PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, OCTODER 30, 1941 u 00uia paid ta the traininq centre and a substisi- once allowance given durig iho iraining period. Au the need is URGENT, onrol Now in ibis, VITAL phase of tho WAR EFFORT by fillng in Mad rmailing TO-DAY the coupon below ta the Deaninin - Provincial War Emergeney Train- lug Programmne, Euat Block, Parlilment Bauid- insuý, Turonto, Ontanlo. COUPON RADIOMECHANICS' COURSE ..... .. ..A g i ........ Use Block Lettens i*kr £., d d ...... .......................«...... Oyor ToW -. .... Province......> I1 - 11 RAIL FARES TARE ANDON"UOURTM MO AUl day, Monday, Nov. 10, untili 2.00 p.m. Tueaday, Nov. 11. RETUEN: Leave destination flot later than midnight, Wcdnesday, Nov. 12, 1941 (Standard Time). Tickets asnd information Jrm any agent. CAM DA .1 . . ONA ePeace. daughters, Fay and Queenie, al»o predeceased hM. Hi laurvved Mlr. Ashton was married h by one daughter, Ivy Elizabeth, 91 to, Johanna Langsford, who and a granddaughter, Fern Nal- ssed away in June, 1940. Two smith. JUNIOR FARMERS NOV. M2H SMTmaiae Ronald Hetherlngton, a the Champs So Par, Peterboro Wins CLBFDRHM___NEFROiuay= CLUBS0F DUHAM DADLIE FORObitiia~rThe floral tributes to his mm 8 Over BA. In One-Sided Came GET GOODRESU LTS OWÉRSEAS MAIL MSaulOke arly were rnany and beautiful, .i 89 _____ ___________________ Fallawing are the results in Relatives and friends af soldiers Mrs. Samnuel Oke, a woman of laid ta i-est lni the littie counti Durham County af the Junior aversees should take care of par- a quiet and lavable nature -and church yard which he lovd S Saturday alternoon B.H.S. tra- £ram Gib ta Eric McIlveen just Farmners' Clubs as annaunced by cels and mailfor Christmas de- papular among a hast of friends, dearly. veiled to Peterbaro and w&re failed. A second langer pass was E. A. Summers, Agricultural Re- livery as soan as passible as the passed peacefully ta i-est an Octa- farced ta accept a second one- intercepted and with it went the presentative- suggested deadline fbr titis. mail ber l8th at her residence,,Hunt Ms .I rae sided defeat (26-O) tram the one good BILS. chance ta score. Clydesdale Foal Club and parcel post set by the postal Street, Bowinanviile, where sheMrR.. ose strong home squad. Peterboro has This Saturday Lindsay returns PonaPieatoiis1 oebr1 . had lived the greater part af her Mrs. Robert John Crosier died ye ab eetdti esnthe B.H.S. trip. Gamee Urne is 2.30 Pit rz uhrte sNvnbr1 winingtbre at teirfou ad an exciting tussle should be 60Maney Lest minute deivety aopareis11e. Mrs. Oke had been in poar in Cartwright on Octaber llth, in yetparticulanlye this sesien sucas w health for the last five or six her 7th year, foln a pro- ainn heeoto ir or Allan Wie60 $5.50 aelvn i a a uiesb-years but bore lher physical triais Ionged illness. The funeral was gantes by ane-sided scores. in store for the spectatars. Bruce Taylor 640 5.00 aue soivinyns e happiess n with courage and equanimity. trmhroeweeselid s itefrtaneeten Bowmanville - Flying wang, E. cuslo aaward Farder fo lerhmewer delie Ascintheenrstghalves Edn gHowrG Mc-e 