Tut THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAJIIO PAGE THUEE THEATRE ____ BOWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fr1. and Set. OCT. 30-31 NOV. 1 DOUBLE FMATURE SOUTH 0F SUEZ starrlng George Drent and ALWAYS A BRIDE starrlng Rosemary Laue Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 4 GREAT DAYS PHILADELPHIA STORY wlth Cary Grant, James Stewart, Katherlýie Hepburn and Ruth Russey SHORT FEATURES and NEWS 372 DAY STREET Exclusive Dealer for RADIANT HEALTH MEAL Contains ail thse lle-tlvlng elements cf Whole Grains. package 25e Cowan'u COCOA lb 2Me Croate & 9lackweII TOMATO SOUP 3 tins for .. .. .25e BIBLE SOCIETY DOINC WAR WORK SECRETARY SAYS "The work of the Bible Society can be stated very simply," ex-* plained Rev. J. S. Harrington, district secretary, speakang in Bowmanville Sunday. "The soc- iety exists for the sole purpose of translating and distributing the Scriptures for every race and tribe in the world. A contribution of only one penny will buy a Gos- pel. Evetyone can have a part in this work." .Mr. Harrington spoke to four audiences. In the morning he con- ducted services at St. John's An- glican Church, ini the afternoon at Salem United, in the evening at Trinity, and he gave an illus- trated lecture in Trinity Sunday School at the close of the service. At this latter gathering about two hundred were present. Pre- sident T. H. Lockhart presided. About $130.00 was raised in Bow- manville last year to carry on fihe work of the Society, Treasurer C. A. Johnston reported. A simi- lar objective is again sought and next week the Church St. Group of Trinity W. A. ladies will con- duct a canvass for that purpose throughout the town. War always stimulates the work of the society. It has undertaken to place a Bible in the hands of every soldier. It takes advantage of the opportunity presented by regimentation of t.he nation's man power, to let religidn touch "the man on the street" who otherwise might neyer corne in contact with Christian influences. Every heart that has beat strong and cheerfully has left a hopeful impulse behiaxd it in the world, and bettered the tradition of man- kind.-Stevenson. TORONTO FOR FRIAY Smoked & Fresh FILLETS FOR A REAL TREAT TRY OYSTERS Red WIng APPLE JUICE 2Oz.tn...lOc 48 ez. tUn . 190.l 105 oz,tUn .39C Ertile L ai «OTHE STORE OF QUALITY"O phone 896 Delivery Service l r ANNoUNcNG- Coleman. SERVI-CE DAY. AT OUR STORE ON P b I HAVE Tou ANT COKEMAN APPLIZCE THUT NEEDS rg fi ADJUSTBMT OR SERVICE? IV y Brlng it te Our store-brfng them &U W1.1A "&»d P expert from the Coleman factari w viii e t fst for you. He vifi mt make auy charge for labor orE h, gaealmne usei n testlug or for nantie. -" la lSthmg lampe or lntrna. If m"y part. an IquIirlej yen vii bc aliargd aidy theiir preaiIs for tISa.ai fi ONE DAY OMLY c eà fft I.ageai oaly on tm he.. eda"e.uNf«jni 68MMo omene -uthon bave yoe Colemtw jpluse a] tu befère th" andaiPlel hem op a c Service Laor go fteeHi Tlu mil out t. eu vn iiib. for &Wj »evparst fIat mu beneWeedA te i ardwareaMd Sport tmg Goodi - Phone 408 c te Marrled 60 Years Local People Attend Toronto Fete rMr. and Mns. W. J. Cole Arc Honored By Cablegram From King and Qileen An interesting reception of Saturday was that hl yM and Mrs. W. J. Cole, Toronto, 1formerly of Bowmanville, on the ioccasion of their sixtieth wedding .anniversary. The event was at ithe home of their son, Dr. F. L. Cole, Glengowan Road; anda happy feature of the day was a cablegram from fihe King and Queen, reading "The King anc 1Queen send you heartycogau lations and good ishes,' on your diamond wedding day." The rooms were filled wiih many handsome gift bouquets; and the guests were greeted fil the door by two grandchildren, Little Miss Pauline Cale and Mas- ter Billy Stewart. Mrs. Cale wore a graceful long gown of midnighl blue velvet, and carried red roses. Mrs. Charles Stewart, her daugh- ter, also received, wearmng black crepe with shoulder trimming of gold beadings; .and Mrs. F. L. Cole wore gold mass crepe witli touch-. es of powder blue. The tea table was done with a Chînese lace cloth and centred with white roses and tail white candles in antique sîlver candie- sticks. Mrs. George Bean, Mrs, Frank Cryderman, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Frank A. Cole presided during the afternoon, and Mrs. H. G. Bean aqd Miss Gertrude Clialk in the evening. Assisting during the day were Miss Maud Bassett, Oshawa; Miss Frances Jewell, Bowmanville; Mrs. Clarence Sad- ler,' Oshawa; Mrs. W. T. Reid, Mrs. P . W. McLelland, Miss Fran- ces Stewart, a granddaughter, Miss Ruth Sadler, Oshiawa; Miss Margaret Paton and Miss Mary Lou Bean. Blackstock Girls Homemaking Club Blackstock Girls' Homemaking Club held fihe second meeting in the unit "Sleeping Garments" at the home of Mrs. Fred Toms. Ail the members and fixe leaders, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Bailey were present.