TÉrMJI8AY, OCTOBER 30, 1941 SSocial and Persoinal ci Phone M016 Zajor Fred Lycett was home. Tom Lewis was home. Mr. O. W. Scott was ini Toronto, Carnian Haw is recovering nice. 1>' from his operalion. Mr. Walter Sherwln visited in Roseneath. Dept. o!fHighways men worked by tie Tannery last week. Mmr. P. Gardon is visiting in the States. Mrs. L. Brown, Oshawa, was in Orono Friday. Mmr. W. S. Roy and Margaret visited in Toronto. Mr. J. J. Mellor preacied ai Leskard Sunday aflernoon. Walter and Gilbert Dent were home. O. A. Gamsby was iTaranto, * guest o! Mrs. L. Truil. W. E! Axmslrong and party were at Pelee Island. .War Savings Drive is in full swing. Mm. A. Staples is i Toronto hosýiital. Miss.Doris L.owden, R.N, Oril- lia, visîted het parents. Mrs. Jas. Eagleson was in To- ronto and was a guest at lhe Mc. Dowefl-Aullen wedding. * Mrs. Annie Thompson, Black- stock, visited iNs. Dean Carscad- den. Eyesight Edocation Efficiency By C.H.Tuck Optometrist Eyesight Specialmst Disney Dhdg. (0iij. P-0.) Number 196 Responsibility lies with liose whose duty il is 10 see liaI lie child has a square deal. If con- sideralion is not liongit o! early, crlticisin may justly fafl upon lie parents. Until lie child may lhik for itse]!, it is entltled ta a chance ta Uve and'have Its belng. Know thysel! - train your mmid weil, live properly and as parents you are laying a sound foundation * that will be the making a! a stronger, healthier ciild . "As a man thinketh so la he." Persistinh cheerful thoughts look- ing only for lie brighest and best and you will soon learn ta radiale is cheerfnlness ta others, ta say thing o! lie peace and con- lentedness added ta your own 111e. Warry and fear are harmful and muci vital energy is wasted * crossing bridges before caming ta themn. * The eyes, lie most delicale o! al lie special organs, are oflen lie last 10 receive attention and yet defectîve eyes are the cause o! mnuci physical trouble. Many * seek relief ta fiiid that they wait- * d cd o long. Delsys are danger- ous. (ta be continued) CAN»AA FORE WARNED1 BeD preparel for *0hebooo Osbawa Laundry i take are et y ur Laun dry an PHONI and oui drii Mis. John Rtobertson, wha died in Toronto an Sunday, is a sister o! James Stark, Orono. Mr. and Mis. Jim Gilfillan and baby and Miss Viola Gilfllan visited at J. J. Gilfillan's. Tiree graups o! canvassers were active lie past week-Red Cross, W.A., and War Savings. Jack Spence, Windsotr, anc 0.Leith Spence, St. Thomas, visiled e-their sister, Mis. G. Winter. Rev. S. Littlewood preached In anniversary services at Canton Sunday. d Rev. S. Littlewood is giving lessons in religions education' at ýnOrono Public School. Mr. and Mis. Herb. Rnndle and daughter Florence, Bowmanville, n spent Sunday aI R. H. Wood's. > Orono Continuation field day .t losing side are entertaining tie .winners tomorrow nigit. tt Mr.* and Mrs. C. Billings and Audrey and Mrs. A. Henry attend- .ed the Rickard-Hay wedding in Toronto. Mrs. Frances Jackson, who is in Toronto hospital, is now able to walk witi the assistance of a y chair. IlfMiss Evelyn Harness is home from lie haspîtal where she un- derwent an operalion for appen- 0 dictis. Miss Doris Whyte has resigned -her position aI C. B. Tyrrell's. Her place has been laken by -Franklin Tamblyn. About 8 familles are changing residences. Pîetty soon we all -will have to have cards tacked on - ur doors so people wîll know whcre we live. Hydra met Monday nugit and showed a balance o! $4633.83. These bis were ordered paid: Renewal o! bonds $10.00; B.P.U. $424.00; Bounsall and Goddard $25.00; Orono Phone Ca. $8.51; H.P.C. $316.17. O. C. S. Literary Society offi- cers are: President-Carol Sta- ples; Sec.