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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1941, p. 8

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----------.... » &GE EIGHT N ud-Spattered But Unconquerable D.HUS. Plays Lindsay To Draw Jmproved Local Team Makes Best Showing Bo Par Thtis Beason. TI a rugby gaine playing ti a driving rain Saturday at Lindsay, B.H.S. and Lindsay Seniors fought to an il ail tie. B.H.S. did ail its scoring in.the first hall on touch- downs by Edger and Eric McI- veen, plus a rouge kicked by Gib Mdflveen. Lindsay had a touch- down and two single points ta its credit at the hall. The second haif saw close, well played rugby despite the wretch- ed conditions, with Lindsay grad- ually cutting down the Bowman- ville lead with long punts ta the deadline. In the last five minutes each teami threatened and hadi good chances ta break the dead- lock but were stopped by steady bail-handling. B.H.S. was again badly out- weighed but fought their oppon- ents ta a standstill in every posi- tion. Despite the wet bail Gib Mcflveen kicked a strong game and gat away a few completed passes as well. Eric Mcllveen was BOWMANVILLE 9 Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. OCT. 23-P.4-25 Iiouble Feature THE SEA WOLF wlth Edwrd G. Robinson and IPLL WAIT FOR YOU Virginla Weidler, Bette Davis and Ma±shafl Huni. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. OCT. 27-P.8-29. THE GREAT LIE Dette Davis, (le.. Brent, and Mary Astor. SIZO&T FE. ATURES i a"A BEWS~& SOLDIERSr RtUS OUT IiRW A CHES entrusted with the plunging duties through most of the second hall and did a fine job of holding on ta the bail. Mark Lanibourne blocked several Lindsay kicks and was a decided help ta the charg- ing B.H.S. line. Carl Fisher and Bill Edger also featured with a strang tackling display, while Don Gilhooly at safety neyer fumbled. The rest of the team also played a strong part in the first B.H.S. point in the group standing. This Satunday the team travels ta Peterboro and hopes ta make amends for the one-sided Peter- bora triumph hene in their last meeting.two weeks ago. Lindsay - Flying wing, Kelly; halves, A. McQuarrie, Deyell, Mc- Conneil; quarter, J. McQuarrie; snap, Jarmyn; insides, Wunkie, Ferguson; middles, Paterson, Ag- new; outsides, Whitney, Lees; ai- ternates, Frazer, Henry, McCon- neli, Brennan, Parke. Bawmanville - Flying wing, Mcflveen; halves, MacKay, Edger, Brawn; quarter, Gilhooley; snap, middles, Lambourne, Purdy; out- sides, Fisher, Allun; alternates, Fletcher, Moffatt, Strike. COL .TEAMS IIOLD CLOSING DINNER, DANÇE Canadian Orden of Fonesters Softball Association, which this past sununer operated twa lea- gues, ladies' and men's groups, in this district, held thein official season's wind-up and presentation of prizes, Monday evening, Oct. 13th, at their Oshawa lodge rooms, when players, officiais and friends enjoyed a dinner and dance. C. Braun, district organizer and one of the prime factors in the league's success, together with the softball association pr es i de nt, Gardon Hurst, were in charge of the evening's program. Trophies Presented, Chief items of interest9 in the evening's events was the presen- tation of the championship tro- phies ta the two winning teanis. Chief Ranger Walten Axtel presented the Axteli Tnophy. which he had donated ta the men's league for competition, ta Doug. Taylor, manager of Bow- manville C.0;F. team, which was successful in copping the laurels [n the men's division, mhe inter- esting seasan of keen competitiôn -and sport4manship was reviewed bniefly and the donor expressed his gratification in the splendid success enjoyed during the season. Manager Taylor voiced the thanks of his team. Ini the absence of District De- puty Hîgh Chief Ranger, H. B. McCabe, Ed. Henderson, record- Lng secnetary, presented the H. B. McCabe Trophy