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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1941, p. 9

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 SOCIAL WORKER Doreen at Mr. W. A. Adams', Letr ko myefwaptyunae LAUDS ABILITIES Las. JSark and family with ~ i1 r in the ht eec u an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A N t ~ ~ I ~ I ~ S S IM M IGR A N TS e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, A otJl a etIn a h ai h n de rte p ra C a s t let ne rAb o tw i l l g e t a set tm a nys ae n I c ah m *~~~~~ w ~~Newcastle and Kirby W . M. S. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane and to the ladies of Starkville from ta Inths etr. T y ae ha - Ooc wsmmeswere guests of rono farily at Mr. Laurence Savery's, the Rinkey Dink Club somewere in vrm hudrtlgm Which Miss Ruby Chown, Of the Keith Burleyan eadMl-iEgad. rsAthrD nwtt Mr.DLiead aiy aeChurch of Ail Nations, Toronto, son, Peterbaro, Harold Burley, Clarke, answered the letter and My pael we amna received this reply wlchewill bedLeskardsameayearseago. It wa AtStet'ar wt atmnSM r. and Mrs. Percy Farrow and of interest ta many people around abot a ml rrho Crcd uho eu4 rn M r . a n d M r s . G e o r g e S m i h , B w m a n v i l l e d i s t r i c t :d e ' s t r i n e s a d a d e x _ _ _ _ _ __f_ i f a t k e f b e s a d f l o w e rs h e a d t r k v i l l e , a t M r . W i l l i s F a r r aw ' s .T e R i k y d n s1 0 a c s t a h e i d M r n f r m apeito o his work i the We1l, the big Street Fair taak o rain, Orono Public School heId Meeigoenc ih a rship at Mr. George Stapletan's. Salls 2 fe inthick. Perwapssya October lst, and as a resuit their field day on Monday. Re- weidldb i.S it a Wod Newtonville Sehool News August 14, 1941 rmm derMr. ledJbyMMll S. LitlewoodSDeartFrrendre 1ayearsosincepyypparent Mr=.Baxt r vitng fri S Vicatory Bon drive. ri en h ots lcdi h rl hdsults in the various events follow: iiwii r. oadWlhreaci(B EeynGadoGrdeVII s Batero i vi sit inrien td. th Mfr J.oJ. tMel ir pe c e u - t ee ae o ! h p y p a . D a sh: Boys, 5, 6, 7-Charles it h c r.H w r as B v ln Go d n r d II e r F in day aterno n at eskad, itbeing The b othspiace in te drli sh d Arm trtngeDau. Whie, Br ce plaalcipturosVocl soos weerWe re plntin tuli bulb at .Your most eîcaMoleter ar passd awa, bu I stll re embe le sn l e d red by Mrs. .a h c ol . ais S ihf u d rv d y sed y a d alte b y a lot o! htdsrc. Iotn w n roo i to bere avaed ite is t ! he b-monthly ser- at the agricultural park s , 5, 6, W hiteMrcen ew asl, n l a ba k p re wt.o e n ... hr er L s ad O e o u Rev Lttew od praced at v um ý M s.atbesacsirgly rendetrlosonmyihifhavedrhave enjoyedyerdayearead alt tengy Re îtlwodpeahd, money ringing, conadMls ils ,6 -a ce-Brown, Neechochaastredtedac-hae eenadiasret be abier McCrea's Sunday. Mr. Sandy Sommerville, To- anchor (twa booths), horse rac- na, June Glanville, Lama Clarke. D mand, Orono. Tht. It wausid dered ifhave the Bail family weabere stiie t rntBoyssspntth8,st 9, 10-Deansonth lck West, ~ Miss Chawn gave an interest- es. The titles are "Corne L U visit Orano Park on the occasion bunch, Jc hudclvda r o tH pe fi. onto, w o h s s ent the pas mg, and tic ets anWhe uckrW et, erad R ipeeoGrls, 8, , ig tlk n hr w rk u der the Betoyfl" nd " eaofthtWae o th Co an pcni, b t w haeuN wcasîehnavsed to eil Raw Mrs. J. . Co per was udg at mn h it ie bas r t n h, T e. dr w Ma yn pe p e w en a ay 10-Jean Rainey, Jean