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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1941, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TUE BOWMANVILLE STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONATRIO THURSDAY, 0c~TOBER 10, 1941 - - ~'*-~~'~; .~-: THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Anderson'S Drug. Hamnpton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen: T. M. Siemon & Son Burketon: Harold GilU. Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. Nestieton: J. G. Thampson. Pontypool: W. Fi. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonvile: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Courtice: Frank Walter. Cadnius: Elliott's Store. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jeweil. J. H. Johnston, Jury & Lovel in JUST AREPJD Shipnmnt of Bo0oke - ALL BRITSH - JTJVENILES TRAVEL FICTOIN BIBLES PRAXER BOOKS New ready - the much-talked of book: ,The. Sun is My Undoing'" Books mnake ideal Christmnas Gifts Se. Our Overseas Chrlstmas1 Greetlng Car&s L. W. JEWELL "1BIG 20" Phone 556 Bowmmffile F ORMENf MMOO "MOEN- ewd oy& can =wzcy"iolduon. FOR LADIS R lb. ELCO "Varaty"- dcdeay leminin. m Iohcn -uaOb"in l 765 S. J. HARTWIG Expert Watchmaker W« gst. IE. Bowmmfvlle Enniskillen 1 Visitors: Misses Clara and A Page, Toronto, with Mrs. E. P ..Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sandej and family with Mr. Wm. Ro' son, Kendal.. . Mr. and Mrs Wright, Gloria and Carol, at R. Gordan's, Oshawa. . . Mr. Mrs. A. Cale, Bowmanville,N Misa E. Souch... Misa Jean E bina and Mr. Floyd Pqthick, ronto, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wood Nancy, Oshawa, at Mr. S. Peirick's. Little Nancy la remn ing with lier grandparents... and Mrs. F. Bîllett and Dou wiir Mrs. T. McGiil. .. Mr. Mrs. F. McGill and Donald Mrs. J. McGill's. .. Mr. and 1 Bloomsfieid, Mr. and Mrs. 1 ianby, Windsor, at Mr. G. R.j ..Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn, Dai and Lamna, Mr. Aflan Wei R.C.A.F., at Mr. A. Wearn's. Mrs. R. Ashton, Taronto, at G. Beech's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wearn at Mr. E. Parrott's, Cli Lake... Mrs. C. Sanderson, E keton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wili son, Mr. and MIrs. D. B. Kay Bifi, Miss Irene Sharp., Taroi Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormis' Oshawa, at Mr. A. Sharpe'a.. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech at Mr, Richards', Bowmanville. Mr. and Mra. John Sieman,]1 T. M. Siemon, Mrs. H. Annisi Mrs. H. J. Werry attended Slemon-Houck wedding at J gara Falls. Mrs. John Slemon was houl ta ire East Hampton Group wl sewmng.was ire programi. Sunday School and churchw- bath held on Sunday mort with real gaod attendance. Salem Rev. Gardner delivered a1 Thanksgiving sermon Sunday ire chair rendered appropri music. Congregation please n change ai tume next Sund Church service will be held 1.30 p.m. S.T., and Sunday Sch at 2.30 p.m. Y. P. U. meeting October opened with prayer by E Gardner. Program was in clu o! Mra. L. Squair, missionary vi Tapîc "Missionary Work in Cii was taken by Mr. F. Blackbu stary ai China hospital work, IN R. Winter; violin selection, Taylor; vocal solo, G. Barrie. stunt contest was conducted recreational perîod. Sympathy is extended ta E. Cator who had a seriaus1 from. the top ai a silo on Tht day which, resulted in some boi being spintered and a castv b. required. Mrs. A. Clemens feUl and bri a smail bone in lier foot on Si day. Congratulations ta Mr. aàd lM F'. L. Squair who celebrated th 52nd wedding anniversary C 8th. They entertained their f ends, Mrs. Geo. Stephens ir( th. West, Mrs. Gea. Stephens,'e lem, Miss I. M. Stephens and M, da Stephens, Town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moody, Torc o, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hurst a