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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1941, p. 5

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31 19411 in the, had a af the the wo- r. bag. in the norseback prornpty cnargea mnto her knocking the poor soul dowp. Once over the border mnto Ger- many we were subjected ta the mast humiliating treatment from the civilian population of this 50 cafled "cultured" race of people who spit upon us and.hurled vic- ious epithets and stones and brandishing sticks of ail sizes. We wete alaoweclta send a printed card home once in a while. Two.of the lines ran: "I amn weil" and "I arn being wel-treated." I can tell you ini ail truth we were THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Anderson'ls Drug. Hampton: G. A. Barran& Son. Enniskillen: T. M. Siemn & Son Burketon: Harold Gml. Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. Nestieton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypoal: W. fi. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug 'Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Ca. Tyrone: P. L. Byam. Courtice: Frank Walter. Cadnius: Elliott's Store. Bowrnanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell. J. H. Johnstan, Jury & Loveil. ROUI Vlu. W-e.- 1 b 25C r lb- 750 I arn the aldcst businoss mu this town; Old milis bave been abaudoned; I persist. Old bouses, old batela ai great re- 1 nwn Have gane their ways, but 1, I stil exist; q Upan my inky pages there' ap- pears The stary of this place tbrougb- out Uic yoars. I told ai youth sud war, ai girls who wed, 0f ricb sud pon alike, ai thief sud sage, And bow thcy lived-Uiaugh mast ai theni are doad, Wbiie ageiess I arn ai Uic pre- sent age; Man's varied acts bave always been my text- Wbat happened long ago, and wbat cames next. Though I amn aId, in trutb I sili can say; Nathing can be so, nearly up-ta- date; Bath yesterdays sud morrows I survey,- Of ne'er-da-welt sud those ai high estate. I lived because I served, and stilil shall live Because, ai ail I bave, ta al I give! Thene is a rolationship between art sud religion. It consistsai this: the passion ion, pexfeçtion. PRONE 367 - 368 HARY ALLIO For these Natlonalb'-Known Pro- ducta at WEEK-END PRCES HEINZ SPECIALS HEINZ SPAGHETTI ifi-oz. Uin - 2 for 25o EEINZ STRAINED SOUPS For infants - 3 for 25o EEINZ JUNIOR FOODS Childrcn 111<0 theni - 2 for 19o BREAD FLOUE Maplo Leai - 24-lb bat Soc KRAFT DINNER ---190 CASTLE ÉMOOR WAX - - lb. 27o 1 lb. 45e One quart Hawes' Floor' Glose and 4-os. bottie 'of Furniture creaz -f$1.25 Vlup sBc THE CANADIAN ÈTATESMN. ÉOWMANVILL, OITAIO 'I waufi ra7tber sec ït-usod that-waây than have it stuck in the town sock and boardcd. I wonder what1 tte town would do if the public-1 miuded men who koep Uic town1 gotag and are always - putting their hands in their pookets ta help Uic tawn wlth a donation-I thlnk Uic tawn would die if those PAGE iIVE 'IEc Ai manviIIe, ddWest L)urhdm Clarke Farmèr Relates Story 0f Experiences it Germait Camp Octaber 1Mt, 1941 not allowed ta state we were fil- Ta the Editar, treated. Dear Sir: Like Mi. Henry we received Through the rnediun of your parcels from the Red Cross, a t coluin I would like ta cangratu- Witenberg Camp wbere I was late Mr.. V. A. Henry for the very uartered but most af theni had able manner in which ho b eenttor open before they ever placed bef6re your readers bis reached us and such luxuries as own experiences as a War Pris- chacolate, saap, etc. remaved. AUl Oner inithc first warld war. It the parcels were kept by the camp will at least remnd those ai your officiais and when we wanted a readers who had the priviege of tin af a certain kind we had ta, reading my own experlences un- ask far it and aiter puncbing der the saine circumstances as Mi. thraugb it with a pointed knife ta Henry endured and which yau sce if it was really foad it was Publisbed sanie manths aga ta emptied out in aur bowl and the realize mare fully thc truth af Our empty tin kept by theni. We wore assertions cancerning the - brutal- thick wooden soled boots with a ity of the Hun. heavy campressed paper upper The pity of it is that more of which gave us added agany. us have flot corne forward in a To thase