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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1941, p. 6

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'~PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATtSMAIq, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARXO THMMRDAY, SEPTEMER 18, 1941 IThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 mmm. mm------ -- -- -- --------- Mr. Frank very poorly. MMs. H. S. Toronto, retur Golden Rule meet in Uic S. at 3 p.M. Ma1ssrs. W. Rickard had their new hou day. Mr. and' Mrs and daughter, guests of Mr. Brown. Mr. and MrL Toronto, and1 donia, were m Mr. and Mrs.J C.N.R. carpe Uiorough repair station from t] making alI ne4 In accordanci clamation Sund observed as ad tion ini ail the N~ Mr. R. B. L( four went ta sec his faUier, ley, who is se General Hospiti go an opcratior Mr. and Mrs. er and two daul from Bowmnan'% OPPO' Si rwo Weq LADIES,' Wriut, 4-Jet', CHROME STRAP O] Sec Dispia se la JEW King S Gibsan continues and are living in Mis. R. W. Gib- son's house. Mi. Hooper is- cm- Britton visitcd in ploycd with the J. Anderson ning Sunday. I Smith Co. Mision Band willi Principal and Mis. Thos. A. S. hall Sept. 2th, Rodgei motored Wo Lindsay Fi- day alter school, had tea with J. S. and Garnet Miss Margaret Sandeisori and her thc foundation of parents and attcnded the evening se put in on Tues- program at Lindsay fai. They brought Miss Sanderson back ta sGeorge Lumsdcn Newcastle with them. rElmvalc, weic Miss Elcanor Anderson, who and Mis. Matt. spent Uic summer with her father Mr. W. H. Andcrons now entcring rs. Walter Seldon, upon his 39Ui ycar in business in Miiss Seldan, Cale- Newcastle, has rcturned ta her weekcnd guests of tcaching duties in Windsor. She A. 0. Parker. motorcd back to Windsor with a enters are making fellow teacher, Miss B. Reynolds, xs ta the Newcastle who had been holidaying i Bow- hec ground up and manvilie. .eded renovations. Mis. Meliose Pirkcr, who with ce with Royal Pro- her husband anid family, has re- [ay, Sept. 14Ui, was sidcd south of Solina, was buried day of re-consecra- ti Bond Head Ccmetery on Sept. .ewcastle churches. 10Ui, with Rev. D. R. Dcwdncy .Gresley and Bal- officiating. Among those prescrit Toronto Sunday Wo at Uic burial werê her brother and Mi. P. F. LeGres- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Geo. eriously tiI in Uic Lumsdcn, formcrly of Christian al and may under- Island. The bcrcaved husband, n this week. who has been in poor hcalth for ýMelbourne Hoop- many ycars, is Uic second son of tghteis have moved the late Mi. and Mis. Jas., Parker, ville ta Newcastle Newcastle. q W. A. of the United Church met ____________Sept. llth with Mis. H. M. Allin, lst vice president, in Uic chair. Mis. J. E. Rinch read Uic scrip- turc and Mis. R. E. Morton led RTIUNIT ti prayer. Plans wcre advanced for sponsoring a play from Hamp- ton and holding a bazaar. Mis. ALE W. J. Malley's group provided Uic *ks Only pragrani consisting of a vocal sala eks Ouly by Mis. J. T. Brown, a rcading by Miss Yvonne Megit and piano AND) GENTS' selection by Laurerice Morton. The sanie group scrved refrcsh- Watches merits. Newcastle Fire Brigade was el swn called out\on Sunday afterriaon CASE WITH ta quel an incipient fire at Uic former Chandler house, Brown's R BRACELET S. S., now owned by Mi. Dave Heneerson, Toronto, who with his MîY family was spcnding thc weekerid there. The masoriwork erourid I the base of Uic fireplace had be- .00 came sa hot that some boards LOO undemneath, which had been left there after Uic work was finishcd, Guarantee had begun to smouldcr and smoke ay la Window and would soori have beeri ablaze. Mr. Henderson, who bought the a former Wm. Hayes farm and Matw g butît a new house on it, has more But reccntly bought Mis. Grace's faim VELLER ta the south, Uic- former Chandler treet East propcrty, with thrce houses on it, Uic main residerice, the house oc- m cupied by Mi. Frank Wcbbcr and LGS i.27ec 1. 