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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1941, p. 10

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*1 P'AGE TEN TUE.A t.r.4.. . s=-sca.,-1..-- THURSDAY. OCTOfl 28, 1941 The Newcastle Independent PoeClarke 1114 Corporal Harold Hockin was October lSth, wben Berice Eliza- homo from Camp Borden. beth <Betty) Lawler was married Miss Mary Siimonns, Chfoy'in la l Saints Church ta Mr. Locks, visited Mrs. W. H. Cooko George Wse eda saa andl Miss Cooko. the ceremoay being performcd by Rcv. R. B. Patterson, Cannington. Mms. A. O. Parker and Seldon The bride is a daughtem o! the spent Thanksgivmng with Mr. and former Miss Carnie Grose, New- Mms. Walter Seldon, Toronto. castle, who married M. Arthur Miss Isobel Allen was a visitor T. Lawler, Whitby, and a cousin at Mr. and Mms. Robh. Dent's, o! Mr. Carl Selby, Newcastle, and Omoo, u.Pro. . H sapls'Mrs. Sain Powell, Lake Shore. fanm. - Hem father bas been decac o saine ycars. She was given i Mr. and Mms. Bruce Cotter and mariage by bier brother, William daughters atendcd the funeral O! Lawler. Hem sister, Mms. N. R. Mrs. Pat Cotter o! Ncwtonville at Cormack, Oshawa, sang and an- Port Hope on Tucsday. other sister, Miss Sheila Lawlem, Baudsmaa Harold C. Allin ac- was the bide's attendant. A e- companicd Rev. R. E. Morton ta ception was beld at "Tweiity Clarke Church Sunday afternaon Steps Inn," Brooklln. After a and to Sbiloh for an annivcrsamy wedding trip ta Ottawa and Mon- - service in the evcning. treal, the bride and groom will Mr. Harry Cotter and lady fi- take up their residence in Osh- - end, Toronto, visited bis parents, awa.V M. sud Mms. Bruce Cotter, and attended the funeral o! bis grand- ELECTION NOV. 29 mothor, Mms. Pat Cotter. FOR OLDER BOYS' Newcastle Trail Ranger officers electod last week: Cief-Ted Py-~ PARLIAMENT bus; Sub-Chief-Tracy E itibl1y;- Tally-Neil B ri ttaen; Cache - The boys are aaw'looking for- Francis Jase; Sergeant-Murmay ward ta the electioris for the- Butler; Mentors-Rev. R. E. Nom- twenty-first Older Boys' Parla- A ton, Donald Jase, Sam Bremeton. ment which will meet Dec. 26tb The naines o! Geal Henaing ta 3th. Returning Officer far and Gardon Cotter weme among West Durhain is T. Edwin Han- those that were inadvertently cock, Newcastle and Courtice. omitted last week from the list o! Nominations will be eeived Up C Newcastle men in active service in ta Nov. lst and the voters' list Canada. if theme are ailiers Reeve will close Nov. 24th, with elec- Carveth or this colunin would be iens on Nov. 29tb. Who may pleased ta receive the informa- vote-Thase who may vote must tion. meet the qualifications o! (a) and Mr. and NMs. Percy Hare moved (b) below and eitber (e) or (d). ito their new bouse on the east (a) Must have passed their l2th sileofo Mill St. on Saturday. Mr. and net their 2lst bithday; (b) Hare bas been makig good us must bave attended at least 25% o! bis bolidays in getting the of eitbeir their week-nîght meet- bouse eady for occupation and ings or Sunday Sebool; (c) must lu mavig fom Miss Almeda be members o! an oganized Couch's bouse which is already group which bas registered with rented ta Mr. and Mms. AW. h Ontario Boys' Wark Board Glenney.and bas sent its voters' list to the Glenney.district returning afficer; or (d) Irwin Clwill loaded at the must bp members o! a Sunday C.N.R. station on Noaday a car of Sehool class whicb bas sent its 179 barmels o! apples for expert vaters' list ho the district eturh- ta Great Britaîn. Mr- Colwill ing of ficor and a duplicate ta the biniself was la Cobourg on jury Ontario Boys' Work Board, 299 duty, but Charles Thackmay, Qucen St. West, Toronto, by Nov.I Charles Megit and Wm. Cowan 24th. wore la charge o! the lQadiag with The niember for West Durbain Inspecter E. A. Waltoa on band for the past yeam bas been Ralph ta sec if eveything was O. K. Pound, Courtice. Tbcme are a lot