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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ThNlewcasile Independent Phn larke 1 114 Mr. Cecil Worden, Ebenezer, called an Mr. Gea. C. Wright. Mfiss June Gray is iu Toronto with her sister, Mrs. W. Harris. Mr. Coad, Wocidville, was a Re- membrance Day guost at Mr. H. S. Brlttan's. Mrs. Reg. Woodham, Toronta, has been visiting ut Counicillor Fred Couch's. Mr. and Mrs. Perey O'Neil and babo, Belleville, were guests a! Mrs. P. O'Neii. Mrs. T. M. Gibson la sponding the winter with hier sister, Mrs. Bort Ballagh, Ripley, N.Y. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, Newcastle-on-the- Lake, on the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Corden and son, Bowmanvilio, were Sun- day guests t IMr. and Mrs. Harold Couch's. Miss Margaret Pearce, Bank of Commerce staff, is having a week's vacation and is spending part of it in Toronto. Lieut. Jno. Burbidge, Potawa- wa, has gone overseas and Mrs. Burbidge is with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith. Mr. and MVrs. N. L. Marton and twa sans, Richard and Arthur, Tharnhiii, were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton. George McMeekin, of R.C.A., Kingston, cailed on friends here Monday. Ho drives an army truck and %vas formerly employed at Gea. A. Waton's. Thos. Breroton, R.C.A.F., Man- ning Paol, Toronto, has been transferred ta Pictan. He was home over the weekend with a young friend of the R.C.A.F. A number a! Newcastle boys overseas have been writing home and expressing thanks for the gif t parcels sent them by Newcastle Athletic Society from funds re- ceived at the basebuil taurnament on Civic Holiday. Car loadings at the C.N.R. sta- tion a week ago included one o! fancy pous, loaded by Wilson and Turner, for the Wellington Seed Ca.; one o! grain, loaded at his Vorit get cauglit with ai empty coul bin!1 Give us a calnow for 'our RED trude murked coul, Famous Reading Anthracite. Those RED trade mark spots are your guurantee of a long- burning, prerniumn coul that cosa ou flot a penny exiru. J.J LETT FUELS Res.: Ontario St. Yard: C.N. BOWMANVILLE clevator, by A. -W. Glenney, and anc o! appies, by a Trenton buyer, sbipped ta Quebcc. Mr. and Mmm. Bradford Kay have closed their bouse fom the winter and gone ta New York. Befame leaviug they had saine o! Uic fumnituro mcmoved from Pioneer Cottage ut the lake, wbich they bad soid with smre o! the fumi- turc ta Miss Coma Butler. Mm. Donald Wright and partnor have taken a gaod many truck- loada o! windf ail and eull apples ta Red Wing Orchards, Whitby, this seuson ta bo manufucturod into applo juice. The windf ails werc mastly excellent fruit witb sme bruising and the culis were pincipally undersizcd apples. Mmm. Ida Stinmons new bouse on Bolton Street, Newcastie-afl-the- Lake, is rapîdly nearing comple- tion. Mon have been busy instali- ing the heating and plumbing systemas and comnplotîng the in- teriar finish. Aimoaut the lake Mmm. A. S. Houston hum bad a ncw con- crete walk buiit. Mrs. Wmn. Do- hemty, Toronto, bas been occuPY- ing the baume wbxle Mrs. Houston was lu Toronto. Mm. Dave Shaw brake a lcg near thc bip on Nov. 3rd when ho was taking dawn a fonce on the farm, o! bis bmothor-in-iaw, Mm. Dave Hendersan. Ho was alone and it; was two boums befome anyanc cisc ioarnod o! the accident. Ho was taken ta Bowmanville Hospital lu an ambulance which had con- siderabie trouble and had ta bave belp gotting over the soft ground fram wbero Mm. Shaw iay ta the moud. w. M. S. met Nov. 3rd witb Presidcnt Mmm. Norman Allun in the chair. Rev. R. E. Morton led lu prayer. Aftcr annauncing the