THUBSDAY 'SEPTEMBER 25, 1941 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO WMAN VILLE, ONTARIO h - h SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 63 Misms May Noon, Toronto, visit- ed Miss Chrissie Freeman. -Mr. 0. N.AMarter, Sr., is enjoy- iüg a weU,-earned vacation. Miss Mavis Carton, Toronto, spent the weekend with hier par- ents. .. jeMs. Roach, Toronto, visited hier aughter, Mrs. W. A. Clarke, Lovera Lane. Mr. Pat Yeo and Miss Isobel Jones, Toronto, visited his father Mr. Wm. Yeo. Mr. Chas. Cattran is on a busi- ness trip to the Goodyear plant at Aktron, Ohio. NEW SEAON'S . b25 0 qMINCEMBAT2 Gilett's Lie m- i, 12C Blue Ribbofl Tea - 1/2Ib43&~ Cotte. -lb. SSe KU.enex Pkô1O Ple Sunlight Soap - 4 bars 25c RMn»o - pkgs. 25C Lux soap - 2 for 13c CLARK'S Javex botties Ise SOUP5 ad l Veg. And TOM. Dog, Cat Food 10c 2 tins ý 150 FRUIT & VEGSTABLES .90CL Grapes 2Ilbs. 21C Oranges doz. 35e CLARK'S NEW BEASON Lemons doz. 3lc TMTO JUICE ùbr tln ) 0S q u a s h . a c h s e Ourted B ULBS LARD Il b Pica. :t60 SOLEX .ach 200~ 25, 40, 60 end 100 watts 'LUXOR 2 for 250~ 10 end 60 watts *1 FALI FAVORIT E Several parents bave alrcady ordered The Statesman sent te thein son! on daughter who la at- tending college. It's-a good idea, for you knaw younself the local paper la doubly apprclated whcn yau gre away from homne. The Statesmnan wil b. sent for $1.00 te any student la Canada for Uic college ycar. Send in your order to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ccx, Em- porium, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mns. Gue Bounsaîl. Miss Donothy Richards, Toronto, was gucat o! ber parents, M., and Mrs. W. J. Richards. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Mutton and Marlon spent the weekend at Tory Hill, H-aliburton. Mn. J. H. Jabnston spent the weekend la Listowel with bis bro- ther, Mn. R. Johnston. Miss Helen Belîman and Mr. and Mns. Jack Clayton, Toronto, visited Mn. A. E. Bellinan. Pte. James Newman, V.G.C., Ottawa, was home with wi!e and !amily on four days' leave. Pilot Officer Bob Turp, Aurona, enroute to Hall!fax, visited bis cousin, Mns. Arley Northcutt. Mn. W. H. (Spec') Davey, wife and daugber, Detroit, were guests of bis sister, Mrs. W. A. Edger. Miss Ruth Campbell and Miss Margaret Hutton, Toronto, were guesta o! Mi. and Mrs. C. Lunney. Mrs. George Jackson and son, and Clyde Robinson, Toronto, visited Mn. aind Mns. Chnis Robin- son. Aircraftman Howard Corden, St. Thomas, visited with bis par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Cor- deni. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Balson spent Sunday with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Balson, Sa- lina. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Stauffer, (nec Verna Lenhant), Hillsburg, visited ber uncle Mn. W. J. Hen- derson. Mn. and Mis. Stanley Corden and Roy, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Fra- ser and Bîllie, spent the weekend. in Gaît. Miss Thelma Gilbert passed ber exbminatîan in Tbeology with honora in the Faculty o! Arts at U. o! T. Mn. and Mrs. Clare Garton, Thunstonia Park, are spendixig a. few weeks witb Mn. and. Mis. T. A. Garton. Mrs. Harry Foster bas retund home atcr visiting bar sisters, Mis. F. A. Haddy and. Mis. W. N. Tilley, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. L. S. Caverly, Mn. and Mis. Ab. Fennell, Donald and Barbara, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mis. Ken Cavenly. Mrs. D. R. Alldread was la Campbellford Saturday attending the funerai o! ber uxicle, Mn. HRu- liard Joncs, 76 years old. Miss Hilda Brown was among Uic guesta who attended the Offi- cens Training Centre dance at Brockviile on Fniday nigbt. Mn. and Mis. P. Cowling, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cowling, I4onraine and Beverley, Toronto, visztcd Mr. and Mrs. Gea. E. Pritchard. Mr. Mark Roenigk, Stratford, wbo bas been bolidaying at French River, was a weekend guest o! Mn.. and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt. Make the Sciland Proa column