f -t,, - PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO TEURSDAY, OCTOBR2, 1941 -- - -- ------ - - - - - - - - -- - -- - The Newcastle Independent 'Phone Clarke 1114 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---. Mr. J. W. Glenney accompanied the leadership of Edwin Hancock Rev. R. E. Morton to Solina last and Donald Jose meet this Thurs- Sunday. day evening for re-organizatiori Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith re- purposes i the comniunity hall. turned from their vacation on Mr. Maurice Pedwell, 1941 gra- Monday. duate of Newcastle High -Sehool Gnr. Gerald Henning and friend and now i Toronto studying Al. Beaton, Petawawa, were bore Pharmacy, spent Sunday with his on last leave, parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Pect- Mrs. J. C. Thompson and babe, well. BowmanvUkl, visited ber mother, M hrs. Williamson, Hampton, vis- Ms. W!n. enning. ited her brother and sisters, Mr. Council of the Y. P. U. met on Jas. and the Misses Robinson, and Monday ovening and drew up a returnod home after the Hampton programme for October. play on Friday ovening with Mr. Mr. Carl Pisher has signed on and Mrs. Harold Salter. for another eight months as sex- Miss Lilian Pooley, Toronto, ton of the United Cburch. spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Allin's, and visited Mr. Eric Douglas Gray, who spent and Mrs. Norman Down, 19bene- some yoars mining i Northern zer, in company with Mr. Stanley Ontario, has joinod the army. Aulin, Pte. Wm. Aluin and Misses Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Hogg, Betty and Doris Allun. Toronto, wore weekend guests of Mrs. S. Conneil and daughtor, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Rickard. Miss Christine, and Mdrs. Moyer Communion service and recep- and daughter,, Miss Ruth, Orne- tion of new members will be beld mee, were Sunday guests of Miss in the United Church next Sun- M. E. Blackburn and Mrs. Omen day morning. Cole. Miss Blackburn accompani- Sunday guests with Mr. and ed them back ta Omemee. Mrs. T. P. Branton were Mrs. Henry Bowen, who is working Jno. Tuft, Mr. Percy,, Miss Hilda for the Ontario Department of and Mrs. Jno. Tuft, Jr., Toronto. Public Highways with Archie 'W. M. S. of the United Churcb Brown and bis gang painting have acceptod an invitation to guardrail posts along the bigb- visit Park St. W.M.S., Orono, on ways, was home over the week- Oct. 7th, and provide the prog1ram. end. They have been working in4 Pte. Wm. Allun, on leave from Hastings and Peterborough coun- Nanaimo, B.C., visited bis par- ties putting white paint on posts ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Allin. He wîth spray guns.9 leaves for the Pacific coast agamn The chancel of St. George's1 Thursday.1 Churcb was beautifully decorated Newcastle Trail Rangers under by Mrs. M. Brown last SundaY' byc the wisb of Mr. W. H. Anderson and ini memory of Mrs. Anderson, a former active workor in thej church. It was the Sunday near-1 est her birthday and the flowers1 are remaining in the chancel throughout the week.1 Pire Chiof Goo. Gaines andg Dave Shaw have damrned the creek by E. W. Pisher's, north side of Toronto St., and deeeed the1 OSHAW, o~.bed for the purpose of retaining OSHAWA ONT.a sufficient supply o water avail-i Friday and Saturdày able for the pumper in case of fireanyherebeteenthe station NOW PLAYING corner and A. W. Glenney's oie- vator on the C.N.R. property. CLARK ROSALIN» Geo. W. Walton estimatos that Gable Rusmeil the tail of the Texas. hurricane 'Thy etInBo by a blw down 250 breso Dnmhev' off bis treos. l.Gam JESSIIE RALPH says it blow ail his off and saved him picking them. The loss, or whatever it is, was heavy qll over this apple growing section. The tops of strawstacks blown off v and whirled around made an un- REVIAL FIDAsightly litter around many farm JEAN ARTRURS homes. Becauso of the large attendance of pupils in Miss Hti ao' 'MoreThanroom of the public school, an at- Stendance which exceeded the A' Secretary seating accommodation of the room which is the smallest of the tre thas been found necessary ~Ionda m&ke a change ini the arrange- Tuesday &I-T monts wbich have long prevailed.