ta the Oshawa Merchants, winnens af the ladies' league. Tribute was paid ta the team which came from the bottom -of the league ta finally emerge as champions. Hbrold Strathdee, manager of the Merchants, ex- pnessed the club's appreciation fan the fine treatmezt received and voiced his personal thanks ta the rnembens of his team for the co- openation they had given hini. President Gardon Hunst, C. Braun, league officials, J. Heje and Bob Dove and other teani axanégers spoke briefly. Teams that participated in the C.O.F. Softball League wene: Men, Pickering, Bawmanville, Fores- ters, Oddfellows, Sea Cadets and Hydro; Ladies, Bowmanville C. O.F., Pickering, Pedlars, Oshawa C.0.F. and Oshawa Merchants. Human pnide is human weak- riess. Self-knowledge, humillty, and lave are divine strength.- Mary Baker Eddy. WINTER NEC-SSITiES! Buy those items wbmro yen are sure cf homesi value. Now lu anti-free * tune- lowest prices - non-rusiing. Batteries - Witer drivlng strain may bave boon toc much for ibai old batmry - Por easy starting on ccld mormungs, osmo GARTON 'S. 11gb Grade Imperial Motor Oil. Carry aoanin the car. Tires for evory malte of car. Be saf e - don't take a chance on blow-outa, Conforiable wiori possible with uew hoi-waier heaters. whie you wait. driviug is lmproved Instafled Gaton'sGarage Paol~m im BUS SERVICE TEE CANADIAN STATEMAN, EOWMAKVILL, ONTAEIO PROM OANADIAN SMIYAIWS One of Canada's trim corvettes salis out ta sea for patrol duty on the Atlantic. Many of these useful craft have been bufit lnx the Dominion's shipyards from coast ta coast. Photo--Public Information Solina Women's Institute met Thurs- day with Mis. S. E. Werry in charge. Plans *were made for packingChristmnas parcels ta send ta the boys on active service. It was revealed that the members of Mis. Morgan's group had made six quilts for War Relief work. Mis. Morgan presided for the program which included a'helpful talk on "Child Welfare"' by Nora Werry, Kedron, and a vocal sala by Pearl Leach. Lunch was served. , Velina Gilbert has returned ta her school at Ballyduif, partially necovered from the moton acci- dent, last week, by which she suffered bad bruises and abra- sions. This comnxunlty was well ne- presented at the International Plawing Match at Peterborô. Many attended the public speaking contest at Hamipton on- Monday night. Eldad chair supplied the music at Raglan Harvest Home Service, Sunday night. Home and School Club held its opening meeting Friday night with President Mis. Roy Lang- maid in charge. The main feature was a public speaking contest wlth seven pupils participating. Rev. Walter Rackham, Mis. J. Baker and Mi. C. Shortridge judg- ed the contest and Clifford Miller was chosen ta represent S. S. 20 at Hampton. Mr. Rackham also brought a Thanksgiving message. (rhoruses by the childien and a piano solo by Annie Patter were enjoyed and candy and apples served. Y. P. U. met Monday nlglit with Pearl Leach in charge of the mis- sionary prdgram. Scripture read- ing was given by Ruth Reynolds. Mis. Roy Langmaid presented an interesting accaunt of the life and wark of Miss A. J. Archibald, a missionary in Tinidad. Reading, "Japanese Customs"' by Dorothy Hardy, and a piano solo by Evelyn Pannînder were much enjoyed. Mn. L. Miller is on the jury at Cobourg. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Frank Gilbert with Mr. and Mis. Wm. Mountjoy, Columbus, who celebrated their golden wedding. Mis. A. L. Pasce with Brooklin and Claremont cousins. Mis. Charlton McBride, Mis. Delmage, Peterboro, at Mr. Gea. White's. Mr. J. Brown, Whitby, with his son, Mi. Bryce Brown. Mr. and Mis. Bob Jones, Mi. and Mis. Fred Crome and family, Oshawa, wlth Mis. C. Blanchard. Mis. Douglas McLaughlin, Glen and, Madeline, Oshawa, Mr. J. Patterson, Toronto, at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mis. George White at Mi. Ed. Mchaei's, Harnxony. Mis. Ed. Hoar and sons, New- castle, Mr. and Mis. Bull Hoar, Onono, Mi. and Mis. George Bau-i tillier, Mis. A. Blewett, Mr. Leon- ard Blewett, New Toronto, at Mr. E. R. Tayiar's. Mr. Sam Dewell, Malton, with friends here. 