more interesting by send- ing in names o! visitons and other interesting local happenings aur reporters may flot know. Coarpentens are busy erecting a fiîne tièw metal barn on Col. R. J. Gill's farm, Kingston Road East, replacing the barn whicb was destnoyed by fine this spring. Provincial Constable Arthur Dymond, Madoc, who recently took up duties bere, bas taken up residence with bis wife and dau- ghter li the Colwill Muse on King St. East. Mn. Jack Kent, Assistant Poat- master, bas returncde. rom a 7- weeks' trip to the Pacific tcast. He reports a glanlous holiday and stated batela wene filled ail along the lime with tounists. Hon. Harry Nion, Acting Premnier Qq.een's Park, Toronto. Federation of Aeircu1- turce eberq li DurhamCouný- ty unnimoiis lioppoulng em- HEADED FOR 110 Fali and Winter Success 1 1 TS Here's your chance ta help the Red Cross wlth very little effort on your part. Any articles you are net using contribute ta the Red Cross auction sale ,Oct. 4th. Sec paiticulars in another colunin. Apple picking. xis n full swing in this district. A number o! Gen- eral Motors employees la Oshawa who have been laid off duc ta the McKinnon strike la St. Cathar- ines are helping eut in several orchards. Short o! home? War conditions have made it difficuit te gèt1 fine qualîty hosiery, but The Evlyn Shop has juat reccived a large siapply. The shade you want, chif- fon or- service wcight, at The Ev- lyn Shop. 39-1 Rev. WV. Harold Reid, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, was adviscd by tele- phone last wcek that a cal would be coming !orward ta bim by mail from St. Andrew's Preabytenian Church, Qucbec City. Miss Edith Plat!ord, Mis. Jen- nings .and lady fniend, Toronta, Mr. anid Mrs. Fred Davidson and Mr. Gimblett, Oshawa, and Mis. J. Bennett, Port Hope, wcre guests with Mr. and Mis. J. J. Bell, Base Line. An Oshawa rink, skippcd by Ronald Snowden, captured first prîze and the John Stacey Silver Trophy, in the final men's rink tournament o! the season beld at the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday. L.A.C. Harold Longwortb, R.A. F., Belleville, formerly -on the B.H.S. teaching staff, spent the weekend in town and renewed acquaintances with bhis Sunday school clasa Sunday morning at Trinity Church. William Brunton, Havelock, wbo in bis spane time from duties as linotype operator et The States- man office tbis summer bas been a populan softball playen and sports fan, bas taken a position with the Strathroy Age-Dispatýh. Mi. and Mis. L. -M. Kcitb, To- ronto, were Sunday guesta o! Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Miss Florence VanNeat, wbo bas been holîdaying w1th ber sister Mis. N. E. Wright, Enniakillen, returned to the city witb tbem. Mr. and Mis. G. F. Jamieson spent an extended weekend in Kitchener. While la trat busy in- dustnial centre Frnak took occa- sion ta visit the Dominion Rubber Ca. plant where be saw from start ta finish bow Dominion tires are made. Mis. Marie Clark Bell and Mis. Gea. W. James attended a trous- seau tea Tuesday at the home o! Mrs. E. P. Eveleigh, Oshawa, in honor cf ber daughter, Miss Eli- nor Taylor Smith, wbose mar- niage to Mn. Ronald Dewland to'ok place on Saturday. Restful sleep was neyer so im- portant and necessary la a pen- son's li! e as now. For downright comfort; a good mattresa lx essen- Uial. F. F. Morris Ca. offer spe- cial values in SimmQns Beauty- reat Mattresses during their 5Oth anniversary. Read about it on page thiee. An unuscd office la the town hall bas been reconditioned for the use o! Provincial Constable Arthur Dymond. Visitons ta thc office on movlag day stayed ta marvel at the debnis wbich bad to bc cleared by mlght and main and a little moral persuasion.