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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1941, p. 10

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THUStÂY, SEPTÙInER 25, 1941 PAOE TRiO THE CANADIAN STI iAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO g __________________________________________________________________ mn p -. - - p Obituary, mmra. lam Trewin The funeral of the late Georgina Lee Robinson, widow of the late William Trewin of Bowmanville, took place in Toronto on Septem- ber 9th..Àhe was a daughter of Mark Rôbinson of Brooklin, pion- eer druggîst of Ontario County. She was in ber 88th year. The late Trewin was predeceased bY five sisters and one brother. She Is survived by one son, Dr. G. M. Trewin, Oshawa, ane daughter, Mis. W. A. Bain, Toronto, witb wbom she Imd lived for the past two years, aMd one grandson, W. M. Trewin, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Trewin had been residents of Bowmanville for nearly baif a century and bad been paîticularly active in the work of Trinity United Church, as well as taking a keen interest EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Where the FuIl Gospel Is Preaehed., Sunday Services 11I a.m Worship 2 p.m.Sunday School 7.30 p.M.- Evangel- istic. Week Nlghts Wed. and FriL 8 p.m. Plan t. attend each service. We believe that "Jeans Christ Ja Uic saine yesterday and today, aud EVERYBODY WELCOME! in ail corsmunity endeavours for th. betteiment of the citizens and the town. The funeral was held in Ta- ronto frors ber daughteu's resi- dence, '77 Westmaunt Ave., the service being taken by Rev. J. E. Todd, pastor of St. Clair Avenue United Churcb. The committal service at the Union Cersetery, Oshawa, was taken by Rev. Moiti- more, assistant pastar of the St. Clair United Chuîch. Many beau- tiful floral tributes testified ta the esteers in wbîch deceased was held. PACKED BYTHRILLi CAME DECIDED BY ONE RUN LEAD On Tuesday night Bowmanviile boys defeated Pickering Guild in Pickering 8-7. The local lads took the lead tram the staît and kept increasing th. lead while holding Pickering in check ta take. the f irst gars. in th. 2 out of 4 series for the Oshawa and District Lea- gue charspîonsbip. Next . game will b. played at Bowrsanville bigh school campus on Sept. 25th. Ail bail fans are urged ta came out, as a win will give the local boys the. cup. Dave Osborne pitched a gaod steady gars. for the local lads. Conway and McICnight supplied the. only bomers of the gars.. Walt Polley bit for sale bits on 4 trips ta the plate; "Bun" Welsh and "Shiner" Sheeban also bit gaod.' Fouesters - Welsb, Wiseman, McKnight, Osbone, C on wa y, Hately, W. Polley, B. Polley and Sheeban. Pickering - Stewart, Bye, Law, Goldsmsith, Spencer, Waîd, Atter- welle, Legard, Miirowe. Umpires - Day. and Heel. When crears will not whip, add the white of an egg ta the crear- chill it and it wiil whip. FOR SALE -BARN ABOUT 50 f t. long, noîtb of Enfield, Lot 2, Cartwright; alsa beavy boise, 5 yeais aid. Apply Chas. Dean, Burketon. 39-1" FOR SALE -FORDSON TRAC- tor, cutting box, hand wasbing machine, new six-ply tire six by sixteen, cheap work boise. Apply Carl Payne, Newcastle, R. R. 3. 39-1" FOR SALE - ONE EN G LIS H style pram, navy. Apply Mis. D. A. McGregor, Scugog Street, Bowmanvile, phone 750. 39-1 FOR SALE - LADDERS SUIT- able for apple picking. Appiy W. Laird, Mapie Grave, phone 2511. 39-i OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chestcrfield,. bedroors, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a spccialty. Qualîty meichandise at cors- petîtive puices. Bef are buying visit Biadley's New Furniture Store, 156 Sirscoe St. S., Osb- awa. 39-tf FOR SALE - GLADIOUS AND Dahlias are stili blooming in abundance and there are still plenty of torsatoes at H. R. Pearce's, Newcastle. 39-if FOR SALE - TWO PIANOS IN tirat class condition. Phone 862. 