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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1941, p. 1

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WIth Whlch Are Incorporated The BowmanviHle News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono Newst4t1n . 0 VOLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1941NUBR4 Jfiremen Now More Efficient 'After Changes Chairman Says Couceil Devises Iy-law [th od FG 'at Street Signs Cost Over $130. - Paid $93.65 For Installation of Traffic Lights. Far the sum af $18.00,' appro- priated at the coundil meeting Manday night, Bowmanville Pire Brigade wiil be fitted with mitts ta better enable thcm ta fight fires in the cold of winter. Little business was done at what proved ta be one of the sbortest meetings on record. Counillar J. H. Abernethy, Chairman aI Fire Committee, re- ported that twa mare drivers for thc fire truck bave been appoint- cd, Walter Hately and Howard Challis. Mr. Chala is alsa, given the duties of loaking alter the truck. Wm. Carden was appoint- cd aub-chief ta instruct the new men in handling tbc equipment. Buisiness arising out of a cam- munication about the dangerous condition af a wall an the Davis- Houht praperty was discussed. Mîr. Davis is ta be natified that the wall must be tara dawa at once. A request fram Paul H. Simp- kmn, awner af thc Cabinet Ca. an Church St., askcd that the $300 payxncnt due an the premises be dcferred for a few weeks. Coun- cil agreed, when it was rcvealed that a number aI local people are employed at steady wark there and that the praprietar bas spent a large sumn in fitting out tbc building. A letter Iram Miss Margaret Trebilcock, Division St., asked campensatian for damages to ber hause caused by a falling tree. Public Property committee will sec ta repairs. Cast of Traff le Contrai Items in the financial statement far the past mhonth showed that cast af street signs bas been $129.95 excluding cost aI erectioin. Also cost of installiag thc traffic system by tbc Public Utilities Commission was $93.65. Total of accounts passed was $1745.78. More news of vandalism at the gate and fonce barring thc lake raad at thc C.N.R. station arouscd wratb in some members of coun- cil. On motion af Reeve Edmond- tone repairs will be made ta tbc gate and any persan tampering with it will bo prosccuted. Counillor Jack Gunn reported that Scugog and Manvers Rds. have been rcpaircd. Section 38 af local bylaw No. 1170 bas been cbangcd ta pro - bibit vebicles from parking long- er than anc haur on King St. be- bween Scugag and George Sts. Resignaian of Darwin Bickdll from Uthc lire brigade is being requested. Deputy-Reeve C. G. Marris was an absenbee fram- the meeting. A. L. Nichoils Made Life Member Served Wel ln Jeruualem Lodge Banquet, Entertainment and Toasts Nake Evening Meinorable - Candidate Given First Degree. One aI bbc autstanding fuuic- ions af the year la Musonic cir- clos is "Pat Masters Nigbb" which was beld Manday night by Jeru- sahom Lodge. A gaod pragrum aI entertuament, as weli as busi- ness, which iacluded Uic confer- ring aI bhc lirat degreo upon a new candidate, LICpi. Sidney Cas- boumn, accupied bbc eveaing. The Ialiowing Pat Masters oc- cupied Uic chairs sud took Part lu tho wark: W. Bra. W. L. Elliiat, W.M.; W. Bro. M. W. Camstock, I.P.M.; W. Bro. J. R. Stutt, S.W.; W. Bra. E. S. Ferguson, J.W.; Rt. W. Bro. F. C. Hoar, Chupiain; Rt. W. Bro. G. C. Boanycuable, D. of C.; Rt. W. Bro. E. H. Brown, Secretury; W. Bra. A. L. Nichohîs, Treas.; W. Bro. L.- T. McLaughin, S.I?.; W. Bro. L. Aý. Parker, J.D.; «W. Bro. P. R. Cawling, S.S.; W. Bra. A. W. G. Nortbcutt, J.S.; 'W. Bro. E. E. Staples, I.G. Wor. Bra. Fred Mitchell lso assisted. Upon anc af tbe Ioremost rmcm- bers af Jerusuhem Lodge, W. Bro. A. L. Nichails, a deserving honor wus conferred by Rt. W. Bra. F. C. loaur wbea ho preseated Mr. Niclis witb a Life Menibership certificato la bbe lodge. "Dalpb," as ho is Iamiliarly knawn, wus master af Uic lodge in 1919 and bas been actively ussaciated in fraternul wark during these years. On octobor 28th ho wili celebrate &his 78thbirthday. Mrs. Nicills 'wags also bbc recipicat af a beau- Y tiful bouquet from bhc badge. IEntertamfment af bigh quulity