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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1941, p. 6

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't,, a '77 .- .- - - - - - -,t, ... -ý PAGE sut THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUS r 'p I-t, j, 4 't. j' 114 k7 j~ 4., 'f i a ~* *~ * .*.. U U M M U M U U M U U * U M M = p rs enilty o irc m tncres n d the H a m p to Visitors: M r. and M rs. G ordon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ possbilty f icresmg lueAAa PLOl Hnryand family, Oshawa, at Mr. (amounts being regularly invested Jhn Wilson's.. Mr. and Mr. The Newcastle Independent in war savings certificates. Some MI 7ependent] ~$864.00 a month is now being Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeHaodNsit ryanRs, 'Phone Clarke 1114 loaned to the country by New- Dusto, Minesing, at Mr. and Mrs. p fowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. _________________________________________castie people through the certifi- J. McNab's. . . Mr. and Mrs. p' . Ewers and Ann, Oshawa, at Mr. eates and over $5,000.00 has been owling adt G OInnilC . Joas,. Mr. and Corporal Harold Hockin was been increased tô 41 by new ar- loaned here .through thus means at J. Cowling's. .. Mr. and Mrs. G.ithnsMr. anod Htr, P. ort - hometo date. MerwinuCryderman and baby w Perry. lyMiss Marie P o rtN week. Newcastle Yunindsayewitn- hernparents,..issPtris-Cr-de- Be.R .Mro tedd The Sacrament of the Lord'à ion held their opening meeting man, Courtice, at L. Cryderman's. Lnday wmu erparnt; te Oshawa Presbytery meeting at Supper was observed at thue Unit- Monday evening and presented.. Jimmie Brodie, Toronto, at Mr. ..Ms a.WuaioM.A Columbus. ed Church Sunday when seven their former president and bride, J. R. Reynolds'. .. Sergeant Stu- thr. Jas.m lan is Mrs. Ahee Hares srvce wil e el ~persons were received inta church Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, art Hogarth aud Privats Bruce thr J Por tPer..Mrn Mrs U Ahel HvSt. eries whur heudain membership by transfer. with a framed picture of a bas- Hogarth of the Midland Regiment, esvortle rcy, MrshandatMr 2 FR lèoe 2th. M.Ewr eeik eea e ffoes isMroi Ly- Niagara, with their parents.. .M.Hsi n'aey shaat r -Mrs. R. A. Delve, Oshawa, visit- of the last war and a volunteer of cett presided for the business ses- Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn, Port R.eArtM.eadOc Anthe ofth ed Mrs. W. N.' Buckley and Mis this one, though rejected on se- sion and Donald Jose for the pro- Hope, at W. W. Horn's. . - C.- H. Buv n rileadGtA TeaFerguson. count of wounds, has gone to gram. Stanley Allin read the Burrows, Oshawa, at Mrs. *M. Sm rc Choir of taneeutv srpur ndRv R .Morton G...'... Mr. and Mrs. David au mn u rn . S saieau-,. Cuc ilsing at KedlUi-teBaiue.Hg ch Or- bus, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson sud ___ e hrhOct. 12th. r.DalDvis, chestra favored with a selection son Bobby, Thornton's Corners,VE BadmnH .nee Miss Mary Morton, Thornhil, and Jin Patterson rendered violin at Mr. J. McNab's. . . Mr. snd o terSujtT'F R E BadmnH .AliBri-who wr are nJnvst oo.Mmeseggdi a Mrs. C. Nelson, and Mr. Condciptso Mrs.AIfl au ~ wiutu.ed Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton jumbled word contest straighten- R. Dean, Mount Dennis, at Mr. S. Mmesoffu esreayeldreees ousck as Co LIne U aiu Mr.Ali ndRt. eorgroom anove.M. n utaforlsosazadd c k, Silina'. ith.r sster, !Mers. wrnbersoex eemp n lne rm èrom Cps i Coub yastMoniey Sv will be held in the United Church with the R.C.A.F. and the orchestra played the wed- Joe Chapian... Mr. snd Mrs. A. $2compulsory military training un- res next Sunday, Oct. 12th. The Men's Club of St. George's ding march. Northcutt and daughters, Bow- 7 der the four-nuonth draft plan. Pte. Wm. Allin, home on leave Church held their "Ladies' Night" Autumn thankofferiug meeting manville, at A. Blanchard's. .