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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1941, p. 8

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CANADA AT WAR LoaHghchlGrdSa We FUTUEFrAL As seen by Canadian Editors on a Tour of Milltary Camps, Munition Plants and Navy Bases ln Eastern Canada. J c C l il n L n Arice o.3 ow, ad i pssbl fr heWithAce Argonut Team TI T "1WAR INDUSTRIES" te visit a nuniber of Eastern Can- By B.M.P. ada war industries. In the short yE.Noeonctdw toppxuaeyhry Anyone who inspected the De- time available the editors saw BYE.Ncesnetre ote pof whmatwl be r.T partmnent of Munitions and Sup- sufficient to make them realize Erstwhile star of B.H.S. rugby ried on the, teamu for the entire Ta&I'dtMOUE ply exhibit at the Canadian Na- that Canada is responding nobly . teaas, Jack Colville has signed a season. And Sandy s stil with hiiio hi er ut ete hrcil pel:"iv scontract to play for the hrgonaut them'! Sandys name has been at- D have stood aniazed at the ma1r- the tools and we will finish the *. football club for the connng sea- tached ta an Argonaut contrwt. velous display of unplenients of jo. ih c. atr a-son. Sandy,"1 as he 15iniol e'unt oe coumnlst war shown there, ail products of "b"RRearssEsenCr-knw nteeprthsaltea d"port rterforte oronto Canaian- idusria enerpiseada a gigantic new arsenal bas konî-teeprs a i h n prswie o h oot and ingenuity. new factorbulg being add-coesofessentiaJ.a for a coming grid 5leat. Star, in the issue of Sept.,17th has Tip ToTa o s Caaden- nusril nerrîe ne itorybidg, iscres ofd Jack made a big hit wîth Lou this ta say about Colville: Sandy A ~ TpTpfbl oet Thyieuedte2-oudre eCaaasidutilwrHayman, coach of the former Do- Colville, a Bowmanville product, A To sch Ialon.Rdt e field artillery gun, the Bofors giant, and older plants turning to minion Champions, in his initial looks like a real corner. A power- TPTPae * anti-aircraft gun, the Boys anti- war work. Spinning wheels, turfl- . .iiter~view, when the local product fully bufit lad, Colville may deý- falkraA wd.vavef tank gun, the Bren machine gun, ing lathes and whirring machin- shl apoahd thiffcfullynoa ieplnin n the Universel carrier, bombe, ery tell their own story. The Do- wherein the Argonaut mentor was blocking hall."Po cttrec rifles, shelis, trench mortars, a minion Government alone bas ex- seated at Mis desk, the interview TeyMorsoeoftega- complete engine for the Canadian- eddso millions for new T o~smtiglk hs for every taioe pedd$0 on oehn ieti:est and gamest of players ever taeEarnby Twistscmieteedr buiit corvette and a remarkable plant and materials, while total "What former football experi- appear on the Double Blue squad, ~o. ose ihfeaat exhibit of Canadian-rnade bomb- orders for munitions of all kinds ence have you had?" was Hay- has taken a keen interest in Jack. cc f er and fighter planes. Canadien now exceed two billion dollars. mnsfrtqetoatrSnyI diint hwn i h u fated factories are as urigout hg nt h flresal nuty adnhs irtnutiynter andydnpopedwaytaoxete pn ivote e zt iesplhobenef quantities lo turing hugnd e- tems o! are-scale nst vry, Mantouring Toriiedoes hfor antyu t rdadakdpoe wyt xc ios of chmicas an ex-thishesfopreed amostover tackling and blocking, Teddy has ploive, dpthchage an lad nght Unilthefeuof rane, Canadien Navy experts prepare deedly torpedoes for destroyers, "Nonie," replied Sandy nervous- aiso taught him many qther handy unS - corne I od mines, as well as motor torpedo Canada was not looked ta seriaus- while editors watch with respectful interest î.Te eedda natr iti rcswf. isvtrno boats, naval gun mountings, mine- ly for the tools of war. When yThnbadeasnatr-lteticswk ti vea o sweper an axilarycrat.thought, .. except for high hundreds of gridiron battles hus sweeersandauxiiar crft. Vichy capitulated, the picture It was for the purpose of giv- changed abruptly. Caneda's in- make possible a vital link in aur INEWPAPER GAT Adwa ee o hn ie ogp o ing Cunadian editors a chance ta dustrial and government leaders war machine end who was striv- "chool." tp from colegie t crned vra- T E A C D learn the inside story of produc- worked day and night ta formu ing earnestly ta do a job for his you c.a*.