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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1941, p. 3

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TEURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ~5, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~OWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE THEKE Dhuham fait Scores Succes la Exhibits and Attendance The second and final day at the Durham Central's great fair, with superb weather, witnessed the laigest attendance o! any year and the greatest array o! exhibits. Grandstand attractions drew a lrecrowd which cheered the heats in the harness-race events. Lvstock exhibits were well up Liv xetaiossave in the beef cattie classes and light horses. 'ere was an unprecedented * jry cattie turnout with Hol- fis predomnating, and to even the casuai observer, the impres- sion was that the Black and White Day feature may be overdone to the detriment o! other classes. Breeders of beef cattie have been îelegated to the sidelines. Horse racmng, too, if given better candi- tians, could be expanded ta the benefit of turnstiles. Attendance was estimated at weli over 3,000. Schooi exhibits were exception- ally fine and are a soiid feature of any fair. Canada Packers had an exhibit showing bacon types with personal instruction as to methotis of feeding and a demonstration of the new bacon hog scaies now offered ta farmers at a iow price. The fair was aiso featureti by soldier drills, by singmng of the school choir under direction of Mis. D. Robb, by the picture shows in the town hall, and final- iy the dance at night,, which was the highlight for the younger ele- ment. The draw for groceries was won by Mrs. C. Bebee and $19.00 rolled up for the Wai Victims' Fund. Gailoways Orchestra play- ed the final number which closeti the show and far into the night toiled the man who was on the job night and day ta assure a big- ger and better fair. M. H. Staples, secretary-treasurer, and staff, tir- cd yet happy, gave to The States- man the foilowing list o! prize winners which completes the lilt as commenced in last week's paper: LADIES' WORK Gioves, crochet, cotton-Mis. I. Lowe, Mis. Bryant. Gioves, wool, knit-Mrs. McCall, Mrs. Frank Stinson. Pyjamas, ladies, sik- Mis. Stinson, Mis. Bryant. Lib- rary Table Runner-Mrs. Lowe, Mis. Bogart. Sofa Pillow, modemn -Mis. Stinson, Mrs. D. G. Hoop- ci. Sofa Piiiow, A.O..-Lorna H-ooper, Mis. McCail. Fancy Work, 5 different kinds-Mrs. Bogart, Mis. Putnam. Tea Cioth and 4 Serviettes, white-M rs. L o we, Mrs. Bryant. Tea Cloth and 4 Ser- viettes, coiored-Mrs. B r y a n t, Mis. Bogart. Handmade Under- wear-Mrs. McCail, Mis. Bogart. Crochet Work, cotton-Mis. Bry- ant, Mis. Lowe. Luncheon Set and Centre, embroidered - Mis. Lowe, Mis. McCall. Luncheon Set and-Centre, crochet-Mis. Bogart, Mis. Lowe. Pillow Cases, em- bioideied-Mis. Lowe; Mis. R. K. Squafr. Pillow Cases, cut wrk- Mis. Lowe, Mis. McCall. Fancy Bed Sheet and Pillow Cases ta match-Mis. Lowe, Mis. Bryant. Neediepoint-Mis. StinaMs Bogart. Petitepoint-Mis.Bgat Mrs. McCall. Tatting-Mrs. Lowé, Mrs. Stinson. Bridge Set, em- broidereti-Mis. Bogart, Mis. Ira Lowe. 