TEUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvILLE. ONTARTO A f'C' MT~7~~ Social and Personal ]Phone 40ri0 Kiby Union had a very on. oable Hallowe'en party. L.AC. S. Hall was home and ? was visited by his grandmother, MIrs. Hall. Gordon Bruton, Toronto, wa home. Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Glanville entertained friends at a Haliow. e'en Party. East Group of Kirby W. A. sponsored a delightful evening's entertainment Thursday. Muci enjoyed sldes were shown Iby Reeve C. R. Cerveth, which were interspersed wlth solos and reci- tations. The evening concluded with delicious refreshments o pumpkln pie and whipped cream. Girl Guide leaders were ir Oshawa for $urther instructions in their work.' Scouts met Thursday night with 21 present. Work on knotting boards and corners was continuec and plans completed for salvage collection Saturday. Treasuror re- ported $20.65 collected in the Ap. pie Day drive. ]Recreatian ws enjoyed, coniprlsed of Hallowe'en games. Ni-s. J. C. Tamblyn attended a shower for Miss Acy Bowen on oct. 28th. and a Hallowe'en perty at Lekeshore Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan visit- ed in Toronto. Twa more awards ($5 oach) for General Prof iciency have been moere,$ Qiiick Relief fro. SINUS PAIN MeroseRdne Relus Clour out ted« Sinus krm ONE boit wiy to get relief from tortur- lu Ms pain la to, cléar congestion chm ace pa and giveg ame- a chace t A 0w dropsofa Vicks Va-tro-nol ta each noatril la umUyough ta brlng this camfort- 3REVa-tro-nalles ____________ uccesiful bo- nl@ICMR lcauseltdoestbfe nase: (2) ixelps elea out pain-Sauelng Many sinus sut- torero say 1t's but viIu relief they've V TO O HELP FOR KIDNEYS OR MONEY RACK( fGin Pills are sold on a "satisfaction or money beck buis". If you're flot entirely satisfied with their help your money wil b. re- iimded. A% . donated for O.C.S. which wili bt awarded et the Commencemeni for the first time. Horace York was home. Although the children were E littho caisier and mare numeroui this year while araunti gettink treats, and such Inavable articlec - as the teapot autside Payco's irestaurant were 1 mysterious13 jd maved irom here and there tc theire and bore, not much demagE was dace Halaowe'en night. Tht as teapot wac moveti to the tawn ha]] whei-e it remained until Saturdali lenoon when three little girls witlh Vdifiiculty cerried it back to itsc -rightiui place. The youngest child aif1fr. and sMirs. Allen Hall was aperated oni àfor appendicitis et Bowmenviile ,Hospital Sunday. .e The Trick iamiiy have mav<ed ta Oshawa. The McMurrays ai Newtanville )fare now in the hause vecated by the Trick family. Lloyd Myhes was homo. ýn Rn atrsnist ec ehis h Dick Petterson visiteti here. rMi. Flnney was in tawn Mon- day. e Mirs. F. Peate has roturned fram Toranto and reports Mfr. C. Haw progressing favorably. rtii L.from Toronto. She reports Ni-s. nG. Keith pragrossing fevorably. a A very interesting session was nhelti et Park St. Sucday School with graduation exorcises the ymain event. Eight boys were gradueted: Bob Coatjham, Don Myles, Bob Cooper and Dan *Chmara fram the Intermedietes nta the Seniors, and Howard Wood, *Junior West, Tom Caatham and Jack Mercer fîom the Juniors to the Intermediates. Mrs. Drum- rnond tolti an interesting story about a boomerang. Very interesting services were held et Park St. Church Sunday. In the morning the rite ai bap- tism was performed an William Stark Taniblyn, son aif1Mr. and Mirs. Carlos Tamblyn, and on Marilyn Jean. Cobbledick, tieugh- ter Qi Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cob- bletiick. The minister talked on the life af Dr. Fred