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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1941, p. 3

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THURSDAY, NoVEIoeE 13, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO "ýWhen Mamie gave me baok th1e engagement ring, I swore l'il neyer oile again. Now I'm in aheck of a fx! Mom la serving pie to-night from Carter's Bakery."l iUIgf The March of Science LONG DISTANCE DIALIJ Dialing a telephone number ini a dstant city directly is the lat- est method introduced ta speed up long distance service. In the eariy days of the tele- phone, when it waa flot possible tô speak to a person mare than a hundrcd miles away-except when "atmaaplÎcric conditions' were extraordinariiy goad-a cali frain Montreai ta Toronto was a lengthy undertaking. On same occasions, the message was re- layed froin operatar -ta operatar ini the variaus tawns and cities alang the route until it reachcd Tcoanto, and the repiy came baec by the saine methad. The reiay systein was soon mnade unnecessar by the rapid advancc af the telephone art, b ut there was still the difficulty of obtaining the connection. Not niany ycars ago, a caller had turne te go out and play a game of golf i btwccn asksng ta be con- nected with a subscriber i a dis- tant city and actualiy talking ta him. Gradualiy, ycar by year, im- pved mcthads and equipinent have rcduced -that waiting time. L No. 12 o) a s«,Jes prep of T/e Boit Tricpbont 1' vanne Trimble) Mrs. A. Laird, Mapie Grave, Phylii Trimble, Maple Grave,. Vernon Trimble, Oshawa. There are aiso three A 1 Y reat grandchildrcn, J Iimmiy Clarke, Vivian Laird and Barry Mm,. Snawden was a slaunc Stpls. nwe aa tuc member and supporter ai toc United Church, anc whase syrn- OUR FOOD SUPPLY Written Speciaiiy For C.W.N.A. Newspapers By JOHN ATKJNS, Farmer-Journalist NO. 6 - A CHANCE TO LEARN A natian-wide discussion ai production and create a post-war Canada's food suppiy probicîs burden ai iarm bankruptcy. wiil be open ta evcry Canadian Which Canada will do dependa with cyes ta see\and cars ta hear upon thec extent af undcrstanding during this fail and winter. co-aiperation between food pro- Evcry Canadian who can po .duccra and food consumera in sibiy do so should set'asidc 9.00- Canada. There cannat bc under- 9.30 (Eastern Dayiight Saving standing without knowledge ai Timie) ta iearn marc about Cana- each other's prablems. da's foad supply and how it can Begining with Monday even- be maintained. ing, November 10, 1941, and con- Neyer befomre have flic peaple ai tinuing each Monday evening un-1 any countr-ybadl such an oppor- til March 30, 1942, the Canadian tunity ta gain knowledge ai a Boadcasting Corporation w iii pmablem which vitaiiy affecta per- braadcast thought-provoking, dra- sonal well-being, national securi- matized discussions sponsored by f ty and the warld future. the Canadian Federation ai Agri-1 Canada can grow and give and culture and the Canadian Asso- seli food in suificient quantuties ta ciation for Aduit Education, tip thc scales ai wam and peace. which wiii be knawn as Fanm What is essentiai ta that achieve- Radio Forums. t ment is aureîy ai firat importance These radia discussions are in-C ta every intelligent Canadian in tended ta prime the pump ai dis-1 country, tawn and city. cussion which will draw know-F Canada can sustain its agricul- iedge iri thc experience ai al turc as a war-winning industry Canadians. They are intended ta and as a post-war shock absorber stimulate study and ta point ta 1% or it can crippie wartime food sources ai information. 