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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONT~1UO THURSDAZ ,OCTOBER 0.1941 Grîdiron Opener Resuits in Defeat D.H.S. Against Much Heavier Lads The local rugby season opened Saturday afternoon with B.H.S. going down to defeat to Oshawa 6-0 at the school grounds. A rouge for one point and a fuxnble punt converted into a touehdown by Stroud, the Osha- wa Colegiate middle Wing, speiled defeat for the home teain. These scores came in the second quar- ter, with B.H.S. carrying the play from then on, but ta no avail. Oshawa fielded a team which was considerably heavier than the Bowmanviile teamn but could make littie headway on plays from scrimmage. The local team, on the other hand, moved the yardsticks on many occasions but fumbles at critical moments spelled disaster. The entire teain worked like tro- jans to overcome the early Osha- wa lead, and in the Iast quarter TRY TME NEW IMPKOVED CluocoLate Dairy Drinlk. Smoother, Rioher. EspeclaUY on- oergy-tvng for oblidren. carried play ta the Oshawa four yard line. Three smashes failec and B.H.S. lost its last chance to Atie the gaine. Gib Mclveen was the hardest working man on the f ield carry- mng the bail on a good many oc- casions and was in on most of the tackles. Mark Lambourne was also a tower of strength offensive- ly and defensively. The work of little Don Gilhooley at quarter, playing bis f irst gaine o! rugby, was also good. Tomorrow afternoon Peterborc Collegiate makes its annual visil ta the local field in a gaine whicli is always productive of exciting well played rugby. There will be a dance Friday evening for the two teains. Oshawa - Halves, S i mn o n s, Lynde, Davies, Fairheart; quarter, Langmaid; snap, Slediewski; in- sides, Stroud, Simpson; middles, Rundle, Bell; outsides, Brooks, Poloz; alternates, Smith, McNab, Chute, Disney, Prell, Mounce. Bowmanville - Halves, G. Mc- Ilveen, Allin, E. McIlveen, Cowan; quarter, Brown; snap, Ferguson; insides, Lambourne, D e n s e mn; middles, Rundle, Penfound; out- sides, Fisher, Edger; alternates, Gilhooley, Fletcher, Neal, Strike. Mason Trophy Presented At Dean.ry Banquet Presentation of the coveted F. H. Mason Tropby was made la SI. John's Anglican Church Men's Club, Port Hope, last year's win- ners o! the Deanery Carpetbal League, at the annual Deanery banquet, Sept. 301h, in Port Hope. The donor, Rev. F. H. Mason o! St. Monica's Anglican Church, To- ronto, and formerly o! St. George's Anglican Church, N e wea sît1e, mnade the prosentation la Robert Duke, vice-president o! the club. More Ihan 50 nienbors of the league were present from Ca- bourg, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Port Hope. This was the first time the Port Hope Club bas captured the tropby since il was put up for competition by Rev. Mason in 1932 when be was rec- tor o! St. George's at Newcastle. A splendid evening's entertain- ment was on the program, and this included twa delightful vocal solos by Miss Eileen O'Connor and Alfred Taylor. Bath were ac- companied on the piano by Mrs. Louise Gibson. When rnaking the presentation r of the cup ta St. John's, Rev. Mason spoke brlefly stressing the men's place in the church, calling on ail for ail-out support ta the church, and ta their club. Mr. Duke, when accepting the cup, thanked its donor, and expressed how happy the St. John's club was ta have the honor of winning it in last year's competitions. Other speakers were Rev. D. R. Dewdney, New castle; Rev. Se&- burn of St. Peter's, Cobourg; Rev. T. P. Crossthwait, St. Mark's, Port Hope; R. Austin, secretary of St. Peter's Anglican Churcb Men's Club, Cobourg, and H. G. Ballard, Port Hope, secretary, Deanery Anglican Church Men's Club. Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer, pre- sident of the club, occupied the chair and at the conclusion of the evening expressed his hearty con- gratulations ta the Port Hope win- ners, and his tbanks ta the solo- ists, and toa ai those who took part in making the banquet a success. ir ,d ýo st ie ls )f r, it h 9 ,e e Dorathy Downey of Bawxnan- ville lied with Maureen McGill, Whitby, in first place as senior girls' champion at tbe inîerschool track meet beld in Whiîby Wed- nesday afternoon, Oct. lst, when the best athletes from Bowman- ville, Whitby and Uxbridge M1gh Schools vied for honors in athle- tic events. Two records were broken dur- ing the afternoon. Johnston of Uxbridge added a balf-inch ta the 4 ft. 9 in. mark in the junior boys' high jump, and Beaton of Whitby smashed the senior boys' higb jump record of 5 ft. 4 in. by 2¾"4. Second place in senior girls' events was taken by Phyllis Tear, Wbitby. Junior girls' champion is Jean Wilson, Uxbridge, with Gloria Vesey, runner-up. SBoys' results are as folas Senior champion - R. Beaton of Whitby, 2nd Keith BifleIt, Bow- manville; Intermediate-Harnden, Whiîby; Green, Whitby; Junior- Jahnstan, Uxbridge; Hatch, Whit- by. Wbilby was far ahead in points, capturing 119 as compared with. 81 for Bowmranville and 58 for Uxbridge. Thse Events These are the individual resuits 1 i variaus events. (Initial indi- cates haine Iawn o! contestant: Senior Boys 100 Yards-Whîtfield (W), Bil- letI (B), Watts (W). Shot Put- Beatop <W), Watts <W), St. John (U). 220 Yards-Wbitfield (W), Billett (B), alts (W). Pale VaulI -B ealto n (W), Gilhooley <B>, Grierson (U). 440 Yards-Billetl <B), Spratt (W), Wa t ts (W). Broad Jump-Wilkinson (U), Bil- lett (B), Gries'son (U). Mile Run --Spratt (W), Rundle (B), Ken- nedy (U). High Jump (new re- cord of 5' 6%")-Beaton (W), A]- lin (B), Kennedy (U). Hop, Step and Jump-Bealon (W), Grierson (U), Watts (W). 440 Relay-Bow- inanville, Uxbridge Whitby. Intermediate Boys 100 Yard Das- Pr icee (W>, Harnden (W), Purdy (B) Shot Put-Green (W), Dunbar (W), Sherrett (U). 220 Yard Dash- Harnden (W), Green (W), Purdy (B). Broad Jump-Harnden (W), Price (W), Brown (B). 440 Yards -Purdy (B), Price (W), Green (W). Pale Vaull-Edger (B), De- laney (W), Cowan (B). 880 Yards -Green (W), Ashton (B), Ellson (W). Hap, Step and Jump-Harn- den (W), Brown (B), Taylor (U). High Jump-Harnden (W>, Edger (B), Bunbar (W). 440 Relay- Whitby, Bowmanville, Uxbridge. Junior Boys 100 Yard Dash -Ha tceh (W), Sturrock (B), Roblin (W).- Shot Put-Mcflveen (B), Gaston (W), Bowles (B). 220 Yards-Roblln (W), Sîurrock (B), McIlveen (B). High Jump (new record 4' 9½")- Jobnston (U), Hatch. (W), Strike (B). 880 Yards- Al1s op (U), Bowles (B), Sturrock (B). Broad Jump-Johnston (U), Rundle (B> Hatcb (W). Pale Vault-Johnston (U), Hatch (W), Brown (W). Hop Step and Jump -L yn de (W), Johnston (U), McIlveen (B). 440 Yard Relay - Whitby, Bowman- ville, Uxbridge. Senior Girls 75 Yard Dash-McGill (W), Tear (W), Forsythe (U). Broad Jump-McGill (W), Tear (W), Downey (B). 100 Yards--Downey (B), Rear (W), McGill (W). Bas- ketball Throw-Downey (B), Pol- lock (U), Starey (B). Basebail Throw-Campbell (B), Veale (U) Crosby (U). High Jump-Storey (B), Beamish (U), Crosby (U). 220 Relay--WThitby, Bowmanville, Uxbridge. Junior Girls 50 Yard Dash-Wilson (U), Gay (W), Faulkner (B). Braad Jumnp -Wilson (U), Rowe (B), Crid- land (W). 75 Yard Dash-Char- tran (B), Wilson (U), Gay (W). Basketball Tbrow - Vesey (U), Stephenson (U), Somerville, (W). Baseball Tbrow-Vesey (U), Pur- dy (B), Goulah (B). High Jump -Gledhill (W), Noble (U), Crid- land (W. 220 Yard Relay-UJx- bridge, Bowmanville, Whitby. GOODYEAR SALES INCREASE Planta Keachlng Maxim- capaclty Witb letter ta shareholders en- clasing quarterly dividend choque, President A. G. Partridge stated: "The sales o! your Company for the firsl nine snonths o! the cur- rent year bave been substantiaily greater than sales during the saine period in 1940. "Al Ihree of aur plants have been working la almast maximum capacity during the entire year and this large turnover bas a!