Stephensoni, recently killeti in an accident. Mirs. E. Brown took tee solo part in the choir anthem. At tee even- ing service Mrs. C. Jones favored with a lovely vocal solo, "My Task." Sgt. Douglas Ehliott, St. John, N.B., visited et R. E. Logan's. Elvin Blewett and, Marlo Han- cock expect ta beave I a monte's time for the Air Foi-ce. The Library Board decided ta be open only Tuesday andi Satur- day until leter on andi also ta purchase a few new books. The dlock light wes out Satur- day evecing. We wonder if they!re orderedti ta sve ehectriclty. Only about 30 % ai the Wer Savings quota heti been received up ta T'uesday. Came an, Chai-ke! There's 70 % ta be secureti in a very short time! Mission Bandi had a Helhowe'en party Monday when the kiddies bad a grand turne. Miss Margaret Roy, Toronto, was home. She attended the Hal- 'owre'en dance et O.A.C., Guelph. Union meeting Monday eveningÈ --as in charge ai Sam Keane and Edna Myieq. Business periati fol- 1owed in charge ai Glen Hancock. Dick Morton having resignod the orecidency, Glen Hencock was prevaiheti upon ta take over the ')ffice. Kathleen Smith wes elect- ed vice president. 1fr. R. Sher- win showed e breati board made about 60 years ega by the late Dr. Stephenson who worked et thet tîrne for Mrs. Sherwin's brother- in-lew. A. J. Knox fevoreti wite a violin solo, wlth Audrey Bill- FORE WARNED IS FOREARMED De prepared for the Sehool Days luit ahiad by having Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Llmlted take car. of your Laundry and Cleuulng requfromonts now. PHONE 419 and oui- driver wlll caUl. ALL GET PRIZES t !REPARING FOR ORATORY FINALS S Eliminatian in Public Speeking forClarke inipreparationfo SDurham cantest toak place in S Orono Continuation Schaol Tues- dy oveing The event was pro- D Siddavi y Mi-. H. Scott. The Ejudges were: Misses Basinett and cGray and Mr. R. C. Rosborough, aio the Orono Continuation school staff, who chose Keith Stapleton ai ,Newtonville as winner. The speakers and subi ects were: (1) Shirley Brunt, No. 9 S. S., "Building for Heaith." This con- testent, however, was flot judged 3as she was the anly one from North Clarke. (2) Eva Weinber- gor, Croaked Creek, "Safety- Your Problemn and Mine." <3) >Joyce Martin, Newcastle, "Weys rand Means af Beautifying Our Schaols." (4) Keith Stepleton, *Newtonville, "The Ideals ai De- 3mocracy." Ail four received twa War Sav- ings stamps donated by the Orono Women's Institute. A musical item was aiso enjayed, a piano duet by Arvilla and Shirley Brunt of No. 9. Presentation oi the stamps was made by Mrs. F. W. Bowen. Starkville A much needed rein came to us an Saturday and it was a real rîtin ta fi up wells, etc., for the winterhich feels as if it 55 flot f ar aw ay. Bort Trim has gone hunting in the north country. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trirp end Joe have gone ta Oshawe ta live. Sid Halioweil has been workingi on the highway near Cobourg. Miss Annie Wragg, Newton- Sville, is with Mrs. R. Bougon who has been laid up with blood poison in her erm. Only a few at Shioh an Sun- day. What's the metter? Lot us Lhave a "go ta church Sunday" and seo how meny cen came. The weather is fine and the roeds are good. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd with her father, Mr. Con- coul et Millbrook. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lang, Oshawa, et Mr. David Airn- strong's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and f amily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savery and Ruth, at Mr. S. G. Hllowel's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cloughdlft, Toronto, at Mr. Gardon Trim's. . . Mir. and Mrs. Gardon Power and family et Mrs. I. sterlc's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Craig, Toronto, et 1Mr. Richard, Heloweil's.. . Mrs. S. G. Hello- weil is home from Toront 'o.... Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and famihy with friends et Perrytown on Sunday. . . Miss Mode Hello- welli Newcastle, home over Sun- day. . . Lew Halloweli and Al. Dobson motored ta Dunsford... Miss Sophia Shutke ini Oshaw... Mrs. R. Lowery and femiiy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and daughter had Hallowe'en supper et Mr. Ed. Ruthven's, Zian. . . Russell Law- ery, Toronto, et Mr. A. Dobson's. Mrs. Lowery and family returned homo with hirm. .. Mr. RaymondC Farrow, Whitby, homoe over thec weekend. . . Miss Iphyliis Gilmer has been onjoying e visit fmom her girl friend from Midland. . .-1Mr. and Mrs. Sid Haiiowell and Helen were dinner guests with Dr. Weh- ton-Bell et Newcastle. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Herrington and son Paul, Mrs. Frank Howse, Mrs. Howse Son., and Miss Joan Bennett, Ta- ronto. et Mr. Jacob Hallowell's,., Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowehl and Helen et Mr. Rusk's, Port Hope. ..Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson in Bowmenville recently. legs et the piano, anti Mis. Phasey anti Mis. Canti-eU with a vocal duet witb Carol Staples ut tee piano. The topic "Taxes" was presented in a most interesting and instructive way by Mr. J. J. Mohair. Park St. W.M.S. met Tuesday, witb Mis. S. Littlewood pîosiding. Mis. Logan gave the treasurer's repaît. Mis. Littlewood gave an account ai the Pîesbyterial et Enniskiilen. Mrs. C. Wood, Missj M. Davy anti Miss F. Cobbiedick were appainted a naminating cammittee ta list officers for 1942. « "We live by faitb in Jesus Christ"t' was the thome ai the worshipi perioti conducted by Mis. Little- wood. Mrs. H. Walsh gave a read-1 ing. Study ai book "Serying witb the Sons ai Chu" was canducteti by Mis. W. H. Rowe. On display were 4 brass a1ticleà madie in1 China, the pioperty ai Mrs. A. A.1 Drummonti.1 Orono Schoole Have Merry Tîme At Hallow.'.v Bath thue High, and Public Scbools in Orono helti very on- joyable parties in honor ai HeIl- iowe'en Fridey. The Hligh School helti theirs al night,.and it served tbree pur- poses-an enteirtaiment furnish- ed by the losing side Field Day ta the winning side, initiation core- mony for the ireshies, andi les' but not least a H-allowe'en purty. M[isses Basinett and Gray acteti as judges for thxe »costume prizos and iollowing the parade which open- ed prpcoedlngs prosented prizes es foilows: Best girl éharecter- Mildired Richards; best boy char- actor-Howard Coathamn; best girl conic-Greta Mercer; best boy cnnic--Carl Flintofi; bust couple -Ruth Lune and Elenor Rans- bei-y. Initiation ai the freshies fol. lowed, and ehthough the boys dropped the ehectrically charged rope anti the girls di-ew their hantis eway fi-rn the certiboard disc in a hurry, ail were good sparts about the whahe thing. Gaines and coq3ests iolhowed with Kathleen Sinmpson and Aud- rey Billings, Jean Pari-ester and Enid Bowen, and Donald Steples and Bruce Chapnxan talking the leati in the teree different rooms ta which the pupils were sent once they hed secui-ed their .partners. The evening clased wlth refresh- monts and dancing. In the aiternoon the three rooms of the Public Schaah held parties. Miss Poster's roonu on- joyeti games andi candy. Miss Ti-ul's raom enjoyed gaines, cook- les and candy, and also a short pragram consisting ai solos by Gereldine McMurray and Eileen Jones; s-eadings by Joan Moffatt and Elmer