1 In the rural communities farn- C crs wiii gather in forum groupa F ta discuas the probiema autlinedS in the radia presentations and ta check the ideas afiered with their own needs and possibilities. In r tawn and city homes thousanda fi ai interested listeners wiii tune in 0 as they did last wintcr. The prab- lems prcsented and the solutions proposed wiil be amplified and interpreted in the editarial cal- current news presents the facta upon which judgments are based. During the Monday eveninga, Dec. 15 ta- Jan. 5, the programs are specialiy designed for indivi- <; dual listening, being word pic- si turcs ai fermera at womk in the 0: east and west.e Every community has its awnh food supply problema. Towns situated in agricuiturai areas must tl supplement local producta with ti the products ai other food-pro- 0: ducing areas, domestic and forf eign, ta a greater or lesser extent. B Saine Canadian towns and cities h2 must bring ail, or nearly ail, ai %N their food saine distance. How- ever it inay be situated no Cana- h dian town can find al ai the foodsa]5 for the varied Canadian diet ia its own district. E'vemy Canadian C town depends upon a well-baianc- à] cd, prapely-sustained Canadian b: agriculture for its basic food e- sc quimements. Every Canadian- de- di pends upon a maximum Canadian IV f OOd production as a means ai a] national defense. t ~GFarmers are faced with acute a] NG SEED UPSERICEand vital prableins ai labor sup- piy, coat ai production and means ir Last year, 90 per cent af aIl Iong ai production. These probiema di distance calsa handied by The Bel must be understood by ail classes Pl Telephone Company of Canada ai Canadian befoie they can be C were ceinpleted while the cailing solved. Every reader ai this news- subscriber remained at th. tele- paper can help salve thein. phone. The average tinie for mak- mg the -connection waa 87 Sec- ondai Expeiments are stili under Obituary C' way ta cut a few mare seconds tc froin the cannection tume. Special D circuits have been provided ta r.Feerc ihl enable a Montreal a erator ta m.Feere ihi dial a Toronto number hersef, in- Mms. Fedeick Nichais passed A stead af asking'an apemator in away at the home aoflier aaugh- Id Toronto ta do so for hiem. She ter, ivrs. Albert Owen, 267 Divi- w' p lugs in on a Toronto circuit, sion btreet, Oshawa, Navember ar listens f or the dial tone i the 4tli, after an iliness of neariy two h( Toronto exchangc, and dials the months. She was in lier 8th year. 4, nmnber required, just as anc * Mm,. Nichais, formerly Helena Ti would inake- a local call 1 Gay, was born in Dariingtan la, Although for the present this Township where shie spent thc tc systein is stil an an expeimental greater part afilhem liii c. he mar- ai basis, it is expected that it will be iedi Irederick Nichais in 1885 and extended as the dial systein is in- resided at Hamipton and Courtice Hj tmoduced In more and more tawns until going ta Oshawa sixteen ls and cities. In the not-too-distant yeara aga. Ri future, perha 9, an operator may Mrs. Nilchols was aincuber ai toa be able ta Malý direct a number un King Strret United Church, and Pi Sydney, Australia, for a caller in was aiwaya an active womkcr in Montreall thc W.M.S. and aiso attended toc we.d by H. G. w0 , Sunday Schooi. She was devoted COu>aaY of iradJta hem iamiily, ready in hem sym - pathies and quick ta help in limes af need. She was held i affec- tionate regard by a large circle ofl iriends and neiglibors who mourn hem bass. Besidea hem beeaved husband ahe is survived by two daughters, Ada (Mm,. Albert Owen), Vera Fi (Mr,. Henry Smith ai Rosehil Blvd.), aiso thmec sons, Charles ai Harmnony, Ray and Gardon afi Courtice. A son, Howard, pre- ta] deceased hem in 1918. One sister, his MY Laura (Mrs. John Hare ai Mid- yeE land), alsa survives. She leaves cur 10 grandchildren and 2 great- On £grandchildren. fur The funeral was held ironi An- pre Q't stmang's Funeral Home on Nov. thc FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, November 18, 1891 Rev. Canon MavNab, D.D., rec- wof St. John', Church, breathcd ilast an Sunday, in his 8Oth ar, and the 4Oth year of his in- inbency as rectar of Darlington. n Saturday he officiated at a ierai and cantracted a cold. He .ached twice the next day rnugh feeling unwcll. The next ày he cantracted pncumonia. Thcre was a large assemblage the Disciple's Church for the anksgiving services. Rev. Oea. arkîs and Rev. R. D. Fraser as- Led and Rev. T. W. Joliffe and ev. E. B. Barnes, pastor af the irch, preachcd. Dr. John Hoskin, Q.C., lectured ithe Anit-Christ in the high 001l auditorium. The chair was cupled by Col. Cubitt. Rev. J. W. Bell, who is working ier auspices ai the Rayai Temp- rs of Temperance, preached ta rge congregations in