- Reservists wluo enlisted prior ta LOOK FOR TrE HAN.UBILL AT 1OEDO froin Nanaimo, B.C., had his tinue on Tuesday evening in the parish of the W.M.S. was held Oct. 2nd, J. R. Reynolds and son David with Agut15,14,w now be cail- FRFJLPRIUAS extended until Monday. hall when an enjoyable time was with President Mrs. Norman Allin frienda iu Toronto.. . . . MissF.OeR FtheLLae lases u te sin Mr. and Mrs. Archie Iiugraham, spent with cards and other games. in the chair. Meeting opened with Leach, Oshawa, with her sister C R EDI1T manuer as were other youths. proprietors of the Queens Hotel, The Patrick O'Nei1 silver cup for prayer for peace, and flue presi- Wilma Leach... . Jack Cowliiug, T R MS Men between the ages of twenty- THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SAT R A were Toronto visitors with Dr. local carpet balling was presented dent gave the theme for flue Toronto, at Jno. Cowling's. one and twenty-foum will be sub- and Mrs. McClure during fie to last season's winner, Thomas month-We live by faith through Sympathy is extended to Mrs. ject to caU for four months coin- October 16 - 17 - 18 Long Brauch races. Spencer Jr. SvnsCm God1 the Father. Mrs. Morton led L. Niddery in flue death of herM A pulsory traiinug.WLN ,Po t When school opened ini Septein- Newcastle War aigCo-n prayer after which Mrs. Honey brother, Departvey Bre-M 1Ra SInnt oNtion al Deiefmtense h onD f ber Miss Hattie Mason had an mittee, Mr. R. S. Graham, chair- gave an enlighteniflg tallc on "lIs ton. GruDfWeI ed ~pitnte outfatonl "i n sel65 F leU~.Dlv enroilment of 35. This has now mn, met October lst ta consider our work worthwhile?" She prov- North ruofWI.hla JEWELRY pitdotta ny1i pca 9 ..C W IG __________________________________________ it was by giving facts and fig- sewing bee and afternoon tea at Phono 403 circunustances"' could members of ures relative to the work in Ja- Mrs. W.* Chapman's. fie reserve army Who enlisted be -___________________________ pan sud China. Devotional ser- Rev. Thos. Wallace of Green- fore August 15, 1940, be con dr vice sud prograin was in charge bank will occupy fie pulpit on ed to have had fie equivalent of___________________________ ofMrs. Walter Rickard's graup. Sunday evening next, our pastor four manfis mitsry training. In Scitr a edb r.Gr aiganvrayservices at Cuc future, certificates of command- ham, will be Camp Commandant. fect of sctcigannero Se critrkard by MimrowGar aknganniversary i dvncs"weeing officers willl not be accepted le has been in charge of some of rumors abou ie ap e sa ickard. MfrsT-. un Bowneena led by Mrs. N. White for fie tes- bY divisional"tuhGe anpsorsi surgctiesitgoenen members of Mrs. Rickard's group ceso uir, e.J .Gi- Not Hinder Operations fie "north ceauutrys with in soffici 'aegvncrflcn W. S. Staples ~~~~~~~presented a short play depictiugfih omnllfrteItrtenrhcutyadwt isfiil a fie troubles of a W.M.S. president MapleGoe mediates, Senior sud Young