631 4.50 ta bring delay. Invariably parcels On Monday the funeral service since her mariage to Mr-. Ci-osier these twa teams, played in Bow-Melven hlve' dgG.Mc H. Yellowle 622 4.50 mailed later thon Navember 12 taak place fram her late residence 44 years ago (an the th cances- manill, Ptebor haB. hooly; and awut n qare, PeMnic-icl 64 4.0fail ta reach soldiers in England ta Bownianviile Cemetery where sion of Cartl igttownship). on the run anast as soon as the, tt;isiePn Millison 592 4.00 until alter Christmas, and while the remains were laid i the tam- Prior ta lier manriage she was boreand Rude; omides, LAI-Ge.L er 55 40 they are always welcome, Christ- ily plat. Rev. J. E. Griffith, min- Christena Campbell of Holland points before the end of the fi-st lin and Fisher; alternates, Flet- - mas la Christmas the wanld over, ister aofTrinity United Church, Centre, near Owen Sound. She quchtevenro ereattie t BW- cher, Neal, Strike and Moffat. $3 1.50 and everyone likes ta be nememn- in which Mrs. Oke was a memnber was a business girl ti Toronto mucheveer atte wih Bw- erceronÈoa Clb bred n tat ay.and regular attendant as long as and a member of the Baptist coin- manville settling down and play- Peterboro - Flying wing, H. PrhrnFa lbbrdO htdy e elhpratd adce uin u ncmn ati ing more the type afi gaine they Matthews; halves, Ackford, Ma- Ernest Boyles 629 5.50 The fallawing is a synopsis aof ebervat ice. Many foal tedns in t eoane- theBlactockhi showed in Lindsay. ther and Routley; quarter, Dew- Wmn. Ross 621 5.00 postal laws governing the sending f eaie n red eeMtoitadltrteUie Gofotalbugtpytaart; snap, Caig; i.sfrom relativesaiaedKlfrgend14were ofetaidlant and later the Unitedo insde, Batyolaoebealgl61 4.0 i mfian pacelatyte i-als triking testimany af the regard Church. She has been a memnber the etebora20 ardlime with and Allen; middles, Grahiam and Harold Hepburn 613 4.50 ar civilians averseas: .~i~ r.Oewshl yao h ...adkanb i Bth.S.up ssessian20 ary hi e C outsides, G. Matthews and Lloyd Kellogg 6.09 4.50 pareels Going to Civilias i hc is k a edb fteWMS n nw ya uppynpsssin al i h wide cii-de af friends. Palibearers hier friends and neighbors ta be a third quarter. lier Captain Gib Taylor; alternates, S a u nl d le r s, Murray Sanderson 595 4.00 Parcel must mot be aven five were lier six grandsons, Wilbur, woman ai splendid and strong Mdflveen elected ta try for at ma- Murray, Grahami, Menzies, Roy, Gardon Davidson 572 4.00 pounds in weight and must not Montreal, Morley, Lloyd, Clar- character, a wonderful and un- jon score. A short ten Yard pass Burns, Richardson and Giardino. Howard Wood 522 4.00 cantain more than two paunds ai erkce, 'Russell Oke, Bawmanviile, faiing help bath in her home an-d _________________ any nationed food article., and Raymond -Lloyd, Oshawa. in an church Work. $36.00 Parces for Members of the SurViving are her daughten The service was conducted by Boys Club Meet Beef Calf Club Army, Navy, Airforce: Ethel at home, and Frank and her pastor, Bey. D. M. Stinson. At Guelph Contest Harvey Malcolmi 971 6.00 Limit ai weight, il paunds, at Walter, ai