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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1941, p. 7

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1941 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 194 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Cowanville ,Eucto Blackstock 'K . ~Y C ~Miss Jean Hale ia employed at And Victorian Women's Institt * I Mrs. Leland Paynes, Newtonvllle. Effici ency met at Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy' ~, mm u ~ u m E I *U f I~Joanie Reid has been under teon Nov. 5th. Bible reading wa NE ws doctor's care. read by Mrs. A. L. Bailey and the C ongratulations ta M r. and M rs. . . u k W m n s D i y P a e b M . Walter Crame <nee Viola Hol- C.HTuckrs WM.Ae. ol D ail raye by Ms.V _______________________lingsworth) upon the birth 1,f a Optoerit M. Archer Roi a ware so aonwr M * UU* * * W Mrs W B. Hoar pasta visit 78 N'E"" MONDAY Mr.. andMr* F. W oodi baby girl. Eyesiaght i ed h "What are yo doit OnC hrS'e~eva(Mrs. Paul Snod- pins -sIV!.EI IMI WW Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Bob AI- Seiiii ipoeyu omnt? n Ro chaa dnCeert ivr dea n os ae hra II by handng in a quilt block fora grass)E .tr .. h sClbaeSie ra n os aeSoe tDse lg e Cross quilt. Mrs. Wilber roilad erso grass) atroe in Y, welho Wed Annlvrsam'y Mr. Wes. Strmger's. . .Mr. T. <OPP* PO.) Archer and Mrs. T. Samelîs volu- Poppy Day collections were so . .M s .M ls n a df ml ,teered ta put the blocks togethe Phout ni0r0 madend Saturday.- and quilt it. Mrs. Mervin Mount > 1* * ** Major F. Lycett, Niagara, was Mr Ab uaned re d n rl ~ * Mrs. B. Millson and a ndy _____ 9__y prs ned t e .I. wt home. tives gathered at the L.O.L. rooms Mry ad Mr. AnRew Bandey aort Nub 9 ovy presete th e. M. wit Inersin ericsweehedSaturday evening ta extend con Gary.a. Mr.s Rory urley's, ot___ EItestgseics erhed Misses Tourjee, Toronto, visited grtlain toM.adMsred ot a oe r.A T. ... ie a *lrosthn.I a newcomer and on sick le, at Park St. Church Sunday. In here. Wod grtuaton , taMo n d Mrs.r F w orth waAom . . . A er rig infe la gl o a th It w s g et p ak r MisLeav the morning the pastor preached rs. Hall and famîly visited n Wod rn,~ ~ 2tL~ Perrin and Mr. and Mrs. Ai. a'r krin s iii th vce ea lth ee wad s est pea k er M riLenat a unique Armistice sermon which Osh.awa. wood annvesryu.:t1 . S.Lte re. peteturned ta Toronto. Aif. ex- in ac ive limes and ra gl Mru s Pe re y ad ' A e ea'T ib t. artl' poetn Pao ndW rh deait chiefly witla what the unl- Chamber of Commerce met setom oronod Parst er rypet ta go ta Montreal ta train. fayoeausitagrdlefEdaGet'.2NWAV LBL sentn soldie Toruntd Pird Pefy ot Monay Coisea tre usl be togadIleo darGe weren posier fol n hi f ta corneedaDe. Chrithama ret dayl - Oshawa, Peterboa Hmpn Mr. and Mrs. E. Farrow and and make it fuller, healthier and A party was held at Mr. Ruper Fyno.-a *dtIOUhU' we possbl ta r er hgim-. war, Dec. i8the. Mtiond tocarget bak Newcastle, Oron *o, Starkville and1 Arthur at Mr. T. Stephens'. .. Mr. happier. Byers' on Nov. 4th when friendsU. pol tica patnag evn-ine smal tac star Mtioe was thaon out - Elizabethville. M. Witty and friends at Mr. Clar- Sleep is important and infants gathered for a farewell party o aipeuedsrd edacmlt places like Orono, etc. The choir We noticed in Tuesday's Globe Musical riumbers consisted of ence BureyssoneantehbtowkngtTerwre25psntMrRu:*Co