TRUE DAY, NOV MBER 13, 941THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, ONTARIO y COOKINO cash wlunner was miss Iréue Coates douce, Courtice, on Novemb£er 5tb unoeeîs.,.y lI~C o! Port Pery, wltb a total o! and was largeiy attended. Inter- 45c. The pallbearers wore nopbows, î WASI.IED S O LEX each 200* Durham wlnners: Alex Muir, Clarence Rundie, Herbent Run- ~AE CR ~O Parsnlps - - * lb Se 25, 40, 60 and 100 watis Courtice, $8,10; Stanley Taylor, die, Elmer Rundie sud LloydLMG R 1 Bureton,$4.95; Tom Baker, Sa- Courtice. ÀE W a s h o d T u r n lp e L U X O R 2 f o r 2 5 0 l i n a , $ 4 2 ; B y A i e , a m t n R e a i n s u n e d o iND V U A L P I O 0 m c 6 0 . e $ 4 5 ; L i a d A y r e , H a m p t n , d i os a n wiene : M . s a ef r eyW D lae NIVUAL RGO$3.15; Stanley Snowden, R. R. 4, Mn. sud Mms. Syi Jef!ney sud Candies Bowmanville, $2.70. Robert, Pont Penny; Mn. sud M&s. * * * * * U * * =. M M M = = M M M U U M M ** M M ..! DIES IN TORONTO lW illiam H . C alver Elmer Rundie, Toronto; M r. and $1 . a d C te e ieOf c ai B l t nV o e s LI t Pt d Di..Suddenly Mr. a r. et rbrtc de,Pir.; n ecklese Driver On Commodities SOCIAL AND PERSONAL l RchstrERK'SPtesHaNOTIMrCEdInerst 0Fmr mi __Pone 66 Mrs. C. A. Runde, Teddy and Harvey Gibson, Port Perry, the neet Fa er PSIN 0FV ER'LT Poe63 William H. Calver, an ex-Bow- Clifford, Mrs. HarryStafford, Mr. driver who crashed into Gartons Te_______ofiia rle manville boy who left here over William Sully, Mr. and Mrs. J. bus loaded with school chilren en h olwn ofca ees Roy Lngmai, Soina. ined$10. lusncsts f $3050 lies that surround agriculture inBomnleoutofDrm hutstndin succss iSbusiess rs. Mgistate A E. ee'ssourtTue-hese times. We ship out livestock ____ h o m e . S q s k .,t Ssovesltp en g hhs a u nt. M iss.a n d s o c ia l c ir c le s , d ie d s u d d e n ly a y . H e te r. E d. a e a fco u t y s - a n d b u y it b a c k - a t a p r ic e .N o i e s h r e y g v n h a I M ekin Marrtntore pntteM. HMLuribrelat Rrese ochst,N. Y M. n atuerdway, . ilimW.Hrs"He skidded 155 feet o n the dry Imports of meat into Canada havi opidwt eto 0o Miss Lola Maclachlan, Mag- Cobourg Rotary Club Friday on the eldest son of Mrs. Minnie Cal- pvmn n rse edo o h is ih otso 91t netawan, la guest of Mrs. Geo. W. modern methods of retailing. ver Barton, Liberty Street, Bow- Mrs. William Horsey, of 238 into the bus", testified Officer W. comprised 689,363 pounds of beef; havi otdu nm fiea Jae. iotIstutq opl Lilemanville, and he had planned to Mary Street, Oshawa, passed F. Thompson. "Robert Skerratt 125,314 pounds of bacon and ham; Bo avle nte7hdyo Jam ter fl dee d Ca 'TentPot n v rctd h 3anald Laidle. visit hs mother this month. In- -away quite unexpectedly on Nov. was thrown out *of the car and 3,331,396 pounds of pork; 2,012,184 N ov mei14, th it a i agis cnri hod e s n t stead, a long-distance telephone 8th. She had been ailing for some very seriously injured."1 pounds of mutton and lamb; S V o n t e e t a p a d e f C a n a d a T r e n t o .n 0 . i s ltê U i s a n gM s . o , W s a ide m u n i c i paSa t s t m e a n a s i n h r 3 r e a .i tynA t o r e a tr D yaM u n i c i p alu d o c n e d b e algaasst economicichaMs-Buyrrw man Henderso th sad news of his Born in Bowmanville, daughter suggested a light penalty. "This 35,335 pounds other canned meats, Ea Mr. . . olife Kngto, al o heeHta f heotte- thl te Mr and n hm r7ms a. sCr on Attne y H ary ey an , 5203 p u d of c n e ef prs s e ti ed a v te n th S t a m p s a e r i ic t en s e. p a s s in g w h i h c a m e a s a s h o c k t o h a e M . a d M s R ic h a r d m a n i s n t hb1a l y c r î s " 1 ,6 3 2 p o u n d s l a r d , a n d 9 4 ,2 0 3 l c i n , a d t a u h l a e t e r d u g ht r, M s. E ic C o m