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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1941, p. 7

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tfl]DAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PA(E ~EVI!T~ SOCIAL AND' PERSONVAL Phono 663 [C Pte. Jack Knight, Peta*~awa, was homne over the weekend. Mrs. Rd. Pooly;, Othawa, visitecd her aiter, Mrs.,êi. J. Richards. . Mrs. Chas. H. Mason left Tues- day ta viý_it relatives in Winni- i M.9p Mrs. I¶ugh Nind, To- rônto, spent -the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.*Duncan Smith. s~3~r. Dune. Thompson, Carlyle, k., is visiting her sister Mrs. âateriPingle, Manvers Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore and children, Little Britain, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Mac Moore. Pte. Charles Wright, R.C.A.F., Galt, was a weekend visitor with Miss Mildred Coulter and friends in town. Boy Scout Apple Day is Satur- day - help yoursel1 ta healthi and MONARCH wOOLs For Ail Purposes SEE THE NEW FALL SHADES. LAST CALL! This is YOur lasi month for 1941 wailpaPers. Odd room-Iots lef t at reasnable prlces. Glidden'is JA P-A-LAC PAINTS AND VARNISHES For Interlor work-at low prices. WE SPECIALIZE IN APE 'PRODUCTS. - See Our - Greetlng Carda Fine Statlonery Serviettes Crepe Papers Dolues INVEST IN YouTH BUY A Scout Apple Saturday! JOUNTON'S BOOKSTORE and LENDING LIBRARY Phone 651 Bownmaavle ENEW SEASON'S MINCEMEAT QUAKER XXXX FLOUR Ivery 180 Gueronl..d 98 Ib. bag 2.49 24'o 69C PUDDIN caramel . uttericotch Vanillae.Chocolt. 27e 1 I50 NEW SEASON GOLDEN *ANIrAM CORN 2 in* 210 2 m250 NEW SM1BON'S BAKING GOODB Citron Pool --lb. 45c orange - Lemon Peel --lb. 29e Bulk Red Cherries- lb. 49e Cut Peel 1/2 lb. pkg. 17c Raisins 2. lb. 25 Domino Baking Powder - lb. 19c Soedd15n oz. Pkcg. RaIsn --17e Pinoapplo Rings - each 7c FRUIT & VEGETABLES Hundurae Doz. Oranges - Ige 39c Full of Juioe - Large Sîze FIrm Green Cabbage - each 8c Snow White - Large Size Each Cauliflowers 12c LI1G H T BUL BS SOLEX och 200* 23, 40, 60 and 100 watts LUXOR 2 for250 30 and 60 watts cnlanýd, ,and -Mn r.- and -Mrs. H-a rî Stnutt and Phyllis, at Mr. B. Hub- band's. Salvatian Army, Bowmanville, held a service at the cburch Sun- day aftennoon. A numben fnom lhere attended tbankoifering service at Ennis- killen Sunday evening, including 'o Salue u ýfor- nef Fas io help a worthy organization. E( generous. Mrs. John Holmes, Dresden, hac returned home after spendingî - week with her daughter, Mrs. Gi:. - bert Doey. Constable C. R. Doey, R.C.M.P. -Grand Prairie, Alta., visited lui *brother Gilbert and Mrs. Doey, Church Street. Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Welsh, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with his mc- ther Mrs. E. Welsh at his sister's, Mrs. T. E. Prout. Miss Chris Crombie and Miss Lorraine Pickard have accepted positions in Toronto as compto- meter operatorffi Mr. and Mis. S. T. Preston re- ceived a telegram stating their son Corp. Dave Preston has ar- rived safely in England. Mr. and Mis. A. E. Moffatt and family, town, Mr. and Mis. 1. Farrow, Orono, spent Sunday with relatives at Omemee. A picture of the Midlands az St. John, N.B., on a steamer ex- cursion appears in the Camp Bar- den Bullett in the Oct. 3rd issue. Mrs. Charles Carter is with her daughter Mrs. George Kreig, Kingston, Ont., who is undergoing a seriaus operatian in hospital. Mrs. Otto Bragg and family, Shaw's, Mis. M. Smith and Mis. Thomas Smith, Blackstock, visit- ed Mrs. L. J. Barton, Church