PAGE EXGHT TECNDA TTS~ABWAVLE NAJ THURSDAY. NOV~W~ d. Weddings Burr-Pingle St. Andrew's United Church pars-onage, Oshawa, was the scene oi a pretty afternoon wedding on Nov. lst. when Edith Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pingle, Bowmanville, became the bride of Gerald Reginald Burr, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Burr, Oshawa. Rev. George Telford per- formed the ecremony. The bride. given in marriage by her father, wore a street length gown of 'blue velvet with rose velvet accessor- jes and rose velvet turban. Her corsage was white baby mums. Her only jewellery was a mother of peari locket belonging to the groom's mother. Mrs. Alex Mc- Robbie attended her sister in a gown ai wine sheer crepe with matching accessaries and corsage af baby mums. The groom was supported by his cousin Allan Baverstock, Oshawa. Fallowing tbe ceremany the re- ception was held at the home ai the bride's parents Manvers Road with the bride's mother receiving in a gown of black sheer, match- ing accessories aid corsage of white baby mums. She was assist- ed by the groam's mather in wine crepe dress with matching acces- sories and corsage of white mumas. For the wedding trip by matar the bride changed ta a beige andj green wool dress with black coat with red fox trim and black accessories. The happy couple will reside in Bownianville, the groom being employed at the General Motors, Oshawa. Out af town . FreeoSHAWA Phoe Friday and Saturday Last Two Riotous Days CLARK GABLE LANA TURNER "Honky Tonk" Frank Claire Albert Morgan Trevor Dekker REVIVAL FRIDAY AT Il THE FIGHTING 69th JAMES CAGNEY PAT OBRIEN GEORGE BRENT. Monday 2 and Tuesday H T MERLE OBERON MELVIN DOUGLAS BURGESS MEREDTM "That Uncertain Feeling___ ý~PLUS Dance Hall CESAR ROMERO CAROLE LANDIS J. EDWARD BROMBERG -Wednesday TYRONE For 4 Days IPOWER AYank THN R.A.F. Mothers »~ This wiII rmind you that S rup Dr. Chase's De Syrup Spendable cm e ver for the -Qb OoSu, Oolds, 35 a 75 Bronshti, 810. I I I p 48,87 INHALE flij guesta attending the wcddini were: Mrs. D. Thampson, th( bride's aunt irom Carlyle, Saak. Howard and Ernest R o 1 u fis Handsworth, Sask.; Mrs. G. L 1Bavcrstock, the graom's grand. mother, Mi. and Mrs. Wilfred 1Monroe, Wellington; Mn. and Mrs B. Swenson, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs Waolley, Miss Audrey Kemp and MIr. Oscar Pingle. brother af the bride, Toronto, also the bnidc'.ç ather brother Ronald K. PinglE wha is with the R.C.A.F. at Maun. tain View. Mn. Thos. Pingle, Bowmanville, grandiather af the bride was also present. King-Foster King St. United Church parson- age, Oshawa, was the scene ai a very pretty wedding, October 29th, when Margaret Evelyn, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Hariord and the late Mn. Foster, Toronto became the bride ai Pte. Clarence Frederick King, lst Midland Rcgt. C.A.S.F., son ai Mn. and Mrs. Charles King, Bowmanville. Rev. McNeeley oi- ficiatcd.. The bride, given in marriage by her stepiather. Mn. Wm. 1jan- fard was gawned in a pawder blue redingote with niidnight blue vel- vet hat and matching gloves and shoes and warc a corsage ai baby pink mums and carnations. The matran ai hanour, Mrs. Helen Kinsman, sister -ai the groom, worc a soldier blue dress with matching accessonies and a cor- sage ai white baby mums and carnations. The groom was assist- ed by George J. Kinsman. Aiter the ceremony a recption was beld at the home ai the graam's sisten, 23 Lloyd St.. Oshawa. The bride's mather reccived in a pawder blue dress with - navy accessaries and a corsage ai red roses. The bride- graam's mather chose a royal blue sheer dress with matching acces- sanies and a corsage af pink roses and swect peas. Aiter the receptian the happy couple leit for a short boncymoon ta pointa west. The bride chose for traveling, a navy blue en- semble with beige fur jacket and matching accessanies. Out ai tawn guests were Mn. and Mis. Wm. Andrew, Mi, and