was arrangcd by E. S. Fergusan and bis commnittee who made uvailabie the aristrY of Edouard Burblctb, violiiist, Gea. Davidgc, baritane., MiEs Betty Stevens, cia- cublanlat, sud. Reglinaid Geen, ac- campunist, ta dellgbb bbc audi- once. Four toasts were propascd. The lirst ta bbc Grand Lodge wus re- spandesi ta by ]Rt. War. Bra. C. R. Spencer; bbc next propascd by Bra. Jack Enmoersan to bbc Past Masters eicited response 1rmr Rt. W. Ero. Fred C. Hoar; the -third , ta tbc viitors by Wor. Bra. 93RD BURTHDAY John Lyle, J.P. Former Tawn Clerk and one of Bowmanville's oldest citizens who celebrated bis 93rd birtbday an October lst by listening to the World's Series baseball game and entertaining bis sister, Mrs. Jas- eph Pattinson, who is in ber 89th year. Ross Stutt was answered by an Osh-awa gueat, Bro. Reginald Geen, while the last toast, ta -the duly initiated candidate was re- plled to by W. Bro. Bert Parker. Worshipful Master W. Len El- liott presided for the evening. Ross Gillespie was appainted tcmnporarlly as deputy city audi- tor by Toronto Board af Contrai, ta take effcct on ratification by city cauncil. The appolntment was recomnxended by S. C. Scott, city audItar, ta 1111 the vacancy created by the Illness of -Harley W. Perey. Harley isson of Mrs. Pcrcy and the late Thomas Perey af Eow- manville and bas rocent1l, been thrauqh a serious appena xop- ieratian. OTTAWA ARCHIVES GET 'IRON SECOND' BATTALION COLORS Col L. T. McLaughlin Promi- nout Member of lamous Unit - Church Service Io Planned. The historic military colora of the "Old fran Second" Battalian af the firat great war, whicb bave been in St. Paul's United Churcb, Bowmanville, since 1919, are ta be transferred ta the sale keeping in the Dominion Archives, it vas learned last week. A special service in which mili- tary dignitaries and the local post af the Canadian Legion wili take part is planned soon, Rev. A. R. Cragg, minister af St. Paul's, said. The decisian was made at a meeting of the 2nd Battalion As- sociatian in Ottawa on Oct. lst. Col. L. T. McLaughlin, C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D., of Bawmanvile, is one of the fcw rcmaining mem- bers of that unit. The battie colors were a gif t of the father of the battalion, Capt. Percy Band of Toronto. They were presented ta the unit in France i 1916. After cansidering the transfer for some time Col. McLaughlin said an arrangement had been made witb Dr. Gustave Lancot, keeper of the Dominion Archives, ta accept and mount the colors. A very interesting story of the colors is in the possession of Col. McLaughlin wbicb be plans ta compile and make public before the transfer takes place. SNOW PLOWING COUNTY ROADS .TO CONTINUE Superintendent A. S. Miller Says GasoUne WiIl Be Only Factor Which May Reduce Plowing This Winter DehidAgai. Alil summer long nothiai bas been said inl these columus about subscriPtions. Notices have been sent. out each month to those whose year tg up, but ht appears that a goosi- iy number have failen back mbt habits of forgetfulness. So, thtu week, those who have forgatten, ail the way freux January Up ta ans'ilncluding October, bave recelved the fanililar yellow slips.showing 4"amount owing" and «"dup" or 11past due." To thase wha are behind we slmply iay that "par-la-ad- vance"llu a ur rigi rule. A considerable number iast sprlng thought wc di not mean lb. They were cut off and Iol andi bchoid, stuce that, for every one eut off for non- paymient, wo have bad twa new subseribers t* take tbefr rplaces. When you read thls yon whIl then understand, dis- tlnctly, that delay la remittlng simply means that you, neot wc, automatlcally stop the paper. Andi aur thanks ta al those who have.prompbly re- newed. Sa before yeu forget, look at the yellaw label ansi aet on thec impulsç naw. Money and Religion Topic of LiveIy Y.P.U. Discussion "Can a persan obtain great wealth and be considered a Chris- tian?" and "Can ho kecp that wealth and stili be considered such?" were two af the questions braugbt belore members aI Trin- ity Young People's Union an Monday evening. The discussion, which toak the place af the usual address, was led by Susie Van- Camp and proved very interest- ing. There were f irm beliefs on bath sides of these questions and therelare they were leIt withaut definite answors. The worsbip service was in charge'aI Bert Johnston and was presented by Doris Dudley, Helen Pritchard and ,Jean Davie. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. C. Warkman fav- ored with a piano duet, followed by twa readings by Ruth Hutchin- son. Hazel Rundle rendered vo- cal solos with Mr. Workman as accompanist, and Jim Hancock ai- 50 favored with two delightful solos witb Hazel Rundle accam- panying. Stanley Rickard, formerly tea- cher at the Boys' Training School, bas jained the staff of Lakefield Preparatory Scbool for boys.,1 U n d e r receat arrangements agreed ta hy goverament and im- ,piemont campanies, according ta a releaso. by Uic Musscy-Harris Company, there cun h o a ist af pricos nor terma covering fanm machinery for bbe 1942 seasan. In other words, bbe difficulty af obtaining raw materiais sud re- taining traiaed belp lu implement factories louves no ather oxpec- tation thun that prices will tend steudiby upward and no prices can ho fixed for the future. That is anc af Uic phases af bbc war us s0 far devehopesi. There is only one relieving fea- turc and that is thut sa bant as presont stocks hast, Uiey wlll ho delivered ta thase wbo arder Uiem ut current prices and on regular terms; thut is for cash or on notes runnlng for bwa ycurs. But all sucb orders must ho pbaccd sud duly execubed on or helore Nov- ember 30, 1941. If ordered and settled far, delivery may ho made ut any time durlug bbe balance af this yeur or during next sou- son. This means that thoso wha baok uhead la regard ta roquire- monts, can ho served up ta Nov. 3Oth. *Production af impiemonts wili cantinue, but, like production af automobiles, there willbeh cur- tailment due ta priority af war machines. Because oI scurcity af Iarm help, lb la suggested thut furmers tuke stock af their re- quirements and passibîr survcy bbc préposition aI working co- operutvehy wlth ncigbars in tbc purchuso sud use ai power units. From now bibi thc deuiline af Nov. Bath, advlce lu that the Mas- see-Harris Company are ableta fi1 euremeats lu aU Ues, as per UiW bove stipulations. ThanksoivnsJ Monday October 13, 1941, bas been proclaimed Thanks- giving Day. In peacetime there was a reverent element in this particular day because it marked the close of the productive capacity of the fields; the craps had been garnered, food sup- plies stored, and anly a few apples, roots and pumpkins remain- ed, hardily, outdoors amidst frosty mornings and falling leaves. Russet and vermillon fiamed among the maples. The year had reached its brief senility. Poets might declaixn "the melanchaly days are here, the saddest of the year," but to those wbo toiled, it meant a pause of thankfulness, simple festivities, the realiza- tion that eternal providence had carried them through to security, seldom to affluence. Only in the countryside can Thanksgiving Day reach its ful appreciation and register its true significance. To those in cities it is largely just dâiother holiday, a day to see a football game and an evening free to dance. The mai esty and salemnity af the day and the season brmngs pause and thoughtfulness te ah to few in the busy cities. High overhead, unobserved from the cîties' canyoned streets, the wild geese honk southward. In the country, their passage is noted. It is one more sign eat winter is in the offing and plowing must be hastened. Such was the time-honored peacetime observance of a merited annual holiday. Now, in the midst of war, Thanksgiving Day is to be ob- served but the scene is vastly changed. The countryside is largely denuded af its youth. There are those who, bowed with overwork in harvesting weed-grown and depleted acres, are wondering what there is ta be thankful for. The madcap cele- br'ations go farward in the cities but there remain in the country, neither the fuflness -of production for the close-knit, peacetime, fireside, family circle. Winter's looming uncertainties mar the wholesomeness of tis day of Thanksgiving. Thus bas war in- truded; the heavy hand of a foreign war-lord faUls upon every country farmstead. Much more llghtly has it touched the urban homes. Thanksgiving, 1941, seems ail too