the Metho- st and Disciples churches. -New5paper circulation in Dur- hami andi Northiumberland given' by Lord & Thomnas Advertising, Lliicago: btatesuan, 215û; News 750; Sun 500; Millbnoolc Reporter 750; Cobourg Sentinel-Star 750; 1Whitby Chranicle 2000; Port Hope Guide 2500; Oshawa Reformer 1000; Oshawa Vundicator 1000. Lewis Bradshaw is ta be charg- ed befare Judgc Benson on thrce charges, af stealing hamacs, bar- nesa and a wagon - lie cioesn't want ta go before a jury aif farn- ers. On Thanksgiving day aur foot- ball B.H.S. teani was beaten by Whitby. Tyrone: R. Hodgsan is very M1. ..The S. A meetings on Sunday wcre ren.dered mare itemesting by the services ai Miss Wulcox or Bawmanvuile, hem graceful man- agement ai the tambourine being admired by al. ... John Lee, En- niakillen, has been secured as teacher ai S. S. 10. . -. Miss Etta Campbell is attcnding Part Hope Model School. Enniskiilen: The grandeat sur- prise party ai the season took place whcn Dr. J. C. Mitchell was presented with a beautiful hang- ing lamp and easy chair, by mcm- bers ai his Bible class and officers ai the Methodiat Sunday Schooi. Mms. John Martin made the pre- sentatian. . . . Robert Stevens, Maple Grave, has bccoîe a resi- dent ai this village in capacity ai clerk ta hi, brother G. L. Stevens, merchant. . .. Jacob Stevens has erected a combined stable, driv- ing house and barn. Hampton: Miss Lizzie Bawuan af Ihîs place and Mr. Truil, B. F., Darlinglon, werc marricd Wed- nesday. ... Sons ai Engiand turn- cd out in full force ta the funerai ai their dccascd brqther, Wm. Kiveil. . . . Whiic lngaged in whitewashing Mrs. Wm. Rogers feU, severely injuring anc ai hem arma. . .. F. Moyns is indisposed and has been compelled ta give up his achool for a ........ The Jubilee singera were cntemtained at the mesidefice ai H. Elliott, Jr. 1 pathies were ever found an the U U M EU U U aide of right. The centre of her unfailing devotion thraugh' the 1 yaswshem iamlly and home. In The Editor's Mail Her quiet :retiring disposition j made her particularly loved bY m m m m .u. ail who knew her intimately and the influence of hem Christian Tribute ta Fred Cryderman character will undaubtedly con- Dear Editor,- tinue from generation ta genera- In The Statesman afiIst week tion. % fitting reference was made ta the Af ter a long llngering lllness, passing af Fred H. Cryderman, Mrs. Snowden paased ta hem wcll one af the hanored young business earned rest an November 6th. On men af the tawn. Sunday the widcly attended fun- It was mast apprapriate that eral service was conducted at the the achoals shauld be closed at the iamily residence, Na ple Grave, by tume af his funeral, out of respect her pastor, Rev. W. C. Smith, as- for him as a former chairman af sistcd by Rev. Herbert Falcy, a the Board ai Education, and I friend ai the family. shauld like naw ta pay tribute ta The palîbearers included neph- his mcmory as a former beioved ews ai the haine, Eber Snowden, 'aid boy' ai the Bowmanvillc High Lloyd Snowden, Ranald Snawdcn, Schoal. J. N. Thickson, Ross Trcnauth, During my seven ycars as prin- Roy Metcalf. cipal af the achool, it was my Among those irienda attending priviiege ta be associated with as rom a distance werc: Mr. Rosa fine a campany af boys and young rrenauth, Mr. and Mrs. joseph men as couid be found anywhere, Elynds, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gar, and he had his full high achool MIiss Ruth Armstrong, R.N., Ta- course with me. I arn sure that I ronto; Mrs. A. Trenauth, Hamp- spcak for ail his aid camrades ini aon; Mrs. L. C. Heddon and Lois, the schoal, when I say that no Columnbus; Mr. and Mrs. Norman boy ranlced highem among hi, fel- T'hickaon and lCay, Mr. and Mrs. iow students than did Fred H. R. Snowden, Mr. and Mr,. S. Cryderman. Snowden, Mr. and Mra. Eber He was straightiorward and Snowden anid Margaret, Mr. and agreeabie (I thinc I can see yet M'rs. Foster Snowden, Mr. Ronald that pleasant littie smile af his), Snawden, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. he was popular with ail, a good Gordon Savigny, Helen and Ken, student and a reai sport. He play- Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Cephas