themoe for the montb "We live by faith lu Jesus Christ," Mmm. Allin roud a short pacm. Owing ta the heavy fmight charges on bales it wam dccided ut the Raily ta ask each auxiiiary for $1.00. Accord- ingiy a speciai offerîng was taken. A reading on Christian Steward- sbip was given by Mmm. H. Han- cock. Mms. Cobbiedick gave the Bible reading and Mrs. H. Han- cock led lu prayer. Mmm. N. Rick- ard pmesented a report o! the Sec- tional Raily ut Ennimkilien. At the Young Peopie's Union on Monduy ovening, Edwin Han- cock, Missionamy Convenor, in charge, a panel discussion o! the churcb'ii missionary cntierpriscs and progmam wus heid. Those taking part werc: Chas. Gienney, the local cburch minister; Rev. R. E. Morton, returncd missianamy; Rota Powell, W.M.S. president; Olive Brown, a bunker; Annabelle Rickard, Y.P.U. president; Donald Jase, trous. M . and M. fund; Mor- loy Alib, a laymnan. After the dis- cussion thome limtening wcre put through a verbal examination o! the subjeet by Edwin Hancock. Nearly evcmyanc seemed ta have beon attentive and camne thmougb creditabiy. à C.G.I.T. met ut Mmm. H. MCoil'S on Nov. 4tb. Mmm. Colwiil con- ductod a short devotional period doaiing witb Isaac Watt's bymu "O God, aur beip lu ages pat," and pointed out its likenemm ta the psaim !from which it was taken. Th, girls decided upon a new name for the graup. Sa now the Senior C.G.I.T. group will bo known as the "Thumbm Up" gmoup. The girls have beon seliing Christ- mas cards the proceeds from which are ta help in sending mmali luxumios ta Newcastle boys aver- sous. It is customary for the C.G. I.T. group ta moud Christmas cheer ta thoebhldmon o! the Port Hope Sholter. This year it is ta be good usod clothing and toys. Mmm. Mc- Coll conducted the recreation. GRANDSON 0F FORMER REEVE BURIED AT BOND HEAD Newcastle fiends a! the f amlly joined the relatives ut the burial service for William H. Parker, kiiled by a car near Maple Grave on November 2nd. Interment took place in Bond Head Cemetemy on For The MEN- ON ACTIVE SERVICE Mauy specal linos luagtft seleetloàs are îow being showi at your Rexail Drug Store. Fini Jut what you want at Jury & L.vell' 51!ta toc nmrerons to mention here. Money Boîta ___..*.5 Utility Case ---6.98 Toot Drik.. - 25 * amor Blades ln ail popular UP hnr&u-maes, PEN and PENCIL SETS Waterm&Wa'5 MAY SET la eather ee85.00 ------- Others ati.-- 23 MIIItary Brushes &M aspas4rtment, caseul or other- 81.00 te $5.00 fi~ and shavlng sets <as lliustrated) $5m~ug ~ ea~s Ahl popular bruis and pices, *Pb~ 8~' New "IMilord Tech"l-lu case wlth extra blades.--- - ---- * CI Loveli tfloRixalI Drug Store ~~*sj ymsIt lM ions properly. .-sis~ ~C.N.R. Ticket Agenoy "MY Country Muet" (Contin ued tram page 1) govorneut 50 sorely sud terribly needed right naw. Or we couid stand aside, say it was the elcc- tors fuult, nat ours. that there was a weak opposition, that we had a paty that should be caro!uily nutured and developed, thut wo shouid not run the risk a! criti- eism fmam any quarter, that abovo ail we had ta plan for votes wherever they could be found if wo were evor ta win an electian. We cauld thon hold a convention and with no mishaps put an in- experieuced leader in the House nat carier than 1943. Unamlous Cholce On Saturduy, as the hours ugain slippod by, it was very evident thut the great majarity a! the members had caught the new idea that we mnust not delay for one marnent muking aur groateat pas sible contribution ta aur country, irrespective o! what would happen ta aur party. Thon came the vote in thc lute afternoon and only four mon staod ta vote aguinat the motion. One from Quobec, twa frorn