Green; recitetion by Donald McLaren. Miss lfiDow- ehi's i-oasiswere e.llowed, ta Invite their smaller friends andtiel hati a grand time together. -Gemes were played anti cookies, candy anti apples servod. CLAERKE COUNCIL On Nov. 4th Clarke Council mot with ail members present. A meeting for Nov. l8th was arrangeti for the school ti-ustees and ratepayors ai the township i response to Inspectai- Carlton's and Prof. C. B. Sissons' letters îegarding schooi nuatters. Oliver Smith, engineer, willin- spect work done on Farrow ditch on Nov. Sth. Haospitel bills owing thxe town- ship were discusseti and clerk ortiered ta arrange immediate collection. These bills were ordered peid: Mi-s. E. J. Ractiail, R vs F $ 32.00 Orano Coul & Lurnber, coul for tawn hall - 55.88 Bowmanville IHaspital, 1B. O. H. ___ 2.50 J. Lyuil Lowery, Juror selection 4.00 T. A. Reid, Jurai select'n. 4.00 J. J. MeUgr, salary andi Jurai sehection 54.00 Chas. F. Awde, taxes on Twp. praperty _' --- 40.58 )rano Turnes, print'g, etc. 3.90 Mris. Morris, supplies 5.03 C. G . Armstrong, supplies 15.00 WVm. E. Davey, 1 trip ta Oshawa B.O.H. 2.25 R. H. Wood, care of town hall _ _----- - - , 9.25 Road Voucher No. 11h_ 1372.91 Newtonville Visitors: Mfr. and Mi-s. J. S. Dilon, Seattle, with ber sister, fi-s. J. Mcbuchlan. . . Mrs. J. E. Anderson with Ni-s. Wlnston Fisher- et Mirs. Hamilton's, Ca- bourg. . . Mis. R. Bowman andi famly and Mrs. A. Kitchener, Clairville, ut Mr-. J. E. Anderson's. . .1Mr. Blake Stapheton, Cowan- ville, Miss Mariai-se Austin and fi. George Stapieton, Canton, ut Mir. L. E. Millson's. . . Mr-. and fis. J. E. Anderson, uccompanied by Mis E. Walkey ant i rly, and fi. Allen Mitchell, Mllbrook, uests ai Mr. Andeison's brother Gearge. . . Miss Velme Mallough, Mi. and Mis. Bort Caldwell, Mr. Hai-aid Caldwell, R.C.A.F., anti fis. Caldwell, Toronto, et Mr. George Stapleton's... Mr. Everett tapleton, Orona, 1Mr. Rabt. Mar-1 .n, Lake Shore, ut Mi. Wm.1 tapleton's. . . Mis. Rabt. Morton it e iamily gathering Friday et or motbei's, Mis. Macklin, Ca- )oui-g. . . Mr-. anti Mis. Georgei oea-e and Carol, Greenbank, Miss *ene Breretan andi Mi. Douglas Lt.,. "THE SNi Radio'@ SDeot \IX/ I.DOW", Master dive. t - mm t OROENO Nsws Cunningham, Newcastle, et Mr-. George Kimbail's. .. Master De- vid Lowe, Part Hope, with his aunt, Miss Helen Morton, also Mr-. and Mrs. Lloyd McGahey, Peter- bora, and Mfr. and Mrs. Russel Lowe, Port Hope... Miss Emma Rowland, Newcastle, at Mme. Cecil Burley's. .. Mrs. McKinney with relatives et Shannonville. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Couch were: Sgt. Jack Paterson, farmerly ai Lanark, Medical Dept., Mount Hope; Mr. Malcolm Love, Technical Electri- cian, fommerly ai Glasgow, Scot- land, also with the R.A.F., Mount Hope; Mr-. and Mrs. George Ed- wards, Mir. and Mrs. Richard Gunneil, Misses Lillian and Di- anne, and Master George Gun- neil, and Miss Helen Couch, ail of Hamilton. Miss I. Laing, Mrs. C. Býurley, Miss E. Rowland, Mrs. J. A. Bar- rie and Mrs. Wiilis Jones attended the W.M.S. et Enniskillon. Edgar Milison and Cieiand Lane have gone door hunting. Newtonville School News (By Edna Deneuit, Grade IV) On Oct. 27th we started study- ing about Japan. Everyone wouid pick out somnething they didn't know about Japan. Margaret 0v- ens had How they get ta Japan; Fay Jones had how they sleep, eat, drink, cook and what they burn. There are still some who haven't gat themn done yet. Wo hed e Hallowe'en party. Aýf- ter a programa we had games. We rxung up some apples. There were present aur teacher, Shirley Payne, Margaret Ovens, Fey Jones and Mihdred Hoskin. They tried ta bite the eppies without puting their hfands an themn. Shirley bit the epples first. Thon we hed e geme calhed Detective. rhore wes e candy i the middle of the string. There was e boy et one end and a girl et the other end. They were ta see who could got ta the. cendy tii-st. Whoever lot to the cendy tii-st would have the Qandy. