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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1941, p. 3

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TI'rMDAy. OCTOBER 16, 1941 THE BOWMAN'lILLE STAITSMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONATRIO Brtghî Sayings 1~JI~.7L ~ IT Bcfi'cTouInuve~ I~, and Mrs. W. White, sons Donald ENTERAINEJohns, Toronto, witb Mrs. C. ENnd Douglaoh s, nna isMar.EN E S . Harry Faulkner at S E D LE S Sseure RALPH GORDON, the i home near Belleville..-. Miss wnderiully versatle e n t e r- E. McMilian at ber home in Glen- M Mld y l xaiv . A roi garry C oa. n. and Mr .a dMs. ak A ~ (.ouJecerationit lije taier, for your next entertain- aigi aryCoMr.and Ma.D. achte ssociatiola ment. Iliustrated cireular free. iv.. a ke rneahaymondBrn anvd Mr IAD OFFICE TORONTO 'Adirus. - ankaerpln Barbara, Oshawa, with Mns. J. A VI C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 C r a w f o r d lSt r u t , T o r o n t o 8um i 2 4 1 B u r n s . P b i h d b h a a i qwwI»ý 1 Mrs. A. C. Truli received ward *~~UUM UUU MMU MMM MM =C>- .Monday that hier grandson Ross T Taylor is gravely ili in Oshawa IN T E I ND DS AN A Our young ladies attended a << MromTheStitesmn Flesfowl supper at Yelvertan Friday _____LN H A I.U :hS~ena ie night and presented their popular BW MAN E Parts of the address of Mr. L. against ever y forward march af TWE14TY-FIVE YEARS AGO' According.ta an item of last week Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett and - B W A VLE W. Brackingtan, K.C., special as- man since freedom became a re- Ishoîuld jue thssoe 'ss w eihatne h lm sistant ta Prime Minister Macken- ality and human brotherhood Front The Canadian Stateanian, intention ta nur h reputation Houck ednatNgraFls zie King, whxch was delivered be- more than a herdman's dream re- October 19, 1916 of Lyle and elythe's new thresh- going on ta Cleveland on an ex-[ Th r.-r..~fore the convention of the Na- carded "in the secret scriptures of er. The statenient was 'that Eli tended visit with hier sister, Mrs. tional Industrial Advertisers As- the paer." A freight car filled with relief Osborne raised grain enaugh fram H. S. Pricè.- OCT. 16, 17, 18 seciation in Taranto recently, are We are witnessing a great tra- supplies is being sent frem Solma 17 acres ta keep the thresher Rev. W. Rackham preached an- quoted below. Mr. Brockington is gedy, but it ls a tragedy whicb, station ta burnt-aut areas araund busy nearly a week. The machine niversary services at Greenbank Double Feature generaîîy considered te be the llke ail great tragedies, will purge Matheson, Ont was an the prem-ises,5 ¼ days but Sunday while Rev. T. Wallace oc- - outstanding eratar of the Western the world by pity and cleanse it From Pte. E. W. Cousins, in a one day the wind prevented wark cupied the pulpit here. THE PEOPLE Vs. Hemisphere and is ini demand, by its sufferlng. dug-out, in Fran~ce: "At îast we se the time amounted ta 4% days Mrs. S. Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. DR. KILDARE constantiy, thraughout Canada Two years af war have just are at the end of aur jaurney. It 1 do net think any machine could Teo anjy adn t Jbn D .KL RE and the United States. In his pre- ended. For the Germans, whe has taken me nearly a year to'getdoiines.Ei sbre tended the golden wedding anrn- Instant.,, starring sent work of interpreting the have capitalized the twentieth into the firing Une but now here Cartwright: Death has been versary at Mr. Wm. Mountjoy's, tasks and efforts af the Commion- Century for destruction, it has we are not anxious to stay. Last visiting many familles in the last Columbus, on Tuesday. "nIr doit Mionet Barrymore, Laraine wealth ta the Americans and par- been a succession of victaries but night we had a heavy