family, Mr. and Mrs. Yeoma and son, Mrs. Moody and M Wisemiller, Toronto, were gue. Notice To Creditors AUL PERSONS having a dlaim against ire Estate ai t 1te JAMES HERBERT CRYDE MAN, who died on or about t 13tr day ai September, 1941, ire Town o! Bowmnanviile, it Caunty af Durhiam, are requir ta file the. sanie wiir proof irez ai wiir ire undersigned, Exec toma, or ireir Solicitor, not lai iran Navemben 17ir, 1941, aft which date the Estate wiil be dI tributed and all claimiaai whi, ire .Executars have nat receiv, notice will be bared as agai irem. DATED at Bowmanviile t] lirh day ai October, 1941. THE TORONTO GENERJ TRUSTS CORPORATIOI Toronto, Ontario, Executu by M. G. V. GOUTLD, Bawmanville, Ontario, Their Solicitor. j- MAMMOTH 17 SALE Kitehenm Necesaties at Drastie ledactions ON SALE FOR ONLY ONE WEEK LCANADA FiRBT g VAPORATED MILK- 2 tins for 17e ÇAMPUELIL8 GARDEN FRESH TVOMATO JUICE -- 2 tins for 17e CWQ*$E AND BLACKWELL'S IWMATO SOUP --2 tins for 17e '11K AND BEANS-- 2 tins for. 17e ihftfN GAGE PLUNS- 2 tins for 17e "Ezx VANEA - --2 bottes forl17e Ernite Lutn dTg T O I R E 0F QUA LIT Y"I noue sod Delivery Service t E velyn --Cunniï ngliai-, Brantiaord-, Aid te the life and looks of tltu at Mm. R. W. Pascoe's... Mm. and Your shoca. Repair pricea very the Mrs. Edwin Ommiston and Elaine, low. wil Maple Grave, Mm. Tom Baker, ta Sauina. Mm. and Mms. A. W. Laver JIN IE Zfres and Eddy, Toronto, at Mm. Hasken J H E ZrarE qmith's. . . Mr. and Mms. Elnier Shoe and Harness Repaira ep jBeecli and fmmliv. Mr. and Mrs. King St. at Silver. fli A. Howe. Enniskiilen, at Mr. Har- not aid Ormmstan's. ai War Now Brings Messengerettes" Peterboro Doys Trim BDaEHaS » age.Lal Play Good Defeusive Came )bin- SE. Peterboro Colegiat and Vo- Tom Cowan played a powerfui and cational Schaol semo rgby teani gaine defenaively tiil he was hurt uiir came ta town Friday atternoon ta in ire four quarter, while Carl Rob- do battle wiir ire local high boys. Fisher was on ire receiving end To- Facinýg a tearn which was aider, ai two well executed forward and heavier and mare experienced, passes which resultcd ta long R. B.H.S. wen t down fighting under gains. Costly fumbles were again iain- a 33 ta 1 score, before a large ire bugbear of ire B.H.S. attack Mr. crowd ai supporters af both ides. ailowtag ire apposition tao many ,glas The hard hitting Peterboro teana apportunities ta carry the bail. and natched two touchdowns ta ire This Saturday afternoon B.H.S. 1at fn-st quarter and on. in the sec- visita Lindsay and is laoking for- Mvrs. ond ta make a han time score ai ward ta pulling out its firat Win. Ell- 17-0. The thmd andl fourir quar- . Peterboro - Fiying wing, H. îd's. ters saw the cantinuance ai ire Matthews; halves, Ackiord, Ma- nald Peterboro domination, wiir B.H.S. ther and Routley; quarter, De- airn, scoring ita only point on an at- wart; snap, Craig; insides, Beatty ..tempted placement which went and Allen; middles, Cuppy and L. Mr. low but crossed the deadline. Grahiam; outaides, G. Matirews *A. Peterboro featured a lin. shift and Saunders; alternates, Murray, halk which aiten saw ireir snap pass- M. Graham, Menzies, Roy, Burlas, 3ur- ing ire bail fifteen yards acrasa Richardson and Giardino. ian field. Clever deception behind Bowmanville - Flying wing, E. and the lin. of acrimmage also ac- Mcflveen; halves, Brown, Alli, )nto, caunted for many long gains. De- G. Mcllveen; quarter, Gilhooley; ;tn, wart, ire Petes' quarterback, led snap, Ferguson; insides, Lanm- ...the scorers with three touch- boumne and Densem; middles, Pen- rR. downs. H. Matthews scored two found and Rundie; autaidea, Ed- and Ackford one. ger and Fisher; alternates, Cowan, Mrs. For the lacals Gib. Mdilveen Purdy, Sturrock, Neal, Stutt, and was again a tower o! strength. Fletcher, Strike and Spencer. the at the Gaud home. teas Hampton W. I. East group sew- Solina Fhen ing