-Anna Staples; Treas. -Carman Cornisi; Edilor o! tic OaCiS-Donald Staples; Pianis- Audrey Billings; Group Leaders- Lenora Wood, Muriel Tennant, Marjorie McLaren, Dan Cimara. Park St. Ciurci was lhe scene of lie Ontario Temperance Fed- cration Wednesday. Rev. W. Hon- ey and Rev. R. E. Marlon conduct- cd worsiip pcriods, and Mr. N. Pilcier was guest speaker. Elec- lion of officers and lie public speakig contest as well as sptiý- ciai music and discussions made it a full aflernoon and evening's entertaiment. Complete report next Issue. Scouts, mel Thursday cvening wlli 27 present. Instructions we given i sgnalflng, and plans completed for lie, apple day. $19.65 was taken i atlic apple day and laler donations arc ex- pectcd. Part of this will be sent ta thqe I"China Up" fund ta aid Briish Scouts. Tue apples wcre donatcd by M. H. Staples. Sal-, vage will be collected Nov. 151.- Phone Scoulmaster J. J. Mellor and il will be called for. Antioch sciool section held a deligilful Hallowc'en parly Fni- day evening whici was enhanced witi blackboard decorations. Tic parade o! thase in costume was most interesting and aniusing and îesnltcd in pnizes being won by Mis. Otto Coatham, Alec MoffatI, Nora Wood and Lewis Wood. Tue pupils sang two numbems and Eleanor Hancock !avored with a piano solo. A brie! sini-song witi Mis. V. Hancock aI the piano fol- lawed. 'the rest of the cvening was spent in contesta and games until lunch was servcd. Aller lunch dancing was enjoyed by some, wiile oliers played cards. Friends wcre sorry ta sec in Saturday' s Globe & Ma il notice o! tic deati of, Editor Gardon Vicars Mounteer WiO died in Mitchell Oct. 24th, aged 42 years. Mr. Mounteer was son o! the late Rev. H. V. Mounleer, pastor o! Park St. Churchinm 1905-6, and is suîvived by hus wife, lie former Wanda Newton, is mother, Mis. H. V. Mounnîer, and anc brotier, Douglas G. Mounteer o! Hagers- ville. Police Trustees met Monday and decided to purchase a 32-foot ladder for fic department. Y.ni- provements on tic tannery werc iscsd, and plans madefo cianging lic drainage system. Thc malter o! salvage was dis- cussed and tic police unanimous- ly agrecd thal lic Scouts should have lhe full co-operalion o! tic people o! Orono. Tiese bills were ordered paid: O. W. Rolph 55c; Street ligits $127.50; Fic Hall ligits 32.00. a hTic Hllowe'cn spirit prevailcd ,d artîstic decorations which appro- er priately bcdccked lie Sunday School îoom. Procecdings opened idwiti a maîci o! sîl in costumes inbefore lic judges, Mis. N. F. Por- ter and Mis. S. Littlewood. -Win- ners were: Si. Fancey Drcss-Elsic rs Rowe, tic devil; Jr. Fancy Dreas, Id John Bull and Britain, lied-Don- na Wcst.and Rets MeKenna; Sr. îd Comic Dress - Canal Staples, a î iot Jr. Comic Drcss--Donald =y-s a bat; BesI Couple-Mis. ,Phascy and Mis. Canîrcîl, Puni- . tan man and mald.- A livcly sing- in sang followed, led by Miss K. Smith witi Miss M. McDowell aI li te piano, leading !inally into lie Iwarship pcriod in whici Miss Smith gave tic caîl ta worship, Elleen Joncs read tic senipture, d Glen Hancock gave a reading and BSam Keane led in prayer. Games werc enjoycd, also two shunts. yLunch !ollowcd. Over 70 wcre ,epresent. YOUNG WOMEN'S BIBLE CL$S Young Women's Bible Class a! Park St. Snnday Sciool were en- tcrtaincd aI lic home o! Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sicrwin October 21. Shuc¶y o! tic life o! Paul wat continued with Mis. M. H. Staples. The quilt which tic members picced was on display, previaus ho its presentahion tathie Orono lied Cross, and plans wcre started for tic rnaking o! another with Mis. Mloi, Miss Allie Wood and Mis. Hairy Mercen put in charge. Mis. M. H.' Staples conductcd a con- test, having pîcviously diviçlcd tic group int hie Golds and Pinks according to which .color 'mum they chose from lhe lovely bouquet sic divided. Thc Pinks were winncis. A lovely lunch was scrved, aller wiici a vote o! tianks was extended ta Mis. Sherwin on behal! o! .the class by tic presîdent, Miss Bertha Cain. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From Thse Orono News of October 27, 1925 A large building 30 x 120 fI. for a shorchouse, implement and bool raom is under construction at tic Forestxy f arm. An intenesting palitical debate hook place yeslerday ah lic Higi School, some rcally bigil speech- es being made by pupils o! boli palilical leanings. Adhcients o! Mackenzie King had lic best o! the arguments by 44 10 23. Post Office is bcing changed lhis wcek 10 ils nêw quarlers, larmerly tic Tourjee block op- posite lie Standard Bank. Thc pogt office bas occnpied its pre- sent quanhers for 29 ycais. Pre- vious il was lacated i C. G. Am- strong's building. Robert Moment was pasîmasher. In lie old days in tic lawer part*a! lic building now tenanted by Mis. Greenwood lie laIe J. L. Tuckcr was post-. master. Orono Band elected liese off i- cens:, Bandmaster-M. J. Tamb- lyn; President-A. J. Tamblyn;i Vice-Gardon Power; Sec.-Nor- man Hogg; Treas.-W. A. Wad- dell; Directois-Geonge Campbell, O. Sandercock, L. Wood; Audi- tors-Clarence Duncan, Ja me s Brown. Inatitut. Thanked For Jam and Hon.y Orono Women's Institute met Friday aflernoon and combincd wilhiti a quilting and a pot luck supper. Rev. S. Littlewood thank- ed lie ladies for lhiu support- o! lied Cross.activities especially for the jam and honey. He outlined the varlous phases o!flied Cross work and urgcd ail ta attend tic regular meetings o! lie socicîy. Mis. Hooey gave lie treasurer's report, shawing a balance of $72.67. A letter showed liaI lie lied Cross had reccived from lie Institutes onc and a quarter Ions of jam and honey, o! whlch Orono had sent 224 lbs. o! jam and 96 lbs. o! honey. Na delegates wilU be sent to tie convention this year. Mliss Bassinet had agreed to take charge of lie girls' short course. Two quilts were disposed o! as follows: one is 10 be sold ta Bowmanville Institute for rat- fling and lie olier is ta be ra!fled by Orono Institute and the money turned over ta lie lied Cross. Mis. F. Tamblyn is convenor of tie next meeting. Roll caîl was responded ta by each mentlonlng what lie lied Cross could do or had done. Il was declded ta buy one War Savigs Certif icate a month qp to and including May, and two for October. Donation o! $2.00 was made to Clarke Schools public spcaklng contest wlth which two war savings stamps would be purciased for each of four contestants. Supper was prepared by a few ladies while lie oliers continued qullting, and if lie menu was pot luck, we'll take Il any tîme. Po- tala pies, macaroni and cheese, cabbage salad, sandwiches, beans, pickles, celery (whlch was grawn and donated by Mr. W. J. Stain- ton), cake, doughnuts, pie, taris, raisin brcad, etc., disappcared Ue magie, and afler all lie ladies and lie few gentlemen present had !inished Ihelr supper lie whole gatiering joied in siglng "Hap- ny Birlhday to You" In honor of Mrs. I. Winter. Mon of 30,409,50 pW, VIN.VIGO. Sboal aide ta normai aSe 8. 