bambard-, few days. Mrs. McAllister, Cae- DyadLwAeu tclrytthU..,MrBrk-net victory. They have had many ment and aur brigade captured sarea, who has been in feeble W.C.T.U mt tMr. e Iokn ington is serving ta the utmost of cheap triumphs. The last and the quite a number ai prisaners,'and health for same time, has fallen Chpa' with Miss Katersan and his strength. Extracts ai his ad- most expensive against Britain suffered many casualties.. We aslep in Jesus ta wake upIn rsdig eaina a o-DON! HULLABALOO dress fallow: and Russia and the United States get yeux paper egary-" Eternity. Mr. and Mrs. Peter duted by Mrs J. G.hBresof Mis " pateyut-ihasoeare net yet theirs. - Methodist S. S.5 hrc Ani Wright have lost one ai their twin Karowa s eain ag ae o hi starring Isektyutangtsoe We who war against themn have versary: Rev. A. P. Brace of Ger- babies. Mrs. Emmerson, Caesarea, prgram:Redn g, "Peace woth rk DRIN] wha can neyer Jase the wistful made our errors. We have tried te rard St. Church was speaker. Rev. bas passed on aiter a week's il' urged upynoldsC.T.U. gMers" by FakMorgan and Bille retrospect af the islands of Bni- fight a garilla under Marquis ai Mr Neai assisted in th service. ness. John MeCrae, Carmel, afterMis enld;rangMs.A Burke tain wbere hie was born, nor the Queensbury rules. We have tried Mr. j.AHogtredeesn. a few days' illness laid aside the Trenouth, "To press for action"; __________________ lave for this great kindly land ta stop the patjis ai tanks with Collections were $150.00, exceed- mantie of niartality and entered Mso rn favore wtarpirano whicb shelters him, nar the abid- patitudes, attitudes and beati- ing the amount asked for by the his home la beaven. Mr. Hooey ,owo;Ind rs. e lor Baronread Mon._TUea._ing gratitude wbicb bis fellow udes. We bad forgatten that a Board. ai Blackstock was next te fal. Hm";wCip bron Ciqu r ettedso iviOl."iUe.-veu. citizens share for the inspiration Hottentot with a machine gun From Lt.-Col. H. J. Dawson, A. S. Tooley whose milî 'is e;Ci he n"iaets OCT. 20, 21, 22 o the neigbborliness of the great- could beat the United States Ma- 46th Batt.: Dear Mrs. M. E. Ire. three miles east of Oshawa is was taken by Mrs. S. Williams hearted people ai the United rines withaut one. land:-It is wih rfon regret rpin for churning and wash- and Mrs. J. CIiapman. President's S S Nand COD Stes But those folies are ended. Five I have tannuneta yau the in cotesb an attachment ta lete a eadngbyoMiss Katers. S stArN g I do not speak with any speciaj million casualties (or if we in- death in action ai Pte. David Waî.. bis miii machinery. This mven- eetirrn N. 5tAITlnff knawledge, nor arn I clatbed in clude«the Chinese war nearly ten Ian Ireland. . . . From B. H. Pul. tien was tbougbt up by JacobGereBro's Frederlck March and Joan any robe ai autbolîty. millions) have staîned the annals linger, chaplain: Dear Mrs. Ire- Salter but when he left it was-_____________ Crawford I would like anly, sincerely and af man; 33,000,000 square miles land:- We buried bim yesterday lost sigbt af. On Tuesday when simply ta vaice the faith and re- af territory are tamn by war; fifty in Ridgewood cemetery, row- J, Mr. Tooiey was putting an more ELMER WILBLTR MARCH 0F TUME vive some ai the memories of a per cent of the world's labors bas grave 3. This cemetery is on the feed than was being ground bis Lieensed Anctioneer Canadian who believes in Britain, been directed ta destruction. edge ai a pretty wood and hie sleeve was caugbt by a set-screw Hampton - Ontario News Feature and Canada and the United States, Taday Germany is still on the rests surroundedt by his comrades. and had it net been for hisarm Liestck and hapes ta see them joined ta- way ta the contraI of Europe and God biess you and give yau ence af mind be would