St. Speaker at the Hospital Gradu- ation Exercises in Trinity Churci tanight is Rev. W. A. Hunniset af Fred Victor Mission, Toronto. Mis. Wm. Morgritson and son Wilfred, Hamilton, have been visiting her sister and brother, Miss Eva J. and Mr. Herbert Wakelin. Mrs. George Hilson, Toronto, is visiting at her father's Mr. T. E. Prout, while her husband is on an extended trip ta Vancouver and western points, Pte. B. J. Severs, Lincoln & Welland Regt., spent four days visiting his parents on King St., enroute fram Camp Nanaima, B.C., ta Newfoundland. Canon Allen ai Brampton, whc preached in St. John's Church an Sunday, was the guest ai his cou- sins, the Misses Allen, Beech Avenue, over the weekend. Mi. and Mis. Chas. Bail and Freddie, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis, Fred Hughes and Mr. O. Rand, HospitalGaduation Three nurses comp rise the 1941 graduating dlais ini Bow- manville Hospital. They are Irene Miflicent Stephens, Bal- carres, Sask., Jessie Elizabeth Hogarth, Hampton, and Mar- ion. Elizabeth Knox, Bow- manville. Graduation exer- cises are being held in Trinity United Church on Thursday, Oct.* 9th, at 8 a'clock, ta which the publie is invited. An out- standing speaker has been secured for the occasion and will present diplomas ta*- the class. =KToronto, spent Sunday with Sand Mmi. Gea. E. Pritchard. Are you reading John At& senies af articles on "Our Fi Supply"? They are very in: mative. 1 "Safe and well" was the bi Be cablegrain received Fniday Mis. Melbourne Hawley from. husband who recently leit Pt as wawa for sonicwhere overseas al Besides big utthe f week lu Octaber, this is also1 tionally Advcrtised Brands We National Newspaper Weeka us National Fire Prevention Weel 71 Several relatives and fric: are already sending The Stal h-man ta soldiers at the special r aio $ 1.50 a year annaunccd1 es, week. A.C.1 Geo. McFecters, wba as been taking the elementary Bd training course at St. Thomas,1 0now graduatcd and is home Icave before leaving for a n, e-station. ýir A car dniven by Jack Trir - leit the highway at a point n( Maple Grave late Saturday nug id Damage ta the front ai the car 1. considerable but the occupai vy escaped injury. Mr. Henry Lathrope was tz Toronto on Friday attending1 - wedding ai bis gmandsan, J - Charles Papineau, to Miss Hel e.Maya, which taok place in Br David's Anglican Cbumch. 9, Statesmnan mailing lists ha tg been brougbt Up ta date. Lc at the yellow label and sec yayums is correct. If in arrea s.well, you know what is cxpectg - Tbânk you! dDamage ai about $40.00 m - onc ta a vebicle bclonging ta ff Mamlow, Blackstock, whcn et struck a colt which was loase .the road north ai Hampton cai S Saturday mamning. The anin Mwas unhumt. r, Mis. James A. Phillips, 1M rt Marion Phillips, Messrs. Jan and Robent Phillips, and Ms M idned White, New York City,a guests ai Mis. N. S. B. James ai xxMn. and Mms. Gea. W. James wb rvisiting their numerous Canadii cousins. k Mi. and Mis. George Adan *s Oshawa, newlyweds, wcre cntE taincd at a wedding suppen Mi. and Mis. Laverne Souchi Monday. A.Fun guilty before Magistra n .E. Gee on a charge afi mdcc Lassault against Joan Lewis, age hCaesarea, Alfred W. Goodes, T1 monta, is being beld pending se: tence. W. R. Strike was cous dfor the defendant. Crown Attc 51 ney Hamry Deyman reqtîcstcd th 1the hearing be conducted camera"1 Wonk will soon be unden wi at Rotary Park, levclling t] ground ta pravide a largen i, surface than twa years aga. It planned to eneet a building on t] premises ta be uscd