Mrs. Wm. King, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. C. King, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Haniard, Mn. and Mrs. C. Burns, Mrs. F. Piper and Doris, Bowman- ville; Mn. and Mis. T. G. Kins- man, Caurtice. The groom has since rejoined bis regixnent at Niagara, MeCready-Rosehart The Cburcb ai Our Lady, at LaSalette, Ont., was the scene ai a pnetty wedding, October 29th, when Rev. Father J. F. Mahoney pcnformcd the nuptial mass for Miss Mary Rita Rosebant, Simcae, daughter ai Mi. and Mis. G. R. Rasehant, ai LaSalette, and Mn. Wray McCrcady, formerly meni- ber ai Tbe Simcoc Reformer staff, now foreman ai the mechanical staff ai The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc. The ccremony took place at 9 o'clock i the presence ai many guests, and the church was decorated witb snapdragans and chrysanthemums. The bride entered the cburch on the an aif ber father, who gave ber in marriage. She was attractive in a smart white lace irack, iloor length, aven satin. Her train-lengtb -veil of embroid- ered net fid ironi a hala ai orange blossonis, and she carried Bniar- cliff roses. Her sister, Mias Ver- onica Rosehart, Simcoe, was bridesmaid, attincd in canal net over taifeta, with beaddress ai Joan Wells chrysanthemunis. Her bouquet was made ai Johanna Hil rases and chrysanthemuma. M4r. Edgar O'Donnell, Sinicoe, was groomsman, and the ushers were I'heodarc and Raymond Rosebant, brotbers ai the bride. Mis. W. E. M'cMahon,, arganist, piayed the 3nîdal Chorus inoni "Lohengrin," and Mis. L. E. Clark, soloist, ren- iered Gounod's "Ave Maria." The double ring ceremany was uscd. A receptian follawed imniediate- y aiter at the home ai Mi. and vlrs. Rosehant. Mis. Rasebart re- cived, wearing soldier blue with natching bat and corsage ai pink carnations. The groom's mather, vins. Gertrude McCready, Sirncae, ssisted wearing a burgundy ress, ;iack accessanies and à cor- sage ai yellaw carnations. Fif ty- ive guesta were in attendance. Later dinner was scrved in the Log Rooni at tac Governor Sim- coe Hotel, Simcoc. The table was bcautiful witb autumn shades ai bhrysanthemuma. The bride ware for travelling a iorest green coat with red fox timming, dress and accessonies I c h c a t t' j' v a n ai l ai n g] t' E di si s. E e( nr G ;hie elî ad pnkand white treamens ion the occasion. Rev. EP. Wood, Blackstock, penfarni- 1 ed the ceremony and the weddingj music was played by Miss Alma Grahami. During the register sign- ig _Mrs. Vinginia Archer sang (5' Perfect La-ve."-,û The bride was given in niar- 1 niage by ber fether and okcdi lavely i a white Igeorgette crepe 0' gown wlth shired jacket, elbawC leghwhite kid gloves and berc G arnet Rlckard And Bride Honored At Shaw,$ Party Octaber meeting ai Shaw's Home and School Club was a gay event on Thursday evening. In spite of unfavorable weathera record attendance ai pupils, par- ents ana iniends turned out to celebrate Hallowe'en, enjoy the concert, and last but not least, to Join in a practical testimony to the esteeni in which the President is held and ta welcome bis bride, a newcomer to our community though no stranger to many ai us. Aiter opening exercisea and a short business sessian, the attrac- tive and numerous "masked mys- teries" were paraded before the tjudges, Kennetb Werry and Mis. Claude Ives ai the B.T.S., wbc awbrded pnizes to Mrs. Chas. Dis- ney and Mrs. W. Clemence, Mrs. Gea. Allun, Miss Bennett, Mary Cox, Ruth Bragg, Arlenie Cox, and to wee bride little Jean Stacey with big brather Peter as groom. Af ter the surprisçs, amusement and applause caused by the un- masking ai the pnize winners and a general doffing of the vaniaus disguises, a pleasing program was presented under the chairman- ship ai Rass Lane, convener of program committee: Piano duets by Miss Leta Bragg and Mis. Otto Bragg, witb marked ability and animation. Mrs. Bragg also ac- companied the schaol for two- part sangs and rounds given un- decr direction of Miss Crank, tea- cher; also for the appropriatie Pumpkin Dance by the juniors