hvbispiens-pecializlaginFrLvsok N EWS gether, a great trinity ai free Asia, wbere the greatest resourc- strength ta bear your beavy loss. instantly kiiled. Ipeet n untr ae peaples, carrying ever in tbeir es and populations ai mankind Jas. Clatworthy, Hampton, who Miss Anna Short, 20, daugbter TERMS MODERATE 'Wright hands "gentle peace ta sil- are concentrated. For the first was building a silo for Russel ef John Short, was fatall34 shot Phone for Terrns and -Date ta: _____________________ence enviaus tangues." time in the history ai civiization, Worden, Maple .Grove, fell 33 feet by a lad named Willie Coady Bowmanvilie 2428 Today we live in a disappear- surrender means slavery. Ger- breaking bath limbs above the where she bad dropped in ta ing world and a shrinking worid. many is reserving slavery for that knee. spend a few minutes. The young Disappearing because whatever part ai the world which she can Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Penning- waman had been teasing the lad bappens we shail neyer return ta first reacb, .and for the United tan announce the engagement ai wha was sa provoked bie taak the dayÉ that are gane. Nor would States of America their «awn pe- their youngest daughter, Vera down a shot gun and discbarged we wisb ta perpetuate their en- culiar fate. For if she succeeds, Miidred, to Sergt. Fred Cryder- it in the girl's neck. A coroner's mities and their i nju s ti c es. she wiii contrai mast of the arma- man, the marriage ta take place jury could not agree whether the Shrinking because amidst the dust ments of the world, ail the mar- early in Navember. gun was discharged witb inten- get how time and space bave been arderly, dlean and free by Britain, Oct. lOth wben fire started in the Hamptan: A gentleman fram a annihilated-nat as the poet wish- and will assist the United States residence ai Ira Palmer, and be- neighbaring village came here one ed, ta make loyers happy, but as ta ruin themselves. That is bier fore the flames cauld be checked evening and indulged toa freeiy Hitler wished, ta bring f ar-off open and notariaus threat. four residences and the Methodist in tangleleg. On bis way home kfe terrer cdoser ta the habitation ai There is aniy ane way in which cburch were destroyed. People hie taak a horse and buggy hie men. we can win-mobilize the con- fought the ilames witb buckets found tied at Ashton's corner, be- It is a truiàm that we are wit- science of the worid, fortify aur ai water but a strong Wind made gan ita drive but lest contrai nessing nat a war se much as a own spirits, meet bloed and iran, tire task useiess. when the horse turned inta the revalution. Every r e v o i u t i o n with blaad and iran, carry the j3lackstock: A pretty wedding owner's yard. threatens te sweep away not anîy weight of material ta heip the was solemnized Oct. 3rd at the __________ the evii tbings, but the goad things. b est men in the warld; gather aur beautiful new home of Henry wil eoustase that the evii power in aIl its strength and Samnelîs, Blackstock, when bis Canada Year Book and h e o emains. strike. The issue is clear. It is anly daughter Amanda MountjoyNw Th Pes Bus nteaps re i s.urt clearer than it ever was before. was united in marriage with Gar- o OfTh Prs Butperapsraterit s tuerte The British Commonwealth and don Malcolm McLean, Seagrave. say that this war is a counter re- the United States of America, the Miss Minnie MeLean, sister ai the The publication ai the 1941 edi- valutian; a counter revolution by anly twe nations where men of groom, playcd the wedding march tien af the Canada Year Book, Nazi Gcrmany and Fascist Italy ail races live together in peace and Master Norman Philipsag.pubiishcd by authorization ai the SE Cg#ECIagainst ail the movcments~ that and harmony, understand At bet- Hampton: Jas. Ward, S. J.Wil- Han. James A. MacKinnon, Minis- hS ave led mankind on its piigrimagc ter than any other. liams and Lloyd Ward bave'been ter ai Trade and 'Commerce, is ~~IM~IIN LIUUIrer t the city ai God. It is a This is the conflict. ilItnnunedb the Domninlur cone eouinby rutbless ty- glary ai the lightcd mind and the anunaf tatitics.Doemn adaur n t rants and blood-taincd bgt glory of the lighted seual againstea ofStiis.TeCnd againstth eiaoflrng total eclîpse. It is the music ai FIFTY YEARS AGO Year Book is the officiai statisticai ' ..fv Wbicb ended the dark ages. the world, where the still sad* annual aif the country and can- A.îfiSIIW' It is a caunter revalutien against music ai humanity bas been fao Front The Canadian ïStatesman, tains a tharougbly up-ta-date ac- ail the doggedness and patience ai long a Hebrcw melody, against October 21, 1891 count ai the natural resources ai .q ~auM.. that long and banourable bistary the bymn of hate- the Dominion and their deveiop- ~ ~jfliur " ofa the English people la which they It is the arder af the New World Rev. T. W. Jailiffe preacbed ta ilfeatst istoryi t emocany, FE S aaewlSI &WS faught for wbat we in North Am- against the New World arder. the Young men Sunday evcning. th itS r race f rdc yU~~I"erica believe te be -the elementai Freemen are marching and there He warned those budding inta tion, trade, transportation, fin- Wtme rights of man-the right ai free- will be many at aur side. There manhood te beware ai the gamb- ance dctoec-nbif orWs.tne do fwarsbip, aieomo speech, wiil be the men and wamnen ai the ler,, ai the street corner loafer, cpe, ecaione tc.-wiin riea >.ndf ~frcedomn from arbitrary arrest, canquercd lands. Amid the Swift- and the free thinker, ta avoid campreben asineveu ewtof the ecoflaYs ~ iidro freedom ta select the goverament ly changing scenes af war, wben strang drink and evil literature lmt iasnl oueo h ______________________ tLon?..Life Lo'PI*hey by wbicb we shail be gaverned. tragedy succeeds tragedy, we and be exceedingiy carefui aithesoianiocnamis cn dition a etll ost lonf- nYou know the great landmarks sometimes forget the littie lands what campanionship they formed.he Don-niton. h ne eda HL d efit cs am ta buyl in English ireedom because they marveliously great wbicb have Jh aKy proprietor of agotadicldsi i t yet cot no mre arethe sign posts that bave Point- been aiready crushcd. We forget Caiedonia Mils, bas rcceived the chruhtan nldsialis aL1 e ur awn way. the majesty ai breken tbings wbe- dipiama awarded hlm at the Ja- capters the latest information Itis a counter revalutian ther te be the broken melody maica Internatioal Exposition available up ta the date of gaing aantthe Aeia eouino the trumpeter ai Cracow r the for is fie brands ai barley and the 191andaYea.Boex equalities and epportunities. It is And now American friends of maklng shipments ta the West tnst vr100pgs eln ie a ceunter revolution against the Canada and Canadian friends afinldIes. wîth aIl phas espithationalt w6il ~French revalutian with its liberty, the United Staes! may I just say A span ai horses were stalen luoe asusmebeofspedaiith ir ts equality and its fraternlty. It a iew words about ourselves. from J. Jewelî, twa miles east of thoesuetibleA statistical sm in is a coputcr revolution against the We in Canada are part of the Bawmanviîîe, a set ai acw bar- mar ftement.AststifCaa ism 8Russian revolutian wbich, la spite Britisb Commonwealth of Na- ness from Chas. Axfodand rya d in th rrcss ai C anad-i af its attendant borrors; bas given tiens. We scek witb aur sisters la wagon fram Isaac Habbs, Mapie ter. This gives a picture in figures millions ai humble and dawn- freedem nat anly the common Grave. The stalen goods aie e-o the remarkable pragress that troddcn men and wamen