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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1941, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1941 8The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 . Municipal Council bas made a riscelianeous shower for their roadway for the fire truckc down eider daughter, Miss Acy Bowen, to the littie lake at E. W. Fisher's Reg. N. The popular bride-elect and bas had it graveiled. received a lovely assortment of Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., goes silver, 'crystal, china and linen- to Ottawa this week to attend ware as weii as many useful arti- parliament, after his son, Mr. dles for pantry and kitchen use. John Rickard, and ?&a.- Rckard There was also a table of usefi.d return from their wedding trip and beautiful gifts from Oshawa to New York. They are expected friends and presents from patients home Wednesday. in appreciation of Miss Bowen's Newcastle War Savings Com1, character and kindly attentions as mittee met Friday evening wit a nurse. Many other friends * Mr. Saxon Graham in the chair, brougbt or sent in gifts prior to and eeveC. R Caretb nc1the wedding on Nov. lst. others present. Newcastle's com- On Oct. 28th, girls of the Senior rittment, tbrough the purchase of C.G.I.T. met and made plans to war savmngs certificates, is one attend the raiiy in Cobourg on * Blitz Buggy a montb, or $1200.00. Nov. ist. Hallowe'en program and Every effort Will be made by thc games wcre conducted. The girls citizens of Newcastle to do their ail joined in singing a couple of share. rounds, then Pauline Deline read William Parker, son of Mr. The Meaning of Hallowe'en." Meirose Parker, a native of New: After this the lights were turned castie and more recentîy a resi- out and everyone took part in re- dent at Solmna, was buried at lating a weird "Gbost Story." Bond Head cemetery on Wednes-Mrget b, isueda a day. He was lilled at Mapie wtch, took first prize for the best Grove on Sunday when he was dressed person. Mrs. H. M. Mc- hit by a car while riding a bi- Coîl, also attired as a witch, but cycle. He lies beside his motber sightly more rcalistîc with her who was laid to rest here i Sep-brosik wo send ri. tember. Refreshments of candy, apples Mr. Joseph Coulson, son of Mr and popcorn were served. and Mrs. Joseph Coulson Jr., js United Church axniversary visi- here from Vancouver, B.C., visît- tors: Miss Hazel Reid, Newton- ing bis grandparents, Mr. and ville, at Mr. Jack Glover's. .. Mr. Mrs. Joseph Coulson Sr. His fa- and Mrs. Ernest Sycrs, Jack and ther resigncd from Uic Royal Miss Jean, Leskard, and Dr. R. O. Northwcst Mouinted Police durig Dickson and daughter, Orono, at the last war and fought in France Mr. E. E. Patterson's. .. Mr. and and Fianders. He married an Mrs. Frank Cryderman, Bowrnan- Englisb lady and on bis return to ville, Rcv. W. P. Woodger, Co- Canada with bis bride they lived bourg, at Mr. J. H. Jose's. Mr. for some time i Newcastle before and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, worship- going west. pmng in bis old home churcb, A wedin ofPopuàr nteestwhere bis father was choirmaster took place at Uic United Church frs many ycars... Miss Beatrice parsonage, Nov. lst, when Rev. Bragg, Norham, at Mr. J. T. R. E. Morton united i marrig Brown's... Corp. Harold Hockin, Mr. Clinton Roy Farrow, Newo- Camp Borden, and Pte. Joseph ville, and Miss Acy Anri Bowen, Hockin, Allanburg, at Mrs. W. J. daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Staniley Hockin's... Bandsman H. C. Al- Bowen, Newcastle.Th gro lin, Barriefield, with Mrs. H. C. was attendcd by Mr.ThCar oomd .i.... Magistrate R. B. Baxter Starkville, and thc bride by her and Mrs. Baxter, Port Hope, at sister, Miss Margaret Bowen, Mr. J. Scott Montgomery's. Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Farrow There was a specially large at- * will reside at Newtonvifle. tendance of members and older There was practically no dm- cburch people at the Young Pco- age of any account donc to pro- ple's Union on Monday evening perty i Newcastle on Hallowe'en, when Mr. F. C. Armstrong of the but nearly al of Youth and others Northern Vocational School, To- who cherish the thoughts were ronto, providcd an hour and a out i full force in fitting make- half's program of motion pictures ups calling mlrthfully at Uic of bis own takmng. The several homes of the citizens and getting films covercd a wide range of sub- niany a treat from stocks of jccts including the Christmas Par- candy, cookies, apples, etc. One ade in Toronto in 1939, scenes of especial treat for ail in costume the producer's home and famlly were the ice cream cones at Mcl- life in Toronto, pictures taken on low's. Mr. J. Anderson Smith a trip to Niagara Falls and thc gave the word tbat he would Uius Tbousand Islands and pictures of stand treat to all and Mr. Mellow summer holiday time in Halibur- and bis staff were surely busy ail ton. Wbere needful Mr. Arm- evenig. 1. strong made intercsting explana- Over sixty girl friends gatbered tory comments. Rev. R. E. Mor- at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. ton, a summertime neîghbor of Stariley Eowen, October 28th, at a the Armstrong f amily at Moun- tain Lake, introduced the enter- tainer, and Donald Jose, whose group sponsored tbe programn, cx- l.IIeIvI* .m '4nntended to Mr. Armstrong tbe pE EU ..h)5IUL uUIaLioJ preciation of the meeting. Glenn1 Tamblyn. Orono, favoured withc And two piano selections and was alsor Eficiency acode By NEWCASTLE RED CROSS C.Il.Tuck Optometrist Newcastle Red Cross met on h Eyesight Oct. 30th with the president, Missa Eesight B. Mcntosh, i the chair. An t, Spcait appeal was received from bead- Disney BIdg. quarters for blankets and quilts, 1% <opp. p.o.> urgently needed to relieve sufer- n ing in Britain. Gifts of new or s] "good as new" blankets are most ti Number 197 acceptable and may be left at b Mrs. Saxon Grabam's. If blankets ti How often bave people remark- or quilts are not ncw they should b cd, "I could not be tied down to be cleaned or wasbed before being *p taking a diet or to learning to do sent in. Cash contributions for N' Uic necessary bygenic rules o! quits or blankets are aiso accept- tý 11e." Remember these habits able. $12.00 bas already been re- s( Ï, sbould neyer have been forgotten ceived unsolicitcd for this pur- in thc first place and should come pose. Newcastle branch sent $50 s. ta you naturally. additional from its funda. $2.00 H In Uic satisfyig of cravmngs of wül buy a blanket and contribu- pq appetites care sbould be taken to tions will be gratefully rcceivcd consider the child as wcll as the by the treasurer, Miss Ethel Lock-. mother and mucb trouble will be hart. avoided. Early advice from your New quotas of sewing haveN physician is important at tbis been received and tbe scwig trne. It is essential to tbe future committees will arrange for regu- life o! your cbild. lar sewig meetings Friday after- Many babies are unnecessary noons whcn work will be*-reccived c sacrifices to ignorance and neglect and given out. d and if they do survive their fu- A committee, headed by Mrs. J.l turc lite is handicappcd by im- C. Hancock, is preparing Christ- W paired bealth, hereditary weak- mas parceis wbich will be sent ec nesses and defects commensurate immediateiy to ail enlistcd men g * with bad living conditions. It is from Newcastle and vicinity. t Just as essential to bave this skiil- Tbe Branch bas recently ship- M; cd attention before the baby ped four large cartons, containng t cornes as aftcr . .. quilts, new clothing for cbildren, T! Many cases of barmful eye and layettes, ail for victims ofTi trouble, the foundation of disease bombing raids ini Britain, as well rel rnaybe racd t negect Unor-as alare cnsinmen o!knitcdsai AUCTION SALE 75 Stoclkers Mo 5Hrses EINEST A. WERRY Northi of Ennlakillbn WUL BELL ON RIS PREMISES BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON SATURDAT, NOVEMIER 8 'AT 1 P.M.L STANDARD TIME 75 1-yr. end 2-yr. old STOCKERS 5 HEAD 0F HORSES ne follows 1 geldlng, rid ,ln 2Yra.; 1 mare,, rislaag 4 yrs.; 1 geldlnt, rlsing *ym,. 