~ s niorfotball inoncleie seon?" c ra inloigaudthre Sul byTH tn of these war weapons that late the blueprint of the huge. mu- cuty nîdnas aorHh qeir efooabai n e with a slghtcourmsefitn o ne put ina teDepartment of Munitions and chine which in little more tliun served ia Canudas armea forces hims.lf tnal tnogeoo! belputosita Supply, headed by Hon. C. D. one year bas swung into action. in the Great War and according g . Feigucmol n om- theorcdie for Hay Se man'so _______________ Ayerevnsix months h et comrades-in-arms, he was a :.» ~ ~ :: fortable and decidedly desperate, team have an influential persan, production will be on a scale not first-class soldier and an officer ~ ~ y.~Snybutdat Wl iem hi ihsho rcleecah ------deemed possible a few months noted for his initiative and fear- ~ uanyfor ad o t e jgie!"e ta reak t sh i c etwe oathee ugo. lessness.Laughingly, Heyman admltted cruit'eand the manager or coech EXCJMSIE AE O UN Kn~ramowing little of th wu pro Under bis direction the Inglis that was anly fair, and added that of the Argo outfit. But Sendy bad -TpT pT ioa Ld grmote ta wa te hdCo. plant has become the largest .... Sandy's reply was the best ans- ta go there all by bimiself, and -i To read in their newspapers, f ifty producer of autometic guns in wer he had ever received from a show his stuf! on the field. Wbich Canadien editors sallied far4late North America, if not in the rookie recruit. ho did. DZ1 RYL i uutt idotfrte wor. Wrig a hedo S . ydnedhsrgby togs We would like ta go record as. - selves.We saw enl few in- echedule it will have producedtetkpatith rcc whsynght- whti fmr ___________ dustries, eight ta be exact, a bare tosnso !lcD NT FO GTT E LO SP EE T TO nw A fIL E fato o!tegrand total, but guns in 1941. The Canadien Bren adabtoscniae tivn n htw diehspîucki BOWIVUDUM LLM they forxned a higbly-reveuling gun enjoys *a higb reputation for for e coveted position on this most meking a whole-hearted ettempt AND STREET DANCES T DA cross-section. In Hamilton, for ef!icîency and perfection o! work- famous o! ail Canadien grid teems. to gain a place on one o! the best instance, a beebive o! armemnent- manship. It le in high favor with He edmits he wes pretty green rugby teems in Canada - e task Thrs- n -Sa. making, we visited only one plant, mon o! Canedu's ermy. The plant whon he wont out thero. But ro- thet !ew rugby players regard Tus;Fi- a. the National Steel Car, largest and equipment used ta praduce SURtS pek for themnselve-and with no more hope of acbioving AlnadMraudM.Gengeuin atrBbi hl SEPTMBE 25 26- ~ sheil-producing pati h n the Bren gun was paid for jointly today the playor numnber bas been then a pipe-cream. Hoskm, a sdeua,utM.W d',rdth sty and Mr.vGlD. M.e UPE M 5-2 7 tish Empire. Around the dlock b y the British and Canadien Gov- . OoknOshaw Mr. anW .J ood-s ra - seven days e week thousands o f ernments and remnains their pro- wsradb rs eryAh on o.. Mr. viannr.and Dorao- Sisngv b ako " Grand Double BIR shells for field ertilery and anti-pet. twa deied ndi a d evotona He*by rs.hatoe, witbLfrinSkinneTarnt ore- ChrcbadIsIprac. airCOU ' heclcra tes arecouins ro oertehbiheInli Cmpn . R. Legge, President o! the ____Bridgett. This program was giv- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks 'and ~~w a~uth coplcatd achne whchThousande o! hands are working Canadien