much like "Just another day." But let us lit aur eyes to stricken Europe, to bombed and beseiged Britamn, with no "'Thanksgiving filled" cellars, with ears attuned for the Stuka's scream, and let us be thankful. We are three thousand miles from scenes where those who survive give prayers of thankfulness that the wreckage was not worse and that the fae still, hestitates beyond the channel. For us then, it is a Urne for supreme thankfulness. In this third year af war we must be thankful that we have seen . a dearth of casualty lists. Let us be thankful that ours is the privilege and the duty ta strive forward at hard toil and longer hours, with restricted pleasures, to the end that those who brave the dangers shahl have what our land can produce. Let us forget the shortcomings of a government, which while decreeing a day of national Thanksgivîng, creates the inequalities in wartime that make of country li1e on farms, a place of tail from day to day for those who have long smnce earned the right to rest and conmfort wîtb. their children and grandchi.ldren about them. So long as the breath of 111e animates the "saît of the earth" there will be thanksgiving for the bounties of nature that spring from sali and toil and sweat and 1tears. This is the Thanksgiving resolution of the farmer. Dare anyone deny it? Age Limits Are Extended For Men in Reserve Army In arder ta assist Roserve Army units ta carry on with reinforcing Active Army formations, mon af 18 years aI ugo may now enlist lu bhe Reserve with bbc abject of ah- baining preliminary training priar ta reacbing the ugo wbich wiil onuble them ta ealist for Active Service. Iu future thc Reserve Army wiil have three equaily important tak. Their duties will he nume- ly: ta act in defence af Canada whea required; ta aid civil power la case af subversive or other dis- turbances, sud ta provide rein- forcements for bbe Active Army. The taks asslgned ta Uic Re- serve Arniy under ita Aid ta bbe ICilvil Pawer duty lucludes allot- Imont aI areas af unit reapanibii- I by ad reconnaisances aI these a ra; preparations for quick us- upid mavoment within areas, and admnistration arrangements re- quired should units ho cuiled for duby. Ia arder to pravide ade- quutoly far recruits Uic ugo imit for Reservo wilho increased bo 50 yoars, sud bbc medical categary rcquirod for ealistmeat iowered ta category "C". While ut present extensive ad- ditionul mahilization af Reserve units la not contemplated, plans are being laid sa that shauid the need arise, Reserve units wiil be muintuined that will permit mo- bilization for home ar oversoas1 service. Speciai attention wiii he1 paid ta training. Increased dis- tribution af training equipmenb is being carried out, taking inta ac- cournt thc needa af Active units and especialhy averseus requiro- monts. The web weather Friduy braught a large number af furmenrs ta bown. Most are reudy ta get ut the fall plaugblug now bbc ground la moist again. Overnightguesti Luxury accommodation for prisoners of war lu, apparent- ly, belng matchesi by this munlclpality for thase other guests, "thc knights af thc roasi," ansi those who faîl vie- tim to over-indulgence la ai- coholie beverages, etc. in short, the "lhotel", accommo- dation la the tawn lock-up lu greably iinproved. Cloa as a whlstle, bbc walis shhse wibb fresh paint andi bbc bars on- blcigly refleet bhc light. The color scheme lu black ansi grey, a litie sombre perbaps, but designesi probably ta match bhe moosi of thc occu- pants. W. J. Richards, expert palator andsi nterlor decora- tar, did bbc Job. Ho also paintesi the front of bbc churcb sheds opposite bbc lire ball. NEW MINISTERIAL CROUP FORMED With bbc president, Canon C. R. Spencer, presiding, Bowmanviloe Ministerial Association mot in Triaiby Cburcb Monday with muny ministers from bbe prates- tant churches af West Durham present. The purpose aI bhc ga- therlug wus ta broaden bbc scope af bbc loal association ta include ail churches la bbc district. lb was decided ta hold an organizabion meeting for olection af olficers la Blackstock United Cburch, Mon- day, Nov. 3rd. The nameofaItbb group wil ho West Durbamn Min- isteriai Association. This is lire prevoabion week- cloa stavo pipes far winter-be