% Ex-service meni o! the 136tb Bn. are placing a wreath on the ceno- tapb at Port Hope on Sunday, Sept. 28th, at 3.30 p.m. Cars will leave bere .at 2.30 p.m. Col. W. Smart, Toronto, wîll be present. This wreath is li memory of tris battalion sailing from Halifax on Sept. 23rd, 1916. George Brown, Jr., son a! Mr. and Mis. G. K. Brown, Oshawa, formerly o! Bowmaxiville and for the past year a pilot instructar at the Mount Hope Elementary Fly- ing Training Scbool, bas been transferred to thc R.C.A.F. field at St. Johns, Quebec, where he will be flying bombing planes for student observera and navigators. J. J. Milîs, Hampton, la justly proud of bis potato crop for be barvested 20 baga frdm 6 square roda. They are the Katabdin van- iety gnown from certif ied seed and are an excellent quality, dlean and mealy. We sbould know, for he brought the editor an ll-quant oasket and it only took eleven potatoes to filUic basket. Mr. and Mis. Austin Turner, Misa Annie Wragg, Mis. Norman Allin,'iNewcastle, Mi. and Mis. H. J. Babcock, Bôwmanville, Mi. and Mis. John Campbell, Shaw's, were guests at a cbicken dinner on Tbpirsday at Mi. and Mis. W. C. Ashiton's, it being Uic occasion o! Mn. Asbton's and Mi. Turner's Dr. John Line, 'Professor of Theology at Emmanuel College, Toronto, will preach in St. Paul's United Churcb Sunday morning and conduct a baptismal service for Arthur Wesley, son of Rev. and Mis. Arthur Cragg. Dr. Line la one of the most widely known theologians on this continent. His. personal connection at St. Paul's is sentimental in as much as hie marnied Mr. and Mis. Cragg in England. Members o! Jeiusalemn Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 31, have made a substantial contribution to the Grand Lodge British War Relief Fund. During the past year the Grand Lodge of Ontaria raised the magnificent suni of $114,000 for this Fund which is sent to the Grand Lodges of Great Britain for use among Masonic familles who have suffered from Nazi bomb- ings. This year it is hoped ta raise at least $120,000. A newspaper ran the following item for a milk dairy: "We are faced with a real emergency. Please comb the basement, the garage, the garden, the back porch and every other conceivable cor- ner where a forgotten mllk bottle may be hiding. We have plenty of milk, but you have the bottles." Needless to say, the response was tremendous. No doubt the samie situation prevails in Bowmanville. Sa be sure to put out ail the mllk bottles to-night. Tuesday evenIng the following local Lions met George R. Jor- dan, Dallas, Texas, International President of Lions Clubs, at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto: President Stuart James, Charlie Carter, J. J. Brown, Vern Ott, Moe Breslin and E. M. Crawford. Over 300 Lions fromn Ontario were present and plans were discussed conicerning the nternational Con- vention booked for Toronto la July 1942. Arrangements have alneady been made for reserva- tion of over 5000 rooms. It is pre- dicted that the convention will overshadow that ol this year's, Legion contingent. Wes. Cawker came rushlag into The Statesman office Wednesday noon wanting ta put a display advt. li this week's paper, *but hie was too late. So hie said, can't you put in a local telling the people. trat l'in going to give our custom- ers special values again in meat this Saturday-all dîsplayed in the new refrigerator show case witb price tickets and everytbing. Oh,. gpd don't forget, to mention particular attention will be given to fanmera' requirements Satur- day night. There's likely be a lot o! trem in for the Street Dance that night. Well, we've told you wbat Wes. said. Next time we told bim ta get bis advt. la by Tues- day, but don't sumDose lie will. Production and development executives of tbe Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. fromn Australia, South Anierica, Java, Argentina, Brazil, tbe U. S. and Canada met la Toronto Saturday ta discuss manufacturing problems growing out of wan needs. Conditions la Europe prevented tbe attendance of representativea fromn a British factory and the Swedisb plant near Stockbolm.' E. H. Koken, vice-president of thc Canadian company, points out that this meeting, the firat beld la Canada, bas added significance because the Australian .and Javanese .fac- tories are located at pivotal points in thc east and thc rubber indus- try bas been given