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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1941, p. 6

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THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Anderson's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen: T. M. Siemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gill. Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. Nestieton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: W. Fi. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonvile: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Courtice: Frank Walter. 'Cadmnus: Elliott's Store. Bownxanvifle: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewel. J. H. Johnston, Jury & Loveil. IDINERWARE and CHINAI English and Canadian. Open Stock. New Patterns. Ideal for wedding and Christ- mas gifts. English China cups and saucers, cake plates and tea pots. As low as 250 WOOLS Whatever you need for home and service knitting. FOR SOCKS Three and four ply. Plain and Hether mixtures- Skein - - 25e & 30c THft VICTORY SONO by Bowmanville composers Words and Music by Lrena E. Taylor Arranged by Reta Cole Dudley 40c copy Je W. JEWELL "IBIG MF, Book and Glft Store Phone 556 King St. 1il A&P COFFEE Bom 1-lb. Bug 39C 8 O'CLOCK 1-lb. tag 35C IEOI CIRCLE 1-lb. Bug 31 C Maple Grove Visitors: Miss Grace Ballons sud Mr. Dan Geair, Willowdale, af Mr. C. H. Snowdens. .. Mis. A. Tre- nauth, Hampton, with Mra. Roy Mtcalf, Base Lin. . . Miss Aud- rey Greenham with Miss Joaa Newton, Town. Thoy bath at- tended the C.G.I.T. Rally 0f Ca- bourg on Sturday. . . Mra. John Nichais, Courtico, Mm. and Mra Arthur Lymer and two sons, Mm. Wm. Lymer, Oshawa, 0f Mm. Charles Greenham's. This community was shockec on Monday mamning when if bo- came known that Bill Parker, anr employee on the farin ai Cccil Jefiery, had been hit with o car driven by F. J. Gorvey, Wych- wood Ave., Toronto, and iatally injured, only living a iew minutes. A numbeir irom here attended the funeral at Morris' undertaking parloirs on Wednesday aitornoon. Sympathy is extehded ta the ber- .LmBY'S FOOD SALE UbbaaPORE me am3L8 ubby's ap kow amJ ai*19C a 31C liMiviCfl'ME '= ¶ liC SOUP - - - - 3 for 20e TOMITO JIIICE 30-a.ITRZ& NTTEDMATS IMbbr,3 T. S Libhy's SFAGE1T 2 for 15e 9e AUL STEAKS&ROSS c Porterhous, 8rloin, Wlng, Cb,2, Red Rose Face Rump or OoneRosest Round - thE Sack Tea FRESU PORK LOINS RelLbe WhoIe or Elther Hait l. 29clo lal TEMEILINSChoice Park IL 33c ' lb; Pkg. 44c SIÏhuM âIi.ror Muc AR lb. 17c Orange Paeko FEUlEmDi nIJI > . 25c ~Lb. ILPlg. 49c I Bde Roamt - - - lb 18e Short Rlb Roast - - lb 19e VEXM 101 Banols L.Z]lc Dom@stic Legs lb. 29c Loins lb. 23e Fronts IL. 7c IL.1 9C ANN PAGE BAKID GOODS Mal, aofHIgh Quaiity Ingredinta lu Our O0u Bakery BRUEA D 008INNUIS Doz 12C WOEVW1EA LAYER CAKE SMALL ea. 14c CEACEDWEAT ANGEL CAKE PLAIN @a.29 2 v'15 c CAKE Brau«t 8. 15C aZiba. 19C 5 for 21c doz. 45c bangam.Purchams limiteS go omuronet. B i Tyrone The local War Work Commnitto held an aitornoon tea ini the hal on Saturday which was vory suc cessiul . On display wore 7 scaris 6 pr. service socks, 1 turtle necI sweater, 1 aleeveleas sweater, .1 1Pir. children's mifts, 13 pir. arin3 mitts, 3 Pir. seaman's sacks, 1 Pr wrist lots, 1 child's cap, il nighi gowns, 3 quiîts, 2 layettes. Ont of the layettes was donated b3 Mrs. Don Fraser, Bothesda. Tic. kets wore sold on a lavely stai quilt donafed by Mira. Floyd Dud- ley. Proceeds on quilt $20. Mira Storoy drow the lucky ticket which, was hold by Mr. Theo Down, Lakefield. Mirs. Smalo and pupils held a Hallowe'en party at the school Friday afternoon and entortained the mothers ta a nice program and gamos. The childiren served cookies, candies and opplos. Sympathy is extended ta rela- tives of the loto Chas. Prescott. Congratulations ta Pte. Keith Ternant, son af Mir. and Mira. Arthur Tonnant, Leskard, and Miss Kathleen Cowling, daughtem ai Mr. and Mira. Joe Cowling, Salem, on their marriage. Visitors: Mira. Chas. Shaw and bobo, Orono, with her sister, Mrs. E. -A. Virtue. . . Miss Adelaido Anniý, R.N., Loskard, with Mira. A. W. Annis. . . Mira. DoIve, Mira. Harvey Curtis, Mir. Fred Hills and Konnoth, Orono, and Mira. R. Hilis with Mira. Sid Hoor. . . Mira. G. Rosovoar and family at her home in Millbirook. .rMir. and Mirs. Les- lie Brooks and Glenn in Toronto. ..Mir. and Mira. Byron Osborno and Larme, Manilla, and Miss Laura Quinn, Cannington, with Mr. and Mira. Fred Partaer. Mir. E. Yorko rotuirned ta Kes- wick after being af Mr. Walter Park's. Visit ors: Mr. Normati Stinson at Hamilfon... Mr. and Mms. Gad- irey Bowman sud Mary Helen af Mr. Edwin Ormistaa's, Maple Grave. . . Miss Grace Stark, Ta- ronto, Mm. Jomie Stark, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, 0f Mm. J. Sfark's.. Mm. Will Stinson, Detroit, with Mms. John Stinsan. .. Miss Mollie Pascoe's. . . Mm. and Mms. Ted Gordon and Patricia, Mm. and Mms. Walter Green ad family, Toronto with Mms. John McCulloch. .. Mr. Earl Bawman, Kitchener, af Mm. C. G. Bawman's. Hallawe'en wos iitfingly ob- served lu the village with the usual gafes removed sud fraffic obstructions put up. Hampton r Viait ara: Miss Nora Keralake, -Toronto, with hiem parents... Mr. F. J. Groaf sud Miss Wilxno Leach with fionda in Toronto. . . Mma. *A. Trenauth with hoer daughter, Mra. Roy Metcalf, Base .in.... J. B. Horn, Dutton, with hia bro- -thers and sisters enroute ta Peter- bora on a business trip. . . Mra. Bruce Yeo and baby, Bawman- ville, at Mm. C. Colwill'a. . . Pi- vote Bruce Hogarth, Niagara, af J. D. Hogarth's. . . Miss Pearl Gilbert, WIhitby, at home. - Mission Supt. Edith Rockham took charge ai a short programn at the Sunday School session. Mra. A. E. Billett sud Mfss Dora- thy Adamson gove eadingsansd Annabelle Adcack and Jean Ker- sey iavored with a vocal duet. Special Thankoiiering services will be held on Sunday, Nov. 16. Sympothy is extended to Mrs. C. Prcscotf sud iamihy in the sud- den possing ai Mm. Prescatt. North gr-aup ai the W. I. held a aewing bee at Mms. W. Greon- away's when twveafy ladies were present. -Affemnoon tea was serv- ed. Hallowe'en masquerade was held an Friday aight. A short program was given sud prises awarded as fallows: Hallawe'en costume Sr.-L. Hornansd Jean Anthistle; Hallowe'en costume Jr. --Grace Kerscy; Sm. Couple-Mm. J. Milis, Gjadys Kersey; Jr. Cou- ple-Phyllis Niddery sud Shirley P i ngle; Beat Advrtisement- Franklin Trul <Smihes 'a Chuck- les); Best Group.