~t~& -v.' PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Preshyterial Meets at Enniskillem Reviews Work 0: The fourteenth annual meetinfi of the eastern section of Oshawe Presbyterial of the Women's Mis. sionary Society of the United Church of Canada was held ai Enniskillen October 3th, with a good attendance. Mirs. G. L. Wa- gar, Bowmanville, second vice- president, presided et both ser- vices. Mrs. HiUls, Blackstock, Mrs. A. Pickard, Bowmanviile, Mrs. Willis Jones, Newtonvile, were named for the Court esy Commit tee. Mrs. McGiUl, president of Ennis- killen auxiliary, welcomed the ladies. The reports of the differeni auxiliaries revealed that interesi ini the work has flot only beez, sustained but icreased, as shawn by flhe formation of baby bands, mission bands and an eveninË auxiliary. If was suggested thal Miss Murray's lecture and slides of China would be very helpfu] in ifs study. The value of baby bands for the child, and even more so for the mother Who miglit not be reached in any other way, was stressed. An interesting report of the School for Leaders held at O.L.C., Whitby, was given by Miss Louise Pearce, Ebenezer. Treasurer's report showed that in thé first three quart crs $5,677 Oshawa, Ontario Last two thrMflng days Friday and Saturday TRONE POWVER AYank 'N R.A.F. BETTY GRABLE JOHN SUTTON EEGINALD GARDINER Revival Friday Night MyFvur i~. f. MONDAY FOR THREE DAYS SONJA HENIE JOHN PAYNE Sun Valley Serenade GLENN MMLLERE and bis orchestra MitnBerle Lynn Bari lem Davis lic 'NichoLs Bros. I Thursday I for balane of the week -GET READY TO ROAR- BOB HOPE PAULETTE GODDARD No"Im B ut The Tiuth EDWARD ARNOLD "TIlRED" ALL THE TIME &ag itmabh 1 W.MS. in World g lias been raised, an increese of a $194.00. *Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Supply Sec- d refary, spoke o! the overwliclm- Lt ing response fa tac needs of this a departmcnf. Five bales contain- *ing 12 quilfs and an afghan wene sent.fa the Elizabeth Long Mcm- -oriel Home, Kifimat, B.C. Fiffeca quilts, clothing and Christnas gifts were senf fo Morley, Sask., wliere 700 Indiens live on e re- Sserve wif h very liffle means of support. There are 90 Indiex children in a boarding school. 845 lbs. of qulîfs and ciothing wcre sent fa Newfoundland. Four boxes werc sent f0 Brifein. Necdy tpeople in Norfhern Onfario and tin this district have also beer 1clothed from this supply. A vote a! thanks was f endered Mrs. Sic. mon for lier excellenf work and 9unneserved use of lier home. t Mrs. W. P. ]Rogers, Associate 3Helpers Secncfary, stressed the need for care in flie preparation of annuel reports i her deparf- ment. Mrs. H. W. Foley, Bowmanviile, gave the report for tac Secretary o! flic Christian Stewardship and Finance. Nof ail o! our money is f0 be spent, some is ta lie saved, mucli is fa be given ta the service o! God and aur fellow men. The amount f0 be given should be fixed firsf. The qualitative ra- ther flian flic quantitative test should be applied fa our giving. Five guiding principles in giving should be: worshipful, God fînat, systcmatic, proportionatcly, joy- ously. Time is like a bank deposit, flic size of whicli tlicdeposifor docs nof know. He draws upon if every day but hie docs nof know whcn thc accounf will be closcd. Introduction o!fthe Presbyferial Lending Library was prcsented by