39-1 RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up ta 50 % on tires and tubes, including new Goodycars, Do- minion Tires. Full stock in al aises tram $1 .00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Sbop, King and Silver St. 14-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours tram aveu 300 patteras actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 39-tf PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS- Mailcd postpald, in plain scalcd envelopes, with price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Aduits only. Atex Rubbcr Ca., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 39-8 Weekly Feed Speclal W EE XL Y FEED SPECIAL - Vanstanc's Egg Masb, $2.59 peu cwt. Offer gaod until Oct. 2nd. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 777. COMING EVENTS St. Joseph' s Churcb will hold its annuai bazaar on Nov. 22nd. Particulars later. . 39-1 Meeting of Girl Guides will be held Friday night, Sept. 26th, at 7 p.m. in the public school gym- nasium. 39-1" Came and win a blanket and belp fin Chirstmas boxes for ail Bowmanvilie boys in A. F., at a Euchre in Parisb Hall, -Thursday,' Oct. !Zxd, 8 o'clock. Admission 25c. Refreshments. 39-1 Salvation Army Harvest Thanks- giving Services. will be beld Sun- day, Sept. 28tb, conducted by Major and Mrs. W. Spearing of Toronto. Services at 11i a.m., Sun- day School 2 p.m., evening 7 p.m. Every loyal citizen is învîted ta take part in tbe -big Community Red Cross Auction Sale on Oct. 4tb. Look around your home and see what you will contribute, then phone the committee listed in an- other column. Kendal United Churcb Tbank- offering Services will be beld on Stinday, October l2th. Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Standard Time. Rev. Gardiner of Canton Circuit wiil be guest speaker. Special music by choir and otber talent. Everyone welcome. 39-3 Public Scbool Field Day and Jr. Red Cross Sale, on Wednesday, Oct. ist, at 1.45 p.m. on public school grounds. Fruit, vegetables, flowers, novelties and refresh- ment booths on grounds. Every- body weicome. If wcatber is bad it will be beld the following af- ternoon. 39-1" Eldad Harvest Home Services will be beld ncxt Sunday, Sept. 28th, at 2 and 7 p.m. E.S.T. Rev. R. E. Morton, flewcastle wiil be the speaker at bath services. The choir, under the leadership of George Werry, will be assisted by Mi. Ivor Davies, soloist, Oshawa. There will be no concert on the succeeding Monday night. 39-i ALUMINUM MATINEE Puice of admission ta 'a special matince at the Royal Theatre at 4 p.m. next Wednesday is anc piece of -aluminum-or more if possible. Time 4 p.m. New pro- gram. Mis. Doris Ross, proprietor of the Royal Theatre ü-ponsoring the alumînum drive in aid of -the Red Cross. Everyone weicome. 39-1 VACANT STORES NOW 'APARTMENTS' Almost lfnperceptibly the pres- sure on bousing space bas been causing changes arçund tawn. AI- tbough the fiurry of new building seems ta bave came ta a stop there is great demand for accom- modation as shown by the fact that foui or five empty stores which have been off the market for any purpose for a long time are now being dignifîed by the name "Apartments". Quickly converted into living quarters by the use of a little wal board these stores now bouse some dozen people. Two of the Martyn estate stores on Division St. are thus used, as is the store in the Victor Manor Block and anc in the Horsey Block. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-KATAHDIN POTA- tocs grown fror certified seed, $1.00 per bag. Apply John Mils, Hampton, phone 2541. 39-if LANG-To Mr. and Mrs. George Lang, at Bawmanviile Hospital, September 4tb, 1941, a daugh- ter, Doris Marie. 