for changii skates, storing Fair booths, ai penhaps a rcfreshment boat Progressively more wifllbe addg ta the pnoperty during the tg yeans Rotary bas leased it fro the town. Meeting with'a dccimatedm tendance due ta a dozen Rotaria being in Toronto ta hear Intern tianal President Tom Davis Butte, Montana, the Friday R, taiy luncheon was undcr the di ectian ai Past President Frý Haar. A discussion aiflthc use1 which Rotary Park is ta be pi bmaught forth several gaad sul gestions. Two guests were Jat Sanda ai Caciarea and Rcv.1 Beech, Roseneath. Along Canadian highways mo cars from Maine, imom. Floridi fram Oregon, froin New York ar Caliiornia and evcry other stal in the Union, pnoving that entr ta and exit fram, Canada is as eas as usual. Sympathy with Cane da's wam efforts, favorable eux rency exchange and the fact the no passpants are requircd ai some aiflichemaisons why the ai nual trek ai American touriste; t Canada is on thc increase. Evcry s0 aiten a niunicipalil: is fonced ta put on a "sale af laný for taxes," which ineans a citizei is thmee an mare yeais bchind ii paying his cîvic taxes. To collet these taxes Town Council has thi autharity thnough the Municipa Act ta ofier these properties fc sale by public auction in order ti nealize the amaunt ai taxes over due. It is six yeans since suchi sale was held in Bowmanville ani it is iound necessary ta hold an othen sale wbicb is announced ii this issue. Thene are 29 propei tics listcd which have taxes in ai neans varying in amounts iras $39.21 ta $824.54. Owncrs havi the oppartunity ai paying ai Stock Medicine, Etc. Bell's Veterinary Wonder $1.00 Sulphur - - - - 5 iba. 25e H.T.H. 15 - - 75e- $1.50 C.A. Worm Capsules for Poultry, 50's - - - $1.25 Reduced Iran, 2 oz. -- 35e Wheat Germ 011, 3 oz.- $1.00 PIN Soffer! Salonl 12 Box25e 30 Box 59C 48 Box S's MODS ET WOMEN'S WAR AUXILIARY MEETS About 120 attcnded the euchre party in the Parish Hall sponsor- ed by the Bowmanville Women's Wam Auxiliany on Thursday. The arrangements wcrc under the canvenarsbip ai Mis. Stan Bec- kett and hen untiring efforts made passible a successful and profit- able affair. Prize winners wene Mis. Archie Brown, Mis. Harry Morden, Earl Byam and Mrs. El- gle Harnden. A beautiful crochetcd bcd- spread, the work af Mis. Archie Tait, was donated by ber ta the Auxiliary and proceeds from the rafile were $207.50, which wîll be used ta buy Christmas parcels fan all Bawmanville Boys on Active Service. F. C. Pethick was the lucky winner. For this raffle, Mis. Tait sald aven $100.00 worth ai tickets herself. Mns. Muriel Dunn donated $25.00 from the rummage sale ta the Auxiliary. FaIllwing the presentation ai pnizes, refreshments were senved. The Auxiliary wishes ta express their sincere tbanks and apprecia- flan toalal who helped in any way ta make thîs event a real success. Obituary Mrs. Wm. G. Corden Bawmanville cîtizens w e re greatly saddened, when on Friday evening, October 3rd, they learn- cd af the death ai Teresa Murphy, beloved wifc ai Wm. G. Corden, at the home ai her sister Mis. James Cayley, Lindsay. Whlle it was known for some time that Mirs. Corden was in paon hcalth, this news came as a great shock ta ber many fniends. Mrs. Corden for many years was an autstanding personality lu the business lufe ai this tawn, being associated first with the dry goods firm ai S. W. Mason & Son, later with G. R. Mason af the Smant Sbop, and for a number ai years was in partncrship with Mis. Frank Oke aperatîng the Evlyn Shop which is naw con-1 dutced by Mrs. Cliii