Toronto and anc frarn Brit- ish Columbia. Thon Col. H. A. Bruce and George Drew made very strong appeals for un un- animous vote and anc by anc those mon came forward and stat- cd they feit tbcy should stick ta their principles, hanestly held, as long as possible but that now Uiey were quite' prepared and wiiling ta follow the mai ority. The man fram Queboc recoiveà an ovation when ho shouted and re- poated very drumaticully "I will follow if it wîll help my cauntry wake up sud win this war." It wus Uius that Rt. Hon. Arthur Mighen was unanimausly offer- cd the leadership o! the Conser- vutive purty t a timeofa his country's grcutest need for bis talents. There are strong indi- cations that ho will accopt, in any ovent a groat and ununimous decision was made Uiat in the opinion o! many will mark the bo- ginning of un uppraach ta higbor levels of the pctcul life in this country. Country First I came out an thc stops a! thc Parliarnent Buildings us Uic giant dlock in Uic Pouce Tawer pealed out 5 p.rn. I had an unusod ticket for the Ottawa-Argos rugby gaine in rny çocket but no regrets about that. The sbadows were grey and darkening about thc stono build- ings on Parliarnt Hill but as I Add Conservutive Convention --- stood theme for a moment I had a feeling o! complote exultation. I bad seen and hourd groat mon, strong mon and wamnen too, with years o! service ta their party be- hind thom, younger men with Uic strong urge ta dlirb bigher in the councils and offices o! their palitical party, and Uic aid and glariausly scarred voterans o! the politicul wars o! many years, put ull their palitical ambitions and traditions bebind tbemn without flinchlug. They ail had said lu my prosonce, "My country must came first no matter how it affects my palitical party ithor naw or in Uic future." I had witnessed for the first tîme democracy in its truc sense, cnd I was very happy. Nov. th, service bcing conducted by Adjutant J. D. Hart, assisted by Mm. Hart and other members o! Bowmanville Saivation Amy. Among the relatives in attendance were deceused'm father, Mr. Mcl- rose Parker, bis yaungomt brother John, and bis aunt, Mm. Gea. Lumsden sud ber son, o! Elnivale; bis eldest brother and bis wi!e, Mm. and Mmm. James Parker, Osb- awa, and bis sistor, Mms. George Cberry, and ber humband, Pte. Cherry, Oshawa; aima deccased's uncie, M. Hanlan Parker, New- castle. William Parker was a gandsan o! James Parker who spent mast o! bis life as a hoe- maker and merchant in Newcas- tle, was one of the ieading mcm- bers o! Durham Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and sorvod for many yearm on Newcastlo council as a coun- cillor and reeve. He ownod con- iderable praperty, including the Parker block an King St., now occupied by Pote Holubenko, shoomaker, and W. H. Anderson, druggist, and the large Nothrup baume and praperty, now the home o! Mm. and Mrm. Saxon Gra- hum. NEWCASTLE HONOURS HER WARRIORS Citizeus o! Newcastle commom- morated the vuior and sacrifice of ber warrioms ut au impressive service before the tone memomial tablets in the cammunity bail an Tuesday mrnmng. Scbool chil- dren, with their teachers, pamuded froin the sehool and attended in a body. Rev. D. R. Dewdney con- ducted the service and offered prayers. Rev. R. E. Morton, us- sîsting, eud "In Flanders Fields." Reove C. R. Carveth moud Uic naines o! those fmom this cam- munity wbo fenin l the lait war and udded the nurne of Murray Butler who gave bis lite in this. Ho aud Réeve F. B. Lovekin o! township o! Clarke eucb pluced a wreutb ou the Thos. Montugue tabiet contulning the honaur mal. Immediutely followlug Trmup- eter Harold