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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1941, p. 6

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f W*~ PAGE SIX THE BOWMJAIVILLE STA7T#SMAIN, BOfWMANVILLE, ONATRIO AIJTIJWiIIIS Slernon-Houck Mr. Bcrt Wiloughby of Toronto, Mr. John Shivas of Stratford, and Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn Mr. Lau Atkey of Owcn Sound. and members of thc Ontario Cab- The bride wore a handsome inet were among thc 300 gucsts gw of ivory brocadcd satin who attended thc marriage of gaonedo itra iew Miss Dorothy Louise Houckanly aslonedrn Victoialone, wand daughtcr o! Hon. Willian L.logtannachghlad Hauck and Mrs. Houck, ta Mr. C. carried a prayer book which was BoydSieonson ! D. ad ~ gven ta ber grandfathcr, thc late C. W. Semon on owr.andillc, William Houck, in 1873, in recog- St W.Andrcw'ofs ow U nitc ihrc, Nia-nition of his pbilanthropy. The FaisoniStdurycv Ni-maid o! honor wore mauve cord- gaora Flit.vlsoitram Fving, cd taffeta, and Uic bridcsmaids landoff icît e. ThWilla id -were gawncd in purpie. Al wore candurc a dcora tcdwth pillrsmatching halos and carried fan- ofrc wtc crae wtheums, as shnped bouquets of lavender and andhit fcrsan ihtcd w ains ~pink baby chrysanthemums. The ades n ass ieadelabr an-little flower girl was gowncd ini twiedwit cuserso!bab cry pink taffeta with purpie bows andj sainhcmumcltes, hch ark che carried a basket of rose petals santemum, whch mrkedthewhich she scattered in the bride's gucst pews. path. Given ir mnarriage by ber fa- A receptian at the Govcrnment1 ther, Uic bride was attcndcd by Refcctory in Qucen Victoria Park Miss Florence Bacon o! Chippawa, followcd. Mrs. Houck, gowncd in maid of honor; Mrs. Robert Paul fuchsia velvet, with matching hat of Bienheim, Miss Barbara Wil- and corsage of hybrid orchids, and liams of Niagara Falls, and ber the bridegroom's mother, wcaring cousins, Miss Marion Houck af turquoise blue crepe wîth brawn Niagara Falls and Miss Elcanar and green orchîds, rcccived with Houck of Brampton. Lttle Miss the bridai party. Hon. Mitchell Patricia Semon of Victoria, B.C., Hepburn proposed the toast ta the was fiowcr girl. Professor W. H. bride. Wildgust piayed the wedding mnu- Fallowing a wcddîng trip, Mr. sic and Mi. William Currie of Gait and Mrs. Siemon will reside in sang. Mr. Kitb Slemon of Bow- Niagara Falls. For travelling the manville was hîs brother's attcn- bride cbose a Dubonnet wool suit,- dant, and Uic ushers were Mr. matching 'accessories and Tals Gien Mcflvcen of Bowmanvilie, -man rosette. WINTER NfECESSITIES! 0 Buy these items where you are sure cf honet value. Now is anti-fresse tizne - lowest prices - non-rusting. Batteries - Winter dkiving strain may have bee» too much for that old battery - For easy starting en cold monnings, ses GARTON'S. High Grade Imperial Motor Oil. Carryaeaunin the car. Tir es for every make of car. Be safe - don 't tae a chance on blow-outs. Iyomtortable -winter possible with new hot-water heaters. while you wait. driving 's irnproved InstUed Gartn'sGavage PRUNE 2M6 BUS SERVICE FORE WARNED IS FOREARMED Be prepared for the c Shool Days it ahead by havlug Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Compaa7, Llrnlted take care ot your 1-Landry and Cleanlng requirementoi now. PHONE 419 and our driver wil caUl. Page-Curnrnsker The marriage a!. Miss Myra Margaret Cummiskey, Reg.N., o! Bethany, tiaughter a! Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. Cummiskey,, anti Clan- ence George Page, Oshawa, son o! Mr". and Mrs. George Page, Bethany, was solcmnized October llth in Bethany United Churcb, with Rev. A. W. Harding officiat- ing. Robert Sisson playeti the music. Given in manriage by ber fa- Uier, the bride wore forget-me-not blue taffeta embroidereti in silver, blue lace mittens and matching finger-tip veil with a floral head- tiress* Her !lowers were rases and wbite baby 'mums. Miss Florence Courtice was bridesmaid, gowned in old rase chenille taffeta with smnall matching bat, rose lace mit- tens anti olti-fashioneti noscgay o! rases and cornflawers. Haroldi Page, brother of the groom, was best man. A receptian was heiti at Uic home of the bride's parents, Uic britie's mather wearing navy blue crepe witb corsage o! swcet peas. The groom's mather wore minerai blue crepe with corsage.-o! sweet peas. For a motor trip ta Northcnn Ontario, Uic bride worc a brown wool crepe tiress with matcbing accessories andi brown coat. Upon their return they will reside in Courtice. Bradd-Hooper Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, decorateti with baskets and tanl standards o! gladioli and mums in shaded colons o! pink and rase, was Uic setting for a quiet but pretty wedding on Oc- tober 4th, when Pansy' Louise (Pat), second tiaughter o! Mn. anti Mrs. V. Roy Hoopen, Bowman- ville, became the bride of Floyd William Bradd, son o! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bratid, Lontion. Rev. J. E. Griffith officiated, andthUi wetiting music was played by Miss Lilianne Naylor. The bride wore ber going away costume o! powdcr blue wooi crepe suit with matching -heant- shaped bat and black patent ac- cessonies. Her corsage was reti roses. Miss Gertrude Hoaper, sis- ter o! Uic bride, was ber only at- tendant. She chose a navy triple sheer dress and matcbing acces- sories and corsage o! pink roses and carnations. Mr. Arthur Hum- page supported the groom. Follawing the ceremany the ne- ception for Uic members o! the immediate !amiiy and a few fr1- ends of Uic bride and groom was held at the home o! the brîde's parents wbere Uic guests wene neceivd by the britie's mother who wore navy sheer with matcbmng accessonies and corsage o! gold roses and carnations. The groom's mother was unabie ta be present. The happy couple le!t by motor for western pointe. They wil ne- side on Concession Street. -Previaus ta her marriage, Mrs. Bradti was the gucst o! honar at a shower given by Misses Reta Mini! le and Eve Wood, at their home. The room was prettily dec- oratet inl pink anti white with -the britie's canner arranget i wth a pink and wbite umbrella and streamers tiedt t the many gifts. Thene were about 25.frientis o! thc bride present anti she was the recipient .of a service of six in crystal. While Uic gifts were be- ing unwrapped, a mock wedding was performeti by tbree o! Uic girls suitably tiressedti t portray thein parts. The bride thanketi al for their kintiness, anti a dainty lunch was serveti by Uic bostesses. Good-Stacey St. John's Anglican Church was ticcorateti with gladioli anti mums October i lth, for the pretty wed- ding o! Helen Louise Stacey, elti- est daugbtcn o! Mn. ant irMs. Alvin Staccy, ta Walter Herbent Gooti, son o! Mie. R. Rogers. Ile ceremony was perfarmeti by Canon C. R. Spencer. Mis. J. A. Gurna was at the ongan. Given in manrage by ber fa- then, tic bride looketi beautiful in a gown o! white sheer with a full length lace veil anti carrieti a bouquet of Amenican Beauty nases. The bride was wcaring Uic gift a! the groom, a golti wriet watch. She was attentiet by Mise Dontby Gooti, sisten o! the groom, wearing turquoise sheer with matching shoultier length veil anti carnying a bouquet o! ruet anti yellow baby mume. Mise Mar- garet Stacey, sisten of tbe bride, was the junior bidesmaiti, wear- ing eheil pink slen witb match- ing shaulden length veil anti car- nieti a bouquet o! pink baby At