1 Ume, rlsag 13 yrs.; 1 horse, ring 13 yrs. Hors. are the property of W. 3. Ch& 4~iU..UUERMS: CASH .Ialio uMd W. J. CMaile, Auctiomue Qu an bei to gai WB Ch in lor ar( dal th( f or ch4 tht Se: wr ing Bri Pei da, fa: thi or mu Eai nei agc TEMPERANCE (Continued Tram page 1) temperance limes. These officers wcre electe îHon. Presidents-A. L. Pascc Hampton, K. Courtice, Courtic President-Nomman Down, Boi îmanville; *V i c c Presidents - Brown and Mrs. Strong, Pc Hoe; Sec' Rev. S.Littlewoc 'rno yTeaR sel1 Osborî. Newcastle omiteforu SpeakigMrs. W . H. Rowe, C Representatives: Bowrnanvil -W. Carruthers, A. McGreg( R. E. Osborne, W. C. Fergusc Darlington-Geo. F. Annis, Boi manville, Mrs. Harvey McGi Enniskillen; New c as tl1e-Fr, Gmîabamý,SJ. W. Glenney; Oronc M.H taples,. W. J. Ridde Clarke-R. J. Rowc, Clarke, Jol Stewart and Fred Thomps< Kendal; Port Hope-Mm. Van E erdingen and Haydon Meadom Hope-Stanley Gray, Mr. Kcllog Millbrook - Dr. Jamieson, J.. Brown; Cavan-Ray Findlay, Fr zerville, W. F. Fallis, Millbroo Manvems-Mms. Jackson, Bethan Vance Wilson, Janetville;* Cal wright-Eaml Dormcll and Mms. Hill, Nestîcton. In this comm: tee also are ail the resident mini ters. nhe new president took char and promised to do his best, afi wbicb Rev. Littlewood expressi appreciation o! thc work o! t] rctiring president, Mm. Pasc and secmetary A. J. Knox, the la ter baving been secmetamy for good niany years. Mrs. Joncs favored with a voc solo with' Mms. R. Hl. Brown the piano, and the public speakii contest followed. Ralph Found, Ebenezer, was tl first speaker, and spoke most ci pbaticaily against the wet cai teens near the training camps fg soldiers, pointing out that Ge man soldiers were not allowý these. Lloyd Down, Ebenezer, des chiefly with the question o! t] e!fect o! liquor on bealth ar momals. Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone, spol on the subi ect o! wbat yourî Canada sbould know and do aboi the tempemance question. Arlene Northcutt, Bowmanvill was declamed winner by th judges-Miss Gray, Orono, Be, A. R. Cragg and Mm. F. Faili She deait with the manufactur and effects o! the curse most el fectiveiy in bier address "Alcohc and Youtb." A. J. Knox favored with a vic lin solo with Mrs. J. J. Mello at the piano. Mm. Pitcher intimated in hi addmess that contestants in thes contests bad practical educatio and also it aided in cbaracte building and enabled tbem to bE come better citizens. He dcal next with the evîls o! tbe liquo question, mentioning particulari' tbc clever advemtîsing whicb mis Led people, the nced o! educatiný youth along tempemance lines, th, iiistaken idea people bad that oni îad ta drink to be sociable, an( also putting forth an idea fo0 temperance scbolamsbips. Rev. Littlewood presented t( Miss Arlene Nothcutt of Bow nanville, a large silver cup whic] bhe metains for one year, a minia. ure cup whicb she keeps, ande book. He presented to eacb o! th( thee rcmaining contestantsE book. The large cup wlll again bE presented cercmoniously to Mise Nortbcutt at St. Andmew's Presby. terian Chumch, Bowmanville, ai some later date, it was announned. Present at the aftcmnoon ses. ston was 94-year-young C. J. Eugbson, Omono, an ardent tem- pemance womkcr since childbood. 9EWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSABY Newcastle United Cburch bcld ts anniversamy services on Suri- jay, Nov. 2nd, and t1kere was a arge attendance. Bey. W. P. Voodger, B.A., Cobourg, preach- id and .spoke o! Uic pleasure it uve him to again visit Newcastle. In thc momning he took for bis xt an incident reiated by St. 4attbew. Peter had the audacity Drebuke Christ for what he said. ,ien Christ turned to Peter and eplied, "Get thee behind me, tan! thou. art an offence unto -e." Man is aiways making and itroducing substitutes, with bigh unding names, for the religion fChrist, and the preacher point- d out their insufficiency. We âould get bebind Jesus and foi- )w Him, nôt try to run on ahead. 'e choir sang, Praise the Lord, SMy Soul, and the Osborne .uatette, Russeli, Eari, Orville, Ld Clame Allin, sangZ two num- RICHARIDS At Bowmanvillc Hospital, on Saturday, 11avem- ber lst, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Richards, Uic gift of a son (Robert Ross). 