% President Jean Toms presided. Minutes were read by Secretary Dorothy Wotten. frene Coates demonstrated the method of altering a pattern, ex- plaixxing 10 fixe girls that there la a correct place on each part of a pattern 10 make fihe alteratian. The leaders described same o!fithe finishes fixe girls miglit use on their gowns, and the seamns suit- able for thue different materials. Mrs. Wright explained the dif- ference between a single bias binding, a double bias binding, and a false binding. The girls learned, too, how to make a shel hem, a roll hem, work a I5ar-end buttonhole and hemstitch. Roll call for. next meeting is ,a suggestion of a naine for the club, and a sample each of hem- stitching, worked buttonhole, roll tiem and sheil hem. The members met at Mrs. Al- bert Wrigxt's on Thursday after- rioon for fixe fiird meeting in thxe unit "Sleeping Garments." ROU cal was answered with a suggestion of a naine for fixe club and a sample each of hemstitch- ig, worked buttonhole, sheil hem, roil hem, and faggotmng. Helen Wotten showed fixe girls thxe correct metliod of sewing bina on a concave curve and on a con- vex curve. Ruby Toms demon- strated the making of a bound buttonhole. The leaders, Mrs. Wriglit and Mrs. Bailey, gave some pointers on pressing mna- terials.- Eacll seam should be pressed as soon as it is finished. T'he different liems were discuss- ed and thxe girls were advised t0 use a hem gauge when hemming their garments. They learned the proper method of sewing on lace and inserting a zipper. The leaders stressed the value of co-operation In fixe club. WMen we have learned to lbye and wark together and share our ideas one wvith thic otixer, then we will have accomplished something. Roll cal! next week is notes on tie first three meetings written ready for the record book. Local lnterest High In Rally 0f Presbyterlal Autunxn Rafly o! Peterboro ~resytelalW.MS." f lu sbter [fuI solo. Report o! Presbytenlal Eroard meeting was given by Mrs. A. Glenn Tliompson, eacli Pnesby- Lrial Sec'y. liavlng an opportun- :y 10 respond. Fee of $1.00 for annual mem- bership in local branch o! Red Cross becomes $3.00 when made Ito flnuslied, supplies by volun- teen workers and sent to Britain. M.P.'s SON MARRIED IN TRINITY CHURCE, TORONTO Miss Charlotte Elizabeth Ha and John Franklin Rickard, wh were married in Trinity United. Church, Toronto, on October 5 The bride is daughter of Mr. and .1 -. Weddings Prescott-Hooey A very quiet but pretty wed- ding was solemnized at Tyrone United Cliurch parsonage on Sat- urday, October 111h, o! Agnes Jean Hooey, youngest daughten o! Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey, Ty- rone, ta Earl T. Prescott, son o! Charles and the late Mrs. Prescott, Hampton. Bey. A. F. Gardner afficiated. The bride wore a street lengflx dress of blue velvet with match- ing accessories and a corsage o! pink and white carnations. She wore a gold locket, gUIfto! the groom. The bride was attended by lier sister, Miss Jessie Hooey, gowned in wine crepe with match- ing accessories and corsage of pink and white chrysanthemumns. The groom was attended by Mr. Arthur Youngman.. Later the couple lefI for To- ronto and allier points west. The bride travelled in a navy tailored suit with wine accessories. On thé return tley will reside near Ty- rone. Papineau-Mayo St. David's Anglican Churdli, Toronto, was the setting Friday evening, October 3rd, a! the mar- niage o! Helen Bermice Maya, daugliter of Mrs. William Bell, and Charles T. Papineau, son o! Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Papineau. Rev. H. A. Bracken officiated. Music was supplied by F. H. Mucklestone. - Given in marriage by lier uncle, William Harsant, the bride was gowned in white silk jersey with shirred bodice, sweetheart neck- line, long Isleeves and skirt falling inta fan-shaped train. She also wore a fingen-tip, veil and halo hat and -carnied roses anid bau- vardia. Bridai attendant Mildred Cox wone blue chiffon with long full akirt, matching Juliet cap o! shirred taffeta and carried a giadioli cascade. Loflus Papineau was groomsman, and ushers were William Quinn, Cobourg, and Ro- bert Bell, St. Catharines. At a reception in Haddon Hall, Bloor St., guests were received by the bride's malIen, wearing chry- santhemum gald with bnown ac- cessorles. Aise recelving were Mrs. William Armxstrong, brlde's grandmather, wearing Churdhill blue crepe and rase corsage, and the groom's mother wearing air force bIne, floor letigth, with1 matching liat and rose corsage. For the couple's trip 10 Gaspe, Que., the bride wore a bIne wool !rock, brown coat and accessories and rose corsage. Mr. Henry Lathrope, Bowman- ville, was among Ilie guests who attended the wedding o! lis grandson. Broome-Rumble The home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Rumble, Vaughan Township, was the setting for an autumn wedding on October IMt, when their daughter, Marjory Florence, became the bride of Robert How- ard Broome, son o! Mr. and Mrs. D. Broome, Hampton. Rev., J. Galloway of King officiated. Entering the living room on the arm of lier father, the bride wore a dress o! rose wool, and carried an old-fashioned nosegay o! red Mrs. W. G. Hay, Toronto, and granddaughter o! the late Mn. and Mrs. Frank Bennett, Newcastle. Mr. Rickard is son of W. F. Rick- ard, M.P., Newcastle. roses and munus. She was attend- ed by lier sister, Miss Mildred Rumble, wearing tortoise blue anmd carnying a nosegay o! roses, connflowers and munus. L i t tl1e Miss Helen Peck, niece of the bride, was dharmingly attined as flower girl in a dress o! pink silk and carried a miniature nosegay of roses and mums. Lloyd Broome, brother o! the groom, was beat man. At tle lime o! register signing a solo was sung by Mrs. Galloway 10 the accompaniment o! Mrs. Kinnee, the arganist for the cere- mony. Receiving and supper followed, the bride's mother wearing a dress o! air forte blue with cor- sage o! yellow munus and mari- golds. The groom's miother was dressed in wine alpaca with cor- sage o! pink muma and rases. Going away the bride wore a tweed coat witli fur collar and navy hlue accessories. They left amid slowers o! confetti and gaod wislies. On thein return fram their honeymoon the newlyweds will neside at Concord, Ont. Wood.-Edmondson Simncoe United Church Parson- age, Osliawa, was the scene o! a pretty afternoon wedding on Oc- tober 11th, wlien Catherine Lau- ise, daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Edmondson, Oshawa, became the bride o! Fredenick A. Wood, san o! Mr. Spencer Wood and the late Mrs. Wood, Bow- manville. The ceremony was pen- formed by Rev. A. D. Cornett. The bride looked charming ln an air! once bine wool ensemble witl matching redingote trirnmed with fox fur, matching liat and navy bine accessories. Her cor- sage was pmnk roses. Mrs. Ray Gibbs, Oshawa, was the bride's only attendant. She wone a wine dresa with teal bine mink-trn- med coat and black accessonles, with corsage of yellow muma. The groom was supported by Stanley L. Dunn, Camp Bonden. At the reception îeld aI the home of the bride's parents, 33 Royal St., Oshawa, the bride's mother received ln a gown o! black velvet with black acces- sanies and corsage o! pink carna- tions. She was assisted by fixe groom's sister, Mrs. D. J. Cham- bers, Bowznanville, who wore beige crepe with black accessanies and corsage o! bronze muma. Following the reception the happy couple left by mator for points wcst and have taken up residence in Oshiawa. Previons ta the marniage the members o! staff o! tle pay office o! the General Motons made a jpre- sentation ta tle bride, and lihe staff o! the main office o!fithe Matars pnesented the groom with a smoker. Rlckard-Bay' Colonel the Reverend C. O. Failla officated at an intenesting wedding on Saturday aflernoon, Ocloben 2511, wlien Misa Charlotte Elizabeth Hay, daughten a! Mn. and Mns. William G. Hay, Toron- ta, was marricd to Mn. John Franklin Rickand, son a! Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., o! Newcastle. Trinity United ChurcI, Tarante, was decarated witî autumn flowers and f en for thxe cere- mony, and Mrs. Jenny Goodman Vonck was at the ongan. Mn. Hay gave lis daugliter in marriage. Hen Princesa gown o! ivary brocade waS made with full skirt and alight train, and a licant- shaped halo held 1er fingen-tlp veil. She cannied a pnetty bridai bouquet. Miss Jean Rickard, mnaid o! honon, was frocked in canal crepe, and Miss Donothy and Misa Madeleine Hay, sistens a! the bride, were in black cherry crepe. They wore matdhing lieari-slaped halos and carried mnu!fs witî shawers o! roses. Mr. Howard Wight o! Kingston was grooms- man, and the ushers were Mn. Douglas Wighit, Mr. William Hay, Mn. Chiarles Hogg and Mn. John Edwards. AI the Grange. where the re- ception was lield, Mrs. Hay ne- ceived in a gown o! Fresedh blue crepe, with matching hat anil cor- sage o! Bnianclif! nases. Mns. Rickard wore pink lace, witî brown accessanies and Premier rose corsage. On ilicir retun fron a mator trio, the bride and bridegroomn wlll live in Newcastle. The bride travelled in a suit and lat a! ruby tane crepe, with black ca and accessories. Thirty-six mobile kitchens lave been built in England fan the Can- adian Red Cross under the direc- tion o! tle London County Coun- cil for the Fire Figîters' Division o! the Ministny o! Home Secunity. These kltdliens supply food ta tle A.R.P. workers and civilians dur- ing and aften bomnbing raids and are manned by volunteer 'Red Cross workers. Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smithi, Blackstock, received a cable fronu their son, L.A.C. Robert Wallace Smith, R.C.A.F., o! his saf e ar- rival in England. Bob was one o! the many men wlio travelled across the Atlantic escorted by the largeat convoy up to date, and aver which there was such jubilation on Oct. 2lst. Bob ne- ceived lis senior matriculation in Blackstock and Bowmanville high schl~s, was on the staff of the Evening Telegram for two years, then went to Timmins where he had a good position with .a G. M. Motor Co., and enllsted fronu there when the cal! came for radio technicians. He was among the 500 young men sent 10 McGiII University, Montreal, to take the radio course, and was picked for Overseas service where a further course o! ten weeks awaits hinu. From the port in England fihe men were taken by train to the recep- tion centre whene their qualifica- tions were examined, and on completion o! their course will be called upon 10 serve wherever they are needed. We admire Bob's spirit of patriotismn and courage and hope that he will be spared to return 10 this community. In the community hall on Fni- day.night a miscellaneous shower was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. John Gay, Courtice, (nee Norma McQuade, Cadmus), by Cadmus and Blackstock friends. Rev. D. M. Stinson was chairman. Mrs. David Wilson and Mrs. Lorne Thompson favored with piano solos, also Miss Joyce Scott. Mis- ses Inez Hickling and Jean Wright gave readinga. Misses Wiinxa and Jessie VanCamp sang two duets, accompanied by Mrs. Ada Jones- Sadler. Miss Leali McQuade play- ed selections on a piano accor- dian, accompanied by Mrts. D. Wilson. Dancing 10nmusic sup- plied by Mrs. Wilson, Geo. Fowl- er, Herman Wilson and Oliver Smith concluded a fine evening. Ralph Malcolmx, Ralph Laniner, Grant Ferguson, Dalton Dorrell and Murray Malcolm were at Guelph judging. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Cale- mnan, Frances and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. N. Sdliroeder and Kenneth, Port Hope, at Mn. W. L. Scott's. ..Mr. and Mrs. R Bulmier, Dor- een and Marilyn, Fenelon Falls, at Mr M. Graham's..-. Mn. Alex Gawley, Marmora, with Bey. D. M. Stinson. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Mount Albert, with Mrs. Lewis Graham. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sîook and Anne, To- ronto, with Mrs. John Marlow. .. Mr. Rufledge, Bancroft, with his daughters, Mrs. Carl Wright and Mrs. Jas. Forder. Happiness and virtue rest upon ecdl other; the beat are not only the happiest, but the happiest are usually fixe best-Bulwer. Repledge for War Savings TUA CANADIANGEEALEECR O 3Y29orTRUST CERTIFICATES An idecl cauthoriz.d invsfdment for individuals compani.., cemet.r boards, *xecutors ami offler frustees. THE STERLI&Nog TRUSTS CORPORATI ON Kl4 fr-~/ m RSDÂY, ocTOBER 30, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TIME