circle were invited ta hold their meeting tis week at ire Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Charlton vere home af Mrs. J. Slemon (nee McBride, Burton and Mary, Pet- ning Jessie Knox), Enniskillen, where erboro, Mr. Wili White and sons, a very enjôyable aiternoon was Orono, Mrs. Clarence Tink and spent. Last week's sewing bec Margaret, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. was held at Mrs. H. Rundle's. James White, Mr. and Mrs. Shir- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Burrus and ley White, Donald, Jane and Jer- sons, Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. ry, Toronto, Mr.. and Mrs. Charles I. McKay and family, Courtice, White and family, Maple Grave, f ine were Sunday guesta at Mr. G. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Michael, Har- and Burrus'. mony, at Mr. George White's.. - iate Miss Dapline Burrus enjayed a Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruicksliank note surprise birthday party at her and Joan, Mrs. Ida Wilcox, Peter- lay: grandparents' in Oshawa October bora, Mr. and Mms. Arthur Tay- 1at 15th. lor, Miss Ruth Taylor, Cherry- hool Salem W. A. met at Mrs. L. wood, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Deweil, Welsli's. Mrs. L. Squair opened Kînsale, Mr. and Mms. Everett 8ir ire meeting. Mms. L. Buttemy read Eliott, Mary and Barbara, Osha- Eev. the acripture. Mrs. H. Barrie*had wa, with Mrs. R. J. McKesock... Lge chatge o! iris pragram: Solo, Misa Irene Bragg, Toronto, at Mm. ice: Dorothy Winter; Thanksgiving J. Baker's. .. Mrs. L. C. Snawdén, ina", readtag, Mms. Welsh; Mms. Argue Mapie Grave, Miss Betty Snow- urný gave a very interesting tant on den, Toronto, Lieut. A. L. Baker, Irs. her trip ta Peace River country; Bowmanvilie, at Mr. Thos. Bak- W. solo, Mms. K. Werry. Mms. Barrie er's. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kiveil,c A and hem group served lunch. Miss Pearl Leachi with friend§ atn for Orono... Mm. George Werry, Ta- onto;a; Mm. S. E. Werry's.... Mm. Misa Vena Gilbert, Ballyduif, at fal Map1e Groive Mm. Russell Gilbert's. .. Miss May t' Mermîam wiir lier parentsat ns Vstas Centralia. . . Miss Lena Taylor, mes Viitrs Mr. and Mms. Fred Bowmanville, at Mm. C. R. Tay- WnJarvis, Copper Clif!, at Mr Char- lor's. . . Ileen Balson wiir Mr. ke lie White's... Mm. and M. Fred and Mms. Aflan Baison, Kingston. un-e Twist and Eieen, Mms. L. Twist, Mr. and -Mrs. J. R. Kiveil at- ;u-Oshiawa, at Mr. E. Twist's... Mr. tended the Wood-Edmondstone an. d Mms. J. L. Rook, Mr. and Mas. wedding reception in Oshawa anS ierW. B. Plewman, Dr. and Mms. Saturday. c :eGardon Brown, Joan and Barbara Rev. Thos. Wallace gave an in- e cBrown, Toronto, at Mm. F. Swal- spiing addmesa on Sunday. Helen f lr- ow's. .. Mms. Bert Jackman, Mm. Baker presided at ire piano. Mm. a lm Fred R. Faley, St. Catharines, Mr. Wallace was guest of Mr. and o Sa- David Foley, McMastem Universi- Mms. A. L. Pascoe. i l's ty, Hamilton, Rev. and Mms. H. W. No service next Sunday at El-a » Foiey, Town, Misa Laura Faley, dad.W o-General Hospital, Kingston, Capt. Y. P. U. recommenced Monday rý nd and Mrs. N. J. MacCrmnnin, Ta- evening, with Pearl Leachi pmesid- SE ansonta, at Mms. J. D. Stevens'. Mm5. tag. M~r. Jim Young, Oshawa, waa iS. Fred R. Faiey, who lias been speaker and inspired ail with ha I savisiting Mms. Stevens, retumned words based on "No Niglit There." te -home witli ler husband. . . Miss Worship story waa given by st Gladys Green, Petemboro, wiir Gladys Yeflowleea. Helen Lang- ta lier cousins, Mr. and Mm5. H. G. maid favored with a piano solo, se Freeman. .. Mr. and Mms. W. G. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert very cap- la n Wotten, Miss Blanche Watten, ably endered a Thsnkagiving me- ei My Enfield, witli ireir daugliter, Mms. citation. Pearl conducted a me- RC. J. Avery.. Mr. and Mms. Fred creatianal period and a lunch of ar SStevens, Miss Doais and Mister park and beans, pie and cofe. th Harold, at Mr. Ivan Law's, Whit- was served. v th ..... Raîpli Thampaan and Wal- Fiday evening Mr. and Mms. S. ed lie Giilett, R.C.A.F., Toronto, at E. Wermy, "Roselandvale", enter- re- Mrs. L. c. Snowden.. . Mms. tained at dinner New York City ti ,eErnest Rincli and Ms Rincli, cousifis including Mms. James A. .i ter Newcastle, at Mrs. J. D. Stevens'. Phillipa, Misses Marion Philipa it er Pte. D. R. Rosa, Camp Borden, and Mildred White, Mesars. James se lis spent lis last leave wiir lus aunt and Robert Phuhipa. P cMrs. R. H. Armstrong, and cou-ta *ed sins, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arm- q re srng ..Miss Ruth ArmstrongU on q home. .. Mr. and Mms. Cyril Luke, LJrJiîto i his John and Lynda, Oshawa, at N. I. etc]t'.q Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. Adams I. Mm. and s. Afed ardJ and family, Newtonviile, at Mr. ve «, had ireir daugliter Vivian Lucille Walter Fergusan's. . . . Mr. and se. ors Laird, and Mr. and Mis. C. J. Ms. C. W. Rahm and Betty, Wes- he Avery ireir infant son, William taon, Mr. Nelson -Hudson, Mr. and ai John Lawrence Avery, c1histened Mis. Harry Rahm, Burketon, at ne on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. C-j. George and Cecil Ralim's... Mm. mi >3Avery were receiv.d into cliurch and Mms. .Frank Moore and family Ca 23membership. We weicome ihrm at Mr. Frank Westlake's, Solin... rit tat au curci.Mr. and Mms. Elnaer Beech and wl Mm. C. H. Snowden lias had the famiîy at Mr. Harold Ormiston's." ~ hdr istlld.. . Mr. and Mms. William Wotten bc Syiydr sextnedt Msand Blanche at Mr. Cynil Avery'sho Geo. Someracales and family r.T their sudden losu o! husband and Berry and family, M. L. Ashton fairr. M. ad Mi. SmerscalesanadU T. Travail, Mr. Clinton Houglih weme former residents o! aur cam- atc.Cc ams al munity. cn Enfield To. Lain to Classify - Soldier's Letter Extracts from letter received by Col. L. T. McLaughlin from li4 nephew Howard McLaughlin who is now Flying Officer with the R .C.A.F. bombing squadron- sta- tioned at Ucluelet, B.C., the most westerly point on Vancouver Is- land. R.C.A.F. Station, Ucluelet, B.C. September 9, 1941. Dear Uncle Lorne: Thanks for the copies of "The Statesman," they are my only contact with Bowmanville now except for your letters. I gather from the coluna sof that vener- able journal that the young men of th~e town and district are join- ing up iri as satisfactory numbers as their fathers did ini the last war. It would seemi that a good nany have 1 cen able to get over- seas. 1 often wish that I could be as fortunate, but I amn afraid that Ihave littie to say in that mat- ter. My job out here is pretty strenuous and I know of no plan to send me to a place where I can see more tangible reaults of my1 labours. I wish I knew if I could ever get over there and when. 1 uppose that I can anly be patient and hope for the best. Out here our operations seema 'ery iaxgnificant ini comparison wiith what .is happening abroad. 1cam sure that an Equipmcnit 0f- fcrsjob i Britain or the Orient woauld be no more strenuous than iis here in Ucluelet At the pre- snt tUnie I amn hoping for an op- portunity ta qualify as pa Naviga- tr in the hope that an additianal qualification oi that nature wouid permit me ta get a littie more in- to the thick af things. Hawever, t's just a hope. I spent a week-end in Vancou- ver and thoroughly enjayed my- îeif. We are pretty isoiated. out âere and even the mail servi ce is mot' very good. On officiai busi- mess I have ta resort to radio iaatiy for purposes of communi- mting with the "1outside,"1 and the ,dia is amazingly efficient. If it Arere flot for the conmtorts af the Legion," *Y.M.C.A. and such odMes, as well as letters from orne, life would be much more Irab. However I cannat say it