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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1941, p. 7

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-.'- TBUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH1941 A'pAN STATESL&.N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EE awa, werevlisitors at Mr. G. A. --G. B. Bickle, F. W. L. Taniblyn. Moffatt, A. J. Tamblyn. Stalks McTagarVs.Black-Bickle & Son, M. J. Tamb- Dent Corn-W. S. Moffatt. Spring Th vst of Dn. Bàmer waAsn lyn. Wlieat, sheaf-Wilma F a r r o w. 1 4 SRVIAL ADM PERSONAL made possible by the Bowman- O CU LWR AND PLANTS White Qats, sheaf-W. Farrow, Phone 663 ville Rotary Club and is regarded b~es aîMroi k D. A. Gibson. Massey-Harris Spe- as a valuable contribution ta the AsesCll58Eoi Oe G o uh *MUM UMU MMM MMMm mmu mmm *** cammunity welfare. B. Bickle & Son. White-ilecaR.KSqir Miss Helen Williams is attend- Mr. Duncan MacMilan h Mrs. H. L. MacDonald, Neepa- & S~1W £UA -.H o e, M .i Oke. VEGETABLES ~. j ~ i d ing Normal School at Peterboro. again entered the hospital for an wa; Man., Miss Jessie Cation, To- ........... _________ Oke, J. H. Jase. Red-M. Oke, R. BeetsW.Froicl& ri"* * * Mr. Samn Hoar, Toronto, visited eye operation. Friends hope hie ronto, Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Sqeuair. Mauve-owBickle & SoSo. Ct edMs.W B lisnpeM. Stuart Candler. may yet save his sight. Oshawa, and Mrs. Ernest Hacka- Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubsgot J.H. Jose. Purple-M. Oke, Lor- Hoar, Mrs. Jas. Eagleson. Winter Mis .Rth ibsn i gust i unneststoy o th wek:day, colina, spentrhursday with off to a good start Tuesday with r-na1Hooper. Cabbage-Mrs. R. Suttan, Mrs. W. It cauglit the eye at Orono Fair - NowCakrsM t lier cousin, Miss Catherine Siew- Police get truck driver to open tariean St. Fal rihO-a jimee ftng Cap. J. OtNei, Dianthus or Pinks, Coll.-Ada Farrow. Cabbage, red-Biçkle & Market la' offerlng customers ithre art. safe and repair combination at S.amme ite ru omteL. Annis. Carnations-Ada Annis, Son, Mrs. W. Farrow. Cauliflower 1~e.StneyDunCA.. ea-police office in tawn hall. Mrs. Oliver Merideth and Mis gave a timely chat stressing the Bickle & Son. Calendula-M. Oke, -Bickle & Son, Mrs. W. Farrow. CANADA PACKERS LTD. 1IPA Puate S anl p BordCA.. en as- or oin' nttt a Nora, Mapie Grave, were guests fleed for comniunity service. He Bickle & Son. Marigold, African Celery-Mrs. R. Putnam. Citrons a enW dedya qunres Caecidedeta snd four ca, I sties ai at the blue and white kitchen and promised the boys that the lead- . Oke, J. H. Jase. Marigold, -Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. . B. a en W dedya rn hon e1 eid ey, making as ee of9 pyrex shower last week for Miss ers had planned a good programi French-M. Oke, Bickle & Son. Hoar. M a n g e 1 s, red-Mrs. *E. CNITN FTECOCS RSE O I.Bartan McTaggart, Mon- hny aigatgte 9 Kathleen Spencer at the home ai for the comng season. In view ai Nasturtiums, Coll-Ada L. Annis, Dean, F. W. L. Tamblyn. Mangels, NITNGO TH COCE D slsee n aldyig.ih or!dovreaistead of mak- her sister, Mrs. Hollis Hurlbert, Mr. ONeillFs cnergetic connectian Ana Staples. Scabiosa-Bickle & yellow-N. R. Andrews, F. W. L. SDS hi