Turner, heading "Our New Canddin m a." W e are having the dances been having a different sort o ! leigh's P o u t e w e h r yScerauty ed hi.ppeDyMr. and Mrs. C. Johns, Lake- = hslamps, etc., from bingo, Murray Patterson, Mont Richard- miend.mb ers and t aiu c.2s...Gae3ad4aepcnehr nEg frth e uyinda g yesterday.field, M r. and M rs. George Crow- win ters fmo as fr aw ay s T o-i - m m b a d their ena t e as 5 ant a e ta i g aco P lo Th psa e a initio Mr nhil S e e so ae ther aucky drawaresesulted win son Junior W est. Girls, over 10- wadepn ei fot ~ studying about China. . .. Grade past year. s a si a b e eo e u ti M m . a n M s . S t v e s o h v e t r a d bh ar. W ov i s i t e r oa t oE. i d l t n M r u r i e R . s h o w i n g p i c t u r e s o f s o m e o f t h e m ' a n d w h e r e h e j o u n e y e d . . . . F a e f o r t h e H u n s l a t e y , a n d w e h a v e f i l m s o v ee e n w f r e ne d t h e S u t h u s .M . C as o d s o n ta. th erf o r d D o n naaW est te n to ld o ! th e m in ist rs a n d 1 J o n e s a n d E d n a D e n a u lt a re m alt- b e e n a m o st fre e o ! ra id s fro m W e m u t rnnf , a e h v Don rahm hs ben ran- Local executive a! the Ontai Cecil Mercer, M.P.P., announc- Shoe Race, boys and girls, 5, 8, th services they conduct.Sh ing. dolîs ta represent other lns the German air farce since Russia aur jobstle ako i1 Mrs. Patterson, Ottawa, is guest day evening. Annual meeting an Truli, on the O.P.S. staff, drew Douglas White. pkalofthabiiTisweteyrem asenociyngomu fmnts at Mr. R. R. Waddeil's. public speaking contest will be them from the barrel. The hi- Shoe Race, boys and girls, 8, 9, new Canadians in vailous limes, doîl o! Germany . .. We are mak- their time. ta hearfrmyuso.Hes Lt.-Col. J. C. Gamey was home held in Orono Oct. 29th. cycle, first prize, went ta E. Rich- 10-Shirley Flintoff, D o u gl1aa speilyi lnugs ing decarations for the windows By youm letter, I understand wishing yutebs !lc n M.adMsBoyou are a pretty good Orangeman, good heat Ke mln n onlae.Uin e ona vei i farsBowmnvise and thpirWhite, Douglas Carleton. Bmofnorrs.H. Perce ad Mrs on-ae UnelTrotchreo met Monay eoveno! inetscodpize, ta Betty Wheeibarrow Race, boys over wMs .PacHad A el s r e opeaeecs owl Ms.MichelToonochageofdeotona cnvnosGrahhm, Oshawa. Ten consola- 10 -Murray Patterson and Jr. i*Alen, sang. Mrs. Littlewood the Knights of Columbus writing a e.Btes.Myrtie Tambiyn and Lenoma tion pies obxestof Den West ndHnr andMs oe hne hs nTownship C u cl paperIamuigSpleso .aneo Bttrs. t.rizrofnboxes ofesgrceriWestadHnyLeandMsoe hne hs ncranknsaevr credeRsyOg Woad. Program consisted Of a etc. were won hy: Ed. Dean, men, Bill Moffatt and Ken Dent.-teporm h atras thank- t amn ec iefcoisJc hudc Ms.J.Maoran bbypom Y Lenora Wood; scipture, Orono; Mrs. Adair, Newcastle; Wheelbarrow Race, boys ing Orono W.M.S. for their hos- CLARKE COUNCiL being tuny e nt w a rdction. to he movedW .t S.Roo. Sela B s;Joaosl, Kahe nHo A m C istn , o n vie ay W st adRhossAs. piait.Clarke C uncil met October 7th We get plenty a solid a my food, oi G a el M m. h u r h T o m p o n, T o r n o lSi m p s; t ic an; d e , M st.H B m o n J h r s r n , n ; R a s s s tr n g , G e r a ld R a in e y a n d R e id L u n c h w a s se rv e d b y th e l c a l w t h e v a n d th re e c o u n cil- b u t th e sh o rta g e o ! s w e e ts a n dJ o n M l e t a w t h M m . . . o y a d ol T y l r; ai c, t l e a l t n r n ; M s o g n a n s , K i h W s