'Miss Jessie Hogarth, Bowman-i ville, Sengt. Stuart Hogarth, Nia-. gara Falls, at Mr. Thos. Baker's.1 Mr. and Mis. L. Thompson, Mr.g and Mrs. R. McNicol, Tyrane, at1 Mi. J. Yellowlees'.1 Mr. Allan Balson, Kingston, atj Mr. A. J. Balson's.1 Nestieton Nestieton W. A. met at Mrs.1 G. Bowles' on Thursday evenin Meeting was in charge of Itrs.1 Marlow's group. Scripture reag ing by Rev. D. M. Stinson. ?k W. Campbell was pianist. Plai were made for a supper ar bazaar. Next meeting is in chari of Mrs. Allan Suggltt's group. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Whee er and fxnuly, Mr. and Mirs. R.]1 Hoskin at Norland... Miss Afin Wright, Oshawa, Mi&. Jabi Wright, Blackstock, with Mr Peter Wright. . . . Miss Mar, Proutt, R.N, Lindsay, with Ml John Proutt... Miss Evelyn M& 10w with Miss Jean Malcolm . Mr. Frank Pîsyfoot, Lindsay,i Mi. Henry Thampsan's. -. . Mr Kirkwood, Chesley, wlth her st ter, Miss Mary Malcolmi. . . M Edward Williams with friends j Lindsay... Mi. and Mis. S. Ma colm with friends in Port Perry, Congratulations ta Mi. and Mr Stanley Malcolmi an celebratin their silver wedding on Saturda evening. Congratulations ta Miss Ver Arnmstrong and Mi. Eric Capstlc on their marriage. Bazaar and supper in the Unil ed Church on Friday nlght we quite a success. Mr. Perey Rowg Viewlake, gave a splendid ad dress. Little Jean Samells, Sci gag, was soloist and her singin was enjayed. Tyrone Visitons: Mr. Wrnl Hendersan, Salem, with Mis. A. W. . . .. Miss Flora McRoberts, Oshawa, with Mis. Wesley Taylor... Mr. and Mis. Honace Little and Don- ald, Oshawa, at Mr. R. McCul- lough's. . . Mi. and Mis. David Hoapet, Orono, at Mis. J. Storey's. ..Mr. and Mis. Dan Fraser, Beth- esda, with Mis. Hughson... Mr. and Mrs. James Bail, Clarke, at Mi. Wiil Virtue's. .. Mr. and Mis. Bifi Brooks, Toronto, at Mr. L. Brooks'. .. Mis. Art Spider, Ail- een and Marilyn, Bowmanviile, with Mis. Laura Virtue. Mis. Leslie Brooks received thxe news af the death af her uncle Robent Elllott af Bobeaygeon. Tyrone Women's Institute met at the home of Mis. 0. Freund on October 15th, with President Mis. F. Dudley presiding. Roll cail was answered by "Interesting, places I have been." Mis. Hoar and Mnrs. Gardrier conducted the wonship period. Program was in charge of Mis. L. Hooper's group; Violin music by Mis. McCullough; a Thanksgiving neading by Mis. Harold Skinner. Mrs. Gardner gave a fine talk on "'Judging of Baking and Canned Fruits," ex- plaining the diffenent points tak- en inta consideration. As a help in this talk the membens of the gioup supplied muffinis, tee bis- cuits, light cake, dark cake and teits. This proved very instruc- tive. Lunch was served from the articles baked for demonstration and a social hall hour spent.1 Teachers and Secretaries 1941m42 IN WEST DURHAM which includes part of the Inspectorates of T. IR. McEwen and W. H. Carleton. CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP: S.S. Secretary AUdress 1 Ira Argue R. R. 1, Buiketon 2 Joseph Farder Blackstock 3 Ormxa J. Hyland R. R. 3, Burketon 4 Lewis Swain R. R. 3, Buiketari 5 Harold Beacock Nestietan 6 Norman Edgerton R. R. 1, Burketon 7 Wilfned Williams Nestietani 8 Garnet Wright R. R. 2, Nestletori 9 M. F. Emerson R. R. 1, Nestietori DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP: 1 W. J. S. Rickard 3 H. R. Foiey 4 Herbent Osborne' 5 Claie Allin 6 Harvey J. Brooks 7 JohnCarter 8 C. M. Penfound 9 F. C. Honey 10 Gordyn Brent Il A. E. Biilett 12 F. B. Glaspel 13 Clarence Woodiey 14 W. R. Westlake 15 L. C. Pascoe 16 Francis Werry Alymer Beech Hlarold Skinner Mis. W. J. Yellowlees W. J. Reynolds Milton Slemon Bowmanville R. R. 2, Bowmoanville R. R. 2, Bowxnsnville R. R. 4, Bowmanville R. R. 3, ]Bow#=aville Bunketon R. R. 4, Oshawa R. R. 6, Bowrnanville R. R. 5, Bownianville Hamipton R. R. 1, Hampton R. R. 1, Tynone R. R. 1, Enniskillen R. R. 2, Buiketori Ennisklllen R. R. 2, Buiketan Tyrone Enniskillen R. R. 1, Hampton R. R.