people who say that sirnlar manner and stated the the Nazis are different frorn the truc facts; sanie things even warse real German let me say that this than ither myseif or Mr. Henry is utter nonsense. One, has ta be have Put forward. How many Of arnong them ta know that the yaur readers, 1 wander, can visua- a111Y thing they understand is lize the suiferings of a man going force and brutality and thcy will tbrough life wîth thc brand af neyer change that characteristic the German Eaglc tattooed on bis until they are soundly tbrashed as face, or suffering the rnîsery af they would have been as surcly dreaded T.B. braught ohi by filthy as night follows the day if wc inoculations which we were ail wha took part in the 1914-18 con- iarced ta submit to? flict had beon given the go ahead Conditions such as Mr. Henry signal ta chase evcry last Ger- autlined, I can absolutely vauch- man into Berlin. It would nat safe for and prevailed in aîrnost then have been necessaýy for aur every prison camp ini Germany at sons ta continue ta strive foi' the that tume. The clubbing of men vîctory whîch we had in aur with rifle butts wielded by a grasp 23 years ago. murderous German sentry wbo In 1929( and this will conclude staod over us while we warked my letter), an international Witb pick and shovel 12 bours a agreement rclating to a more hu- day, ramn or shine, was a daily mane treatment for War Prison- occurrence. I myseli carry a crs was dlrawnm up and signod by slight scar ou my right shin due the variaus powors,, including ta one of these blows. Germany, but I for anc share thc What do you Uink it feels like saine feelings as my conirade Mr. ta be infested with venmin, caus- Henry that you cannat believe a ingsleplssnigtsandagnizngGerman or otherwise trust bum. ing sloncples ibody and agnizeing Turn over tis palatial training ses t o oes ody adseen being school ta these beasts, bcstow up- ters at Uic point of a bayonet » on hmaltelxr mgn a breakfast af black bread and able, will it alter his attitude ta acarn cofice? We -were niostly aur boys aver there? I say no, nat ytinUtc least. In a week or two too weak ta even lit a pick andsmeathnwodprbsa- shoelle alne sethei. ternpt a get-away and out of Is it any wonder we are amaz- gratitude for the splendid accomi- cd aud astaunded over Uic stu- modation and excellent faod, etc., pidity of the authorities. In thas tbink nothing af setting lice ta country lu being sa kind and gen- the place, If the powers that be erous ta Uic Germn ipnsoners in Uink that by trcating these men aur midst ta the extent ai pravid- with cvory kindness and gentie- mng then i wth sucb a luxury as nçbs it will mean better treatmnent thc Training Schoal at Bawman- fa aur own boys wbo arc in Ger- ville! One must bear in mind too man bands today, tbcy are cci- Uiat although tbey are off icers tainîy living in a ioal's paradise. many of theni çannot be surpass- cd for callousness or cruelty; for Sa I say let such a stan aif instance on anc occasion when poctg pfoitepol we were marching acrass the bor- that wili cause the gaverument ta der froni France into Germany reo sier dey yours aitor aur capture I remember Si Jeey sseA Aln soing an aid French lady came esA.len running from. ber bouse with R. R. 3, Newcas±le. some refreshmcnt for us, where- on Uic German officer on THE COUNTRY PAPER SPEARS In The Editor's Mail Dear George: A friend lu Winnipeg bas sent me a ucat littie four page folder, p ublished and distributcd by the L niversal Lîfe Assurance and An- nuity Ca. of Winnipeg, which an the first page is camplimontary ta The Statesmani, and Uic whole is a compliment ta your friend, Dr. J. N. Hutchisan of Winipeg. That first page rcads as follows: L"Thîce Great Leaders. A Tribute >by Dr. J. N. Hutchisan, Winnipcg, 'Canada." and beiow appears the >statesment: "This trIbute ta The Great Leaders Was printod arigin- ally in the June 15, 1941, issue af The Canadian Statesman, Bow- Lmauville, Ontario." And sa the Hutchison message ta bis aid home paper is having a wider cincle of readers. (The thrce great' leaders are Winston Churchill, F. D. Roosevelt aud Mackenzie King). You may have seen this littie folden, but it is new ta me and I take a chance and send this