mdlaelhyuraeadm. __reded"aHakMyou'&Maltedahntcofrakvocal solos by Mrs. Mary Phasey, __________ the proper tîmes for feedmng. The seil Spinks was 'chairman. Ms.Itenothbak with Mrs. A. A. Drummond tak- McPherson of Orillia. Old resi- Everett Wood, and Mrs. S. Little- ranshd ev en prope temper ArdnSrn eda drs druDp. . ing the sala and Mrs. Charle dents here will remember Frank's li -ie wod oad du e y d MisPy- Starkil healthy child will rest camfort- Swain made the presentation ofaCoanLt.49eI Wdue h hm r and Mrs. lived on the fa im rls h east ofe Rie ses Lois and Lenara Wood, and _____ ble with very little crying. Sleep- 5-way floar lamp, a table lampingtnS.E.Trno e How the Walshem f .ad with a wick'sncorners. His mother was Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh; ai- Shlloh W. A. met at Mrs. Rus- ing out of doors and plenty Of and electric toaster. Dancing fol vocardue Watlshe evoe ing ser icMis Scapes. of s Lesar a s sa a recitation by Helen Wood. seli Savery's. ventilation and frésh air increases lowed ta music by Mr. and Mrs vora Jot hn Mil nisn Bs c Mis- uns (Bapeso ea and h islie An address was read by Mrs. Several attended the shower for the amaunt of axygen in the Henry Mahaffey. Mr. and MIs ston, spent the weekend here. for years where Mrs. D. Noble Roy Cornish and the gift of a Mr. Lloyd Glass and bride,inbod MchmpraesaudBrsmvdtBactck n ?&. and Mirs. Beatty, Elizabeth- naw lives. Frank was buried from. loveiy set of dishes was presented Kendal. be given to regularity, in hours of Wednesday. vill, wre uess o Mr an Mr. hi siters hmeMrs Gergeta Mr. and Mrs. Wood by Messrs. The yaungest son af Mr. and rest and sleep-the health, growth The fallawing is the list of the an Cpd Mrs. Gordon, Sugt r W a.Sewnwsi Lewis Wood and Orley Chapman, Mrs. Howard Farrow has been ill. and development demand it. last Red Cross shipment: 9 Quilt and Nany visiteodo auit Mr.: Walerilia. w i while littie June Waod, daughter Mr. Jacob Halloweii is on the Regular and proper care of the (refugee clathing)-2 from Nes-, Wmd NaeymTurono iis.a r.Trno Orme Gamsby of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood, pre- sick list. eyes will pastpane for many years tieton (1 Pres. Ladies' Aid andi Wm emu'.Mr. and Mrs. Milford Sherwin sented the bride with a lovely Visitars: Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn the necessity of wearing glasses from Mrs. H. Samelîs and Mrs. J Snow fell for the first time and children and Mr. and Mrs. Orona's noted ceiebrity, will be bouquet. Bath'recipients thanked and son, Orano, at Mrs. I. Stark's. constantly. Because yau thînk the Hooey), 3 from Cadmus (2 tops Manday morning but- soon melted. Walter Sherwin visited in Osh- 78 on Nov. 17th. We join with his their friends; and other speeches . . Mr. and Mrs. S. G. HalloweUl eyes are right, because you think Miss Annie Mountjoy, 1 top Mrs Welsuscitinsar cmngaa otrfies . were also made. and Miss Norma Hallawell with the glasses are right-is no proof R. C. Brown), 1 top Miss Hazel for Tce Sat tean ws w fice Unasion charig od th e nultu a ppitdy Orme," in ad- later enjoyed, the table being M. Shutka and Miss Nellie Shutka, the eyes attention in proportion 1 top Mrs. Cecil Hill, 1 top Mrs. associated the Orano News and conveners, with Donald Staples vance. Orme is noted for his i- graced with a 3-storied beautiful- Oshawa, Mr. D. Shutka, Toronta, ta