-Madlyn Wilcox, Murmel Smith, Helen and Dorathy Piagle, Betty Williams <brida] party); Comic-Mms. K. Caverly; National cotume-Ralph Peters; Nursery Rhyme -Beatrice and Joan Craig; Ohd iashioned couple -Mms. S. Kemsoy, Mra. J. Milîs. Candy and apples were served. COUNCIL SESSION (Contlnued trom page 1) liko I'm 'on.the spot'. Mayor James: I'm the one 'an the spot'. If wos a regretable in- cident. Deputy Reeve Marris: I move that the clork be instrucfed to sead the union on apology sund explalu the circumnstances. Thore was cortaialy nothing lutenfional in the aversight. Maurice Crook was one ai the audience ai three who heard the explanation. A letton from H. W. Davis ai the Canodion Patent Leather Ca., Kingston, iniormed cauncil that the walls af the Davis-Hoult building were mat thought danger- oua, as allegcd, but ho was send- ing an expert ta examine them. "We will awoit iurther informa- tion", decided cauncil. A lengthy repart ai Finance committee shawed thaf Oct aber oxpenditures included nearly $6,- 000. A grant ai $25, was given ta the West Durham Agricultural Sa- ciefty. "They hadm't called lu per- san and so aome councillors peir- hapa thought they dida't noed the mamey this year"l, laughed Maor James. N. Goheen, Ontario raad super- intendent, is ta be instructed ta dlean the signat0 the Hospital corner. Whem raad work was be- ing donc same months aga the new sign waa plastered wlth cernent and mud. A light wlll aoua ilumine the signaffer the debris has boom cleared. ýe S, ýk 5 y r. kt e y x TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLU nWI~A~Tr~ 'I'IITTtQflAV ?JOVUMftIIR A 'E~ =U=A eaved family. Mir. R. D. Trimble has the hydro instailed. eSyrnpathy is ext ended ta Mr. Il nd rs.Kenneth Courtice in the -passing ai Mr. Courtice's mother. k By invitation from Mira. Chas. ERundie, Hampton, formerly af this community, a number af the choir members journeyed out there Monday evenmng for choir tpractice. A number offionda thought if a good opporfunify ta pay them a visit, sa it was decid- red ta ofolow a littie later and take them by surprise. Affer all had arrived, and choir practice over, H. G. Freeman acted as chair- mon and called on Mrs. Charles Greenham ta read a nicely word- ed address. Bob Snowden and kHarvey Brooks presented them Lwith an end table and an occa-9 sional chair. Both thanked the people for the gift. Lunch was semved and a social tinie enjoyed. Maple Grave Schaol News <By Norma Linton and DoreenE Jeffery of Grade VIII) On Oct. 27th wo mode plans for otir Royal Winter Foir to be hold Dec. 18th at 8.30 p.m. D.S.T... Norma Linton ai Grade VIII was home from achool with tonsilitis. ..Fiday we took a health les- son on Food. . .. Also on Friday the Juniors hold a Hallowe'on parfy ta which they asked the yaungor chîldiron of tho commuai- ty. . . . On Monday morning we had three children start to achool ~Stewart Preston, Grade VIII; Ruth Preston, Grade V; and Maur- ice Preston, Grade II. LICpl. C. J. Bell Pte. L. Blight Pte. D. Bickell Sgt. Major A. E. Boustead Pte. B. Bothwell Pte. J. Butfaashaw Pte. H. Broaking Lt.-Col. A. H. Bounsall Pte. J. A. Burns v Pte. W., Buffon W. G: Breck, Ordinary * Seaman A.C.2 Bmock, D. E. 21Lieut. Wm. Brown Lieut. W. Braden S- C - Sgt. D. Comeron Cpl. R. G. Coombes Sgt. A. C. Colville (Newfaundland) Sgt. Freeborne Colville Sergt. C. Cartwright Sergt. S. Casfle Pte. B. Clarke Pte. J. Childa -Pte. V. Connors Sergt. W. A. Clarke- Pte. L. Coanors Lieut. C. E. Clemens LICpl. S. Casbourn A.C. A. Cully CpI. A. V. Damant Pfe. A. Doboa Pte. Carl Devitt Cpl. John Darch Pte. E. W. Dawney Tpr. S. L. Dunn Pte. G. Dawney Major F. Dudley - E- Pte. S. Emmerson Pte. T. Evans Gnm. C. P. Fagan Gnr. S. G. S. Fowlor Gnr. Wm. Fewstor -G- Tpr. H. L. Gatchel Pte. James Geddes Pte. John Geddos LICpl. H. Gould Pte. J. L. Grahanm LICpl. G. Graham Pte. S. J. Hogarth Pte. Bruce Hogarth Pte. A. Henning Pte. O. F. Hanna Lieut. g. T. B. Hoacyman