on. Jobn Elliott. London, Ont. 114 Durharn St., Lindsay October 2, 1941 Dear Mi. James: Was surprised ta sec that B.T.S. is ta be used for a German prison camp. Guess anc sbould nat be rcd-bioodcd thèse days-just pie- tend it dacsn't matter, but in Uic meautimeoaur boys 'over there' are suferiug as anly those who have been aver kuow. Think we augbt ta buy fur-Uuoed mitts for Fritz? instead of mitts for aur traops and airmen and sailors! I kuow of a young boy 17 years aid who could do with holp and be is nat a German-just a Canadian baru of British parents and has twa brothers fighting overseas. I sincenely hope I will nat become ernbittcred by Uic events tbat take place each day. It seems impas- sible ta make Canadians under- stand bow horrible war can be. My friends in Engl4nd, Uic Faw- cetts, have been 'bombed Out,' but tbcy arc stlll carrying an.. An- athen bad bis place of business blown up three times and yct tbey. say "Wdll, we'll piece Uic pièces once more and make it Whale again." Aren't they niagnificent? It makos me wish I were itt it again aud yet I'm needed here if it la only feeding bodies in order ta 'do thcir bit. Henry la very busy thèse days, often callcd lu the 'wee smal bours' but' he doesn't mind so long as he is hclp- ing and he daes love hi, work at the arsenal. $Youns very sinccrely, Mis. Henry Miller. <Forrncrly of Tyrane) Samewbcre in England, Sept. 6th, 1941 Dear Mi. James: Tis letter wiil lot you know how much I appreciate The Statesman. My father bas been kind cnough ta subscribe ta it for me. I bave becu getting The Statesman for a-couplý ai months now and sure lookiforward ta reading it cvery tume Canadian mail arrives. I have been over bore 8 months naw, but would soaner be back in dear aid New- castle, as that la where I camne frani, even though thp Englisb people use us real good sud can neyer do enough for us. My churnisud I were visiting a little town anc night sud as we wcre wa]king back ta aur bar- racks a lady stopped us sud in- vited us in for sanie fish and chips aud tea. Whon we leit that nigbt she told us we cauld came ta ber place anytinie and if she sud ber busbanid were out just walk in and belp ourselves. Sa you can sec that was vony nice because nat rny people would do that witb perfect strangers. We sure. appreciate their kindness when we are 50 far froni home. Evorythlug bas been very quiet over bere lately, but for baw long it's bard ta Say, but Uic sooner action cames the botter, as that la wbat I carne over bore for. I would much rather be sittiug araund home as being aver bore sud sceing no action. Yau sbould corne over for a holiday as thore are same very nice girls aver bore and you can have a wonderful tume. Sa I wil close giving you. my correct ad- dress and boping ta be borne witb- in the ucxt ton yoars. Sincerely yaurs, C648 Gnr. Rowe, HI. F. Na. 1 Holding Unit, Royal Canadian Artiilery, Canadian Army Ovorseas. 161 No. 9Ui St., by increasing our individuel purchases of War Savings Certificates. Everyone must do his share. Canada's expanding war programme must have your support. War Savings Certi- ficatea provýide the one means of support that everybody can use. Push their sales whenever and wberever you can. ]LOCAL WAR SAVINOS COMMlITTEES: BOWMAN VILLE DARLINGTON CARTWRIGHT President-H. M. Cale Presidet-G. F. Anuis Prosident-Grant Thanipsan Vice Pnesident-J. J. Brawii Vice Presîdcnt-C. M. Carnuthers Vice Presidcnt-Lewis Swain Secretary-D. R. Morrison Seccîtary-Mis. Charles Warren eccn tary-Wilfred Jackson Pub iiyCogtnDevitt Publicity-W. Flaherty Publicity-R. R. Stevens Sales-Nanman Edgerton Sales-W. L. Paterson Sales-Edgar Staples Roy Forguson WATCH OUR NAVAL GUMS COME TO'LIFE Theroswe mke i the parchase of aur naval gn will he shol:ýgweach week. Bit by bit ibis blank graph will1 take shape. Check ils growth ini next weeh's edition of ibis piper. CLARKE Piesident-J. J. Mellar Vice Presidcnt-Wm. Cobbledick Secretaiy-Neil Porter Publicity-Lawrence Savery NEWCASTLE President-R. S. Grahami Vice President-Cecil Carveth Secrtary-J. H. Smith Publicityr-Garnet Porter Sales-George Wright J' ______________ ________________________________________________________ Burketon Visitors: Mis. R. Brailey, Miss Margaret