be , M is A ni a D i k m an T or ntoth e fam ily circle an d h is frien d s A len , sh e sp en t h e r w h o le life in h e ad d ed . G ib so n s d riv in g p erm it p o u n d s o f la rd co m p o u n d . ' m a n th r fo i sp c o . Mrs. ClareneH s. E i siting FoMser. ikmn ooto ee e a enplyn ofBowmanville and Oshawa and was suspended for two weeks. Livestock exports from Canada Toronto. hm.H a enpaiggl ateUie ttsfo aum r atk meit rceig sen trs n da it i s e nand succum bed toa ahea t attack w as w idely know n in the com - t___theU nitedS atesto have anyr i sto spDina he eer, Q e s enderson. on the links. A lw ays an active m unity. Fifty-four years ago Am y o mr ce N. S., is visiting his Parents, Mm. 105619hea 0fbee catieu14977day codn alwtels softball umpire, he died at the ýt Bowmanville and aftem resid- for appeal being8 Fmiday, the 2 Alen Weee adJimYad r. .C.AstnSaw.ealyae f51 ng in that town moved ta Osh- Hold Succesefui 34,032 hags, epresenting an ù oemer 141 Southey, T.C.S., Port Hope, weme A large numrber of the Midld _____about_35________________ a crease of 15,120 beef cattle, 14,977A.JLYE hoeo orte feonr egtetheet heweknd* __________________ ismaybohod rind wlltndd omoeStee huchiws aiy owan 3,83 og,0n Rimn pnth ekn inremember that Will had no spe- tandactie wamSereint hhe wns A na a a deycas and38,53 calvs, can- Mm. and Mms. E. Sanderson and this district. John B. Roach cial advRntages as a youth and associti o a n o oeyas Alvl alatmonadapmdwt the corepodig atd hi 7hPay0 family, Toronto, weme guests of Mr Arhum ale whohasb8ehe5osefrom humle crcu-mw Mm. and Mrs.HE.sS.tFemguson member of the To onto Fire stances to become head of the s a la e of a grup in that gaiu m w f lde in the eid of 1940. N _________________in___________H osp tal. epa tm ent fr thirty-five years, O rder D epa tm ent o ! Taylor In - o g n za i n H em church and buying m ood, com bined ta m ake _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ no w in B o w anv ll H o pit l. D istric F ire C hi ef Joh n B . R oach s r-et C m p n eh oomet r ~ ~ em h r ch ief inte ests in t e B o m vle W om n 's In sti- Mm. W. J. Dudley left Sundayv. i h hs home, 378 which has branches throughout Tiko nrdcdMs .W for Regn ac k., a vths b ro- Hambord Street. He was 60 yeams the U.S.A. and Canada., He start- Besides hem husband, William fuicasninon. Pesden Mrs. . w ther Jack who has een lI. of age and at the tirme o! his death ed with the Comnpany 2 e m Horsey, she is survived by one Rop, O n, Se - m as of W s Mr. and Mms. Geo. Pingle, Ot- was semving in No. 6 District. ag2ndrseseaiy a a snduteHdaW Hosy atDha Dsrct omnsnt- Y O U A E IN V TE D t wa, vsite his ather M~r. hos. Born in Bowmanvile, he spent o! esponsibiity and trust, Fi!- home, and a sister, Miss Belle tte, ho in a it m sig b if to hear a speelal message, en Pingle who an Nov. 30th will bis ealy years here and was ac- teen hundred epoeso h Allen, Bowmanvîlle. addes, wofic iy ente t h re emlyeso tetlesofiill pne h titedcelebrate his 9lst bithday. tively associated in basebail and Plant joined with the Vice-Presi- The funemal was held from the bazaam. In hem remamks, Mms. 1 0 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allen, Oono, hockey. A veteman o! the first dent, F. R. Jamieson, in the under- famnily esidence on Monday af- Rolph outlined the meaning of the N W D SG S T Mr. and Mms. Norman Wintem, Great War, he served ovemseas noted tribute ta his memomy. temnoon, service being conducted Institute motto, "For HomeGNand 1 AflcICTYUc O1919aThsreso hena f SimcoerStreetthChumch.nheOlocalflnstîtute o ppg an Oshwa spntSunaywit M. wththeQuen' On Rfls fom Mm. Calver was of an exempîary byr Rev. A. D. Cornett, minister Country," and congratulated the CHOOSE FROM and Ms. Norman Taylor, Whitby. 