numerous new assignments aising out of mecb- anized war. Several of the men visited the Bowmanville plant. Citizen. Shocked (Contlnued from page 1) resentment that thc Germans can have the very quartera trat were denied the Midlands or the air force. It bas been suggestcd if "dswanky"l quartera must be pro- vided for German officers why not intern theni lin a real show place such as Casa Lama la Toronto. The telegnains referred ta, in tris article wbicb - follows were sent ta Han. J. L. Ralston, W. F. Rickard, M.P., and C. G. Mercer, M.P.P. Han. Harry Nixon, Acting Premier, Toronto. People of tris* community amazed at published repart trat Boys Training Scbool ta be used as prison camp for German Of- ficers. This institution is anc of the fincat and best equippcd in America staffed by experts ta do* special job in youtr training trat can bc accomplished galy bere at tris timc. School is-s0 JIfIà0Jk mmy POWnn Smail .280 Large -550 @»Y CRU Tubes - 300 Jars - 550 *ARY OIL 10oc Regulcu - 6W~1~oc Economy - 1.10 Johnson's Bah j Produels NEW LGW PRICE 5Om2-94j BUY BRITISH - BUY CANADIAN WRITING PADS Choice of 3 Sizes' 7C ENVELOPES 25's5c Ovaltine 38e - 58e- 98e Hot Water Bottles - 49e Ex-Lax - - 15e- 33e Mfilton Antiseptie 25c-47d-79c Deltol - - - 49c - $1.49 Maclean's Tooth Faste 29c47c Brylcreem - - - 25c - 49e Thermogene - 49ec 98e Enos Fruit Sait 30c-59c-98c WASH CLOTHS 4c 15c FLAXSEED ib.l VITAMIN B-i TABSO 00. 49C Aiphamettes - $1.00 - $3.50 N.C.F. Capsules $1.25 - $2.25 Haliborante - 85e - $1.50 Scott's Emulsion 59e - 980 Ayerut 10D Cod Liver 011 - - - 67o - $1.69 A.fl.D. Capsules Special - 200 for $1.98 Bronchida, for coughs 49e Beeham's Pis 23o - 49e Kkovah Salta 25e - 69e Owbridge's Tonie 40e - 85e FEET HURT? IWO louez*" 61 pff 00 damé PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McOGREOOR w Laure Secord We Dne Candies DRUOS Phone 792 tablishing Germaxi prison Camp at Boys Training School. Fear de'reiation farni values as school is located in orchard anid dairy district witb intensive tnuck movements o! fruit and dairy products. Widcspread apprebension a! truck drivers alsa further facilities for escape arc bath factors. Many achool cilîdren and public generally use adjacent raads and parents strenuously .object ta undesir- able condition.; J. F. HEYLAND, Prcisidcnt Durham County Federation o! Agriculture. Hon. Harry Nixon, Acting Premier of Ontario, Toronto. Rotary Club cf Ontario spent large sums equipping and build- ing gymnasium and swimming pool at Boys Training Scbool. Other service clubs gave gen- erously ta tVis projcct espccially Kiwanis who built a large dormitory. This was donated specially ta give underprivilcg- cd and unfortunate boys a chance ta make good. That chance should not be taken a- way under war conditions. We cannat urge too strongly that government reconsiden is de- cision ta turn achool into a prison camp for German Officers. MANSON COMSTOCK, President Bowmanville Rotary Club. Hon. J. L. Raîstan, Minister o! National Defence, Ottawa. Flooded witr urgent requests ta publicize disapproval of using Boys Training School as Ger- man Internmcnt Camp,. Per- ADAN BATS Beter Buy A NEWLFET RAT Look Four best all wlnter long ln a new Adam felt. New ar- rivais. ONE PRICE $3m95 OTHER SMART HATS $Z.25 up Warm, Quality McTA VISE SOCUS A beatutiful cashmere sock at ONLY 5 PL. FD THESE IN THE MEN'S SHOP AT' COUCH, JOHN STON& CRYDERMAN, LTD. Quoiy a# aavàvg QUAKER XXXX FLOUR Evry Dm Guoeated 98 'b. bad 2.49 24's 69e SPECIAL REPRESENTATIV of the ALLENIT COAT CO. wili be"at The Evlyn Shop Afternoon and Evenint of Saturday, Oct. 4th For a Special Showing of WINTER COUTS Coats Made-to-Order "in specl measurements. Choose your style - it can be made up as you wish. Many styles - Furred Reefer, perfect wlnter coat for smart women. MInk blended collar and cuffs on sllm-fitting reefer. Newest 1942 detail- lng makes this coat a wlnner anywhere. SEE NEXT YEAR'SBEAUTIFUL DRUQS COUTS Smee heaped wlth silver fox to set off a stun- nlng fitted dress coat. Have yours from a