9 POUR Gi*rls' Service Club Bazaar Sui Men Overseas Will Bene fit So The Girls' War Service Club went like a breeze a was well Pleased wth the success At the tea table, wl of the bazaar and sale of home riotic and lovely vN cooking held Saturday i the Bal- white flowers and mral Motel. Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- tied with red. whitei lin fficially opene<x the bazaar bon, Mrs. L. T. Mc] when she commended the Club Mrs. P. H. Jobb, an for the work it had already done Ted Morris peoured t4 first for "D"I Comnpany of the Mid-. jayment and merrii lands when stationed here, and for from the fortune tel carrying on snce that time with Chas. Bartlett with %vhatever war work pronused the Mrs. William Cunnin best opportunity for service. Mrs. cup reading. McLaughlin stressed the fact that 0f particular inter the girls had chosen ta be a was the "Refugee B "Service" club, and that anly in lovely layettes and service to others do we find true an which the Club hai satisfaction. ing during the su The large crawd hegan at once shown, as well as cl( to inspect and purchase the hand- has been '.o kindly made linen articles, colorful ap- the second bale whi rons, gay knitting boxes and many plans ta send aversei ather useful items displayed. bution ta British war Needless ta say, the home cooking Club wishes to than] ________________________have contributed ta t -a say that there is ro if you wash ta help. The Carter Famnily nated a lusciaus lookii 130 O K Ser cake an which ticke BOOKS the winner being1 F or Christmas wool sweater will be as sufficient mane; realized. . . .. . . .The bazaar was success and the Club presses its apprecial *splendid support whi zens gave. They may t that they have contril comfort and enjoyn boys averseas by thei Ta Mr. Flaherty the wishes ta say thank privilege of using Boive your gift problem by Room of the Balmara. buying books for everyone ably suited ta the pu on your list. Our complote stock includes current best- THE STATESIV sellers, clas, fiction and NOW SOLE non-fiction. H S 1 Outotanding Juvenile Boaks H S Newcastle: Andersoi CIBMI TX& RI1GÎ Hampton: G. A. Bar, G.t the best choice by buy- Enniskillen: T. M. Slq ing early Burketon: Harold Gi Blackstock: Alex. Gi Nestleton: J. G. 'Thc WOOLPontypool: W. fi. i- WOOLOrona: Tyrrell's Dru Our stock ras from the Newtonville: W. C.1 finest baby wool te woobs in Tyrane: F. L. Byarn alshades for service kniL. Courtice: Frank Wal ting. Cadrnus:Elliotts St = W. Jewell. J. H. Johnsi uns rina- LL Loveil. L. W . JEVIEL We must first be r before we can do godc "'BIG 2OF first be made just,1 Phone 556 jatSt. works can please God- we are justified by fait] then corne good works.- _________________________________________ ~.L £TA.ESIUAJd.BLJ W I ANVL N 1. U rMT ARIO cces En iskilenhas long since taken ta Mis bosom feil ta the lot of any commander tcces E misillentheirfallen comrades, was the durmng ail these bloady days,".. concluding prayer of an eloquent s0 runs a uine from The Official oofl Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs sermon. Fittingly' as part of the Story of the Canadian Ex - Regiald Weaving (nec Muriel service, Lt. Col.