their importancAtm a a.G alw 0Baktgf Newcastle Independent - and we presiding. Programa consisted of: terest in young people, fishing, ly decorated wedding cake. were home. .. Miss Beulah Hailo- later came when they will de- of Miss Mary Malcolm, Nestieton; mean for 1942. If you haven't re- Reading, Miss M. McDowell; hockey, basebail and softball, and Mm.d atn M ars ood we mar-ow.ll, or ato, t Hoe t t Mis madadontne te. r 12-yr boyskns; 1 pr. l'mit newed yet do it now and thus as- scripture, Sam Keane; explana- wherever anythig f th kn ie t Oran Parsonagyeev oneov.e Mahory.. Farrow Ar Hope, at (ta be cniedme's s a s r chds mitts; sure yourself of 52 issues of Dur- tion, Donald Staples; vocal duet, being staged Orme is there as Clare. Their four children, James, Toronto. . . Miss Edna Farrow, pullover; 1 girl's sweater, 6 yrs. ham's largest weekly. By the waY, Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood; pano -large as life and twice as natural. R, yeas agdor, wev ere lPotl home. . . Mrs. A.Das n dh 2___________ bos hidseatedskir and knitte it would be one of, the best Christ- %olo, Donald Staples; and topic Ross Loisio and Lenorahi were aithtpoe thm. r n mias gifts imaginable, so when by Donald Staples and Mr. Robt. preselit at the celebration, and Mrs. Victor Farrow and Mr. La- pae freligion in i tin and the St bo's Weaes 12 yrs.anA wondering what ta give that re- Sherwin. In lieu of a regular y puprevious ta going ta the hall pre- vern Farrow' were in Toronto. paeo.eiini.rlto ate S.JhnsW .hl nAa lative or friend put The States- tapic Donald gave the stary of the ~*P ogesented their parents with a beau- Mr. Rayman Farrow, Whitby, at Home and the School left much teur Program. and sale of fancy mnan down for themn on your lives of: J. S. Cook who wrote H nr Me ry tiful cabinet of silver. home. .. Miss Wray at her home food for thought. A social hour goods in the community hall on Christmas list. "Gentie Mary Laid Her Child'.; H nraM m r in Peterboro. .. Mrs. Silver with was enjoyed. Nov. 7th. Mr. Jack Smith acted The bank and school gat a hall- D. L. Ritchie who wmote "As Of Member KiII.d friends in U±kbridge. .. Mrs. For- Mrs. Arthur Blewitt was hostess as chairman and announcer. List day Tuesday for Armistice day. Comei the Breath of Spring"; and TI~I rester, Kingston, wîth hier sister ta the quiltîng group Friday when Of winners: Childmen under 12 Otherwise everything was carmied R. Roberts who wmote "For Them Officers of the Unions in the Lak Sh reCarke Mrs. Dabson. 14 ladies met and completed one years-lst, 8 littie girls, an Eng- Sh #e quilt and prepared blocks for lish Country Dance; 2nd, 8 Junior on as usual. . Whose Ways are in the Heights"; Oshawa Presbytery met at Maple another. Red Cross Workers, a Victomy Act Scouts met Thursday evenmng also mentioned the work of Sir Grave Frîday for their congress Art Bedwin has sold his car and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gibson under direction of their teacher, with 14 present. Plans weme made Ernest McMillan. Gamne3 were which opened with a splendid pumchased another. t S SChhri' have moved ta Oshawa for the Mrs. John Venning. Vacal-lst, for a signalling test the next meet- conducted hy Miss Kathleen banquet. Vernon Osborne and Clint Brown has accepted a ok awntrMs.W W.V Cmp"A Ol ing, an eders fo 'rtke ill Smith. Ruth Goodman led