39-1 D)EATIIS BROWN-In Clarke on Friday, September l9th, 1h41, Clifford Brown, in his 69th.yeai Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemeteî»y. 39-1" COCHRAN-In Toronto Geeral Hospital on Tuesday, Septem- ber 23rd, 1941, Etta West, be- loved wife of Fred Cochrane, iher 6Oth year. Funeral from. the famnily. resi- dence, Lot 34, Concession 3,- Darlington Township, on Fri- day, Sept. 26. Service at .3 p.m. D.S.T. Interment Union CemeC~ tery, Oshawa. 39-1 CRYDERMAN-In Bowmanville, September 18, 1941, J. Herbert Cryderman,. in bis 9Oth year. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. GARDINER-In Bowmanville, on September 2lst, 1941, Benjamin F. Gardiner, beloved hurband of Ida Gardiner, in bis 75th year. McGILL-At Bowmanivlle Hos- pital, Wednesday, Septemnber 24tb, 1941, Henry McGiil, age B9 -ye 1aîs. Funcral from tbe residence of bis sister, Mrs. Robert Byers, Janetville, on Saturday,, ept.- 27b, at 2 p.m. Standard Time. Interment Janetviile Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM BRAÇLG- In fondest memory of Wm. Stanley Bragg,'"Littie Tan Boy," wbo slipped away from us ane year ago to-day. L "Jesus bas taken a'beautiful i bud t Out of aur garden af k. Borne it away ta the City 6ftod Home of the angels abavd." -Grandma and Aunties. eBRAGG- In loving memory. of aur dear son and brother, Wil- 1 liam Stanley, wbo passed a*ay ? suddenly September 25, 1940. 1 Two littie banda are resting,. A loving beart la stili, A littie son we loved is waiting For us juat over the bill. -Ever remembered by Mom, Dad, sisters and brother.' 39-1" Carda of Thanks Mis. Clifford Bîown and f amily wish ta express their sincere tbanks ta their many fiiends and neighbors for the kindness shown in the paasing of a loving busband and father and alsa for the beau- tiful floral trîbutes. 39-1" The ~family of the late J. H. Cryderman wisb ta thank Canon Spenser, Dr. Fergusan, nurses, friendt -and neighbois for their many arts of kindness duîing bis ilincas and passing. George Piper wishes ta thank the membera and managers of the twa bail teama whe played *the benefit gamc on Saturday, Sept.. l3tb, and also the rsany people who partlcipated in -rsaking the game a success. Special tbanks are due members of Local 189 who 1undcitaok the arrangements for, 1the game. 39-1" Tea Cup Readlng' TEA CUP AND CARDS MOMQ r 3 p.m. te 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Stqre, phone 2884. 36-tf. ClasifedAd Rates One cent a word cash, e«Ch insertion,,tininimuin charge 2se). Chakge of 25e extra is made whehi advertlmement la net pald saine week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of lOc wheu replies are dlreeted to a Statesman box nuniber. Bithe, deatha and marrtages 50o eaeh. In Memorlams, SMe for notice plus 10c Per Ue for verse. Classlficd adv,- tisements accecpted Up 7i 6 p.m. WednedWI' BIRTHS GRAY-In 8owmanvifle Hospital on September 2lst, 1941, ta Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Gray (neLà Joyce Adams), the gift of a son, Wayne Stewart. 39-1 HANCOCK-At the Toronto Wes- tern Hospital on Monday, Sep- tember 22nd, 1941, toeMi. and birs. Adair Hancock, (nec Alma Englisb, Reg. N.), 250 Oakwood Ave., Toronto, a son, Ailan Ross (stilborn). ,39-1" FOR SALE-NUMBER OP' YEAR aId B. R. hens from pen praduc- ing over 50% at present time. Lack of room. Mis. F. W. Bow- en, Newcastle, Clarke 3812. 39-if FOR SALE -A FEWWELL bred Leicester ram lambs. Ap- ply Lot 29, Darlington, or phone McMaster's, Oshawa, 1648J3. 38-2 FOR SALE-GOOD -BAY MAR, 1800 ibs. Apply J. E. White, R.R.1, Campbdilcroft P.O., Hope Twp., Con. 8,'Lot.31. 38-2 FOR SALE - ELDERSLIE Farms offer 20 six week oid Yorkshire pigs tram pcdigreed sows. These are a good thrity lot for quick sale. Archie Muir & Sons, Courtice, Ont. 38-2 tlelp Wanted WAITRESS WANTED - WAGES $10.00 a week and meals. Ap- ply Loui Leskaris, Olympia Cafe; Bowmanviile. 39-1" RELIABLE MAN WANTED - A local Watkins route is now open for a good reliabq man with car. No capital or experience required, but you must be a reai bustler. Permanent con- nection witb good future for rigbt party. Write The J. R. Watkins Compan\y, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Quebec, Dept. O-B-9. 