big collection of luxury wlnter coats. The Evlyn Shop PHONE 594 9 The Fur Trimmed Coat PWidê Price Range tion of location advisable be- at the home of the bride's bro- was born in Bowmanville, Ont., foecomttet.Wul vl euulng ther, Mr. Perey Stainton. and came to Albertar in 1907, come and test public sentiment Percy Staintdn chosea black homesteading at Telf or d v i il e, and view situation at first hand. Fuller-Stainton crepe gown with touches of white near Leduc. Later he moved to Would welcome reply before ~and a corsage of white carnations. evn whrh fmdfoa Would welcome reply before ~The groom's mother wore a blackPevewhrheardfoa going to D)ress Wednesday. A pretty wedding took place at lace gown with corsage of mauve time before moving to Rochfort GEO. W. JAMErS, St. Paul's Church, Wîngham, on gladioli. Bridge, there to make bis head- Editor, Sept. 17th, when Hilda Pearl, The happy couple left for a quarters as travelling salesman Canadian Statesman. daughter of Mr. Chas. N. Stainton, short honeymoon, the bride tra- for the Rawleigh Company li became the bride of Mr. Herbert velling in a black and white wooi whose emplby he still contmnued EN AG ME TS Alfred Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs. suit wîth black accessories and after moving with his family to ENGAGFedFuEeMiENa.TevSo corsage of pink gladioli. They Mayerthorpe several years ago. Prd uler Wngam Rv.0.will reside in Wingham. He was well and favorably known Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade, E. Gallagher officîated. The wed- in the large area he served and Cadmus, wish to announce th ding music was played by Mr. Roy his many friends will miss bis enggemntof their d1auhe Mundy, Wingham, and hn'ss Jean quiet, cheery smile. He leaves ta Norma Viola to John Henry Gay, Copeland, London, sang "Be- urntuarymorhipainiswefv son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gay, cause." sons, Harold of Suinsam, B.C., Courtice. The marriage to take The bride, given in marriage by Gerald of Camrose training cen- place quietly in October. 39-1* her father, was gowned in a floor Harold Sherwood Stevens tre, Lloyd, William and Everett length gown of white sheer with at home, and two daughters, Mrs. Mr. and Mis. V. Roy Hooper, fingertîp veil. She carried white We have received a paper from Warren Speer of Prince Rupert, Bowmanvîlle, announce the en- and red gladioli. The groom's Alberta containing the followmng B.C., and Verna at home. gagement of their second daugh- sister, Miss Lillian Fuller, was obituary of Harold Sbcrwood Ste- Funeral services were held from ter, Pansy Louise, to Floyd Wil- bridesmaid, gowned in pink sheer. yens, son of Mis. Stevens and the the United Church on Sunday af- liam Bradd, youngest son of Mr. She carried pink gladioli. The late Enocb Stevens, Hampton: ternoon with Rev. T. Sneddan and Mis. W. J. Bradd of London, groomsman was Mr. Carl McKay, The community of Mayerthorpe officiating. The pallbearers were Ohtario; the marriage to take London. The flower girls, Bar- was shocked at the news of the W. Richardson, R. Martin, C. R. tplace quictly, Saturday, October bara Stainton, Wingham, and Ann sudden death of one of its higbly Jewers, R. M. Speer, W. W. Cal- 4th. 39-1 Stainton, Toronto, nieces of the respectcd citizens, Mi. Harold lier and E. B. Loucks. Many floral bride, wore long dresses, Barbara Sberwood Stevens, who passed gifts paid eloquent tribute to the Sunimer has officîally passed in pinc, Ann in blue. They car- away quietly at bis home early estcemr in which. Mi. Stevens wae the weather is more summer- rîed colonial nosegays. Friday m6rning, August 29th, at beld by bis many frlends and like than many days in August. Afterward a reception was held the age of 5.5 years. The deceased .neighbors. Einpire Mode sale The British Navy makes it possible for -us to be able to buy and use LOWEST Quality British and Empire Products as well as our owxi Canadian0 PRICES* goods. The Empire needs our support in its battie against barbarism. Show your patrictism. $O .e