'Guest Toweis, 2 kinds- Mis. Putnam, Mrs. Bogait. Dres- ser Set, embroidered-Mrs. Bry- ant, Mrs. Putnam. Fancy Bath Towes-Mlrs. McCaIl, Mrs. Lowe. Embroidereti Tea Towels -Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. McCall. Fancy Hand- made Apron-E. Langmaid, Mrs. Eagleson. Hantimade Print Dress, child's-Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Me- CaUl. Child's Print Play Suit- Mrs. Bryant, Mis. Bogart. Card Týble Cover-Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Stinson. Knitting Bag, knitted or crocheted-Mrs. Eagleson, Evelyn Langmaid. Collection of Fancy- Work-Mrs. MeCali, Mrs. Bryant.1 OId Ladies' Work (70 years and over) Aprons, serviceable-Mrs. Bo- gart, Mrs. McCaii. Knitting Bag, wooi-Mrs. McCall. Cover for Hot Water Bottle-Mrs. Bogait, Mis. McCail. Knittirýg, 3 kinds- Mrs. McCall. Junior Section (20 years and under) Prnt Dress-C. Staples, E. Langmaid. Work Apron, print- E. tmangmaid., Blouse-C. Stapies. Colar and Cuff Set-C. Stapies. Boudoir Pillow-C. Staples, E. Langmaid. Tea Towel-C. Sta- pies, E. Langmaid. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Loaf Homemade Bread -Mrs. Wm. Haie, Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Loaf Whole Wheat Bread-E. L a n g- maid, Mis. Sutton. Raisin Loaf-. Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. D. G. Hoaper. Date Loaf-Mis. Hale, Mirs. W. B. Hoar. Buns-Mrs. Hooper, Lorna Hooper. Tea Biscuits-Mrs. R. G. Moffat, Mrs. Hooper. O r a n g e Cake, dark-L. Hooper; M. Bow- en. Lemon Sponge Cake-Lornai Hooper, M. Bowen. Scones-Mis. Hooper, Mrs. Eagleson. Date Bars -L. Hooper, Mrs. Hooper. Jum- bies-L. Hooper, Mrs. H o o p e r. Whoie Wheat Muffins-Mrs. E. Dean, Mrs. Hooper. Layer Cake, dark-Mrs. Dean, L. Hooper. Lay- er Cake, light-L. Hooper, Mrs. H. C. Ailin. Banana Cake-Lamaa Hooper, Mrs. Ed. Dean. One Egg Cake-L. Hooper, Mrs. Hooper. Apple Pie-E. Langmaid, M. Bo- wen. Pumpkîn Pie-M. Bowen, Mrs. Sutton. Lemon Pie-M. Bo- wen, Mrs. Aluin. Raisin Pie-Mrs. AlUin, Mrs. Hooper. Butter Tarts -Mrs. Sutton, Mis. Allia. Currant Jeliy-L. Hooper, Mis. Eagleson. Apple Jelly-Mrs. Sut- ton, Mrs. E. Dean. Marmalade- Mrs. Sutton, L. Hooper. Four practical ways o! serving Apples -Mis. Dean, Mrs. Hooper. Four ways of serving Tonatoes-R. K. Squair, Mis. Dean. Chili Sauce- Mrs. Suttoni, Mis. S. D. Souch. Cucumber Pickles-Mis. Sutton, L. Hoaper. Mlixed Pickes-Mrs. Sutton, L. Hooper. Mustard Pic- kies-L. Hooper, Mist S u t t o n. Pickled Pears-M. Bowen, Mrs. Eagleson. Ment Relish-Mis. Stin- son, Mis. R. G. Moffatt. Collec- tion