the Arcade-- Be Patriotic THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD BUY for CASH When Tou Duy at THE ARCADE FOR CASH, Tou !ay The Arcade Low Prices. TifE ARCADE BOWMAN VILLE "More Plhase, Daidyl"1 Their daily bread... ks >our resp ibilit% for many years to corne Sho Id the unexpected happen, wouid your family's security Continue? Is your present life insurance adequate for ail theïr needs? A Mutuai Life "contiaued in- corne" policy wili take cotre of their future ... and in addition, will guarantee y.a a life incarne whenî you retire. Your Mutuai Life representa- tive is qualified to help iva plan now for -continued income.O For war-time needs ... the new "VICTORY POLICY" To help you combine substantial war savilgs with adeqk-te provi- sion for -continued incarne," the new *«victory Policy" bas been specaly designed by The Mutuai Life of Canada. Premiurns are ex- 3ceedingly low for the first few 1years, yet protection is immediate Land permanent- This policy is cape- àcially attractive to mcn and women with rnodest incomes. 1Sée your nearest Atuaw ife repre. sen,*he for 'complete imj¶rwtien about thie Heu "Victory Poiicy" and etAier "conthwed bicore" p4ans Or- write The Miatual Lufe of C-4,dj W'ateroo, Ont. Do àt odryi wu.»d hy Me. PoR&Yboldévu 435 GEORGE ST. Braach Office: PETERBOROUGH, ONT. mums and blue cornflowers. The jgroom was attcndcd by Mr. Harry >Jacknian, andi the ushcrs were >Mr. Gordon Mantie,ýnd Mn. Russ Hardy. During the signing of the register Miss Lillian Naylor sang "0 Promise Me." Following the ccrcmany a re- ception was helti at the home o! Uic bride's parents. The bride's mother received in rase printed sheer with a corsage of pmnk car- nations. andi was assisteti by Uic groom'Is mother wearing soldier blue crepe with a corsage o! reti and wbitc carnations. Followirg the reception -,the couple leh amidst sbawcrs of confetti andi good wishes for a wcdding trip east. For travelling the bride chose a black pin stripe tailored suit, with a black bat and matcbing bag and shaes. She worc a corsage of rcd roses. Includcd among the gucsts werc Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hirsch, Buffalo, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. P. Harrison and daugbtcr Madeline, Mr. and Mrs. W. Flint and son Peter, Mr. andi Mrs. F. Trowcll andi daugh- ters Jean and Lorraine,« andi Miss Anne Wamsley, ail of Toronto, Miss G. Hallanti and Miss N. Rab- inson, Fenclon Falls, andi Mr. George Franklin, Oshawa. Previaus ta her marriage the bride hnd twa showers, a miscel- laneous sbowcr !nom ber fricnds and ncîghbrs, and a kitchen sbower from ber girl friends. Henry-Hoskln A pretty autumn wetiting took place in Nestîcton Uniteti Church Octoben 4th, wben Miss Alice Isa- bell Hoskin, daughter o! Mr. anti Mis. R. M. Hoskin, Nestîcton, was uniteti in manniage ta Mi. Mel- ville Henry, son a! NU. anti Mrs. Wm. Henry, Purpie Hill. Rev. D. M. Stinson, Blackstock, officiatei. Tbe bride was given in mariage by ber father. Mis. S. Malcolm, organiet, playedth te wedtiing music. Mn. Leonard Joblin sang "O Perfect Love" tiuring thc sign- ing o! the register. The cburch wae prettily ticconateti witb gis- dioli anti asters. The bride wae tiresseti in a white satin gown with train, long veil anti floral wneath a! orange bioseams anti forget-mne-nots, long eleeves, white gioves ant icliVer ehoe, anti bouquet o! reti nases. The bridesmnaiti was Mies Cathar- in" Jobnston, Mnesing, cousin ýo! the bride, dreeset inl pale blue taffeta *with white gloves anti shae, anti bouquet a! pink anti white carnations. The grooms- man was Mi. Herb. North o! Wbitby. Ushers were -Mn. John Wilson, Nestîcton, anti Mn. Os- borne Jobnston, Minesing. The