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS Frosu The Orono News of November 5, 1925 Prizes for best costumes et tht Orono Hîgh Schooh masquemade were awamded ta Miss Beuiah Mc- Cutcheon and Robert Yonkem. Orono Public Schooh Sept. and Oct. report: Book IV-Wilfred Sherwin (hon.), Margaret Allen, *Marguerite Milison, Coma Linton, Fosetta Carleton, Mary Wannan, Howard Linton, Clarence McMui- c hon, Ruth Davey. Sir. III-Henry Sissans, Doris Lowden, Bill Brown -Keith McElroy, Phyllis Lowden, Frank McMuilen, Everett Brown, tLawrence Wannan, Nelson Cou- -vier, Kenneth Tamblyn, Roy Win- -toi-. Jr. III-Macmillan S m i t h 0(haon.), Elle McRoberts, Myrtle Tembi n, Norman Allen, Olive Devey-, Mary Sissan, Eieen Rid- -dell, Leslie Graham, Oscar Scott. aSi-. II-Leray Brown (hon), Kath- I bon Stark <han.), Margaret Wan- -nan, Marjoiie Graham, George Brown, Ivisan Tamblyn, Neil -Hamm. Jr. II-Roy Colville, Me- delcoe Couvier, Betty Rowe. I- IViola Noden, Charhie Buckley, Gordon Winter, Charles Sissons, Robert Keane, Eari McCutcheon, Foster Biewett, Sam Keane, Arn- du fe Wannen, Alfred Milison, Ethel Graham, Margaret Miilson. 9 Si-. Pr-Mary Tambiyn, Milton 1Green, Marjorie Sisson, John rKeane, Annabel McKey, J i mi 1Wennan,, Everett Couvier, Hazei 1Winter. Jr. Pr-Donald Hamm, Elvin Bhewett, Ivan Irvine, Ernie 1Allen, George Couvier. Miss Grace Virtue was given e 1kitchen shower at the home ai 3her sister, Ni-s. Wm. Riddeli. Lake Shore, Clarke Red Cross meets this Wednes- day et Mirs. Bey. Jaynes'. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. »John Mitchell on the birth ai a deughter ln Bowmenviile Hospi- tal, Nov. 3rd. Mrs. G. Martin hes been quite iln. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Wede, Part Granby, et Mm. B. Jaynes'... Mr-. and Mrs. C. Brown and iam- Sily et 1Mr. Robt. Patterson's, 5th bine... Mr. and Mirs. R. Alldmed et Mir. Les. Aildmed's, Mapie Gi-ove. Home and Schooh Association held a Halawe'en party on Oct. 3th. Parade was in charge ai Pi-esident Bob Hendry with Edith Hendmy et the piano. The iudges were Mrs. H. Peters, Part Britain, 1Mi-s. Al. Brown, Part Granby, Miss Helen Smith, High Schoal toucher, Newcastle. Prizes award- ed: Best Dressed Lady-Marian Peters; Man-Floyd Powell; Chihd -Lloyd Martin; Comic-Charlie Glenney; Couple-Ronald Pawell, Russell Powell. Miss Lorraine Beighton presented this programi: LReading by Gordan Martin; two sangs by Junior school childiren; sing-song led by Wm. Rowland with Edite Hendry et the piano. Games and contests were conduct- ed by Lorraine Beightan and Edith Hecdry. Lunch was served. Browrfs Home- and School Association heid a Hailowe'en pamty. Prize winners were, Mrs. C. Turner, Betty, Peggy and Bobby Stephen- son, Hazel Farrow, Joyce and Norman Eddy, Glen Alldmed, Beryl Reichrath, Mary Hunter and Sam Turner. Mrs. J. Curson and Mr. A. Graham were judges. Clarence Turner acted as chair- man and this pragram wes much enjoyed: Reedings by Hazel Far- row and Ni-s. H. Reichrath; piano solos by Betty and Peggy- Steph- enson; and violin and guitar sel- ections by Edgar Milison and Herry Burhey. Red Cross held quiitings et Mrs. Walter Ferrow's, Mrs. H. Reich- rath's and Mrs. Wellington Fer- row's. There wili be seven quihts completed ta givo in ta Newcastle Red Cross. In The Editor's Mail 6060 Stony Island Ave. Chicago, Ill. Deer