L.A.C. Honeyman, J. A. Pte. W. A. Hanna - I- Pte. J. Irehand Pte. W. freland - J- Pte. W. R. Jones Lieut. John M. James 21Lieut. Wm. G. James LICpl. J. Knox Ptec J. Kennedy Pte. G. M.. Kennedy Pte. L. Kilgannon Pte. J. Kilgannon Pte. J. H. King Pto. C. F. King 'uk't & u nAaiJ. W. Iv. 13anieir Pte. W. H. Bates Pte. P. Bathgafe Bdm. S. G. Beckett Sig'r. D. A. Baraetf Sgt. J. R. Ballingal Pte. V. Bickell Pte. H. Bennett Capf. C. W. Bigelow Gnm. E. Bird Pte. G. A. Bird Pte. C. G. Bird Sgt. G. E. Bradley LICpl. A. C. Brown Gnr. N. I. Bregg Capt. Thos. G. Bmeck Pilaf Officor A. W. Breck Gnr. R. Bruton - C - Gnr. H. Cameron Tpr. D. J. Comeron Sappor G. L. Carscaddea Gar. Bruce Cameron Gar. J. Camomon Gar. Alex Cameron Cpl. R. S. H. Candîcir Gar. Raymond Colo Cpl. Lon Cubbago Cpl. F. C. Crawe LjBdr.*H. G. Calmer Bdm. Byron Crydemman Petty Officer Robt. Davies LICpI. A. L. Densem Spir. E. Dont -E- Pte. J. W. Eaton Pte. W. H. Evans Gar. J. Finnigan Ld.IS. Leslie Fina Sappor G. C. Flaxman SISgt. A. J. Frank -G- Pte. H. Gibbs Pte. J. F. Gibbs Pte. J. Goodall Pte. T. Grahoam -E- Bdr. O. N. Hockaoy Gar. J. Hall Pte. R. T. Hayes Spr. E. E. Hobbs CpI. G. 1Hollingsworth J .Hoopor L¶Bdr. E. B. Hoopor Gar. R. J. Hoopor Bdr. E. S. Harndea LIEdir. G. M. Hart Pfe. Fred Hughes <Returaod Wauadod) H-. H. Hunt, S.P.O. Driver C. G. Hood Gar. J. L. Kinibl Harold King, A.B. Pte. B. Luaaey Sgt. W. D. Locke LIBdr. A. Labb Pte. Garnief Mi.ton Sgt. Inst. Morgan Pte. S. G. Mitchell Pte. C. W. Murney Gar. S. Murdock Spir. Hariry Mills Gnr. J. R. Miller - me - LICpI. C. W. McMlann Cp1 W. J. R. McKnight LICpI. F. McKnlght Spr. Kenneth J. MeQuarrie Pte. K. Nurcombe Cpl. Preston, D. T. Gar. B. Patter Driver D. Parker Pte. W. Paterson LIBdr. J. Parker -R - Pte. Ernie C. Readeir Sgt. J. L. Roach -S- Pte. B. J. Severs Lieut. Harold Shemon, M.D. Sgt. Alfred E. Smith Gar. J. Snowell Pte. Wm. Spencer Pte. Donald Spencer Lieut. S. Spencer Sgt. R. H. Sutton <Returned Waunded) Ga. H. Sparrow, Ldg. Stoker - T - Pte. H. L. Tabb Pte. M. E. Tabb Pte. W. J. Tery Gar. E. Tice Cpl. F. E. Trenouth Gnr. Len. Vollum CpI. P. T. Walker Pte. H. J. Welah Gar. A. Welsh Gar. K. B. Wood Carp. L. Wiseman Tpr. T. C. Woolner Gar. R. J. Woodward Sgt. W. R. Wright Pte. T. R. Wright Pte. Lawrence Litfle Major F. E. Lycetf Pte. A. E. Lyho Pte. L. Lyhe Sgt. H. Lycett Pte. T. G. Lyle Pte. U. Little Pte. A. H. Living Pte. J. H. Living Pte. C. Maon. Pte. John McGovie Cpi. J. Martin Sgt. McKenna Pte. W. McKenzie Pte. R. N. McMann Sergf. D. Mason Staff Sergt. Fred Moore Cph. S. Naylar A.C.2 NichaIs,. Pte. W. C. Park Pte. T. Pattrick Pte. R. Patiiehd Pte. J. Pooltan Pte. G. W. Purdy - R- A.C.2 Rice, C..L. Pte. N. J. Richards Cpl. E. Rundle Pte. R. Richards Pte. 9. Richards Pte. W. Y. Rodd Pte. G. T. Rohph - S- Pte. A. Smith R. Stocker A.C.l Secret, F. T. LICpl. E. Sheehan Lieut. C. Spencer Pte. A. R. Spencer Pte. A. H. Spicer Gar. C. E. Sameracalea Gdsman. G. A. Sameracahes Q SIgnoîher Jim §isson SPte. L. O. Somerscales Pte. J. Stobarf L.A.C. E. R. Swindells L.A.C. Roy S. Swindeîîs -T- Pte. W. Tait Pte. V. Tomlinson Pte. N. Thampson Pte. M. Tuerie - W- Pte. G. Weston Pte. R. E. Woodward - y- Pte. L. V. Yeo Y. P. U. meeting took the form of a Hallowe'en social. Prize win- ners in costume were Mira. R, Winter, Miss D. Winter, Miss D. Burrus, M. Marchment and J. Thornton. Judges were Rev. Gardner, Mira. S. Buttery and Mira J. Luxton. Mir. Gardner occupied the chair and these numbers were given: Humorous readings, Mrs. R. Winter and Mrs. S. Buttery; violin selection, W. Taylor; piano solo, Miss M. Coilacutt. An apple eating contest with prizes and an- other contest, and then luncheon of coffee. torts. cookies and apples filled ini the social hour. Congratulations ta Miss Kath- leen Cowling and Mr. Keith Ten- nant on their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Stimson, Toronto, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hertzbrurg. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. R. Francis'in the death of her sister, Mirs. Woolner, af Bowman- ville. Mrs. Woolner waa a resi- dent of Salém for a number of years before moving t0 Bowman- vile. SOi ina Visitors: Mrs. Fred Turner, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Somer- ville and family, Cherrywood, at Mir. J. Reynolds'. . . Mrs. Harry Stinson and Miss Vera Stinson, Enfield, Mir. Robert Stmnson and friend, Toronto, at Mir. N. Wot- ten's. . . Miss Jean Hogarth and Mir. Frank Blunt, Bowmanviile, at Mr. Thos. BaJ<er's. .. Mir. and Miro. Lamne Hoskmn and family, Tyrone, af Mr. Ralph Davis'.... Mir. and Miro. Charlton McBride, Burton and Mary, Peterboro, af Mi&. J. Baker's. . . Mir. and Mirs. F. R. Cation and Velma, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Catioh and Joan, To- ronto, Mir. Ivan Ellicott, Trenton, .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Bow- ~manvi1le, at Mr. N. C. Yeilowlees'. ..Mr. George Werry, Toronto, at Mr. S. E. Wemmy's. . . Miss May Merriam in Toronto. .. Mr. Harold Balson with friends at Kingston. ..Mm. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert attended a supper party of the W. A. at Mr. Alf. Prescott's, En- field, Tuesday evenmng... Mi. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Orono, Mir. and Mira. Jim Thompson and family, Toronto, at Mr. J. R. Kivell's.. Mir. and Mira. Edgar Pmescott at Mr. Elmer Gibson's, Greenbank. . Mir. and Mira. Wm. G. White, Donald 'and Douglas, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Charlton McBride, Bur- ton and Mary, Peferboro, Mir. and Mira.'Harvey Hardy, Russell and Doreen, Bownianville, with Mr. and Mirs. Geo. White. Y. P. U. met Monday night with May Memiam in charge af the pmogram: Seripture reading, Mar- ion Halfyard;, Devotional, Ileen Balson; piano solo, Margaret Prescott; readlng, Gladys Yellow- lees; topic, "Let's go ta à Good Movie," Harvey Yellowlees. May conducted a Bible quiz. Congratulations ta Harvey Yel- lowlees on winning a shield for judging! The people of this community were saddened ta learn af Bill Parker's fatal accident on Sunday night, Bill being a former resident here. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed ta, memnbers af his family who were also reciently bereaved by the deatfaiMira. Parker. i WINTERNEEDS Enlitnnts romHaydon FEnlsstmnts romY. P. U. taak the form af a mas- quorade party on Tuesday vn Bow anv Lle LJlLfct, ing. Prises were given ta: Grace & W ma vil1 D is rict Sanders, as a groom; Mira. Gordon. j Beech, as Aunt Jemixna;, Cordula ---------Stenger, as Knave ai. Heairts; Wit a ie tahoinga orrctandup-o-ate11f a ma fomMarie Ashton, as a bride; Roy Wit 'a vewto avng crret nd p-o-dtelis o me fomWerry, as a hobo; and Vivian Bowmanville district who have enlistod linfthe variaus mllitary units Cowling as a hallowelen maid. we are again appeaflng for the cooperation ai aur readers. Ia aur Mira. O. Ashton conductod gamos, issue ai Sept. 18th we*publiahed thec naines ai enllsted men irom this