Mns. C. R. Carscailen, Whitby, Liferafure Secrefery. The follow- ing books werc suggesfed for study: The Amazing Chinese; On Foot fa Freedom; Highways o! the Heart - Devotional; The Pattern and Power o! a New World Onder by Basil Metfliews; Taies from Free China by Bob McClure. The hope that the slogan "A screp book i every Auxiliary i Oshawa Pnesbyteriai for 1941-2V mey be realized was expressed by Mrs. K. Wenry, Press Secretery. An enlighfenmng discussion was led by Mrs. Censcallen based on questions in thc box. If wes f cît thaf the W.A. and W.M.S. should have dloser relationship; thaftach liand book should lie i the hands of ail secret aries and fliaf time should be more carefully planned in e meeting. Mrs. G. Honey, president, i speaking «on flic burning subject o! Religious Instruction, steted thaf in flic pasf only 5 % o! our population have been rcceiving if. If wes nofed wifli thank!ul- ness flic sfep thaf lias been taken i aur schools fa recfify tais 1er- if y. Aftach sumpfuous dinner 5crved by Enniskillen ladies, words o! greeting werc brouglit by Rev. J. A. Plant. He drcw attention f0 flic words o! Dr. W. Newton Fiew: "Wecacn sec now thef wceare not fighfing f0 preserve a Christian civilizat ion, but wc are fighting for the opportunity f0 make anc." The affernoon session opencd wif h a worship service by Hamp- ton auxiliary, the theme being "A Cup of Cold Wafer,"' Jesus showed a profound interest in the liff le thirngs of life. The impressions o! Conference Brandi licld et Wall St., Brock- ville, werc gîven by Mrs. J. J. Wright. In the absence o! Mrs. J. E. Griffith, Bowmanviile, through ilincss, Rev. J. E. Griffith spoke on fhe flieme, "He hefh set us i a large place." He said thaf wo- men occupy e major place in the World Churcli and that tlicy ren- der e service fliat cannof lie un- derteken by any other gnaup. Hei poinfcd ouf thaf flic wholc o! re- ligion is facing affacks thef if neyer was faced with before. In1 China, Russia, India, Africe, Eur-1 ope. the Christian church, thougli1 fighfing for its ife, is awake andi presents an opporfunity, whulc i Canada the churcli is indifferent. Our hope is ini the younger chur- clies of flic world, flic easfern churchbes. A duet was rcndcred by Mrs.i G. Bowman and Miss Elizabeth Pascoc, En! ield. Tic four junior secrefaries: Mrs. Norton. Baby Band; Mrfs.i Ivison Munday, Mission Band; d of as re ci s )f ir Bethesda Coninunify Club h e Hellowe'en party on Oct. 3: Prize winnens were: Young chld-Jolin Cook; Comic chilc Gloria Brent; Comlc lady-He: Yaungman; Comic genf-Mns. Wright; Representafive singit G. Brent; Represenfefive doul -Mildred Stainton and Flore: Rundle; Dnessed coupe-Hel Miler and Dorothy Wright; Cor couple-Mrs. Gardner and He] Youngman. Judges were Mrs. White, Mrs. F. Wcnny and Mn. Brent. President R. Wight fh p resented this prognam: E Luke !avored wifli accordian sol rcadmng by Miss Edifli White; M~ G. Brent and Miss Forgie c( ducfed some games and conteE affer which apples and car werc senved. Maple Grove Visitons: Sgt. R. G. Thompsc R.C.A.F., Toronto, et Mrs. L. Snowden's pnion ta leaving1 Montreal. . . Ross Metcel! w Russell Aildread, Town. . . à and Mrs. Don Hanneh and s Bobby, Town, et Mn. Leslie Col cutf's. . . Mns. H. G. Thomps( Mn. and Mns. J. R. McDonald, J: and Jean, Weston, Mrs. John Nuc ols, Courtice, et Mn. Chas. Gree iam's. .. Mn. and Mns. J. D. Pic erd and sons Gary and Way witi Mn. and Mrs. E. R. FreemE St. Catharines. Sympathy is ext ended ta h John Snowden and f amily i t passing o! wife and mothen. This corn unity was shock Saturdey wien it beceme knoç fliaf Wm. McReynolds lied pass awey suddenly in Toronto. 