arents here. ing Jam. George AI5Ë., Oshawa. with the Army his presence was Son, M. Oke. Tamblyn Mangels, sugar-Mary Sergt. Chas. Cartwright, Mid- Mr. J. Hayes, Westmýount, is in For the war effort, the local especially appreciatecl. Petunias, single, plain-Bickle Bawen, F. W. L. Tamblyn. On- One Grade A Side of Pork land Regt., St. John, N.B., was Bowmanville hospital in a serious Red Cross asks ail local citizens & Son, Mrs. D. G. Hoaper. Petun- ions, red-Mrs. W. Farrow. On- home on leave. condition after suffering a strake ta save ail the furniture, dishes, This was followed by a present- ias, single, fancy-Mrs. E. Dean, ionls, yellow-M. Oke, Mrs. W. Miss idedAceradwhile on lis holidays early in tools, household goods for the ation ta Scauter Donald Venton J. H. Jase. Petunias, double-Mrs. Farrow. Parsnips-Mrs. W. Far- One grade A Wiltshire Side Moitsos rsaes rd Arcerhlidy September. National Salvage Campaign in- who leaves shartly ta e u .G opr . .SuîCl-rw, Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Pumpkin, ing at Haliburtan. Bowmanville Lawn Bowling stituted by Ottawa. Next week we studies at the University ai Tor- sis, Feathered-M Oke, Ada An- field-S. D. Souci, D. E. Gibson. Sm lhqaiyblgslpdt rti MLàses Allin, Beech Ave., have Club is ging ta wind up the sea- hope ta tell just where aill ma- onto. An address was read by nia. Verbena, Coll.-Mrs. Roy Put- Pumpkin, pie-S. D. Souci, Bic- been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George n Saturday aiternoon by hold- teniais asked for are ta be de- Mark Lambourne adaprsna-nmndcl &Sn aliloss ke&So.Suah um e-Atxga ie Tels oramnliee. inwa ae i'Kevnsyos Cl.Bickle & Son. Salia-M. rs . W. B So. SHoa, W Lm - m e u a o ~ ra B.aicnd .HireyHadyan comniencing a* 2.30 p.m. Establishment ai a one-year Games and a short chat by Scout- Oke, Lamna Hoaper. Snapdragons, lyn. Winter Squash-Bickle & Dareen, Mr. and Mis. Donald Bae Miss Leola Miller advises that course in radio at the University er Cliii MacNair waund Up the Coll.-Mary Bawen, Mis. IL. E. Son, F. W. L. Tamblyn. Tomatoes attended Lindsay Fair. last week's report ai hier proposed ai Toranto, has been approved by meeting. The boys then'paraded Bryant. red-H. R. Pearce, Mrs. D. G. Sec thc dlsplay ln newi refrlgerated show cssTusa uenholiday ta eastern provinces was the Board ai Governors, President ta Trinity Church ta hear Dr. - Zinnia,-Pom Poni, Coll.-Mrs. Hooper. Turnips, Swede-Mary atrenadFia on Miss Winifred Smith, Que given out in errer and she wiîî Cody announced this week. The Barker's lecture. 4 Putnam, J. .H. Jase. Zinnia, lag Bowen, N. R. Andrews. Water-aieno anFrdy onlg St., has secured a position with not be visting hoedsrc. course, which wilî deal with the * * * . cke &So, r ut melon -M. E. Sherwin, Bickle & Take home some of this ehieto Barclay's Bank, Toronto. - vsigts itit.a ai sds~~dr aebe ew o lwrdBcl oM5 ~ Son. Muskmelon-Bickle & Son.met Pte. Leanard Somerscales, Pet- 1 St W . A.Clarke, lst Mid- fned ta ordoldsgnLaerav_________or___Roe_6_____brs . .Poate, alyR H Baelmet om ovrhe eeedand Regt.,St John, N.B., has re- dte equip men and women for bath packs and troops. Thc new Tamblyn. Rose, best single blooili Mrs Win. Hale. Potataes, late- erbora, with lis sister Rose, were ceiveci first class qualifications in cni cal positions in war service, personnel consista ai: lst Pack, -Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. P hlaox, R. H. Blakely, Mrs. Hale. Coll. aiofu r~, bm oeth ekn.the Small Arms Instructor's Every citizen in Bawmanville Tam Gatcheli and Mark La.