o! orders and __________ regulations ha be complied with li these turnes in sbipping aaything Sale out of the country. ____ Golden Rule Mission Band met Salem choir assisted in tbe1 Oct. l8th witb President Mary music at Long Sault Harvest Toms la the chair. Rev. Morton Home Sunday evening. Several led in prayer and seriptume was other Salemn folk also attended. rend by Arvifla Brunt. Miss Allia Y. P. U. meeting Oct. lStb was taught the memamy verse. The opened by B. Darcb ia the absence children took mnuch enjoiymeiit o! Presideat G. Barrie. Pmogam from their attempts ta eat wthb was in charge o! F. Blackburn. chopshicks during a revicw of Tapie was given by Rev. Gard- sanie Chinese customs coaducted nom; edings, Mms. S. Buttery, by Mrs. W. E. Beman. Mr. EdwinI Mms. L. Richards, Miss B. Tbomp- Hancock in a very inherestig way son and W. Taylor; piano solo, deacribel a set o! lantern slides Miss D. Burrus; vocal solo with of a North Anierican Indian Mis- guitar accompaninient, B. Darch; sianary. Programi enlcd witb a Good Manners Quiz for the re- sole by Joan Neilson, a eading creational peiod. by Eieen Allia and a piano solo Mms. R. Coakln, Kingsvile, is by Claire Allia. visiting frienîs beme. Alhhough reprosontativos of thc Mr. E. Cator is borne !rom Ontario Depntmont o! Public Oshiawa Hospital aftem baving a Highways bave iaterviewed a cash adjusted ta belp iajury e- nuraber of praperty owaers lu this ceived. locality and sumveyoms bave boen Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Cornish and ah work on diffomont occasions in Mrs. W. Fitze, Jaaetville, visited regard ta the route of tbe pro- at the Squair borne. posel aew four lane highway no Mrs. Mooly and Miss F. Moody, dofinite propositions have as yet Taronto,.are visiting Mrs. H. Gaud. beon made to any land or bouse- Salem friends extend sympathy bolder tbrougb whose pmopety ta the f amily o! Herbert Collacuth the oad migh ua. Ia f act there whose funemal took place at Port is nothîag definite yet as ta the Pemmy Oct. 2lst. route o! the bigbway thmougb this _________ lacality. The last turne aay High- Two Pr..nted With way Departinont mon weme around tbey hll Mr. and Mms. 50 - JeweIs Math. Brown that tboy might be Hear S.O.E. Secr.tary back again la tbmce montbs' tîme. ____ Visihors froin Bowmanville, Or- William Peters, Bowmanville, One, Toronto, Miland and other and Charles Buraws, Oshawa, points joined their Newcastle members o! the Sans o! Englanl frieuls ah the dressed park sup- Lodge for a bal! century were per served by the ladies of St.. pesented with 50-year jewels George's Cbumcb la the parish* by SpeeSceayW . hall October lShh. A staff o! cx- Olsup TroneoecrenmyW.llV- periencel ladies in the kitche tog Lodby.Torota, en Wyellning- sdan equally efficient sud ah- tnLdemtTedyecig tentive staff o! girls and the Bath .maIe short speeches, Mr. 3rurnarried ladies waiting Burrows satel that ho bad not on the tables assurod overyoneo ni en ieuigmebro courteous and abundant service. the order but hird also worked for An exit siga on the door of the the same fini for 42 years. stairway, leadiag frain the base- Mr. Oglesby gave an adîres ment ta the hall stage above the stressing the paoit hah Canada kitchen. attrached ail wbo had shoull bo ready after the war te finished their suppor southward eceive an influx o! population and upward. Homo they fouud a froin the British lales and ailier bazaar being beld in connectlon countries. wbich ho belleves will with the supper and many.bought take pae elhe distinguishd filer waî a %prMer mayor o! Belleville. Ho -wsiMled at Ottawa airport, Oct. ~5J.when ho walked inta the i)ath o! a tnxilug plane and wa'Upk bY the propoller, accord- jào 0 air force bealquarters. Ho WM~ AY.C.officor commanding SooU5qadron o! No. 2 service lyi wol at Upîanas airport. jj vas ccrded full air force 'en sWqOthe remains were toelM"Ül &kt!ord on Fi- jpvforthbepub- iaùëW byVen. K .G. ,Çarke and BW.i1' çusttW.Ttecortege. - ~ . 