t a n d D e n n y W M S . m e m b e r s , a s s is te d b y o ld - lo r s p r e s e n t. c ig a r e tte s a r e u r b ig g e s t p r o b -S t no p e MisA Wdelvisited hem Smith. Mary Harris was appoint- Toronto; G. M. Linton, Orona; Lynch. empublic school childme.n Clarence J. Allin addmessed lems at times. I just ran out o!f.Gyad parents i Bethany. ed assistant missi'Onary convenor Mrs. Virtue, Tyrone; Mr. Flett, Bail Throw: Boys, 5, 6, 7- _________ council in eference ta cattie sup- ink and the nearest villaee is 9 Lieut. Fred Larriman bas been and Carol Staples assistant pian- Oshawa, Mm. Stmutt, Oshawa. Charles Armstrong, Bobby Hall, pasedly kiiled by dogs, and it was miles away, 50 pencil will have B28405, Spe .T uh tmans!ered ta Newmarket. ist. Meanwhile dancing and card Keith West. Girls, 5, 6, 7-Joan p. strongly urged that ini ail such to do. 2nd Btalo Mms. R. E. Logan has returned _________ playing were in progmess at the Brutan, Kae McKenna,. E i i e e n C w nvilie cases the opinion o! a veteinary Perhaps yoiî wondem wha knows Royal Cnde nier from Tomonto. town hall, and ail seemed ta be Jones. Boys, 8, 9, 10-Ray West, ____ should be secured. oinurbehbt1dn'qie Cad Mrs. A. Saunders was Sn To- Orono Red Cross enjoying themselves. Dean West, Gemald Raiey. Girls, Visitars: Mm. and is. Ai!. Per- rof. C. B. Sissec ostdhe sse a n u uc, u.Idn' ut anda my vre onta.H___________ 8, 9, 10-Dot Tick, Jean Turner, in, Toronto, with fiends. . . Mr. icatncl S efer ntatheship, Miss Myrtie Smith has secumed Has Fine Balance Jean Raiey. Boys, over 10- and Mrs. Bob Aldread and LoiSsitaineit, onhp Tarnts Rsere und- IM NDDISAN Murray Patterson, Mont Richard- Lake Shore, Mm. and Mis. Lloyd shawing how- costly aur present : DM A D DSTA T son, Junior West. Girls, over 10- Clysdale, Cmooked Creek, at Mr.systeiandase th at unilandpeia- tesephonopeator.RedCmas mt Tuhsay ven HAPPENINGS Enid Middleton, Donna W e st, Wes. Stringem's. . . Mr. and Mrs. meigo h oni n n I Wd Miss LoeoratoBaildCroismt thesaynewn Connie Mitchell. Andrew Bandy at Mis. B. Mill« terested ratepayers be arranged. ~A KT ~~aaaa~ A new cernent block garage is ing when Rev. Littlewood intimat- Fo h rn eso 3-Legged Race, boys and girls, son's. . . Mr. and Mis. Clarence It was decided ta set the date at cm being built at the Fomestry. ed the deadllne far aluminum October 8, 1925 5, 6, 7-Charlie Armstmong and Bumley, Doreen and Kenneth, Mr.nxteuar s esion.mite a M is. C h a les W oo d v lsited r ela . w o u ld b e O ct. llth . T easu er's e t W e t o b o d a n a d M r . il s F r o w t M . i s ru e o m e O . 1 th tives ini Toronto. report showed $16.50 had been A sample box o! ripe* asp- Bobby Hall, Lamna Clarke and Wes. Stringer's. Chinst F.cte deto mee t. finth Over $200.00 was cleared at maie a hita oe bebrnies was handed in Monday by Mary Mime. W. A. met at Mis. J. J. W. Chas.rF. Adenmad0 aeh sna Orono StreetlizFafor.CC.stM.sLowesen._3-Legged Race, girls, 8, 9, 10- Stringem's and planned for a rprtcncpot14 txs Two Alen ruck colided aides the showem o! gifts; balance A well attended Libemal meet- Betty Chapman and Maumeen Mc- luck supper.lctda$37.6TesuewsALD Newcastle Monday. in bank is $214J72. - Thmee quotas ing was held in the town hal]Kna as MfatadLI Starviled to Sa i 30 Coloed lghts added much ta were eceived, one accepted out- Tuesday, addressed by Hon. V- ean, Eleanor Hancock and Con- T .RiRee a uhrz the appearance o! Oono for the ight and the