* H. M. Park, peditionary Force, by L or d Moore) on their marriage. Prince of Wales Rangers, Peter- Beaverbrook. Later lie was pro- as always. We wcoe Ms Rihr bora, sang "There Is No Death." mated ta Brigadier-General which hih wdanat Rowan ta aur cammunity. Col. McLaughlin in an eloquent promotion led ta the Command wite tredsio and oed hipr-ad brief revicw of the histary of being taken over in 1916 by Cal. and blue rib- gram on Sunday morning by sig tebattalion rclled tht t McLauhlinad the men0f the aughli and mng "Mear the Pennies Drapping"l; war's autbrcak in 1914e the first original 2nd, who had gane from ad lterMrs Dooth Stanto le inpraer;convoy of 31 shîps taok thcm aver- Bowmanviile i 1914 were over- id. uc la en- rath ysantonled ahm prayer; seas ta farm part of the îst. Can- joyed that a Durham County boy meat Mu yr. en-radn yselle RamrayRadian Division. Fram"Bivouac an finally was ta lead them. -Rnt o Ms.dbyM rs. Wmetgcrr sryby M5. R ,in'g-Salisbury, Plain, hard on the heels The Captain of "C'> Company, ig 0f arcGll metiganaed-ihing- of the Princess Pats, they wcnt of the originals, G. G. Chrysler, cganbyta ladse ing. o atndta France anid there at Ypres they looklng strang and vigorous, yet 'ghm y ta h rge ongr eeaiangattendedJ.won their 'Ylight ta îmmartality still limpinig from waunds, and churli undy eenig, ev.J. '~~'. when they stood and faced and carrying the weight of the whole rest ta many A. Plant preaching a fine sermon. fauglit ta a standstill the German row of medals, was selected ta lay 3bath", wherc Visitons: Miss Isabelle Rahm horde of professional soldiens, a wreath at the base of the ceno- asbe wark- Union... Mr. and Mrs. D. Napier,~~rptdytefnstm h ol.tpi wanr quileTorowith , Ms and ry McLodaugn, They stoad and fouglit and held Searching further we find that ltixnenwen Troo Mr. and Mrs. S. rahmm an,. T.'~ the line in the face of the most the original "M"I Company, which otn whfo r. eand Mrg sl Gahda Mrs. T. hideous assault ever ta be per- was ta become No. 4 Company in dontedforRedanScuog slad, t M. O ~,petrated in the long history of France, cantains the naines of [ch the Club C. Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mrs.B. warfare; the assault of poison gas, twcnty-odd men of Durham Coun- ýas for distri- Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bateson, followed by wave after wave of ty who. went out in 1914. 0f the k cthos.e horhMissiJunevshton laits. . I . Prussian Infantry. French units, few who remain and of thase who Lk hse ale Misd Trevell shtona. . Mr nd . the Zouaves and Turcos, on their died of wounds, we may mention, omi for an morSa end Oshwy..Tr to, Mr. flank, fled screaming and in ter- briefly, the following: Killed; c)omformoreS- aY ad BllyTorptoMr.ror. The Old Iran Second and Matt. Dewell, K. Martin F. Ker- ,ndy do- Bruce, Oshawa, at Mr. E. C. Ash- Nff ,n trely- ton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. PF. Rogers, and lield the line. That was their several mare. 0f the living, whom ~tswer sod, hityMr.andMrs S.Turerbeptism of fire and sacrifice. For we can trace; Clarence Hall, Wilf. Mrs. Robert and Helen, Oshawa, at Mr. Wes- fou\r long years they neyer felter- Dcweil (again on active service in n the white ley Oke's... Mr. and Mrs.