carelul ulways. LOCAL OFFICERS O.T.C. GRADUATES AT BROCK VILLE Lieuts. Brown aind James Are Transfered ta A rm o ur.e d Corps. - Lieut. Braden to Join HighlanLders. After three months of strenuous training at the Officers Training Centre at Brockville, 21Lieuts. Wm. Brown, Wallace Braden and Wm. James, ail of Bowmanville, received their graduation diplo- mas at the graduation exercises held two weeks ago. Ail three officers have since been posted on Active Service. Lieut. Braden will continue in the Infantry branch af the service and take an adv anced training course at Camp Borden where he will graduate with the rank af Lieutenant. On the completion of his qualification be will be at- tached to the Stormont, Dundas and Glcngarry Highlanders. Lieuts. Brown and James hav- ing bath graduated in Infantry were chosen from a number af candidates ta transfer ta the Can- adian Armoured Corp. They have bath returned ta Brockville where they wîll take a special 2-months' course in Armaured Corp training. Tbey will thon go ta Camp Bor- den for advanced training in this branch aI Active Service prepara- tory ta going overseas. The three officers were former- ly with "D" Comnpany, 2nd Bat- talion Midland Regiment. Other officers from the 2nd Midlands who graduated in Infantry and have since beon posted ta the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders are 2[Lieuts. John Dure, Brighton, Harold Kerna- ghen and Dan Dudley, Coîborne, Hugh McKellar, and Cadet Fred Lloyd, Port Hope. Lieut. Leitch Scott, also from "D" Company, has been postod ta the lst Battalion Midland Regi- ment now at Niagara. New Grade Apples Catied "Windfalls" Now on Market A bulletin issued Oct. lat, under authority aI the Ontario Food Distribution Council; deuis witb applos thut were blown off trocs in bhc rocont wlud storm. lb stabes that, lu this regard, bbc Ontario Department of Agricul- ture bas declared a state af emeir- goncy and bas aubborized specia] grading regulatians for Octobor and Novembor lu an effort ta sal- vage bbc crop. A new grade is now pcrmitbcd called "Windfalls." Apples may be pickod from bbc ground and sorted and thus mur- keted, if in accord wibh aize and sate aI bruises which- must nat exceed 7% af the surface. Fali varioties must be clearod by bbc end af October. Ail other varieties have to ho cheared by the end af November. The word "Windfail" must be distinctly stampcd or marked on Uic handie aI cach basket. Latoat repart aI damage dano Oataria'a appie crap is as follows: Harvested previaus ta thc starm, 30%. 0f bbc balance aI 70% ib is osimated that 52% woro bhawn down and af bhese about 45% are fit far packaging and 47 % for procossing. Elevea bhausand bar- rois, or 8 % are considered a total baus. The Advisory Committee bas aked bbc Federal gavera- ment ta suspend shipmcnts fram British Columbia until bbc wind- faUs are markebed. MONEY STOLEN AT MAPLE GROVIE 'ýBelieved ta bave entered in broad daylighb hast Friday, thieves walked labo the reaidonce aI Wm. Laird, Maple Grave, and ransack- cd tbc bouse. Mr. Laird is repart- od ta bave bast over $100 in cash, $30 la War Suvinga, club bag, valuable camera, suit aI clothes, a ring and other articles. This was the Iourth break-in witbin a week la this area. Praises Fair Boards Which HoUp Youth Agricultural sociotios fostering intereat among young exhibitars were commended by Frank Rick- ard, M.P. for Durham Couaty, when heofoficiaily opened the an- nual fll fuir. sponsorod by thbc Port Hope Agricultual Society1 Saturday aîbernoan. Hundreds of rural achool pupils marched ta bbc fuir grounds, whore,bhey dîaplay- cd educational prajects. Members aI Durham and Northumberland Caîf und Swine Clubs were among bbc exhibitors. Dept. of National Defence Representative Pays Visit To Explain B.T.S. Situation Scout Apple Day The Bey Scouts ansi WoIf Cubs of this town will hoisi thelr annual "Apple Day" on Saturday. Choice No. 1 quall- ty Snaws have been purchas- cd froni bhe orcharsi of Forbes Heyland. They're beautles! When bbc boys canvasa the town they ask only 5c for thla luselaus fruit. Ail the pro- ceesis of the day are to further Scout. work la Bowmanvifle so a larger contribution Io absolutely lnicorder. . Scout Apples