1,37-4 Wanted to gient WANTED TO ~T APART- ment or smal'Mùe. Phone 404, noon or night. 38-2" Beauty culture SPÉCIAL - OIL PERMANENT- Wave including shampao, shap- ing and finger wave, regular $3.50 for $2.00. Machineles Waves at reduced prices. The New Grave BeaVty Salon, i mile west of Bowmanviile, phone 2245. J. Stevens, Opera- toi. . 39-1" Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY-ABOUT 25 Barred Rocks, year aid. H. J. Stacey, R. R. 4, Bowmanviile, phone 2112. 39-1" Found FOUND -'LADIES HOUSE shoes were lef t at*Bowmanville Dairy store. Owner rnay have same at Statesman office by paying for this ad. 39-1 Lon-t! -'"1 - LOST-KEY RING WITH 6 KEYS and green souvenir book at- tached, lost Saturday morning in town. Fin4er please phone 2230. .-39-1 /Real Estate For Siale FARM FOR SALE-150 ACRES, Lot 22, Con. 6, Darlington; 8 acres timber, balance under cul- tivation; good bip roof ban 110 ft. long. Apply ta owner, Sulas Williams, Hamptan. 39-1 FOR SALE - SOLD BRICK bouse on Centre St., Bowman- ville, modemn conveniences; will be sold cheap ta close up an estate. Appiy A. E. Beliman, King St. West. il tf For Exchange EXCHANGE-WALNUT FINISH- ed Columbia' Console Phono- gîapb in excellent condition, over 100 records. Will exchange for tire wood. Apply Gea. E. -Px~tchîdStatesman Apts., ~Bôwmanville. 39-1 Read the want ada. ROMNDTRIP.RAIL DARINS From BOWMANVI.LE, OCT. 3 - 4 - 5 To OTTAWA 56.10 TROIS RIVIEES MONTREAL .$8.75 $13.65 STE ANNE DE BEAUPRE $11.30 $14.25 GOVERNMENT TAX 10 PERCENT EXTRA FIRIT TRAIN PROM BOWMANVILLE 10.12 P.M- OCT. 3 Return LinilI _ October O Net go"d on 3 pi. trais frein Ottawa and Montrea]L TO THE MAEJTIMES - OCTOBERE2 Ail Canadian Pacifie Sitatio» n aNew Brunswick. Ail Dominion Atlantic Eailway Stations I Nova 800t18 For limita,, <V&M @«dsevice, etc. coumut itgente - Procure Handbil. Net Ceo" Returu on~ 3 p.m. Trai Frein MentraL. CANA DIAN CANADIAN PACIFIC NATIONAL POOL TRAIN SERVICE. Livestoc k For Sýale PUPS FREE TO GOOD HOMES. Phone 2553. 39-1w FOR SA ~E BLACK MARE about 140. Suitable for milk route. Apply.E. E. Shantz, R. R. 5, Bowmanviile. 39-1w FOR SALE-TWO SHORTHORN cows, 5-years oid, heavy in caif. Apply Victor Szold, Hampton, phone 2173.> 39-1 FOR SALE-4 .MILKING COWS ar~l 5 sckng alesabout 6 mon~ old Appy O.P. Hertz- beg5.ý .4 Bwaville (Sa- lem> phne 200.39-1 FOR SALE -TEN YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks aid. W. Lycett, Maple Grove, phone 2382. 39-1* FOR SALE-YOUNG HOLSTEIN cow, fresh, $75. Wm. Romhanyi, Courtice. 39-1* W. C. ASHTON LOT 1, B. F., DARLINGTON (South on Town LUne Clarke-Darllnt.n) WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 1941 Herses - 1 bay Clyde gclding, 8 yrs.; 1 dark brown Clyde geld- ing, 9 yrs.; i bay Clyde gelding, 10 yrs.; 1 ligbt bay mare, il yrs.; 1 ligbt bay g.lding, aged. Cale-i spotted cow, 8 years, due tirs. of sale; 1 red cow, 8 yrs. due Nov. 18; 1 red cow, 4 yrs. due Feb. 15; 1 spotty caw, 3 yis., milk- ing, not bred; i red beifer, 2 % ysduc Jan. 1; 3 beifeis, 1 V2 yrs.; h alr 1 year; 2 calves, 6 montha; 3 stecus, 1Y% yrs.; 1 steer, 1 yr.; 2 calvès, 4 montbs. Heavy set of wagon springs; grind stone; 1 walking single plow;- 1 walking twin plow, Na- tional No. 8, Mé.-H.; i 3-hors. cul- tivator, M *-X.; 1 tractor cultiva- toi, M.-H.; 1 coin bmnder, Frost & Wood; 1 combination grain and stock 'box and rack; i seed drill, 12 hale, M. H.; 1 tuînip drill; 1 dersocrat witb shafts and pale; i double buggy; i set light sleigbs; 1 cutter; 1 set dauble hcavy bau- nesski set double driving (ligbt) harness; i cueam separator, M.-H.;" 1 pig crate; a quantlty of bay; mis- cellaneous articles. Sale 1 p.r. Standard Tirse. TermaCash. Eimer Wilbur, Auctionéer. 