in a sing-sog position in the General Motors. ___HC___lli iitn asindGadn;2nJa alsoliedeat wth.Tentative O. C. S. students are enjoyîng and after the introduction of te Red Cross will meet at Mlr5. Home and Schooi Club met on Mirs duHte S. Ctains Pedwells is viiiy aho e ardes nd, Jeang I plans were started for a father Christmas tests. guests and department group Chas. Alldred's on Friday. Nov. 5th with about 40 in attend- land. Instrumental-lst, Gordon and son banquet. Mr. Carman Haw is recupemat- leaders Vemna Bell led in a wor- Visitors: Mr. and Mms. W. Heard ance. Lists of members and pro- Prentice, Manchester; 2nd, Dom- Ypur reporter had hiem first ing at Mrs. F. Peate's. ship service. This was followed and children, Bowmanville, at ga omteswr psedeen Barlow, Toronto. Open Class i taste of pheasant fromi Pelee Is Misses Lauma and Isabelle AllUn by a memomial service for one of Mr. Clint Bmown's. .. Len Buck- gram cammttee Baele posted.n land Thursday and certainly en- were in Toronto where the latter the donference convenors wh ler; Kendal, at Bev. Jaynes'. Meetingsloc will Sope sarpa a 8n) 2ndtO ile-s , Doeen Barlow adanc- joyed it. For the benefit of those visited a specialist. was killed, the service beig con- Mm. and Mrs. R. Aildred and Losbe o'lc e and. so , saivae has Min 2ndDree Btaro ac n d * who have flot yet had the oppor- Mms. W. Cowan visited hiem ducted by Roy Ommiston. Sthe atMr.Ws S1tringer'sCwn beeng c$6.ecte and sod pmcet- Visitors: Ms illis Jones and M.A l haye (ta daning. TheA tunity of tasting pheasant, it daughem Olive i Toronto. Saywell itroduced the guest ville. . . Miss Bemnice Brown at tee sent $2.00 each ta Orono and family wîth hiem mather, Mms. D. Devitt was won by Mms. Rupemt iThee ew emberos, sueaky, Re.A .Cragg, Bow- Mm. Les. Alldred's, Maple Grove. Newcastle Red Cross towards MerrillWrwrh r n yr.$21 a elzdfo -he e ebr, urymnil, who deîvemed a most blanket fund, also $2.00 ta each Mr. Frank Law and David, To- this quilt for the Red Cross. Will Cobbledick, were received 'Snow Whlte'l Play inspringddrooess. Deaten a hi of the two Red Cross branches ta motak ind dther ie . e pars J Mms. W. W. VanCamp opened into Park St. Choir. gmaup somme olloed a lvt er - hichwns be applied towards the Christmas takndauheswhhmpr- hem home for the A.Y.P.A. meet- NelonCouie ejoyd viit G ven At Junior SaGom le naieyPe-bOparcel expenses. Na. 9 boys are ents in Castletan. .. Mr. and Mms. nNo.6hMrS.Jfeyea Nerom his sier Vema.e etd Cros M eig od of recreation. Closing cere- . included in these Chmistmas lists. Harry Rutherford, Toronto, with the scripture. Tom Hodge, presi- ' Mm. R.i sisE. eLogan edwasss guesnt'm'solo- We cnCutwere Rvconducteded CobyComRev. WaBrownCom'seReds aCrossMr. Commsintteer JMmsM- C.tHoskihe r.yMm. iJkVeM ist at No. 9 H. and S. Club. Junior Red Cross met in M anie set3 is pair of mts ok aNdw Waer, W-okComuitte as aran Lach a c Mors . . a c det sad ste hrm Miss Voea The Tebbles moved ta Hamil- McDowell'a moom Friday ate- ___________esortesleoliceso ae Cross ard n,. Teton s at hm. M. ad ter riepoytethat hemcom- ton on Friday. noon and had Miss Fostem's pupils casea ed rn Cross ier f 9paund fruit cake eAh pri Mrs J. axeri ndMra tColcin h etn s o TeRdCosdiehas been as guests. Pmogmam canslstedl of DEM AND DISTANT MisJtheriMs.Ca-o ad2 pound fruit cake ech ta .W.epeos m n ath iebymmesaesa.