« GREER Miss Mason and her 39 pupils GAIRSONhave been given the larger north-« GAlIONeast roorn hitherto occunied by Walter Pidgeon the junior grades and Miss Ber- e L Slnice Smith and ber"26 Pupils have 'Blosso s in th been transferred to the smaller southoast room. A change of seats No Doubt - One of the Best and desks between the two roorns Pîctures of 1941 was made on Saturday. Wednesday & II Thuraday 1I1I "LOOKOUT LIZZIE" PLAYED MAISIE'S NO LADY NOW- I HWATNLAES H Ann Soth.rn1 The scarcity o! mon at this tirne1 'Ringside Maisie' nail departments o iéecp various kinds of war services wasÀ wiUi once again seen and feit when a1 GEORGEMURPHYladies' -Sunday achool class of GEOGEMURHYHampton United Church presont-i -PLUS - d their tbree act play "Lookouti Lizzio," in the Newcastle Unitedi 'Bulet fr O ~Church S. S. Hall Priday evening.r 'Bulets or OHara Tru, itwasa ladies' class andi JOAN FERRY they may not have wished anyt mon intruders, but in the littlet ROGER PETOR tete-a-tete scenes and the court-1 ANTHONY QUI NN mng and the love acts a play ai-1 ways goos over a little better ifa -'BaMnaole Bal mal e and female parts are taken W 3by persons of the two sexes. E wThere were eight characters in g the dramnatic comedy and by the H OSEWIVS!OUTSTANDING VALUES HOMMES!____ Offered This Week at LUNN'S McLareu's Invincible JELLY POWDERS, sqcial each Se Crooe & Blackweil 'IOMATO SOUP - - - - 3 for 25e New Breakfast Cereal Sensation RADIANT HEALTH MEAL pkg. 25e I le SALE DUB CLOTH WITH PACKAGE OF ]IVORY SNOW 1 At Regular Prîce ERNIE LUNN UJJ55f STORE 0F QUALITY" n'ome no Deilvery Service t f t c t î r t A t a a ROTARY CLUB (Oontin ued from page 1) the Nazi prison camp. Mr.- Nixon's secretary stnted that the wire had been forwarded to Hon. J. L. Ral- ston as the matter was beyond provincial jurisdiction. Other business indicated that Rotary bas been active in welfare work. Bis to Toronto Hospitals of about $80.00 were ordered paid. As Frank Morris introduced bis old friend and guest, John Med- land o! London, Ont., ho was in a reminiscent mood. Ho spoke o! the good old days in this district and some o! thoso with whom ho and Mr. Medland bas associated- H. G. (Bort) Hutcheson, Port Porry, Col. John Shaw, Toronto, Ab. Black, and othors. Not to be outdone Mr. Mediand himself added n few personai memories, most interesting to theolader membors o! the club. COLLEGE OPENS - (Continued from page 1) o! Medicine at U. o! T., and Mary Jury in second year a't McMaster. Aiden Wheeler pand Jirn South- ey are at Trinity Coliege Scbools, Port Hope. Charlie Hoar is beginning bis course in Commerce and Finance at Queen's. Bernice Sleep and Helen Werry are attendmng Normal Scbool, To- ronto, wbioe Helen Williams is at Peterboro Normal School. Reita Cooke, Newcastle, is as- piring to the teacbing profession studying at Peterboro Normal Schooi. Olive Ward is attending Wes- tern University at London. Tom Rehder is in bis first year at McGill, Montreal. time the play wns finished the four representativès o! the tender sex were all matcbod up witb the four o! the stemner. To begin with Silas Long, an affable old farmer, taken by Mis. C. Warren, with be-pants, gray wig and ail, had