Bowmaiville. lier hus- The hynin read was Mrs. Crosier'.s P oo Te ntr-ont CubCon- loward Farder 966 6.00 special rate ai 12 cents a pound. band predeceased her six years owmi choice, "Somne Time We'il Pro f he ntr-ouny lubCon-Ralph Malcolmn 955 4.50 Limit of weight 25 poumds at or- aga, and a daughter Della 21 years Understamd." Mr. Stinson iailow- petitions weme held at Guelph on *Stanley Taylor 941 5.50 dinary rates. aga. ed the theme ai the abave hymn October 241h. One hundred and *Grant Ferguson 937 500 Nte-Parcels for members ai Close relatives Itttending the1 thraout the service. Inter- Aganst Witer fity-hre tamswih to oysto*Harold Fonder 936 5.00 the armed forces can either be funeral imcluded Mr. Lloyd Okel ment was made ti Cadrnus United Shoes carefuily haïf-soled were held lu Grain, Potatoes, Jh omsofl 854 4.00 a pound up ta il paumds, an il wa, Mr. and Mis. 'Wîlbun Oke an-d many and beautiful and the bear- ,epotgastthe rigors Swine, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, they are over the il paunds tliey son Eric, Mantreal, Mn. and Mis. ers were aid friends, and neigh- oanrofand intrHanses and Poultry. $40.00 con be sent ordinary rate which Dean Patte, Mn. W. Lloyd, Mi~s. bars. o!VW l a Whietwei'.orhus uhmCut wsrpee Boys .with Shonthonn calves la: 24 cents for the first pound and R. H. liamley,* Miss Gertrude Left ta mourri her -passing are Wegv wet vorhours DunyehatCty a ers ennda t- ghreceive $1.00 extra froni Ontario 18 cents a paund up ta 10 pounds. liamley, Mn. Wilfred liamley, lher son and daughter, Arthur and service on ail repalrm h v e yegt ens ndatog Shorthorn Breeders' Association. 10 ta 15 paunids-$2.50; 15 ta 25 Oshawa. Mary (Mrs. liarvey Ginri, Beth- ever requested. the boys are to be congratulated aytagadhlrn ap inthe excellent showing they Dairy Cal! Club paunds-$3.00. Ovenseas mail for ay;togadhlrn ap Se wlse! Take advaaita<e Of made, Durhami is without a first Donald Jase 981 6.00 Christmas should be sent nat laten R. B. Arkwright Bertrain and Dorothy Irene Ginri; "kled worknifshlP. We us'e pnize winner for the first yean Jerry Millson 968 5.00) than Navemben l2th. also three sisters and three bro- only hlgh grade leather. since 1933. Lloyd Jackson 961 4.50 ________ Richard Billington Arkwright, thers, Mis. Campbell, Chatsworth, The Province of Ontario will be Glen Tamblyn 959 4.50 Bowimanville, passed ta rest on Mis. H. Hait, Williainsfoi-d, Mis. reprsentd i theDomnionFracis ose951 .50Octoben 19th, having been in ai- H. Jackson, Toronto, and Edward, J H LE ZCmeiinoNo.3d tT-Dnl ymons 93m.0N slt nig bealth for sevenal months. Noble and John'Campbell, ail ai ronta with the Dairy, Swine, Morley Bickle 937 4.50 ____Mr. Arkwright had attained the liolland Centre. Sho. and Halna Repairs Grain and Potato Club winners. Harvey Yellowlees 937 4.50) Nestletan W. I. wiIl meet ai the venenable , age ai eighty-iour Present frain a distance beside King st. ai Silver. The two high caunty teains and Frank Stenger 936 4.00 home of Mis. John Williams on years, and deatb taok place at bis ber imniediate family wene, Mrs. the standing