aitor which lunch was served. district with their mailing aldiresa. A letter was received fram.tho Congratulations ta Dr. and Mira. Census Departinoat at Ottawa .stating èmphatically if waa stricte Charles Austin on their marriage. îganstth irle tapubis suh ddrsss. hisexlais hyint'e Mrs. W. Thompson enfertained agaist he ule to ublsh gic addeàss. hisexplinswhy inthethe ladies at a quilting en Friday. accompanying lista, we onlY give the rank, initiais and naines ai the We are sorry fa hear of the men. To have these lists correct'and camplete will you please check suddea passing ai Charles Pires- ovem the naines. If yau iind any errors whatever as to a rsk, iiscatt, beloved husband ai Lily ir pelin a nmes o shul ay nins b aitcdkidp Tabb Prescatt. Sympafhy ia ex- orplisa Vof Maister sodat kr'nPainbe og Shop, kwho advise tomded to the family. èEssVioet cAlistr a ParersPlubin Shp, h as so Visit ors: Mr. and Mms. Fred graciously comipîled these Bas for publication,. or aofify the States- Ashton and. family, Mr. and Mrs. non office. In aending in naines or corrections be sure ta tend in Bert Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. E. -egimental aumber, rank, complete naine, and lateat address. W issLuaPhilp and Eileen are asking those particulars soat a is may be coasiderod an Ofic- Misses LaorntoMms.MD.Higgiad ia 1sf which is available ta individuals and organisations who may Nan, rsont. oss Atom.Richrd wish the addmeases ai boys who have enlisted from this district. Stannaaderms.Ros hto ned BOYSOVEREAS OYS N CAADA Allin Wearn, R.C.A.F., af Barrie. BOTSOVESEA, BOS I CAADACongratulations fa Miss Mamie - A A -Ashton on wianing a prize on a Sg A. J -AliAt- draw at the International Plough- Pte. L. A. Apatin Pte. . Alldread ing Match. -B- . Pte. Roy AshtonSae CoId Remedies Laxacold --- -25o Buekley'a Caps - 85e Grave's L. B. Q. -- 24e- 44o Viek's Drapa or Rub -- 43o Thermagene Wool 49o 98e t E noficed. Hoeiran fifity yards for an unconverted touchdowa ta beave the score 11-6 and sot the stage for the hast minute B. H. S. vic- tory. The hAst quarter saw the play ace-saw bock sud forth with bireath taking irapidlfy. On ane occasion Lindsay had a first down an the Bowmsuville one yard lime but was unoble fa crack the stub- bora B. H. S. defenso. The toams: Bowmanville: Flying wing, E. Mcîlveen; halvos, Edger, G. Me- Ilvecnaond Brown; quarter, Gil- haoly; snap, Stutt; insides, Rundle ond Penfauild; middhes, Tam- baumne and Densom; outsides, Al- linaond Fisher; alternotes, Flctch- er, Strike, Neal, Cowon and Mai- fatt. Lindsay:Flyin ing, Kelly; halves, A. McQuarrie, Deyell Mc- Connell; quarter, J. McQuàrrie; smap, Jarmyn; insides, Wunkio, -Ferguson; middles, Paterson, Ag- mew; outides, Whitney, Lees; al- formates, Frazer, Henry McCon- neil, Brennan, Parke. Referee-Bob Kent. Very shortly Mm. and Mira. Rabt. M. Holfby ore ta celebrate thoir golden wedding onniversory, and naturally the Holstein Association ai Canada hove seized upon thia occasion as a iittimg time tarex- press the good will and apprecia- tion ai Mm. Holtby for the great work ho has donc for the Holstein- breedera ai Canada. Accardinghy thcy aire staging o .banquet af tho Armouries in Lindsay on the aight ai Nov. l9th.' Scholars Win By Nose Over Lindsay Team Again-in Running In the moat oxciting rugby game ai the seoson, played Soturdoy affernoon af the high achool grounds, B. H. S. pulled ouf a hast minute winaovoir the stroag Lindsay Collegiote feam. 12-11. An