netot nly keep bbc doc- bar away but symboize your insurance policy agalasb bbc sale future of this cammunlty. Invest in Youth-Buy a Scout Apple. FAMERS FORCED TO YIELD LAND FOR SUPER ROAD While bhe Dominion gavera- ment is asking moborists ta eut gas consumption 50%, the pro- vincial Department aI Hsghways is pushing pragros on Uic new four-lune highway ta extend east Irom Toronto. If gas' is ta be rationed :,r traffic cut ta hall there is no point in doing gny work ut al on a new super hîgh- way. Curront opinion is that al the talk af saving gaz is so much "eyewash" and there is no short- age at ail. Ail the surveying for the new higbway in this district is com- plote and most af the land wbich lb wihl occupy bas been purcbas- cd. It will skirt the town just south af tbc Base Lino oad, near tbc C.N.R. tracks. Furmers la that urea repart tboy have been order- cd ta remove aIl cropa from the purchased tract immediabely. Prices per acre vary but most farmers feel tbc compensation for permanent bs aI bbc land is f ar boa low. Fruit trocs on the course aI the highway are reported ta be paid for at $10.00 each. GUFT SENT TO CHURCH WORKER In recognition aI consciontiaus service ta Group 1 of Trinity Wo- men's Association that - body re- cently sent a gift af a silver bread tray and relish disb ta a former member, Mrs. Cecil Hoad who now ives in Norwood. Mrs.*M. Tamblyn is president af group 1. Mrs. Hood immediately answered by wire, cxpressing ber apprecia- tien af tbe remembrance. ide Mrs. Hood, with ber chide June and Jimmy, leIt town last May after Mr. Hoad enlistod. Ho is now serving la Enghand as an electrician. Reeve W. R. Pîckell af Darling- ton Township was somewhab "upi la tbc air" tbc ather morning1 wben ho learned Irom a Toronta paper that bis council bad sent a tologram aI protost regarding thec B.T.S. situation ta bbe gavera-c mont. "We did nothing af the sort," ho told The Statesmuan. "We discussed it but decided that no pratcst should be made, under tbe circumstances." Col. Gibson S ta tesa Prime Object te As- sure Good Treatment For Our Men - Won't Be Any Breaks. "Every precaubion will be bak- en to ensure that thc Nazi prison- ers soon ta be housed in bbc Boys' Training School wiil be kcpb within thc camp and not allowed ta trouble residents af this dis- trict la any way," explained Col Gibson, Director af Real Estate for Uic Department af National Defence, Ottawa, meeting with representatives of Bownianvillo arganizatians Friday afternoon. Col. Gibson came bere as a re- presentative of Uic Dcparbment af National Defence in responso ta several telegramns of protest which reacbod Cal. J. L. RaIston regurding Uic transf ormiatian af thc B.T.S. from a youth training institution ta a prison camp for German afficers. At Uic time Uic proteat was registered, Cal. Raistan was away from Ottawa, he expluuned. At Uic meeting, callcd at' 1 p.m., Mayor R. O. Joncs, W. F. Rickard, M.P., Fred C. Hoar aI the Rotary Club, Alox McGregor, President aI Chamber of Cammerce, and Councillors Jahn Gunn and W. J. Martyn, and Ex-Reeve C. A. Wight aI Darlingtan, werc pre- sent. The B.T.S. was thc only place suitable for the prisonors, under bhc circumatances, Col. Gibson said. The change wrnl definitcly imprave the lot aI aur oflicers in German prisons, ho promiscd. Accarding ta the Swiss represon- tgtive, througb whom negatia- tions in this matter arc bcing carricd on, much reseatment was foît in Germany aver bbc facb thoir officers wore bcing kopt in burracks and other simihar places where accommodation was in colla contrary ta interniatianal ar- rangements far bausing prisoners aI war. It is cantended thut the Training Scbool affords appor- tunity ta segregate classes ai offi- cors. Col. Gibson said also that whcn bbc Dominion Government first learned that this institution was available they proposed ta use it as an air training centre but later wben the question af housing Gorman prisaners came up, Bow- manville was chosen, after cure- fui consideration, as Uic lagicul place. Ia roaponse ta a questian abaut the type af treatracat tbey would receive, ho said that guards would be numerous and troatment good but tbe prisaners would not be pampered. Mayor Joncs intruded the