17c Eýp nesff Pe Sc5 PdS»ftb B*au lb. 25e MiadSe sasilb. 19C ShorFMOt BbBo lb. 2l11c De rluet Choice lb. ILI' 4 te à lbs. EabStocek B."r"lb. 17c Sasg.l Country Style lb. 19c 8eUuuo Pork lb. 21c IWHITE SAIL M1..M li n I TOMATO JMIE New Pick 2Ti1h5C TOMATS SOU w - - 2 !».17c POUE& BUNS cammULL 3 s'imn.Zie LSGAIIEMM IES 2 1m-â 2 5 1 lUESTEW CLADK'S 2 'u' 23c UDFP. nu à àAhp %r 80 Fruits and Vegetablea ON!AEIOUO»WN SIAM iT !lIow cou E Gol S»MmcaVitamiua m MdAC Dmm. ONTARIO GROWN DOBMESTIVGRADE .APPLES Weaitby i15c CALIFORNI VALENCIA GOOD SIZE ORANGES aEVcelen ouCe 5 CRAB APPLES LEMONS Dos. Basket 15c 21c family arid Uic house occupicd by Mi. and Mis. Andrew Huniter. Mr. Henderson, the new owrier, is a brother-in-law of Mi. Dave Shaw, Newcastle. Whcn the public school re- opened on Sept. 2nd anc of the largcst classes of beginners in many years eriroiled in Grade 1 in Miss eernice Smith's îoom. Nineteen little boys and girls, in- cluding twa pairs of twins, Uic Rogersons and Uic Smiths, pie- scnted themsclves before the riew teacher on her first day for Uic purposc- of entering upon their educational career. Thcy were: John Watson, Mary Holubunko, Merle Fisher: Conne Enwright, Jean Toms, Ralph Goheen, Mary Argue, Earl Foster, Jurie McDon- ald, Jack Allin, Norma Allin, Sel- don Parker, Joyce Poilard, Char- les Gray, Helen Grahami, Kcith and Aileen Rogcrsoei, Robert and Betty Smith. The total enroîl- ment in the public school was 91- 28 ti Principal Rodgcr's room, 35 in Miss Mason's and 28 in Miss Smith's. The enralinient in Uic high school- was 35. During Uic holidays Uic floor ti Principal Rodgcr's room was treated with Scal Rite floor ail, Uic desks sanded and repolishcd and Uic floors in the girls' entrance oiled, the woîk bcing donc by Douglas Wright and H. Brereton. NEWCASTLE HIGE SCHOOL ATHLETIC SOCIETY Newcastle High School Athlctic Society met Sept. 12Ui, with Past President Laurence Morton in Uic chair. These officers wcrc elected: President-Paulinc Deline; Vice- President-Robert Allin; Scc'y.- Trcas.-Marilyn Enwîight; Com- mittees: Rcfrcshmcnt - M u r i e 1 Pedwcll (convenor), Doris Allin, Sam Brereton, Jim Patterson; Program-Laurencc Morton (con- venor), Ruth Bonathan, Margaret Ash; Decoration-Keith Braritori (convenar), June Allin, Mary Purdy, Ted Pybus. PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER FOR FORMER SCHOOL TEACHER Miss Margaret Sanderson, Lind- say, a former teacher ti New- castle High School, was Uic gucst of honour and Uic surprised re- cipient af a misceliancous showcr at a party hcld for her at Uic home of Mis. Norman and Miss Marion Aflin on Saturday everi- mng. Among those prescrit wcrc Miss Sanderson's former pupils during Uic five years shc taught in Newcastle and a number of thel younger married ladies. Now Miss Sanderson, who taught last yer at Aurora, is soon to be married. As befitcd Ui? occasion a -mock wcdding fcaturcd the, carlier pro- grams of the cvcning, with Muriel Pcdwell as bride and Doris Allin as bridegroom. Jean Gray was SATS Robinhood MR. 16e MAGIE m l OM e-os. 28c ToM. JIJCE A&P 3 mri-25o QUAKEROIWM5T2 nx- 17o APPLE .JOICE 2 ÜVO& 15c NICKLE AyImer Waf.r 'à &18c SaUNLiGHTSOIF 3 nain17C LIFEUOTSOIF 3 Ca"e.17C 11150W.. 24c CERTO nm. 25c PAM I AX ns.12c VUIGAI Bl.ndd on.3 7c SEAJES smaf Do&. 