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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1941, p. 5

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THUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1941 PAGE ~i~tÈ THE CkNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO Deacock Diamond Wedding On Sunday ls Widely Attended Residents ai Durham 'and On- tario Counties al their lives, Mr. and Mrs. James Beacock celebrat- cd fieir diamond wedding anni- versary Sunday, Sept. 14. Mrs. Bcacock was born in Durhamx Couxty 78 years ago, and was a sister aifixhe late Inspecetor James L. Hughes and thxe late ,;ieut.-General Sir Sami Hughes.j "ter maternai grandfather was anc officer under Welington in fixe. battle ai Waterloo, and her mat-9 ernai grandmother was fixe daugh- ter ai a French gencral. lier parents were John and Caroline Hughes, bath from the county ai Tyronè, Inelandf, but ai Welsh descent. They came ta Can-, ada shartiy, ater their piarniage- some 90 years aga.-Mrs. Beacock la the third yaungest ai four brothers and six sisters., Only anc sister, Mrs. Lena McDonald, af *Toronto, survives. Mr. Beacock, born in Cart- wright Township, Durham County *ayer 80 years aga, descends froni English parents, althaugh his mother was born in Ireland. lis parents came ta Canada in early married life and raised a iamilyj ai five girls and five boys. Mr. Beacock was the eldest son ai Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock, ane time af Bowmanville. Rie and Mrs. Beacock were mar- ricd in Durhami County near Blackstack, 60 years aga. They have ralsed a family of twa girls and anc boy. Mrs. Roy Spencer, of P4'th ' and Betnam Beacack, ai > Toronto arc still living.. Mrs. Gea. Hýoustoix (Carnie), Taronto died six years ago. In gaad health, Mr. and Mrs. Beacock are active in ail church work in fixe community. They are *the oldest residenta af Myrtle Station, having lived there 35 ycars. Mr. Beacock was postmas- ter for 30 years. Mrs. Bcacock does excellent neediepoint. They have four grandeilidren and six great-grandchildren. Four brothers and two sisters af this grand aid couple are liv- ing and share with them the en- jayment ai such an unusual event. Samuel J. Beacack, Toronta, Mrs. W. C. Ferguson (Kezia) and Mrs. A. W. Pickard (Enmma) ai Bow- manvilie were able ta be present as was William A. Beacock who traveiled the long distance frani his home in Seattle, Washington, just ta be present. Others of fixe family unable ta attend are twa brothens, Gea. A. Beacock, Green- ville, Mich., T. Arthur Beacock, Regina, Sask. and a sister, Mrs. C. H. Hobden, Boston, Mass. WEDDING ATTENDANTS At the niarriage ai Miss Doroflxy Hauck ta Mr. C. Bayd Sienion, which takes place on Oct. 11th in Niagara Falls, Miss Florence Ba- con ai Chippawa wiil be maid ai hanor, and the bridesmaids will be the bride's twa cousins, Miss Marlon Hquck ai Niagara Falls and Miss Eleanar Houck ai Brampton, Mis. Robert Paul ai Chathami and Miss Barbara Wil- liams ai Niagara Falls. Little Miss Patricia Siemon, nicce aifixhe bridegroani, and daughter ai Group Captain and Mrs. ROY Sic- mon ai Victoria, will be flawer manville will be groonisman for girl. Mr. KCeith Slemon ai Bow- his brother, and fixe ushers will be Mr. Bert Willaughby, Taranto, Mr. John Shivas, Stratiord, Mr. Gien Mcllveen, Bowmnanvilie, and Mi. Lau Atkey, Owen Sound. ORONO COUPLE ON ANNIVERSARY ENTERTAINMANY A happy and very lively partyj ai relatives and friends surprised, campletely. Mn. and Mis. Milton J. Tamblyn, Orona, on Tuesday evenlng, Septl. 