4~a jûLým1uff led Squadrqi Leadér Wilxaot was a grandson o! Samuel WiImot, fouader o! the Flsh Hatcheries ah Newcastle and !lrsh Cousin o! Nrs. D. B. Sinipson, 'Newcastle and Mrs. A. D. Wheelen, Bowmans. ville One o! bis laut visita ho shah commuaity hook place lu the suiner o! 1939 wbcn ho flew there lu bis owa plane laadiug fa one o! Mrs. W. H. Pearce's fildîs, and visitel bis cousina. Mm. and Mms. Rex Wynn, thon holidnyiag ah Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball's cot- tage, Harris Lalge; Nns. Wbeeler and Mms. Simipson and bis ant, tho late Mms D. J. Galbraith. Up ta the begiauing a! the present wnr ho owaed and managel near BrantfoamIthie langest turkoy ranch in Canada. ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, eaeh insertion (minimum charte 25c). Charge of 25e extra fa made when advertlsement fa flot paid saine week as iser- tion. Extra chargee oflOc when, replies are dlrected te a Statesman box number. Blrths, deathsad. marriages 50e each. In Memorlama, 50o for notice plus 1o per line for verse, Classlfed adver- tisements accepted Up until 6 pan. Wednesday. BIRTtI WEBB -Mr. and Mrs. Thornton John Webb <nee Hilda Barrett) announce the birth of a son, 'Thorntan John Jr., on October 20th, 1941, at Bowmanvillo Hospital. 43-1* DEÂATHS ARKWRIGHT - In Bowmanville, on October l9th, 1941, Richard Billington Arkwright, in his- 84th year. COLLACUTT-At Port Perry, on October l9th, 1941, Herbert L. Collacutt, beloved husband of Tena Houck, in his 73rd year. HODSON-Suddenly, at Brooklin,, in his 85th year, Frederick Wil- liam Hodson, beloved husband of the late Ann Elizabeth Cal- der, and father of Ronald W. Hodson and Mrs. F. E. D. Me- Dowell, Toronto. rOHNSTON-At Watrous, Sask., October l5th, 1941, Lillian Wood beloved wife of the lato Rev. C. O. Johnston and mother of Mvrs. <Rev.) G. H. Glovor, Watrous, Sask. (Amy); and Mrs. <Rcv.) C. C. Washington, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. (Olive). Interment at Bolton, Ontario. LYLE-In Bowmanville, October l9th, 1941, Anne Lyle, beloved daughter of Mr. John Lyle and' the late Mrs. Lyle. OKE-In Bowmanville, October l8th, 1941, Alice Joncs Oke, widow of the late Samuel Oke, aged 84 years. rODGHAM-In Bowmanvîlle, on October 2lst, 1941, Honor Todg- hain, widow o! the late William H. Todgham, aged 88 years. Funemal from hem late residence, Hunt St., on Thursday, October 23rd, at 3 p.m., ta beave for Bowmanville Cemetemy. Card of Thanks Mrs. G. Somerseales and family' wish ta express sincere thanks to, neighboms and fiends who were so exccptionally kind and consid- emate in their recent bereavement. Wards cannot express the deep thanks due particularly to Mms. Thomas Veale, ta Dm. Birks and the nurses for their thoughtful- ness and kind administrations. COMING EVENTS Reserve Thùrsday and Friday, November 27 and 28, for High Sehool Commencement. 43-tf Annual Donation Day af the Children's Aid Society o! North- umberland and Durham will be held on Oct. 3Oth, froin 3 ta 5 p.m. D.S.T., at Hilcrest Lodge, 50 Bruton St., Port Hope. 'Speaker, Miss Nora Lea, Toronto. You are comdially invrited. The war bas materially increased aur ehild Protection Womk and expense. Youm financial help urgently needed and mspectfully solicited. 43-1 In Newcastle on Fmîday, Oct. 24th, in the United Chumch S. S. Hall at 6 p.m., an Old Southeru "Surprise" supper by the West Group of the W.A. Admission 35e. Aunt Jemima and Aunt Dinah assure everyane o! a sumptuous supper. 43-1 Annivemsary Services in New- castle United Chureh on Sunday, November 2nd. Preacher at 1 1 a.m. and 8 p.m., Rev. W. P. Wood- ger o! Tinity Church, Cobourg. Special music by the choir assist- cd by guest vocalists. Everybody welcome. 