already long been married to Sarah, a nice motherly spouso, taken by Mis. H. Salter. Their daugbter Hazel, plnyed by Miss Aima Rundle, was as protty as a picturê anq as lovely as. a spring gardon. Mis. T. Chant played the mole o! hired girl and wben the family began to put on airs, that o! "maid." Her cbeeks wore well rouged and ber namne was Lizzie Blanks. She finally feli for Hank Blinks, hired man and "butler", red-honded, rougb and boisterous, irnporsonated by Mis. D. Widdecombe. Her sistor, Miss Mary Niddery, showed equal dramatic talent in the role of Minnie Hall, the neighborboodj gossip, a talking nowspaper with free circulation-and easy delitery. She found bier mate in Dave Hinkle, a rather sharp money and propemty grabber gotten up i higb stylo nnd plnyed by Miss Lottie Horn. Thelma Robbins act- ed the part o! Richard Biltmome, a stranger in the cornmunity, but an intelligent, modest and wei] mannerod young man wbo was the means o! binging wealth to Sulas and Sarah Long and attrac- tive daughtor Hazel and saving their farrn from tho clutches o! liinkle and bis gossiping fiancee. And o! course the higbligbt o! the play wns bis winning o! Hazel. Hundreds of thousands o! Can- adian and British women are do- ing men's jobs in this present war and doing themn well. and the wo- mon in this pl ay took the paft o! mon witb equal ability and e!! ec- tiveness, only when tbey spoko the voice was not the voice of- Esau. Mr. Harold Salter accom- panied the ladies to Newcastle and acted'as generai utilitv man. The play was given under the auspices o! Mis. W. J. Maliey's group o! the Women's Associetion which semved refreshments after the close. Between acts Misses Kathleen Toms and Margaret Pearce and Mi. Laurence Morton fnvored witb iiano selections. Proceeds were $30.75, divided ho- tween the Hampton young ladies' ciass. Mrs. Lewis Allun, teacher, and the local W. A. Group. HARVEST SERVICE AT UNITED CHURCH A Harvost service was heid at the United Churèb on Sunday mroning, Sept. 28th, wben Rev. R. E. Morton reviowed the bless- Lngs with which this land and province had been favored. Ho took for bis text, Gen. 8:21, 22, And the Lord smelled a *swoet savour, etc. The preacher spoke of the mnny material and spiritual benefits that have been bestowed upon us and for whicb we sbould give thanks and show apprecia- tion. The Junior Choir, with Mrs. E. C. Fisher at the organ, pro- vided tbe music. Two new mem- bers are Misses Helen and Gwen Hooper, lately o! Bowmanville. The churcb decorations, ar- ranged by Mesdames Percy Haro and Harold Toms, were in keep- ng: witb the harveat theme and comnprised a profusion o! gardon, field and orchard products and autumn flowers, including baskets of gladioli. Rev. Walter Rackbam, Hamp- ton, exchanged with Rev. R. E. Morton i the evening and preached a good sermon on For- givoness. Mi. Morton was con- iucting Harvest services at Eldad Church. The Flight For Pure Foods It is to the bonor o! the doctors and the druggists that they bave kept their profession- qulte dlean of adultemations by joinlng to- gether to keep dmuXs o! a known and constant strength and purlty. -Bette Hughes, in Rotarlan mn- gazine. Met Thursday Bowmanville Women's Institute met in the Parisb Hall on Thurs- day afternoon with an attendance o! about forty. ê .Mrs. Fred Baker, wool canyon- or, reported 2 sweaters, 9'prs. sox, 2 prs. seaman's sox, 2 beimets, 7 prs. rnitts and 2 scarfs had been knitted during the monthilor the Red Cross. Plans wore made for the annual bazaar in the Parisb Hall on Fr1- day, Oct. 3lst. Mrs. J. Thickson roparted 48 lbs. o! plurn jarn had been made. The plunis were donated by Mrs. F. C. Calmer and the. sugar by Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Mrs. G. C. Allchin was con- vener o!,,the prograrn wich in- cluded a fine piano duet by Mrs. J. A. Cole and Miss Joyce Lux- ton, and a humorous reading by 1Mrs. Arthur S. Baker. Mrs. Ross Strike, a graduate dietitan, gave an educational ad- dress on «'Nutrition," strossing the calorie values o! different; foods and the arnounts necessary to maintain health. She classified the vitamins found in foods, mon- tioning particularly the new onos recently discovered. Continuing, Mrs. Striko outlined rnethods o! cooking foods in order to preserve vîtamins, minerais, etc. lier prac- tical rnethods will be found most valueble and useful in bottering_ the healtb o! the people. Mrs. W. B. Pollard rnovod a vote o! appreciation to Mrs. Striko. Tea and dainty sand- wiches were sorved*by Mrs. Ail- chin and group.. Candidates Initiated By Oshuawa Lodge As Foresters Meet Sept. 25th Court Bowmanville No. 964, Canadian Order of For- esters, met bore in a joint session with Court Oshawa, witb Bro. i. H. Richards i charge. A class o! candidates was initiated by Oshawa degree tearn under the direction o! Marsball Bro. Axteil. The guost for the ovening was Bro. McGrogor who bas been a member o! the Order for a great number o! years. Ho gave a most inspiring and interesting address on fraternalism and the use o! the ritual. A joint banquet of the two lodges will'bo heid in Bowman- ville on Nov. 3rd at the Balmoral Hotel. A banquet and dance will also be held for the bail teams in Oshawa on Oct 13th. - Mr. D. J. Gibson. who has been visiting bis daughter at Lake Forest, Ill., is now spending a few days witb bis daughtor at. Grims- by. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE SPECIAL SUBJEOT Sunday, 7.30 p.m. "The Sinner's Funeral CortegeP' Prday,>.7 p.m. JUNIOR CHURCH REOPENING Wedinesday, 8 p.m. SPECIAL BIBLE STUDY ON 4666' Pastor, Carman Lyan. LOW RAIL FARD FOR THANKSG IV 1NG WEEK-END Fare And'On.-Quarerr FOR THE ROUND TRIFP Between ail pointe In Canada and te, certain destinations in United States. GO: from Noon Friday*, Oct. 10 untll 2 0.m. Monday, doct. 13,*1941. *Whsre no P.M. train service out. 10 tickets good on A.M. trains. RETU RN: Leave destination "? to midnight Tuesday, October 14, 1041. 'MNIUM SPECIL FAIRE 1Adulte'or Chili,.. - - - 25o P"ull information from any agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC SLEEP Ai AWAKE REFIESMEI Uplmsont sd pvse rulu b estiesaiemy e fid oserhal thenh,-t- Udr su..iedy.te&At tae. 14o Dodd'Kidney Plls - DEATiIS rALLIN - In Toronto, September 2lst,01941, Prank Aluin, second sonl of the late Mr. and grs. James Allin and brother of Mrs. Thomas Richards, Bow- manville. Interment Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. 40-.l* AVERY-At Burketon, September 29th, 1941, John Avery, beloved husband of the late Edna Knapp in his 75th year. HOGG-In Clarke, September 30, 1941, Mary Poster Hogg, belov- ed wif e of Thomas Il gg, ini her 64th year.1 ? F'uneral from ber late residence Lot 22, Concession 10, Clarke, on Thursday, Oct. 2, at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Card of Thanks T. E. Hayes, Mrs. Hayes and Helene, King St. W., wish to thank Dr. C. W. Siemon, Miss Lockhart and nurses at the Hospital, Mr. Hayes' fellow workers at the Goodyear, also his non-Catholic neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness during bis recent illness. 40-1* COMINO EVENTS The Woman's Association of the Newcastle United Church are holding a bazaar and tea in the S. S. Hall on Priday afternoon 'tnd evening, Oct. lOth. Tea sorv- ed at 25c. 40-1 Dance to il Collegians, Corn- munity Hall, Newcastle, Priday, Oct. 3rd. Admission 30c. 40-1w Thank-offering services at Hay- don, Sunday, Octobor 5th. Rov. A. W. Harding, Bethany, will be guest speaker at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Special music assisted by Mr. and Mrs. George Burrus, Salem. 