ed straight as a boy, and he played Staples, Bethany; Mr., and grs. the gaine oa ile in the saine way. Archie Glenny, Newcastle. The nianliness ai the boy was Thus passes ta her reat the laat carried over into hia later years. representative ai a family of four Ta Mrs. Cryderman (Vera Pen- fra ne nfa the pianeer familles ningtan) rny sympathy especially of thia district. goca out. She taa was an esteem. Servant of God weii donc, ed former high achool student. I Thy giariaus warîare's past, know nat which ai the three ai The battie's fought, 'the race is us was thd happiest, when I was Adwon, entcrtaincd at the home ai Fred Adthou art crawned at last. and Vera, on one ai my visits ta Bowmanviile. Prabably I was. Now he wiil live in al aur mema- ories. Ira Martin Anderson "Fading away like thc stars ai Aiter being in iailing heaith for the marning, ain tuneIraMatinAnersan Lasing their iight in the of Seiby dicdin Belleville Gen- gorasun erai Hospital an October 3Oth, in Thus wouid we pasa imom the us 8st and its tailing, . Although a resident ai Selby, Onihaenerdbywa the deceased spent cansiderable weohave donc." [me with his two sons, Gardon JhndoniOtt. if Beileville and Elma ai Bow- LnoOt manviile. Whiic with his son in Belleville he fell and broke his ip about-anc month aga when he bert. Pailbearcrs were three half- was adnuttcd ta ftic hospitai. brothers, Alfred, Elmer and Ed- Mm. Anderson was born ln gar Prescatt, and threc brothers- Iyendinaga Township, san ai Mm. in-law, John, George and Fred and Mrs. John Anderson. He was Tabb. The beautiful floral tri- amember af Selby U n i t e d butes included a wreath irom thic Church. Predeceascd by his wif c Goodyear Recreatian Club and in 1917, Mr. Anderson iasaurvivcd IHamptan Women's Inatitute. by twa sans, W. Gardon Ander- Besides his sommawing wife he son, Belleville, and J. Elma An- icaves ta mourn the bass ai a kind derson, Bowmanviile; anc sister, and loving father, six sons and Mra. M. J. G'illespie, Beileville; six daughters; thmce sistera, Mms. and twa grandchiidren, Misa Bet- Wm. Kemphiii, Tamonto, Mms. Ly Anderson, Beileville, and Don- Louis Ralii, Richmond Hill, Mms. id Anderson, Bowmanviilc. Wilbcrt Smith, Oshawa, and thre Thc funcral service was hcld haif-brothers, Alfred, Einicr and in Belleville November let, con- Edgar Prescott; also two grand- ucted by Rcv. Dr. James Sein- chiidren. ple, with interment in Riverside Relatives at the funcrai ironi Cemctery, Napance. a distance weme Mm,. Keiphili, ________Toronto, Mma. Rahin, Richmoand Hill, Mrs. W. Smith, Oshawa, Mr. Chares homa Froît and Mms. James Davidson, Osha- Chares TomasPresott wa, Norbert Prescatt, Orona, Mm. Death camne vcry suddenly ta and Mms. J. H. Malette, his daugh- Charles Thomas Prescott, Hainp- ter fram Martintown, hi, cousin n, on October 30th. He was bomn Gardon Vipond and mather Mms. December 1, 1887, i Reach town- Margaret Vipond, Toronto, Mms. 3p, being son ai the late Wm. Hardy ai Oshawa. Prescott and Harmiet Vapond. On, The beautiful flowems and large ,pmil 18, 1914, hc was marmied ta attendance at the funeral ex- la May Hardy and ta this union pressed the esteci in which de- ras born thrce sans, Chester, Earl ceascd was held, and also the md Kenncth. On Dec. 15, 1918, synupathy ta the bemeaved faniily. ie was leit a widower. On Sept. ý1920, he was married ta Lily rabb, youngcst daugliter ai the Gaod progresa is reported £romi ate Mr. and Mms. John Tabb, and the Dominion Ruat Research La- 'M o theni was born six daughtera bomatory, Winnipeg, in the pro- id thmce sons. duction ai aats resitsant ta stemi The iunerai was heid irai ruat, crawn ruat, and sinut. famptan United Church an Nov. "Let the fanmer foreverniome be st, service being conducted by honoured in his caliing; for thcy cv. W. Rackham. Interment who labour in the eamth are the *ok place in the iaîuly plat at chosen people ai Gad."ý-Thomas F [ne Grave Cemetery, Prince Ai- Jefferson. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PASTi,- à Lu From The Statesman Files ' >~~~UUU =.. . *M M=M mM.