Mrs. Bragg gave hier help. Hal- lowe'en recitations were given by Earl Brown and Qzail Price. The audience were deighted with "The Minuet by Bach" as render- ed by the Rhythm Band, with budding pianist Ruth Bragg at the piano, and led by baton wield- ed by yaung canductress Joyce Cox. Mn. Lane called upon Ernèst Gilbank for a reading. Declining any ability in that direction, En- nest proceedcd ta entertain with "baps and mishaps" ai Hallowe'en prankstcrs and then invited Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard to the piatfarm. Mis. James Brown read an address and a pretty cofie table and reilectar with a lamp to repose therean were brought forward by Russell Bragg and Mis. Norman Rickard and pre- sented to the guekta ai onor. The bride and groom gracciully and humarously cxpressed their sur- prise and gratitude ta their fri- ends ai Sbaw's section. Aiter expressing bis personal appreciatian ai Garnet as friend and neigbbor, Ernest called an Kyle Squair wbo exprcssed the pnide and pleasure the people ai Shaw's feel in baving and retain- ing in their midst s0 auccessiul and progressive a yaung fanmer as Garnet Rickard wbo bas won many pnizes and several trophies in judging and also on seed grain. Mn. Squair also lauded the achievement ai the installation and operatian ai a gavernment grain clcaning plant as a~ great asset ta the neigbbarboadini the betterment and increased value ai grain grawing in this district. Wclcaming Mrs. Rickard ta aur H. and S. Club followed. Short addresses were also given by Rus- sel Bragg, Gea. McTaggart and Fred Lovekin. Lunch was served by the offij- cient lunch camniittee and their attentive belpors. Much credit is due pupila and teachers for apprapriate and lav- ish decarations for Hallawe'en ai platiorni and class room. Newlywed Receives 1 Glft From Choir Following bier marniage ta Dr.E Chas. Austin, Elba Caverly wasN the central figure ai another soc-c ial gathering held in hier honar.I The chair af Trinity Unitedj Church where ahe bas been aN member arranged a little partyi Thursday nigbt at which tume sheS was presented with a,.git in sil-j ver.1 Choir president Owen Nicholaa made the presentation and bathf hie and the musical director ate Trinity, W. E. C. Workman, taokd occasion ta offer best wisbes. A program i o games and re- freshments rounded out a pleasant evening. NESTLETON HOME FESTIVE ON 2Sth ANNIVERSARY On Saturday evenxng, October l8th, about ninety frienda and neighbors gathered at "Sunni- holm", Nestieton, the beautiful, spaciaus home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcalm, to celeirate with them the 25th anniversary ai their marriage. Aiter ail had gathered and were caif ortably seated, their uncle, Mr. Silas Williams,,Hamp- ton, in a iew fitting remarks paid great tribute ta the bride and groom of 25 years aga, stating he did flot know anyone ai whom he could say nicer things. Mrs. Ed- win Wood presided at the piano and ail joined in comimunity sing- ing. A vocal solo and encore was sweetly rendered by little Jean Sameils; piano solo, Dorothy Mal- colm; reading, Mis, W. Campbell; solo, Mis. W. Bowles; reading, Mrs. R. W .Marlow; reading, Mrs. L. Joblmn; solo, Leonard Joblin. Several neighbors and friends spake telling oi the great value ai Stanley, Bertha and their iam- ily in the church and community. A three-storey wedding cake decorated the dining-room table which was aiso covered with gifta. Rev. D. M. Stinson, aiter a iew kind remarks, asked AU. and Mis. Malcolnm to accept these pre- sents which included a silver tea service and tray from their three children, Laurence, Neil and Jean; a floor tri-lîght ironi their neigh- b6urs, a table lamp ironi ather iniends, and a purge from their brothers, sisters and cousins, alsa a number of individual giita. A number of letters and telephonet messages were received by thet bride and groom.1 A dainty lunch was served byE the young people and. a social time spent. Mi. and Mis. Mal- colm were well sprinkled