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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1941, p. 10

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PAGE 'rT ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey, Tyrone, annaunce the engagementi of their youngest daughter, Agnes Jean, ta Earl T. Prescott, son of Charles and the late Mrs. Prescott, Hampton; the marriage ta take place 'in October.411 RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Wni. J. Mountjay, Columbus, Ont., wish ta announce that they will be at home ta their relatives and friends on Tuesday, Oct. 14th, from 2.30 tili 5 in the afternoon and from 7 till 9 in the evening, standard time. It betag the occas-on of their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary. 411* ROYALI BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fn. - Sat. OCTOBER 9, 10, il FailiFeatures Two fine pictures on the sane profframn "THE GREAT MR. NOBODY" Starrig EDDIE ALBERT - AND - "'HERE COMES THE NAVY" JAMES CAGNEY and PAT O'BREN Mon. - Tues. - Wed. OCTOBER 13, 14, 15 flouble Feature "BACK STREET" Starrlng MARGARET SULLIVAN and CHARLES BOYER - A» - d'BLONDE INSPIRATION" Starrlng JOHN SHELTON and VIRGINIA GREY lATINEE Thanksgiving Day 2.30 P.m. NOTE CHANGE 0F TME Show Begins Saturdays aud Holidays at 6.30. Week Nlghts at 7.00 COMINO EVENTS Reserve Friday, Nov. l4th, for tea and home cooking sale under auspices of Warnen's Guild of St. John's Church in the Parish Hall. 41-1* St. George's, Newcastle, Har- vest Supper, Wednesday, October lSth, 1941. Geese net eady yet- menu changed ta stuffed pork. 41-1 Don't miss Zion Fowl Supper and Concert on Oct. 22nd. Admis- sion 60e for aduits, children 30c. 41-2 Reserve Nov. 15th for Bazaar and sale of home cooking and afternoon tea in St. Paul's Sunday School room. 41-1* Home cooking sale, afternoan tea, rummage sale, sale cf f aious recipes, St. Paul's Lecture Room, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 25th. 41-1 43-1 Kendal United Church Thank- affering Services will be held on Sunday, October l2th. Services at il a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Standard Time. Rev. Gardiner o! Canton Circuit wrnl be guest speaker. Special music by choir and other talent. Everyone welcome. 39-3 Thank offering services in New- tonville Presbyterian Church an Sunday, Oct. l2th, at 2.30 and 7.30 S.T. Afternoon preacher, Rev. Gea. Rowland, B.A.,B.D., cf Part Hope; Evening speaker, Rev. W. G. Blake, B.A., Bowmanville. Spe- cial music by the Osborne Quar- tette at bath services., 41-1 NOTICE Will the persan who picked up a two dllai bill in the Seirite Store Monday afternoon, Oct. 6th, lindly leave at The Statesmnan office soon and receive reward, as they are known. 41-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - 100 acres good land with good brick house, Lot 1, Con. 5, Darling- ton; hard and soft water in house and barn. Apply Mac Smith, Orone. 41-1* Take Notice TAXE NOTICE - SOMEBODY borrowed our mqtal post-drîver. Please return it. Order Aberta Ceai naw for Navember deliv- ery. Thanks R. E. Osbarne, phone 473. 41-1* Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for srap batteries. When your battery f ails, bring it in ta be x-mayed by our newly in- stalied IlWillard Trouble Find- cm Machine." G. F. Jamieson, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 40-tf Boy Scouts' Apple Day is Sat- urday, Oct. llth. Invest in youth -buy an apple. 4 I From FARM and FIELD ,NLLIN'S b r i n the cholcest pro- duce te y ou r IThanksg i v- lun g dinner table Sweet Potatoes - Cranberries - Celery Pumpkins - Fruits. HOMEGROWN TURNIPS Ib- l 2c I OKEEFE'5 GINGER ALE IN LARGE BOTTLES OR CARTONS OLD CANAD IAN CHEESE- lb. 45c Mecormick's iu Cellophane Baga CAN DY.......... BALADA TEA 1/2 lb. 45e «ach 10c Mb. 90e JELLO --- - 3 pkgs23c cholce cooklnw APPLES ... DOO CUBES ---- show Pack Selecte SOCKEYE SALMON - Pem* 2c 2 lbe. 23C . 