- fected aur profits vory satisfac- torily, even though an ever in- creasing share o! aur business ls for the Government and in spite of greatly iacreased taxes." Enfield' Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McDonald, Mr. Merrill Thompson, Osbawa, Miss Ethel Ward, '1'oron- ta, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lin, Nestieton, Miss Norma Hooey, Burketon, at Mr. W. Bowinan's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stinson, Jack and Jean, Hamilton, with Mrs. John Stinson. .. Mr. Jamie Stark, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, at Mx. J. Stark's. . . Mr. and Mrs. James Davison, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lau Rahm, Richmond Hill, at Mr. A. Prescott's. . - Mr. and Mxs. Harold Weir, and family, London, at Mr. W. and Mr. G. Bowman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. King, Oshawa, Mr. and Mirs. C. Rahm and family, Union, at Mr. H. Orîniston's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and Kathleen at Mr. Eliner Bradley's, Haydon. E n fi e1d Tbanksgiving and Thankoffering service wiil be held Sunday, Oct. 12, aI 7 o'oock p.m., with Rev. J. A. Plant. Spe- cial music by the choir. Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mxs. Wesley Hoskin and Bert, Burketon, Miss Ella Hoskin, Oshawa, at Mx. Lorne Hoskin's. - . Miss Wilson and Miss Sanderson, Arcola, Sask. at Mrs. Frank Werry's. .. Lieut. Gardon Cowling left for Niagara after visiting his father, Mr. Gea. Cowllng. Mxs. Cowling and Da- vid are staying with Mrs. R. Hath- erly. Mrs. Hatherly, Mr. George Cowling and Lieut. Cowling visit- ed friends in Lindsay. . . Mr. and Mxs. Theo Down and Bily, Lake- field, with friends here. . . . Mr. Levi Annis, Toronto, aI Mrs. A. W. Annis'. Miss Adelaide Annis, R.N., is nursing in Leskard. Quarterly tea of W. M. S. met Oct. 2nd at the parsonage, with President Mxs. Sid Hoar presid- ing. Roll caîl was answered with a verse o! scripture. Mirs. Hoar called an the guest speaker, Mrs. Harold Ferguson, Bowmanville, who gave a very interesting talk an Training Leaders for the New World. Everyane bas an import- ant part ta do in training the youth o! today for the leaders of tomorrow. Mrs. Everton White sang a solo "God will take care of you." A social time followed. Red Cross workroom aI the hall wiil be open on Tuesday and Fr1- day afternoons. Everyane is in- vited ta came and help this wor- thy cause. Anyone caring ta don- aIe a little wood ta heat the room will be mucb appreciated. It cauld be left at the park gale and the ladies will see Ibat il is carried in. The Y. P. U. will meet Thurs- day evening. Solina Four members of the Solina Football team were honored by their fellow players and friends Saturday night at the o ç Mr. and Mrs. S. and E. Hockacray. They were: Roscoe Baker, R.C. A.F., in Ottawa at present; Bruce Potter with the Light Anti-Air- craft Batery, overseas; Harold Patter, ini the Cameron Highland- ers, Ottawa, and Bob Scott who is awaiting a cail to the R.C.A.F. Owing to the regrettable absence of Bruce and Harold, their father Alex Potter acted ably on their behalf. Jack Reynolds was a very capable Master of Ceremonies and after his apt words of explana- tion Harold Balson and Francis Wotten presented the boys with fountain pen and pencil sets. Dancing and card gaines were en- joyed and lunch served. The Young People presented' their play "Simple Simon Simple" for the eighth time, at Audley, Monday night. Mr. George Hogarth, B.A., has returned ta Toranto after spend- ing the surruner with his sister, Mrs. R. Pascae who is now stay- ing with Mrs. Harold Thompson, Scarboro. Samn Dewell bas accepted a Vitamins Alone .Mot Enough Throe .sswticil minorais also found in Dr. Chas.' s Nerve Food help ta make tbis a true tonie for blood -- and nerves. Buyingthe large money and forallthefamily. - 180 pilla $1.0 Dr. Chase's u. tanevitamin B. ACHEY JOINTS? Gin Pil, for the kcidneys, help removo pain-causing toxine that are otten thse cause of rheurnatic twinges and achey joints. Money back if flot ue±iu6.d .Salem Churcb service was withdrawn Sunday in favar o! thankaffering services at Hay'don. S. S. was beld as usual. Y. P. U. meeting on Sept. 30th opened with the president presid- ing. Mxs. R. Winter had charge o! the pragrain. Bible réference, Miss T. Werry; topic, Mr. F. Blackburn; readings, D. Pollard and G. Barrie; piano solo, Miss M. CoIlacutt; vocal solo with guitar accompaniment, B. Darch; Bible quiz contest, E . Doidge. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burrus assist- ed in the singing at Haydon tbankoffering services. Mxs. F. Hurst,. Warren, John and a cbum, Toronto, spent Sat- urday aI the Gaud home. Mxs. -Jas. Hall bas returned froin visiting ber parents in To- ronto. Ronald Hall bas again talc- on up his studios at Guelph, Agri- cultural College. Hampton W. I. East Graup met aI Mxs. E. Adamson's lasI Tues- day and quilted a comforter which was displayed, with numerous other articles for war victims, at the regular Institute meeting. Haydon Thankoffering services w e r e well atlended on Sunday. The churcb was nicely decoraled with flawers and fruit. Rey. A. W. Harding, Bethany, delivered lwo iexcellent and inspiring addresses. In the aflernoon ho spoke on "'Giving Thanks", and in the eve- ning on~ "The Bible and Man." Special music was rendered by the choir. In the aflernoon solos by Mr. and Mxs. George Burrus, Salem; and in ho evening solos 1by Miss Daphne Burrus and Mr. .George Býurrus were mucb appre- eciated. A big impravoment bas been made in aur cburch. A new floor bas been laid on the platform and the railing and pulpit bas been redecarated. Syxnpathy is oxtended 10 the faxnily o! the laIe Alox Grant, Toron ta'. We are sorry la lase Mr. and hirs. Walter Bridgett and !amily also Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and Maurice from our community, bota families having maved la Bowmanville. Mrs. Fred Ashton and cbldren have returned la Toronto afler having spent the summer bere. Sympatby is extended ta Mr. and Mxs. C. Avery in the bereave- ment o! bis brother, John Avery, En! ield. Congratulations ta Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Beech on the arrivai o! a son. Baby Bevorly Stephenson is un- der the doclor's care. Clarence Avery had cansider- able damage done ta bis car when another car ran into bini fromn the rear on the highway aI Maple Grave Saturday night. Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moore and Beverlyann, Osbawa, Mxs. Mamaon Moore, Bowxnanville, Mr. and Mis. A. J. Hicks and Bobbie, H-armony, MxU. and MxIs. Fred Cowling and Mr. Fred, Black- stgek, at Mr. R. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. George Burrus and Dapbne, Salemi, aI Mr. T. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mérs. Farewell Black- burn and Grace, Salem, at Mr. M. Blackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Hkry Brooklng, Wesleyvtlle, Mr. and Mxs. Ray- mnond Clapp, Tyrane, at Mx. .C. Slemon'd. Rev. A. w. Harding, Bothany, at Mr. H. Ashton's. Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Marie, Ron- ald and Ray, aI Mr. W. Brown- lee's, Loasido. Mrs. Richard Ash- ton returned wllh thern. Mr. and Mxs. Milton Werry, Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ommiston, Enniskillon, Mr. iand Mrs. Bruce Ryley, Harry and Bobbie, Mrs. M. Ryley, Bethany, aI Mr. Lloyd Ashton 's. Mr. and Mxs. Hoskin Smith and Kathleen, En!leld, Ifrs. Mary Stinsan. Manitoba, Mr. and Mxs. H-. Blake, Toronto, at Mx. E. Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Crossman and jean at Mr. Bruce Glover's, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mxs. L. Johnson, Lind- say, Mrs. George Avery, Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brima- combe, Mary Lau and Bllie, Miss Mary Niddery, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Avery and famlly, MapIe Grove, at Mr. C. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodley and family, Tyrane, Mr. and Mrs. Flerb. Scott and Dorotby, Orono, Mr. Allin Stainlon at Mr. Wil rrewmn's. Mr. and Mme. Earl Thompson, position at the Malton air-training port. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Orland, witb Mrs. S. Bush. Mrs. N. E. Wright and Fred, Enniskiilen, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. Miss Marjorie Couch, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Kinsale, aI Mr. J. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reynolds and family with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Miss May Merriam, Mr. and Mis. Bryce Brown at Mr. Everett Ellilott's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cation and Velma, Miss Loretta Love, To- ronto, aI Mr. E. Hockaday's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and cbildren, Hampton, Mrs. George Avery, LitIle Britain, MIrs. Nelson Fice and chlfdren, Taunton, at Mr. F. Westlake's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Glaspeil, Miss Esther Glaspeli, Uxbridge, Lloyd and Oliver Glaspeil, Peterboro, Mr. and Mxs. Richard Earle, Ida, at Mr. I. Hardy's. Misses Ella Milîson, Toronto, and Velma Gilbert, Bailyduff, at their homes. Mr. Donald Yellowlees, Toron- to, at Mr. N. C. Yeflowlees'. Miss Marion Halfyard at ber home, Thornhil. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harris and Billy with Mrs. Mowbray, Brook- lin. Bowmanville, Lloyd and Donald Thompson, Peterboro, GlIen n Thompson, Miss Dorothy McDon- ald, Newcastle,* at Mx. W. Thomp- son 's. Mr. and Mxs. Gea. Tabb and family at Mxs. D. Graham's. Ebenezer Services on Sunday were wel atlended when the sacrament was observed, with Rev. W. C. Smith in charge. Ladies' Berean Class met on Thursday with Mxs. Chas. Os- borne opd ber group in charge. Two quilts were made for the Red Cross and lunch served. Mission Band met at No. 4. Mxs. Cecil Worden told a story, and birthdays wero observed. Vocal duel was given by Gwen Osborne and Darathy Higgins, and a pantomime presented; piano solo, Erma Wade; readi.ngs, Alan Fowler and Elmer Down; story tld by Mrs. Coverley. Mr. Oran Pickell and son Or- ville Pickell, Edan, Sask., are with his daughter MÉs. Frank Worden. Mr. and Mxs. Percy Cawling and cbildren were visitors witb Mr. and Mxs. Elton Werry. Mxs. A. B. Werry, who bas been quite indisposed aI the home o! ber daugbter, Mxs. R. K. Bragg, Shaw's, is now with. ber daughter Mxs. Terry in Oshawa. Mr. and Mxs. Frank Worden. Messrs. Oran and Orville Pickell were weekend guests at Mr. Irvin Pickeil's. Kingston. Mxs. John Balson, Mxs. Eliner Wilbur and Mxs. Harry Wilcax, Hampton, were guests with Mrs. 1 Blake Oke. A ROPE too, short will xiever save a drowning mani. Would you "go umder" if some unexpected logo foumd you with insufficient insurance on your property .Aok tixis agency to review your insur- ance policies NOW. It will be tSo late to do go after a logo! Je Je MASON & SON. INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville LOOK. WHAT VALUE!v 80 nourishing cups to the Ibis YeuII mmd d«lonsfnew m, mtntfng ways te moka, extra-invItmg coco. end e.oIate dessete ln "CHOCOLATSe ^ROUND THE CLOCK"-*o e Iw, modem bh eciptul ep ook. For y.., eopy, sond 10e t. Fy-Cadbury Ltd., Montrent. FORE WARNED IS FOREARMED Be prepared for the Sebool Days Just ahead by havlng Oshawa Laundry& Dry Cleaning Company, Limlted take merof your Laundry and Cleaning requirements now. PHONE 419 and aur driver willila. Briht Sayinjgs of Children "Cheer ap, Freddy. Thanksglvlng is nearLy bore and Your mother's your bout trlend." 'l aln't s sure of that, Tommy. 1 lest the MOUey ebe sent me over t. Carter'. with." THANKSGIVING DESSERTS Pies - Cakes - Ice Cream AU being foatured this weekend at yonr tamily bakery. j. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STA'ÊZSMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONT4MO Interschool Meet Pute B.H.S. Athietes ln Second Place y

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