of Durhami Couty in Franklyn Tamblyn 929 4.00 Nov. 5th. Mr. W. G. Bowles wil home on Wellington Street. Gilroy, Taranto, (a sisten ai the each club are as faliows: Alvin Metcaif 922 4.9 speak an "Federation ai Agmi- Sunvivimg ai-e bis widow, for- laie R. J. Crasier and omly sur- Dairy Cattle Club, 38 teams- Balfour LeGnesley 854 42u0 culture." menly Miss Eliza Lamb, North vivig iremibei- ai the Ci-osier lst, Peel; 2nd, Middlesex; 5th, -5.0 Visitais: Mis. Susan Jçhxis, Mr. Verulam Tawnship, and a family family); Mr. and Mns. Burk Hol- - LOW RAIL FARES Durhami, Harvey Yellowlees and DoadSmn eevs ad Mis. Gea. Johins and Billy of twa sons and four daughters, der, Whitevalg; Mr. and Mis. en-y MinextranoEnnOt.killenon$1. i Mi. Wilfned Williams'. . . r *J.Bruce Arkwright ai Samerville luhJcsn aat;Wse FOR S w i n e Club, 12 tem&-lsîtrafonOt Sota n and Mrs. W. Sutcliffe and Mr. Park; Mis. F. J. Goodmanr(in- and Marjarie Day, Tarants; Dr. et; 2nd, Renfrew; 5th, West Association. Sain Crawford with friends lu nie) ai Rasedale, Balsani Lake, and Mis. Irvine, Lidsay; Mn. and Durham, Ralpb Lamer and Dal- Senior Potato Club Toronto...i-s. Wm. Steele with wbo apends bier winters in Bow- Mrs. Evans and Mis. Thorndyke, n anville; Wilfred Arkwrighi ai Bethany; ex-chief Dixan and Mis. REMEMBRANuE to ' Ghorel NletonHa 6cac,ÔrEast RCh eMhl in 957 3.50 br'auhtr MssMag r e daen.J F egsnDixoni, Toronto; Malvin Bruce, TARE A14D UNE-QA ur le;ha ,GDn Hancc, odon- Alephitelol 934 3.00 friend Tontnevio . . . M . and Mrs. seand Ni-s. R. B. FArwnb RcarL*ueAho ~< MnleBicdePor Hoe. arvy Mlconi- 40 .00 MerenBrdroolinariMr. ossie) , ai Lipton, Sask;Mrs. Mis. Bruce, daughter Helen, Sea- Moly 30lPr oe are acl 4 .0MrenBrBokiadM.grave; and M.Nra oms _____frew; 2nd, Durhanm, Donald Jase, Murray Lord 924 3.00 son's. . . Mi. and Ni-s. Kenneth Renirew; anid Mis. G. H. Wilkin-Osaa ,Mja &N 0M-uA m Newcastle, Wesley Hil, Ennis- Stanley Taylor 909 3.00 Sarhes, Melville and Anna, with son (Evelyn), oi Leaside. Ini 1934 FOR THE ROUND TRIP ton, Cainpbellcroft, Donald Syni- Donald Maitan 878 3.00 Mns. Harold Wheelen and family, celebnated their golden wedding. ans, Part Hope. Narman Hubbeard, 863 2.50 Port Penny, Mr. and Mis. Melville The laie Mr. Arkwrlght was ai Richard Lawrence Ashton, a Betwl aIl pointe ln Canada and te P o t a tao Club, 36 teans-lst, Earl Hubbeard 846 2.50 Henry, Oshawa, ai Mis. R. M. English descent, bain ai Garstom, piameer ai Agasuiz, B. C., passed ou-tain destinations in UJnited States. Middlesex; 2nd, South Simcoe; Vernon White 664 2.00 Hoskl's. .. Gea. and Frank Play- near Preston, Lancashire County, away at bis home there Octaber 0O: Monday, NOIV. 10 and untll 2 p.m. 3nd, Durhami, Murray Malcolmi - foot, Lindsay, i Mr. Henry England, an Apnil 10, 1857. He l3tb, in bis BOili year. Tu.mday*Nov. 11, 1941. and Ralph Malcolmn, Janetville. $33 .00 Thompsoms. .. Mis. Jas. William- came to Canada mare thon iifty- Bain in Darlingtan, Ont, in RETURN: Leave destination up to Foal Club, 14 teaxs-lst, Hl- West Durham Swlne Club son and Mi. Arthun Jackman with seven years ago and bas resided 1862 