Canned Fruit-L. Hooper, Mis. Sutton. Five ibs. Butter lu biocks-LMrs. Dean, Mis. Lowe. Roast Chicken, garnished on plat-1 ter-M. Bowen. White Orangei Layer Cake-Mis. H. C. Ailin. Women's Institute Special- Dawn Moffatt, S. C. Allin & Son,1 Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mary Bowen. FINE ART 011 Painting: Portrait-Agnes Waddeil, Mis. L. E. Bryant; Fig- ure-Mrs. McCali, E. Waddell; Animal-Mvrs. McCali, A. Wad- deil; Land scape-Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. McCail; Fruit-Mrs. McCall, E. Waddeii; Flowers-Mrs. . Put- nam, A. Waddell. Water Colours: Figure-Mrs. Bogart, A. Waddeil; Portrait-E. Waddeli, A. Waddell; Animal- Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. McCali; Marine -Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. P ut narn; Landscape-Mrs. M c C a , Mrs. Bryant; Fiowers-Mrs. B ry a nt, Mrs. McCai1; Fruit-Mis. Putnam, E. Waddeli. Sepia-E. Waddeii, Mis. Bogart. Crayon Drawing-A. W a d d e i11, Mis. MeCali. Pastel Drawing-E. Waddefl, Mrs. McCall. P e n c i i Drawing, Figure-A. Waddeil, E. Waddell. Pencil Drawing, Ani- mal-Mis. Putnam, E-. Waddell. Pencil Drawing, Landscape - E. Waddeil, A. Waddell. Pen and Ink Sketch-A. Waddell, E. Wad- deil. Coll. China Paintingi-Mis. McCail. Best New Craft-A. Wad- deli, Mrs. Bogart. Public Schooi Students Girls' Sampie Needlecraft- Edith Woodley, Dawn Mofatt, Sophie Shutka, Jean Moffatt. Boy's Sample Manual Training -Orvilie Chatterton, Howard Da- vey, J. H. Jose. Hand Writing, Poetry-Gregor Freund, Joyce Tennant, Donald Dudley. HORSES Clydesdales: Mare and Foal- Fred Lowrey, Ed. Pascoe, F. W. Rickard & Son. Foal 1941-Ed. Pascoe, Fred Lowrey, Rickaîd & Son. Filiy or Gelding, i yr.-Ed. Pascoe, Fred Lowrey, Jos. H. For- der & Son. Fiiiy or Geiding, 2 yrs. -Heber W. Down, Forder & Son, Ewart Robinson. Filly or Geiding, 3 yrs.-T. R. Hall, H. W. Down. Span Horses in Harness-H. W. Down. Agricultural Horses: Mare and Foal-Forder & Son, Arthur Mc- Kay, Truman Ciayton. Foal 1941 -T. R. Hall, Forder & Son, Leslie R. Cochrane. Fiily or Gelding, i yr.-0. Cowan. Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs.-Fred Lowrey, N. R. An- drews, Chester E. Lee. Fiily or Gelding, 3 yrs.-Ed. Pascoe 1 and 2, N. R. Andrews. Span of Horses -T. R. Hall, Bd. Pascoe. Belgian, Percheron and Punch: Mare and Foal-Roy Ferren, Ern- est Bowen, J. L. Kellogg. Foal 1941-R. Ferren, E. Bowen, J. L. Kellogg. Filly or Geiding, i yr.- J. M. Read, Lewis Wood, Ewart Robinson. Filly or Geiding, 2'1 yrs. -S. S. Lockhart, E. Robinson. Fiiiy or Geiding, 3 yrs.-Lloyd Ciydesdaie, S. S. Lockhart. Span Horses in Harness-J. M. Reade. General Purpose: Mare and Foal -Clarence Neilîs, Leslie R. Coi- lacutt. Filly or Gelding, 1 yr- L. R. Coilacutt, Forder & Sons, E. Harness. Fifly or Gelding, 2 yrs.-L. R. Cochrane, W. S. Mof- fatt, E. Harness. Filiy or Geiding, 3 yrs.