45-1* SWAIN-In Port Pcrry Haspital, on Tuesday, October 28th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain (nec Frances Mountjoy), Black- stock, thc gift o! a son. 45-i* DEATIlS CRYDERMAýN-In Bowmanville, on November 2nd, 1941, Fred H.- Cryderman, agcd 49 years. COURTICE-In Bowmanville, on November 3rd, 1941, L a ur a Courtice, widow of Uic late Wil- liam E. Courtice, aged 76 ycars. CAL VER-Suddeniy, in Roches- ter, N. Y., Saturday, November lst, 1941, William H. Calver o! 22 Milton St. Besides bis wife, Beulab M. Caiver, he is surviv- cd by two daughters, Eleanor and Marjorie Calver; pne son, Ralph Calver; bis mother, Mrs. Minnie Barton, sister, Mrs. Mur- iel Dunn, and brother, Frank Caiver, ail three o! Bowman- ville, Ont.; also bis uncies, Har- ry and Robert Robinson, Ro- chester, N.Y., and John Robin- son, Ottawa. WOOLNER-In Bowmanville, on October 31, 1941, Martba Maria Woolner, wife of the late Char-- les W. Woolner, age 59 years. IN MEMORIAM eHAMILTON - In lovini mcmory o! a dear wife and mother, Sarah Hamilton, who passed r away November 1, 1940. *Hem memomy is as dear to-day *As in the boum she passed away. -Husband and Family. *STAPLETON-In ioving memory o! our dear son Elgin who was taken froni us so suddenly, No- vember 8, 1940, in bis 9th year. He had a nature you couldn't help loving, A heart that was purer than gold; And to those who knew hlm and loved hîm,' His memomy wiii neyer grow old. -Sadiy missed by Mother, Fa- ther, Sister and Brothers. 45-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ogden, Clarke, Ont., announice the en- gagement o! their daughter Doro- thy May, to Walter G. Clark, son o! M. and Mrs. Geomge Clark, Clarke, Ont. The mnarriage to take place qutetly in November. 45-1* The engagement. is announced o! Esther June, youngest daugbter of Mrs. Brown and the late Mm. IClifford Brown, Newcastle, Ont., to Thomas William Wilson, eldest son o! Mr. Richard Wilson and the late Mms. Wilson, Kendal, Ont. The marriage to take place quiet- iy the latter part o! Novembem. 45-1* The engagement is announccd of Avis Doine, daughter o! Que late Mm. and Mms. Edward Wl!- kins, Oshawa, to Walter John, son o! Mm. and Mms. W. Symes, Port Pcrry, Ont. The marriage to take place November 22nd. 45-1w Card of Thanks ;e Fred H. )them wish Dm. Fer- IThe family o! the lat E ICryderman and bis brol to thank Canon Spencer. guson, Nurses, Bridge( ends and neigbboms for th acts o! kindness during.1 and passing. The family o! the late] S. Robertson wish to ti many friends for their pressions of sympatby,a o!! erings, tendered then Uic death o! their dcar We also cxtend oum thani S. Littlewood. MRS. BRANTON, O S H A W A, will be in Bowmanville, Thurs day, November I3t. For ap-: pointment phone 2692. 45-11 Salesmen Wanted MEN WANTED-IF YOU WANT to build an independent repeat b u s i n e s s selling guaranteed housebold products, here's your chance! No experience neces- sary. Steady big pay opportuni- ty. Start now to be ready when the Holiday .Zrade is on. Write for complete, particulars imnie- diatciy. No obligation. Familex, 570O St. Clement, Montreal. 45-1 SALES HELP AND AGENTS - Sales & Service representative, with car, for large organization. Opportunîty to cstabiisb own business. Good salary and com- mission. Write Box 11, States- man Office, Bowmanvilie. 44-2* RELIABLE MAN WA1TED-TO take over profitable nearby Watkins Route. Establlsbcd cus- tomers. Must be under 56, have car or means o! getting one. No capital or experience necessary. Steady income. Write, The J. R. Watkins Company, Montreal, Que. Dept. O-B-9. 42-4 Ail that workcth good is some manifestation o! God as*rtlng and developlng good.-Maty Bak- er Eddy. Classified Aàd Rates Onre cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra la made when advertlserment La flot pald sanie week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Bfrths, deaths and marriates 50o each. lu Memortams, 50o for notice plus 10o lper Une for verse. CIassified adver- tisements accepted Up until. 6 p.m. Wednesday. Articles Por Sale FOR SALE.