- C. Hetz <4 c.tiwa)J.Fehagnae- emade later and Garth, Fairview, Pa., Mn. and Sir John French, in his-despatcli seas 1941), W. and G. Mercer of y wa no Mr. K Lab, eneon alî, M. ~ ~ ..March 10, 1915, told how the Cen- Orono, W. Hughes and A. Wrenn, a as n Mrs. mSenon, Orolo, Mr. adians actively "employed" the Bowmanville, Sgt. Dan Douglas of a finencial Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lamb, Nestle " enemy. at the battle of Neuve Peterbor, also John Edgerton and hereby ex- ton, et'Mr. L. Lamb's... Mr. end > Chapelle. That was the beginning. Lieut. R. F. Joncs. There are many tion of the Mrs. G. Becch at Mn. R. Richards', '4H~~'~istory docs not record thc fol- more but space precludes their i- ich hc iti Bomanill - ~47~ - lowing, but this is how a German clusion. rest assured Of it us Teygv shi t Q those who came from autside Neuve Chapelle, and here they are points, the foilowing wene noticed: [buted to the egain." In other wards it may be Sgt. A. J. Bigham, C. Gray and ient of the paahae s Te Old Guard Max Quick, Toronto and John Clubpato. io dies but neyer surrenders." In the Hodson, Oshiawa. Among these e Clu alsoplace of cvery liera who feUl, an- "old Sweats" moved Capt. James you for the Visitors: Rev. Murray A. Mc- * I - ir other taok lis place. Battle alter Jackson, always the "commoner the Rotary Kittrick, Hamilton, spent a few ýf battle, some of them emblazanedi and beloved of ail. One of the il, so adinir- days with his aunt, Ifrs. J. W. E U on thc colars of the unit, such as highlights in the sertes of inter- îrosc. McMaster. . . . Misses Jean Mc- Ypres, Givcnchy, St. Elai, Maple views of The Statesman's reporter Mcstr no li n, t r. J. ~ eelyCopse, Sanctuary Wood, Vimy, was the meeting betwee Ted MeMste, Trono, t Ms. . W le ellry ill70,St.JulenPozieres, as Flaxman,loa contractor who UAN McMastr's. . . Miss Peggy Killen, Phone 463 King St schendaele, and finally thc great lost a leg scrving with thé Iran >ATr Oshawa, et Robt. Kiilen's. .. Mr. break througli at tic Hindenburg Second, and who, today lias a son and Ars. Christian Stor, Toronto, ~ Line and thc Drocourt Queant serving averseas, and Capt. Chrys- STORES Mr. Huldy Schmid, Master Mer- _____________ switch, led ta Uic finale, the mardi 1er. Wlien this afficer suffercd a man Sclimid Jr., Newcastle,'et ta the bridgclicads et the Rliine, shattcred lcg on thc field of bettle, )n's Drug. Hans Geissbergcr's. . . Mn. and neme-sake. Rev. A. R. Cregg of where Col. McLaughlin and Uic Ted cernied him ta Uic dressingq 'on & Son. Mns. Chas. Lender, Oshawa, et St. Paul's Churcli was a guest. last Of lis men kept order dur- station. They lied nover met since emn&SnRuss. Stainton's. . . Messrs. Non- Three more Rotaniens were ing the armistice and "'peace"' ne- until licre et this dedication cere- lemn &Sonmac Austin and Fred Martin, Miss awarded perfect ettendance nec gotietians. mony. Leter, Ted hinisclf suffened riii. Marguerite Martin, Toronto, Miss ord pins et Uiis meeting. They are Tie speaker dld not touclion similarwans ndnw gt Ilbert. Shirley Martin, Oshiawa, et Thos. M. A. Neal-6 years, Farbes Hey- the larrons they enduned, of the About on an'atificial linib. r ompson. Martins... Messrs. Ivor and Ar- lend-2 years and J. 1-. McKeev- tumes whee -German high ex- History, even thet of pruarr ooper. thur . Gerry, Toronto, et F. B. er-2 years. Past President Gea. plosive sheils churned trenches ta localities and events and ail Uhti ug Store. Glaspell's. . . Mr. and* Mns. J. E. Chase made Uic presentatians. ahcete oulsadKit, Tscnin ndyeorass of mud which splaslied panoplies Uiat mean s0 mucli ta I Shacelto, Dugla andKeih, Tis cnün Friay vcmng upon and silcnced Uic full throat- us wlio clienisi memonies of th i