-Milton Brown, N. R. An- drews. Single Horse in Harness- ~ORRIS'O.- M. Brown. Span Horses in Har- ness-M. Brown, S. S. Lockhart. Best Horse any age on rein, classes 1, 2, 3, 4-T. R. Hall, Ed. Pascoe, Fred Lowrey. Wm. Robinson Special-L. Cly- desdale, L. Wood, Mr. Sanderson. Andrew Eider Memoril Cup- T. R.Hfall. Henry Memorial Cup - J. M. Read. Carniage Horses: Mare and Foal -Oscar Luxton, L. R. Cochrane. Foal 1941-O. Luxton, U. R. Coch- rane. Filly or Gelding, i yr.-L. R. Cochrane, E. Robinson. Single Horse in Harness, 15Y2 handa or over-Wm. Beatty, Ralph Saddler. Single Horse in Harness, under 15% hands-Wm. Beatty. Pair o! Horses in Harness-Wm. Beatty. Roadster Horses: Mare and Foal -C. Neils, C. Mally, R. Saddler. Foal 1941-C. Neils, C. Maily, R. Sadler. Fiily or Geiding, i yr.- C. Neils, W. S. Moffatt. Filly or Geiding, 3 yrs.-Ivan Cochrane, M. Brown. Single Horse in har- ness, 151/ hands or over-Ivan Cochrane i and 2. Single Horse in harness, under 15½-I. Coch- rane, M. Brown. Pair Horses in harness-I. Cochrane, M. Brown. Best Turnout-W. Beatty, I. Coch- rane. Best Single Pony in harness -T. R. Hall, Junior West. Best Pony under saddle-Barba.ra Ann Rolph, T. R. Hall, Don White. Best Lady Driver - W. Beatty. Best Saddie Horse-R. Saddier, Robt. Hancock. BEEF CATTLE Shorthorna: Bull, 3 yrs. and over-W. F. Rickard & Son. Bull, 2 yrs.-Baker Farms. Bull, 1 yr.- S. Chas. AlUn & Son, 1 and 2. Bull Calf-Rickard & Son 1 and 2, Baker Farrus 3. Milch Cow-Ba- ker Farms, Allun & Son, Rickard & Son. Heif ci, 2 yrs.-Baker Farms, Alun & Son. Heifer, 1 yr. -Baker Farms 1 and 2, Rickard Lamb-F. B. Glaspeli & Sons 1 *~Son 3. Reifr Calf Juion~r- and 3, T. C. Glaspeil 2. Riekard & Son, Baker'Farrns, i Newton Taylor & Son. Heifer Cal! Senior-Rickard & Son 1 and 2,1 Taylor & Son 3. Herd Bull and 4 femnales - Baker Farms, W. F. Rickard. Aberdeen Angus: Miich Cow, Hleif er- 1 year, and Heifer Cal- Malcolm Bailey. Herefords: Randoiph Junkin & Son, ail prizes. Cattie Beef Grade: Heifer, 2 yrs.-Tayior & Son. Heifer Calf -Taylor & Son. Best Baby Beef Steer-R. Junkin & Son. Cana- dian Bank of Commerce Cup Spe- cial-W. F. R iek ar d, Baker Farms, Junkin & Son. DAIRY CATTLE Jersey: M. 'W. Staples, al prizes. Dairy Grade: Milch Cow-M. W. Staples 1 and 2. M. J. Ward Specal-J. Brown. SHEEP Leicesters: Ram, aged-W. R. Robbins, Jos. Forder & Sons. Ram, Shearing-W. R. Robbins, Forder & Sons. Ram Lamb-For- der & Sons i and 3, W. R. Robbins 2. Ewe, aged-W. R. Robbins 1 .and 2, Forder & Sons 3. Ewe Shearling-W. R. Robbins 1 and 2, Forder & Sons 3. Ewe Lamb- Forder & Sons 1 and 3, W. R. Robbins 2. Cotswold: Ram, aged -T. C. Giaspell, F. B. Glaspeli & Sons. Ram Shearing-T. C. Glaspeli 1, F. B. Glaspeli & Sons 2 and 3. Ram Lamb-F. B. Glaspell & Sons 1 and 2, T. C. Giaspeil 3. Ewe, aeed-T. C. Glaspeil 1, F. B. Giaspeli & Sons 2 and3. Ewe Shearing-T. C. Giaspell 1, F. B. Giaspeil & Sons, 2, and 3. Ewe $49-50 Southdowns: Ram, aged - A. Ayre 1 and 3, Bruce Lockie 2. Ram Shearing-A. Ayre i and 2, B3. Lockie 3. Ram Lamb-A. Ayre i and 2, B. Lockie 3. Ewe, aged- A. Ayre i and 2, B.