9th, when abaut 60 drave up ta their iarm home, with lights off and horns ful an. The guesta took full possession ai the spaciaus residence Ipr the celebrat ion and cerenianies and speeches which wene to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary ai the niarniagé ai Mn. and Mrs. Tam- blyn. Many present were guests in1 thxe same hanie, which was fanm-1 eily awned by the bride's parents,9 Mn. and the late Mrs. George Mitchell, when flhc yaung coupleg were manied, and they expressedi the hope and expectation ai beingj present twenty-five years hencei ta celebrate their golden wedding.1 Aiter an hour aif fiendly greet- ings, the bride and groom, attend- cd by bridesmaid, Eva Mitchell Leishman, and groamsnian Roger TanblYn, with Mn. George Mit- xhell, were escorted ta the head of the living rooni ta the strains ai LohengrnIxis Wcdding March, play- cd by Sit. Instructar Chas. Cawk- erý, R.A.F. and Mns. T. W. Cawker sang the apprapniate solo, "At Dawning " with her son as acconi- Paxist. Mn. John Tamblyn, as M. C. theix called upon Mis. Russel Ormiston Who voîced the congrat- ulations af the asscmbled guests. Reference was made ta fixe happy place fixe couple had won in the cammunity and the talents which had enabled thernita take a prom- inent place in church, cammunity and social circles. It was gratify- ing ta know that enawed as they wene with musical talent, thcy had utihized t ta the fuil in beha]f ai comnxunity service. At the conclusion ai the address, which .wished many mare decades ai happinesa, a presentation was made ta fixe happy couple ai a silven tea service and the scroll was signed in behalf f a ll by fixe Tamiblyn and Mitchell families and by Carl and Winnie Biilings. Chairman John was in happy mood and after a few chaice and apprapniate tonies, intraduced an impromptu Programme: A piano duet byi Mrs. Stapies and Mrs. Brown; a vocal solo by Mcl Staples and severai selections by thxe Onono Brass Quartette. These nunibers wene intcrspenscd with livcly speeches. At the conclusion af this programme, the chainian called upan Mia. Wes. Cawken, Bowmanvile, wvlia had composed and presented seven verses ai biographical congratulation which, aPPnopiately, preceded the at- tractive luncheon which mncluded a three-story wedding cake. Re- frcshments were supervised by Mis., John Brown, Mis. Fred Tamblyn and Mis. Carl Billings. The happy gathering jained in smnging Auld Lang Syne and joy- ausly departed itt the starry night, vawtag ta meet again, twenty-five years hence, a% the sanietiome, for similar celebra- tion, in honor aiflice same couple. A long lie may noti be goad enough, but a good lie la long enough.-Benjamin Franklin. Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA COING DAULY Sept. 12 -20,1941 inclueive EETURN LIMEUT - 45 DAYS TICKETS GOOD IN- Coaches, in Tourlst Sleeping Cars or in Standard Sleeping cars at Special Reduced Rates for each class. Cost of accommodation In Sleeping Cars additlonal. EAGGAGE CHECKED). Stopovers at ail points cen route. Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Sanie Perlod. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservatiaila and ail information from any Agent. ASK FOR HANDfILfL T 851 CNA-DI1A N.NA TIO0N AL Pastor Says Education Begins In Religion The apening meeting of the Home and School Club was held Sept. lth in the Central Public School. Mis. W. Woolley, co- vener fo; the evenîng, presented the fallowing program. Two piano duets by Miss Phyl- lis Chals and Mn. E. Workman were much enjoyed. We are in- deed fartungte ta have two such talented musicians. Rev. J. E. Griffith, new minis-i ter ai Trinity United Church,i gave an address on "How religion1 is linked with the home and the . schoai." He pointed out that the1 sane facilities and opportunitiesi were affered t alal in a greater or less degree, but not ail availed themselves ai such opportunities. Everyane has something ta which they are particularly adapted. Education had its beginning in religion, but rather than religion being advanced by education, aur educatian *as leading us ta feel self -sufficient. We do nat feel we need God. We have in us a hu- mane urge. Such urges find ex- pression in aur efforts ta help athers such as bomb victinis. For sanie time the emphasis ai education was