- WOQ D CO-OK- stove, aiho small coal heater. Thos. White, Tyrone. 45-1* FOR SALE- 23 YORKSHIRE pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply Char- les Frank, R. R. 5, Bowrnanville, phone 2403. 45-1* FOR SALE -ONE CHEVROLET Coupe, 1928 model, heater and new battery, good condition. Appiy John Mitchell, Newcastle, phone 1140.. 45-1* FOR SALE -FINULAY WHITE enamel cook ptove in good con- dition. Apply Lorne Bradley, R. R. 6, Bowmanville (1 mile east o! Creamery corner, Hamp- ton). - 45-2* GOATS - ýQUALITY NANNIES ail bred, some nuilkig, cheap, for quick sale to good homes. A. Irwin, North Nestîcton. 45-10 FOR SALE -QUEBEC HEATER in good condition. Also cabinet radio. Apply Mrs. L. Cubbage at Ai Fletcher's bouse, Division Street. 45-1* FOR SALE-BEATTY REBUILT Engine Drive Washer, guaran- teed, $60.00 cash. Ternis may be arranged. Enquire at Mason & Daie's Hdwe. 45-1 FOR SALE - EXTRA GOO 0D Yorkshire pigs, $8.50 to $9.50 a pair. Clover or mixed hay wanted. C. J. Mitchell, New- castlc. Phone Clarke 1914. 45-1* FOR SALE - QUEBEC HEATER, in good condition and hardly used. To be sold on Sat. Nov. 8. APply Mrs. A. Weber, Duke St., Bowmanville. 45-1* FOR SALE - PURE BRED RED Poil bull, 17 nionths old. regis- tered. Apply Austin Larmer, phone Bowmanville 2153. 45-1* FOR S A LE - TWENTY-FIVE Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old; aiso Russet apples. Jackson, quarter mile north of Courtice. 45-1* FOR SALE-400 BUSHEL MIX- 'cd grain, anc cow and onM ali 3 years old. Mike Cbapik, Con. '5, Lot 13, Darlington. 45. 1 FOR SALE - BEATTY ELEC- tric Washer, late model, white porcelain tub. Will transfer ac- count to responsible party for balance owing. Enquire at Ma- son & Dale's Hdwe. 45-1 FOR SALE-TWO YOUNG HOL- stein cows, one just freshened, the other due to freshen now. Phone Bownianviile 2361. 45-1 W E E KLY FEED SPECIAL - No. 3 Northcmn Wheat, 90e per bus. i small lots, or 86c per bus. in ton lots. Wheat Chop, $1.55 per cwt. or $30.00 per ton. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 45-1 FOR S.ALE-SOW WITH SEVEN young pigs, aiso 8 pigs 6 weeks old, and a nuniber o! shoats. Apply Wm. C. Parsons, R. R. 2, Bownianvillc, phone 2315. 45-1* Club, fri- FOR SALE - MAN'S BICYCLE, icir many equipped with genemator lamp. his illnesds In excellent condition. Write Box 17, Statesman Office, Bow- Mvrs. John manville. 45-1 Lank their FOR SALE-50 BARRED ROCK kind cx- bens 1 year old. Apply W. Me- and floral Laugbuin, Burketon. P h o n e n during Bowmanvilie 2297. 45-1 mother. ka to Bey. FOR SALE - MASSEY-HARBIS 45-1 2 furrow gang piow used oniy i season. Reasanabie. Apply F. - E. Morrili, phon~e Bowmanvile 2456. 45-1 FOR SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE pigs 5 weeks old. Apply John Nichais, R. R. 3, Bowmanvthle, Lot 25, Cane. 3, Darllngton, phone Bowmanville 2168. 45-1 FOR SALE-ONE GAS RANGE with annex, good as ncw; one C hand vacuum cleaner; and anc t large-size ice refrigerator. Ap- 1 ply Box 256, Bowmanviilc. 45-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 3&0 patterns actuaUly in stock. You are invited to vicw these at BRADLEY'S New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 39-tf PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS- Mailed postpaid, in plain sealed envelopes, with price liat. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Aduits only. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamiliton, Ont. 39-8 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everytbing I modern, chesterfield, bedraom dlning suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a speclalty. Qultynerchandise at corn- peiieprices. Before buying visit Bradiey's New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 39-t! Wbat wc most necd is the prayer of fervent desire for growth i grace, expressed i patience, mcekncss, love, and good deeda. Mary Baker Eddy. ilelp Wanted HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general bousework. References. Phone Bowmanville 2456. 45-1 HELP WANTED - CAPABLE housekeeper wanted inimediate- ly. Apply Mrs. C. T. Ross, phone Bownianvilc 589. 