Peo- Moveinent of trainees ta coin- experience and the qualUty of fie sideration tote1ln W . S. S ta p le s stwen er ell w ambrshp Stven Gpvee,'Mm. H. G. Freeman, Maple Pulsory trainiug camups wauld flotmeunrhicouadfeeis_ _________ MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT vwhen oher eow-ieibrshad Vsias:Maysu Rsei Alsd for the Sui>eiintendents, fine econiued prtosof mnudrhscmadteei hZow truer n Rsel .1 adRv.J Lln o hetereev nuits, acrdn toa little chance of escapes. Officers hweverything was changed dead, tawn, with Madaliue sud AutBbecass fe hc local officer. sud men of fie V.G.C. are expeet- TH AN K SGI VI NG D AY this year finds ter they had received fie vision. Ross Meteaif, Base Line. . . Mrs. Athfle lsssof feruswere "At fie rate fiey are goiug ta ed ta live wifllu the compound Those tkigpart were Ms.Nor- J .Seeswifihber brotherthcamp, I donof thenk it wauld m ansd their wives can live na closer~ farmiers still carryimg an deopite lack of help. man Riekard, Mrs. George Allmn, Mr. F. R. Foley, St. Catharin e rup. sauy mrofehcaIdicl n gel eerefa the town o! owmanviile I ihtotakai fm adadne utmesfr Mrs. Howard Cooke, Mrs. Harry gMm. sud inCharlie White en-ofBowanvlle I wih t thnk a ofmy ld nd nw cutoersfor eare, rs.Morton and Mms. Mjoyedamotr tnp auebechity n- Rev. Littlewoad synopsized fie ufits," he said. "Although fie . People of fie district must re- joye a mtor rip o Qubec ityset-up is changed, I don't th sign themselves ta fie situation their patronage and cooperation during the current Howard Allun. A social half-haur last week.. . Mr. sud Mrs. Ivison commitinent which included six anulgmr a es i ad-bcuetegoenetkeoue season and suggest fiat orders be placed at once was then spent. MnaRy ak u on u oints: fie need of reachiug every ascrie fie tutan." ly, wilde- cthangoernlersolutna for1942 rquiemets.Mr. sud Mrs. Wallace Muuday at Persan; the need of teachers; the "This new orçIer presents fie particular. Wlefler or not mer- iqIP THE 142TATESMAN ts.Mr. and Mms. Elgin Munday's, creation of a warking fellawship; unusual spectacle af is h chants af fie town will benefit lu Seln.. Mr. sud Mms. Hioward fenda!tingfolaer; actually volunteered ealy in fie gettiug orders for supplies is yet WiDER PRESENT CONDITONS POWER N<>W SOLD AT Crydemman, Shirley, Carias sud the nee o the best helps; su a ro ensbetd t iet be found out. Certainly flere Oshawa - Fe akn MA.OHINERY 18 A BECESOIT. THESE STrORES d rdenan t M. dscurhm eieecsiansr gar-gvernnuent's conscription îaws. will be littie o! a military social ____________ MsE.Twist's. .. Mr.sdMs n huc b~si. . It is an indication of fleir alarm centre which wauld have sur,- Orders placed befare November 3th can be carried___ Keifi Ormiston, Oshawa, at his Rev. C. G. Park gave an luspir- sud failure ta get nuen ta join the rounded an air force school. Fia father's. . . Dr. sud Mrs. L. H. ing address lu which he. enpha- services." Col. Gibson's visit had fie e!