others if possible cent Massey, Liberal candidateý nie Mitchell. .A.eied, a pay him $350. i bigstretfai, a b cangd omeha. Ms. . . CapanPikemng Pr!. 3-Legged Race, boys, avèr 10-. _ t sign papers in connection Pattersona, PikandgPJr. SWestllewith purchasing o! certain pieces bgsrefar ob hne oeht r.C. B. Sissons and the chamrman: Murray ______ o! prpenty JrtheWtstsip Miss Hilda Gamsby and Mis. Porter and Mrs. Murray weme a-H .Sal~ Henry Leamen and Dean West, apphatowthi g McCinchie, Toronto, at Mr. G. pointed a packing committee with The C.S.E.T. banquet on OtlKnDntad -Mfft. Sacrh antowa sm obsere C hBy-1 .awas passed --o txe M. Linton's. pwrt add. Mis. John Arm- 9th wag an unique event. One 3-Legged-Race, girls, over 10ohIhSna aasalcnr-Caf . Awe colectr a!taxe T E- l Directors o! the Agiultural strong reported far the inspection hundmed men and boys sat down Enid Middletan and Donna West, gation. No service next Sunday. for 1941i. Society held a business session committee, and Mis. McLaren for ta a splendid supper. Atter sup- Conue Mitchell and Marguerite Mis. Wm. Savemy feul, injuring By-law was passed to levy an Fiday evening. the British Civilian wamk. H. A. per they iistened ta a vemy inter- Rutherford, Dot Trick and Chris- hiem arm that was broken. occupancy tax - authorîzing the Mis. A. McDonald, Toonto, is Clarke asked suggestions for ais- esting pragram. Four local boys, sie Jaodan.horthe un.stavlal oletrt axaybidn visiting here while hem husbàand ing funds. A membership drive Norman WSnter, Calvin Hammn Back and Front, girls and byhm.which has been eected a!ter the Io5 on a fishing trip. -and bazaair were suggested. Ted Archer and Norman Hogg: 5, 6, 7-Bab Goode and Bob Hall, Ewart Robinson won several eturn a! the Assessment Roll or Mis. Vogt and daughtem Joanne, __________ acquitted themselves well in pre- D9ug. Carleton and Don'Mercer, prizes on his harses at Port Hope any business undertaken after Rachester, N. Y., with Mr. and senting the C.S.E.T. fourfold pio- Charles Armstrong and K e i t h fi. .ta ie Mis. O. W. Rolph. gram, respandSng ta the toasts in- West.Rusl Savery has his house Fallowing bills were paid: About 30 fmom Orona and Kir Track Champions tellectual, eligiaus, physical and Back and Front, girls and boys, wired for electricity, and is wait- Orono Telephone Ca. rent $ 13.17 by attended the Caaching cîass at Named In 0.CQS. social training respectively. Stu- 8, 9, 10--Shirley Flinto!! and Dom- ing for the line ta be finished. Mis. E. J. Randail, R.vsF. 32.00 Whtb Mndy James, member for Durham, een Fowler, Jean Turner and Shihoh W. A. met at Mrs. S. G. Mrs. H. G. McDanald, Mi.ty anday M is.PmN ealField M..* gave a clear outlile o! the pro.- Grace Hudson, Dean West and Hallowell's and talked over aur supplies ----------------- ----5.00 MorBM. and Mrs. J n TeO... lidDy a h ceedings o! the Boys' Parliament. Gea. Shaw. chicken super. Chas. F. Awde, salary -- 350.00 Nortli Bay, Mr. and Mrs. John ~The q.S iedDywa edTe addmesses wýre interspers- Baek and Front, girls and boys, Visitars: M. and Mrs. Russell Wm. H. Davey, B.O.H. ---- 2.25 Neals, Cobourg,,are at Mr. Win, Monday aftemnoan as il rained cd wlth musical setê&tiâÜni'*fram over 10-Junior West and Murray Lowery and family, Toronto, Mr. J. J. Mellar, salary, etc._ 63.68 .. Seymour s. Friday. The champions are: Harold Allan, Carias and Kenneth Patterson, Mont Richardson and and Mis. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, at W. Adams, 1 sheep killed 12.00 iMr. and Mis. Taibert FSndlay, Jr. Girls-Betty Linton, with 27 Tamblyn. Prizes won durSng the Elmer Green, Jahn Forester and Mr. A. Dobsan's. . . miss Meda O. Cowan, 1 steer kiiied - 35.00------ Thornhill, Miss Muriel Patterson, ponts. year were presented ta the Trail Gea. Shaw. Hallowell, Newcastle, was home. Clarence J. Allen, 4 trips Toronto, were at Dean Carscad- Int. Gils-Anna Staples, 24 pts -. Rangers by Mentar Wm. Riddel Biscuit Yhace, open tealal-Gary . . Mr. and Mms. Ross Hallowell as valuer ------------------ 10.00 den's. Sm. Grls-Carol Staples, 32 pts. and ta the Tuxis Boys by Mentor Hancock, Jean Turner, Reta Mc- at Mr. E. White's, Elizabethville. C. B. Tyrreil, supplies--- 2.05 Mr. and Mis. Clough, Mr. and Jr. Boys-James Lowery, 31 pts. A. Beai. Kenna.. Miss Ruth Savery with Miss J. A. R. Elliott, tax deeds 15.99 GARTON'S COACH 1NE ____________ ____________ The events losed w ith a bal Phyllis Gilm er n Sunday. .. M . M ilford Sherw in, 1 sheep a f c n i o l t a s o t t o n w e e i n a i o ____________________ Int. Boys-No award. game. and Mis. C. A. Cowan, Newcastle, kiiled by dags ------------20 Sm B ys- orse,2 t._________ t Mm. H. B. Gilmer's. .. Mr. and R. Mc.'!att, 1 caw kilhed 65.00 P1~s oiotbe at aedies The school was divided Snto PAID ADMISSIONS ar.Pwer and family, Orona, at Omona Meat Market, three groups, Red, White. and TO ORONO FAIR Lockhart's,School Mr: I Stark's. .. Mr. and Mms. supplies .-------. ---------12.00 SPECIAL RATES QUOTED FOR AYNM E Bhue, the poits Bes mmwi-et L S OZO uysCosn tM.H .E L aNctn 0 rp ew e o m n ___20_ontadlesn C O ETO25 Walter Simpson and family, Dr. W. H. Stanley, B.O.H. 3.00 OF PAS8ENGERB. ne-pwith 147 points. Results o! War Work group o! the Home Trîm's ... Mis. C. Reid and miss hospîtal mtce --- ----- 23.25 Feun Sht Junior Boys mtFriday. Society is about $200 Mis. Austin Turner on Thursday Sulas Halloweîî's. .. Gardon Clys- tar's band ----------- 22.50 anid Whitby. ahed o th yersactivities. An with a faim attendance Sn spite O! dale, Oshawa, with his mother.. Hydro Commission, lights 8.47 100 Yard Dash-Ross Carleton. .nraei atnac at the fair busy apple picking season. Mr.S. G. Hallowell and Ms Orano Coal &r LumberFo ieCl26 Pale Paut-James Lowery. wssxw ya$50 nrae Mms. G. Annis, Scirboro, has Norma Hallowell weme in Bow- Ca. supplies ------------- 22.50 FrTm ,Cî 66 Vaut-ams owry in gate receipts, 2229 paid admis- been visiting hem daughtem, Mis. manville. Oranci. Times, printing. 19.00 RnngBraad-James Lowery. sions and 205 cars. $1299.00 was Harold Gibson. Glad to see hiem R. H. Wood, came o!fWne-oiiinig fyn ni.wl DicsThow-James Lowery. won in prize maney. H e a v y looking Sa well following hem ili- " itrCniinn"o o FatBicycle Race-B. Rutherfard harses were slightiy up on last ness. own ouhll------------1.4 aetreadtobeo odm ig.Egn Hmmm Jump-James Lowery. year, and light horses down. Cat- Two more a! aur No. 9 young check-up_____nominal______ D R A IN S Snior Bos RoadwVoucher wiNo.t10o Ayie814n.34v chenk-upifatmnoillnaltocost. 