~ . Thet Rce ss n drivesvoa oo b enMfftJa dnce Turner, Mms. Wellington Far- the adikts an khie whon se. &h Mr. J. A. Barieh's a rn Mura atCletons atl te eetn fo om buyi haeasuccesu ancivd doatins voale saas by eadn Mffat, Jea HAPPENINGS row and Wylma were at an after- S. Club will be invited ta visît us hMs aueane Slemon, Toronto, with milk for the blitz babies In Eng- dividuals and societies., piano solos by Eleanor Hancock noan teat at Mms. H. Bickle's, Bow- a embr etigPorm.h unMms. J. T. Per..M.lad s Peyhyewsi _______________and Kathleen Gamsby; readings From [he Orono News of manville. at c embtteihreg ofRosAgl and nt, Jas. PaneaTr n d Mms.g ofte ry n Phayeh wa n \E~ byJa anyan laa a- November 12, 1925 Kenneth Stepheinson and Bobby camtei hag fRs i ler sister, Mrs m .Sihofptoienur:RangMs cock Jetian y ay est; Han- are deer hunting at Nomland. lin, wili bie in charge. The Club wit h s. Wm.n Sm Troth, Ea Pari natre:n PaRei, Mss F~ *,~ coca pl a i "Snaw Whit andh Tewedn isanucd f ViiasM.adMs..Gmb will ivest some of its funds inm Sno. Witeandthe Thewedin isannuned o Viitos: ýf. ad Ms. . Gmb-WarSavng with Mms. Chas. Reid. .. Mr. and Crawford; instrumental, Lus. V. t U L ee wms yGae4ass-Alexander Walsh and Mary Grace lett, Maple Grave, Mr. and MmsÉ some wam efforts. -aavg Mms. C. -A oaNwate r . rhr isLoaDv Seve n d r by Grade 3.Ths taiat- Mulholland, Port Hope. Wm. Huggins at Mm. R. Gmaham's. Certificates, etc., will be discuss - an Mr H. Giwn an New astl, m. d LAreMs n Devitt rpre h SOREmora follwed Va-y onFr Starkville, with Mms. Rutherford. i nybe aour kidneyu. Gin Pilis, heMoffatt; Prince-Ray West; Snow a meeting of . the Presbytery at mow iïnd[ Wylma at Mm. W. Raye's, annua A.e Y. P.n A.d convntio ini; r.Gog y ,Trno wideiy known, reliable kidney reixxdY* White-Carol Cornish; Dwarfs- Bowmanville. Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Keith caoue by June R.E an len , BarbaraMm and Msargie, Torn-acko:Ms Iae Civr help bring relief by eliminating pain-. Don McLaren, Charles Armstrong, Students of Toronto University Ormiston, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Tur- adanosolos by Mm. R. E. Logan Or ' Mabr D a n aruete, Tro n- nisMr MraTrno causing taxic wastea Money bock i Bob Goode, Douglas Carleton, and Faculties who were home for ner's. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Eddy and a piano salaiby Mms..M. H tawat Mm. D. Denauotssn....Mr..aan sio stusie. Gore Jne, imme rutn nd haksivig ere H Rikayand family at Miss J. Perrin's. Staples. Rev. J. E. Griffith's tail Mmes. Cas M arris at M. Allan andiss. Mary ran y, Trnt, not~~______________ Peters',d Moeoshge Jone. andmi Mms.o with Mms.giin Hhmsn .ikay Mr an. and. Wate Faro DILICEOUSran Sanny Jordan; Huntsman -Don F. Cutteil, A. Sommervillei J. Gil- Ir n m.WlerFro tCpa Mae n m n Mm Ird, anson. an fAmiy ScA trat eAge aatvcr Merer Ldis-i-witng- Eea flln, ndR.Arstrong and Mm. J. Brown's, Kirby. . . MisW o C Lloyd Meader, Toranta,,at Mr. and Mms. Aiex Gilbert andcatatelskeyo nrHnok Shre lnof redCr anatanMissAllin, Lockhart's. . . Ray Brown flAnniversary services of the Joan, Mm. and Mms. Wallace Mar- ftadaet re Jean Wilson, Anna Marie Hall, Mary Knox, Mary Sammerville iTroo.United Chumch weme held Sundaylwa Kitchener. . . Mr. J. R. Bos etyJan; Mirror-Jon For- atd Mhe DCkoour fan assontes teov 9th. Guest speaker was Rev.MLuhian MssFoec Bet ora;MirrJonFr- A heCbur