug Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning 1Company, Limitai tae. oas o! your Lauudry and CleanIni requienients uow. PHONE 419 aud our driver wilI caIL. IBusiness Directuiry Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B1. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmariviile W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor Notary Salicitor for Bank ai Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanvalle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office immediately east of Royal Tfieatre Phone Office 688 Home* 553. Dental DR. J. C. DEVII Assistant: Dr. E. W. Siunon Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jublleo Bldg.. Bowmnanville. Office hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phane 790 - Hause Phane 883 X-Ray Equipment in office Funeral Dîrectors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any haur, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modem Motar Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. VeterInary R. B. MUREA'Y, V.O.; DV.Sc. Vetertuarlsu Church St - Bowauvle Phone 843 29 t! PAGE Nn«

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