Blight, Toronto, Mis. J. Blight, Brooklin, Mr. and Mis. J. Stredwick and faxnily, Oshawa, with Mis. Hl. House and Jame~s Shortridge. . . Mr. and Mis. C. Rahrn and famlly, Union, at Mr. H. Rahni's. . . Mr. and Mis, W. Sandersan and Olga with Mis, C. Sanderson. . . Mi. and Mis. H. McGlaughlin, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. J. McGlaughfln. .. Mr. and Mis. H. Strutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, with Mi. B. Hubbard's. ..Mi. and Mrs. H. Giil and Mis. J. Gll at their cottage near Bob- caygeon... Mis. Florence Caugh- il visiting friends in Toronto and Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mi. A. Aidred is on the sick list again. .W. A. held a quilting at Mis. H. 1Ëahm's. The sawing machine bas been working overtinie here as people are. getting their winter supply of wood in. Maple Grove.- Mrs. John Sanders, Town, Mi. Thos. Snowden, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Snowden spent Tuesday at their brother's, Samuel Snowden, Oshawa. Misses Betty and Mildred Snow- den spent the wcekend with their causin, Dr. L. H. Coates, Brant- fard; A number from here attended the plowing match at Peterboro. . Mi. and Mis. Ivison Munday, Ray, Jack and Joan, visited her pare, Mi. and Mis. Lancaster, PotGanby. Miss Hilda Richards, Oshawa, mpent~ the weekend with Mis. Ross Stevens. MaPle Grove SchooI News (By of the schaol) Tis f ail we have been studying poison ivy for Agriculture and we are sorry ta repart that three of the boys took it upon thcm- selves ta lcarn the hard way. But after ail, experience is the l4cst teacher, and how these boys know it.. . Friday afternoon sanie of our boýys painted aur side table red. - .- Mis.MMaster brought in a microscope and we have been having lots of fun studying smaIl things. . .. Several pupils attend- ed the International Plowing Match at Peterbora. . .. We have been warking on a debate entitled "Resolved that the Airfor"c is of mnore value ta Britain than the Navy". . .. We are abserving Navy Week by giving a donation ta Comfort and Good Cheers for the sailors. men were ail swept out of town at one time. I can remember wbicn we in Bawmanville laughed at Oshawa in those busy days that Dave Mor- rison wrate about so many bimes. Bowmanville is dying and it will keep on dying if the people don't wake up and get sanie factories. When I was In Bowmnanville I was talking to a friençi and said I wauld like the town ta take our aid Franklin homestead on Scu- gag Street and give it ta sanie firm for a snMall factary. This persan said the baul would be toa long. Surely nat in this day and age when tbey haul stuff from 300 ta 400 miles by truck. The C.P.R. rallway depot la just about three blocks froni our aid home place. 1 have seen the aid furniture fac- tory when I was a kid hauling furniture away down ta the G. T.R. by horses. That is the kind af spirit that kils a town. I would Just like ta stand Up in your coun- cil and tell the Mayar and city fathers what I thlnk af their penny plnchlng that la ruining that littie tawn. Well sa long, George, will be seelng you. <Mrs.) C. M. Altmian <nec Kate Franklin)1 Cadmus iVisitors: Mr. William Brown and family, Omemoc, Mr. sud Mis. Gardon Brown, Toronto, at Mn. Russell Browu's. .. Mi. and Mis. Muckle, Bethany, at Gardon Stinson's on Sunday... Miss Mar- j anme Galbraith, Spîingville, at home. . . . Mn. and Mis. Reith Brown, Oshawa, Mr. C. Hender- son, Mi. Bill Proctar, Toronto, at Russell Bnown's. We were ploased ta sce the four daughters ai the late Mis. Louise Windell Ferguson, Toronto, pic- sent at Uic marning servico. NýearlY ail the farmer, ai this vicinity attended the Internation- >al Plawing Match at Peterboro. The Grummctt f auily wbo were sent bore by the Weliare Depart- ment, Toronto, over a year ago Lou the fVrm placcment plan ne- turued ta the city last woek. Blackmstock St. John', Wamen's Auxiliary met at Mis. Levi McGill's, Nestle- tan, Octaber l6th, with a good attendance. Mis. V. M. Archer read Uic scripture. Piesîdent Mis. Wood led thc prayer. g~on cail was answcred with a quilt block sud a gif t for the layettes for Britain. Mn,. Wood rcad Uie Dia- ccsan montbly bulletin. Mis. Mc- Arthur read the treasurci's rnoat showing a goad