on fixe institution and then the curriculum. Naw it is centred on the moulding of.per- sanality. The danger in this is the leaving out of religiaus edu- cation. The develapment ai per- sanality must be tempered with a knowledge ai .Gad, so that we may not have an altogethen selfish and grasping world. We must have "the right atmasphene, posi- tive teaching and direction." The home, church and school should all be hinked togetixer. Mr. Griffith's address was searching and inspiring. It shouid make us ail pause and think. Mrs. Alex Colville favaned with tWa vocal solos, "Lards ai the Air" and ,'Sonny Boy." We shal miss Mrs. Coiville. She was ai- ways ready to lend lier voice ta any gathering. The next portion ai the pro- grami was periarmed with a great deal ai pleasure. Mrs. A. S. Baker and Principal A. M. Thonipson were honored on the occasion ai their recent marriages. Mrs. Ba- ker was presented wlth a beauti- fui hanging mirror and Mr. Thonipson was thxe recipient ai a lovely casserole. Each expressed their surprise and thanks in ap- prapriate words. Miss Morris' rooni won fixe prize for -the mast mothers in attend- ance. The Club would be glad ta welcomeany ai the new inothers in the district. The display «aiflothing -for overseas was much admired. It is haped that we may be able ta da more such wark during the winter months. TEN CONFIRMED BY PRIMATE AT SOLEMN SERVICE Teni candidates for entrance in- ta full membership in St. John's Anglican chuch wene canfirmned at fixe Sunday evening service by fixe Most Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Primate ai Ail Canada. Assisting Canon C. R. Spencer in this important service fixe Archbishop inxpressiveiy conduct- cd fixe ccremony in the.prescncc ai a large congregation. Lay readers ai St. John's church alsa took part in fixe service including Thomas Dustan, B. A., Mr. Carah, Oshawa, F. W. Ayiing, Mapie Grave, and F. S. Philips, Provid- ence. Thase confirmed were Betty Spencer, Mrs. Westiake and RaY, Margaret Greer, Mrs. James New- man, Ruth and Zeida, NeUjie Parker. Robert Rogers and Clint- on Henning. With thxe organlst Mrs. John Gunri at the console fixe choir led in fixe singing anxd contributed an inspiratioaaianthem ta fixe solenin service. .Wedding Cameron-Shepherd At a quiet wedding in the Cha- pel ai St. George's Church, Osh- awa, an Satunday aiternoan, Sept. Mlt, Eleanar Velma Shepherd and Wl i1i a ni David Spottiswoode Canieron wene united in manrage. Rev. D. M. Rase afficiated, with Mr. M. Gouldburn at the angan. The bride, a graduate of Uni- versity ai Toronto Library School and a recent graduate ai Tarante General lHospital, la daughter ai the late Dr. H. Fergusan Shep- herd, Sauth Shields, England, and the late Mis. W. J. Leask, and was -given away by Mr. W. J. Leask, ai Taunton. Thec groom, wha 'graduated as B.Sc. inoni Queen's University in 1936, is the son of Mis. Cameron and the late Dr. D. R. Cameron, Oshawa. Miss Alice Ross, Oshawa, was brides- nid, and the groom was acconi- panld byhis twin brothers, Fgh-g.Alan L. Canieraix and Fliggt. Donald E. Cameron, bath ai the R.C.A.F. The bride wonc a bcconiing tailored suit ai periwinkle green wlth a corsage ai Talisman rases. lier brldesniaid wane a pretty dress ai dusky Pink anxd white with harmonlzing corsage. Af tenfixe service inth ie chapel a receptian was given by Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Ross, parents ai the brldesmald and friends ai long standing ai the bride, at their home at 179 KLing St. E., Oshawa. Mis. W. J. Leask reccived at the neception, assisted by the graom's mothen. Aniong the out ai tawn'guests were: Mrs. D. Rogers, aunt ai the bride wha came ironi Vancouver, B.C. fan the wedding; Miss Heieii Palen, LL.D., af Toronta, who had been bridesmaid for the brlde'î mnother; Mis. Frank Joncs and Miss Florence Joncs, Penny, N.Y.; Mis. Sums and Mis. John Moore and Miss Harriet Nichais, Brock- partN., and