43-1 Thankoffeming Services will be held at Clarke Chumch on Sunday, October 26th. Rcv. Elllott, Wel- came circuit, will be the guest speaker at 2.30 and 7.30 Standard Time. Spetial musie will be pro- vided by Cowanville choir in the afternoon and by Newcastle choir in the evening. On the following Tuesday, Oct. 28th, thero will- be a Pot Luck Supper foilowed by a pmagram. Admission 25c and 15c. 43-1 Home cooking sale, aftomnoon tea, rummage sale, sale of famous =eips St. Paul's Lecture Room, Saudy afternaon, Oct. 25th. 41-1 43-1 Girls' War Service Club wifl hold a bazaar, tea and sale o! home caoklng on Saturday after- noan, November 8tb, in Rotary Room o! Balmoral Hotel. Proceeds will bpe used to send cigarettes to Bowmanville boys overseas for Christmas. Please use side en- tranco of hotel.. DANCE Dance - ho 10 Collegians, Coin- munit>' Hall, Newcastle, Fnila>', Oct. 24th. Admission 30c. 43-1 GIRL GUIDE NEWS Starhing Monlny, October 27hh, the Girl Guides WIil meet Monday evenlugs ah 7 p.m. lathie public school gyaiuasium. Thore wll be no meeting tis Fnida>', 24thh it. Ilp Wanted, HELP WANTED - GIRL; FOR general housework. Experieno.. ed. Apply Mrs. C. T. Ross, phone 589. 43-1 HELP WANTED - BOY WANT- ed for meat department of A. & P. Store. 43-1 HELP WANTED - CAPABLE typist required irnmedlÉtely. Write Drawer F, Bowmariallle. 43-1 RELIABLE MAN WA2NTD-TO take over profitable nearby Watkins Route. Establishod cus- tomers. Must D~e under 56,, have car or means of gettlng one. No capital or experience necesaary. Steady income. Write, The J. R. WAtkmns Company, Montreal, Que. Dept. 0-B-9. 42-4 WOMEN WANTED - CALL ON friends, neighbours, relatives, others, with Familex Household Necessities and make mo0ney full time, spare tixne! Low prie- es, attractive containers. Ex- cellent profits. Big orders- re- peats. Get your share of holiday spirit with best line in the field. Details and free catalogue: Familex, 570 St. Clement, Mon- treal. 43-1 For Rent FOR RENT - THREE' ROOMS for rent, furnished if desired. Phone 2385. 43-1 FOR RENT-FARM OR HOUSE about 1 mile north of Hamnpton. Apply Peter Holst, Hampton. 43-2* FOR RENT-GOOD STORE AND storehouse in Orono for rent. Apply Mac Smith, Orono. 43-1* FOR RENT-2 ROOMS,'PARTLY furnished. Board if desired. t Phone 2834. 43-1* r Radio Service EXPERT RADIO REPAIR--SETS callcd for and dellvemed. Phil- lips Radio Service. Phono 2238. 40-4* ANNOUNCEMENT The -marriage is announccd of Elba Mary, yaungest daughtem of Mrs. H. Clifford Caverly, Bow- manville, to Dr. Charles Joseph Austin, Enniskillen, youngest son of Mm. and Mrs. Joseph Austin, Fernie, B. C. The marriage took place quictly Wednesday, October 22nd. 43-1 ENGAGEMENTr Mm. and Mrs. Walter Pingle, Bowmanville, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter Edith Muriel, to Gerald Reginald Burr, son of Mm. and Mrs. John Burr, Oshawa. The marriage ta take place quietly November Ist. NOTICE Marian J. Hickingbottoni, To-; ronto, elocutionist and teachor of expression, will be in Bowman- ville Tuesday of cach week. ,A lirnited number of pupils can be aecommodated. Mms. Hickingbot- tom is available also for concerts and banquets, pmograms ta suit any organization. For information telephone 366 Bowmanville. 43-1 Auctlon Sales Fred Tabb, Lot 11, Con. 9, Darliugton, one mile noth o! Waadley's Nill, will seli by public auction on Saturday, Octaben 25, the following: Catle, pigs, hny and potatoos. Terms: Six montha credit cin approvel notes beariug interest at 4 %. Sale ah 1.30 p.m. Standard Turne. Clifford Pethlck, auctioneer. 42-2 Wm. S. Staples wiil sel b>' pub- lic auction ah Wavemley Stables (formerly Beith Farm), Bowmnan- ville, on Sahurda>', October 25th, 53 bond a! choice feeder Cathie, also Jersey cow, 4 years l, sud week-oll cal!, 3 Horses, and a big variety o! farm iniplemnonts. See bills for list. Sale 12.30 Standard Turne. Terms cash. Tel Jackson, auctianeer. 