with confetti reminding them. of t ~n- ty-iive years aga. Al lI'Ufor their homes aiter wishingth bride and groom maiiy more years ai health and happiness together.f MURDER, SPOOKS 0 RECALE PARTY b AT PURPLE HILL Purple Hill School, S. S. No. 4, t Cartwright, had a Hallowe'en party i the Orange Hall October 3th. The hanl was very elabor-d ýately decorated and the costumesf worn caused much laughter. The I eveninp's entertainnient be ga n0 with a grand march ai those i costume, Ralph Strong dressed asb Dînah, the caok, obtafning the l prize. Several hilariaus games f were played. "The Murder afi Jobel Jenkins" caused much 0 screeching and squealing. This was followed by a Prograni of Hallowelen numbers. After luncha Wilbur Vance won a punipkin 0 filled with:candy. The rest ai then enjoyable evenig waa spent i dancing. s mother's bridai veil. Her flowcrs were pink and white carnations. Her anly ornement was a pecni necklace, the gift ai tac groom. The bride wes attcnded by ber sister-in-lcw, Mrs. George Carter as bridesmaid, and ber sister Miss ' Isabel Carter as ilower girl. The bridesmaîd chose a gown ai tur- quoise blue net aven satin, short ~ %4 Pava baiera and white eccessories. She carried a bouquet of pink carne- tions. Tic ilawer girl carried a BUTTER and sugar and chocolete, basket ai pink baby munis. Mn. witî teste tempting wainut meets Roy Carter, brother of the bride, for good measure-you cen tell wes groanismen. At the receptian et thc home ai by the goad taings tat go into it tic bride's parents, tic bnide's thet tais weecs recipe promises mother reccived in a gown ai sonietiaing extra speciel in tac rncvy blue French crepe with goldcoliun."auitBrwi" medellian trimmings and corsage okeln."aurtBowis ai gald munis. The .groom's nia- make iniends fat. They're easiiy ther cao received wearing a and quickly made. too. black geargette gown with sbirrcd jacket and corsage ai rcd canna- Favourite Drownles (ApProx. 15): tions. Tic girls wbo scrved et tic ¼/ cup butter an shartcning, 4 wedlding reception includcd girl tablespoans Fryr's Cacaa -or 2 friends ai tac bride, Misses Nom squares Fry's Coaking Chacolete, Hoaey, *Dorotay Hoskin, Alm i 1cup brawn sugar, Y4 teaspoon Grahami, Meretta Graham., Audrey sait, 1 egg, % cup fiaur, %k tea- Mountjoy, and Mis. Tom Hodgc. spoan baking pawder, Yk teaspoon For tic wedding trip ta Niagara vanille,' 1/ cup cbapped welnut Fells and paints west, tac bride meats. changed ta an air farce blue dress Crearntac butter wita the and metching eccessonles and bnown sugan, add tac Cocaa (or black coat. On tacir return tac Melted Chacciate), tae sait and couple will neside on tac graom's tac wdll beaten cgg. Suft tac fiaur farmniet Enniskillcn. with tic bakig powder and add Previaus ta ber marniege Mis. ta first mixture. Add vanille endi Rowan wes given thnee presenta- walnuta. Sprcad an e wcll ouled tions and a presentetion ai a cab- fiat pan and beke 25 minutes i inet ai Community SiI'ver plate aven 350 degrees. was made ta Mrs. George Carter, i recent bride. This was present- If you'd like a copy ai tic ncw ed by Rcv. and Mis. Wood ironi Fry Recipe Bookiet, "Chocolat? the A.Y.P.A. and members ai St. Anound tic Ciack", please enclose John's Anglican Churci, Black- 10c. It's full ai intcresting, easy ta stock. This presentation was made iollow necipes for chocolate des- >wing ta tic fact that Mn, George sents and beverages. Addncss: Carter was leaving for service Jehane Patenaude, Fry-Cadbury averseas. Ltd., Montreal. Ross Metcalf. accompanled by Mr. W. E. C. ,Wonkman, ai Bowman- ville; vocal duets by Misses Eileen >lckell and Louise Pearce ai Courtice, accanipanied by Jean Balson; gultar and plana selec- tons by Marion and Louise Faley; Iallawe'en skit by the ichoal; piano music by Mrs. Wm. Wade of Courtice. Our school teecher Laurence Wragg kept the audi- ence spellbaund witb bis wonks ai magie, and at tac close of tac "Mlovies" Dlscussed By Trlnity Pastor Wlth Y. P. Union In tac absence ai President