is nonatonaus for me! My jabla 4 ar fram. bcing monotonous be- ,use the responsibility is so great od there la so much to do fromn trly mornimg until late at night. ao unit la mare mechanized than he Air Force, so an Equipment ifficer has a lot ta leWin and a 't to do beaidea feed and clothe ie whole unit and discipline a tai o ai veiy young bucks. School eching ought ta be a lead-pipe Inch after a feUlow has learned o keep a bunch af these toelng .e lie. I am glad ta say that I Lver have any serlous problemi 4 ýfdiscipline. Strictncss and fair- ýss do nat lose an aificer respect r even popularity. Out'here we are completely enimed. n by sea and bush, and me rules against unofficiai flights re stringent. It wauld be bad for sif w. ever were caught break- 19 them. It's nat worth the hance. We are naw looking forward ta ie winter with no great pleasure. he weather has been very beau- ful ail summer and the water in ieltcred caves has been nice anid rrm. Swimming in sait. water Smuch better iran li iresh water u. I have not; had much appor- mit ta Indulge in that pleasure. ide t is necessary ta rinse Efwith fresh water because the t clogs up the pores in the skmn id causes " s a bails"-a short ai Ies. The 5Lïenery is very beau- fui but wiil nat be visible with Lheavy raina and mists which 11l prevail ail winter. I arn told et the greenery remains quite ash ail winter and that irost ls xe, but this part ai the coast is >uted ta have the heavieat rain- Il af ail Canada. Belleve It or 4, it actually rained steadlly for stretch af 3 weeka laat wlntcr. Everyody hs ta o ar nI usThepeole fha havegy ived. Ineidentafly, are you stilin the Veterans' Guard? We have twc platoans ai ire "Old Sweats" as they are cailed here, guarding iris' station. They are very popular wiir ire airmen-a younger gen- eration--and seem ta be trying hard to set a good exaniple ta irhe "«young feflows."1 What rank do you hald in ire Guard? Are you permitted ta wear your Crown and two Stars? Amongst aur old saldiers we have some who held .comissionz in ire last war; anc was a Major. Now he's a Lance- Corporal -and a mighty smart anc. Tell Mr. Blake irat I have yet to hear has equal as a pulpit ara- tom anywhere between Bowman- ville and Victoria, remember me ta him. Love, Howard. Letter from.- Scotiand Mr. John Irwin, local manager o! ire Walker Stores, has receiv- ed a letter tram iris moirer in Glasgow, Scotiand, relating war- time conditions. We quote some interesting excerpts from hem- let- ter: We were glad ta get your letters. about a. week ago and are giad ta know ail are weil. From same ai the questions you asked I mealized that you didn't receive some ai my letters. Eggs have been acarce lier. since rationig began. We got only one eacli per week-some- times none. The last twa weeks irey were very smail and came ail the way fromn Australia! W. don't know how many months they have been on the way. The egg business has been'ire biggest muddle o! ire war. Why not bring maize or other food from abmoad and encourage people ta rear fawis listead of making them kill off s0 many and take up such a colossal amaunt af shipping apace ta bring egga from abroad which are atale long before we get them? A lady sent a letter ta ire Hemald. She lived alan. in ire country where moat ai hem neighbord' had hens. When the rationing came inah. got anc egg per week iroin Australia. Theux-puilets were not; ta b. got and food waa ratianed and it wasn't warth while trying ta, get any. Waoltona cars would be ringing if he could hear ail that hauaewives were saying about lis egg muddle. There ouglit ta, have been wamen advisers an these committees. We haven't got oranges or le- mons and haven't augar for Jam either. We are getting some cook- ing apples now-9% per lb. I saw peachea in tawn laat week-med- ium, size, 216 each, and small green tomatoes, gooseberry sizes, at 