-66 Bowmsiivile TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE: C. H. Masan 'Bowmanviile CLARE TOWNSIP: 1 Bruce Whitney R. R. 3, Newcastle 2 W. A. Adanms R. R. 3, Newcastle 4 O. M. Jones Clarke 5 Andrew Hunter Newcastle 7 Oswald Wragg R. R. 1, Clarke 8 Lewis Wood Orono 9 E. F. R. Osborne Newcastle 110 Wm. Savery R. R. 1, Clarke 12 R. Ruddock Waddell, Orono LL.B. Mis. Wm. Mercer Wmn. Cochrane E. B. Duval T. J. Simpsoni W. J. Pattan R. J. Burgess Roy Cochrane Wm. S. Cobbledlck Herb. N. Scott Kendal Orono Leakard R. R. 1, Orono Kendal R. R. North, Onono R. R. 2, Orono Orono R. R. 4, 8owmanvilfe VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE: H. R. Pearce Newcastle Teacher Miss,Dareen Perrett Mis. Lamna Mountjoy Mis. M. L. Hinton Miss Evelyri Harrideri Mn. Armour Inwin Miss Iriez Hlckling Miss Norma Hooey Mis. John Venning Mis. Georgina Panke Miss Eleanor Cnonk Mr. Laurenice Wragg Miss Alice Arnold Miss Marion Cnonk Mr. Wm. L. Lycett Miss Dorothy McMaster Mr. E. P. Emerson Mr. T. Edwin Hancock Miss Florence Bennett Mr. Fareweil Blackburn Miss June Fongie Mr. Harry V. Faulkner Miss Elsie MacMillan Miss Margaret McCluer Miss Evelyn Bal Miss Marion Halfyand Miss Lela Knlight Mi. Mervyn Habbs Miss Grace Sanders Miss Jean McLean Mis. Mary Smnale Miss Grace Trul Miss May Merrian Miss Joan Houston Mr. AndreW Thampson Miss Leta Bragg Miss Viviari Buriner Miss Mari onle Cale Miss Marjarle Couch Miss Gwendolyn Gray Miss Helen Morris Mi. Alfred iggs Mr. Laine ZMortson Miss' Yvonne Tlghe Miss Susari VanCamp Miss Zetta Wilson Mis. Muriel Symons Miss Marion Allib Lionel W. Hughes Lorraine M. j3elghton Frank A. McMullen Bertha M. Cain Mis. Helen B.. McKlnney Kathleen C. Cmlith Roy B. Patten Isabel M. Wray Kate Fater MaioieIC cDowel Mis. Annie Wilkinson Lamne Wanrian Bessie V. Halbent Marjonie F.,Slmpson Donothy G. Smale Marjorie Luxon Mis. Olive Moffatt Gladys W. Ard Mlie A. J. Ireland Thos. A. lcdger Hattie A. bMSO Bernice Mi, Smith Addreas R. R. 1, Burketon Blackstock R. R. 3, Burketori R. R. 3, Burketon Nestleton P. O. Nestleton Station Nestleton R. R. 2, Nestietan, R. R. 1, Nestieton. Bowmanviile R. R. 2, Bowm'ville R. R. 2, Bowm'vile R. R. 4, Bowm'viUle R. R. 3, Bowm'viile R. R. 3, Bowx'ville Burketan Courtice Courtice R. R. 4, Bawm'viile R. R. 5, Bowm.vile Hampton Hampton R. R. 1, Hampton R:.R. 1, Tyrone R. R. 1, Enniskiilen R. R. 2, Burketon Emiiskillen Enniskillen R. R.' 2, Burketon Tyrone R. R. 1, Ennisgkiilen Hampton R. R. 6, Bowm'vlle Bowmariviile Box 11, Bowm'ville Bowmianville Box 424, Bow'vile Bowmanviile Bowmanvile Box 351, Bow'vlle Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanvile Bowmanville Box 462, Bowvile Bowmanvile Bowmanville Port Granby R. R. 3, Newcastle Clarke Orono R. R. 1, Clarke Orono Orono R. R. 1, Orono Orono Ororia Orono Icendal Orono Leakard R. R. 1, Orono Kendal R. R. N. Onono, Pontypool Kendal R. R. 2, Orono Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Elllun u@ing NioeICy 1Un Fe"d, Clothos Canada is soon to have a sys- teni of licensing applied ta al retailers. Recently there bas been an alleged curb an installment buying. Sarne day we may have a real ràtioning system. We have skirted ail around these things and now, just lately, cames'a let- ter from England, as follows: "As regards food,' we are ade. quately fed, but not over-fed. Here are oui chief rations per head per week: Onie quarter pound bacon, 3 ounces cheese, % pound sugar, 2 ounces butter, 6 ounces margarine or cookirng fat, nieat ta the value of ls 2d-say % pound. 