Lou~ Dewdll, lst Vice Amber Morton presided at Trinity Young People's Union an. Monday evenmng. Rus. sellBalson bad charge ai the worsbip service aaalsted by Mabel Balson. Rcv. J. E. Griffith gave an interesting talk an "The Movie". How much docs the movie in- dustry influence aur lives today? In tbe paat it was the idca ai sanie peaple that na anc should attend a tacatre, but in marc re- cnt ycars it bas been proven that education is derived inomx some pictures. Education bath good and bad. Young folk today arc greatly influenccd by what thcy sec on tac screcn and tac speaker painted out tbat it is due ta the iact that the senses are more susceptible than tac brain. Taking tac subject ironi tbrce angles it was deiinitely sbown tat primarily tac mavie is a commercial arganization. Actons are paid salaries mucb bigber than any anc cisc. Thien toa sanie attend the movies ion entertain- ment purposes anly, but aiten tbey do mare than entertain. It is truc there arc many fine chUl- dren and adult films, musical and travel filma wbicb are nat only interestingz but educational. Third- ly,. the power ai choice is the primcry aset and responsibility ai Christian yaung peaple. The law ai sclcctivity is tac law that must govn aur attendance at the theatre. Wc bave thia power and must exercise it. The danger ai unreality crecps in~ for in many pictures the stars live in an unreal warld. Sanie people are greatly iiluencèd by wbct they sec and arc carried away by tac pictures ai- beautiful homes and furnisbing ai the wcaltby folk as partrayed an the scnecn. Sanie even believe that whct tacy sec is truc and they become discontentcd wîta their own bornes and lives. In clasing Mr. Griffith ungcd everyane ta choose wisely and do bis utmost ta chase things ta build lufe nather than destroy it. Russell Balson cxtended a vote ai thanks ta thc speaker for bis timely address. MANY ATTEND C.G.l.T. RALLY ON COUBURG Eleven members ai Tninity and St. Paul's United Churches Can- adian GIrls in Training, acconi- panicd by Miss H. Pritchard, at- tendcd tac Cobourg Pnesbyterial Rdlly in St. Andrew's Cburch, Cobourg, an Saturday. About one bundred members lfrom - Peterbono, Has#ings, Non- tbumberland and Durham Coun- tics united for tais rally and wcre pnivileged ta bave as gucst speak- ers Mis. Betty Ross Stehelin, Girls' Work Secretary ai tac United Church, and Miss M. Webster, Toronto. Registration was iollowed by games ai introduction. The girls heard an inspiring address by Mis. Stehelin on "Building." At iirst tais would appear a strange subject in these days ai destruc- tion and wcr, but even now tac *peaples ai England and ail Eur- ope,. China, Russia, Persia and ather countries are anxious ta ne- bulld their cities and towns. Re- building bas long been the desire ai tac human race, for in Bible tumes tac people wcre anxiaus ta rebuild tac great wall in Bnitain. Evenyonc should strive ta do his daily tasks for ech prsan'à job fits inta a great pattern in whicb wc ail take part. We must draw on aur imagination and nemeni- ber tat education is anc ai the biggcst factors in building tac lives ai girls. Build only for the fincst, said the speaker, and do nat forget tbat we are judged by our attitudes tawards athers. Discussion groups with the leaders in charge gave ec girl i chance ta report the activities of ber own group and ta reccive riew ideas for the coming ycar, and a sing sang led by Miss Web- ster was much enjoyed. A dcli- cious banquet was servcd by Ca- bourg ladies and a pragrani of miusic and recitations was given by the girls and leaders. The clasîng event ai a very pro. fitable day was an elevating ad- dress by Miss Webster an "The Gleam." Basing ber remarka an this fevourite sang &of C.G.I.T. aacmbens, tac speaker's addrcss s'ill long be remcnibercd whicb was made more realistic by an ipressive Candie Light Service MAL II~IE3SALE prognam he came an again as a Chinese niagician and creeted many a 14ugh at .tae expense ai many ai the yaung