1Y 'and Mns. Mcfleynolds wifh taq two deugliters wcrc former ne dents liere. Sympethy is exter éd to tae bereaved ones. Tyrone' May 1? [C Mrs. W. P. Rogers for Miss MI me Freeman, C.G.I.T.; Miss1 Brown, Mission Circle, held panel discussion in which t] presented by poster the work their deparfmenf. In playletf f thcy discusscd flic encourag and chalienging aspects of tt work. The easfern section was nvi toi lold their nerf meeting in rone. Mrs. His, Blackstock, as rep sent ative o! the Court esy Co mit tee, expressed the appreciat of the ladies present, toaUail f who had co-operated toi make1 meeting so valuabie bath ph cefly and spinitually. Mrs. Wagar closed the mccli with the foilowing words: Be i fect, be of good comfort, be one mi, live in peace. they torm ,ging their rited Ty- pre- !rn- tion àose the iysi- ting per- of .eld 1lsf. gest elen 1R. « le- ible nccc ýlen mic !len E. A. hen an bls; &rs. an- ýsts, rdy ion, C. for ril Mfr. son Ila- ;on, in ck- ne an, Klr. he :ed ed Kr. Leir Bci- Major Floyd Dudley, Sf. Cati- ares, was deen huftting wita goad succeas, and visîfcd lis !em- ily licre. A amily getlicring was lield et Mr. Will Virfue's ta celebrafe lis 78tli bintliday. Congratula- tions! Lloyd Aldnead wlia las been quife ill was teken fa Bowmen- ville Hospital an Tuesdey. Mr. Lamne Annis lias netunned from tac West. Mnr. F. L. Byam, Tam Giblis and Chas.' Garnod, Heydon, aftendcd tac 136th Baffalion banquet et Toronto on Sefundey niglit. Visif ors: Lieut. Gardon Cowl- ing, Sf. Cath0eines, et Mn. R. Hatierly's. . . Mr. and Mns. C. Ireson and Dorcen, Toronto, et Mrs. Floyd Dudley's. .. Pfes. Wal- fer Park, Lloyd Yca and Tomn Philips, Sf. Cathiarines, ef Mr. F. L. Byam's. .. Mr. and Mns. E. C. Flony, Grimsby, et Mn. Leslie Brooks'. .. Mn. and Mns. R. Mc- Cullougli and Brenton et Mn, H-ugi McCullaugi's, Ponfypol... Mn. and Mns. J. C. Hcrrify, To- ronfo, Mn. and Mrs. Tennyson Perniman and Gardon, Columbus, et Mn. Lamne Hoskin's... Mn. and Mrs. C. W. McFeetens, Oakvillc, et Mrs. A. W. Annis'. .. Mr. Don Thompsan, Oshawa, Pfe Norman Tliampson, St. Catharines, af Mn. Leslie Tiompsan's. .. Mns. Mary Roacli and dauglifen, Rochester, N.Y., Mn. and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Onono, witli Mns. Jaes Stonie...: Mn. and Mns. Stan. Mehoney, Sut- ton, et Mn. Walter Park's. .. Mr. Arthiur and Bcvcnly Stepliens, To- ronto, et Mn. Rolif. Burgess'. Tyrone Red Cross met in tic Meu,'s Coats Ladies' Coats Ui new tyesad shades for mn- raglan ssvs full back, belted style. Prias range $15.95 to $39.50 FOR y-ADi Buxry ots t budget prioes. Wideseeto.Mn prices as low as Look Ah.ad To CHRISTMAS I Mtaly gif t sêlootions in already. Be. -them today - hciiery, bags, gloves, lingerie. BOND CLOTHES Xen'u Suite, at low prices. Couh, Johnston & Crydorman plume m King st. b p I ROYA.L! TMETRE____ BOWMANVILLE i I I wlfh ABROTT ad COSTELLO Topper Retumu. Wlth ]ROLAND YOUNG Mon., Tues., Wed. NOV. 17, 18, 19 A WOMAN'S jFACE starrlnt JOAN CRAWFORD MELVYN. DOUGLAS CONRA» VEIDT Cartoon and NeWs vesfry on Mondey effernoon wlicn election o! officers canducted by Mns. A. F. Gardiner resulted as follows: Hon. President - Mnr s. Floyd Dudley; Pres.