interception ai o Lindsay farward posa by Eric Mcîlveen on the Lindsay tws"nty-iive yard lino set the stage for thirce quick ploya which culniinated in o touchdowm on a posa from Gib Meîlveen ta Don AllUn. This tied the score at 11-11 giving the locahs the oppor- tunity ai winning on the convert. Irv. Brown's placement canvert kick was stroight and true and bmaught Bowmanville its firat victory ai tho seoson. Twa weeks previously these same two teoma had batfled to an 11-11 stalemate lu Lindsay on a mi-drenched field. Lindsay apemed the acoring Satumday oarhy in the firat quarter counting a touchdown and a con- vert on long ruas through and orouad the Bowmsuville lime. B. H. S. evened the score in tho sec- ond quarter also by a tauchdown sud a convcrt. A long Gib Mc-j Ilveen ta Carl Fisher iorwamdi posa shoak the latter froc 0f thei Lindsay forty, allawing- hini ta galhop the remaiaing distance for1 an exciting score. Lindsay again1 toak the lead on the firat two1 plays ai the third quarter when1 Ithe hocals were caught napping. allawing o "aheeper" ta escape un- -Great'Event Coming To Blackstock A rmou ries AU the sehools of Cartwright and others---sponsors. The Armouries to hold the crowds--Blaekstock. The British War Vietima' Fund-to benefit. Dr. L. B. Willamis' serieen, ln colora af Dlseovery of Amerlos, 1497 by Cabot. The Government's restoratian of the first build- ings and fortifications of civilisation la North Amerles snd Champlain's nelghborlng mnian lIde and sang, 1605. The Doetor wllI aima disever new seenes la Cartwright. This program la steeped la hlstory and la the most hlstorlcally educatianal yet produeed la Canada. SATURDAT, NOVEMBER Stul, 8 O'CLOCK, STANDARD Children-Oe. Adultsa-25e. Miss Norma Hooey, Secretary, Burketon. WHAT'S NEW IN STYLE ? FURRED HATS Very new 1 Match yours to youir coat. Smart toques, pUll- bokes, turbans wlth skunk, persian lamb, silver fox. In Black and Colore. WeII, bore 's ane dramatically flattering now coat, as illustratod. A charming côor to delight the oye; a light warm fur collar fer wintor protection. Button front to keop you luxuriously cosy an cold day.. Others, you '11 want ta sec. Wido solection. Xany pria.. as 10w as $19050 Look To CHRISTMAS I Mfany gi.ft soluctions in alroady. Seo thom today - hosiary, baga, glovos, lingerie; BOND CLOTHES Mon '&SBuits, at low pi. Cailfora Red Emperor Tezas Xharsheedes- Ezadimt source or vitamin "C" Californie Vaencia Good size source of Vitaniln -c, ~*b~ L~' Couch, Johnston& Cryderman CREOPHOS Woedbary'u for coughs . SOAP $1.00~ scoîrS 4 for 2qc, d«49ey MULSION X AC 40c. 75cA Botter WaY 4r ta take 7. , 1.2 BUCKLEV'S Cod ULver -on TABLETS MIXTURE Cenaine 100, sec 40c . 75ec a vitamine AandD- PINOL 590tand 9% SELTZER 25c . 50 29c . 57e Certifed ARW .Freeze evaprratiton w L95 Lactogen 69ec $1.59 Fitch Shampoo 33c,. 69e, 98e Dot Water Bottles -- 49e Vitalis------- -- 54o - 99e Pinex 32e Vaseline Hair Tonie 50o 85o $1.00. Rlnd's Cream ---49c Brylcream 25c 49e Kldney Plls-------- - 25c Cocoanut 011 Shampoo- 25e Tou are assured perfect satisfaction in style and fit when we test yaflr eyes. Phone '" 'L I We Fit 695 P. R..COWrLN, PrMul. en Truwes Enfield F,,RUITS.-ýVEGE-IUABLES am- 1 vitamins Calcium A Capsules $1.00 - $1.85 - $3.50 Ayerat l1D Cod Liver 011 67c -$1.69 Balibut Oil Caps -- 890 Wampole's Extract- $1.00 THE CANADIAN STATES)LAN, BOWMANVILLE. oNTARio THMISDAY. NOMMER 6. 1041

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