credît. Mis. Wood ncponted ou the Deaneny mceting at Ida, and intraduced the uew study book "Iu Uie Service ai Suffering."l A miuute's silence was obscnvcd in loving memory of a depanted membèr, Mis. R. J. Hamilton. Octaben meeting hast year was the last meet she attend- cd. Ou accaunt ai so much busi- ness they dispensed with a pro- grami. Visitons: Mi. and Mis. Maurice Banton, James and Francos Bar- tan, Richards Landing, St. Jas- cph's Island, witb the Smith Bras. sud Mis. Wm. VanCamp. .. Mr. and Mis. M. Grahami, Graco sud Roy, Mis. Fncd Gibsan with Mis. Bruce Gibson, Part Hope... Mis. Stanford Swain with ber daugh- ton, Mis. Oakley Cariey, Cavan. About evcry mian in this cani- munity attended the International Plowing Match at Peterbora. Rev. Ramssy Armitage, Princi- pal af Wycliffe Cailege, Toronto, pîeached in St. John's Anglican Cburch Sunday moîning. He also conductcd a dcdicatoiy service, when Mis. (Dr.) F. W. Marhaw pnesented a ilag ta the chunch, using ber own composition af words, wben making the ,pnesen- tation, as follows: "To the glory ai God, sud in gratitude for His mencies vaucbsafed ta aur Ring aud the British Empire, sud ta particuhar that part of it called Canada, I present this boloved flag, (fan msny yeans in the pos- session ai the Marlow family), Uic symbol ai ounr love sud loyalty ta aur King sud Country, ta St. John's Chuncb, Blackstock." Rev. Armitage also dedicatcd new hymu books (Common Praise with Music) whicb Mis. F. A. Bailey preseutcd ta St. Jobn's chair ne- ccntly. Past Preceptors: W.P.-Cîcightondealt with. Addîesses werc made Mis. Crawford, Mis. H. Johnston, Devitt, P.G.M.; D.P.-Herb. Haa- by H. P. .eslie, C. W. Hodgsan, Jsuetville, sud Mirs. C. W. Hodg- cy; Chap.-Jas. Byeis; Reg.-Pcî- Loitus H. Reid, sud Wm. Arn- son. cy Hamilton; Treas.-Herb Swain; strong, editor ai The Sentinel, lst Lect.-Dî. J. McArthui; 2nd who was guest speaker. Lect.-Leslie Brooks; lst Ceusai- A sumptuaus banquet, pîepared Hildan Johnstan; 2nd Ceusai- by the ladies ai the L.O.B.A., was Fred Ells; lst St. Br.-Robt. Hami- served in the community baIl. ilton; 2nd St. Br.-Miror Kna pp; Then followed these itoas.ts: T]he Purs.-Leslie Thanipson. King, by Toastmastor C. P. Dev- Aiter opening the Prccptory, itt - National Antbcrn; Toast ta Grand Ladgc Hanons weîe ac- G.B.C. af B.A., pîoposed by Rabt. corded ta these distinguished Sir Ritchie, neplied by Loftus H. Reid Kts.: Loitus H. Reid, Dr. .Spcncc, sud Dr. Speuce; Toast ta G.B.C. J. E. Virtue, W. J. Armstrong, Ta- ai Ont. E., propascd by J. E. Vur- routa; H. P. Leslie, Bnittania tue, responded ta by H. P. Leslie Hcigbts; C. W. Hodgson, Halibur- sud C. W. Hodgson; Toast ta, visi- ton; Robt. Ritchie, R. C. Darling, tors, proposed by Jas. Byeîs, and ,- Peterboro; Jas. Paul, Percy Stin- responded ta by W. J. Armstrong, 0C son, Millbrook; H. Lowry, Ponty- R. C. Darling, H. Lowry, Perey pool, and P. H.' Wilkinson,,Sun- Stînson sud P. H. Wilkinson; dcîhand. Toast ta Ladies, prapased by Heu- General business was pîomptly îy Thonipsan, respondcd ta by Pust Preceptors' Nlght A large ropresentation af irI ..... Rts. ai R.B.P. No. 398, Blsck- stock, sud vlaiting Si r t,. froni Toronto, Peterboro, Millbrook, mls Pantypool and Sunderland as- Miembled ta welcome Rt. War. Sir Rt. Harold P. Leslie, Brittania Hcights, Grand Master R.B.P. On- tario East; Rt. Wor. Si rKt. Cleight fi Hadgson, Haiburton, Grand Mas- ter L.0.L. Ont. East; sud Most Wan. Si rKt. Loitus H. Reid, Grand Sec. L.O.L. British Ameni- Ca. It belng Fait Preceptors' N'ghTHE ME E T ICP W RC M ISIN0 N A I the chairs were fillcd by he'H Y R E E TRC P W R OM IS N OF0 TA O TIWtSDYOCTODE23, 1941 DECLARES WAR A NAVAL GUN E VER Y MONTH FOR THE DURA TION 55 OUR COMMITM EN T FOR THE NfATIONfAL- WAR WEAPONS DRIVE WECADO IT! WE MUST DO1T.! 1 Le 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 a 0 6 9 0 0 a 0 a a 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qà a Cosnmunities tbroughout Canada have been given speciflc War Weapons as their definite. monthly objectives ta ,the National War Weapons Drive wbich starts heretu" weelc. Our objective is a Naval Gun a month for the duration. We cen and must provide theni PAGX

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