42-2 FURNITURE SALE Sahumlay, Ochober 25tb, 1941- The undersignol has recivel in- structions ho seli b>' publie suc- tian far the estahe o! the late F.' G. Korsînke, in the village o! Harùp- tan, ali bis bousehaleffeets Lu- cluding parloun, dining, kitchen andl bedmooni fumniture, beddlpg, rugs, lishos, lampa, cooking uhén- sils, staves, garlen toola, nd man>' other articles hoa numorgus tp mention. Sale ah 1 o'cloçk Standard Turne. Ternis cash. ICI- mer Wilbu, auctioner. 42 Notice To Creditors. ALL PERSONS bnving an>' dlaim againat the Eshahe of!thie- late JAMES HERBERT CRY)DUR-. MAN;, wbo lied on or about ýhe lthb day of September, 1941, at the Town of BoWnianville, la t Count>' o! Durhami, are requi;g. ho file the anme wtb proof tbhe- o! witb the undomagned, Ex~u tors,' or hheir Solicitor, not =~e than Novemben l7th, 1941, ase wbich date thegstate will be Is tributel and ll cdaims o! whr4ch the Executors bave not recelvel notice wl be barred as agai»t thein. DATED ah Bowmnnville this llth dgy o! October, 1941. j THE TORONTO gENERAL -TRUSTS CORPORATION, Torontî), Ontario, Execuhori by M.1.4 . GOULD, BovnmiaUvl, Ontario, Th.* ob utotor. 1 .--4$ Llvestock For Sale FOR SALE-SHORTHORN BULL Caif <eligible for registration), born March 6. Sire, Rosewood Supreme -241111-; dam, Clipper Maid 5th. Herd negative. Sac- rifice for qulck sale. Donald E. Gibson, Bownianviile. Ph on e Clarke 3811. 43-1 FOR SALE-30 PIGS, 6 WEEKS old, priced right. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle, phone 38r23. 43-l* FOR SALE-3 YEARLING CAT- tle. Apply Archie Thompson, Rý. R. 5, Bowmanville. 43-1 FOR SALE-RED ROAN REGIS- tered bull, 1 year old; also sev- eral younger ones. Apply Thos. Baker, Hampton, phone 2472. 43-1 FOR SALE-NINE YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old. Apply Mrs. Wesley Allin, Hampton. 43-1 FOR SALE- 3 XXX SHROP- shire ramn lambs, 1 XXX Shrop- shire shcarling ram. Apply to Walter Parrinder, Hampton, phone Bowmanville 2470. 43-1 FOR SALE - 50 WHITE LEG- horn hens, 1 year old, good lay- ing strain. Apply Herbert N. Scott, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phono Orono r18. 43-1 milkers, pure bred Jersey bull Percy Clark, Bowmanvillo R . R.. 2, James Pearce Farm. 43-1* FOR SALE~ - GOOD, QUIET, thoroughbred Holstein b ull. Bargain for quick sale. 6 cents per Pound or 6. Phone 2439, Roy Metcalf, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville. 43-1 HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE- 10 months, lst prize at Omono Fair, fmom a 3.69 % Dam; 9 months, good type, whose Dam tested from 3.7 to over 4 % for 3 lactations on R.O.P. Accredit- ed and blood tested. N o b l e Metcalf, Maple Grove. 43-1* FOR SALE - WELL BRED young heifer from governmenit blood tested cow, weight about 600. Apply Jacob Braneh, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2207. 43-1* FOR SALE - FIVE YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old. Apply George Gilbert, Hampton, phone 2801. 43-1 CATTLtE FOR SALE - THREE yeam old Hereford heifers, one two yeam old Holstein beif cm. Apply Mms. E. Mountjoy, Con- cession St., Bowmanvillc, aftem 6 p.m. 43- FOR SALE - 25 PLYMOUTH Rock pullets ready to lay. Ap- ply b(rs. Albert Harris, phono Orono 73r4. 43 1 FOR SALE-NINE YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old, exceptionally uniform, at right price. Artbur Burgess, R. R. 3, Bownianville, Iphone 2386. 43-1 Licensed Auctioneers ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Specializing ln Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Ternis and Date ta: Bowmanville 2428 CLIFFORD FETHICK Enniakillen Phono Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Famm Livestock, Imploments and Fumniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. 42-4* Dentlst DR. R. O. DICKSON Office heurs lu Orono: Monday te Frlday (inclusive) from 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Evenlngs by appoint- pointinent. Office heurs lu Newcastle: Every Saturday tremn 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. For appolntment Telephene Orene 18r1. 