890 NIDIIS Dol Mais 14--'e.e TOMATOES lonaua 'la- 1 lc ÀA&P COFFE BOKAR mu l39c 8 O'CLGCK ft-' 35c RED CIRCLE B.? 31C Prcim subjeot te marbet changms.Purchases iltel te faIliy* weeky requirs- j menti.. GÂTEMAN 44 YBARS T. W. (Bill) Jackson of Newcastle, director of Durham Central Fair who was at his post ti charge of the gate yesterday for the 44th consecutive year. Rie has seen a good many exhibitions but, he declared, the 1941 edition topped them ail. groomsman and Hazel Powell and Eileen Farrow attendedthe bride. June Aluin was flower. girl. Miss Helen M. Smith, present H. S. As- sistant, appeared in thc role of minister and Jean Robinson, as the groom's pa, gave thc groom away. Edith Hendry played the wedding march and Dolly Purdy sang. Atter the shower gifts were un- wrapped Miss Sanderson graciaus- ly expressed her surprise, appre- ciation and gratitude and evct-y- body sang, She's a Jolly Gotid Feilow, with Reita Cooke at thc piano. An interesting jumblcd word contest was conducted by Miss Marion AllUn and lunch was served. BOARD 0F EDUCATION Board of Education met Sept. 8th, with H. J. Toms in thc chair and these members present: Ir- win CoillI, Ross Dickinson, Rev. D. R. Dewdney, Stan. Graham, H. S. Britton. Principal Hugh M. McCoil of thc High School was authorized to procure nccessary agricultural and laboratory equip-- ment, and. Principal Thos. A. Rod- ger necessary supplies for Uic Public School, including equip- ment for teaching agriculture. Principal Rodger was also auth- orized to enter school exhibits at Durham Central Fair, Orono, and to procure transportation to Fair for pupils of intermediate and senior rooms. Correspondence be- twcen Department of Education, Bowmanville Board of Education and thc Newcastle Board was read and disposcd of. These bills werc paid: D. Wright and H. Brere- ton, work at school-----10.l McCallum Mfg. Co., floor oil, etc -------------19.24 Geo. Jamieson, coal ----- -223.84 W. H. Anderson, supplies. 16.30 Gco. Robinson, cutting grass ---------------------- 2.00 Glenn Allin and S. Brere- ton, attcnding school gar- den ini holidays------1.67 Obituary Haanmond Brown Ini Uic dcath of Hammond Brown, Paît Granby section, Clarke, on Sept. 6Ui, Uic com- munity lost anc of .its most es- tccmed citizens, * man of Uic highcst probity and sterling Chris- tian qualites. His faim, ta whtch his oniy son, Alfred, riow succeeda, is on Uic borderline bctwcen Uic Lake Shore and Port Granby sec- tions and the higli regard in which he was held was secri by Uic vcry large attendance at Uic funeral. Amorig those prescrit werc Mi. and Mis. Alfred De Groot, Mi. Chas. De Groot, Mis. Frank Coin- erford Rochester, N.Y., is. Ar- thur iorrocks and son Alfred, and Mi. Jna. Comerford, Syra- cuse,' N.Y., Mi. Henry Elliott and Mis. Wm. Elliott, Mis. Jno. Jac- ques and Mi. and Mis. Elliott Jacques, Toronto. A wealth of floral offerings also attcsted the fond regards of Uic donors. Rev. D. R. Dcwdncy conduct- ed Uic furieral services in St. George's Church and at Uic St. George's cemctery. Pallbeerers wcrc: Heniry Elliott, Torortto, Wil- lis Farrow, Lawriq, Cole, Bruce Whitney, Part Granby, Wm. Lake, Newcastle, Harold Skinner, Ty- rone. Hammond Brown was a native of Deal, Kent'Co., Erigland, anid came Wo Canada with his parents, Mi. and Mis. Alfred Brown, ini 1883. Hie was then 15 yeais of age and was anc of Uic elder members of a family of seven childien. They