Cavemly.I During ail these years Mis. Cor- den made many loyal iriends being caurteaus and dependable- in aIl hem dealings and ever will- ing ta do her part ta improve business conditions and make Bowmanville a better place in which ta live. Her remains were brought ta Bowmanville and rested at the hame ai her brother-in-law, Mi. Lyle Canden, Carlisle Ave. The Funenal Mass was celcbrated on Manday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Jascph's Church by the Rev. S. J. Coiiey who delivered a tauching and impressive sermon. Besides ber husband, Mis. Cor- den has leit ta mourn her lass, three brothens, Joseph and Pat- rick ai Toranto, John ai Lindsay, and four sisters, Mis. Patrick Malloy, Downcyville, Mrs. Albert Heenan and Mns. Geo. Thompson, Breezy, fresh, perfect for casual wear! Strollers, rur feits and wool quality. ONLY $2.50 u Dresses Special Hundreds of styles to choose from. Excitlug new teatime, datetime dresses. Faîl colora. 12 te 20. Look over the stock sometime. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Ltd. Ladies' Wear Men'sWear Coarse, thick shouldered, short, i I IToronto, and Mis. James Cayley, jLindsay, jThe hgh esteem in which Mrs. Corden was beld was iittingly [expncssed in the many and beau- tings sheiriveal.aThefloattoer i- iful spi reitual andelaltafer - cluded wreaths from the Good- year Recreation Club; Dept. 290 and 293, Goodyear; Bowmanville Fire Brigade; Arsenal Office Staff, Lindsay; Canada Bread Ca., and No. 4 Platoon 32nd Coy. V.G.C. Palîbearers wcre Rager Bird, Stanley, Harvey and Lyle Cor- den, Frank Cayley and Howard Cowlc. Interment taok place lu St. Mary's Cemctery, Lindsay, where Rev. E. Grant, assisted by Rev. S. J. Caifey, conducted the burial rites. stubby, plump pigs must be dis- camded, and their place taken by hags ai bacon type if Canadian bacon is ta etain its position in the British Market, states the ne- vised farmers' bulletin "Swine Production" issued by the Domin- ion Depatment ai Agriculture. What canstitutes a bacon hog, breeds ai bacon hogs, grading, the advanced negistry palicy, breeding metbods on the iarm, feedi and thein prepanation, care ai the bneedlug boar, tbe brood sow, care and management ai the litten, feedlug and management aitem weanmng, charactenistica ai feeds, economy in ludoor pig pro- duction, nutritianal deficiency diseases, and many other tapies are dealt .with in detail. The bul- letin consista ai 56 illustratcd pages and may be obtained free fromn the Publicity and Extension Division, Dominion 'Department ai Agriculture, Ottawa. SPECIAL!e Larg site itube GI [LETTES NEW LATHER SHAVI NG CREAM and a pkg. of 10 BLUE GILLETTE BLADES 90C valu. Special Values THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Rubber Gloves - - pair 19o Wax 'Paper - - - 100 ft. Zie 10e Pocket Combs - - - 4c Tooth Brushes - - - - Ilc 25c Castor 011 - - - - 17e Noxzema, 93c aize - - - 65e 25e Cocoanut 0O1 Shampoo 17e Enniskillen Mission Band on Sunday morn- ting apened by singing "Jesus Bids iUs Shine"; reading by Alice Simp- son; scripture by Ralph Lamb; Mrs. M. Stainton told a stary; piano solo by Joyce McGill. Pray- er by Isabelle Rahm brought the meeting ta a close. Mi. and Mis. John Siemon <nee Jessie Knox) were the honored couple at a presentatian in the Orange Hall on Wednesday eve- 1 ning last week. A humorous pro- grain cansisted ai a monologue by Jean Crossman; piano solo, Mona Brunt; readmng by Jean Burr; piano solos by Ruby Mc- sLaughlin and Mona Brunt; sev- eral selections by Earl Luke