40-1 Dance - Modern and old time dancing at the Sons of England Hall, Priday, October 3rd, in nid of the Poresters Boys' Softbal Tearn. Come one, corne all,' and have a good time. 40-1e Kendal United Cburch Thank- offering Services will be beld on Sunday, October l2th. Services at Il a.rn. and 7.30 p.rn. Standard Time. Rev. Gardiner of Canton Circuit will be guest speaker. Special mnusic by choir and other talent. Everyono welcorne. 39-3 NOTICES Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will be closed froni October lOth ta October 17th inclusive. . 40-1 Notice-If Mrs. L. does not cal for ber coat witbin seven days froni this date same will be sold for expenses and profit given ta Red Cross. Mrs. Wm. Roberts, Wellington St. Bowmanville, Ont. Sept. 30, 1941. 40-1* Auction sale Como to the RedCross Auction Sale Saturday, Qct. 4th, in rear o! Chahis' Garage. This is a real community sale in which nearly everytbing froni a bouse and lot, te furniture, house furnishmngs, and "a hundred and one other articles too numerous to mention" will go under the hammer at your own price. No reserve. Every- thing must go. Proceeds for local Red Cross work. So you're help- ing. a wortby cause and get#*g a real bargain. Sale at 2 p.m.D.S.T. Terrns cash. W. J. Challis, auc- tioneor. Caretaker Wanted Applications are requested for position o! Assistant Caretaker at Bowmanville High School for winter months commencmng No- vember 1, 1941. Applicants to stato qualifications and salary red- quested. Written applications should be forwarded to C. H. Mason, Secre- tary-Treasurer, on or before Oc- tober 10, 1941. c 40-1 Wanted te Rent WANTED TO RENT - 1 OR 2 unfurnished roorns, not noces- sarily heated. Apply Box 16, Bowmanville. 40-1 WANTED TO RENT-APART- ment or small bouse. Phono 404, noon or night.1 38-2e Help Wanted LABORERS WANTED - APPLY Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries or P~hone 345. 40-1 RELIABLE MAN WANTED - A local Watkins route is now open for a good reliable man wlth car. No capital or experlence required, but you must be a real hustier. Permanent con- nection with good future for right party. Write The J. R. Watklns Company, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Quebec, Dept. O-B-9. 37-4 Drugless Practitioner ROBElT COLVILLE Drutleus Practitioner Liberty Street - Dowmanvllbe Electrical Treatments - Spinal AdJustments and Massage. 27-5 Several more new subscrlbers bave been added to The States- man mnailing list this weok. Keep informed by readlng your local newspaper. Rest Home Rest home for- semi invalida or convalescents. Graduate nurse in charge. Reasonable rates. Subur- ban village. Apply Box 3, States- man Office, Bowrnanville. 40-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - SUPPLY OF AP- pies, several varieties, also young pigs il weeks old. Apply Max Morris, R. R. 1, Hampton. 40-1* FOR SALE - GIRL'S TWEED Reversible Coat, only worn once, size 14. Cheap for cash. Can be seen at the borne o! Mis. Roberts, Welligton St., east o! George St. 40-1* FOR SALE-LADY'S MUSKRAT coat in good condition. Will sell choap for cash. Phono 2427. 40-l* COOK STOVE FOR SALE - Cosy Home Quebec, large oven and hi-closet; also small radio. Apply H. Everist Smith, Queen St., Bowmanviile. 40-l* FOR SALE - MACLAREY QUE- bec cook steve, with reservoir and top oven, in perfect condi- tion; band power Beatty wash- ing machine witb wringor $5.00; Imporial Junior gang plough, nearly new; general purpose mare, rising 3 years, will trade for fresh cow or young stock. Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington. 40-1*. POR SALE - "JO HN DEERE" Tractor, model H, nearly new; also two furrow tractor plow. Ternis arranged. if desired. Prank Rundle, phono 2100. 40-1e POR SALE -GET YOUR WIN- ter supply of onions now at re- duced prices. 'Good kceping quality. Apply M. Heard, En- niskillen. 40-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everyýbing i modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. -Quality merchandise at coni- potitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Purniture Store, 156 Sirncoe St. S., Osb- awa. 39-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from 'over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLZY'S New Purniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 39-tf PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS-I Mailed postpaid, in plain sealed samlos 5 4samhprelst$.006 envolops,25wit4b ape st$.006 Adults only. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Harnilton, Ont. 39-8 For Exchange EXCHANGE-WALNUT FINISH- ed Columbia Console Phono- gmaph in excellent condition, over 100 records. Will exchange. for fire wood. Apply Geo. E. Pritchard, Statesman APts., Bowrnanville. 39-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SAL-2 JERSEY COWS, one just freshened, the other in 2 weeks. Apply T. Wesley Caw- ker, phono 794. 40-1 FOR SALE-7 GOOD THRIPTY Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. Phone 2219, P. Swallow, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 40-1 SHEEP FOR SALE -PRESENT offering 15 Leicesters. Douglas Barton, Enniskillen. 40-1 FOR ÈALE - FRESH JERSEY Heifers, accredited; also sow witb 12 pigs. T. Hutton, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 40-1w FOR SALE-100 PIGS 6 WEEKS old and up. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle, phono 38r23. 40-1* Real Estate For Sale PARM FOR SALE-150 ACRES, Lot 22, Con. 6, Darlington; 8 acres timbor, balance under cul- tivation; good hip roof barn 110 ft. long. Apply to owner, Silas4 Williams, Hampton. 40-l* Clauuified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, ech Insertion (minimum charge - 25c). Charge of 25o extra lu made when aivertlsýment la net pali smre week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10o when replies are irected ho a Statesman box number. Births, icathsauni marriages 50o eaoh. lu Momorlis, 50o for notici plus 10o per uine for verse. Claslfied aiver- tisement. aecepted Up until 6 p.m. weinesday. TeaCup Reading i TEA CUP AND CARDS PROM 3 p.xn. to 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, phone 2884. 36-tf Lost LOST - 14 PT. PLAT BOTTOM rowbout with 3.3 H.P. Johnston outboard motor. Drifted from mouth of Niagara RIiver on September 14, in strong south- west wind. ANdvise L. Davis, Davis Luniber Company, St. Catharines. Reward. 40-J LOST-LIGHT BROWN COLOR- ed maie collie dog lost; bas two white front paws. Beatb Parms, Oshawa. Phono Brooklin 312. 40-1* DOG LOST - FOX TERRIER, black over shoulders, bond and -tail, bob tail. Reward. W. Luke Buttery, R. R. 6, Bowrnanville, phono 2638. 40-1* STRAYED -RED STEER WITH white star on forebead, about 10 nionths old, strayed from farm o! Norman Collacutt, Ty- rone, phono 2121. 