scttlcd fîrst ti Newcastle in a house belonging ta W. F. Eddy on Uic site of Uice duplex building now occupied by Mis. Fred Fligg and Mis. Jno. Stapleton. They afterwards lived on the Fourth Line, near Clarke Church, and later on Uic Jacobs faim, east of Newcastle, now own- cd by Walter Farrow. Ini 1900 thcy moved on to the Thomas faim, Lake Shore Road, which thcy acquired by purchase. The father, Alfred Brown, died here and in 1908 Hammorid Brown marnicd Miss Margaret Elliott, Toraonto, and together thcy car- ried on Uic faim until his death. Besides his widow and son Alfred, who married Miss Betty Lake, deceased is survived by twa sis- fers, Mis. <Judge) Calder, San Diego, Calif., and Mis. Edith Chapman, Newcastle. and onc bro- ther, Mi. Percy Brown, New- castle.I The late Hammand Brown was one of Miss Dora Farncomb's "boys"$ ta whom she devotcd the years of lier youzig womanhood, before she went to Toronto, help- ing them through Sundiy'School activities and Uic Boys' Auxiliary ta build up noble characters and bccomé strong Christian gentle- men. Through her carnest Uiought and concern for Uic poor and Uic necdy she developed a prograni of active service and by training the boys to work and mnspirmng Uiem on ta worthy activities of btain -and hand and body she showed Uiem how not only ta help themselves and each other, but al Uiose inthe iccommunity who wcre ti want of any klnd. Some of Uic other "Boys" of Miss Dora Farncomb's Anglican Church Auxiliary with whom she laborcd so wiscly Wo help Uiem lay Uic foundations of Christian living and who have always re- vered her person and merpiory were Wm. Lake, Alfred Lake, Alex aild Donald McLeod, Albert Waldon, Wm. Grieve, Percy Brown and Hanlan Parker. Most of these are still living and could spcak volumes of thc influence Miss Farncomb, af tcrwards "Hope" of Uic Farmers' Advocate, had on their young lives. For mnany years the late Hanumond Brown sang in St. George's church choir, as did his sisters. He was a total abstainer from liquor and tobacco and profanity. Solina Mr. Ja mes Thompson and Jim- my, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. George Fostel,, Lakewood, Ohio, at Mr. J. R. Kiveil's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Smnith and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Les. Gibson and family, Mr. George, Gibson Sr., Columbus, at Mr. Edgar Pies- cott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Orland; Mis. Lougheed, Port Hope, with Mrs. S. Bush.. . Mrs Emia Bond, Botincau, North Dakota, with Messis. F. and C. Shortridg... Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott and Mary and Barbara, Oshawa at A. L. Pascoe's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips, Owen Sound at Mr. N. c. Yellowlces'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will McKee, Toronto, at Mr. Bryce.1Brown's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blanchard and Donna, Mr. Walnisley, Mrs. Andrews' Mr. Arthur Goreing, Miss Doris Baker, Oshawa, wiUi Mis. C. Blanchard. ..Mrs. R. Pascoe and Mr. George Hogarth with Dr. Ellis Reynold s, Hilsburg. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam, Port Perry, at Mr. Thos. Bakr's... Mi. and Mis. J.R. Re- nolds and David H1ampton,Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitndil and Lor- raine, TorontW, at Mr. J. Rey- nolds'. Women's Institute met intheUi church basement Thursday, Pres- ident, Mrs. S. E. Werry conducted Uic business session when various phases of War Relief work were discussed. Group leader, Mis. W. Parrinder took charge of Uic pro- gram which, in its entirety, paid tribute Wo "Grandmother." The main address "The History of El- dad Church" was compilcd and wcll given by- Mrs. R. J. McKes- ,sock, most of thc facts bcing gleancd from Mis. Thos. Baker's celcbratcd scrap books. Mrs. Isaac Hardy favourefi wiUi a piano solo1 and led in community singing. An appropriýte reading by Mrs. C. Pascoe and a vocal solo "Grand- faUier's Clock" by Mis. George White were much enjoyed. An intcresting part of Uic meeting was a display of antiquated col- lections somne of which dated back ta Uic eightcenth century. Every grandnioUier prescrit was OSHAWA, ONT. Friday & Saturday Last Two Days of MIrth snd Meiody. with LOU BUD COSTELLO ABBOT ln "IN THE NAVY" and on Frlday Nite at il Revival Showlng "TORRID ZONE" James Cagney - Pst O'Brien AunaSheridan Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Ginger Rogers Me1 lovely Aeademy Award winner of last seabon makes ber bld again in "TOM, DICK AND HARRYPI with George Murphy, Alan Marshal Burgess Meredith Thursa. - Fri. - Sat. Bing a Iuarong' of temptint uouth sea beauty witb VOROTHY LAMOUR "ALOMA 0F THE SOUTH,- SEAS" wlth JON HALL la Enchantint Technicolor Lyna Overman Katherine DeMilie Ideal weathcr favorcd Uic Har- vest Home services here on Sun- day and both services wcre well attcndcd. Splendid addresses wcre giveri by Rev. J. E. Griffith, of Trinity Church, Bowmanville, ti Uic afternor, and Rev. J. A. Plant, Eriniskillcn, in Uic cvening. The chair, under Uic leadership of Mis. G. Burrus and assisted by Mis. K. Wcrry, towrieridcred excellent music from the Harvest Home Cantata, Rolling Scasoris; solos by Mis. K. Werry and Mis. E. Darch; quertetfes, Mis. Wcrry Mis. Burrus, Mr. Coombes arid Mi. Burrus, and Mis. Werry, Mis. S. Buttery, Mi. Burrus and Mr. Coombes. The church was dec- orated with a profusion of beau- tiful flowers and fruit. A pleas- ing feature of Uic aftcrnoon ser- vice was Uic christening by Rev. Griffitl; of Uic baby girl of Rev. and Mis. .Gardrier. Anniversary Visitera Mi. and Mis. N. Rickard, New- castle, Mis. K. Wcrry, Town, at Mi. W. G. Wcrry's. . . Mi. and Mis. L. Cryderman and Miss Cry- derman, Hampton, at Mi. L. Welsh's. . . . Mi. and Mis. M. Blackburri, Mi. Wilbur Blackburri and Miss I. Cowling, Haydon, at Mi. F. Blackburn's. . . Mi. and Mis. O. Hendeisori and Peter, Mi. and Mis. L. Annis arid Marilyn, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. L. Hooper, Tyrorie, Mi. arid Mis. W. Hender- son, Salem, at Mi. W. Can... . Mi. and Mis. R. Wright and daughtcis, Tyrorie, Mi. anid Mis. H. Rundle, Hamptori, at Mi. P. Cann's. .. Mi. and Mis. T. Mount- jay, Haydan, Mi. W. Gifflèr, Sun- derland, Mi. and Mis. W. Moffat and family, Orono, Mr. and Mis. K. Squair and Mary Joan, Shaws, M1iss I. Stephens, Town, at the Squair home... Mi. and Mis. G. Lane, Miss Lane and Mi. R. Lane, Providence, Mi. and Mis. R. Wor- den, Maple Grove, at Mi. L. Rich- ards'... Miss I. Canfield, Oshawa, at Mi. G. Burrus'. . . Mi. and Mis. Warrnop and Marioni, Osh- awa, at Mi. R. Wintcî's. .. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Lancaster, Mi. and Mis. S. Lancaster, Newtonville, Mi. and Mis. I. Muriday and fam- ily, Maple Giove, Mi. and Mis. C. Wclsh and son, Town, at Mi. S. Buttery's. Y. P. U. meeting Wedncsday evcnmng, Sept. l0Ui, opcncd with the presiderit in Uic chair. Bible references and topic werc ably taken up by Mis. L. Squair, mis- sionary vice; piano solo, Miss M. Collacutt; readinga, Mis. H. Bar- rie and Mis. E. Daidgc. Mi. and Mis. H. Moody and family and Mis. Moody Si., To- ronto, visited with Mi. anid Mis. H. Gaud. Hampton W. I. East Group met at Mis. H. Gaud's Sept. 9th for their usual weekly sewing bec. Mion Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Frank Kellar, Mr. and Mis. Howard Hall, Bobbic And Dormie, Oshawa, at Russel Peikins'. .. Mr. and Mis. Ivan Cochrane and daughtcîs, Bow- manville, Mi. and Mis. Morley Flintoff and daughtcrs, Maple Grove, Mr. Walter Brown, Eberi- ezer, at Wes. Carneron's. .. Mr. Kelvin Edgar, Oshawa, Miss Eilecri Stainton, BawmariviIIe, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Miss VeIna Balson, Kinsdale, at home... . and Mis. Anson Balsôn,Vea and Doreen at Mona Mil.. . Mr. anid Mis. Fred Canicrori and Helen at Wm. Smith's, Whitby. .. Miss Margaret McClure witUi ler par- ents in Toronto, . . Miss Peggy Killen, Oshawa , at home... Miss Jessie Catron, Toronto, Mr. anid Mis. W. J. Bannitter, bampbell- croft, Mis. Frank M.. Bannister arid Barbara, Millbrook, at Mis. J. W. McMaster's. . . Mis. M. H. Langmaid and daugliters, Oshawa, at Frank Pascoc's. .. Mi. and Mis. F. B. Glaspel at Mis. John Sanders, Bowmanville. .. Mr. and Mis. C. Stor, Mi. and Mis. J. Andrews, Mi. anid Mis. A. Knop- sel, TorontW, ut, Hans Geiss- berger's. . . Mis. Jas. McMaster; Toronto, at home. .. Mm. J. W. Balson and Jean, Mi. and Mis. J. McNab and Audrcy, Hampton, Miss Emily Killen and Mi. 'Harvey Balsori, Oshawa, at Anson Bal- saris. Little Ruth Balsori feUl out of a trce and fracturcd a rnb. RelatIves Se. Boys Take Leave 0f P.tawawa Camp The following Bowmariville boys who have been c't Camp Pctawawa for many months in active training, utlast got their final leave, protidly displaylng their CANADA badges (insignia for overseas) and îeturned Wo camp for entralument: Arnold Lobb, Bob Bothwell, Mcl Hawlcy. Sid Murdochi and Chas. Richards, ail of Bowmanvllle and riow of the 4MU R.C.A., Fifth Llght Anti- Aircraft. They left Pctawawa an Sunday, Sept. 14Ui, Pr an un- kriown destination, which mears, of course, active duty for Uic Cowling Souls For Loss And Serves You WeIl preserited with a token of thc oc-À casion and lunch was servcd. Mis, W. Parrinder's group of W. I. sporisored a concert at, Uie Church, Friday night when Dr. L. B. Willilams and Mis. Willams showed camera slides, taken dur- ing their trip ta Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island this summer, dcpicting sceries of histolical sig- nificance as well as pic torial beauty. Electrically r ec or de d music creatcd a fitting back- ground and added W Uihe enjoy- ment. Dr. and Mis. WiMarns were prcviously entertained at Uic- home of Mr. and Mis. Thomas Baker. Mrs. J. Smales coriducted Uic following mlssioriary program at Suriday School: Vocal duet by Mrs. J. Yellowlccs and Gladys. Story Wold by Betty Smales. Rally Day service wifl be held next Sundhy at 2.30 p.m. Salem Dental Needs Prophylactie Brushes 25o Plate Brushes- 39o - 50o Ponident - - $90 -1130e Hygeol - - 35e - $Oc Fasteeth - - 29o - 49o Corega -29 -45e -79o 50 Hallbut 011 Caps 890 100 C. L. O. Caps. 98e Ayerat 10» Ced Liver 011 4 os. 7c 16 osa 1.69 Kepier's Extract lb. 75e 2iba. - - -1.25 D. T. Ext. Malt & C.L.O. 1 IL 590 2 Ibi. 98e Wanipole'a Extraet 1.00 Codletts - 1.09 - 1.98 Alphamettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 A.B.D.