0OOr S& Got aapeclaltt utory mmefor WYl S.Thia le dt n ý op ~4and vià Brown*s Red Cross met at Mis. J. Cur- son's and received a box of yarn from T. Eaton Ca. There were five Christmas parcels packed for boys overseas. Visitors: Miss Jean Perrin and Mr. Wm. Morley aI Huntsville... Mms. C. Brown, Ray and Sid, at Mis. E. Caswell's, Newtonville.. Mr. and Mis. H. Reichrath at Mr. H. Osborne's, Lockhart's. .. Peg- gy Stephenson attended Helen Turner's birthday Party. . . Miss Isobel Stephenson, Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Stephenson's. . . M1iss Bessie Law and Mr. Jerry Craig, Oshawa, at Mr. Geo. Law's.... Mr. and Mis. Bob Mickey, Mr. and Mis. Elmer Clémence, Port- Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence' Jamieson and family, o! Coid Springs, Mi. and Mis, W. Raye and family, Toronto, aI Mi. Wel- lington Farrow's. Clarke Union A large number attended John Bigelow's sale. Duihams did not go as hîgh as expected, but im- plements sold well. Mrs. Alex Watson is canvassing for the lied Cross. Miss Eileen Souch was in King- stan, guest o! Mr. and Mis. Tim- mins. Miss Edith Trull, Orona, and Miss Mamie Archer, Oshawa, accampanied her. Miss Eva Patterson, Orono, has rbeen visiling Mis. S. D. Souci. Roy Berry has finished cutting corni. Mis. Wilfred Sherwin entertain- ed the ladies o! Clarke Union Ried Cross to a quilting and supper. Visîtors: Mi. and Mis. Milfred, Sherwin and family at Mi. Stan- ley Chapman's, Ki.b... Mi. and Mrs. Gardon Power and family at uis mother's at Oshawa. .. Mrs. Eva AllUn, Port Perry, at Mi. Frank Brown's. . . Mi. and Mis. Everett Cain at Mi. F. Cator's, Salem. . . Mi. and Mis. H. J. Souci and Mi. and Mis. Harry Bailey ai Mi. H. Jewell's, Bow- manville Kendal Visitors: Miss Olive Gardon was home from Port Hope. . . . Mr. Robt. Alexander, Toronto, wlth is parents. .. Gunner Pete Mar- lineil, Kingston, ai home.. . Mrs. Fred Falls and Myrtle at Hunts- ville.. Mrs. A. Wilkinson, teacher, and the pupils o! Kendal sciool have raised $5.55 for Navy League. We wisi ta congratulate the two young couples wio chose last Saturday ý as *lieir Wedding date and to welcome tie brides ta our mldst-Miss Ethel Byers, lie bride o! Mr. Lloyd Glass, aUd Miss Ed- na Malley as Mms. Gea. Wlnn. Tue ladies of lie comniunity have been busy quiltlng for Bri- tish War Victims. A total o! il quilts were quilted, Mrs. A. Jack- son bçing chie! cdonor. League was held Thursday eve- ning in charge o! the officers' group. Tue topic "Christ as a Child" was given by Clarence Bell. Miss S. Tuertell gave a reading "Granny's Little Boy Cames Home." Hallowe'en party will be held Oct. 301h. If. Your Chili Catches Cold Lîsten- -listen ta millions cf ..erln-9 modhers amndileve maeswthie IMPRaVD Vcs tretestt talesd 0 3 intand ma"e gondd <M VI VpoRu gie im m MMI5 IT ACTS 2 WAYS AT ONCE ta brlng relief. WOU M FnUltoeaseoirele %muacarsorees eatgnesad brigrutim -ta-goodeaoefoL To gethis lmproved treammet . . Jutmassage VaoRub for 3 minutes throat and chest, For lti. Iuit then spread thlck layer on chest and cover wth warmed V*@U dloth. Tryfl nl m upvuW WY BROKEN REST Up lime and again because of Idde and bladder weakneaa? Gin Pilla, the rulible, volt knowia kidnoy remedy, belp oothe aad teutkidneya: 2Monoy bckfno gatisfied. i agdâw eub 0 i q (ba lb. US A h fer "GinoFUa") m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORONO Byers, Dale, who were mnarrled' at the Parsonage Saturday. W. I. met at Miss Jennie Thomp- son's Oct. 151h. This brancihbas given 240> lbs. of jam and honey to the Red Cross. They are also providing the lunch to fill paper bags for Men's Club. Proceeds ta help decorate lhe hall. In the absence of Mrs. Ralgh, Mrs. ed knap was convener for the mneet ing. MIrs. Goodman, Tyrone, Dis-. TI trict President, gave an Interest- PAGE SEVEN M..