* Lockie 3. Ewe Shearling-A. Ayre i and 3, B. Lockîe 2. Ewe Lamb-A. Ayre i and 3, B. Lockie 2. Oxford Downs and Shr~opshire Downs: Ram, aged-H. Skinner, B. Lockie. Ram Shearling-H. Skinner 1 and 2, B. Lockie 3. Ram Larpb-H. Skinner i and 2, B. Lockie 3. Ewe, aged-H. Skin- ner, B. Lockie. Ewe Shearing- H. Skinner i and 2, B. Lockie 3. Ewe Lamb-B. Lockie, H. Skin- ner. SWINE Yorkshlres: Boar, aged-Garnet B. Rickard, H. E. Hancock & Sons, C. L. McNeil. Sow (brood), aged -C. L. McNeili, Hancock & Sons, C. L. McNeiil. Sow, under 12 and over 6 months-Hancock & Sons 1 and 2, C. L. McNeill 3. Boar, under 6 and over 3 months-G. B. Rickard, C. L. McNeili, Hancock & Sons. Sow, under 6 and over 3 months-C. L. McNeill, Han- cock & Sons, G. B. Rickard. Berkshires and T a ru w o r i h s: Boar, aged-B. Lockie 1 and 2, Taylor & Son 3. Sow (brood), aged-B. Lochie 1 and 2. Boar, under 12 and over 6 months-B. Lockie 1 and,2, Taylor & Son 3. Sow, under 12 and over 6 Wionths -B. Lockie i andi 3, Taylor & Son 2. Boar, under 6 and over 3 months-B. Lockie 1 and 2, Tay- lor & Son 3. Sow, under 6 and over 3 months-B. Lockie 1 and 2, Taylor & Son 3. POULTRY Ainericans: Plymouth R o c k, Barred, Utiity Stock-Cock, Don- aId E. Gibson, Fred Blackburn; Hen, J. H. Jose, D. E. Gibson, R. M. Brown; Cockerel, S. C. AI- lin & Son, Mrs R. G. Moffatt, D. E. Gibson; Puliet, D E. Gibson 1 and 3, S. C. Allin 2. Plymouth Rock, White-Cock, R. M. Brown; Hen, R. M. Brown 1 and 2, Jas. McKenzie 3; Cockerel and Pul- let, R. M. Brown. Wyandotte, any variety-Cock, R. M. Brown 1 and 2; Hen, R. M. Brown i and 2, J. -McKenzie 3; Cockerei, R. M. Brown 1 and 2, A. Ayre 3; Puliet, R. M. Brown i and 2, A. Ayre 3. Rhode Island Red-R. M. Brown, alI prizes. Jersey Black Giants- Hen, R. M. Brown; Cockerel and Puliet, N. R. Andrews 1 and 2. New Hampshires -Cock, R. M. Brown, Taylor & Son; Hen, R. M. Brown, Taylor & Son; Cockerel, R. M. Brown i and 2, Taylor & Son 3; Pullet, R. M. Brown 1 and 2, N. R. Andrews 3. Engllsh: Sussex -Cock, R. M. Brown, N. R. Andrews; Hen, R. M. Brown i and 3, A. Ayre 2; Cockerei, A. Ayre, Mrs. Walter Farrow, N. R. Andrews; Pullet, A. Ayre, N. R. Andrews, Mrs. W. Farrow. Mediteriranean: Leghorns, White Utility-Cock, W. R. Bail; Hen, W. R. Bail, R. M. Brown; Cock- erel, Lewis Wood, M. E. Sherwin, Mrs. E. Dean; Puliet, L Wood, W. R. Bail, Mrs. E. Dean. Leg- horns, White, Exhibition-R. M. Brown, ail prizes. L e gho r ns, Brown-R. M. Brown, ail prizes. Minorcas, Black -R. M. Brown, ill prizes. Capons, 1941-J. H. Jose 1 and Donald E. Gibson Special-Mrs. R. G. Moffatt 1, S. C. Ailin & Son 2, 3, 