al siesteJ. E. Griffith, Bowmanville, a for- McLaughlin, Toronto, with Mms. 12 -rester. A brief srng-sang was à150 case of Robt. Rahm, Burketon S 1 mer pastor. Newtonville was his Downey, Reaboro... Mr. and Mrs. P Senjoyed., who brought action agalnst Val e d lfrtcagaleoriaon25NtnVnCmLswl ih __________________and Margaret Caban, Clarke Tp., years ago, and this was his firstreais..MmBucSctG- FRTiwas withdrawn. Claim ,was for Miss Pearl Hoy has jained theCol visit to Newtonville sice. Two don Page a*nd Murray Bates, Port I ast edteCasfe Notice To Creditors $867.92, alleged principal and li- damestic staff of Trinity College, very large congregatians greeted Hope, with Mrs. W. L. Scott. Avs nTeSaemn teeton a momtgage which de- Port Hope. . hlmi and hie preached two seil 'And Others fendants claimied they did not Mms. Anson Gilroy is visitlng FiUO M.IEl ly fine and helpful sermons. The *aula bs UPila Lmaabt Pll I te sttepfowe. relatives in Oshawa. striIk U11 chair rendemed special music. In Rq d l% 4 U.L m d » MInt e E t t fM r. a d Jac sn ad Mms. W m. the afte noon a vocal sala was againstU.S the estat ofn II» 0, PRA EpAm Ms A.p u Jackston tan VitriaH-.~ î~ the. Iptajofralevfn mendered by Mms. LMontel Hughes. ___________________ Ai pesan haintcha Imssortant go o In the evening the choir again C 1 i A e esosed h odln g cl im F ora Al mi u an i se e san tw ant m an M iss Elsie CND Clare, dceasd, ho ded o orRed Crois Last week the sauth sewmng BET TMa EM ESTSI jective was $300 and the amaunt -d i about the 28th day of September, _____group met at Mms. Bemry's. Ken- Idin ÊLreceived was $345, approximately. It 1 941, are hereby natlfled ta send - rn e rs e hrdydal group met at Mrs. Wmn. Mer- -Wilfred McKay has secured a S O L D IERS in tp he udeigd personal evi. ~ ~cer's where they quilted twa position in General Motors, Osh- L l: rvng Trertwed $370 nqus. awa.; cearse aie orbfar the 2i day 1 Pte Daug-a and Edi .owe sons am la - .-ui rf i mbd Dorothy Farrow sag; meading, ANNUAL GOLIF TOURNAMIN Oshwa aunry Dr wenin aamoalep.tait.orh,"l. îeea "Haw a Married'ManSews an a Nervee Fo dl~0ar Savings percentage VCOI ao -,14 wet dipa fu, gg a ri ofs »ob Button" by Helen Mercer; Agnes Nev o d Guides meet every Wednesday4, Company prspne àm-v,_ = White, accompanled by Dameen help ta ake this a night in thc Scout Hall and seemn E7VU heait sram any tick.t qn y w<WhM 7 oa her gela Md of orde Farrow an the gultar, sang "The true tonlo for blaod ta be enjoying the work vemy - .- .- y lnu..a. T.u w Little Grey-haired Mother cf the and nerve. * much. .~j take mq~e of jour Lauulry and Cleaihg rei~*remnifts fOU'. 1- du Md k". c' West"; Milton Robinson sang solos BuigtelreWe've heard of lots of summer NN WOk fal] urttaýhaac accampanled by Mrs. Lowery. B<AM h lrepcic u usdyw a P OE49ha hdi, *atm, Mrgd u A do. John Tompson read an addrcss moe and winter picnýc. Orme Gamsby had F« 35unmm hvean gfs er pesned M. n ensures a supply ,. several boys maklng his lawn and . -Rs raie hma d"s bha«W-,U Fnutaa. Mrs. Glass thankcd their frleiids foalhfml.following the tolling ail, inchudig RDIGMOIN SHN and our driver wI cal. Sa eau yeu isu. Try Fruita.dvss-jouil b. i a few well chosen words. Ar- forIDheamly MOrmsa oOhelwnanNn-g RUIT-AOTI USa.rt,' LauUeonch was ve an th _____of_________________ te and Mms. H. Lycett ln Ta-

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