=.. tiai 38-40 Simcoe Stroet North, OSHAWA ELECTRIC Phono 84 and 85, OPEN EVENINGS ce 0 w a0009a 000000 000006 --------------- - - flVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesmn, November 16, 1916 A Bowîanville boy, Frank M. acas, ia in the British Navy on eH.M.S. Lucifer. This issue contains an apprecia. in af the late Dr. Alexander [tii by Rcv. Hugh Munroe. Pte. Ernest Meader writes frai convalescent depot in France: have scen the trenches choked Ih dead up at the Somme where , had ta walk over dead men get through, and I have been th burying parties where men re lying s0 thîck you hardly &w wheme ta start and as fast they weme buried the Genman elia wauid dig themn up. . . But me were mare Germans than rnmen and believe me, he wiil stand up and fight like a man. am still hopeful of being able return haie with the- iew af wha wiil have that pleasure. Aiother ai aur older respccted izens, Robt. H. Downs, paased îy suddenly on Nov. 2nd at 1Scugog St. residence. He ies hi, widaw, twa sons, Edgar dFrank of Detroit, and anc .ghter Lola, at home. [n. and Mm,. S. J. Henry have ne ta Bowuanville frai Port rry. Mr. Henry has the agency Massey-Hamis. Urs. Thos. Woods, Biackstock, i Nov. 4th aiter a short ilineas. eis survived by a husband, ,ee sans and twa daugliters. r. Fred W. Crydenman, De- t, atlended the Crydemman- aningtan wedding Wednesday. ýroi. John Squair, for many tra in charge af the French de- ietat the University ai rnto, has founded a acholar- pin French at Bawmanville gi School ta be awarded an- lly. Prof. Squair la himaif aio the old graduates and the nding ai this schoiarship is a ceful way af remeubering toc associations. Lpleasant evening waa spent Hcmb. Fletcher's new haie on taria St. Nov. lîto, the occa- ibeing the celebration ai Mr. 1Mra. Chas. H. G. Fletcher', nB wedding. Umast $1 1,000 ha, been sub- ibcd ta Darlington Patriotic ad. 'lina: Misa Edna Reynolds has tumned iran Toronto wheme she a u 'Ih Witt yau ta Witt knei as t shel aur noti 1au ta usm citiz awa: hia leavi and daug Ferr for1 died She thre troit Peni P.i yearE pari Tomu ship Hig] nua.l four( graCE A at i Ont& sion and chine Al seril Fund Si: retu has been taking a course in the bee Friday night. Library Institute. .. Geo. Armour Enfield; W. G. Smith has pur-, has purchased the Arnot farin. .. chased a new McLaughlin auto., Beef ring ciosed a succcasful sea- . . . Geo. Qrziston ia president son with John Reynolds, butcher. and Fred Ashton secretary af the Cecii Pascoe has a husking Beef Ring. Jimnmy, Get the BuIb out of the Dining Room Fixture" Spore yours.lf such embarrais. àg moments by fillng *very mply socket with dependaobi. Edison Mazda Lamps-pre-test. id to, give brlghter llght longer. CAADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Co. DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC Dargains in .Trade-In and Deionstraion Merchandise Us.d UPRIONT PIANO, In good condition......................... 4500 1941 Model General EI.ctric CONSOLE RADIOS, Reg. Price, $89.00, sale....... Your Oid Radio and 59.oo Us.d Norge ELECTRUC REFRIGERATOR, ~lg 5 eu. ft. size, r.flnlshed and guaranteed 169-0 Ganerai Electric Monitor Top REFRIGERATOR, .00~ç 5Seu. ft., look* like new.............. 9 Hostos. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, I~l< 51/2 cu. ft., reconditioned ..................... 15 -0 Clure JeweII Combination Coul and Gas STOVE,.0 lvory and Green, looks 11k. new............ 4 Belanger Console Model COOK( STOVE, lvory and Green Enamel, good condition..... 29.50 Raymond SEWING MACHINE, 1500 good condition.............i > Empire WASHING MACHINE, used six months......... 59.50 General Eîectric REFRIGERATOR, Refinlshed-0 and guaruWteed for one 1290 Findlay Combinàtion Electric and Coul RANGE, DD'I Dual Oven, a& Findlay 4 Burner Console RANGE,9 .0 Ivory finish, used 6 weeks, sale .............. 2 Findlay Side Oven RANCES, fuctory sample., IIfO slight damage to enamel, reg. $169.00........j119.00 1 only Marconi 6 Tube CONSOLE, Yo~ Old 9Q.001 1941 model, used as store demonstrutor Radio and 8 1 Locomotive WASHING MACHINE,,lf 5 refinished, sale price.......................... 19.5 jrj&%XA4 A DON CHRI-STIAN PAGIC TEDM ri 'Y", l' fll' à

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