45-1 HELP WANTED-EASY WORK on small farm for old man, boy or girl. Good wagcs, board and lodging. Apply Arthur Wcin- berger, R. R. 1, Orono (Crooked Crcek), phone Clarke 1624. 4- WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. House bas ah., city conveniences and higbcst wagcs paid according to experience. .Mrs. W. G. Bowles, Nestîcton. Phone Port Pcrry 192-1-1.451 W A NT ED - MIDDLE AGED woman as housekeeper for fam- ily o! two adults. Good home with ail modemn conveniences in Bowmanvillc. Apply Box 14, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 45-1 For Sale or RenÏt TO REMNT - HOUSE ON NO. 2 Highway near Maple Grove. Apply by letter to Box 16, cdo Statesman Office, Bowpianville. 45-1* FOR SALE - DOUBLE FRAME bouse, corner Qucen and On- tario Streets, Bowmanviile. Ap- ply J. L. Freeman, 190 Monk Street, Oshawa. _45-2b FOR RENT-FRONT BED SIT- ting rooni, furnisbed, on ground floor. Running water and sink. Suit&ble for light housekeeping. Write Box 16, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile. Please give phone number when replying. 45-1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Toronto residence, brick, seven rooms, Lambert Street, for Bow-, manville or Oshawa property, $3200, railroad siding availabie, good fuel yard location. A.* E. Murdoch, 27 Warren, Oshawa. 45-3 Wanted To Buy CLO VER SEED-NOW OFFER- ing highest prices. Bring in a sample. Stewarts Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 45-1 I B UY TIMER STANDING OR in log on road. Large or small quantity. Write Stan Disney, Room 40, Alger Building, Osh- awa phone 81. 43-4 For Exchange FOR EXCHANG-DESIRABLE brick bouse, six rooms, modemn tbrougbout, redecorated recent- ly, weli located in Oshawa- will exchange- for bouse in -o -an Il- A. --l- 13- 11%17 Bowmanville. .45-1* WiIson's Furniture Co. November Furniture Sale LWise shoppers would do well ta avail themacives o! our low pmiccd specials. Very large selection froin our two stores. Wilson's values - lead the market. huner Sprlng Mattreases $9.95-Sping fillcd mattresses i heavy striped ticking, rall cdgc, handies and ventilatars. Ail sizes. Wondcrful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spming f ilicd studio couches. Good lookig. Weil tail- ored. These - will pîcase you and save you mnoney. Over fifty ta choose from. Floor Covering Speclals $1.49-New borderless rugs, 6 ft. by 9 fi. You will find at Wilsan's evcrytbing in floor coveringa. Personal attention toalal your floor covemig problenis. Inlaids, congalcums, feltols, hcavy lino- leum. Ail widths. Wilson's prices arc iQwer. New Chesterfield Suites $69 .50-Specially prlcied for aur sale. Modemn apring filled Ches- terfield suites. Smart c a r v e d show wood. Excellent combina- tion o! coverings. We bave many beautiful cbesterfîeld suites for you ta choose from. Newest styles. Grandeat 'caverings. Our 10w prices will please you. Bedroom Suites $59.95-Tr il1i ng new smart waterrfall designi. This is an out- standing buy. Sec aur large sclcc- tian a! beautiful dcdroom suites you will be praud te own. Wil- son's lower overbead mneans lower prices to yau. Gift Suggestions Cedar chesta, book cases, lampa, !ancy cuabions, end tables, che- nille bedapreads, amokers, caffec tables, occasianal chairs, doil prania. Hundreda o! other gifts at Wilson'a lower prices. Trade-I1n Department Jammed full - bundreda o! good used furniture bargpLins. Wc muat make rooni at once regardicas o! price - Chesterfield Suites, Dmn- ing Suites, Kitchen C ab inecta, Dressera, Beda, RugÉ,. Stoves, Couches, etc. It will psy you ta visit our stores. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 Ring W. 20 Churoh St. OSHAWA 39- Inflation la a relative term; in- flationa can be big, medium, or smail. Whatcver the aize, tbey have I commron this basic candi- tion: a disproportion of the total supply of goads people want and their total demand for then The kcy word ta remeniber la "dis- proportion.»