1/2 lb. 25ec Support Youth Work Buy A Scout Apple Saturday HARRY ALUIN TN4"RNEk GROCERY Comlurte Service BIRTiIS COLE-In Bowrnanville Hospital, on October 3rd, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Cale (nee Edith A. Severs), a son, Gary Frederick. SHA W-At Bowmanville Hospi- tai, Sunday, October 6th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw, Orono, the gift of a son. 41-1* 'YEO-In Bowmanville Hospital, on October lst, 1941, ta Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo (nee Ruth Col- will>, the gift of a daughter- Carol Audrey. DEATH CORDEN-In Lindsay, on Friday, October 3rd, 1941, Teresa Mur- phy, belaved wife of William Corden, Bowmnanville. IN MEMORIAM CLAYTON-In loving memary of my dear husband, Stephen Clay- tan, wha passed away October 7th, 1939. --Sadly missed by wife, Margaret Clayton. 41-1* FLINT-In loving memory of a husband and father, Frank James Flint, who passed away Octaber 7th, 1939. -Ever remembered by Wif e and Family. 41-1* FLINT-In loving memory of aur dear father, Frank James Flint, who passed away Oct. 7, 1939. Peacefully sleeping, resttag at last, His weary trials and troubles are past; In silence he suffered, in pa- tience he bore, TiUl Ged called him home ta suffer no mare.' --Sadly rnissed by sons and daughters. 41-1* Radio Service EXPERT RADIO REPAIR-SETS called for and delîvered. Phil- lips Radio Service. Phone 2238. 40-4* Treasurer's Sale 0F Land For Taxes Town of Bownianville COUNTY 0F DURHAM TO WIT: By virtue af a warrant issued by the Mayor o!f the Town cf Bawmanville bearing date of the 16th day o! September, A.D. 1941, sale cf lands in arrears o! taxes in the Town of Bowmanville will be heid in the Council Chambers ini the Town Hall, Bowmanville, at the hour of two c'clock in the afternoan on Tuesday the Sixth day o! January A.D. 1942, unless the taxes and costs. are eooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of October, and in The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, on the 9th day o! Octaber, on the l9th day o! November and on the 3lst day o! December, 1941, and that copies cf the said list may be had at my office. Treasurem's Office, this 2th day of September, 1941. A. J. LYLE, Treasurer. Wiîson's Furniture Co. Octeber Purniture Suie Wise shoppers would do weil ta avail themselves of our 10w priccd speciais. Very large selectian frein aur two stores. Wilson's values lead the market. muer Spring Nttresses $9.95--Spring filled mattresses in heavy stripcd ticking, rol edge, handlcs and ventilators. Ahl sizes. Wonderful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spring f il1e d s t udi o couches. Good looking. Weil tail- ored. These will please you and save yau maney. Oveç fifty ta choose frein. Floor Coverlng Speclals $l.49-New borderless ugs, 6 ft. by 9 ft. You will find at Wilson's everything in floor coverings. Personal attention toalal your floar covering problems. Inlaids, congoieums, feltois, heavy lino- leumn. Ail widths. Wiison's prices are lower. New Chesterfield Suites $69.50.-Specialiy priced for aur sale. Modern spring filled ches- terfieid suites. Smart c a r v e d show wood. Excellent combina- tien o! covcrings. We have many beautiful chesterf ield suites for you to choase frein. Newest styles. Grandest coverings. Our 10w prices wiil please you. Bedroom Suites $59.95-T h r i11n g new smart waterfall design. This is an out- standing buy. Sec our large selec- tien -o! beautiful bedroom suites you wili be proud to own. Wii- son's lowcr overhead means lower prices te you. Gi! t Suggestions Cedar chests, book cases, lamps, fancy cushians, end tables, che- nille bedspreads, sinokers, ce!! ce tables, occasionai chairs, dcii prains. Hundreds o! other gifts at Wilscn's iower prices. Trade-Il »epartmeut Jarnmed full - hundmeds of good used funiture bargains. We must make roin at once regardless of price - Chesterfield Suites, Dmn- ing Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, 'Dressers, Beds, Rugi, Staves, Couches, etc. It wiil pay you ta visit aur stores. WiIson's Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Cburch Mt. OSHAWA 39.- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Clausifîed Ad Rates One cent a word cash, eaeh insertion (minimum charge 25é). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertlsemfent lh not paid same week as iser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are directed tu a Statesmap box number. Blrths, deaths and murriages 50oech. 1[n Memoriams, 50c for notice Plus 10e Per Une for verse. Classifled adver- tisements accepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-ONE SHROPSHR Ram. Apply M. J. Hepburn, Enniskillen R. R. 1. Phone Brooklin 19r14. 