Mn.,Ashiton came ta Agassiz midnlght WedneldaIov 12, 1941. ton; 2md, Brant; 4th, Durhami, Ralph Lai-nien 1126 6.50 Mr5. Stanley NcGill, Janeiville. .. in Bawmanville for the pasi. 21 froin Newcastle, Ont., in 1884 and MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Harold Hepburn, Emniskillen, and Dalton Don-ehl 1120 5.50 Miss Miriain Williamsis l spending Years. For a number ai yeers lie took i-i farming. lie traveiled Adulte or Oilidren 25 Claire Kellogg, Part Hope. Harvey Pantner 1116 5.00 the winten with Mis. Dnni Black. was employed on tiie Beith Farmns from Ontario ta Sari Francisco by Beef Calf Club, 18 teams-lst, Eber Millsan 1109 5.00 . . Nias Gladys Emerson wlth Mrs.end was laten manager of the train, thien by boat ta Victoria and Poil Informeltfonto any agent. Ontario; 2nd, Middlesex; 4th, Dur- Ross NcRoberts 1094 5.00 Netven Bird, Bnoaklim. Baldwi Esiate, now the Kmngs- New Westminster. From thene he ________________hein,Francis Wottem, Haimptan, Donald Metcaif 1093 5.0() Mi. Wilfred Williams spent a way-Brookdale Nur sernies. Mr. went by sternwheel river boat ta Grant Ferguson Nestletan. Hiarold F'orden 1066 4.50 iew days in Colon on. te jiyk..,kwright was e horticulturist Chiiliwack, where be warked for ~ ' . . . Poultry, 3 teais-isi, Lincoln; Frank Symons 1066 4.50 __________ h trade, anid was necogi-iized in -4 short time for Mr. Dumvilt fà- __________ 2nd, Grenville; 3rd, Lennox and Harvey Yellowîees 1064 4.50th trade as an outstandi-g mani. ther af A. E. Dumyil, and also for iAddington. Raymond Smith 1023 4.50 Pi-ianta camimg ta Bawzmanville A. C. Wells, befone settling ini ______________________________________John Baker 1004 4.50 e e e in 1920, be was manager over a Agassiz. .___Lewis______________1004____4.50__ Ebe z r long dperiod o years ai Grand In the early days he took a keln Lew s T ui 10 4 450___ __ Islanc , Balsa ni Lake. interesi in m unicipal affaira and - Mission Band ai No. 4me Oct. In tribute it may be said h giutrlascain $a59wie-lu00civs thn Thanksgiving offei-ing a Arkwright wa ai ofunil- Fon maly yens lbe waa Justice ai EachSwie Cub ecevesa tkenby Ronald Osborne and peachable integi-ity, a fine typemai PIRE ARE-viospecial $5.00 grant froin the On- dedicated by Pres. Bill Rundie. pensonality thatinispired general roi,. East Duriha Swlne Club devotional periad apemed with terlstic cheerfulness ai spirit,bu Munrray Laid 1152 6.50 prayer by the President. Scnip- ta habitualIltempernrce and en- WIT RsGlen Hancock 1145 5.50 ture was i-ed by Eieen Pickell, joyanent ai outdoor life. One of W W ER Milton Benson 1143 5.00 and i-s. Cecil Wonden gave a feW bis favorite pastimes wes waik- Allen White 1132 5.00o thoughts on Thankagiving. - Read-.i-g, and it was while in bis later DRWNGI NOW! Morley Bickle 1125 5.00q ing was given by Bill Rundle, and years as an ociagenarian thai he Donald Nanaon 1092 5.00 Temperance exercise by the boys; ofien set oui for a brisk ten mille Dol' take chances with Clarke Dickinson 1084 4.50 i-eading, Ema Wade; siany told walk ta Newcastle and back. rIn faol brakes. Let us M ac Peters 1068 4.50 on China