-Mrs. R. Mc- Cullougli; 1sf Vice-Mrs. H. Ski- ner; Sec.-Miss Clara Waodley; Treas.-Mrs. A. F. Gardiner; Wool Conv.-Mns. R. Scott; Sewing Conv.-Mrs. Floyd Dudley; Re- porten-Mns. L. J. G ood mean; Pecking Boxes fon Soldiers-Mrs. L . Brooks, Mns. R. Vintue; Quiit Conv.-Miss Clara Woodley; Press -Mrs. L. Brooks; Refugee Com- Mns. L. Thompson, Miss Clara Woodlcy. A vote o! thenks was extended fo Mns. A. F. Gardiner for conducfing flic meeting, also ta Mrs. F. L. Goodman in packing 8 boxes for avensees, and f0 Mns. Floyd Dudley for lien splendid hclp iflic work o!fie Red Cross. W. M. S. met Thursdey and elected these officers: President- Mns. S. T. Hoar; lst Vice-Mrs. S. W. Huglison; 2nd Vlce-Mrs. R. J. Hodgson; Reconding Sec.-Mrs. R. McCullaugh; Asst.-Miss Clara Woodlcy; Trees.-Mrs. Floyd Dud- ley; Cor. Sec'y.-Mrs. L. J. Good- man; Assaciafe Helpers Sec'y.- Mrs. A. F. Gardiner; Christian Stcwardship Sec.-Mrs. R. Hodg- son; Tempenence Scc'y. - Mrs. Walter Park Sr.; Press Se'y.- Mrs. L. Brooks; Mission Band Supf.-Mrs. Leon Moore; Leaders -Miss Clara Woodiey, Mns. G. Cowling; Pianisf-Mrs. C. Wood- ley; Asst.-Mrs. W. Miller. Affer tic election the Mission Band put on. e fine pnognem and lunch was senved. Enfield Visitons: Mn. Jack Webster, Misses Norma and Elsie Webster, Toronto, Mn. Rass aJckmen and Miss Eunicc Jeckman, Bowman- ville, Miss Elsie Semis, Maple Grave, et Mn. Milton Semis.. Mn. and Mns. James Davidson, Oshawa, et Mn. A. Pnescoft's,.. Ms. B. Palmer, Miss ElainePal- mer and Mn. Hoskin Palmer, To- ronto, et Mn. Hoskin Smifh's. MCongratulations fa Miss Helen Hall and Mn. Cianlcy Henny on thein manrage. On Nov. 4tli Mr. and Mns. A. W. Prescott opened tacir home ta the ladies o!fie Women's Association and thein husbands for fie annuel Af Home. Affer e delicious hiot supper was enjoyed Rev. J. A. Planf entenfained with severel piano selections. Loat Hein was tien plaed. Miss Helen Hall was tic central figure a! a social gefiening et her home on Thursday evening wicn fniends gathened ta lionor lier with a misceilaneous showen. Tic evening was ppenf i pleylngj carda and dancing. Helen was: alsa gueat o!flianan et a kitchent siawen et Mns. M. Beefh'a. j Cadmusý Frst snow o!fie scasan feUl Monday morning but anly lasted a short time. Mn. end Mrs. Bert Hensiew and June and Mn. Bill Thampson, wlio have been nesiding in Ncwmarkef, maved back ta Mns. Hcnshew Sr's. !erm. Visitons: Miss Inez Hickling in Toronto end Allenwaod. . . Miss Helen Fowler, Newmankef, Mns. Ray Blair and Dianne, Oshawa, et Mn. Gearge Fowler's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbiert Gibson, Douglas and Allin, et Mn. Chas. Gibson's. ..Mrs. Jabez Wright, Blackstock, et Mns. J. E. Eliioff's. Mr. Chas. McGill is seriausly 111. At flic Sunday morning service e chistening toak place o! Bevenly Dianne Blair, deuglifer o! Pnivate and Mrs. Ray Blair, Oshawa. A unique feefure o! tic event was fief th afe ilaserving is country oversees 50 flic gr d- father, Mn. George Fowler, acte in is place. On Manday evening, Nov. 3rd, flic acholars and feaclier, Miss Inez Hlckling, a! No. 6 school put on an auction sale a! ail articles donefed end colicctcd by flic