Hoar, on o! a Great War veterun, sounded the Lust Post sud everyone obsemved two minutes silence. With Mm. Jna. Gummod ut the pinothe assemblage jolued lu sign t the beginning, God Save The King, and ut periaul s u the service procoodod, O Valiant Heurts, O Canada, and There'l Always Be Au Englsud. Privute Owen, weamlug beret and modula, a veterun o! Uic Great War, stood ut respetul attention bouide the tablots durlng the ceroniony. COLE-In Bawmanville Hospital, an Wodnesday, Navembor 5th, 1941, ta Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Cale, Bethesda, a son. 46-1 DEATHS HORSEY-In Oshawa, on Novemn- ber 8th, 1941, Amy Allen Hor- sey, boloved wife of William W. Horsoy, in her 73rd year. McREYNOLDS - In Toranto, an November 8th, 1941, William McRoynalds, in his 7Mt year, beoaved husband of 'Lillian Trick and dear father af Myrtie (Mrs. W. W. Willis), Toronto. Intermont Bowmanvillo Corne- tery. ROACH-On Novembor 11, 1941, at his home, 378 Harbard Street, Toronto, John B. Roach, Dis- trict Chief of Toronto Fire De- partment, beioved husband of Harriet Ferguson, doar father of olive, McE]roy, and son of Mrs. Emiiy Roach, Bowman- ville. Interment Prospect Cerne- tery. SNOWDEN - In Dariington, on Navomber 6th, 1941, Sarah Ann Snowdon, belovod wifeoaf John Snowden, age 83 years. Cards of Thanks Mr. John Snawden sud !urnily wisb ta tbank their friendsansd neigbas for expressions o! syrn- patby and beautiful floral tributes extonded ta thcm iu the lama o! a deur wife and mother. 46-l* Mm. and Mmm. Gardon Abernetby and family wish ta give their sincere thanks ta ueigbbors sud ficndm wha porformcd many acts o! tbougbtfulness duing their ecent bemavement lu the pussing a! a son, Fmedeick James. 46-1* COMING EVENTS Reserve Thursday and Friday, Novomber 27 and 28, for High Sehool Commencement. 43-t! St. Paul's W. A. Group No. 3 will hold their bazaar, afternoan tea, sale of home caoking in the Sunday school roam, Saturday, November lSth. 46-l* South Darlington Girls' Softball League annua, dance at Pidduck's Hall, Tuesduy, November leth. Dancing from 9 until 1 D.S.T., ta Tierney's Orchestra. Praceeds far British War Victims' Fund. Ad- missian 35c. 46-1l Newcastle High Sehool Com- mencement wiil be heid in the community hall on Friday even- ing, November 2lst; Folk Danc- ing, Pyramid Building, Sangs and Instrumental Music, Verse Speak- ing, Presentutian of Prizes and Scholurshîps and a modern Play. Silver collection. 46-1. Special Services ut Salvation Army, Sunday, Nov. 16th, con- ducted by Mrs. Major Higdon, noted lady evangeiist, Il a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunduy Schaal 2.30 p.m. 46-1 Salvatian Army .Home League Sale will be held Wednesday ut- temnoon, Dec. 3rd. Proceeds for local and war work. 46-1 At Eldad Church, Wednesday, Nov. lGth, ut 8 p.rn. S.T., Rex Froste will present Mis motion pic- turcs on The Cavalcade o! Europe and the Bornbing o! London. Ad- mission 25e and 15c. Everyone welcome. 44-1 46-1 ENGAGEMENT Mm. and Mrs. Richard Hoaper, 4iackstock, Ont., announce the engagement o! their youngest daugbter, Lucindu Grace, ta La- vemu Umry Chaprnan, son o! Mm. and Mrs. George Chapman, Beth- any, Ont., the marriage ta take place the latter part af Novemnber. 46-i* Auctiou sales -On Saturday, November lSth, 1941, the undemsigned wiil soîl by Public auction for Frank Webber, Lot 20, Con. 2, Clarke, (Chandler Farrn, Newcastle), the !ollowing: Horses, cattle, implements, smre houmehold fumniture and many ather articles toa numeraus ta mention. Sale ut 1 o'clock Stand- ard Time. Terms cash. Elmer Wi]bur, auctioneer. 