George: I arn back in the "Big City" alter an absence of six months, and a very pleasant summer. My daughters were gled to have me back and had killed the "fatted calf " in honor af the return of thoir wayward mother. It was greeted with a very delicious tur- key dinner with ail the trimmings. I sure was surprised to red of the turn af events et the B.T.S., but in time of war those things are inevitable and we must ac- cept them and thing af it as being for the bost. I received a phone cail from Mrs. Winterbotham (Cassie Rus- sel) asking me ta meet her at Mai-shal Fields. She was anxîous terday we met and as I hed been making notes for several days, we had quite a session. I have heard same of the folks, who have been away from Bowmenville for sev- erel yeers, say Oh! the old town is just the same, no impravement at ail. They are ehl wrong ac- cording ta my way ai thinking. The business section is ail chang- ed, many stores having modern fronts and lighting. It sure doos not; look the same, and 50 few af theolad business people are left. Iwandered around the narth-west part of the tawn one day and fram the school north and west nothing seemed familiar and I had quite a time making aut the aider residences, ail so changed by re- nodelling and s0 much beautiful *hrubbery and well kept lawns. Ehen I wandered dawn Conces- sion street and there toa were nany changes. I came back by Centre street and stapped ta look lown Loyers' Lane and even thet idn't loak the same. I just had a phono cail from Grand Rapids, Mich. - Mrs. Hicks Lillie Perkin) called ta say she vas caming ta visit me. Sa now if Lillie, Cassie Russel and I get together yau can imagine what a time there wilh be, and probably Maude Pierce will jain us toa. Well I must sign off for now, with best wishes ta aillaid friends. Sincerely, Allie Welsh Shantz. Il ci T ri si ri m ( to a m w Kldnoy Aclds Rob Your'Rest mmd ceimi ah..p. Often thai- blase. Il M hh.d. ~Il h. y ar e lu t sud ki piseu àlep viiitri- Dedd's Kidamyi- lt hal a ceuby a, " i e redi. i Dodds Kidney.Pils Obituary Herbert Collacut In the passing ai Herbert L. Collacutt et Port Perry, Octaber 19th, that community hast a high- ly respected and beloved citizen. Hemb. Collacutt was a man af sterling worth. Ho was an out- standing horseman, whose know- ledge and experience in the judg- ing ai horses was rocognized throughout Canada. Not anhy has ho been a judge et Toronto Ex- hibition and the Rayai Winter Fair for many years, but ho has been West and in Quebec on the came mission severai times, at Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa and Quebec. Ho was a good citizen ai Part Peirry, taking a kindly interest in ail that concerned the welfare ai its people. Ho paid particular at- tention ta the local Agricultural Fair, and fommerly et the Christ- mas Fair in the days when horses were e major feature ai the ai- temnoon show. 1fr. Collacutt was an active member oi Libemal* party, thor- aughly acquainted with ail that bas ta do with election work. The floral tributes, including a beautiful spray from the Liberal Association, and iiends fromai parts ai the province, gave evi- dence ai the bigh esteem in which the deceased was held. 1fr. ,Coilacutt was bain in Dar- lington Tawnship, son ai Charles and Cathairine Collacutt, 1869, and received his early bayhood education in Bowmenville. When ho was about ton years ai ag the femily moved ta Scugog Island. Here ho grow ta manhood, and merried Tena Houck, also ai Scu- gag, in 1898. To 1fr. and Mrs. Caliacutt were bain five childiren, Jack, ai Portland, Oregan; Grace, Mrs. C. Stiner, Whitby; Rabert, deceased; Glenn, Windsor; and Hubert, deceesed. 