Lane & Ca. Bawmanvile, et Fred Cameron's Rotarians wiil jaurney ta Black- cd crash af musketry and, with last «"great war", is liard ta write. ni . . . CpI. George Grahaem and Pte. stock fan Uic annuel rural-urben rifle breeclies clogged witli mudS ayniearlftotf Iter. Fred Holwell, St. Catharmnesi Mrs. get-together as guests of Cart- Uic Old Iran Second changed with such a bncie suminary, sa many vr tre. Gea. Grahaem and Barbare, Miss wright Township Councîl anld Uic bayonet and bomb and threw «battles are not mentianed, and so ne FBenry, j, Jean Leach, Bawmanviile, Mn. cammunity. It is cxpected J. M. back tee times their number. many individuel decds must go n tan, Jury & and Mrs. J. R. Kiveli, Miss Pearl Macdonnell, president af Uic Na- Withi their nanks, sa many dec- urcre, htMoe lohv Leach, Saline, et Nanman Leach's. tional Trust Co., Toronto, will be orations wenc neceived that no not neceived notice licre will un- M Mr. Percy Bryce, Toronto, Miss Uic speaker. A special petriotic colurmn spece could contain them denstanid. Ail of Uic grand. old t made good, Anber Sonley, Oshawe, et Fred film will elso be eafMature of Uic in this revîewý Corp. L. Clark wweno a U i lIras n teond i i; we must Cemreron's.. Mn. and Mns. R. pnogram c ntitlcd "On to Victory" won Uic Victoria Cross et Pozieres"e o tdy i ti before aur Bailey, Toronto, et Ray Camern'ns. presenteci Uirough Uic cooperation when Uic unit won special eom- ns"ay d W t [-for when Messrs. Al. Ayne and Jack of General Motors Limited. mendation from Sir Douglas Hai~g. aying liair and lined faces, stil o h in Christ, Cnuickshenks have returned from Only Uic brieîest account is pos-gepjantnydwll1 id nstn -Latimer. deen hunting. Jack shot e deer. sible of Uic history of Uic battal- aaPPreciate Uiis lest solemi Msce Mrbooalin has eed ED USTBEion. but a higli distinction is that cemiony annanged by Uiein Col. h CMM -- Sarbro her sh wa caled ENDMUS BE it lias no less than 21 battle lion- Lonne T. McLaughfln, who neyer, ael zm ýwlcn lier mother Mrs. Stewart ors but generel arders only per- on any occasion, asked any of lis a took a stroke. Mrs. Morgan lias (Continued fmom page 1) mit 10 ta be cmblazoned on the men ta take any risks tiat le go tie synipathy of tic community, Cochrane, Sgt. Gnn. Alex Colville, standard. Tic Kings colon wes would not take huiself. He was in Cc Mns. Stewart. pessed eway on L. A. Parker, Jr. and others. presented ta Uic unit by King ticdforcIronthefrmnfrt toflest Tuesdey monning.TE.Bwa byosea. George V in persan and Uithnelele i remnet f in toast of remembrance to "Our mental standard by Cliazles W cminally, thCaadaey nisa Failen Comnedes" and Bugler Sgt. Band, fether of one of its officers. fialte ay rest, ncvcred, Ccl H wT ePulpit 5ee* 1Beale sounde The Lest Post Officer guests of two aIfUicelpern-aong9 eir loved ones. els j o wucal stood silent in Uic derk- pctuating units, Tic Governon iv cCniudfo ae1 ned hall. Gencral's Foot Guards and Uiceitanc (Cntnedtrmpae )Prince aI Wales Rangers, accom- Freight Assisac iti modern pneacliing 5 sa thinly dif- Thirty-two Acknowledgements panied others among wlom wcrc: On F.ed Grains tar fused as ta miss Uic mark clitire- Cal. J. H. Hogan, Major P. Hanl- get ly. For instance scathing denunci- Secreteny Vernon Ott an- naford, G.G.F.G., Major R. J. Bol- Wheat, oeti, barley, ryc, No. 1 thi etions of Russie, so popular a nounced that