1916 ta 91. Tree yeas goh chaacter, a life-long tenipemanceO oe StetCuc.TelalIsit osuorting this Religion" D ida Mthl, et lmnrcie his appointînent as dis- man, always faithful tai his mo: -PallSeamers were George~ Hiits, mtab hi ooeainwt ai o 5 onVeto ndByo Cawodtrc frecie. ewa ammbr hrwhmhecaeta LainDr. G. M.Tre- MtoR te r o asinc lu I Boxes SUDA A 7p.. University o! Toronto, spent the of Queen City Lodge, A.F. & A.M. emal times a year. He belonged w dnthndA.eR.CWlson. atermentin the aintenace of the Warm1d HoD Y T 7 . .weke d at hoe . Su m or ii g sng a;are bs wd ow, H r-t aYonnondio Lodge No. 153, AF. o00 la e n the fam ily Plot at at th e local hospital and other 10 cards for 25e HowmdJefr aonth etlierg on oac; ada' te,& A. M., which conducted M s onBwmanville Cemetemy. local projects. 2 ad o 9 ai irs ey as e liv; so, MElry; is othmrites at bis home, 22 Milton St. __________ The Parish Hall was nicely -turn fo the localnimo the- Mms. Emiy Roach, and one lro- Heywas buried in Mt. Hope Ceme- df fo 2o lu ELS I otki f lo nq uing onrthether, Lu Roac, of Bowmanvile. trwith officers oteTaylor Grain Sob e. f 1 60hHlow'nfaos Lihgape.eah-- -- EV G LI Tr uirts g ome afinui ak The funeral service was held Compn s al e ortag and fags, and withthe coorful o22fr------ - 10 bMinging . abbThursday afte noon at the Bates bmpany as pallbearers.king TABERNACLE ir.To.TbTr nn and Maddocks' Funeal Chapel, He is suvived by his widow, Has Bad Effect aprots, a ,h-omedcolin-,_________ mailing in hem renewal ta h Avenue Road, with intemment inMms. Beulah M. Calver, two dau- On Bacon OutpUt ens, preserved fruits and products Statesman, wites: I send the Prospect Cemetemy. ghtems, Eleanor and Marjorie, one _____o! the gardon and orchard, made *l BY THE PASTOR paper on ta aur two sons who are son Ralph, ail o! Rochester, and How ta raise hogs without grain an attractive appearance. The J f overseas aftem we have read it. by his mother, bis sister Mms. bas been puzzling farmers in this corner reserved for aftemnoon tea,NS N S 80 1 ST R CARM N LNN heyay t sre s wlcoed. reporter present, no member of Muriel Dunn, and one brother, district. Britain must be !ed and convened by Mrs. G. C. Alîchin,* Lir y Mr.Arthur S. Baker wîî e- caunceil put in an appearance. Frank Calver. the figures below tell the volume. was busy and popular. Tickets 'And Lending ______________________ceive for the first time since ber Presumably the meeting was can- Attending the funerâl from We can do it, if - and it is à big at 5c each, sold on a hand crochet- Kn t marriage, at hem home an Temp- celled at the îast minute on in- Bowmanville were Mms. Dunn and IF. And please Observe, ALL ed luncheon cloth, donated by Phono 651 ____________________eance Street, on Tuesday, NO- structions o! the Mayor as the sons Stanley and Jack, Mn. and cheese mnust go overseas. That is Mms. C. McMann, brought $4.10. veniber l8th, between the hours clerk- stated he did not kno it Mms. Frank Calven and daughters why we now must jay 45c to 50c The lucky winnem was Mrs. F. C.______________________________ of3and 6 p.m. 46-1* was called off. Indications now Madeline and Florence. Uncles o! per lb. heme at home. Pegging will Calmer. M iss Violet Osborne and Miss are that difficulties will be amic- the deceased, Hamry and Robent stop it there. A t the conclusion o! the aften - ___________________________ NEILL SHIOES Made McLaughlin were among ably straightened out when the Robinson o! Rochester, weme also - Unden the agreenment for the noan, Sec.