people. Rcv. W. C. Smiith was chainman. Aiter thc pragrem tic ticket was dnawn an a beautiful quilt 1whicb wes niade by Mis. Albert ,Crago for the occasion and was .won by W. J. Rantan oai Smiths Fells. Lunch was served. The remainder ai the evenlng wes spent i tee cup neading and buying meny useful tbings froni the bazaar. A real social evening was exjoyed by all. Tatal pro- ceeds for tac evening $94.50. History Lemmon Brought to Life By Dr. WliUams 8Saturday evenig, Nov. ath, at 8p.m. sadadtie, at Bleck- stock Armounies, will be faund assembled, school children, par- ents, visitons, and celebnities ironi adjacent cammunities, ta hear Dr. L. B. Williamis explain the bis- tonical background ai tac superb arnay ai colored pictures be took along the Atlcntic cacat this suni- mer. *Special invitations bave been issued ta pupîls and the idea, bas a two-iold purpase: To stimulate interest in - Canada'sf histony among adulta and amouse the in- terest ôf tac younger genenctian i taecocuntry's present effort et war and ita ultimate destiny citer the war. The special respansibili- tics ai tac youngcr generetian wifl be disclosed by Dr. Williams as tac incentive back ai these unique pictured blstary lessans. The British War Victinis' Fund will benefit ironi the modest charge at the doar wiicb is an- nounccd in a separate notice berein. Scenes irani Cartwright witb accampanying comment will ionm background and change ironi thase along the Atlantic. There bas been widcspreed and enthusi- astic comment about thc educe- tional value ai Dr. Williams' plan ai revivifying Canadien history wbich bespeckse large audience- et Biackstock. Sa do not fail ta be tacre on time. Ships and Planes Pictured In Color Given Free Every Canedian home is keenly interested in pictures of tac British Navy and aurmarvel- bous fighting acroplanes, wbicb are praving the supremecy ai aur gellent defenders an thc deas and in tic air. The Canada Starci Company Limited have now add- cd ta tic list ai thase beautiful coloured and mounted frcc pic- turcs, which werc in auch trenien- dous demand eaniier in the year. Twenty-nirie ai these wonder- fui pictures are now available and can be obtained witaout charge in rcturn for labels froni Crown Brand Syrup or other famaus Canada Starch products. These action pictunes, in colour, anc most attractively mounted. Each 8%' x IV" niunt carnies an-interesting and instructive description ai the plane or abip partreyed. They are well wortb iraming toaedorn the wells ai Canadien homes and pro- vide a valuable record ai aur famous fighters. A *rowlng savings account rilnforces your country's effort toward vlctory. We've got t. puy for thé war und a savlngs account helps t. do that because lit enables you t. accumulate funds for taxes, for Vlctory Bonds and for War Savlngs Certificates. It also provides for emergencles for yourself and your famlly. Open a Savlnus Account. Il's nof only wise tu be thrlfty-It'a urgent. /1Z t4et J- CALUMET BAKING POWDER 2e 6 oz. 090 180M.23 -BAKER'S CHOCOLATE -- 3 oz. 9o 8 oz.23 SSWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR --830 WALNUTS ----:4 lb 200 W~é VANILLA 100 - 400 tu~rBAK1NG SODA --------------5ec - le NIEW 'exOchngf for Crown Brand Label&. Planes and War Ships. Rice KrIspIes DATES lb. 20o KELLOGO'S 14C ALMO N - -S ýl4--lb ZOot1 Baker'. Cocon CURRAN TSS Ml. M4 lb tin .. 25c 2~4 M. 6o - 98 lb $255 Fhones 367 - 368 Colreu evc *CAR: 1 don't feel so hot, CAR: Yen don't thlnk It's Dioc. This fail weather la anything serions, do yen,* gettlng under mny hood. AU Doc. 1 mean-I will be 0KF My Pep ls gene. ATTEN: Oh, sure, you'Il be ail rlght, that ls If your, ATTEN: You don't look owner doesn't forget to put anY tee good. You've got you lu shape for winter. big baga under your head- Why, you're stili runuing on lghts and you're in a gen- summer lubrication-better erai run-dowrn condition. tellihim soon. Gar tou'ts Gà-rage, PHONE 2666 BUS SERVIOE THE CANADIAN SrATESriAN, BOWMANMIX, Oi;TAMO TEMDAY, NOVÈbUM-d' 1