0f jani we get % pound per month, but for the last,-two months we have receivèd 1 pound per nxonth. Sal- mon <nat rationed) costs about 5s 9d per poundr. and chlcken costs about 10s. Fruit is scarce, as so much of aur prewar fruit was inxported. Tinned fruit does nat exiat. Eggs about 1 per weeic. And yet everybady looks lit and weil. "As for dlothes, an adult ne- ceives 66 coupons. A man's suit takes 26 coupons. Sa far every7, body is just as weil dressed as ever. "lIt seems ta me that oui people are very apt ta farget that there fidget. They lcnow they must win -but there is always the danger of being too easy-golnig. And yet it is this very quality of neyer being afraid which bas put Britain whene she is and kept her there." sAfter reading this it wauld seem, at least ta the thoughtful, that there are a good many thlngs more iniportant than luxury buy- ing, lai and dawdling. There The Yo .Ur may corne a day when we are Modest expression is a beauti- whipped into Uine ta share this fui setting ta the dianiond of war on the sanie basis as that talent and genius.-Chain. above outlined.______________ The Secretary of Agriculture lin ______ the-U.S.A., who has special infor -____________ mation on B -ritain's food situation, dlaims %thai people will go hunr-..-,__________ aver there this winter. Reading hungry even now. APPLE OUT 0F THÉ PJ . ___________ VERPY TIM'E IF YO #yU TRY TME NEW IMPROVE» Chotolat. Dairy DrInk. Smoother, licher. Especialy en- ercy-tvhg for childnen. Value of Local Newspaper LocaIl in Business The Ganadiau Sattuman pisys an important parti n &UI local affairsXIt em.ploys wage-oarnr whose homes are in the town froin which ht secures business. These wage-earners pay taxes, support churches, Make heir contribution io local appeals, tae part in communlty organisations, and spend MOST 07 TEIR WAGES WITÉ LIOCAL MEERXAMT. IXisl no idie bous t it hbas beenthe means of giving wefl- direoied publicity to ibis iown and district. Thore iun n business institution wbich gives se much froc service as a local news- paper. Wmro a merobant askmd to give the oquivalent in gooda ibat the newapapor gives in iree service to anl local organisations, lio would finit impossible to meet the demand. Whon monoy ha spont for printing or advertlulng with your loua prinîing office, you are helplng local priniors to help you. You make ht possible for thoea tW serve you better. Out-of-town prnnilng salosmon tako money out of the ommaruniiy - psying no taxes, buylng noibing frein local stores, gmiiing all they cau sud flot carlng whotber you sink or nwlm. As niorchanis expoct custoniers to b. loyal to iheir own ommunity in buylug goods fromn thora, so might marchants remnembor ihey, to, sbould foflow ithe id" in l regard to thelr local prluulng office. UTS OOOD BUSINESS FOR ALL 0OF USE (instomner goodwill in ibis towu and district cun but be developed by roguwa advertising iu your local ôonimunlty nmwspaper. The mouoy spurt for advvdolsng, and, prlniod matr, gees backto local merobanta lu hlcreased trado. Tour dollars do double duty wben &pent wlth your local uowpaper - thoy help you dlreotly and othm i ndlrectly. Rbtg (aubtuu 4etafrouuan YOUR HOME TOWN NEWSPAPER 4/ ~- I THURSDAy, OCTONta 2 Ng. OPEN A TIN or poucli of Picobac. N.- Pu yotir nose to it. Doesn't it ns good? Boyl Fi11 up and light Up. -gd Doesn't it taste good? Mild, cool, isweet t It certainly does send amesg elgo-cerrgh houhyu ieMofgo he ih hog pu Mx whole beig.. Yes sir, the pick Of rieMCanada's Burley crop lu something for Ir. Canadians to be proud of ... and forY ai Canadian smokers to be grateful fort t' DOES tasm good in a pipel" in HANbY SEAL-TIGHT POUCH - 1 se 1- %LB. "LOK-TOP" TIN - 65c ng aiso pot-ked in Pocicet Tins ?s1icobac re GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO ci-44 Lg ' 119* -. --

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