- rummandi, Coll.-M. Oke, Mrs. Ptte-.H lkl.Gre Miss Gertrude Dewell, Peter- course hie toak at Long Branch. or immediate district should read baumne; 2nd Pack, Cubinistresses L. E. Bryant. Cosmos, Coîl. M. oaosR .Baey adnHg bot, raetnd r.ay with he pr- Miss Violet McFeeters has re- the list ai soldiers whosc address- Helen Tighe, Betty Bettles and Oke, Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Dahlias,-anFarm ProductsMrSon, alr tundfo atnigathDOMEsSTICo ag .Tees l rn asor;ltTroSot-Cl.M ke r.D . opr O se Mr e ne ntolol. ns aa esappea on pisae 3ndThereions aIl Iren Clef abo i l tascout-DChliacu-M. Oke . D hl ar owc.e&Sn Tyo MisslesEdte o a trtr nd Btty nveornton aissatos manges and we want them corrcted. Do ant Chas. Carter; 2nd Trrop, Show-M. Oke, Ms. D. G. Hooper. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE SHORTNI dajr ini Eastern Ontario and Que-. has rtlieved on the Bowmanville your part now. Send in correct Scouter Douglas Bryant and Xe&- Dâhlas, Decorative-R. K. Squair bec. staff meanwhile. namnes and addresses as we're go- vin Symons.. Mi's. D. G. Hoaper. Quilt, appliqued-Mrs. McCal, l Mis Nlli Brk hoha ben isss loenc Wrry Lnaing ta publlsh tic istý again in a ** Dining Table Bouquet, Inior- Mrs. L. E. Bryant. Quilt, cotton,lb 19 vissting he rk ot h S. Taylorse loencand Frnc e na couple weeks. Tom. Qetchell is net new te mal-Ada Annis, F. L. Squair & pieced-Mrs. McCall, Mis. Bryant. M 9 Holgete, has eturned ta Belle- derman and Laverne Orcherd Ficnds ai Constable David Sil- Scautlng having won ils spurs Son. Living Room BouutR .Qî fancy quiîtng-Mis. r vester will be glad ta know lie is and warked is way Up the Scout Squair, M. Oke. LwMs rat uldul The ankai onteallia jan- res. Frnk rc t ha . E nnikilegrcatly impmoved in licaiti. Re- ladder faithiully. Douglas Bryant Gladioli, snl ple ae wedding ring-Mis. Bryant, Mis. Ther Sidneyfa LastAngelesaCal.,nScautng Frane liacbeenaEleadrkWhitc oriLgt-R. K. SqairJ hdd-r cd the "pint up" procession and Saturday evening. cent visitors have been his bro- is a. ncwcamer ta town but nlot ta Anna Staples, Mrs. D. G.Hope- o Putnam. Bcd Spmead, cra- ie acata vmis o tsiia- Miss Nora Merideth, Maplè wliom licelias net seen for 23 in the Salvation Aimy Oshawa H..Jase. Dark-F. W. L. Tamblyn,na. Bed MceaCal iPu- sive front doors. Grave, attendcd the Grase-Spen- years, uis wiie and son. Kenneth, Troap. J. H. Jase. Pink or Rose-F. W. Mrs. M. J. B3ogart, Mis. Bryant. trk Mr.E .Mitchell, witli grand- cer wedding at St, Andrew's a nîcce Miss Ruthi Silvester, Mid-.* L. Tamblyn, Mis. F. Stnon. Hearth Rug, rags, hooked-Mrs. Poe 8 8 dad and Dorotliy and Mis. Dam- Churci, Sept. 6th,. and a.sisted at land, and Mis. David Silvester, Ncxt Tuesday and Thursday Gledioli, 10 varietis-J H. Jase, Bogart, Mis. D. G. Hooper. Hearti hns- 8 8 win Bickell and nephew arc hall- tic receptian later in tic George St. Catharines. nights wMl be open ta ncw mem- F. W. L. Tamblyn. Best Basket- Rug, wool, braidcd-Mis. Putnam daying at Narland., Apts. Tiose irom Bowmanville et- bers te Join. Boys wlaliing te join, J.