boys. Tic beautiful moonlgif niglit wes qulte an incentive ta aU te go and cnjoy tic sport and the cammunity tunned aut in goodj numbers. Tic local auctioneer,j ,Clarke Williemaiin lis humorous Sstyle gave meny laugli-provoking Thurs., Fr1., Sat. NOV. 13, 14, 15 Double Feature DgUe PiVA .Burketon Visitons: Mn. N. Woodley, Ty- rone, Mn. and Mns. G. Hudson, Peterboro, wita Mn. N. Hudson.. . Mr. and Mns. F. Edwerds, Mr. and Mns. C Rehm and Betty, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm, Mr. iend Mns. C. Rahm and familles, Union, et Mn. IH. ..... Mns. J. Gil and Mn. and Mns. H. Gill et Bob- ceygeon closing their cottage... Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wilson and Mn. Harold Wilson, Oshiawa, wifli Mns. A. Wis. . . Mn. and Mrs. M. Getchdil and !emily, Oshiawa, Mr. T. Gatcheli, Bowmanville, witli Mn. J. Gatchel... Mn. and Mns. H. Richards, Mn. R. Harding, Bowmanviile, and A.C. Donald Marsdcn, R.A.F., Picton, et Mn. H. Giil's. . . Mn. A. Aldned, New- tonville, et home. Miss Betty Mo!!att lies moved fa Oshiawa f0 reside wifli len par- ents. Mn. Wallace Bneck is home a!- fer spcnding somne monflis ilias- pifais in Hali!fex and Taronto. Bunkefon W. A. have been busy gefting pencels away fa tac men overseas. A.C.2 Hl. E. House, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, af home. Mns. Hause and !amily neturnnd witli him and will reside in St. Thomas for flic next !cw mantis. Blackstock Fedenef ion of Agriculture is, meeting in tac Comxnunity Hall on Nov. l7th, wita Miss Agnes Macpliail as speaker. Girls' Homemaking Club met et flic home o! tac leader, Mrs. Allient Wrightf, on Tuesdey after- noon. Eech girl answcncd taeraill caîl wita tac notes writfen neady fan fie record book on tac firat flirce meefings i tac unit. Ticy decided fa cal l temselves "Sew- ing Pais." Mrs. Beilcy and Mrs. Wright cx- pieined tac mefhod o! setting in a plain pocket and alsa a more complicated onc. Tic girls eci made ance t tac meeting. Thc ne- spent in ait ering tac patterns for mainder o! tic affernoon was tac garments and i laying them, on fie mafenials. Roll ceil nerf week is anc ne- quirement; o! e good sleeping gar- ment. Peat Masters' niglif wes oli- scrved et Bleckstock L.O.L. No. 133 on Nov. 3rd Pesf Masters oc- cupied taechcairs and visitons from Orono, Devifts end Purpie HMI lodgcs -made tic meeting a ruge succeas. A speciel eddresa wes given on, "Protestanfism" liy Rev. S. Little- wood, Orono. Speeches wene given by County Mater Neil Porter, Pasf County Master Jas. Bycr, Ernest Hamm, Herbert Hocy, District-Master R. R. Bycra and Pasf District Masters Eenl Donneli and Roy Ferguson, W. Masters Win. Davcy, Stenford CenCamp, Peaf Masters W. Fitze, Rolif. Hem- ilton, Cecil Hill, Henry Thomp- son, Wm. Hooey, Henli. Swain. C. P. Dcvitt, D. G. M. Ontario East. abiy officieted in thc Mas- ters capecity and conducted thc meeting. O! speciai significence wes tac unveiling a! an enlenged portrait o! tic late Wor. Bro. W. A. VanCamp, P.C.M., present- , d ta fhlldge. Hampton Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Warren, Brampton, Mn. and Mns. L. J. Warren, daugliter Bennice and son Alvin, Tharnton's Cor- ners, et Mn. Chas. Werren's.... Dr. and Mns. W. R. Horn and Mns. Catherine Jacobi, Part Hospe, Mn. Arthur Jacobi, Guelph, et Mn. W. W. Horn's. . . Mr. and Mns. Wray