4 and 5. Dueka Rouen: Male, aid-R. M. Brown Wylma J. Farrow. Femaie, aid- R. M. Brown i and 2, W. J. Far- row 3. Maie, 1941-W. S. Mof- fat i and 2, R. M. Brown 3. Fe- maie, 1941-R. M. Brown, W. S. Moffat, W. J. Farrow. Pekmn: MaIe, oid-R. M. Brown,, Taylor & Son. Female, oid-R. M. Brown. Maie, 1941-R. M. Brown, Taylor & Son. Female, 1941-R. M. Brown, Taylor & Son. Muscovy: Male, oid-R. M. Brown, W. J. Farrow. Female, old -R. M. Brown, W. J. Farrow. Maie, 1941-R M. Brown 1 and 2, W. J. Farrow 3. Female, 1941- R. M. Brown 1 and 2, W. J. Far- row 3. Turkeys Bronzé: Maie, old-R M. Brown J. McKenzie, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. Female, oid-R. M. Brown, Mrs. R. G. Moffat, J. McKenzie.ý Maie, 1941-J. McKenzie, Mrs. R. G. Moffat, R. M. Brown. Female, 1941-J. McKenzie, Mrs. R. G. Moffat, R. M. Brown. Turkeys, A.O.V.: Maie, old- W. R. Bail, J. McKenzie. Female, oid-J. McKenzie 1 and 3, W. R. Bail 2. Maie, 1941-W. R. Bail 1, J. McKenzie 2 & 3. Female, 1941 -W. R. Bail 1, J. McKenzie 2 & 3. Geese Toulouse: R. M. Brown, a&U prizes. E mb d en: Male, old-R. M. Brown, A. Ayre, Taylor & Son. Female, oid-R. M. Brown 1, A. Ayre 2 and 3. Maie, 1941-R . M. Brown 1, A. Ayre 2 and 3 . Fe- maie, 1941-A. Ayre i and 3, R. M. Brown 2. <Contlnued on page 9> Buildog Spirit A little English girl came in late for schooi with this note: "Please excuse May for'being late. We were blized last night and she wasn't dug out until 3 o'ciock this morning." ÂNNIVERSARY SPRING A new Anniversary spring for inner-coil matuess- sturdy cable fabric construction with f jve centre steel bands. Tempered steel safeyegeb ds High carboa steel end angles, wt riser for con- veient mattrcss heighe. $27-00 At4NIVERS&RY 'NVI SNECIÂL MATMUSS An atractive Annlveruary special. It bus 242 deep colla - pre-buill edgcs - veatilators - Velvo grip hamdle--jiffy-joia tuftdag for ioeproved appear- once. Excep gondl value. $24.50 ROYAL JUBILE SPRINCFILLID MA1TRESS ban"t suppor-231 reâsiern coils-potered ln wh=te1laer fet-taped french edges--Jiffy-Joiil tufeig vetiatrs - taped handles -gorgepus =aakaen '0' GOLDEN JUBILER MIRACLE DAVENO 3 PIRCE SUITE 5o yeaq. of extperience bave been bulle mec tithis Gotden jubilce Miracle Daveno Suite. The style of the louage is beautiful, with chairs ta match. It g*e you a smart living-room suite by day and whh te new Simmons Miracle action makes it easily converted into a spacious bcd by nigbt. Wardrobe compartment provides ample storage space for beddirig. Choice af lovely covers in rue brown, winc, green and blue. s $119.50 M M o N s SIMMONS LIMITED, MONTREAL, TORONTO.. WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER manangumaum «"Mmum« THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, WWMANVIULC, ONTARIO MUMAY, SEPTIMMER 25,1941 PAGE THPM

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