-Melchior Palyi, re- search economtat. B usiness Directoryj Legal B. G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.D. Barrister, golicitor Notary Phane 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowrnanvîlllc W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor Notary Solicitor for Bank ai Montres! Moncy to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanvile, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law i al its branches office inuncdiately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Horne 553 Dental MiR. J. C. DEVMT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinon~ Graduate o! Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. office: Jury Jubile Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 _ House phone 883 X-Ray Equipmcnt in Office Funeral Directors FTJNERAL DIBRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modemn Motor Equlpment, Amn- bulance and Invalld Car, Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.s.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarlan Church St. - Bowmanvle Phone 843 29 tf Licensed Auctioneers ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Spccializing ti Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE -Phone for Ternis and Date to: Bowmanville 2428 CLIFFORD PETHICE Enniskilien Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing ti Farm Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales. Consult me for ternis and dates. 42-4* Court of Revision* and Appeal TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is bemeby given that the !irst sittings o! the Court o! Be-- vision for the Townsbip o! Dar- lingtori willbe beld iteicTown Hall,i the Village o! Hampton, on Saturday, Nov. 15, 1941, at the boum a! 2 p.m. Standard Time, to hear and determine the several complaints and omissions in the Assessment Rail for- the said Municipality for the year 1942. Ail persons having business at the Court are rcquested ta attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk o! the Township o! Darlington. Dated at Hampton this 3rd day o! November, 1941, ,-145-2 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is bereby given that the first sittings of the Court of Re- vision for Uic Town o! Bowraan- ville, will be held, 1h Uic Council Room in the said'rown on Frlday, November 21st, 1941, at 7.30 p.rn. D.S.T., to bear and determn tei several complaints of errors and omissions in the Assessrnent Roll of the said Municipality for Uic year 1942. And further take notice that ail ratepayers wbo decm themielves overcharged or otberwise lxnpro- ýpely assessed may notlfy Uic Clerýc o! the Municipality in writ- mng of such overcharge or irn- proper assessment on or before the 2th day of November, 1941 and your coniplaint shail be tried by the said Court o! Revision. Ail persons having business at the Court are requestcd to attend as aforesaid. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville. Dated this 4tb day o! November, 1941. 45-2 LATEST DISCOVERY in Eyesight Comfàrt -0 Now science gives us TileLnses-the latest disovryini reducmng eye-strain and fatigue. If you wear glasses, let us fit them withTillyerlense.' They wiJI bring you a new and noticeable eye comfoit. W. .il b. glad to show ya how t'0y. Lnaame so difer.tfro ariryisnae&è4 JURY & LOVEL lien we test eyes It la doue properly. C.N.R. Tioket Ageacy. Phone 778 Bowmanviie Garden - Fresh f o r your weekend dinner table. Also full range of cold mats. FISH FOR FRIDAY. BUY ECONOMWICALLY - WE DELIVER ANY ORDER BREAD - wholesome, deicotte 2 for 15c Rose BAKINO POWDER - - - - tin 15c London Hou'"' Red MiIl COFFEE - - lb 49c Crosse & Blackwell Tomate SOUP - - 3 for 25C Bv Quaker Corn CrownL FLAKES - 2 for 25e Brand Labels EXCLUSIVE DEALER for for Free RADIANT HEALTH MEAL Set of Contains ail the lte-glving Pictures elements of lVhoIe Grains. PACKAGE 25o NEWI MOTHER PARKER'S COFFE Half lb 29e - pound 54o DemonstratlGn Saturday Try lt-Free cup of coffee, new, deliclous, Invlgorating. Mr. Francis. representative. lErie Lutn #OTHE STORE OF QUALIT Y" Phione 596 DlveyServws y fflq R EÀ& Daloai U E WANT ADS 'y 1 - 1 - 1 . 1 * 1 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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