-mUmM- -- -- --------------- N THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI From T1%e Statesma Films NEWS C Strvleing talk on "Our Isiueadi sang very nicely, "IWhen Il Mrs. R. Boughen is suffering Springtime ti the Rockies." A frorn, blood poison in her arm. extra good lunch was serve( Howard Farrow is worlcing in Next meeting at Mrs. Willis Fai Oshawa. row's Nov. l2th, in charge of Mr Shilh hd aver sucesfulHoskin and hier group. chicken supper on Oct. 22nd. The WMS e c.1t.Srpu short program was well received: was given by Mrs. Robt. Mortc, Chorus by the children; solo by an prayer by Mrs. McLàchlan Miss Gwen Gihner; piano solo, from Laing gave a splendid pape Mrs. Ross HaEllowell; readings by rm the Study Book, "Five DE MrS. McLachlan; solos by Mr. cades in Honan."1 Milt Robinson; Dorothy Farrow Newtonvllle School News aand- Sophia Shutka gave a duet. (By Mildred Hoskin) r Mr. Arthur McKay was in To- Q n Friday the boys made scoop ronto attending the furreral of his and ash trays. The girls put u] aunt, Mrs. John Robertson. Hallowe'en decorations. After re Visitors: Mrs. C. Cowan, New- cess we had a Junior Red Cros castle, at Mr. H. B. Gilmer's. ... meeting, which consisted of reci *Mi~. and Mrs. L. Jamieson and tations, readings, piano solos. son, Camborne, at Mr. Jacob Hal- (By Jean Milligan) lowell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Os. Cow-' October 2lst we had a speakinI an, Orono, at Mr. Wmn. Hallowell's. contest in Newtonville communit, Mrs. S. G. Hallowell and Mrs. hall. Speeches were given bi *C. Reid are visiting in Toronto... Evelyn Gordon, Keith Stapleton Mis. K. Stephenson and Miss Fae Jones, Helen Morton, Mildre( Marjory Farrow, Port Hope, at Hoskin, Geraldine McMurray Mr. Victor Farrow's. . . Mr. and Margaret Ovens and Dorothy SUa Mr&s. Delbert Hallowell and Miss pleton. Wînners were: Ke i t Bertha Hallowell, Toronto, Mr. Stapleton lst, Dorothy Stapleto: and Mrs. William Stutt, Orono, 2nd, Fae Jones 3rd. Keith will g( at MW. Jacob Hallowell's. . . Miss to Orono Nov. 4th. Several chor Jennie Thompson and brother, uses followed; a vocal duet b3 Newtonville, at Mr. A. Dobson's. Betty and Geraldine McMurray ..Miss I. Wray at Peterboro. .. piano duet by Bud and Fae Jones Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Perry- one choral reading by Grade4 town, at Mr. Warren Carson's. .. Judges were Miss Laing, Mr. Mcý Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, Lachlan and Mr. Rowe. The tea. at A. Dobson's. cher said a few words. The girl, took in $2.90 selling candy anÈ $8.55 at the door. We paid $5.0( Lockharts bcf lO for the use of the hall. Home and School Club metLa eS o C ak Oct. 22nd, with President Mary -,le r, C ak Bowen in charge who welcomed ____ the members and looked forward Red'Cross met at Mrs. H. Row. ta a most successful season. Trus- land's Oct. 22nd, when two quiît. tees were commended on the im- were tied down. The ladies mel provement in the appearance Of at Mrs. C. Mitchell's Oct. 27t] the school which has been re- where they cut out patches foi decorated. Mrs. Malley and Mis. quilts. Next meeting is at Mrs Turner were appointed auditors. Bey. :aynes', Nov. 5th. Membership fee was set at 10c. Schoal children are maklng an It i.s hoped this reduction will assortment of pins in aid of Re< brmng forth an încreased mem- Cross. They would be pleased tu bership. President read