41-1* FOR SALE-FIRST CLASS NEW Hampshire Red breedmng roos. ters for sale. Stenger, Ennis- killen, phone 2824. 41-1* FOR SALP-25 LEGHORN PUL- lets. Apply Elmer Cox, phone 2488. 41-1* FOR SALE-FIVE TWO-YEAR- old heifers and a Holstein cow, miiking; -aise 12 steers about 700 lbs., and two veal cahves. Talmage Taylor, phone 2338,' Burketen. 41-1 FOR SALE - A NUMBER 0F choîce Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks aid. Phane 2208. 41-2 FOR SALE-TWO COWS; ONE saw due te farrow in Novem- ber; five pigs four months aid. Mike Capik, Lot 13, Con. 5, Dar- FOR SALE - 12 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Peter Hast, Hampton.- 41-1* WANTED-30 ROCK PULLETS, early hatched. Beath Faims, Oshawa. 41-1* FOR SALE -SIX DURHAM spring calves, aisa stockers and feeders. Apply R. G. Moffatt, Orona, phone 84r7. 41-1 FOR SALE -- 18 YORKSHIRE pigs six weeks old. Apply Ai- bert Zilversmit, R. R. 1, Ennis- kilien. Phone Bowm a n v i ie 2291. 41-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-A. W. ANNIS FARM Tyrone, 95 acres situate imme- diately adjoining the Tyrone village. 50 acres pasture one mile sauth. Large hip roof barn stone stabling, brick house, in good state of repair. Electric light installed. With or wîthout stock, implements and winter's fadder supply. Apply Canant & Annis. 41-4 HOUSE FOR SALE -.SOLID brick, 6 raams, fumnace, 2-piece bath, good size garden ana gar- age, convenient to centre- of tewn. Phone 2485. 41-2 FOR SALE-6 ROOMED FRAME house, hot water heating, hard- woad floors, 3 piece bath; half cash. Appiy Thas. Lymer, phone 379. 41.1* Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR EL- derly lady, quiet home in vil- lage on highway, well heated roomn, electrie lights, would take pensioner. For particulars write Box 5. Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 41-1* Wood Sale The undersigned has received instructions from Hierbert W. J. Gaud Lot 12, North Haif, Concession 3, Darllngton 2 miles north cf Bowmanville. on the middle road to seli by public auction on SATURDAY, OCT. 18 at 1.30 p.m. S.T. A quantity cf Elm tops which will make excellent wood and split very easily. Legs of these tops have been shipped out and the e- mainder is cf good size. Terms Cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 41-2 rU AutIon -ýSale The undersigned had received instructions from R. OLESEN Lot 14, Concession 9-10 Township of Darlington One mile east cf Adam's Store, Burketon to seil by public auction his faim stock, implements, etc., on TUESDAY9 OCT. 14 the fallowing: Horses - Brown horse, 6 years old; black horse, 7 years aid. Cattle-Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs. aid, reg., bred; Ayrshire cow, 3 years old, wiil reg.; Jersey caw, 6 years old, bred; Jersey cow, 4 years aid, bred; Jersey heifer, coming 2, bred; 4 spring calves. Implements - Wagon; mower; plow; harrow; sleigh; cutter; bug- gy; cream sepamator (DeLaval); 2 incubators (400-egg capacity). Miscellaneous - Somne rabbits; 25 bags potatoes. FowI - 25 hens; 100 pullets, White Rock and New Hampshlres; 100 roasters, White Rock and New Hampshires; 7 turkeys. Feed-2 loads hay; 2 loads corn. Termas Cash. - - Sale 1 p.m. B.T. 011f! Pethick, auctionedl. 41-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - MAN'S LARGE- sized. black top coat, practically new; Singer sewing machine in good running arder; scoop and platforin scale, 240 lbs., good condition. Will seil cheap. Ap- ply Box 4, cia Statesmnan Office. 41-1* coak stove with water front, excellent condition; also oak dining room. suite. Apply Mrs. H. G. McDonald, Orano. 41-1* FOR SALE-ONE PAIR VELOUR draper with fixtujres, good as new. Phone 2603. 41-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chèsterfield, bedroôm, dinn suites, and studios. Bedding and floor« coverings a specialty. uatymerchandise at com- peiieprices. Befare buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 39-tf FOR SALE -1928 REO COUPE inagoord running condition. Cheap for cash. Can be seeIn at Dean H-odgson's Service Station. 41-1 FOR SALE- QUEBEC COOK stove, in good condition. Walter Murphy, Division and Welling- ton, (Mrs. Tait's house>. 