- H. Jase, F. W. L. Tamblyn. Mis. Bryant. Hearth Rug, crochet- Gamnet Jolinston, Ray Richards, Tic milk bottle an Dune Mac- tending tic diamond wedding an- came along and tlie leaders w l rr.ahged in Low Bow - R K. cd-Mrs. Bryant, Mms. McCall. Milford MacDonald and Cutibeit Millan's doorstep sccms ta dis- niversary ai Mr. and Mis. J. Bea- have a place for you. Aiter thet Squaim, Anna Staples. Gladiali, Bath Mat, crochet, string-Mis. MacDonald, R.A.F., Toronto, at- appear with astonishing prompti- cock, et Mytîe Station, Sunday, datea ny boy wnite c> n wli m aiel îîoweredF .W. L. Tab-Bn hye Mrs. Pu.tnam. Knit-~ tended Lindsay Fair. tude during hus absence. Quadru- wr i n i.A .Pcad epta tewiigls. llAn tpe.Tm-ted Suit, wool, 3 picces-Mis. nani. Sofa Pillow, A.O.K-Mi5. THE S1174MA ___________________peds could scarcely get away Howard, Lorraine and- Evelyn,*** Best Arranged Vase Cut Flow- tF rk trinonM ryn.KiBgtMs. J.gesnRTe Cosy NOW SO DA with it. ,Mi. and Mis. James Pickerd, Mi. A Father and' Son banquet is crs--J. H. Jase. Buttonhole Bau- ed rs, striCll ng- i. J. R Cop- -Mis. Bogart, Mis. S t ins5on. THE ESOI Signaller Dcmek A. Barnett, -and Mrs. S. R. James and son bcing planncd for the late FeUl quets-Xda Annis, Anna Staples. olLaHoer, Ms., , fine-Mis. Lowe, Lamaa Lincoln & Welland Regt., is home Narman, Mr. and Mis. W. C. Fer- Now is the time ta get busy on Best Arrangcd Higi Basket-J. H. wool-Lo raHestr, gMs L - owe Socks , oreMr c on four days' leave frein Vancou- guson, and Mr. and Mis. Smith badges whlch will be prcsented Jose. Best Arangcd Low Basket Crochen te r S e t ,Mis B1-Hoe r. okwcre-.r o Students Know ver, B.C.,en route for thc East. Fcguson and Collette. ls that night. Every boy siouîd be -M. Oke. Corsage-Ada Annîs, Mr0cal r. rat ul Junior Section Newcastle. nesn' rg His are Mm. tretue, a A hebl J.ti Trotolstinu Farrow.ttie.Wym J FCoîl.ll Pnse- rPansies-s.Byat.Pul Barnett, Providence. wek eqird h services ai Aje Annis, Bickle & Son. Minia- aver, short sîceves-Mis. Stinson, Girls under 20 ycars Hampton:G.ABern&S. Mis. John Carswell, LaRivieme, many suburbqn provincial police, turc GadenAnna Staples. Mi.MCo.Sot hr-r. Plaesotscvsrut niklc:T .Sea o Wh r o B Bogart, Mms. Putnam. Child's Out- Goode, Camai Staples. Sockces o Buiketon:HaOdG. here To BuyMan., is visiting Mirn. Yeo and incuding Constables ArthiurDy- O O OFU GRAIN AND SEEDS door Play Suit-Mrs. S t in s o n, Skating Socks-Evelyn Langmaid. Baktc:Ae.Glct The boys and girls afi#wmuau- Evertan Carswcîî, wîo enîistcd Peterboro, and David Adeir, Ca- Faîl Wheat, 1941 - Garnet B. and Bîoomers-Mis. BogatDîrs.s CardisGoriaSwecardCoa.