& lE. caps $1-3.25 Neo Chemical'Food At - - 1.15 - 2.45 N.C.F. Cami 1.25 - 2.25 mA six. 59V 9 8< 30 $1 Size Hind'a Cream 1 49C Vacuum Prompt 49e Hlot Water Bottles GUAEANTEED 49e -89 - 98c 1.»3 0 Gin Pila - 390 - 69e DOMdS PIl - - 33C Cystex - 35ec-75o -1.50 Beeche'a Juniper Al At - - 250 -SOC Woodbury's Soap 4 cakes fe'r - 250 Castile Soap 10 fer 25o Odex Soap 4 fer 1se We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses MoeP. R. COWLING, Phm. B.D iery Empire. No onc knows their final destination, not even their of- ficers. To sec Uicmn off, some of their relatives, friends and parents motored a Uiousand miles over Uic wcckend, including,' Mr. and Mrs. Wiilett Hawlcy, proud yet resolute parents of Mcl, Wo sec .Uicm off. Accompanying Uiem were Mel's wifc and his sister, Mirs. W. Slaght and Mr. and Mis. Groves of Gananoque, relatives, who assisted'in Uic long motor tour. These anxious parents and proud relatives wiUi no thought of inducing oUicrs Wo consider Uic extreme necds of Uic hour, said "good bye"' and good luck to these superbly trained boys., ..............r: What Others Say~ BLEEDING TUE TOWN (Amherstburg Echo) Business men who condcn Uic farmner' who takes everything from his land and gives nothing in ictuin in the way of feitilizer, but that kind of fariner is on a par with Uic business mari who daes riot coritribute anything ta lis community's welfarc or im- provement. There arc some men who say that Uiey havcn't Uic time ta take part in communityr activities. They ern their living in Uic town, grab every nickle Uicy can get their hands on but, give nathing in returri for Uic livelihaod cxccpt crittcismn of others who are cndcavoring to accomplish something that wtill make the Wown better and more prosperous. There is no onie who is too busy ta do his duty tWwards is community. Look about you and you will find Uic man who is doing Uic moat in local projects is Uic mari whose own business keeps him on Uic go ailUihe tue. If Amherstbuig is Wo flourish ev- cry person who ta earriing a livedi- hood here should ideritify him- self with some local organization anid work for Uic impravemerit of thc towri. Dori't be like Uic far. mer Who bleeds his lanid. All men arc worth knowing. The good for your pleasure and the bad for your protection. 1 ENNISKILLEN Rally Day will be hcld in Uic Sunday School Sept. 21st, when Mis. Hobbs will give Uic talk, Miss Diamond will tel Uic story, and *Arlerie Northcutt, Bowman- ville, will sing. TABERNACLE Where the Full Gospel la preached. SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 a.m.-Worshîp 2.00 p.m.-Suaday School 7.30 p.m.-Evangelistic. SUBJECT "'Jesus Sald, Iarn th. Door.'"I Week Nlghts - Wednesday& Friday at 8 p.m , EVERYBODY WELCOME - r 1= SmrTt footwea REFLEOTS TOUR PERSON- ALITY. Ladies & Gentlemen!1 Lenz' Shoe Repafr Olters you the solution te keep trily shod. Shoci qulckly and ex- pertly repaired, JOHN LENZ Shoe and Harneu Repairs King St. at Bilver. DOUBLE LIFE 0F TIRES Careful attention te punctures ente and bruise will puy dlv- ;Idemde la thousandi ef ad4ed treuble-fre. miles IMPORTANT I Today when moterlat are lelng saked te do everything possible te conserve gasoline, it lu,; duty te sec that your car la operatlng etfielentiy.. LET US HELP BY CHECKING IT UP. GARTONS GARAGE Phone 2666 Bus Service Vitamin Preparations 1MACFULEANi A&P BREAD wht 2,«-o wm1i5c SMALL r.c,13 c 0W FASHIONED COOKIES a. 14c - - - - - - - - - - - .d A&P FOOD STORES oq0bolr& THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, ]BOWMANMLE, ONTAPLIO .Special Prices 100 Iron and Yeaat Tabs. 69o 100 ASBA. Tabs. 19o Plnkham's Cemp. 87c Pluex.--------32e 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton- 39e 93e Nexemia - -.- 65e t t c k l e lh 6, ti n a iw V'PAGE six ýý, t. ýý,

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