Mr. and Mis. Chas. Adcýck, Cobaung. Mr. and Mrs. Camenan will ne- aide ta Capper CHUi, Ontario. TRINITY W. A. Trinity Waman's Associationi met Sept. 9th, with Mrs. T. W. Cawker presiding. July, August and September graups werc inx charge af the devotional servicei and pragram and Mrs. D. Alldread1 presided. Mrs. Gardon Morris read the scripture lesson and Mrs.1 Carrie Curtis offered prayer. Vô-g cal solos were beautifully render-j ed by the following, Mrs. Stuart1 James, accampanicd by Mrs. Os-1 car Jamieson; Mrs. W. Roberts and Miss Arlene Northcutt. A most interestng talk was given by Rev. J. E. Griffith. Ladies were .divided itot groups and a socialj turne spent, aftcr which refresh-1 ments were served. Maple Grove Visitors: Sergt. Sam Castie, Kingstan, at Mrs. L. C. Snow- den's. .. Mn. and Mrs. N. I. Met- caîf, Mn. and Mrs. J. L. Meteaif at Mr. Lloyd Metca]f's, Town... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rundle and family, Hampton, at Mr. Chas. Greenham's... Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Mutton, Miss Vail, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Westlake, Sa- lina, at Les. Collacutt's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden and Mr. and Mrs. John Wlkins, Courtice, at W. J. Murphy's, Lindsay, and attended the fair. The national day ai prayer was obsenved an Sunday. Miss Donal- da Creasser, Townx, sang a solo, accompanied by Miss Louise Os- borne, Town. Sergt. Sam Castle also sang a solo. Bath solos were much appreciated. Miss Elsie Oke, Ebenezer, sang a sala a week ago which was much enjoycd. She was accampanied by Miss Ada Annis. Hampton Visitons: Mis. W. Chapman visit- ed friands in Bowmanvile... Miss Jessie Hogarth and Miss McMul- len, Bowxnanviile, at J. D. H-o- gat'...Donald Baiiey &ccom- pndbyBill Corndil and Gra- hami King, Kitchener, visited fthe Misses Hor. . . Misses Celile Petit and Giadys Chapman, Bow- nianville, at W. Chapman's... Mr. and Mis. W. W. Hornx at Part Hope... Mr. and Mis. Jno. Wilis and Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Wilis, Taronto, with Beatrice Colwill.. Visitors at the home ai Mr. and Wrs. Jna. Milis wene Mis. Jean and Ruth Jackson, Toronto, Miss Violet Mils, nurse in training at Oshawa GenerailiHospital, Mr. and Mis. C. W. Mils and famxly, Oshawa.1 Rally Day wlll be obsenved in the Sunday Schooi next Sunday. Young Peopie's Union heid their openmng meeting on Friday night with a goad attendance. At flic close ai the pragrain a short recreation peniad was held and ice creani and cake was senved. Mr. John Mils and son Jini, having eonipleted their course in the War Emergency Machine Shop, Oshawa, have gone ta Pet- erbora ta work, and leit on Mon- day. About eighty neighbons and friends gathered at the home ai Mr. and Mis. John Miflaaon Tues- day evening, Sept. 9th, ta spend a social evening and exteixd best wishes ta Private M. J. Mils wha expecta ta icave for overseas soon. Rev. W. Rackhanx called the coni- pany ta order and called on Mis. Chas. Warren who read a nicely worded address and Ted Kersey made the presantation ai a fitted travelling case and a flashlight and suni ai meney. Matt in a few weil chosen words thanked his friands for the gits after which the nemainder ai the evening was spent in games and refreshments wene served. About forty-iive youxxg people ass.nxbled in the Sunday School room. on Monday night ta, enjay a social cvening, the main pur- pose being ta honor Miss Jessie Knox on her appraaching mai- niage ta Mr. John Siemon, Ennis- killen. Community singing was led by Miss L. Hor with Miss Mary Niddcry at the piano. Mis. Ted Chant, who was master ai cenemanies, called Jessie and John ta the plationni. Mr. Laverne Clemens in a iew jovial lines af verse addrcssed the hanored guesta who were presented by Edith Rackham with a beautiful mantel dlock. Expressions of grateful appreciatian were given by the necipients. Contesta and games wcre