40-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. October Purnîture Sale Wise shoppers would do well ta avail themselves 0f our 10w priced specials. Very large selection frorn Our two stores. Wilson's values lead the miarket. Inner Sprlng Mattresses $9.95-Spring filled mattresses in heavy striped ticking, roll edge, handies and ventilators. Ail sizes. Wonderful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spring f il11ed studio couches. Good looking. Well tail- ored. , These will please you and save you monoy. Over fifty ta choose from. Ploor Covering Speelals $l.49-Now borderless rugs, 6 ft. by 9 ft. You wll find at Wilson'. everytbing in floor covemings. Personal attention to ail your floor covering problema. Inlaids, congoleurns, feltols,- heavy lino- leum. Ail widths. Wilson's prices are lowor. New (Chesterfield, Suites $69.50-Sptciaily priced foý our sale. Modemn spring filled ches- terfield suites. Smart c a r v e d show wood. Excellent combina- tion of coverings. We bave many beautiful chesterfield suites for you to chooso froni. Newest styles. Grandest coverings. Our low prices will please you. Bedroom Suites $5995-Tr il1i n g new smnart waterfail design. This is an out- standing buy. See our large sebec- tion of beautiful bedroorn suites you will be proud to own. Wil- son's lower overbead means lower prices to you. ,bifi Suggestions Cedar chests, book cases, lanips, fancy cushions, end tables, che- nille bedspreàds, smokers, coffee tables, occasional chairs, doil prms. Hundreds o! other gif te at Wilson's lower prices. Trade-Iln Department Jammed full'- bundreds o! good used fumniture bargains. We mnust make roorn at once regardless o! price - Chesterfield Suites, Dmn- ing Suites, Kitchen Ca bi n ets, Dresser., Beds, Rijgs, Stoves, Couches, etc. It will pay you to visit aur stores. Wilson'a Furnîture Co.' 40 King W. 20 Church St OSHAWA 39- For Rent FOR RENT-7.7 ROOMED HOUSEg 3 pieco bath, kitchenette with , electric range. Immediate poo- session. Apply Mis.E. Mount- . joy at Mis. J. E. Elhiott's pje Concession St. FOR RENT-2 ROOMS, PARTLY furnished if desirod, hardwood floors. Phono 2834. 40-1 FOR RENT - HOUSEKEEPING Cabins for mont at Black Cat Inn, Maple Grove; also three- roomed apartrnont. 40-3* Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap batteries. When your battery fails, bring it in to be x-rayed by our nowly' I- stalled "Willard Trouble Find- er Machfne." G. P. Jamieson, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 40-tf Weekiy Feed Special W E EKXLY FEED SPECIAL - Whoat Chop, $1.65 per cwt. or $33.00 per ton. Offer good un- til October 9thf. P. C. Vanstone, phone 777.- 40-1 Radio Service EXPERT RADIO) REPAnRt-sETsi called for and delivered. Phil- lips Radio Service. Phone 2238. 40-4* FALL FAVORITES. MAN RATS Better Buy A NEW' FILT'RAT Look your besi' ail wlnter long ln a new Adam toit. New ar- rivais. ONE PRICE $3m95 Freedman & Gaby- MONTIREAL Present New style FALL 4 and WINER Coats UP COUCH, JOHNSTON& CRYDERMAN, UR0 Take Vitamins Every Day TO INCREASE RESISTANCE AGAINST WINTER ILLS Puretest Vitamin Produots are solu only ai Rexall Drug Stores. Vitamin deflclency wilfl lave the body open to the ravages of infection and disease. 'It Pays dividends ln heaitby bodies to uupplemeqnt tÉe' child'a diet wlth these concentrates. Ocetob er Drug Values Fortify Agalnst Winter Pureteet A.B.D. & G. Capsules, 25's - $ 1.00 Pureteat Multiple Vitamin Capsules 50' 1.50 Hottlo or 100 $- 3.25 Prts iai ot,8o.bti 10 Pureteat Pereoeod Capsules, 25-day treatment 75oe ueetVtmnTue,8o.btl 10 Puretest Pereed 100 AiD). Drops for Puretest Cod Liver 011 Compound Inants, ï,.w - - - $1.00 Tablets - 100'8 $1.35 SO50S 750 Puretest Plenamns (0 essentlal vitamins) Pureteat Brewer's Yeast Tablets - - 100' q Puretest Cod Liver OU, 8 or. plain or mint 75e1 Puretest Veuat and L'on Tablet. 100's - 79c Phono 778 w - - - i r -'c Jury C& Loveli Rexail Drug Store WREN WE TEST RIrES IT 18 DONE PROPERLy. C.N.R. Ticket AgencY RE dwWA'NTuADS . 1 ý % il- - 1 1 - . 1 :11 W-I% 4m« 7- M