- FrdyadSt dy on regular ternms. After that date there can be no Newcastle: Auderson's Drug. Coates and son Danny, Brantford, sized fie help secured fronu fie ____________ guarantee as ta price and ternis. liampton: G. A. Barron & Son. at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's... M.r.dicussions. WallaeBr F. R. Foley, St. Catharines, with olowing a vote of .thanks ta vveuumigs CALO HN IRU EA.Enniskillen: T. M. Siemon & Son Mmsr. J. D. Stevens. .. Mm. sud Mms. Rev. Park sud cangregatian for in a mole heaoeea1rup CALLOR HOIX WIHOU DEAY.Burketon: Harold Gill. Norman Burgess have retumued the use of fie Wlitby church, the U A I Welding - Machine Shop Service Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. froin a motor trip ta Algonquin meeting closed with prayer by Cooper-uucKay V YM Nestleton: J. G. Thompson. Park and North Bay sud wifi Rev. J. V. McNeely, Oshawa. A ueWbtpetywdduLa Strg.Pontypool: W. ri. Hooper. relatives at Peterboro sud Lind- A'qieARNACLE But'ng aÈ7 Strg.Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. say... Mr. and Mrs. A. Wexnyss, 2flemweu MOharguerite MKayBA (WESTEN GA A E etnil:WC.Ln&Co Benson, Toronto, at Mr. Roy Van- Nestieton daughter o! Mm. sud Mrs. WilfredM Tyrane: P. L. Byani. Csuup's. . . Mms. Thos. Baker sud McKay, Newtonville, becam eM ee ai Rin St. Bawmanile Phane 781 Courtice: Frank Walter. Miss Vera Baker, Soia, Sert Nestleton W. 1. met at fie home bride o! Mr. Vance Cooper, sonnad-ee gams litsSoe Sain Castle, Kingston, Sergt. Stu- o! the president, Mms. M. Emer- of Mr. and Mms. Charles Cooper, Bowmanviile: W. J. Ber, J. qrt Hiogath and Pte. Bruce Ha- son, with meeting lu charge of Orono. Bey. McNeely officiated. REVIVAL W. Jewell. J. H. Jolunston, Jury & garth, Niagara Falls, at Mms. L. C. Mms. G. Johns' group. Rollcal The bride looked lavely lu a Loveil. Snowden's. was suswered wifi remedies for powder blue wool dress with navy Anna Neale _________________________________________________________________ Misses Jean Stevens, Mildred colds, burns sud poison. Ladies hat sud accessories ta match,.lier Ray MIUand Snowden, Dorothy McMaster, sud have planned ta make firee quilts cqrsage was o! pink roses sud lnbas Messrs Glenn Metcalf sud Gardon lu aid o! Red Cross. Mms. W. Sut- bouvardia. She was attended by Jarvie are attending night SCchfl'liffe very kind]y donated a top Miss Audrey Cooper, sister o!fie ____________ at Oshawa. .1 for one ta be quilted at her home. groom, becomingly gowned -in Y. P. U. has opened for fie win- There were 19 ladies and saine rose crepe with black hat sud ac- i ter, wîithflese officers: Hon. Pres. children presenit. Mms. Emerson cessories ta match,.lier corsage Monday olLF Rev. W. C. Sithf; Prest.-Gordon sud fie group were given a hearty was also o! pluk roses sud bau-4 M GJarvie; Convenors - M il dr ed vote o! thsuks. vardia. Mr. Jin Wood, Orano, BE4N Snowden, Dorafiy McMaster, Congratulations ta Miss Alice was best man. DaFO Jean Jarvie, Lawrence Wragg; Hoskin and Mr. Melville Hienry, Following thue ceremony fieay See'y.-Dorofly Snowden; Asst. bath o! Oshawa, who were mna.- weddiiig Party enjoyed a, dinxuer Hand Knit Garments A:Sec'y.-Lorraine Sithf; Treasur- ried lu the United Church on Sat- sud a!terwards fie happy couple 8 er-Bob Snowden; Asst. Treasur- urday. left on a motor trip ta Eastern mean coin!omt 4 boys lu theAn er--Glenn Metcalf; Social Coin.- Mm. sud Mms. Win. Steele have points. They wiil live lu Oshawa. service. They make childmen E ESLorraine Smith, convenor, Mil- maved ta Mm. H. She!field's houise look their vemy best. They add Mickey RooeYsYu'm dred Snawden, Greta Munday, for the winter. We welcome flenu Gay-McQuade the smart touch to any woman's Lewis Stone rgtiieBe Clarence Brown, Roy McIntyre, ta Nestleton. Seain VanCamp; Pianist-Marion Nestletan W. A. wml meet at Blackstock parsonage was fie costume. We have new ship- Judy Garlad Hryfl lov 