Wilbun, son Junior and deugiten June, Mr. and Mns. Fred Wilson, Toronta, et Mn. S. Kersy's... Mn. and Mns. Douglas Rackham, Bow- manville, et tac pensonege. . . Miss Jean Baison, Ebenezer, et home. ..Mrs. Gco. Fenncomb and aiter Phone 681 ATTEN: You don't look any too goed. You've got bit bana under your head- llghta and rou'ro la a gen- oral rUn-down condition. dvw Nestieton Nestieton W. I. met et Mrs. John Wiliems' Nov. 5fh, wifli tac meeting in charge a! Mrs. Wil- liams' >gnoup. Mn. W. G. Bowles spoke an Federation o! Agricul- ture, which wes q uit e interesting. Plans were made for meklng mare quilts and delegates ta Insfifute convention in Toronto. Hearty vote o! thanks wes given Mr. Bowles, Mrs. Williams and ail ladies in charge. Mr. -and Mrs. C. H. Porfeous visited at Mn. T. G. Wilson's, Tweed. Miss Nana Porteous, Mr. and Mrs. Robf. Ewers and Ann vlsited frienda liere. A number !rom Nèstleton et- fcnded flic Tipp-Henry wedding af Purple Hill on Saturdey. Mrs. Sid Staples lias been on flic sick 1sf. Mns. Wesley Johinson, Minesing, Mn. and Mrs. H. Wlieelen and family visited et Mn. R. M. Haos- kin's. Mr. and Mns. Melville Henry, Oshiawa, et Mrs. Frank Wilson's. Mn. Martin Bowles is giving up farming. . Junior*11 Hoses-lst, Murray Lord, $2.00; 2nd, Bruce Taylor, $1,50; 3rd, Gar- don Scott, $1.00; 4ta, Rosa Cryden- man, 50c. Deiry Cttle-lsf, Allen White, $2.00; 2nd, Lloyd Ayre,. $1.50; 3rd, Ross McRoberts, $1.00; 4th, Mur- rey Vice, 50c. Swine-lst, Frank Stenger, $2; 2nd, Russell Hepburn, $1,50; 3nd, Raymond Smith, $1.00. Bec! Cattle-lst, John Baker, $2.00; 2nd, Howard Fonder, $1.50; 3rd, Grant Ferguson, $1,00. Sheep-Ist, Bôyd Aync, $2,00; 2nd, Keita Chute, $1.50; 3rd, Dal- ton Dorreil, $1,00. Mrs. McLean with friends ini To- ronto. . . Miss Helen Knox, To- ronto, at home. . . Miss Doreen Balson at Mr. Gerald Balson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, with Mrs Jas. Burns... Mrs. Jean Jackson, Miss Ruth Jackson, Toronto, Private C. E. Mills, Niagara, Walter Mils, Whitby, and Jimn Mills, Peterboro, af Mr. Jno. Mills'. . . Miss Made- line Truil spent the weekend at home, We welcome f0 the village Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson who have purchased the home of Miss Reta Kersiake. On Nov. 4fh Hampton Girls' Basebali Teem met et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Coiwiil and presenfed lit fle Carol Audrey Yeo with a silver cup wifh name engraved. Mrs. Yeo, nee Ruth Colwill, was a former meniber of the feam. Pt e. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo and baby have since moved f0 Cornwall. iShoeu Mdade te Ord.i Daily more. are asking for Lens to make shoes to meas- ure for their individual re- quirements. Complet. Comfort in footwear when you con- suit us. SHOE RECPAIES MADI QUIOKLY and SA T18- FPACTORILY. JOHN LENZ King St. et Silver. Clarke Union jokes and auctioned off every- thing from dishes, clofhing, ail varleties o! vegètables, bag o! wheat, bags of pot atoes, dahlias and gladioli bulbs. Music was provided by Miss Leali McQuade, Mrs. D. Wilson, Merlin Phulp and the younger chiidren gave a hum-1 orous musical selection. Mr. Wil-1 liamns dcmonstrated the value of a certain kind o! medicine, taken ta make ýhin people fat and fat people thin, whicli caused shrieks of laugliters. Lunch was senved and ahl