enjoyed, and refnesh- menta served. Tyrone Visitars: Major Floyd Dudley, Kingston, with his iamily. . . Mr. end Mrs. Gerald Croit and famn- ily, Mi. and Mis. Fred Brooks and Flayd, Cobourg, at Mr. Gea. Brooks'. . . Mr. Lamne Martsan, Bownianville,. at Mrs. Storie's.. Mr. and Mis. Wlbert Dudley, Bowmanville, at Mr. James Dud- ley's. . . . Mr. and Mis. Albert Wood and baby Audrey May at Mr. Henb. Cameron's.. . Mi. and Mrs. W. W. Hendersan, Bowman- ville, arc staying wlth Mis.. Ar- thur Annis. . . Mrs. Fred Philp, Mrs. Fred Oke, Port Hope, Miss Helen Oke, Oshawa, Miss Kate1 Foster, Orono, called an Mis. A. Annis. Sympathy la extended Mis. E Wight in the death ai her bro- ther Mi. Jahn Awde, Toronto. Mis. Raipli Giaspeil received thxe sad ncws that her brother Fît. Lieut. Wilfrid Lewis, D.F.C., Part Hope, was missing iallowing apenatians over enemn'ytcnitary. Wc trust she will soan be advised he la safe. W.M.S. met when Rev. A. F. Gardner spake ta the auxiliary on Christ's way ai lave being an example ta others. Jars are now ready ta be fille dwith fruit for Bawmanvllle Hospital. Wamen's Institute recelveýd 13] firsta and 12 seconds an thein cx- hibits at Oshawa Pair. Miss Loma Hoaper attended i Oshawa Fair and won rnany have gone ta Kenedin Park, Orne- prizes. mee, duck shooting with George Co anville Congratulations ta Ralph Glas- Griffin. pell and Harald Skinner an win- After an absence of three weeks Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephens at- ning many prizes on sheep at the Wm. Sjapietan's pet dog was dis- tended Lindsay fair. faîl fairs. Ralph won bath cham- cavered at Bewdley. He had bra- Mrs. M. Osborne has returned pianships at the Toronta Ex. and ken his chain and wandered ta the home after visiting her daughter, a number af firsts at Oshawa and highway. Evidently sameofle be- Mrs. B. Cawan. Lindsay. lieving hlm iost piecked him up Sunday Visitors: Mr. and The many friends af Mr. Ed. and toak hlm ta Bewdiey. J. Lowery at Mr. Chas. Cowan's.. Cook are sorry ta hear ai his seri- Miss Annie Nesbitt has accepted . . Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer ous accident while at wark an the a position at Kitchener durlng the at Mr. Bob Aldread's, Lake Shore. Ilydra Construction Ca., narth ofi Fail millinery season. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephens at Sudbury. He -suffered injury ta Dick Glover had ta close his Mr. E. Farrow's, Garden Hill... his spine which wiil confine hlm threshing outfit awing ta illness. Mr. and Mrs. B. Crassley at Mr. ta bed far six 'months. Ed. was Sunday, Sept. 21, wiil be RallY Gea. Hendersan's. . . Mr. Jack carried an a haxmaock for five Sunday at Sunday Schaal. Barnes, Toronto, at Mr. Cross- miles over swamp land by three W. 1. wiîl meet at Mrs. F. B. ley's. . . Miss Elleen Burgess, Mac men until they could reach air- Lovekin's, Newcastle, Sept. 24th. Burgess, Bruce Ramsbottom and plane and was flawn ta Sudbury Note the change in date. E. Aid af Hermon at Mr. Wes. haspital. Frank Ovens is having cansid- Stringer's recently. ________________ erable wark donc an his bouse. Visitars: Miss Margaret George, Greeley, Colorado, and Mrs. T. 1Sarkvil1e N w o vle Jahnston, Part ope, at Mr. Rabt.____ ______Mortan's. . . Miss Minnie Randail Visitars: Art McKay, Morley On Sept. 9th the W.M.S. ai the with ber sister, Mrs. A. V. Urry, Robinson and Clarence Gilmer at United Church entertained mo- Oawa . . Mr-- Gardon Lakmng Oshawa Fair. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. thers and babies ai the cangrega- Masd Marlene, Newcastle, wth Paeden, Wesleyviile, at Mr. Leon- tian. This is an annual customMs George Kimball. . . Mr. and ard Falls' and Mr. Orme Falls'... but this year's meeting by far Mrs. Walter Couch, Orono, at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lew H!allowell and surpassed any ai ils kînd. Tixere J. A. Barrie's. . . Mr. and Mrs. family at Mr. Harold Hancock's, was a large number of guests Reg. Woodham and Marie, Toron- Oshawa.. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Tam- present and Miss I. Laing, Presi- ta, and Mrs Norman Samîs, New- blyn and son, Orona, at Mrs. I. dent, and Mrs. C. Morris, Bao.y castle, at Mr. Ed. Samis'. Mr. Stark's. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Hait Band Supt., extended a hearty Fred Waodham returned ta Ta- and family, Toronta, at Mr. Frank welcome and did everything psronto with them. . . William and Stane',. . . Miss Narma HaUlowell sible ta make it an enjayable oc- Cecil Stapleton with their mo- attended the Beacock diamond casion. In the absence aifiMrs. J. ther, Mrs. George Stapleton Sr., wedding at Myrtle. .. Miss Gwen T. Pearce, Miss I. Laing taak Elizabethville. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer, Newtonviile, at home.. charge ai the program and read Willis Jones and Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Gilrfier, Mrs. the "Theme"; recitatians by Dara- Denault in Hamilton. . . Mr. Hugh A. Dabsan, Mr. and Mrs. Warren thy Stapletoni, Edna Denault and Stapleton, Pickering, at home. .. Carson and family at Lindsay Laureen McCullough, and a sala M r. and Mrs. E. Dixon and Mr. Fair. . . Mrs. Sid Hallawell and by Mrs. Robt. Morton who has a and Mrs. A. Ross, Toronta, with Helen at H. Rusk's, Part Hope... iovely vaice. Sandwiches, caok- Mis Jennie Thampsan and Mrs. H. L Trim, Oshawa, 15 hame ow- isadiecemwr evdS.Arnatt. ing to illness. . . Mrs. Bert Trini les an c ceaikwfr te served and Charlie are hame fram Mud dren, wiie an atmasphere af Lake. . . 11r. and Mrs. H. Rusk good feilowship prevailed. Freedorn is lufe, keep it by buy- and son, and Mrs. Beebe, Part S. R. Jones and Everett Jones ing War Savings Certificates. Hope, at Mr. Sid Hailowell's. I LOOK FOR OUR CIRCULAR IN THE MAIL!j Amazing- Values in Every Department During These Three Big Days, With The Foiiowing DAILY SPECIALS IN ADDITION! T THURSDAY m75c DAY Men's Dress Socks. Smart designs. Wooi & cotton mixture. Reg. 50e pr. 2 prs. for Ladies' Scarves. Our entire stock of $ 1.00 scarves on sale at Each---- -- -- Kiddies? Ail Wool Jumper Skirts. Left- overs from a $ 1.00 special----- Comforter Batts. 1 lb. weight. Size 70 x 90. White and fluffy. Reg. 49c. 2 for . . . FRIDAY 15c a50C DAY Women's Fine Lisle H ose. Fully Fashioned. Good shades. Ail sizes. Reg. 59c pair. 4-Ply Scotch Fingering Yarn. For work socks, mitts, etc. A oz. hank in heather and lovat mixtures, red, white. Reg.59c. Boys' Print Shirts and Blouses. Oddmnents. Reg. 59c and 79e----- -- -- -- Ladies'. White Neckwear. Regular values te $ 1.00 - - - - - - - - - SATURDAY c a$1.00 DAY Boys' Knitted Suits. 2 to 6 yrs. Pure wool. Reg. $1.49 ....- Lovely Quality White Flannelette. 36" wide. Worth 25cyd. 5 ydstfor ----------- Fine Figured Voile 36" wide. For dress or drapery use. Reg. 39c. 4 yds. for-- Brushed Rayon Bed Jackets. Cosy and charming. New design. Ideal Xmas gift. Each - a - Lunch Sets. Smart, new, printed desigois. Beautiful colourings. NiceIy Boxed. 36" cioth and 4 serviettes------- dilBEXYP Flannelette She Blue or Pink stnlpes, white and pastel ahu Whlpped slngly. Large x 90", sise. $2.89 mdes. 70' Ail WooI DRESS CLOTHS COATINGS .54" and 5e' ffle. qualities. $1.29 REMNANTU iud- SHORT END, Yard IS 13 to 1 2 Off CHILOREN' S WooI-Feit BERETS ]Reg. 4he 25c CWALKER 3TORS, £JMITED Ki Ing St. ROWMANVILLE Phone 451 F NAYLO R'S SHOE REPAIR wishes to announce that they now stock fthe fainous NEILL SHOES Complete range of styles for men, women and children. Tou are cordially Invited to inapeet our new stock. No obligation. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL SHOE REPAIES New Location la Opposite Garton's Garage. Miss Meda Hallowell, Newcastle, was home. PAGE PlIVÉ THURSDAY, SEPTEMER 18, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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