-Treas. Mms. L. S. Du- the graduates wba attended the Police Committee meets. in1 attO1idaIlc. ensuing 12 months (November, mas announced the net results toTh Wod'Nes ee Trug 42nd Wellesley Hospital nurses' Captain James Sloan conducted Many tributes by mail have 1941-42) the Bitish Ministry of be about $81.00. Th W rd' N w graduation dance in the King Ed- the services at the Salvation camne ta Mmrs. Barton !mom Mr. Food has asked Canada ta supply busiessmeeng a ea d ar17r wand Hotel, Toronto, last week. Army on Sunday, witb a good at- Calver's former associates, ail o! not less than 600,000,000 pounds buetteso!apetion was e ad a An -xiInTerNatina DilyNws Hamry Milner, Toronto, had bis tendance. The night service was whom express . sentiments that o! bacon, hanis and other cuts. fer of th ed Co fo r ed-An IthulCntrnoal ...Unjt.j frm entin- leg broken on King St. E., Friday a memnorial ta the late Brother ame eloquent a! the !act that ho Under the 1940-41 ageement rnthReCosfrtedna Ttfu- otuie-niu * ~~nigbt. Ho was trying ta push bis Wm. Parker who was killed on was an honor ta bis native town Canada supplied 425,000,000 lbs. ýtion o! jamn and boney. No dole- iom - Edtorials Are Timely and Isrcie n t al 'staled truck af! the rod when the highway. Adjutant Hart and and a real outstanding citizen. o! prk products. To supply the gates wil be sent to the Toronto Features, Together with the WeeklyMaznSeioae another vehicie driven by James SMr. Harry Bartlett oach paid high These genuine tributes mitigate to British request will require ap- conivention this year. the. Monitor an Ideal Newapaper foteHm. Wood, R.C.A.F., Trenton, collided tnibute ta the late commade's lufe, sanie extent the grie,,ous loss to a proximateiy 5,250,000 hogs. In Mms. Fred Baker, wool con- ------------------ wihi.and faithfulness ta the Salvation sarrawing mather who is well addition, tbe demands o! the Can- vener, reported the customary The ChristanSreetsnMncuet Mrs. G. E. Pritchard and Helen~ Army. James Nokes and Laurie past thmeé score and ten. adian market must be met. anount a! knitting had been me- Oe owySreBa wene in Toronto MoInday attend- Hart rendered a cornet duet "Safe Tribute From Ris Company In order ta secure 112,000,000 ceived for tbe month, and the full Price $12.00 Yearly, or $.0aMnh ing the funenal o! a great aunt, in the Arms o! Jesus." Adit. and pounds o! cbeese fan expont ta the quota o! knitted scar!s wbich was Saturday Ise nldn a Mms. Gea. Halaows, who, had she Mrs. Hart sang a duet, "Jesus WILLIAM HARRY CALVER United Kingdom the Dairy Pro- requimed bad been completed. Introductory Offer, 6Isus 5 ens lived until the end o! November, Will Miss You." Captain Sloan Service ducts Board found it necessamy ta _________ ae- - - - - - - ln wide style and price ranges. would bave celebnated ber 96th gave a definite gospel message on April 1906 - May 1932 ri e that all cheese pmoduced Wear this famous make. bitbday. the text "Ye must be bamn a gain." Februr 1in Nvmer14 the Provinces o! Ontario and Happiness can h'e built onîy on A d e L.~ ------- _______________ Lieuts. Wm. James and Wm. He especially appealed to the . mary 1935 -vmbr14 Quebec since the 25th day o! May, virtue, and must a! necessity have SML OYO Brown who are taking the arm- young people to tako a bold Chris- Tesdnand untimely 1941, be oxpoted ta the United tmuth for its foundation. - Cale- SML OYO EUS Skates Sharpened aured course at O.T.C., Bnock- tian stand and really do some- death o! William Calver will Kingdom. ridge. :z :s z:e : oass:tZ ville, were at Camp Borden fan thing worth whiie in tbis lufe, bave come as a distinct sbock Berayfrsport. ___________________ ettinta bis associates and many Beredyfo svealdas as wek gettg riends. Prices neasonable. some first hand experionce ithApanlyigod eat Are your skates too small- tanks. Tbey spent Sunday bore