1fr. Collacutt is also survived by hîs widow. The funeral services wore con- ducted by Mr. McNauh, Toronto, and interment was made et Pîne Grave Cemetery. William Mason William Mason, 8h, died in Drumholier, Alte., on October ist, aiter a hengthy illness. Ho is sur- vived by hic wife; two daughtems, Mrs. E. Cody, Drumheiler, and Mrs. S. L. McDonahd; Vancouver; two sons, Walter and Cintan, Drumheller. Alsa sumviving are six grandchildren, a sister Mrs. Wm. Gibson, and a brother John Mason, bath ai Omono. 1fr. Mason was bain et Kirby, and went west in 1904. Ho spent the latter part ai his ie in Assi- niboia and hed resided in Druni- houler one yer. Ho was an active member ai the United Church up ta the timeofai is illnoss. Interment was in the Drum- heller cemotery. Mr-. Mason was a brother-mn- law aif1Mr. J. T. Mahion ai To- ronta, farmorly ai Bowmenvihhe. a ipjyxà . Nestieton Annivemsary services in the United Chumch weme quite well attended. The music fmom the Mount Horeb, Betbany and Bow- manville was much enjoyed, also two wanderful addresses. Mirs. Panke entertained hem scholars ta a Hallowe'en party on Thumsday evening. Mrs. Wm. Steele and Miss Mar- garet ettended the Rowan-Carter Iwedding et Burketon on Satur- day. IVisitors: Miss Dorathy Edgem and Miss Ruth James, Bowman- ville, Miss Nameen Cook, Brook- MclnR. D. . MisoFlatMecoFa. lin, Rev. D. .MSis Forne F. S lis, Whitby, et Mirs. M. Emer- son's. . . Mr-. and Mis. Wilbert McKinstry, Misses Snowie and Mairie Marhawv, Oshawa, with Mrs. R. W. Merlow. . . . Miss Mymtle Beacack, Toronto, 1fr. Clifton Beacock, Peterboro, with 1fr. Wm. Beacock. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joblin, Janetylle, et 1fr. L. Job- lin's... Ni-s. Jas. Williamson and Mr-. Arthur Jackman with hem brather, 1fr. John McGill, Janet- ville. . -.1fr. and Mrs. Chai-once Ginn and family, Cadmnus, et Mr-. Dan Black's. . . . Mr-. and Mirs. Lloyd Hunter andi Jamie with Mirs. L. Joblin... Mirs. R. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffieldi, Oshawa, et Nestleton. . . . Mirs. Jabez Wright, Blackstock, and Miss Annie Wright, Oshawa, with Mirs. P. Wright. ..-Dr-. J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville, visited his sister, Mirs. R. P. Bowhes Repledge for War Savings TUA The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An Internastional Daily Newspaper ià Truthful-Consuciwve...Unbiased-..Fm front Senstibona- isu - Edfitorials Are Timely and Instructive, andi Ite Dail Features, Togetier whth the. Weekly Magazine Section, Makte the- Monitor- an -Ideal -Newspaper -for -the - Home.------- Tii. Christian Science PublishnSoiy One, Norway Street, Boston,Mascuet Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or $ 1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $ 2.60 a Y....* Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents Narne------------------------------ Addres& -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Wear a Poppy HeIp our Needy Veterans Remembrauce ) Day NOV. llth 4 "Playing parachutes?" *'No, caming down for a Swe.t Capi" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tbeparestforn, in whch sobacco cm sho sohoL"' DON'T MIBJUDGE the distance you Junip. Don't misjudgo the amount of insurance you ouglit to carry on your property or business. Let this agenoy analyze your poliojes. Ask thia agency to reviow your inaurance policies NOW. It wlll b. toc, late to do so after a loa1 Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanvulo TRY THE NEW IMPROVED Chocolat. Dairy Drink. -= 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAr.V. IVTNV. [lu