1F-AFoley; Asst. Pianist-Edna Swal- Mms. W. G. Bowles' Oct. lafi. scene o! a quietly pretty wedding flents of wools for ail pumposes. Ann Rutherodet low; Leadership Training Con- _____________ on Octaber 4th when Miss Nomma arl D ANN PGE Pacy oungGftivenor-Greta Munday; Ushers- Viola McQuade, daughter of Mr. SPECIAL WOOL FOR B3AB3y PaicaD AmPG qn r a ta-yomgorv. uo» l. 39c Gardon Metcalf, Leslie Garwood; an__________sd Mms. W. O. McQuade, Cad.. GARMENTS. SAKD GfISde tX60v S an d e1 b.Editor o! Paper-Clifford Swal- mus, was united lunumamiage t BAKED OODS RICKE VS PrsB oitib. 19c low; Ass'ts.-Helen Metcalf;, Doro- Mm. 'John Henry Gay, son o! Mr. Pattern 1Booka and Needies. Nx r.&St MEAD 4% t 8%Ib thy McMaster, Glenn Metcal!, Rsu ad Mms. M. J. Gay, Courtice. NwSokO itdyadNx Poroeum. SYIIIR oy McIntyre. Bev. D. M. Stinson officiated. AMEAPanor WhiteSwAn. CbFc e gump 9 Mrs. Wallace Munday and Mms. ,, To The attendants were Miss Leah GeDerai Gmeetiug EDWAI) R OBN WleWetSE S rRITSBookula 19 Lloyd Metcalf had fleir church W a cudsse !febie u ad.MREEDERC Cr-s.SHckDe o C UCWHhIS at » membership trans!erred and wereWearMm. Sain Gay, Tno to broher n ad AL ?'e- 15 IRUa' rC CX]O S S L1c welcomed into church feliawship o feM rom.y orno bohGEORER4 EM.afBm uNi L.»ZC at Maple Grove on Sunday. C IT The bride was charming dress-.wl CAK 1t 'Med e. S M" MJMeBO T l.;lcMape Grove Shool News SUIIw> d lu heaven-blue redingote crepe L .DuW L CAK ~iiI os.I c M AT BL DEf08 ! b. ie (By the pupiis o!fie school) wifi black accessories sud cor- d IRL e.1C ndJa Wo fonou cho.$1 -0 weaingfie graom's gift, a beau- Pon "56 BIG 20" M ROLL a.m~URG T -Z. x&ra Lea ILb.17C sudlJan Bohdllfrougrshooin.a * Wul silver fox fur. The brides-55 DO G N T doL . 12c 8 USAgiq C oun'- rySty bat which made a very interest-j maid wore a drcss o! crushed- ea. 29 giqlol IL 1c inglesson lu science....We had By Famous csries andcorsage o! pina k - A GLC Kà% rietLkIL.291C aur regular music lesson on Mon-Makes. crases sud fcrsdenecklace o! Vienna Twist M-Ol 9c d__ad________________roesnd____adeckac o ___________________White, Gertrude White and May;I double-strand pearis, the glft of _______________Wright. made a healfi chat far ALSO AGENTS the groom. DOESICFrshFrtas ég ta le ceein hi, ans ndtetU FRA!ter fie ceremony the bridai Fresh ruits Veg.tblerac e Vg ar, an s ad e tl (FORParty met fe immediate mm- SHORTENINO . .....[mis chat.... We wish ta thsuk The brfolênilaiie t h Bl ___________CapeCod__IL____ Statesman for fieelu!formation B n ~m ~ m~ ap.Zlc given in feir last issue on David they were served with the wed- DO E TI O ,.. rde V ar akn as eil Ibrs o t er1anii sat eB l andemem&iates by ftev. A. R.-d ad or-local labr. One can- DS il-o. 5Rose ~ 4e ~69e Cragg, Bowmanville. diate fora job was rebuffed and ?f,~Dunodu- TU . A. A. Dumn, Onono's appealed ta, W. F. Rickard, M.P., L i g AvP OOD STO ES alu ofsinging in the Sunday ieaon vslvrugUfl _ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ th e y ind tea othrus. RMAinI talaetinfgrmio, hs a llerdn«T E TO F __________________Î_____________ ehl. lad a theogthrus in Se L D. olect informgardsn,haccfalnTHEST R F QU AL KTY M~~. ~Misa Myrtlc Smith, Orono, was ta active units cf the Veterans Phone 596 Dîvm evc pianlat. "The ___________ Guard cf Canada sud lb la ex -_____________1_____________ Group discussion on "h pected fiat Major M. S. Gooder-, /4

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