ques- tian as ta why, alter Uic original suggestion ta use tbe scbool as an air training contre came framn citizens af Bawmanville and re- presentations thereto were firat made ta tbe Ontario goverament, that no official or Minister aI thc Ioderai government cansulted anyonc or any ehected body ln the district priar ta announce- ment of their decision. Col. Gibson exphained that up- an na occasions pcrtaining to matters of this kind are local bodies consulted but no accept- able reason was advanced. It was merely arbitrary custom. There would be no revIsion of plans. The gaverament wouid procced immedîately with wbat bad been decidcd upon. Ex-Reove Wight wisbod ta be assured that the road leading north past bis praperty would nat <Contlnued on page 8) Auction of Salvage Nets $126 Everything Sold in Four Hoi Hit-And-Run Auto Hite Local Man Near Llndsay Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albdread, Bowmanville, were injuresi when their car wus struck hy a bit- and-rua motarist Satunday aight. Tbey werc driving aior.g bighway No. 35 south aI Lindsay wben thein car was bit wibh berriîic im- pact hy a car travelling in Uic opposite direction. Tboy tald pol- ice bbc machine was on bbc wrang aide aI bbc roasi. According ta Traîfic Olficer Gardon Brougb- tan, bbc Alidreasi car was budly damaged and bbc occupants suf- fered abock, cuts and bruises. The emplayeca af bbc Heel andi Maldesi Goada Departments af bbc Goodyear plant gave their adieus ta Mrs. Wihfred Bennett <nec Miidred Williams), wbo was marriesi recently, by presenting ber with twa beautiful end tables. Clifford Samis, fareman ai thc departments, reasi bbe Iarewdl letton ta wblch Mrs. Bennett very Iittingly ropliesi. Mrs. Bennett liad been la bhc omploy of the Gaadyear appraxiniately 22 years. Watches Pound Thought To Be Given tu Error - Remov- ed Prom Sae.0 One bundred sud twenty-six dallars was raised for Roed Cross work ut bbc auctian sale Saturduy wben thc Ways and Meurs Com- mittee tbought Up wuys sud means ta make »ioney sud the Salvage Committee roundesi Up an amuzing urruy ai sulvage ta ho offercd for sale. Far four haurs auctianeer Wmn. Chahls bied ail bbc wiies af tbc professianal sabesman ta induce bbc crawd ta buy, witb bbc resuit that every article wus saldi ansi bbc grass "tuke" waa $142.10. Statement Ioliows: Proceeda --- ---------------- $142.10 W. J. Chailis ------ $6,50 Trucking----------- 4.00 Advertising ------- 5.00-$ 15.50 Balance $126.60 Mrs. W. E. Gerry wisbes ta in- fanm those who contributesi arti- cles ta bbc sale that bwa wutches, judged ta ho ai considerable value, wore found la a box. lb was tbought theso articles mlgbt have been left there by mnistake. Tho awner may bave bbe watches by cailing Mrs. Gcrry ut 2287 sud provlng awnership. "As far as I arn aware we will continue the same palicy as in priar yeara. As a mater aI fact tbc matter bas nat evon been dis- cuased," camnienbed A. S. Miller, Caunties Roud Suporintondeat, when approucbed by Uic Cobourg Sentinel Star yegurding a rumar that snowplowing aI bbc Counties Rouda would ho disconinucd this year. Mr. Minler said bbc rumor ap- parentiy bad its arigin in a recent newspaper report which was im- mediabely denied by the Minister aI Higbways. This rumor 'had it that provincial bighwuys wauld not ho kept apen this winter. The denial issued by the minister ap- pareatly fuiled ta stap gassip. The only factor thut might re- suit la a reduction aI snowphow- ing, Mr. Millor said, would ho bbc rabianing af gasaline. If bbc led- oral gaveramont decides ta ra- tion gasolino, bbc countica wiil ho Iorced ta. cut its winter pragrum ta Uic same dcgree as bbc reguhu- ians demand. In such an evont, however, resideaba aI tbc rural areas would aiso bo affected and cleur rouds for motar cars and trucks wauhd nat ho needed us much. Another thing that might affect bbc program is Uic restriction an Uic sale aI bigb-cluss anti-freeze. Mr. Miller pointed out that trucks must use this type aofiuid as Uic cheapor alcahal type is not practi- cal. Ho 1dbt, bowevcr, that lb wauld be passible ta secure enough for bbecocunties' needa. Implement Prices On Up Trend As .Material Short ý 1 il 1

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