111 per lb. W. are flot; getting any 'fruit at ail. There la no need ta go hungry See the Handbifl for Full Particulars Phone JP Dh DPrompt 695 r.uI.UL1VL.ING, riiii. >. Delivery. ;nolflJm 2ulap a; "en axe 9ampu'a the nice things -and have reasan ta be irankful when we think ai what the occupied countries and Russia are sutteming irese days. If aniy Russia can beat Gemmany ail may soon b. weil for tlae reat af the wanld. Ou garden lias done well and we appreciate it more iran we ever did. The tomatoes have neyer. been so good or, plentiful. I've gatliered 20 lbs. already and irere wili be as many mare. .Father is fire watching taniglit and it'a time I waa galng to bed, Sa gaod-night and maach love ta yau ail, from .Moirer. Ruràl Mail Couriers Meet at Cobourg Rural Mail Cauriers af Durhanm Caunty are invited ta, a meeting o! ireir association ta be heid Monday, Oct. 20ir, at 8 pa. D.S.T. at Baltiamore Hotel, Ca- bourg, which wiil take the tarin ai a banquet. If mail cauriers ever expect ta have ireir griev- ances righted united action on ireir part is needed. So attend iris gairering and do your part ta fomm a strong organization. There's nothmng like an intereat in life ta keep you well. Look around you at people who are bustling about thei.r affaira. They are well because they are busy. They have flot time ta ait down and become depressed over imag- inary ailments. And, you will notice, it is the busy people who have the most friends, too. SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES lat EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE The Second Annfversary of the Openlng of this FULL GOSPEL CHURCR 10 a.m-Sunday Sehool il a.m.Màrnlng Worshlp 7:30 p.m.-Evangellstie Service Rev. 0. A. EHarris, Toronto, will speak at both service. EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor, Carman Lynn. 'a j,, ~1 They are eager to know what hs going an back in the old home surroundinga. Nothing will satiafy that longiug for local news lik. The Statesman. Subsoribe today by uendirug it direct to them. e SPECIAL OFFER TO ALL MEN UN UN WORM The Statesman will be sent te aay -an in unlferm, la any part et the worM, at a Special Yearly Rate of1$1.50. (This includes postage). -Regular subscription la $3.00. kVe nake thls olter as the publiaheru are obllged to discontinue amndbig ree copies. MAIL OR DRING IN, THIS COUPÔN TnR STATESMAN, Eowmanville, Ontario. MWPlease send The Statesman for one year at your Special Rate ai $1.50, (tacluding postage), ta ire ioilowing addreas: Regt. No...---~ . Rank and Narne ---- ----------------- -------------- Unit ----- ---- - -- Addreass-------- --------- NneaSedr- - - ---- - ----- ----- ----- NadeaofS----- -- ---- ------------------ - --- A ddre;î p; :p ssp----- - ----------------- - ----- --- Photo-4.aziadIan Nationl ailIways. 0 ne thlng ta be uaid about ire "Mcuuengerettea" a cm v 1 n g Canadian National Tolegraphu li many Canadian citieu, la that they de not whlatle. Otherwise they possesa the speed and eiii- ciency of the boys thoy are me- Placlng. The armi' and war uer- vloàss erlouuly dcPleted the de- llvery forces af Canadian Na- tional Tolegraphs and girls, sucli as the Vancouver lassie hoee ic- tured, have proven satiufactary Mtr the day time distribution af cables, telegrame and social mes- sages. SEND. Thei Boys la .Unlform The Honme Town Paper NYA 02 FOR1SALE. d THIS WEEK THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY October 16-17-18 Buy One Article and Get Another ABSOLUTELY F R E E Stock up your wlnter remedies Now! Bouse- hold Drugs, Tontes, Cod Liver OUl, Halibut Lîver OUl Caps and cough remedies, ai hait thc regular price.. TIIMDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1941 THE BOW14ANVI= STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONATRIO owommemo PAGIR POUR

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