Weekly Newspapers A- Congratulations ta Mr. and lM~rs. oni: Solo by Miss Wilma Wotten; Glenn ut Mr. Clarence Junkin's, Starlnç ore bemolentbenthe,(shpo o)tandutriupert assmblysocatiJohnf) udlRuert aviseJhneSemo (nKnJesi ),nox ianiao slolbo Mrsy Rebcd;eon Th ovebloue, s inicatd b Valerie osethobsndoneprunine o the Bren gun. Wo noticed Peieto! the Canadian Pres and ta Mr. and Mrs. Earle Thomp- fig by Mrs. W. Martin; and solo Sptyi xeddt the erysceeo id tls Caei onrad Ve nt them ta receive fuse, loudng: caps thet a'remarkably bigb percent- right) enjoy the view from. a son (noe Veda Purdy), on thoir by Miss Winnie Trewin. Mr5 YGrdierandfily iii edter sdi. etngsrno.i egb andote pat.hgoo!teeor rGer nsso Canadian Bren Gun Carrier. The marrieges. Floyd Dudley, Tyrone, gave an bereuvement. from utblwtewittii AtBenMchndGn women. Indeed, we found in near- AtToronto we visited the John ly every war plant that female photo was taken during the recent Many improvements have been mnteresting and instructive tulk on Mrs. Hugheon hfas gone to To -_____or________ SR A SH W " Inglis Ca. plant, producer o! the holp was being utilizod more and Canadian editors' tour ut the Gen- made in aur community this sumn- Quobec". Lunch was served by rente.* !ODS O amed Bren automutic machine more. One officiei empbasized erai Mators proving grounds north mer. The house on the Beech Mrs. C. Slemon's group. _________ Starrlng gun, now one o! the most prized thet in many operations the nim- of! Kendal * arm hues been shingled; Russel War Workers have sont i dona- Adolph Menion, john Hgubbard woapone o! the Canadien Armny. ble fingers o! young womoen were Aungor hue cleaned up the gar- tiens ta the Red Cross o! 3 largoeairu Succeseful luuncbing o! Bren gun more suited ta fast production. tranprted it up the St. Lawronce don o! bis lot in the village; and quits, 1 crib quilt and 1 baby C d u and Carole Landis, podctopoontiits oe f henow Leslie Graham le dolng ox- quilt; aise ta the Salvation Army____ eprcouctics .Titu te o! the Building Bombers to the spot wbere they planned ta tepsivo alterations ta bis bouse. 4 large quilts, 1 crib quilt, 1 baby Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown, 17 VN!zMl~THV _________________ o~eao! thi seo war e nere The editars bad their first èrect their plant. To-day'" the Ho bas ruised the -roof and put on quiilt, 2 sofa cushions, and other Gardon and Phillip 'Goal attend- NW4OCYAOII'- beanutte uteto wr ndrglimpse o! bow e bomber is made great piles o! scrap outside their a new roof, and brick sidmng. articles.K We. inauspiciaus circum*stances, mith in un aircra!t fuctory near Mont- building testify ta the fatit that A temperanco programn was Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon ut- ed the wedding o! Muriel Gibsoh V4ID~TINbH II Mon. Tues - to accsatio o! olitial c rru- ou. This purticulur plant is n he ae an abundant supply for givon eat Sunday Sçbool session, tended the. funeral o!f rs W.ta George Edwards in Cobourg on LNREDtY.- SMPT. 2 - 30 - OCT. 1. tion rife i the prose. The result gaged in production o! the Boling- monthe ta came. Thoy b(ougbt consisting o!. a tulk by Mvr.* Cecil Trowmn, !ormerly o! Bowmanville,Stud. was a governmont investigation broke bomber. It bas been on- skilled artisans from Fra1 .t lmn utb Ms .Tei tOhwMrs. htilwb a en IF IL OR.LONG ha !iVOYtAGEt a es icblage furtiostotae ar o ji4ni =ç 0and Mies W.'nnio Trewin, .and a League met Tuosduy with Pro- with ber daugbter Mrs. Jack Gib- AU4E VO AGE thajorHahcte f bo enterrsigoxpnf dr.W swbm-After the lof rne t~5~0reading by Mrs. M. Blackburn. sident Wilbur Blackburn in, aorvstdwt .R HOME "h rngnprga o eors in all stages o! production ta these workmon. Thýe hrle Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Sadier