46-i* Fmiday, November 21Ét, the un- dersigned will sen by public auc- tion for H. Schmid, Lot 27, Con. 2, Clarke, (1/2 mile at o! New- Scastle and %a mile north o! High- kway No. 2) the fallowing: 5 bances, il head purebred Holateins, 22 head grade Hoisteins (good dairy bord); implements, hamneàs, 1500 bus. grain, bay, and p:gs. Sale ut 1.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time. Temms cash. Elmer Wilbum, auc- tioneer. 46-2 The undersigned will soul by Epublic auction for Malcolm Mur- ktin, Lot 7, Con. 9, Darllngton, %l emile wost o! Long Sault church, au November 22nd, the following: hommes, cattlo, pigs, fowls, impie- monts, !eed, etc. Suie ut 12.30 standard turne. Terma cash. Clif- >fard Pethick, auctioneor; Theron Mountjoy, clerk. 46-2 ENTERTAI NER Soeur. IRALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatie o n t e r- tainer, for your nert entertain- ment Illusrated circuWar fro. -Addren 0MbCrwfod street, Toronto ClassilîedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charte 25c). Charge of 25e extra ls made when advertlsemeat la flot pald ane week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10o when replies are directed to a Statemman box number. Blhs, deaths and marriages 50oech. lu Meniorlams,50oc for notice plus 10o per line for verse. Classltled adver- tisements acceptedul p until 6 p.=. Wednesday. Articles For Sale DRY WOOD FOR SALE - E. R. W a1k er, Pantypoal. Phone Bethany 10r32. 46-1* FOR SALE - BEATTY E.LEC. Washer, model S.F., neariy new. W. H. Yea, Odoil Street, phone 2230. - 46-1 FOR SALE - SMALL PIANO, walnut; bargain for quick sale. Tel. 492. P. O. Box 353, Bow- manville. 46-1* FOR SALE - GOOD GUITAR, olectric radia, table with ena- mol top, aisa number af yoar- old red hons, laying. Phono Bawmanville 2290. 46-1* FOR SALE - 25 PLYMOUTH Rock pullots, 6 months aid. Ap- ply- Ralph Glaspeil, R.R. 4, Bow- manville, phone 2664. 46-i LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours fram over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-TRUCK, TRACTOR and disks. Seil reasanablo. Ap- ply P. O. Box X, Newcastle, Ont. 46-1* FOR SALE - 1931 WILLYS Coupe, good condition. Reason- able price. Apply Lancaster's G a r a g e, Newcastle, phono Clarke 3603A. 46-1' W E E KLY FEED SPECIAL - Vanstono's E-gg Mash, $2.50 per cwt. Offer gaod until Nov. 20. F. C. Vanstone, phono 777. 46-1, FOR SALE - FINDLAY WHITE enamel cook stove in gaod con- dition. Apply Lamne Brudley, R. R. 6, Bowrnanville (1 mile east o! Creamery corner, Hamp- ton). . 45-2* PERSONAL RUBEER GOODS- Mailed postpaid, in, plain sealed envelopes, with price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Adults only. Atex Rubber Ca., Box 231, amiltan. Ont. 39-8 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modemn, chesterfield, bodroorn, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverirngs a specialty. Quality merchandise at coin- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf For Sale or Rent FOR RENT - TWO OR THREE unfurnished raams. Phono 733. 46-1* FOR RENT - LARGE FURNISH- ed room for rent. Board if de- sired. Phono Bowmanviile 2834. 46-1 TO RENT - HOUSE ON NO. 2 Highway near Maple Grave. Apply by letter ta Box 15, cla Statesmun Office, Bowmanviile. 46-1* FOR RENT-LARGE 8 ROOMED house and garage, % mile north- and, 1/2 mile west of Hampton. Possession Des. lst. Apply C. H. Robinson, R. R. 1, Hampton, phone 2611. .46-11 FOR RENT-FRON'Ê 9ED SIT- ting moom, furnished, on graund floor. Runninig water and sink. Suitable for light housekeeping. Write Box 16, Statesmun Office, Bawmauville. Pieuse givo phono number when roplying. 