neception was beiti at Uic home o! the brîie's parents.' The britie's mother was dressed inlarase crepe with white accessories. '1!le gnoomn's mothen was dressed inl wine crepe. The tiining romr was deconateti witb pink anti white stncamners anti belle, with asters andi gladioli. The bride'e travelling suit was navy blue with navy anti white accessonie. They le!t amiti show- ers o! confetti for Toronto anti points nortb. They will resiiean Oshawa. A quiet but pretty wcdding was soiemnizeti at the Cbunch o! the Messiah, Toronto, on October 1l, wben Bevenly, tiaughter a! Mr. anti Mrs. D. J. Sinclair, Devon- sbire, Englanti, became the bride o! Mr. Rolandi Thompean, son o! Mn. anti Mis. Wesley Thompspn, Haytian. Rev. W. R. Sproule otil- ciateti. The bride was charming ln a soltiier blue tiness with brown accessonies anti a corsage o! reti roses. She wore a golti locket, *1e PASTOR AND WIFE WED FOR"Y YEARS Rev. and Mms. E. F. Arrnstronmg Have Served In Ontario Pas- to me urlng Married Lite <Strathroy Age-Dlspatch> Rev. ant is. E. F. Armstrong recently celebrateti their 40Ui wedtiing anniversary. They were mannieti in Windsor in 1901by the late Rev. James Livingston, at the bomne o! Uic bride, who was for- menly Miss S. F. Banwell. Their !irst' charge was Tuppervilie, where Uiey began their ministry in 1901, remaining there four yeans. A iiew cburch 'was built during their pastorate. Then fol- lowet inl succession pastarates at Ethel, Charing Cross, Chatham, Essex, Wingham, Wailaccburg, Listowel, Bowxnanvillc anti Bien- beim. Mr. anti Mrs. Armstrong arc now living retireti in Lontion wbcre Mr. Armstrong is supply ministen at PiIgrim U nit etd Cburch. Five chiltinen wcnc bora, Uiree o! whom survive. They are Rcv. Carman Armstrong, ministen o! Mount Brytiges Unitedi Church, Douglas Armstrong, P.H.M.B., o! Tononto, anti Miss Margaret Arm- strang o! London. An annivensary dinner, given at the home of Rev. Caninan Arm- strong, Mount Brytiges, was at- tendeti by Uic immediate famiiy, înclutiing Rev. anti' Mrs. E. F. Armstrong, London; Rev. anti Mrs. Canman Armstrong anti Ronald Armstrong, Mount Brytiges; Mn. anti Mis. Douglas Armstrong, Ta- ranto; Miss Margaret Armstrong, Londion; Mns. A. E. Catherwood, Detroit; Mn. anti Mns. S. J. Cour- tice, Leamington; Albert Lloyd, Stratfand. Dinner was serveti by Uic Wo- men's Association o! Mount Bryti- ges Unitedi Church, anti a toast was proposedti thUichonoreti guests. On 'Sunday, October 12th, Mt. Carmeli Unitedi Church le holding its 86th anniversary o! Uic be- ginning o! Mcthodiem in the com- munity. In the morning an unique service will be belti with the fa- ther o! the present pastar, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, London, preach- ing anti assisting bis son, Rev. C. E. Armstrong, in thc service. Haydon. Visitons: Mn. anti Mis. Wilfred Bowman, Enfielti, Mn. anti Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen, Mn. Fred Stannarti, Bowmanvile, at Mn. L. Ashton's. . . Mr. anti Mis. Anderson, Mn. anti Mns. C. Demp- sey anti Malyn, Toronto, at Mn. T. Cowling's. . . . Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Sandenson anti !amily, Mne. D. Higgins, Mies Laura Pbilp, To- ronto, at Mn. R. Santierson's... Mise Venna Tnewin, Oehawa, witb ber parents. . . Mr. anti Mns. Roy Thompson anti Ganny, Leskarti, Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Osmonti, Mn. Glenn Thompson, Newcastle, Mn. anti Mns. Eanl Thompeon, Bow- manville, Mr. Roy Chaters, Miss Lorn.g Thaonpson, Tononto, at Mr. W. thaômpon's. .. Mns. Cale anti Miss Blackburn, Newcastle, Mise Bessie Blackburn, Ottawa, Mn. anti Mns. Farewell Blackburn anti Grace, Salem, at Mn. M. Black- bunn's. .. Mrs. Cccii Siemon and Mis. E. Werry at Mr. H. Brook- ing's, Wesleyville. . . Mr. anti Mie. W. Hall, Toronto,- Mns. Thos. Brown, Onono, Mr. anti Mis. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, Mn. Donald McKenzie, Miss Unsul Mc- Neil, Pickering, at Mn. A. Mc- Neils. .. Mn. Geo. Riggs anti Mns. E. R. Ormiston at Mi. h4cKeever's, Bowmanville. . . Mn. anti Mns. Cyrus Ashton, Mr. Roy Ashton, Burkcton, Miss Annie Ashton, Mount Dennis, Mr. Jim Wallace, Oshawa, at Mn. Leslie Grabam's. ..Mn. anti Mis. Earl Kennedy anti !amily, Mn. Norman Hall, Oshawa, Mn. anti Mrs. A. Giltiens, Bowmanvillc, at Mns. D. Gra- ham's. . . Mn. Douglas, Highland Creek, Miss Hazel Bell, Toronta, Mn. anti Mie. Cyril Avery anti !amily, Maple Grave. at Mn. C. Aveny's. Mn. anti Mrs. Thenon MÇountjoy anti Mr. Milton Siemon attentiet the silven wedtiîng reception a! Mn. anti Mne. Gardon McLean at Uxbridge. W. A. met at Mis. Chas. Gar- rard's on Tburstiay. Devotional wae taken by Mns. A. F. Gardiner. This pnogram was gîven: Humor- ous monologue by Mre. M. Black- bunn; duet by Blanche anti Meta Degeer; ncading by Mns. W. Thompeon; ncating by Wianie Tnewin. Lunch was serveti by Miss Eiieen Cowling's gnoup. A reception was heiti at Uic home of Mn. W. Thompson in hanar o! Mn. anti Mis. Rolanti Thompeon. Mn. and Mis. Theron Mountjoy attendeti the golden wedding ne- ceptian o! Mn. anti Mne. Wm. Mountjoy at Columbus. Suatiay School at 2 p.m. endi chunch at 3 p.m. Please note change o! time. Meeting o! S. S. Executive was helti Tuesday anti these officers wcne electeti: Beginnens Class teacber-Mns. C. Siemon; Jr. Girls -Miss Eileen Cawling; Assistant -Mis. Chas. Garranti; Christmas Pnognam Committee-Mrs. Theran Mountjoy anti Miss Jean Houston. Chanlie Clark's Higb River Times quotes this !nom Uic Cal- gary Eye Openen o! 30 ycans aga: A visit ta the Cave anti Basin Swimming Pool at Ban!! le a gooti test o! true love. If they love each othen a! ter ber fiakeup bas wasb- ed off, anti she bas seen how clasely be nesembles a gnasshop- pen, there is love intiect. gift o! the groom. She was at- tendeti by Mrs. Charles Tomlin, becomingly gowncd in a wine drcss with black accessories and a corsage o! yellow roses. Mr. Chare Tomlin, Toronto, was bcst man. Following Uic ceremony a reception was belti at Mr. and Mns. C. Tamlin's, and afterwards Uic happy couple lc!t on a short tnip. They will neside in Bow- manville. Previaus ta ber marriage the bride was thc recipient cf a mis- cellaneous shower. Ebdenezer With Uic pasior in charge, ser- vices on Sunday were well at- tendeti. Miss Louise Peance took thc solo part in the anthem in Uic morning. Pupils from No. 4 school providcd musical numbers for Uic evening service. W. M. S. met Thursday with 25 g rcsent Quiet music . was playcd y s.Cecii Worden. Thanks- giving Thoughts werc given by Ada Annis. The Uieme for the worship period "Faith by which we live"l was presented by Louise Osborne followed with praycr by Aninie Hait. Mrs. R. Gay was ap- pointed delegate ta thc Sectional meeting at Enniskillen Oct. 3th. Reports were given by group leaders. Study bookc was taken by Mrs. A. J. Oke, assisteti by Mesdames Rose, Devin, Oke, Bcauchamp anti Werry. Mrs. G. Annis contributcd a vocal solo. C. G. I. T. openeti with prayer by Mns. Smi. Repyrt o! meet- ing at Whitby was given by Gwen Osborne; piano solo by Marilyn Rundie; rcading by Eilecn Pickell. Young Pcopie's Union openeti for the season Tucsday night in charge o! MarjoFy Henry. Bible lesson was given by Billy Henry anti prayer by Aura Osborne; piano solo by Ada Annis; talk on Camp LiI e by Lawrence Wragg; vocal solo by Louise Pearce. Games were in charge o! Glen Pickell andi Lawrence Wrngg. Pumpkin pie was serveti at the closc. Attentiance 23. Mission Cincle met Wednesday atMrs. Herb. Nichais' with an at- tcndiance o! 21. President Mrs. Lloyd Courtice openedtihUi meet- ing. Miss Alice Arnold gave Uic topic on "Thnnksgiving"; vocal solo by Louise Pearce; reading by Veinia Pearce; organ solo by E?