ta date aven 127,0W0 tan, Major J. P.. McGnath, M.M., fccd scneenings, No. 2 fecd screen- few years ega are likely ta lind cigarettes have been sent ta e Capt. H. A. Craig, D.C.M., and ings, whloe on ground, and wliet strong disfevon todey. Tic preedli- of this district ovenses. Oe 80 Capt. E. E. Niciols, M.C., D.C.M., bran, wletsot n hleat er's applications sliould 'e marc per cent aI these have bcen alofUcPrneaIWle agest dln s r t WsterndCand poiniteç, Mr. Smyth cleimed, non ecknowledged by letter or cad Major, Uic Rev. C. R. Spencer and shipped cithen by rail on boat 1oc shaul e cangrcgation resent lie ad a thMna 32etcardse aptUi James Jackson of Toronto fnom Font William, Port Arthur C The "Uick-skinned" pew also a nolsth -32cr Ote latter a liard-bitten veteran oi or Armstrong, Ontario, ta points Ros - 17C came in for castigation froni Uic Uianks. An interestig letter froniUcIa urmrhdwt i ataceiil apriiaeh o spekerwlarealy arcd p e Cet. reklh Baistr efo menc and N.C.O.'s, and joined in tic Freiglit Assistance Policy cov- h 1 7c this stage of lis exposition. These memben of Uic club was need, in Uic fratennizatia e i barracks. ered by an Orden in Council, an tert people came ta cliurch looking Ian which lic vividly dcscribed con-~ atclrîtns oBw ncucmn rn i oiinpi 13C rul r ekn efeto ndtin Eged, Uioc ribemanville citizens was Uic get ta- Departmént of Agriculture stae i its service. Thcy do not nealize destruction and dslto-o-gtesfUcna l "rgnl',o coe 1 h mut a U i 1e thet Uic churci is nelly like a ditions, lic said, which would Ucm.wowntoti 94ad sitneInTic aoe t noeafthe V sprte15sia aafn frfaiMaeUcmscoledpift stuck it iglit Urougi ta 1919. Freigit Rate Zone, whidh includes R 1e perfect. Indeed, its prime business long ta figlit Hitler.Tw ofteeSg.Dn oulspciclyicwoeaIicr-at S t del ithimerfcton.Thy ____________ and Pte. Clarence Hall, lied ticir vince af Ontario, Montreel and A 4c dostrays Iiwsh. M cis d- pictures taken, anm in arn, aftcn Qucbec City, amaunts ta $4.50 per "'j'1 thos ellsleepsa iclyes EN OF OLD IRON the parade. It will bc remembercd ton. This figure represents Uic m S p"Thareeii s andlwes, er by aid timers tic 'Dan D.' actcd overage f Uic lake nd rail rate Cir Mn. Smyte ith las becoe a stad- Cniudfrmpg > as wen correspondent, 1914-18, for and tic ahl-rail rates witlinthc Mrsolutehand strscg asmtiaystand- tic Canadian Statesmnan. Toay, zone Tic ncw Onder in CouncilFo ing joke ta remerk "Sure I know rslt n toga hywr Pte. Clarence Hall is on Uic staff rescins i*freroe oSe- ii Joncs, we've slept tagether in tic a quarter of a century ega. They of The Statesmen as building and tember 25, 1941, whercby one- icg c sainie churci for fonty years". wene Uic lest of Uic Iran Second, maintenance superintendent. Bath third of tic freiglit allawancc was Mrs Thet attitude cauld be avercomne Sanie of their conades, Uic amp. are hale and licarty and neady for granted. Hal - if e course of training in ventil. utation cases followed in cars, any service in Uiis wa. This is called thc "freigît free et ation wene offercd chunci jani- and Uic Bawnianyille Canadien Sgt. Douglas lied witi lii a plan>' as announccd by Prime Wel .27c tors. But as .to tic young couple Legion, cqually vigaraus, foilow- prized volume, "2nd. Bettalion Minister King aven Uic radio. I t 2c who take tic heck seat ine i-elcdcloscly ie support. This comi- Bulletin" issued eit