46-1 FOR SALE - DOUBLE FRAME bouse, corner Qucon sud On- tario Streets, Bowrnanviile. Ap- ply J. L. Freernan, 190 Monk Street, Oshawa.. 45-2* FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMED apamtrnent, downstairs, Hydro, immediate possession, 1 mile eamt o! Courtice on hlghway. Apply Mmm. H. Day, 121 Alice St., Oshawa. 46-1* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Toronto mesidence, brick, seven roonua, Lamnbert Street, !bt, Bow- manville or Oshawa prciperty, $3200, ruilroad sldlng available, good fuel yard location. A. E. Murdoch, 27 Warren, Oshawa. 45-3 NOTICE Take notice that uftom this date 1 will not be mesponsibie for any debtm contracted in my nume un- »loms written uuthorlty la given. Howard Burgess. 1Nov. 10, 1941. 46-1* Twa or twa and a huit thoussud foot o! anc inch pine, sawed sud plod ut Woodloy's Mili. Was bofi three or four yeurs ugo. Will be sold if not cliimed by December let, 1941. Clarence Woodley, Tyrone. 46-3 As gruco la first !rorn God, 90 It la contlnually !mom, Hlm us rnuch us Ilght la ail day long Ïrorn the sun, as well as ut fIit dawn or ut sunrlalsng. - Jonathan Ed- wrdmý Help Wanted HELP WANTED -EXPERIENC- ed practical nurse. Phone 2213. 46-1* HELP WANTED-A RELIABLE, trustworthy woman wanted ta take charge of hodie with one aduit. State experience and wages. Appiy Box 18, States- man Office. 46-1 WOMEN WANTED-SELL FAM-, ilex Products in your home territory and be independentl Constant year round repeat business assures you of steady profits. No botter work àny- where. Need no experience to start. No limit ta earning possi- bilities. Catalogue and Plan tell ail-no obligation. Familex, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 46-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-TEN BROOD SOWS, 30 pîgs, .8 weeks aid. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle. 46-1 FOR SALE - 3X SHROPSHIRE rams for sale. A. H. Brent, R. R. 5, Bowmanviile, phono 2274. 46-1 FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks oid, $4.00 each. Appiy ta John Nichols, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2168. 46-1 FOR SAL-11 GOQU PIGS, 7 weeks oid. Aiso wanted to buy purebred Holstein bull cal!. Apply Victor Szold, Hampton, 1 phono 2173. 46-1 Wanted-To Buy WANTED TO BUY - CLOVER, Alsike, Alfalfa and Timothy Seed. Now offering highest prices. Bring in a s am pl1e. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanviilo. 46-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE ON south side of Queen St., near Liberty. Ail convenionces. Im- mediate possession. Apply Can- ant and Annis, Oshawa. 46-3 FOR SAL-GRASS FARM, Concession 2, Lot 21, abdut'90 acres, 10 acres of codar and 6 acres af elm and hardwood more or less. Appiy ta H. B. Faster, Bowrnanviloe. 46-3* Notice to Creditors *In the estate o! Elizabeth An Milison, deceased. AUl persans having c1a imsa against the estate o! Elizabeth Ann Miilsan, late of thic Township of Clarke, in thc County of Dur- hum, widow, deceased, who died on or- about the l8th day of No- vember, 1939, are hereby notified ta send in ta W. Ross Striko, Sali- citor for the Executor, Bowman- ville, Ontaria, on or beo re the lst day o! December, 1941, ful particulars of their claims. Imrnediately after the said lst day of December, 1941, the assets a! tho testatrix wrnl be paid ta the party or parties entitled thereto, having regard anly ta claima of which the said solicitor for the executor shail thon have notice. Dated at Bowmanville this l2th day of November, 1941. W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executor, Bawmanville, Ontario. 