journeyed home with their bargains having enjoyed a very happy social evenlng. Proceeds $30.00 ta be given fa Red Cross work and British War Vicfims Fund. Bowmanville Pt1 I LII ioh, sure, you'il bc all ght, that la If your owaer do.sa't tortot te put yeu ln shape for wlnter. Wby, you're stili runnlng on summer lubrlcatioa,-better teli hlm soon. Gairton's Garage PHONE 2M6 BUS SERVICE tt 1 FW TUA k A STORM cen cause a great deal of dam- age if -a window is not closed. A serious lons may cost you hundreds of dollars if your insurance ian 't sufficient to fuily cover your. property or business againît ail hazards. Ask this agency to 'review your insurance policies NOW. It will be too late to do se after a lois! Je Je.IMASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS CAR: I don't feed mo hot, CAR: you don't thlnk lt's Doc. This fail wcather la anythieg serlous, do yen, gettlnt under iny hood. Ail Doc. 1 mea-I wlil be OK? nMy Pp i s gene. A Ma- A Senior Hoses-lsf, Hanqld Hepburn, $2.00. Dairy Caftle-lst, Robf. Morton $2.00. Swine-lst, Eben Miîlson, $2.00; 2nd, Howard Malcolms, $1.50. Bec! Catfle-lst, Harvey Yel- lawlees, $2.00; 2nd, Eric Fallis, $1.50. Sheep-lst, Gardon Feuls $2,00; 2nd, Murray Malcolm. Carnet Rlckard Wlnner Thr.. Years .0f Judglng Trophy Over thirty Junior farmers took part in flic Live Stock Judging Compefition at Hampton on Oct. 29th. Compefition. was extremely keee in ail nine classes from heavy hanses down ta lanibs, and Agnicultural Representative E. A. Summers lied a busy day. Total points possible werc 850 and o! fliese the hlgh man, Garnet Rick- ard, secured 806. He now reteins the fnophy, liaving won If threc successiv~e years. Harvey Yeilow- ees,, witli 760, won and reteins thc hendsomne Canedian National 5hield as high man in flic Novice Cless. Foilowing is tac complete 11st f !wnners, with results: Russell Hepburn 700, Mûàrrey Vice 633, Raymond Smith 672, Lloyd Ayrc 753, Frank Stenger 727, Boyd Ayre 738, Howard For- der 717, Dalton Dorrell 673, Grant Ferguson 717, Ross McRoberts 707, A. John~ Baker 702, Bruce Taylor 706, Ross Cryderman 599, Allan White 726, Keith Chute 737, Murray Lord 746, Gordon Scotf 686, Harvey Yeilowlees 760, Mur- ray Malcolm 725, Harold Hepburn 735, Howard Malcolm 754, Eric Fallis 721, Robt. Morton 769, Gor- don Faflis 756, Raipli Lermer 758, Eber Millson 756, Garnet Rickerd 806. 1sf Prize Coacli-Garnet Rick- ard, Bowmanville; team score 2218.* 2nd Pnize Coacli-Raîpli Ler- mer, Nestieton;, team score 2107. Individual Wlnners -71-17- '2 !HURSDAY, NOVEIM3, 1941 MAGt. Repledge for War Saving (Intended for lest week) Pilaf Officer W. A. Servage and Mrs. Servage and' Dorothy spent the weckend wif h Miss Eileen Souci. John Fogg who has been in training et Peterboro for four months is home on a visit. Leslie Thompson is in this sec- tion finishing up a few odd jobs o! threshing. Mrs. Alex Watson enfenteined the Clarke Union Red Cross f0 an affernoon qullting and fea. Arche Watson, Scliool of Plier- mecy, Toronto, wes home. M~rs. H. J. Souch spent a few days in Bowmanville wîfh friends. Alex Wetson la meking some repaira ta the Colville place ne- cenfly purchased by C. F. Awde, Orono. Mrs. Truman Power and Mrs. ClaeAllin and son Robert, Bow- manville, cellcd on frlends. Order youn counter check books et The Stafesman office. Bethesda f -1