28-4* ýPHONE 778 q -~ Articles For Sale FOR SALE-COAL AND WOO cook stove, splendid condition, reasonable price. Apply at John Holgate office, Division St. 43-1* ATTENTION! - PERMANENT All-Winter Anti Freeze, $3.75 per gallon. Only limited amount left. G. F. Janiieson, Tire and Battery Shop. 43-tf 1937 DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN, small mileage, excellent condi- tion. Mrs. C. T. Batty, George Street. 43-1* OSH-AWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dlning suites, and studioà. Bedding and floor, coverings a specialty. Quality nierchandise at coin- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New* Fürniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 39-tf FOR SALE-LIMITED QUANTI- ty Talmon Sweet, Golden Rus- sett, Belle Fleur and Mann ap- ples. Apply S. Chas. Aluin, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2198. 43::j FOR SALE-STOVES WILL BE difficult ta secure before long. Place your order now and get prompt delivemy. Anl enamel models or Cookrite - part'ena- mel - Renfrew products. Apply -T. S. Mountjoy, R. R. 6, Bow- manville, phone 2503. 43-1 PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS-1 Mailed postpaid, in plain sealed envelopes, with price llst. 6 sarnples 25c. 24 samples $i.à6. Adults only. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 39-8 FOR SALE - POTATOES,I Kntahdins; dise plow, 2 furrow, Oliver gang, Cockshutt gang, M.-H. tractor plow, M.-H. drill. Apply Koith Bradley, Ponty- pool, phone Orono 82r3. 42-2* FOR SALE - CREAM SEPARA- tors, used. One 450-lb. capacity, Renfrcw; onc 600-lb. capacity,1 Renfrew; one 300 lb. 'capacity,1 new. Ail in good condition.« Apply T. S. Mountjoy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, pbone 2503. 43-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. Yau are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 39-tf Wanted WANTED - HIIGHEST PRICES paid for serap ba1ýteries. Wihen your battery fails, bmlng It in to be x-rayed by our newly i- stalled "Willard Trouble Flnd- er Machine.". G. F. Jamieson, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 40-tf WANTED-BOARD AIqWWARM room by gentleman, pensioner. (Qualified Notary). Vicinity of Newcastle or Orona. Write Box 10, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. WANTED-CLOVER SEED, ETC. We are paying highest prices for seed. Bring in a sample. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 43-1 Real Estate For Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - Frame house on soutb side of Queen Street, near Liberty, al convenlences, imniediate pos- session. Apply Conant & An- nis, Barmisters, Oshawa. 43-2 FOR SALE-A. W. ANNIS FARM Tyrone, 95 acres situate imme- diately adjoining the Tyrone village. 50 acres pasture one mile soutb. Large bip roof barn stone stabling, brick bouse, la good state o! repair. Electrie ligbt lnstalled. Wlth or without stock, implements and wlnter's fodder supply. Apply Conant & Annis. 41-4, Wante&OBu WANT7ED TO BUY - MON OR wood single bcd, witbout mat- tress or spring. Write Box 9, Statosman Office, Bowmanville. 43-1 I BUY TIMBER STANDING OR ii log on road. Large or small quantity. Write Stan Disney, Room 40,.Alger Building, Osh- awa phone 81. 43-4 WANTED TO BUY - LAIAGE box stove i good condition. Apply P. O. Box 187, Bowman- For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-6 ROOM- ed bouse, hot water beating, wimed for stove, hardwood f loors througbout, garage and garden. Possession imnmediately. Thos. Lymer, phone 379, Bow- manville. 43-1* FOR SALE OR RENT - ONE hundred acres good land, Lot 1, Con. 5, Damlington; solid brick house with bard and soft watoi' in house and stable. Apply Mac Smith, Orono., 43-1* Lost LOST--STRAYED FROM GAR- net Syrnons' f atm, 1 white and 6 gray geese. Phono 2459 Bow- manville. 43-1 LOST-BROWN LEATIýER BILL fold eontaining, sum of money, driver's license, registration card and o-ther papers. Reward Iif left at Statesmnan 6drfice.' 