38-2 Wilson's FurnitureCo. Septeniber Furniture Sale Wise shoppers would do weil ta avail tbemselves of OUr 10w priccd specials. Very large selection tram oui two stores. Wilsan's values lcad flic market. Inuer Spriut Mattresses $9.95-Spring filied mattresses in heavy stiiped ticking, rail edge, handîca and ventilatoîs. Ail sizes. Wonderful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spring f illcd studio couches. Good looking. Weil tail- oued. These wiil please you and save you money. Over fitty ta choose frars. Floor Covering Speelala $1.49-New. bordeuless rugs, 6 ft. by 9 f t. You wifl find at Wllson's everytbing. ,ifloor coyeringa. Personai., attention toalal your floor covcîing probiems. Inlaida, congolcuma, feltols, heavy lino- leum. Ail wldtbs. Wilsan's puices are lawei. New Chesterfield Suites $69.50-Specially priced for oui sale. Modern spring tillcd ehes- teîfield suites. Smart c a ri c d show wood. Excellent combina- tion of coverings. W. have many beautitul cbesteîfleld suites for you ta choose fîom. Newest styles. Grandest coverigs. Oui low puices wlll please you. DedroinSuites $59.95-T h i111ln g ncw emart wateîf ail design. Thia la an out- standing buy. Sec oui large mdcec- tion of beautiful bedrooni suites you will be pîoud ta own. Wi1- san's lower ovcîhead means lower prices ta yau. GUIftSuggestions Cedar chesta, book cases, lamps, fancy cushions, end tables, che- nille bedspîeads, smokeîs, cotte. tables, occasion4l chairs, dcli prams. Hundreds et other gifla at Wllson's lower puices. Tradi-In Depaitanent Jammcd full - hundreds et goed used furniture bargainh. W. must make room at once regardîcus of puice - Chesterfield Suites, Din- lng Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, Duessers, Bedi, Riais, Staves, Couches, etc. It wifl pay you ta visit our stores. WIIson's Furnlture Co. U0 Ki"gW. seOhuroh fSt. 081UWA 3ë. Wanted WANTED-WýHEAT AND GOOI> mixed grain. Apply A. H. Cie- mens, R. R. 8,. Bowma n viii1c, phone 2433. 36-tf WANTED -SEWING MACHINE in good condition. Apply Box 1, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile. 39-1' WANTED-LARGE ROOM FOR' storing furniture, Newcastle or Orono. Mrs. J.,Ç.. Milne,, Orono, phone 87r16..- 39-il flOUSE WANTED IMMEDIATE- ly5 or 6 rooms. Phone 2648. Auction Sales I have received instructions ta seil by public auction for Mr. B. Budai, Lot 16, Con. 3, Dariington, ail 'of bis farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, harness, etc. Sale ta commence at 1.30 p.m. D.S.T., Saturday, September 27tb. Terms cash. See bilis. Elmer Wii- bur, auctioneer. 38-2 I have received instructions ta seil by public auction for Mr. Frank Rogers, Lot 20, Con. 6, Darlington, ail his farit stock, including 40 head Ontario cattie, impiements, bay, grain, hariiesa, corn, etc. Sale to commencé at 1 p.m. stanidard time, Friday, Oc- tober 3rd. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 38-2 Mornlng Stock Sae E. A. Werry is holding another morning stock sale when he wil offer for sale by public auction on bis premises, Lots 17 and 18, Con- cession 8,, Darlington, on Satur- day, Sept 27th, the following: 40 2-year-old steers and heifers, 4Q1 yearling steers and heifers, 10' caives; aiso flock of sheep. Xbove cattie are ail Ontario bred cattie and are in excellent çondition. Free delivery on ail stock. Note time of saie--8 am. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer 39-1 Auctiola Sale mugie FRE TRIAL LESSON," EVERY night, 7 p.m. Guitars ioaned. Play real music whiie icarning. Next door ta Town Hat Sbop, King St. W. Enquire also at Greenleaf Cale, N e wcastile. Branch, Victoria Scbooi of Mu-, Sic. 39-1" -TOIE TABLE EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, SEPT. 28, 1941 Funl Information Froin Agents CandiaulNational Ralways C ildren rsay reccive Scarlet Pevèla toxin for immunization at the Public Scbools during the month of Ocober. The Toxin will b. given at the South Ward