by Mis. Stan Caverley. religion lie waa ai the Anglican check il for you and Calvin Dunri 1064 4.50 Nias Arnold gave an explanation faith ,a iember ai St. John's put them in perfect EwnDundas 1033 4.50 ai wherc the Thanksgfvig dona- AnglicanChrd.Thauan of hueodnwohv worklnt condition i low U JIGardon Dundas 1025 4.50 tiom gaes. The furieral took lalce on Oc- hhgý o ueolars have o pries. Drive la toda7l m"hiien Bamsey 1012 4.50 South graup ai the W.N.S. were toben 2lst. Aiten ea short service tlia l e au mm e sady lm Cama Iwn 96 45 etetand t h home ai their a the home comducted b3y Rev. heastg ... uaj7orm warmt)sand S LreWie 94 45 ledr r.SmVinsan, lin Wcd- Canonl Spencer, the funcral cor- Au*4ELOG nedyatronwhen business tegc pracceded ta the little church ALWNE OG îo--.o an plasue ereambined. ai St. Peter's, VenuIssu Township, 0 etunS lmwy« hm elSlit late lscale mmJnorGanClub Hiarvey PicIkell, Pidkerig, visît- where interment taok place. The PHN 6MBSSEVC -oad oe974 45 datK .Caurticc's. service here was conducted by à tne alr 91 40 HryadSydney WreRv .M. Lm n e.E . hpad& M L ù rCo. FakSegr 964 3.00 Glen Pickell and Duoglas Oke ai- oeight. he pl ofai-es. wen Phone 715 BowmU BoydAyre958 3.00 cnjoying a hunting trip 1h casterr James and Morse Goadmnan, Laur- Wesey ins946 3.00 Ontario. ence Fenguson and Allen Ark- 1 Ilil I il1111111100 rvilPi923lPickering, visit- wnight, grandsons ai the deceascd, Lse e"H HDW -elt Lly ye92 30 dIadtr r.FrankWre. n Lloyd Eberts, grandson by Li.fe' iSAOWR dIs U ~IRMss liaove laws 875 2.0 ERalph Lai-mer 916 3.00 HaIve -eSimp s 8752 2.50 E M a teMU ran Peters 875 2.50 i EN RlhSmsn 844 -2.50 uw m'W Tailored-to-Mearnzre EXCLUSIVE DEAKLEE FOR TIP TOP TAILORS LD PREVENT 1E P u..ATO uDue to LakofBl ~in-the Die- i Y I *1, DRI TANNIA BLUE SERGE 13 ALWAYS RIGiIT- - ESCIALY AT TE Tip Top Pr"ce Tip Top Toiler. ed Irltsa m» rn Serno .ui.cay W wovs Sil. aid cm a a dat 11 I e a m e tend la auplor te odai bneserge al lu l$a sucrtnem a oits C"d Win we obyond y=u aI- ftem. Erltao ln erueola 0e ofS hp Top a greattvaluiTon ary have It ln esy stryl M»I-I. tailared-ta-meaar. S»Se tte-day. The Arcade kNAVAL GUN A MONI FOR HE DURATIONONL YAà SMALL PART SURSCRIBEDI- 1 ..uV A wà - -m JSUWMDIVILLELWâ,blgARE IN Ti% M ATAUNAL WAR WEAPO1VS DRIVE Needa the Ail-Out Support of E ver y Citizen! 0 Wi e week afr.ady gone, o2 nlyauit lp. Egvoybody can-by buyiug War S"vin8 pmr of our objective in the Natoa War Certificatea They are withine reàch of @IL. Weepoua Drive bua bees ubsoibed. Lee'a gsi W. nmaige busy. Lei' a mke dhe objective goitg& Renmber, ourt oeamunity bu coem- for our community a rwulity. Pwsh dtheale m ibielf to meet our objective each month of War Savinga Certiificas whsrever andl for, the duration, To do dii, everybody muai whessever you cam. M iJ~~I ~I!31T!'U J ~rrniu :IIm'A',~ ~UA~i 01*Uo~> ~i I~(Y ~ DOWMANVILLE WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE M. Cale Vice Prealdent-.. J. Brown Secretary-D. R. Marrisan Publicity-W. Flaherty Sales-W. L. Patenson 1 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN SrATMMAN, BowýLýý, ONTARIO 1 a