-Caro etcon .G 'hmsn 'ville know they eau get com- in the Yukon and tiansiericd ta bourg. Constable Dymond, was (Contmrnued from page 1) Rickamd, Mis. Ira Lowe, Jas. T. Bryant. Kitchen Ensemble, dress 12" wide, 46" long-Anna Staples. onpo:yrlsDugSae an adqualîty Pctawawa, spent tic weekend in kept on ta prevent trouble be- breSos Brown. Spring Wheat-Donald B. and apron-Mis. C o o p e r, Mis. rn:T plete erviceBowrnanville with hiem. tween pic..4 .adbasct-Bicklth Gibson. Barley, 6 rowed-G. Ric- Stinson. Housework Apron, ser- tueoNwTyonle: . ln school uceds at Johuston'.. M.adMsJ. ilinPl- piks rwoks th Son, B. Mutton. St. Lawrence- kard, Mis. Ira Lowe, Mary Baw- viceable-Mrs. Stinsan, E v el1yn Col. Art, 12 years or under- TyneF.LBem M.adMsJ.Mlin hl Campbell Saup Plant, New Ta- BieIkle & Son, J. H. Jose. Graven- n aly oe-i.IaLnmi.Cvr o o ae oa arw enTre. Cadusc: ElotsSoe Daily more make thls PoDular delphia, Pa., Mi. and Mrs. Charles ronto. e.Couiticc e-rs Ia agmid Cvr ornk atr Walter.ow ea Trnr store their supply headquarters. Grant and son Jimmy, Toronto, Wes. -Cawker pioned Tie cItcin-B Mutt on , Bic Mut- So . Low. Emban rVaG u ardQS- B. otte-. B.anWiy, nte Mi. IawnCol. At, 16JyaraundFe r- Part Bowxnnil:D WooI _ paintS _ WaII- wcre guests ta a dinner party giv- Statesman office on Wcdnesday tan. Dudhess-Mary Bowen, Bic- Allin & Son. Late White Oats- Mis. McCal. Afghan, waol, cia- Poster Design Orono Feur-An- Store. en by Miss Frances Jeweliin mniig and gave us this mes- kle & Son. Melba-M. Bowen, R. J. T.Brown al it as htdMs htT .Ga-n tpe.W eeI .H aisaJr honor ofMis. Gant's birthday o sage: Tell the citizens ai Bow- K. Squeir. Alexander-Bickîe & Gi., hickard, Newton Taylor & pell. Soie Pillow, woal, crochet Bwav paper . Sept. l2th. menvilie and ]Durhaem County we Son, B. Mutton. St. Lawrnce- Soa. Sa0 (n oi-.S rkitT .Gepll m.Pt te be continued) Lovell. Dr. and Mrs.-Kcnneth R. Tiomp- are still hiolding open hause et aur F. W. L. Taniblyn, J. H. Jaose. S____FinC_____._r______C.____elMr. ut son and family, Chicago, El., were butcher sliop in celebretion ai tue draventein_ý Mutton, R. Os- aThe uew I" marked statloaery visitors with Mr. and Mis. Andy new modern cooling system and borne. Wealthy-Mis. Ed. Dean, lu thce sies atM. Thonipson.- Dr. Thonipsan is sanitary display cases we have m- J. W. Boyd & Sbn. Snaws-Bickle ________ in thee sies ata brother ai oui popular. public stelled. Tel thcm, toc, that this & Son, Donald Steples. Melntosi 1Sc, 20e and 25c schooi principal. caming Saturday we are going te -Biekle & Son, F. L. Squein & Miss Grace Mitchell, daugliter have another lot ai young chice Son. Scarlet Pippin-D. Staples, Envelopes ta match 10e iM.adMs .L icel be ndciye eo eee R. Osborne. Baxter-R. Osborne. -------Bowmanvîîîe, who has been on prices. Wolf Rivci-Bopyd & Sons, Bruce TEE LAST 0F OUR "EVER- tic staff ai Bank ai Commerce Peterborough and district is Mutton. Blenheini Pippin-Bruce an pnds) at Orono, has accepted a position soon ta have its own radio broad, Mutton, R. Osborne. Ribston Pip- SHARPS" (pens adpnis with tic Federal IcoeTex De- casting station, eccording ta an pin-F. L. Squeir & Son. TolainnT À until aiter the war - »xVw partment -in Toronto. announicement made by H. L. Swet-8quair & Son, Bickie & aviilable. Sa many' people patnonized Gainer, general manager ai Tic Son. R. I.. Grenning-M. Bowen, E Cawkcr's Meat Sliap last week ta Peterborough Examiner. Mi. Gar- R. Osborne. KIÇng-Bicklc & Son.,F RHAT sce tic new fixtures and paîtici- ner said that the Canadien Bread- B Mutton. Baldwin-B. Mutton,F 0 R H E A L T H pate in tic special values thet casting Corporation and tic media Squelr & Son. LaSalle-Boyd & LOWESTi fU C fU Mr. Cawker is going ta offer real brandia teDpaten iSans, M.