the pro- fill your order. Encourage then gram o! Conference at Uxbridge in their war effort. on Oct. 3th, when Inspector C. F. We hereby ask hunters in our Cannon will be speaker along vicinity ta be more careful. One with Mrs. A. B. Silcox, Provincial of.our residents had a bullet whiz President. Report of War Work past his ear and lodge in his shed. Committee showed activity in Joyce Martin won in oui public quilting, sewmng and knitting dur- speakinig contest. ing summer. Several letters of Robin Alldred has purchasec thanks to the Club were read. Mrs. Batty's car and sold his to It is planned to have a box at his brother Charlie. each meeting to receive any tin A speeding motorist collided foil from tea, chocolate bars, cig- with one o! Robt. Martin's cows. arettes, etc., for the Red Cross. The animal was sa badly manglec Public Speaking Contest, to choose they had to dispose of it. representative to go on to the Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, township contest, made up the A. Holdaway, Alan and Bruce main program feature. Contest- Peters, Port Britain, at Mr. B, ants were John Gibson and Shir- Jaynes'. . . Miss Audrey Adam ley Brunt, both speakîng on with Mrs. Harold Souch, Shiloh "Building for Health"; Arvilla . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams anc Brunt, on IlHow Young Canada family at Mr. Bruce Whitney's Can Assist in the War Effort"; Port Granby... Mr. and Mrs. H and Grant Malley, on "My H-ero." Peters,'Port Britain, at C. Mit- Judges Miss Foster and Miss Truil, chell's. . . Mrs. N. Gartahore Orono, and Mr. Rogers, Newcas- Pickering, at Mrs. S. Powell's. tle, placed Shirley Brunt first. Home and School Associatior Each contestant received an met Oct. 15th, with President Bol awatd of two war savings stamps Hendry ini charge. Plans wert for a splendid effort. Betty, Mor- made for a Hallowe'en Party. Tii ley and Ross AXin contributed a program was in charge o! Mrs musical selection. Following a Bob Hendry: Piano solo by Editi social lime lhe executive met 10 Hendry; two sangs by Cowanvillî arrange lhe program committee. School; piano solo by Audrey Convenor o! next meeting Nov. Adams; Edgar Millson and Harry 5th, is Mrs. Ed. Dean. Burley'favored with two musical Helen Turner entertained a selections; duet by Betty Enwright number of young friends o! No. 9, and Doris AllUn accompanied bY Newcastle and Bowmanville at a Margaret Pearce. Mr. Carleton, birthday parly on Saturday. Inspector of Pflblic Schools, Co- bourg, was guest speaker. Wm. Rowland led a smng song with NewtovilleDorthy Simpson at the piano. A and dancing. Visitors: Mrs. C. J. Carlaw, Warkwort with Mrs. WilIis Jones. . . - s Mary Dew and Mr. C d u Clifford Keeler, Millbrook, Mr. and Mis. Sid Morris, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs;. Frank Gables and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee Bowmanville, aI Mr. Jas. Darch's. and Mrs. Thompson were guests ..Miss Betty Stapleton at Mid- of Mrs. T. D. Carscadden; Mrs. land. .. Mis9ses Evelyn and Thelma Thompson remnaining with heî Staplelon at Mr. J. Morris', Or- sister for a visit. ona. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson Laurna and Bobby, at Mr. Harvey and Collette, Bowmanville, speni Osborne's, Welcome. . . Mr. and Sunday ut A. E. McGiII's. Mrs. Frank Gilirer and famlily ai Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and Niagara... Mr. Frank McMullen sons are moving to the El! ord ini Peterboro. . . Mr. and Mis. farni north o! Blackstock. wallace Merrill and Lorraine, Miss Leah McQuade spent tie Warkworth, at Mr. Wills Jones'. weekend in Bowmanville. ..Mr. and Mis. Cleland Lane Mis. Oscar McQuade visiled her and Miss Mary Lane at Mr. Harry daughter, Mrs. R. Oke, at Port Lane's, Coîborne. .. Mrs. Hoskin Perry. with Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn, Osh- We were pleased to welcome awa. .. Mr. Elwood Moore, Peter- Rev. and Mrs. Hinton at our boro Normal School, with Mis. mornlng service. Rev. Hinton as- Jas. Stark. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. sisted in the service. Langstaff and babe, Toronto, with Mrs. Mabel Langstaff. .. Mr. and What happiness is, the Bible Mrs. Cecil Robinson with Mrs. alone shows clearly and certainly, Wiley, Argyll, and with Mr. and and points ouI the way that leads Mrs. Sharpe, Enniskillen. . . Mr. to the attainment of it.-Coleridge A Mis ArhurRednap A ______________ LAmPS of propor wCatt- o le s Young oye'. And becousO Ilydro Long-Lif 0Lamps lait longer, yef coat no more, thoy fma'<. moYa t03. eTWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 1.From Thc Canadian Statesmaa, r October 26, 1916 Letter from Pte. Ernest Meader in France: I am not feeling much better yet and have been in lie hospital. I certainly had a naîrow Sescape. Il same sensation ta be blown into lhe air and buîied in -muçi. Whcn I think o! some o! lite ligit places 1 have been in *and gaot ..iv..... I will soon be able ta get around thec ity ... if I could only talk French! From Jack Living in Bclgium: *A rest camp is anyliing but tiat; we are sent out about five miles ta do work in lic trencies. We have just been issucd wili a new type o! gas mask muci superior ta tic old ones. You aI home *cannot realize tie extiemes o! noise and quicîness wc gel icre. Breaci o! Faili: When tie peo- Sple o! Bowmanville subscnibed some $1100 ta lic funds o! tic 235th Battalion il was on thse dis- tinct undcrstanding tic unit would winter here. TuaI a real breaci o! faiti has taken place is now evident for tic men are now quartcîed in the canning factory aI Belleville. Mis. James Collacutt, Tyrone, died Oct. 4th, in ici 83rd year. Tic teachers convention was held in Port Hope witi T. Dam-r ard pîesiding. Monday cvenig Fred R. Foley gave thie literary part o! tic pro- gram aItiche!owl supper and con- cert aI Bethel; Rev. John W. Bun- ner, pastor. Miss Millie Mason, Claude Ives and A. W. Piekard attendcd. W. C. Brent, a former New- castle boy, will addrcss tic con- gregation o! St. George's Sunday on "Better Business Mcthods and Their Relation ta lic Christian Life." Miss Annie Medland, Detroit, Mici., is visiting Mis. J. T. Mc- Murtry. PIes. Abcîncthy, Wren and Murney are in the hospital suffer- ing fîom pnenmonîa. Sarah Haine, Toronto, !oîmerly o! Bowmanvillc, was killed wien stîuck by a car. Casualty lisI reports among lhe wonndcd, PIe. Norman H. Ham- lcy, Red Deer, Alla., !oîmerly o! liS town. Sq.lina: Miss Lena Taylor has retnrncd tb Bowmanville Hospital ta îcsume ici course as nuise... PIe. Norman Reynolds bas retuin- cd home fîom severe nervous shock and uis sigit slightly im- paircd. . . . John Pascoe iad a successful sale; he is moving mbt tie village. FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadia Statesman, November 4, 1891 Owing to abundant crops in Canada this year tic business out- look is brigiter lian for some years. Despite a decrease in tic popu- lation o! tic town, altendance aI thc High Sciool has incieased. Il is now 112 as against 69 in 1888. Tic 27th S. A. Corps has chang- cd officers and is bcginning la boom under thc leadership o! Staff CapI. Cook, an