4-1* FOR SALE-ELECTRIC WASH- er, recent model, white porce- lain, used only short time. Will transfer balance owing ta me- liable party. Apply Mason & Dale. 41-1 LINOLEUM AN~D CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are mnvited ta view thèse at BRADLEY'S New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 39-tf FOR SALE-REBUILT VACUUM cleaner, guamanteed, for only $19.50. Terms if desimed. Apply Mason & Dale. 41-1 PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS- Mailed postpaid, in plain sealed envelopes, with price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Adults only. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 39-S IIeIp Wanted GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED- For housewamk, famnily cf three aduits, sleep out. Phone 556 or write Drawer T, Bowmanville. 41-1* WANTrED - EXPERIENCED farmè hand, married or single, for modernly equipped dairy faim. Apply personally to Jas. T. Brown, Kurv Inn, Newcastle. 41-1* HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general housework. Mrs. D. A. McCullough, phone 455. 41-1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 . M n Put A Ring Around These Four Days' ____On Your Calendar Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Octobor 29,30, 31 and Nov. 1. REXALL ORIGINAL lec-SALE ýi Two Items for the price of one, plus only Ic FOR THANKSCIVING LATEST' DISCOVERY in Eyesight Comfort 0 Now science Oves us' Tillyer Lenses-the latest discovery m ireducing eye-stramn and fatigue. If yo er glasses, let us fit They will bring you a new and noticeable eye comfort. 17e wU b. glod go show you hou TUl e n- sesare so dY'eentro rdinrl ne. Lost LOST - OR RECEIVED FROM the cleaners by mista1Ke, one twa-pîece lined whipcord suit. Rewamd. Frank Williams. 41-1* Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugles.- Practîtioner Liberty Street - Bowmaflville Electrical Treatinents - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 6Fn i In Bulk Quantities----- Special Active Service Package (incîuding postage) - 39e -$1.00 ELIZABETH ARDEN SPECIM. $3.50 Cleaslng Cream - - only $2.40 $2.40 Skln Toniec--------$1.75 Our Abm Is to Make Frienda. $1.00OD. &R. Cold Cream - . . 69e $ 1.00 Hind's lloney & Almond Cream 49c Over 300 Bargains to Choose From at the One Cent sale - Coming Soon. JURY&ULOVELL_ lVhen we test your eyes it is doue properly BOIVMAN VILLE - C.N.R. TICKETS - PHONE 178 Wanted to Rent WANTED - APARTMENT OR sinail house by young married couple. Apply The Statesman office. 41-1 WANTED TO RENT-MODE1RN apartment or house, preferabiy fumnishçd,' for Militamy Com- mandant, B.T.S., (family of 3), as sean as possible. Apply Box 6, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 41-1 For Rent TO RENT-5 ROOMED HOUSE, water and light, large shed and garage. Apply Thos. Lymer, phone 379. 41-1* FOR RENT - HOUSEKEEPING Cabins for rent at Black Cat Inn, Maple Grave; alse three- roomed apartment. 40-3* FOR RFNT-2 ROOMS, PARL furnished if desired, hardwood floors. Phone 2834. 41-1 NATIONMAL FURNITUREý WEEK OCTOBER llth t. 1811 FRY & BLACKHALL GUARANTEED CONSTRUCTIONS BROADLOOM RUGS Domestic and Imported. Ail Bizes. RKAL VALUE 2INBIMP OOMPORT MA'ITRESSES SPRINGS PULL AS8ORTMENT 0F VINER SPEING-FILLED MATTRESSES $12.75 to $39.50 AUl Standard Bizes. NOTE - Many of these mat- tresses are today $1000 higher than our advertised prices. No speoisi mises or re-orders at these prices. RElIT ANID RELAX * ENJOY SOUND SLUMBER 1B1owmanviile 480 A good night sleep equipu guarasiteed. it's sleep is p meont like tl Fail Showing. New MerdhandiSea AT F. F. MORRIS CO. Prices 20 te 40 per cent Les. Than Replacement Cost of These Values. CH-ESTERFIELD SUITE in the newest designa & coveinga. As low as 549.50 LAfflO A»DSHADES ~ In the new Bver, Gold, Old Ivory Finiahes. SIPECIAL COMPLETE $9.85 TABLE & BRIDGE LAMPS $2.95 to 516.75 STUDIO LOUNGES & STUDIO SUITES Rapp - HOEMPUN a VELOUR to ohoose from f ek LANE CEDAR CI-ESTS as shown 48'l chest. $34.50 DURALEATHER priceless - and with IIASSOCKS biso, perfect rest is Asuorted Colora. S for delivery. Fu Fu MORRIS CO. Î;2nn a 'MMMM ý 1 r- th 1 ---- 1 à Orono 27-1 1

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