- ma Wade; Mrs. Clarence Hackin spoke on the Study Book. Re- freshments wcre serveti.. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pickell, Miss Audrey Pickell, Mr. Biily Pickeli, Kingston, Mr. Bob Holiitay, Barriefield, at Mr. Frank Worden's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce anti !amily at Mr. Foster Snowtien's, Kedron. . . Mrs. Hil- lier, Toronto, witb ber daughter, Mrs. Eltan Wery. . . Miss Dorothy Joncs and girl !riend, Toronto, at Mr. Walter Runtiie's. * Tyrone Visitors: Mr. anti Mie. Bacon Brodie anti taugbten Virginia aid Mie. Mauti Watie, Toronto, with Mis. Byron Moore... Mrs. A. B. Stephene. Arthur anti Beverly, Toronto, at Mi. Robt. Burgess'..- Miss Nina Hotigeon, Toronto, wiUi ber parents.. . Mn. anti Mns. A. Bolton, Tononto, at Mn. E. A. Vir- tue's. . . Mie. Mary Mutton, Mn. anti Mis. Garnet McCoy anti Jack, Bowmanville, at Mn. A. Hlawkcy's. ..Pency Haywand, Pickening, at home... Airs. Floyd Dudley, Bily, Dan anti Jean, anti Mis. Gardon Cowling at St. Catharines anti Niagara. ... Mi:e. Ronald Scott anti Mis. Wil McDonalti in To- ronto anti Weston. .. Mne. Lamne Haskin, Munnay anti Ailyn, at Mn. T. Penrinian's, Columbus. .. Sgt. Art Spicer, Niagara, Mis. Spicer anti chiltinen, Bowmanville, witb Mis. Laura Virtue. . . Mn. anti Mis. Lamne Hoskin, Murray anti Allyn, at Mn. Chas. Warrnn', Hampton, ta Thanksgiving sup- ...... Miss Myntle Dunlop, Peter- bora. Mr. Fnank Thompson, Bow- manville, Mies Marie Thompeon, Oshawa, at Mr. Leslie Thoxnp- son's. .. Pte. Norman Thompeon, St. Catharines, le home on leave. ..Mr. Gea. Brooks at Mr.* Clan- ence Brooks', Ciankeon. .. Mr. anti Mns. S. A. Cooper, Toronto, at Mr. Howard Bnent's. . . Mr. anti Mis. L. J. Gootiman at Mr. Lamne McCoy'e, Brooklin. . . Mr. Fred Davis, Scarbaro, wiUi bis brother Victon at Mr. Howand Bnent's.. Misses Nora anti Vera Kersiake, Hampton, with Mie. Byron Moore. ..Pte. Walten Park, St. Cathar- ines, at F. L. Byam's. Mis. S. A. Cooper, Toronto, rendereti a beautiful solo, "The Stranger o! Galilce" at the Sun- day service. We weicomc Mis. Herbent Bur- gess anti family ta Uic village. Mr. Burgess hae joineti the army ant isl now at Quebec. THURSDAY, C A iCTOBER 1e, 1941 DEP40NSTRATION 0f Heinz Produets at Harry AIin's SALL DAY SATUR DAY A representative of the H. J. HEINZ 00. Will demonstrate new and * delieioiVs recipes. 'When buying groceries gete sorne tips, for better and tastier meals Lait OaU to Bhip Overseas Parcels. Order at ALLIN%8.1..- 300 Bweet Cape, Wincihesters, Smoking Tobacco, for direct iiipment Overseas to arrive at Christmas. SpciaU Price 51.10 Enclose iLiia parcels: Balada Tea Bago, Wriggley's Gin. 1/ Blocks Semi-Sweet Chocolats 23e EXTRA - - EXTRA VALUE!. One tube of Gillette Lather Shaving Creani and package of 10 GiletteBlue Blades Bo*h for Only 59e HARRY ALLIN THE CORNEk GROCERY Phones 867 - 388 Courteous Service identlfied The man-from the country came ta the camp ta see his son who had been drafted. As bis name was Jones it was difficult ta locate I the iclectec. The officer on duty said ta the farmer: aI "There's a Jones in the officers' mess. Perhaps that's your man" "Ycs, sir, that would be him," agreed the ivisitor.a "What makes you sa sure?" ask- cd thc officer. "Well, said the other, "he was always in sorne mess or other when he was at home, so it must be him. v 't, TEA BAG-S ?~ a 1 ýýj mi

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