intelligent man and a fine musîcian. Tic town council has reap- poinled Richard Jarvis, Chie! o! Police; there wcre 39 other appli- cants. Rev. W. Lee of Kiliamptan, Eng., is gncst o! -the editor. He also had dinner wili Mi. and Mis. J. H. Burrows in Hampton. In tic course o! a sermon Rcv. R. D. Fraser strongly iinhed liaI churci people o! today îcad 100 muci newspaper and too litîle Bible. Tue Rcv. gentleman was rigit and has given us tic icason wiy s0 many people are nat punctual In payig for lhiu paper. Tyrone: On Salurday a.m. il was discoveîed liaItich shed and stable o! R. Hodge owned by S. Hooper was on ire and in a few minutes tic flamnes iad extendcd ta lie dwclling which bcing old and dry was soon reduccd ta asi- es. Mi. Hodge was absent in Bowmanvile. Tue next building to go was lic school hanse and danger to lic wholc castein part o! thc village seemed eminent, but by drenciing roofs many were saved. A hanse owncd by Mis. Woods, occnpied by S. M. CIe- mens, was burncd. Levi Skinner Burketon Visitons: Mi. and Mis. James Parr, Enfield, witi Mi. D. Hall... Mi. and Mis. W. Cochrane, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mis. S. Fergu- son, Blackstock, withiMr. H. Rahm..-. Mis. M. Adams has ne- tnrned from Lotus. .. Miss Viola Adams wili !îiends in Osawa... A.C. Herbent Hanse, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, at home... -Mr. and Mis. House and children and Mr. J. Siortridge witi Mrs. S. MaSSaIt, Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mms. RabI. Philp wili frienda iLindsay... Mis. J Smith and Orvis, Ponty- pool, wili Mrs. J. Cunran..- -Mr. and Mis. Mervin Gatchdil and !amily, Oshawa, wili Mi. J. GaI- cicîl. . . Mi. Roy Carter, Mynîle, at home... Mis. T. G. Breck in Toronto visiting Wallace who la now in Christie St Hospital.... Mis. A. Gully, Miss Ella Hoskin and Mr. Glen Hoskin, Oshawa, witi Mis. W. Hoskin. . . . Miss Doroliy Hoakin wi Miss Ethel Carter. People living nati o! tic C.P. R. tracks will soon be getllng clectricily in themr homes. Work- men have keen busy crecting poles. W. A. has complclcd anolien quilt. Tucy have been turnlng out anc a week lately. We are pleased ta have an nreanist In thc church once more. Since Mn. Tuompson left the va- cancy ias bccn hare 10 f111. Miss Elsie liahm ias moat kindly con- scntcd to play. was badly burnt on the neck and face by a flaming board aligiling on hum. The school house was in- sured for $700. Clarke Union: Mis. Mclntosh rhas leased her land and residence 'to Mi. Cornish and goes ta Dar- lington ta live wîth her daugi- 1ter, Mlrs. Robt. Thompson.' Newtonville: Tue hanse and buildings at lie corner whicihbas fbeen the principal store and post office for a number of years, is vacated, Major John Hughes hav- ing bangit and fitted up premidses just across the street and moved inta it. . .. T. Hancock who feil off a binder 14 weeks ago isnat 3yet back to work. . . . Sewell Hyett, aged 80, and Robert Nes- bilt, 81, bath aId settlers, died re- rcently. Enniskillen: Master Harry Vir- tue feil ont of a hay loft dislocat- ing uis elbow. . .. Mis. (Dr.) Mc- Cullough walked through the cel- lar door falling ta the cement floor and was severely injnred... Some of the boys carried their fun s0 far Saturday night (Hal- lawe'en) il ceased ta be fun. il'a 1 ý Bmrns FigDting Y1Um a111W lUp 29 NOW AVAILABLE For each picture deafred. aendi a oemplete *Cow Brand" label, wtth your Dameaund a&- Ireu and the Dame of the pictîa' you V"a Wiltten o h ak AddreuaDp.K . The Canada Staxvh Company Ltd.. 49 Wel- Ilngton St. E., Toronto.