43-1 October Furultitre Sale Wise shoppers woulad o weflho avail theinselves o! aur low piced specials. Ver>' largo selection from aur hwo stores. Wilson's values beal the market. Inner Spring Mattresses $9.95-Spmring filled mattrosses in heavy striped tieking, roll edge, handlcs sud vontilatars. AUl sizes. Wonderful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spring f il1e d s t udi o couches. Goal looking. Weil hall- oel. Theso will ploase you and save you monoy. Over fif t> ho chooso from. Floor Coverlng Specials $1.49-Now borderleas rugs, 6 ft. by 9 ft. You will fiud ah Wilson's everything la' faon coverings. Personal atten tion ho ail your floor covering probloins. Inlails, congoleuins, feltols, beavy lino- leum. An widtbs. Wilson's pricos are lower. i New Chesterfield Suites $69.50-Specially pricel for aur sale. Modemn spring !iiled ches- ton! il suites. Smart ca r ved show wool. Excellent comùbina- tion o! coverings. We have many beautiful cbesherfield suites for you ho eboose from. Newost styles. Grsudesh; coverings. Our 10w prîcos will pleaso you. Bedreom Suites $59.95-Thrilling aew smart waterfall design. This is an out- standing buy. Sec oun largo seloc- tian o! beautiful bedroom suites you wîll be proud ho own. Wil- son's lower overbeal means lower prices ho you. Gift Sutgest1ods Cedar ebests, book cases, lamps, fancy cushions, cal tables,1 che- nille belspreals, isiokers, coffee tables, occasional chairs, lol prains. Hunîrels a! ather glfta ah Willan's lower prices. Trade-ln Department Jammel full - hundreds o! goal usel f3mnituro, bargains. We must make raom ah once negarîbesa af price - Chesterfield Suites, Din- ing Suites, Kitchen Ca b ineths, Dressera, Bols, Rugs, Stoves, Couches, etc. Ih will pny you ta visit our stores. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Church St. OSHAWA 39- ~mehuDitect'y " ' Lud egal i e '.,r Yeu are cordllly inviteul te attend EVANGELISTIC TADERNACLE Sunday Services 10 a.m. Sunday School. Il a.m. Subjeet, "'Reigning In Life" 7:30 p.m. Subjoct, "One Sure' Thing"P Week NIghts Wednesday, Q p.m. Bible Study Flriday, 7 p.m., Junior Church Frilay, 8 p.m., Young People's ,EVERYBODY WELCÔME Paster, Caupsan Lyn. JURYCU.LOVEL C.NR. -R.,-> mv. rU'IýA M AnTTAN SC'A 'IU!?t&fA M nnUMA ?.fL7TT . ONT'A 1MO OCTOBER 2Os 30,,319 NOVEMBER i FIÀLL WINTER. SAEAT T74HL ÉuIIâDîtRU STORE iSA Whou W. Tou em vw.Il lbDone Properly 'l Y,: t7i tif Dai4tdUSE &WANT ADS If ,' -- - - ààý ý 1 1 1 m~ G.1 V. GOULD, B. A., L.L» Barrister, Solicitôr Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmalvlll -W. RL STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor Notary SolicitoIr for Bank oi Montreal Money to Loan ..Phone 791 Eowmnanville, 9ntarlo L. C. MASON, n. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law lu ail its branches Office immnediatoly east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVT Assistant: Dr. E. W. S515w' Gmaduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. office hours 9a.m. to. 6 p.m. daily, excopt Sunday Phono 790 - House phonie 883 X-Ray Equipment in Offlde FuneraI Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any boum, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modemn Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phono 480 or 734, Assistant N573. Veterinary IR. B. MURRAÏ, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarlan Church St. - Bowmanville Phone 843 29 t! CONTEST FARMERS & GARDENERS VWe have now in our store five 22-lb. mangels totalling 110. lbs. and one 68-lb. pumpkin grown by D. E. Gibson from Stew- arts Hygrowth Seeds. If you better these or produce a record breaker of any kind gmown from our seed, bring it in. Winnemsi each class will receive a complote as- sortment of garden seola or 3 lbs. of moot seed. COntest Closes Nov. 15, 1941 Stewaît's Seed.Store j Phono 577

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