charge. Rev. Plant, Mrs. Lloyd Brown.. Other visitors at Mre. tfhafrn aa e bad th pr ivilegef o ! an the point where tbey wero roliod Corporation stopped ,iito .the and Margaret, Port Hope, Mr. Ashton and Mise Ruth Stevenson Brown's included- Mrs.. Vincent me h e w zn e -aoreafrommteeingctarorforhtrial fligbt. breech. To-day many hundieds Walter Blackburn, Janetville, et took part ithe worsbip period.anMis arreTot. - îe,.tewrzn -aral etn ajrHho ern We wero givon e demonstrution o! warkmon, chiefly French Cen- Mr. M. Blackburn's. . . Mr. and Tapic by Rev. Plant; reading by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, - great picture, with a cast of imi speak for hall an heur and o! a! releasing bombe from the adians, are performing the exact- Mre. Rose Richards and Maurice Mis. Houston; duet by Misses Douglas and Allen, visitod et Chas. Starslnluding learning sometbing about the ma plane's belly that was higbly sig ing taeks in the'Simiard plant. e t Mr. Harry Larmer's, South Blanche and Meta Dogeer; reed-, Gibson'e.- John Wayne - Thomas Mitchell from acquaintances o! long stand nificant. The entire plant. rover- The dramaeta war production Monagban. . . . Rev. and Mrs. ing by Mrs. C. Cowling. Mr. Edgar Gibeon who bus beon T9 andIn l3ntr ng. We would judge thet a me- bereted witb activity as trained is strikingly depicted in thie fac- Eugone Beocb and fumily,Roe Visitors: Mr. and Mre. Bort seriously il is mucb improved.I un IaHuie oraiyo! bedioprsnt nc that bande o! mon and women put te- torywbero massive, white-hot neath,, et Mr. Rose Richarde'.. Ford, Buffalo, ut Mr. C. Avery'e. A miscelianeous sbowor wus CARTOON AND NEWS occe asn beane co nced that ther the buge bombere wbich ingots are lifted from glowig Mr.- end Mrs. C. Avery et Mr. H. . Mrs. Jas. Kennedy, Lanibtan, held Saturday night et Mr. and s av business, who had the vision ta vraedywevnene furnacos to buge presses wbere Ralim's, Burketon. . . Miss Jean e r .Ra'..M.adMr.Ms ae ce' nhnor o! ovrHitlerland. It is diffîcult to the gun -barrels are hammered Houston ut Mr. F. O. Mllvoen's, Douglas Fontaine, Miss Mabol Edgar McKee and bride o! Col- imagine that Cenade's aircruft and scaled to the rigbt propor- Bawmanviile. . . Mrs. Redpatb, Brown, Toronto, Mies Urgul Mc- lingwood wbo wore married on .-. 1...- industry was only in its em"bryo tions, a spectacle that campletely Fenelon Falls, ut Mr. Lloyd Ash- Noil, Pickering, et Mr. A. Mc- Saturday. A goodly crowd geth:- stage when war broke out, yet fascinaes te ';isitor just as a tan'e. . . . Mr. and MIre. Adam Neil's. . . Mr. Les. GArrard, To- ered ta welcome Edgar, and the today wo are manu!acturing 13 blecksmith's anvil bas an irresist- Sharp, Enniskillen, et Mr. R. San- rente, et Mr. C. Garrard's. .. Mr. gifts were bath useful and numer- different types o! planes. The me- ile lure for the emaîl boy,- Ai,- derson's. Mr. and Mre. Clarence and Mrs. Cocil Slemon, Mr. and ous and -the good wishes o! the jorty f pimay tainrsfor the Ms .A e lb r oezocnnnt olo da n i DOUBLE LIFE ~ orityofprimartruiners Planother machine will cut up the red- Bradley and Marrie, Brooklin, etMr.JA.WryeMrLrnz cmutyflwEdaudbs DOUBLE, FhavéCbenelhverdranithePfac-ho ingot o! gun-berrel steel us a Mr. E. Bradley'e. Mr. and Mrs. Mounitjoy's, Nestleton. bride. tories aredegivn re attentio n ife would cut hog cheese. Stan Woollings and Norman, To- Doings of Haydon School Congratulations ta Eieen Johns- H.oAseton're . Mr. (ByrGrdest7entdon) ton and Thompson Taylor who teadvanced trainers and beavy ing gun barrels, for !ushioning and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Wben. schôol opened an Sept. were merrido audyu h bobr.In twa yeere the esn gun carniages and the great mul- Lou, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim 2nd, we bed e new teacher, Miss bride'e home. Fuîl particulars Careful attention ta punctures, nel o! thé aircreft factries has tiuo f ake U p aor ertswill o e nyKnOewund aut Mr . Rad's HKoxwtonteuga hepbore fyiass RlyDa wu obered un ets und brulses wil pay dlv- increased fram 1,600 ta more than ttudae o!inriatodeparthich go Kenedi nd, Os a m lyMr. .Rald.HKoustototake t herpe o!ies noxt weok.bsrv un ,IcasIn ibousands of ad<dd 25,000. The cast o! an arplneand_____________________a___large____con-__ true-fnd mlsstger hei. n a irpone A n, command the bighest type -o!, Mr. Narman Hall, Mr. Cliuiton There are only 10 attending Huy-daadonydbyaurec- trulkremls1 sagesteiaiain mechenicel skill. Soon Canada's Hall, Oshawa, - Lieut. and Mi's. don School this year. Archie M-____________________________ Hampden bomber, for instance, regiments o! artillery will be Gordon Cowling and David, Nie- Neil, who passed bis entrance, is caste about $150,000. equipped witb hedeudly25 gara, et Mrs. David Grabam'e. et homo, and Fay Mauntjay. bas IMPOR ANT!Tanks ani Tank Guifs pounder, one o! French Canede's Intended for last week) moved ta Bowmanville. There are Ioa hnmP tORstaNTe eig We visited enotber !actary, contributions to the !ight for froc- W. A. mot et Mre. Cecil Sle- four in the entrance clees, Marie aaked to do everythlng possible' which only a year ega wee a dam. mon's on Thursday. Bible reading Ashton, Alfred Garrard, Bessie ta conserve gasoline, it la a duty peece-time industry but whicb is A visit te the Dominion Arsenal Jus nirRd Cross elt ep. .5th Stt now producing tank and anti-tank wbere small armsamrmunition is Jno e rs e et t uo eo at your car l operig guns frCnd' rordmd cmltdortu fmn-wben these officere wene -elected: eff lclentlv. forces ut an astonishing rate. tien~s plants i Ontarioaend Que- President-Clanibel Tnewin; Soc- LET US HELP BY CEKN Fully-equipped with the Most bec. We bad seen only a sml retary-Ralpb Hills; Treasure- 6'modemn machinory, the greater sector o! Canada's war industry, C Bessie Hills. . . . We bave been IT UP. part o! United States'origin, this e lusty infant that is spoodlly Sm arTt busy digging !lower bede and di- GAR ON G RA ES plant typifies the revolution acquiing the vigor of young man- F viding the iris. We are planning AR N' 0 hich bas taken place in Cen- bood and will within g few w a .ta have two triangula !lower Phono 2666 Buaevc de's war industry. A third plant monthe bave reacbed maturity. o t e r * beds just inside the gate, .oie ut in the Montreal area was pnaduc- Col. W. A. ' Harrison, exectioeacb side o! the walk. We wauld ing the new heavy infentry tank, assistant te the Minister o! Muni- REFLECTS TOUR PERSON- like ta plant tulipei them this desîgned ta cooperato with infan- tions and Supply, wbo was a ALITY. feil if we cen obtain the bulbe. try ci salte on enemy positinsq..iý. mmeoZarpat, told 4beWe are making plans for an ex- jeta Canada. Overcoming tromeri- ture the R.C.A.F.). Park's. . . Miss Nina Hodgsan 0 doue obstacles tbey have built a adMs kd oote m UlANCE AGENTS modrn plant, equlpped witb pro- Robt. Hodgson's. Miss Aked. bas IN3 cisio~nmcinery, that is turnnng Misht As Weil chsd h po ert nd stone B W in Ii screp Iran into the sleek an Huband: 'Iamt my dean, I - ouse ofM. pogo' and willl VhFonc 6.8 1 ow av powerful 25-pouncier gun. and lin'got home until fîve o'clock." makurca ,;d1m*erhomehere.. Before the war te Siniard Wife: 'I know it." .lis Mn. and Mm.. J. W, )eeos, brothers bought ail the scrap trou Huaband: "'That's wby I admit Tooto, Mme. A. W. -Ann.. M Fthey could find lu America and il," . .Mr, And ms. Loýe lto*wI, v THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, ÇEPTEMBER 25,1941

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