46-2 Writing Radloed Ovrmas For V.ry Low Cost Do nat farget about the new Airgraph Messages that ean now bo sont' ta anyone in the armed forces in the British Islea. The Statesman ulreudy called atten- tian ta this fast, simple, inexpen- sive method o! saying "hello" ta the mon and the girls who stand on guard ovorsoas. Here is what you can do. Why not do it, whe- ther yau know, personally, those whom you rnay cheor, particular- ly at Christmas tirne. Ga ta the post office. Ask for an Airgraph form. Write your message which costs 10e. Hand it back ta the postmaster. Ho will send it ta the neareat Post Office contre where it eau be photo- graphed. Thon it la traummitted overseas by radia where it is re- produeed in your own handwrit- ing, and deliverod ta the persan whamn you wlah ta speak ta. This la a marvelous develapment ince the lait war. Pull instructions will be given you ut thc local poast office. You have been provided wlth names and addresses af those who have gone from thia district for they have appeared in Uic columns o! The Statesman. We have had smre criticlsm frorn the cenmorm for glving these names and addremmem. But the great blg thing, Uic finest thlng we ca4,do, epecially for the Christmas easan, lm ta say "lhello" in an Alrgraph photo- statie memage. Lot us do It rlght now. 1 Graco cornes Into Uic oul, as the rnornlng sun into the world; first a dawning; thon a llght; snd ut iast the sun in hlm ful sud ex- cellent brlghtness.-Thos. Adams. Science Finds A Way.-Rubber eau be made frorn lme, carbon, alt, petzoleum, and water. That fact, together wli what la now known about reclalmlng rubber from aId tires, tubes, sud 50 on hould mnake the' Amnericas los apprehensive about a possible bs of rubber !rom Uic Far Eamt. There waa a time whcu mon rnlght have fought for rubber. The scientiat belleves that Urne la past.Harrlson B. Rowe. FARMRS! -GARD1ES CONTEST CLOSES NOV. 15th. Ta compote just bring in your largest vegetables and rootm grawn from Stewart's Hygrowth Seed. Valuablo prizo for winner in oach class. (Prize winners anmou.nced i this papor on Nov. 20Ui.) STEWART'S SEED STORE Phono 577. 46- Business Directory~ Legal bL 0. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B. Barristor Solicitor Natary iKone 351 Bank o! Commerce Bldg. Bowmanvillo W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor Natary Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowrnanvllle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail Its branches Office immediatly east o! Royal Theatre Phono Office 688 Home 553 DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduateofo Royal Dental Col- lege, Torontô. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, excopt Sunday Phono 790 - House phono 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. O. DICKSON Office hours in Orono: Monday ta Friday <inclusive) from 9 ar. ta 5 p.m. Evonings by appoint- pointment. Office hours in Newcastle: Every Saturday fram 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m: For appointment Telephone Orono iOnl. 46-3* Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVIELLE Druglesa Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanvlille Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments sud Massage. 46-7 Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any haur, any day F. IF. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equiprnont, Am- bulance sud Invulid Car. Tele- phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573.. Veterinaery 3. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarlan Church St. - Bowmaavlle ]Phono 843 29 t! Lic.ensed Auctioneers ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Specializlung ln Farm, Livestock, Implornts sud Fumniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Termsaund Date ta: Bowrnville 2428 CLIIFFORD PETHICK Ennlskillen Phono Bowmanviile 2536 Speciuliziug in Furm Livestoek, Implomonts and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for termas and dates. 42-4* Wilson'a Furniturii Co. November Furnîture Sale Wise shoppors wauld do weil toe. avail theinselves o! aur low pricr specials. Very largo selection fronfê aur two- stores. Wilsou's values lead the market. .xnas Glft Suggestions Cedar chests, book cases, lamps, fancy cushions, ourji tables, che- nille bedspreads, finakers, coffee tables, occasional chairs, doilr prurns. Hundreds of other gifts ut Wilsan's lawer prices. ier Spring Mattreuse $9.95-Spring filled muttrosses lu heavy striped tlckiug, rail edge, hundies and ventilators. Ail mises. Wonder!ul values. Floor Coverlng Speolals $1.49-New borderleas rugi, f6 ft. by 9 ft. You will find ut WilIon's evemytbing lu faon covergso. Personal attention toalal your floor ceveing probloma. Inlids, cangoleuma, feltols, heavy. lino- leum. Ail widtbm. Wilson's pricos are lowem. 1Trade-In Department Jamrned full - hundredm o! goad used fumnture barguins. Wc must muke room ut once regardema a! price - Chesterfield Suites, Din- ing Suites, Kitchen C a bi net s, Dressera, Beds, Ruga, Staves, Couches, etc.- It will puy you ta visit aur stores. WiIson'sFurniture.Co. 40 King W. 26 Church St. OSHAWA. .46-tf Court of Revision end Appeal TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is hereby givon that the first sittings o! Uic Court o! Re- vision for the Township a! Dar- lington l be held. in the Town Hlin the 'Village o! Hampton, on Saturday, Nov. 15, 1941, ut-the haur of 2 p.m. Standard Tirno, to hear sud determine the several complaints sud omissions in Uic Assesameut Ral for the mid Munieipality for the year 1942. Ail persans having business ut the Court are requested ta attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk o! Uic Township* o! Darlington. Datod ut Hampton this 3rd day o! November, 1941. 45-2 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Court of Revision and Appeal Notice la hereby-given tâUich first sittings o! the Court of Re- vision for Uic Towhio! Bowrnan- ville, will be held i the Council Room in Uic mid Town on Friday, November 2lst, 1941 at 7 30 p.m. D.S.T., ta hear and deterrme Uic severul complaints o! errors anid omissions in the Assessment Rail a! Uic said Municipality for Uic year 1942. And further take notice that al ratopayers who deem themmelves overcharged or otherwise inipro- periy assessed may notify Uic Cierk a! the Municipuiity in wrlt- ing of. such overcharge or inx- proper assessrnt onx or beo re the 20th day a! November, 1941, and your complaint shall be trled by the mid Court o! Revision. Ail persans huving business ut the Court are requested'ta, attend as aforesaid. A. J. LYLE, Clerk o! the Town *ëf Bowmanvilie. Duted this 4th day o! November, 1941. 45-2 Gifts for- Soldiers and Civiians Be. BWIFT'S 18 practical giftui gft boxes, pack- ed and carofufly wrappod. Chooso trorn packages of bacon, chou.e, meat produota eto. WILL BE SHIPPED PARCEL POST Full Transportation PaId 18 REAY-PÂCKEDBOXE8 TO OHOOSE lIOM Boy Winter Potatoos Now! ~ 1 OId Canadian -CHEESE, lM.....45e MIRACLE WHIP, 8 oz. jar......... 21c KRAFT DINNERt, pkg...... 19e Serve Fish at last once a we.k -for Variety 1 for Heaithi1 IHAIP2LY for Mlvour 1 4LLIN, The Corner' Groc.ry ]Phones 867 - 868 W. Dolive, mrIý i r.2 al 1 '77 1 1 1 1 Aýý wiW maq lf"i- tif WAN TuADS FA Daod u 5 E 1&. mý .-

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