Capt. D. N. Durward ho sareted on! fo h a o! sec E. S. Naylor for trade-in on with their parents on the return Meets Sovereigns mocreartdf onrt he Reayai uofP f ~~' PCA !Lag iel new otflt.tmiî note rom Tho Barrie Ex- Hampton Learne ed and ho was taken from al 58UlIF. a ~ ILTE aminer that Scoutmaster Bort atItis Shoe Repaira Matiack, !ormnirly o! The States- Capt. David N. Durward, who Always considerate o! othens, mian staff and one tume senior wvitb bis parents and sisters were evem belpful in evemy ondea- LTE Wok Donc Promptly and Scautmaster in Bowmanville, has nesidents o! Hampton for a tume vor, giving unspaingly o! bum- Satisfaction Guaranteéd. been appointed Commission4r for and wbo now reside in Gaît, bas sel! in mattens cannected witb HP PN Many years experleilce. the Barrie District. This appoit been recently bonored by coni- the business, his wise counsel, nient wbic bas heosnct - manding a brigade guard of honor bis understanding, his syni- the Gavemnor Genenal, the Eaml of which bis negimont supplied. at a PathY and entbusiasm wil at Tour 1i. u A . DRUG STORECRA 111Atblone, makes Bort the ranking luncheon for the King and Queen croate a void which wlll be LOWEST S H O E H O S P I T A L S c o u t l e a d e r i n t h e B a r r i e D i s - a t t h e o v o r s e a s d i v i s i o n ' s b a d . f e l t b y a l t h o s e w i t h w h o m h o t i i a y u o v s t a r s o e n w o a l o y u h l t n G f a T I S O HO PT L A special meeting o! town coun-jsisnpeedtTidD- To bis sarnawing family wo nsl tc r lo elcbe h o make oui your liai today and cil callod for Friday ovoning fail- vision.' The guard was nmade Up oxtend synipathetic under- lnsl tc r o elcbe h o Opposite Garton s Garage ed ta materialize. Though the a! 102 band picked mon and offi- standing and pray that their Jet us DU1 it out for you. tow cerkwa ~nbi Dlcoatthe cens with Capt. Dunward as O.C. heants mnay bave rest in this tow clrk as n hs.Daceat The lunchean was apparently world so full a! chance and appointod tume, a svectator and held iât a loveiy aid home in Eng- change, knowing that God's SHAVING SETS land and the guard a! bonor was love neyer ceases for His chil- !ormed up on a toraced iawn s0 dmen. . Woodbury's, Palmolive, that the King and Queen could Colat' ,Yry 's etc. ,lm 7 look dawn on thoni. Wben the -oa , aes royal couple anived thoy were . * 29e to 5.00 escorted by faur matoncycle pal- Ob1iu ryIivn Bws 5cu ice. The King walked ovem and* JShvg ows-7c p ____________ *shoak hands with Capt. Durward, - L.i Shavrn1g Brwshes - 59o up who thon accampanied the Mon- Mrs. Laura Courtice »I FW EL. Madestly descnibiug wbat took On November 3nd one of theFR I SA T j GIFTS FOR THE LADY Dsnctn I OMNOL L Shortening - lb 19e place on the niemamable day, Capt. aider and bighly respected mem- Atspi M O0 TOIR 01 contains No AIum . Durwamd in a letton home related bers o! Ebenezer cammnity, Mrs. PETAL TONE SETS -- 30e ta $5.00 MAGIC BAKING 1 M Tin that ho was pnivloged ta, be seat- Launa Caurtice, passed ta nest in l'UTS SPARKLE INTO YOUEU HE ERTST 0 a$.0- z 5 6 Qts. I d tHnMjot'Oet uigBwmnOl osia !o wder »9c mast o! Retreat. Ho meated that brio! illness. Mrs. Courtice had S.A.E. N. 10- 20- 30- 40 Cofeie - -lb 5C displayandfand enfrequently wee expresseddathwookws befonE ---hem--d--a--b6sehe.was0 Coffe - = l SSC hem admiration o! the more than able ta, attend ta ber housebold SZ 599 OONS-----5 a$.0______________ PALMOLIVE 400 bandsmen and pipers in the duties. Mns. Courtice was the COMPACTS ...- --------$1.25 up CERTI.FIE O-ORSV su --3bas1C massed bands. widow o! the late William Eugene _____ N IF E Z BUDGET 9 8-Ç.tns pese a e mn a3heo boir o e o!te iet i nerf miis ..B TH S LT - - -- - --6 e 1C ntler leuddV1 gi