on fhis piano accardian. Jessie and John were asked ta take the hon- ored chairs an the prettily decor- ated platfarm. Frank Dorland read an address and a beautiful cambination desk was presented. Speeches were made by the happy couple, also by F. Werry, B. Ash- tan, G. Beech, A. Boyd, J. A. Werry and O. Ashton. A. Sharpe was chairman. Lunch was served and the remainder of the evening spent lu dancing. Y. P met Tuesday evening. Devotional was in charge af Mis. J. Slemon: Thase taking part were Jean Burr, Myrtle Page, June BeehonLorraine agead chrGe Aseh or aina Rae ad cMr.g. af remainder af the pragram: Reading, Mrs. E. Wright; piano solo, Mis. L. Lýamb; "Missions in Canada" was the tapie given by Mrs. O. Ashton; reading by Meta Degeer; Rev. Plant led in com- ,munity singing. Game was played. "In nothing be anxiaus," ,etc., was the text Rev. A. Plant used in the Sunday night Thanksgiving service, when Bunketon choir sang same beautiful and appra- priate selections. Visitors: Miss Jeannie Diamond at lier home in Norham. Mi. and Mis. E. C. Ashton and June, Mi. and Mis. O. C. Ashton at Mi. I. G. Travell's, Oshawa. Miss Gladys Page, R.N, and Mr. R. Pinder, Oshawa, with Mrs. Etta Page. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and family, Oshawa, at Mrs. Ella Smith's. Miss Florence Till and Mi. G. Elliott, Guelph, Mr. and Mis. Mc- Queen, Jim and John, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Abernethy, Dor- othy and Evelîna, Tottenham, at Mr. R. 'Griiiq's. Mn. and Mis. W. Veale, Toronto, Spr. Cameron Oke and Spr. Joe Campbell, Petawawa, at Albert Oke's. Mrs. H. Ryley, Mn. and Mns. B. Ryley, Harry and Babby, Mrs. C. Staples, Bethany, Mrs. J. Ward and Kinkwood, Chesley, Mn. and Mrs. F. Billett and Douglas. Sean- bora Bluffs, Mrs. P. McGill and Mmi. R. Ashton, Leaside, at Mn. R. McGill's. Mi. and Mns. A. Brunt, Mona and Carl, at Mr. W. Marks', Scu- gag Island. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech at Mr. S. Rodman's, Part Perry. aGIN Gr aves' L.B.O. Tabiets 24e ILS Lysai - 35e - 65e - $1.25 Two Sizes Zam-Buck Ointment 47e Hlnd's Hand Cream 49c 39e - 69ic Ipana Tooth Paste 29e - 49e Odo-ra-no Cream Deoderant -- 39e Castoria for F E U T. children -33e-OSe Pacquin's Hand Cr. 29e Revelon Nail Enamel 50e IuTOfu Nar Tange lm e Llpstiek 19e - 49c-98 ii Sal HePatica 300-59e-1.15 dudlo Feen-a-msrn lS-33-69e Feel Tîred, Liloai.., Bromo-Seltzer 25e-49c-95e *to' TRY- Buekley's Mixture 40e - 75o Nov-KlpFruitatives - 22e - 39c Pepsodent Toath Trabiets Paste -- 29e -45e te thomineodtab- I Pepsodent Tooth lt&--&. mnuerl foodeta- Powder - 29e -45e 150 Tb. Pepsodent 150 abs. .79A ntiseptie 29e - 49 c - 89 c 300 Tobs. 1.39 Sloan's Liniment 33e - 63e 750 Tubs. 2.79 MeCa Olntment 23c-45e-79c Menn's Bonated Talc. 29c-59c WAKE UP AND LIVE! Charme Castile Soap 4 - 22o Courtice Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Curtis Gearîng <nec Olga Hane- wich), and ta Mr. and is. Samuel vanGunten (nec Gladys Wood- ages) who weme marricd in To- ronta. Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Carson are ta be camplimented upon their eider san's achievement. While training lu the R.C.A.F. Observer- Pilot Lawrence Carson was pre- sented witb two sets ai wings at No. 1 Bombing and Gunnery Schoal, Janvis. Miss Jean Antil, tap dancer, helped ta entertain the R.A.F. at the Legion Hall, Oshawa. Miss Lorraine Antil entettained 20 girls friends ai the Imng Dept., Coulter Plant, Oshawa, ta a wien- er maast at ber home on Sept. 3th. Games and dancing werc enjoyed. No. 8 school bas installed a new fumnace in the seniors' room. Miss Gladys Reynolds and LAC. Walter Franklin, N. S., matancd ta Muskoka whcmc they visited Mi. and Mmi. S. Burgess at. Lake Rosseau. Visitons: Mis. Henry Howard, Westan, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brid- ges, Madoc, and Airemaitsman F. Middlctan, N. B., with Mm. and Mrs. Paul Antil. .. Mr. and Mis. George Reynolds with Mr. and Mis. Wm. Welsh, Oshawa, and with Mm. and Mmi. Gardon Barra- baIl and Mmi. Camemon Allisan, Peterboro. P*ractical Methods Of Swine Production Lange quantities of bam and bacon are caten lu Great Britalu, but the consumeis theme bave very dcfinite ideas as ta what klud o ain and bacon they want. The Britisb housewife demandi finish but not fat, which means that the bighest prices are paid an the British market for lean park producti. Fat bacon will not scîl in Great Bnitain. Bacon with juit enaugh fat and no more ta make the lean meat tender, juicy, and palatable is the kind that is wanted. Bacon ai this quality cames irom a praperly finished bog, an what is known in Canada as the bacon bag. EVANOELISTI TABERNACLE SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.-Sunday School. 11 a.m-Subject: IlThe Beginning of God's 'New Order'"I 7.30 p.m.-SubJect: IlGod's Answer to Modemism"l Pastor, Carman Lynn. -h iin ,d tevm 01two w.mlus ag. biew ta tihe gen lns af of Otna,, ciapie <tp. Actiorn louemsoui iaaJig fifu. as. E mrgnymtingi swerm e cà-f Growers O l 'sanndasli aln Ptl i...diteî.Dsnuos ndpasli .me.,ti alnap. Domi;nion'; 213 stores on Ontario .mdamy wa, Cailoats weo rprchasd-Srocil olielivodet tres w,=md-Lre doilt sweomiu.t sellmiin .ffort oranb.d-nt a dotail over 0 &m tspoct t al of ths Iatir. -<tops.t tOntario app, growrs my rmiv.thsr rat1t ferturn. Day " W fl'appi., ..W. "Windfll" ls a govarumasitgrade. Tii., wil ly f«ablef w wmmii. Nationally Advertised Brands AT LOWEST PRICES AT YOUR I.D.A. STORE Radio, newspapers, magazines and other means of advertising have made liopular many brands of quality drug produets and toilet articles. _________Besides being able to save money on guaranteed 1.D.A. Products you can buy these wldely advertised brands at the Iowest prîces lu the Dominion of Canada. We list many below. PHONE 792 for these popular produets now. ......... ......... BAYER ASPIRIN, 3 simes 22c - 39c - 98c SCOTT'S EMULSION -- 59C - 98c CHASES NERVE FOOD 60eO - $1.50 OVALTINE, 3 sizes - .38c - 58e - 98e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX MOEO Laura Secord DRUOS Phe e7ve CandiesPhn79 Vr take ENOIS FRUIT SALT'" THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGic srcv m. 1 aur chair. Thene will bc no ser- vice heme next Sunday. Mr. R. Philp is able. ta be araund agalu after bis illness. A cable was mceivcd Oct. 6th by Mis. Gea. Carter that George bad arrived safely in England. A.Y.P.A. ai St. John's Cburch, Blackstack, met at Miss Ethel Car- ter's witb 40 members and friends present. Mis. Aldred is in Lindsay with ber mother who is ill. Salvatian Army beld a cottage meeting at Mms. Bailey's on Oct. 2nd. Sala was given by Mr. Frank Carter. ý'Ulu SPAULI INTO TOUS Un *CONOMY 01-88 08888 imu 594 9 8Ç 300 PIANO AND ORGAN RECITAL PHYLLIS R. CHALLIS SOLO A.T.C.M. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH, BOWMANVIILLE Friday, October 17, 1941 8 p.m., D.S.T. Asslsted by Mr. W. E. C. Workman Miss Ruth James Mr. Owen Nicholas Silver Collection - Proceeds ln Aid of Trinlty Choir. j 1,1

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