Salisbury, Eng- rnay s ave Eastern farmers $3,000,- ti 2c lery ta "spoan" and drive a pact gnaup, witlin St. Paul's, list- land, Nov. 1914, wiich lie left, 000 while Mn. Gardinenrlias ar- 19e preacher ta distraction, - well, ened ta Uic inspiing wonds of tcmporarily with Uic editor. and ranged that western farmens get they sliould be sent home ta math- Rey. A.R. Cragg as lic Iormally ne- fromn whidli we select a few names about $55,000,000. o.2e er. turnecdtheir battle -calons ta their -aI Up ic ld rgnl.Tcoîî Bay More War Savinga Certificateà TOMATGES APPLE lICE Pu IFFDlCE PIUFFED WEII TOASTED WE BAKINGPOWD) CLEANSER LOGMXES A&P COFFEE BOKAR 1-lb. Bag 39r 8 O'CLOCI< 1-lb. Bag 35c RED CIRCLE 1-lb. 4 31c '&ým7c 28- AW2 15C Tin Quaker) 2 pfh. T <Qurikft) 2me SAT Sunnyfield) 2 i El Ana 16-0&. Page 'Mn Wbite SaflTi RMOASTS n PortrouS. Sirloin. Wlng. Cute.21 Fac Sum o Dmeleas Roun mCHIIES FEOh noast TENDELIJIISCHOICE PORILb SESEIEoM cEIRST 'i PIME MD NAITlb. BLUE MAUPRIME BEEF lb. SEET MIE lsAIT lb VER MAS lU i..le b con"fmesPUENO mm Legs ib.25e Linsib-.25e Front ' ANN PAGE BAKUD GOODS Mmd. of Hgh Q»Uaty UlaredienfalOur Own DkRsb OEEAD DOHINNdis Do.12 Am NPAGE WRITE L h= WUOLH WUAT ROL(oclt CRACED UEA MIL CAKE PLÂN e.29 2 = 15C CAU (*--Z echem>e«. 21 Fruits and Vegetables IF~CALIFORNIA RED EMPEROR 2 Ibo ËW's MSUEDLDU-OOD SIZZ Excellent Source of Vtamin C 5 for CIA- f#ÇlIent Source of Vitamin C dOL 3 $Mje~msre of VtamihvA " ,ý3 for I a~.z. w-~ îcr aatcbn f tle i eniainU ca"ttheedhmgouptia hih eci bcon ig, nd a 7C cir ihalIsiprections, mca Ild IMa'nSecond, ba tic metwing agcdhegroupd aRo represetheUic lpe of Uic world Ui uck and thc dead. than PWFUM indicatccj. The gnoup leaders,' OshaN for e bettter time to came. wlom na finer Chistian crusaders Focm,%pAorcames are also listcd. .vis] Moving a vote aI Uianks Fanbes cvcr trod a bettlcficld ta sie volmt wri 4. The gnoups lave nothing ta India Hèylaed voiccd Uic view of many and conquen tyrenny. Tic Union IOuuOS. do with tic set programmes, gomez farmens that thcy would be quite Jack Ianwwhicl these men fougit wiM*re.twuI orb asp-Nih happy, ta sec retail stores i tawn and dicd bears upon it tic cross ci a rerammaed min by a s e Nil close long before mnidniglit meny lof Christ and anly in Mis spiit , ceprgam cmite.elt merhans hvin usd l ex cn w buld n edurng dife5.* The groups are responsible ville. mendant lainguse th cx ce wcbuid a cnunig eifie 'for tic enterteinnient in tic social Mn. R, cuse that they kept open ta ac. of Christian civilization." The ,* hour wlici follows tic set pro- Eltori cornrodete tic larmer, supplication that God may bless gramme. Eadli gnou p wlll be ne- Blake A brother clergyman, Rev. W. these colons and ncst and bless fit sponsible fon one suc i social lour, in To 'MM C. Smith, Courtice, introduced hip these men wlo still survive, as lie 1 and these have been designa4ed. le Bel 0. The expense of Uic rectal S li of these roonis is met out of ticSae 'egular club fees (onc dollar per iienbcr), so you sec it is initera- Remembrance Day was observ- tvc that aur f ces be paid prompt- cd lere lait Sunday alternoan ly, ln onder that Uic treasurer niaywinRvGrde gaeafe be free froni wlat miglit be a hnRvGadegveafe nasty and unfair worry ta im. addrcss and Uic choir rndened suitable music. -Mn. G. Burrus 7. The memibers ofi cc group sang an appropniate solo. w'ill be expectcd ta provide