- Bowen. Golden Russctt raefoWnt.Sregh yucnsitonndur gas i- JOU TONSULFI bargeins egain this Seturday in Transportation had gnantcd tic -D. Staples, R. Osborne. Nat- PRICES PLp__o ltr teute orcntttonadgadaantii choîce Young Durham County necessary permission. Tic- new cru Spy-Bickle & Son, B. Mut- ucw by taklug EXTRA VITA31INS every day. Urn SPARKLI NOYOEw BOOKSTORE raised beef. station wili be 1,000 watts in ton. Sterk-Bicklc & Son, R. Os- W itan m e ftidadpoe W and CpI. J. C. Wyckoff, Medicel strcYlgth and will incarponate tic borne. Ben Devis-M. o w e ri, eBtan m rofrid ndp vn fl LENINGLIBARY Camp., Mr. Joc Gray, Miss Lauie latest tecinical improvements in Mis..E. Dean. Cîab Appîes-Bic- 6ftISI *.CVta i Pouesbeo . 9 Phone 651 Bowmanville Aubney Hord, Ruth, John and Mis. Merle Clark Bell receivcd Cale Special-B. Mutton, Bickîc Medium Sze --- Marlyn, Toronto, Mis. D. Morris, word lest week thet lhem son Ian, & Son. Milton, Miîdrcd and Donald, Osh- who is ettendlng coëege et At- Pears ALPHAMETTES (25 8 & 100 8) $1-3-50 98Ç 0 ______________________________________________lenta, Georgia, wes im a motor Col. ai Pcars-Bickle & Son accident in whici lie rcceived ______________________________seiaus cuts and bruises about, thc Barttt-F. W. L. Temblyn, R. K' WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT 1-00 face and body requiring mTorcemui.i Beluty-B. Mutt&on. then 20 stitches. Tic accident Ilms euyB utn .N OC E IA O D C P LLS heppened et Chattanooga, Tenn., W. L. Terrblyn. Buerre Bse-R. 1.NE25EM2.25FO- CA.00E wee'h ca kde onwtK. Squair, J. H. Jase. Anju- At - - 125-2.5-LETTE I AIEI pav-ment. Latest reports stete I an Bcl oPW .Tmln is meklng satisfàctony progress Pluma SCOTTFS EMULSION- 59e - MCe In yaur Gillette ao and hapes Io icturn ta Atlanta Imperial Gage-Mis. Eegleson,do this week. Mis many iriends liera Fred Backburn. Lombard-R. K. ~" HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPS. 69e - 1.19 c.~s...S4va lis yarinciemistry wpefisedF. Blackburn.Jae CLARK'S - cless hanors. Grapes L..Hgts Pork~Bea s 3for 2~CRtarian IvanLaw, formerîy RdMs edî re COD LIVER OIL 8 o»B. 16 o»s. 69c-1.19 edicsd hi- -MsE.WdelGrn SI.50 îar 1in11W A..ihtS. .t ablts IO' - - Beans 3 ell lcpon Darlin tot almr--- 89 ou. 0ppotnte. r.Knet-________PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY <~ T Wcrry gave e very intcrcsting sc- L HT count ai thc session lu Whitby aiof .Softer I Saler i u c,,fIy M DC thc School for Leaders, stessing QUAKER Gucironteo.d PJ LBS tic responsibilities ai unity in e- A LEX M cO REO5O OATS LEX.c ligion and Christien stcwemdship. MAÀ%I 1 .I2 QuekorPlinS OLE ançi 200 Ms. W. H. Caruthers on behaif RSIN ~ 9 Quik o Plin23, 40, 60 on 00at f the socicty movcd e vote ai30Bx 9 than oMis. Wcrry for hem JEWELRYc 5 b kg 2 0L UX OR 2 for 250~ splendid and instructive addrcss. £A -. WMDeilve tbPg230 and 60 wat Meeting cîosed by the pesident Phone 463 LauraSecor DRUOS korcpcatlng tic reconsecretian pray- ___________________25ç*,CandiesPon79 cme. Refreshinentq were senved by_______________ tic hostie.

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