Scbool eacb' Thursday mroning at 9 o'clock, and at the Central Scbool cach Fuiday moîning at 9 a'clock. Parents may bring their pue- scbool childuen ta cither schoal at tis houý. Iu 1h. case of older childien lalrcady attending scbool il is only necessary ta send a note ta the tcacbeî asking tbat it b. given. Furtbei information rsay be obtained tram the Public Healtb Nurse, Miss Lena Taylor, or tram the undeisigned. Please arrange that ail childien atart their first dose on the first day the Toxin is given. Bowmanville Board of H-ealtb W. H. Birks, M.O.H. 3- Drugless Practitionel' igýBERT COLVILLE Drugleas practîtloei LIberty Street - liéwmmfvlle *Electrical Trcatmcnts - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 27-5 PRODUCE 0F THE FIELDS AT L0WESTý PRICESU Lunu la efferig th.finest producta of the luxuriant Durhamn County gardeus, orchards and fieldsaia lowest pricea. ADDIE'~ Ontari, Grewn, ChoicesN.1 5 IIIILES Nelnoh 6 quart basket, qonly V35 Rose BalIng Powder = large tin Ise Cornflakes, a treat for breakfaet 3 for 25e Tomate Soup Jelly Powders, ail flavors - 3 3tins.25e . 4 for 25e * -ERNIE LUNN $'THE STORE OF QUALITY" Phone 596 Dellvery Service YOUR EYEiS deserve the besi AIND TILLYER LENSÈS are the Lest. We are licensed .aegei.eplu to fit Tillyer Lenses-the Isog 71 £mamS veylatest achievemenât of 1Ivg ophthalmic scientiste. They will give pour eycs a new and noticeable comfort. For un. 11k. ordinary lenses, Tillyer Lenses are- accurate to the very cdge whether you look up or down, in or out. JURY & LOVELL Moen, we test yens eyea il 18u dci. propcrly DOWMANVILLE -C.N.R TICKETS - PHONZ 718 For Rent TWO RdfYMMÊ ET-II ou withaut bo4,rd. Apply Box 192, Statesmnaif'Ottce. - 39-1" FOR RENT - 3 ÙNFURNISHED roors, King St. East. Apply Box 2, Statesman Office, Baw- manville. 39-1" NOTICE SCARLBT FEVER IMMYNIZATION DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC Oshawa Advises You To Buy NO W! Prices Are Increasing and Supplies Are Becoming Scarce. Eiuoy.Sumerand Wl iter A Prûven fuaccess 'Mbs autstanding Findlay combination range is already the pride of hundreds of Canadian Hausewivea. IlU beautiful proportions, sniooth, easy-to-dean surfaces' and glisteoing porcelain finish wili b. "ini styrle" for years ta corne. The single oven heats quickiy and cveniy by cos or wod... by electicit. . or bath together. Othor features include automatic oven contri-four electric lements, two hales for coal or wood-deep coal or wood firebox with 2-position grate-waterfrant if desred-whitc or ivory finish. Yau, teo, cari enjqy the comsfot and econamy cf a complote cal and woQd range -ù jù itcr and a cool clectric range on hot summer daym. Ouc it ... compare it ... and you'l1 eboasc a Findlay. ilasite M Easy Ten- Ashor a DAwtm Den Clbrialla Electrlc ,nmýr ~5LIMIT= CAEM AZ ONT.-wtrcMd oua Rues Coo ndWoo Dnse. WirnAi FunaooAc&ir otah im ytome. 41.' 1 - i -- - - 1 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a a a p 0 0 0 0 la 1 -IA NLAN, BOWMANVIIM, ONTARIO THE CANADIAN STN OSHAWA, ONT. L A T --D AY 8 DorotI- huour "1ALOMA OF'M SOUTH Wlth Zon Hall Lynn Overman REVIAL Friday et I1I LiliUm. Russei Don Ameche . Alice Faye Hcnry Fonds Monday and Tuesday las - music - "KISS THE BOYS GOODBYRE". Don Ameche - Mary Martin Oscar Levant - Connie DoeweU and Rochester ADDED BIT Robert Stirling Chas. Wlnnlager In "'THE GETAWAY" Wed. for 4,Day4s At lust we ean brlug you the pleture of the season- you know, thc one we've fought hap'd te get for you and yon and you! CLARK GABLE i the ktud of a raie you like 1hlm lu ROSALIND RUSSELL addlng to her long list of sen- sational portrayals "THEY MET IN BOMBAY'F wlth Peter Lorre - Reglnald Owen WATCH TRIS AD For the Most 1Tâfked of Pictures of Uic Year--Our Retinue for September, Oc- tober aud November la lb.l Most 'Startlint Ini yea.. 'PAGE TEN a

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