220 Yard Dash-Neii Moffatt. shires being present, !ew .black Gibson, in the Vocational Train-CHNET I ERGAEO - Shot Put-Roy Forrester. cattle and few white faces. Other ing Wing at Hamilton Technical Willis Jones and party went ENTERTAINERCANET WIEKG DEO -FL RA.W H Pole Vault-Bob Caaper. classes were siightly down except Schooi and Lloyd Pedweil with duck shooting at Hastings and got ANTI-FREEZE--NOW, Running Broad-Roy Fretr grain and seeds and vegetables Anti-,&,ircraft Battery, R.C.A., at 30 ducks. Secure RALPH GORDON, the Discus Throw-Roy Formester. which were up. While theme were Brantford. Rev. J. McLachian attended wenderfully versatile e n t e r- MCUSE it cuts right thraug Fast Bicycle Race-R, oretr about the same number o! entries Miss Helen Murphy, Ottawa, Oshawa Presbytery at Columbus. aerfo u nxetrai-Gt u lG By High Jump-Roy Forrester. there were !ewer e x h i b i t o r s. and Leadmng Aircraftsman Dave Two car loads o! young people ment. Illustrated circular free. Clogging dirt, Gilleftt' Lye Slow Bicycle, any ag, girls Judges who had been hee before Henderson, Montreal, were guests went ta Whitby Monday evening « Address - Towiflg Service Gi i 14 a bcons to the housewife 1 Keep and boys-lst, Carman Cornish; commented an the impravement a! Miss Mary Bowen. to the Youthls Training School. 628h Crawford Street, Toronto 2nd, Allan Cornîsh; 3rd, Carol in quality o! exhibits. A coin- Congratulations to Ed. Dean on Ladies o! this cammunity will it handY alWays-for cdearIng Out Stapies. mittee was appainted ta deal with winnig a prize at Orono Stree eet etevery Wednesday afternaon_____________________________________________ drane... for scouring pots and Junior Girls enting the building as a rink. Faim, for Red Cross activities. 75 Yrd ash-ett Linon.Mm. and Mrs. E. Annable, To- Louis and George Stone have 75 ardDas-Bety intn.ronto, and Miss Vea MLaughlin, just returned rom a motor trip p a n'h s., h o r ta othes' u n nin g ro - ad- B etty Li t o . K e n d a l.' O rillia , v isited at M . an d M s. t a O ttaw a, M n treal an d th e L au - tas s~ isc s T r a - D a n M ffa I.C e c il M a lley 's. re n tia n M o u n ta in s. dayhoseh1dVolley Bail Thow-D. Moffatt. Mm. and Mis. Russell Nesbitt Friday evening the W. A. o! the Basebail Throw-Betty Linton. Visitors: Miss Audrey Patton, and granddaughter Barbara, To- United Church held a pot luck *N.,oedlasotim l» i hot Wtt. Tlii Basebaîl Target Throw-Lois Part Hope, at home. . . Mr. and onta, visited with Mi. and Mis. supper. There was a gaod attend- action o the lye «nu Turner. Mms. Ross Patterson and Bill, To- F.W. Bowen. ance and a plentiful supply o! hg 'i , WOrf Volley Bail Serve-Betty Lintan. onta, at Mi. W. Pattemson's. ...________________caoking. Rev. J. McLachlan was DIt. Girls Mm. and Mms. Geo. Clarke, Toron- chairman for this program: The q« » o. w a e.ana'... r enu, iToronto, Mn. ery new Sandercock îhas put up a m m.Hry i nry too, because you get the proteins,crbydashohrs S**?\~i$ ew slo.adecc hsgnet ameBwavle tM.R and iron, plus ail the bran and wheat germ present i nmilled wheat. PeterMm. andtaMis. GeorgeinHbnndersan.Help keep well nourished with ibis famous whole wheat breakfast. ta take a course lu and arsllyGaorge.en mosesn drillllng. was In PeteMr.rertaros Ask for it by the fuit name - "Nabisco Shredded Wheatc onbsns.Mrs. C. A. Cawan, Newcastle, IHI CANIAN SHEDOMO WHIAT COMPANY, IlD. Niagara. Foile, Canada 6MGORUMme. Jahn Rlckaby, who has L1QU1PIS1L with Mis. Rutherford. been spendlng the sumnmer wlth Mr. Ai!. Thompson, Oak Park, -her daughtem Mis. H. J. Souch, Il., wlth Mins Bertha Thompsan wI' has gorile ta Toronto for the wln- and Mr. George Thompson. m ua ter. Mr. and Mro. L. E. Million and THE CANADLAN STATEsmA--,j- I;OWVAXXMXýV nhl-1 A'bTd%

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