sudh Y. P. U. meeting Wcdnesday clnresîment and accessories as evcning wes Book Nook nigbýt. mey be decmcd wisc and proper A fter h rsd n o e e h by Uic leader, or sanie smeîî comccmeeticprs . ide t eedUic îittec witliin itsclf. A monient's ctageoMns R ogrmtookl aiugit will show you that tîcr rche ai MU .Squpr oni ie willbe eedforsom moey on-divided in five parts whici were ributians as well as, possibly, teken by Mns. H. Barrie Mns. od stufîs, and I suppose eci Gardner, Mrs. L. Squain, Mns. E. )ne will decide for huiself wliet Doidge and E. Doîdgc; vocal duet, ce will iircfen ta do about tuis. Doratliy and Grant Winter; reed- 8. This scieme is introduccd i- ,Mrs L. Richards nd Miss hs S ession in order that: (1) t h e Clegs,; v ca ol , M . E Ltual financial load which these la.Acu; vocal solo, ns E atierings put upon us may be Der c.A urent EvntBlckntust io widely distibutcd that Cane fs ondue rcrtd by F.lcbn il feel it burdensome: (2) tht or ic ertoal pertiod.g ,ery single one of uw os ae Kig stan, nd ncphew Mr. J. n tlie enjayment, will haevelite Hentzburg, Toroto, visitcd hus tisfaction af neelizing tiat h i brother, Mn. O. Hertzburg. t under caniplenient ta anyone Mrs. F. L. Squeir visited with Ise for lis gaod tue. Tic Execu- ier daugiter, Mns. W. Moffat, ie Committee hope it wll be ro tiusiestically rcivcd, and tiat Mrs.~' M. Roaci and deuguiter ,s accep tan ce w iil b e a b ig fac- M rnse m t oc e t r . . )r n mkin ou gaherngsto-were Tliursday visitons with Mn. tien equal in cjoynient to eny and Mrs. E. Doidge. is Club lias ever lied. Mrs. Gilisan, Toronto, ad Miss I. Stephens, Town, visited et tic Squair home. Hayd n etHampton W. I. East group met HaydonMns. H. undle's ls weck and et the Alle-,n home tuis wcek for Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. sewing. oss Richards on tic arrivai af a itér and Mns. E. Bradly et- Solfina nddtewedding of their ne- cw et thc Morgn-Smith nup- Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Enest s et Brookie. MIr. Charles Garrard attendcd Hockday et Mn. Gcrry Glaspell's, ýeVeterans' banquet et Toronto. Whiby M n.oronto rMnds. Bryc cRemembrance Service wes wcll MBandwiti Tom t es . tended qunday alternoon. Rev . and Ms. FTomkWestlakc n.o F. Gardnr took as lis tcxt rno r and Ms. Frek estak inTo Shnk on these tîings."foti to.MnadMs.Bum, 'lacs arcbeicg mad et Mn. W. Parrinder's. ristmas concert on Dcc. l8ti . Mns. Fred Gillette and June, Tisitars: Mn. and Mns. Bert New Toronto, et Mn. J. Reynolds'. Sd, Buffalo, visiting Iniends . . Mn. and Mns. E. R. Taylor and ýr..Mns. Henry Werry visit- family with Mns. Ed. Hoar, New- gfriends in Orono. . . Mn. and castle. . . Kathleen Baker with s. John Grahami, Mn. Norman Elle Millson, Toronto. .. Mn. Gea. Il, n. linon HllOslaweGibson Sr., Columbus, et Mn. Ed- iM. avid nallm'shawaMn gar Prescott's. . . Mn. and Mrs. ltcr Bavickburn, 'anetv. Mr' Chas. Reynolds and Joan, Mns. ile Bsaebnts ' ill Norman Reynolds and Bruce, th hi parnts.Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, et Mn. J. Ycliowlces'. * « Mn. nd Mns. Alec McKenzie and Lorraine, Ebenezer Columbus,~ Kay Hallett, Nanti E b e n zer shaw , atM . R l hDevis'. .. Mrs. A, L. Pescoc 'witli Whitby Sevides are being conductcd by Iniids. . . Peal Leachi et Mn. pastor in thc S. S. rooni while Nomn Lcech's, Taunton.... eciuncli is being nc-decorated. Frank and Sam Dewcll, Malton, Ô6uth graup of tic W.M.S. icld et Mn. Tlios. Baker'. .. Miss Lil- >t luck supper Fridey cvcning, lien Smith, Peterbono, Mn. Thos. th a good attendance. A lovely Gaul, Keene, et Mn. J. Baken's.. u wes scrved, follawed by a Mn. nd Mns. Russell Penkins and -song and gemes. Margaret, Zion, Mrs. Clifford Pet- )n Mondey tic mothers f sec- ens and Frnk, Toronto, Mns. Will îNo. 4 ecccpted an invitation Law, Osawa, et Mn. Gea. Whlte's. m tic teaclier, Miss Arnold, ta Mn. and Mns. Wcs. Yllowlees tich sciool and witncss tic cnterteined about twcnty ficnds mie af sciool wonk, inspect Tiursday evening. ir cidnen's books, etc. To say Pearl Leac, Helen Baker, Jes- y ail ccjoyed it inirenseiy is sic Ycilowlees, Harvy Ycllowlees tieg it rniidly. Binging eiong and Eben Millsori attecded the [paoked baskets a hiot dinner afficens' cangness and becquet et senved. Inspector T. E. Mc- Meple Grave, Fridey nigtt., en and Mns. Rau, music tee- Roscoe Baker, R.C.A.F., is con- rwere in attendance. fined ta tic hospital witi pleuisy. îenlcs Osorne and Walter C.G.I.T. cnterteined Uder pan- ide have ncnted thc fanm ents et Mn. and Mns. Roy Lang- aio A. E. Rundie. Nanan maid's Fiday evcning. A >short; 'n lias nented K. E. Courtice's progranwes pnesénted and bingo n land, ad tic Annis proper- games wcrc mucli enjayed with as bec ucasd by Lew Mrs. W. Panninden the lueky win- ton , Oshawa, of Bcaton's en. ry. Y. P. U. met Monday nigît with ogrtulatons ta Mn. and Mrs. Culturel Çonvenen Francis Wot- ~ Brooks on tic artvelM ten ini cierge. DvotlôrIiî was led ~ g son et Bowmanvllle W0j 1tbY My Menniani, and tie topi "Plans ion Peace"l was given Wy oy Fowlen is woking wltli Mn.. A. J. Belson. Mns. Roy Lang- wa Wood Prpdcts. mald favoned wîtî a lumonous itons: Mr! Ciarles Niclols, ncading. Mrs. J. Baker sang Klp- n Hcad, Bcd Mns. John Mont- lieg's "Recessional," acd a nead- ,eny et Mn. and Mns. W. H. ing was gîven by Havey Yllow- ils'. .. Mns. Edra Pnice witl lees. Reports af thec Officers' veq et Napanee and Belle- Congrcss werc presentcd. Mn. Dan Smith, Gaît, et Tiene will be no chunci service ~os Pnc's,.M.ec 'xMns. or Sunday Sciool hene next Sun- 0'&n 'rdMn.and Mns. day. Y.P.U. wiil be hld Monday e e~ werc Satud% ayiitons nigitwllMns. George Young, mn -o. Dougas Oke wa owmanvflle, present. Evenyone ,elefIle o undey s odilyinvited. BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE 400 -75c, ALKA SELTZER - 290 - 57e THERMOGENE- 49e - 98c Chasc's NERVE FOOD 60C - $1.50 LYSOL -- 35c - 65e - $1.25 Baycr's ASFPIIN -2e-39C - 98C Mason's 1149" 40c- '75o Wampolc's EXTRACT $1.00 ANACINp 22o - 43e - 69o - 98c ARRID - -~ 39e - 59à * '--ScoTTs ENULSION A Setter WaY *1 Cod Liver 001 fi Centains -Vitamine A end D *590tand 980t Give Yardiey's This Christmas-To Men And Women 695 .I. . CO LIIIU1 F1111 B.*Ive "Il I l ilÏo1te famil, wouldy requit, TRUMDAY, NOVEMER 13, 1941 We Test Eyes & Fit Trusses to, your entfre satisfaction in quaity an# price" ROT01 WATER BOTTLES LACTIOGEN 9 - 1 5 Guaranteed PINE - -32 49ô -179c - 9ge - $1. 100RND'5 C1tZAM 490 BUY YOUR GIFTS EARLY ÇASHMEIR CTXSETS-- 35e to $5.00 R Men's BRUSH SETS i TISSUJE $1,00 to $9.00 Ladies' BRTJSH, COME and Softdy Pur Wi MIIROW SETS 70SH u eETS 3, 5 and 7 illeces ta the roill New Shades and Design$ $2.29 up te, $17.50 3f 25 PEN and PENCIL SETS 3o2 I 98e ta $8.50 fla U N rutin Slw Certified ni-f~reeze evaruaÜnsga.15 THE CAMAT)TAM QPàlpvqlk#AWT