some- wealth and the cammon weai ai cavered at Sutton but the:thief tecutyhsmd ic h h epeo aaaaetems thing ta live for, and bas given eacb ather, but the commori had fled.tecunrbamdescete Te eoeofC aaae ie os hundreds ai tbausands aif thc wealtb and the commen wcal ai New Haven: Dear Mr. Editor: firat census ai the Dominion 'was fortunate in the world. HYR HP b thi i the warld some- ail mankind. _______________ taken in 1871, senty years aga. Fortunate i the great sweep of spae t aigt die for. We Canadians are like you The Year Book may be abtaincd li is a cauniter revolution Americans. Wc shail ncvcr be frein the King's Printer, Ottawa, that is ours from ocean to ocean. _________________________________ ound an the backs ai. the wcak, at $1.50 per oopy; this cavers otneinhevuyeladim ns _____________________ or at the feet of the strang, but mercly the cast ai paper, printing Frtneinheatyedadim ne aniy at the side aif the free and and bîndîng. By a special con- resources of our foresis, fields and mines. 187 *70YersofSeury f Playones 141 those Wha long ta be free.' cession, a limited number ai 187 7 YorsofSeurty o olcywnes 741This 1 can say: that the people paper-bound copies have been set Fruae oi u eorteisi ofa Canada, French speaking andW aside for ministers aif.reliion, tutions. Englisb speaking, mca and wo- ** jbana fide students and scbaol tea- l od otnt norfedm mcn ai aur twa ratmter- b SI~ chers, at 50 cents each but appli- uawrfrune orredm lands, mea and wamen of manyEN cation for these special copies This freedom is threatened oa as it racs wo sarein eac au fre EmLI NG should bc directed ta the Damia-tda and equal citizcnship, are unîted ian Statistician, Dominian Bureau la ee entraee eoe in beart and wiil and in purpose. aiTaihc, taa fe fali of the'Britiali Empire would This then is aur high privilegemea opt dsetin fou u. i -ta make the preseat ours in metrd c oled.oaino u n order that we may make the fu- fearempytoonfe ture yaurs and ours and ail men's. __Ha po Everyone wants titis way of Hie defended The destiny af humanity bas __ rIf you're dolng that for fun, yen can quit this Ing this for exerelse, Missus Brown. Wben 1'm for fun, I eat a plece ai cake tram Carter's." V'T MSS THSE THRLL-OF-A-LFET« IK "The Best Coffee in Town."' lmust ES 9 owR IDOM FROM THE WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE, OTTAWA The helpo vr Canadian la needed for Vicsory.7 lu these days <if war the thouglesa, selllsh apender is a traitor t. our war effort. A reduction in personal spending is now a vital necesaity to relieve the pressure for goods, Io enable more and more labour and mater- ials to be diverted 10 wuing lte war. The all-ont effort, whkieh Canada must make, demanda titis seif-denial of each of us. Invest in War Saviugs Certifieatea thse dollars you don't need Io apend. Àfter Vietory, they comte hack t YOD with iterest. Spend leus NOW s0 that youean spend more THEN, when labour and material. will h. available for the thinga you nebed.' There is. no prie toc hlgs for freedom. WAR SAVINOS STAMPS -A handy plan. Stamp folders naay b. obiained from Post Offices, Bankcs and many retail outle.s. 16 stamps will buy one $4 Certificats, marth $5 at ,nsuriy. RURAL SAVINOS PLAN-Farmers in receipt of regular payments ftom co.operatives, creameries, tees factories, etc., can authorize deductions a/ any deswred amount regulorly out of each cheque. Use the Rural Pledge Card. DRIVE IN TOUR COMMUNITY aWar Weapans Drive. You will Le asked te put nuxny. Canada muet provide more planes, more bu are already huying War Savings Certificaes... l worklng for Vlctory. ro eOUY MORE CERTI FI CATES rs Comnisee Ottawa. 8w QUALITY Bread se Loaf Sf Childme vi4- . îz I 1 lt;t- - iDAÉý-V Irmmuýv

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