i 1~ i. I i B I r f e THUESDAY, NOMMER 20, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATEgMAN ~oWruçÂM~m.T* flM'rA#Tfl A fl .mm - ~~~*~~~1~~~~ zt~j.ua Â~UiE5 Horade Yorke wae home. Mas. Crane vlsited iToronta. Mus. W. S. Roy was in Toranto Mue. R. Moan and Mr. R. 5her2 Win were i Oshawa Don Graham was home or beave. Mr. Turaneky visited his sse, Mrs. Lackwaa. Mns. Coulter (noe Mary Knox) vislted relatives bore, 8 Mrs. Harald Hancack uiider. went an aperation for appendicitis Oven 50% lias beennecclved cl e War Savings quota. The dance, draw and card party alized $220.54 for the L.O.L. Mrs. T. Patterean is on the sick Court day was hebd i Oreno The Found and Keat fanilles, oranto, vislted at W. E. Davey'. W. J. Watson bias been-granted ,thc rink for the wtater. Mueir. C. Joncs le a ncw membor ,of Park St. choir: J. Hudson had a now chimne: built an hie home. Mrs. C. S. McLaren was hostoss at a sewlng bec Nov. ltli. Mr; and 1fr.. Frank Ardron and son Madison, Toronto, vlslted at Mr. Madison Hall'.. Mus. H. Mercer was hosteau to a juitin Bibleyfor the purpos::o Sunday seryice Sunday, wlt¶i Ivrs McLaclilan, Nowtonville, being guet speaker. Mr. and Mra. M. H. Stapie were hast and liostees ta Uic Park St. Sunday School teacliers and ofi- cors Thursday. Mr. and Mn.. N. F. Porter, Mus. J. Moffatt and Mus. A. Bradley attended thc funcral ai Joseph Guecnwood at Port Hope. Members af thc St. Saviaur's Anglican Churchled a succçse fui tea and sale ai fancy goodÉ Tuesday. Roy Connish ai Kendal won a ral ai wire fence.i a guessing cantest at Peterbono Ploughing Match. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lintan, Mr. and 1fr.. Howard Linton and Florence, Marmora, spent the woekend liere. Mrs. H. G. McDanald, Mns. 0. W. Roîpli and Mrs. J. R Cooper attended the Women's Institute convention in Toronto. "A bec was held in Uic Agricul- tural building ta remave parti- tiens ta make more skating roan, since curling le iiot sor -papulaf now. Several citizens at t en de d Brown's Home and Sclioob Club. J. J. Mellor gave hie enliglitenlng talk on "Taxes" and W. C. H. Mitchell favored wth a vocal ~Eyesight Education And Efficiency C.H.Tuck Ojîtometriat Eygight Spu4aflst Disney flldt. (opp. I'.0.)- Number 199 Fresh air and sunahine are as neceseary as sleep and as essential ta Uic aduit as ta Uic chIld. In gauglng temperature and ventila- tion care ohoulci be taken ta avald drauglits. Regular tinies for out- of doors sliould, wlit weather perittngbe dally if passible. Ifterule le regular you willb avold dlsnppointlng Uiec chld, who readly adopte a routine and smon lerstoapa<reclate what le for Exorcise le esaentlly important and the very Young et their ex. ercise by c Ing eIl cking, and later In crawLi à n creeping. It le not wlse ta hve Uic baby on its foot toomon. Some children begin ta walk wlien a year aid, but moat chiîdren are over a year old before attcmpting ta wallc. Aitor walklng, exorcise for a liealtliy chlld lu a matter ai rou- tine soan adapted and lie wlll soan learn ta asist you ta remember the hour ai hie daiby walk.« Many cases cf turned, "crase eyes" are but the outcameofa neglect, Improper attention hi Uic early lufe af Uic chlld. Know the di bu 8PMM. &MM aMO, UMbi (la lb. US. sel for UGIo POIs") solo wlth Mms. R. H. Brown et tl piano. Park St. Churcli attendent. c Sunday evenlng lied Uic rare pr vilege aiflioaulng Dr. Kennel Beeton, Secretary ai Missionar Education, give an illustrated loi turc an "Mleelanauy Wark i China." W. C. T. U. met Tuesday ani opened wli a warshlp perlai o. coaducted byMus. S. Llttlewoaî r- White Rilibon Tldings were reai by Mus. Walsh. Boll call wa n answercd wli a temperence co Bible verse. Repart. l'ai cantos r, committece weue pnesented. Card and delicecles fan slck people wer '>) arrenged for. Mn.. Walsh g avei few, point. brauglit out ila lb S.Temporance convention. i Union mot Monday 'night, ii Of cierge ai Myrtie Tamblyn. Ti toplc'Christian Literature" wa tY taken by Rov. S. LlItlewood. Ii ,kthe warsliip peniod a vocal solq kwas given b y Stela BesI; a nead ig by Mise Berthe Cala; scrlp 10 turc by Mary Herie, and Medits tion by Myutle Tamblymi. Ihws '~decided ta invite Trinity Union *Bowmanville, on Dec. 811, and t( 8purdhase a lantern bulb. Elsiq Bawe gave tic treasurcr's report r sîawing $25.75 on biand. MyAl but one ai thc seven prizei gîven eway et Uic dance lield ih sg Onono tawn hall Fridey evenini went ta people auteide Orno Ld Two ai theai went ta Oshawa, and t the onby anc ta Orano was the blankets, won by Mus. W. J. Rid. to dcli. Winners are: Ton of coal- Df Ted Yacanea, Pontypool; electnic Iniliglit faonr lamp-W. Beattie, al Part Hope; Cwt. ai sugar-Mus, ..X Saunders, Oshawa; pen and Lg pencil set-Mu. Wright, Port Per- ry; blenkets-Mus. Riddeil, On- -e ana; twa dressed chickcns-J. Je- *t zotte, Oshaewa. Lucky doon ticket iwas won by Buby Allen, Kirby. Prize winners et cards are: High score, gentý-Miss- K. McKay; buw -score, gent-Thomas McNeil; hlgh hscore, lady-Mus. Albert Herrie; low score, lady-Mus. R. A. For- ,rester. Proceeds are ta be used i- on fixing-the L.O.L. raoms. L4 Quibting committee of the W. A. ield a social event Thursday a whidli was unique and mast on- 9joyable. Two qufits were quilted 9for Uic Red Cross, followed by a pot luck suppen wlili e supent 1,mnduring whicli Gben Tgmb- dlnfvored with Iwa piano salas. B eeve C. R. Carvelli, Newcastle, showod eome films ta Uic deligil ai thc audience wha sew manyc folks thcy kncw. The oponing af Uicherad between Newcastle and Ororia was shawn. There wene s iew pictures ai Uic snow plougli et wonk. Pictunes laken et New- acastle, Ottawa, out West eround rUtc reeve's 'old home, pictunes ai doge and cet. and ecenes in Les- àkard wene hiso siawn. W. C, H. Mitchell iavored wlth e vocal solo with Mn.. R. H. Brown et the piano. The National Anthcm brouglit a pleasent efiair te e eclose. W. A. met Thursday aiternoon apcning with a Wonship periad coaducted by Mus. W. M. Stutt. $189.45 lied been cailected hi Uic -anvass whidh was angenized ta Lake thie place ai tic fowb supper. Rev. Hunnisoîl wull be the guest speaker et thc W. A. speclal church service. W. A. wll caten !or the Holsteibanquet i Qono. Dec. lOti. Mus. F. Temblyn, Mrs. W. J. Steintan, Mies L. Allan, Miss 14. Davy and Mu. Neil Porter wene eppointcd a decoration committee fan bath the speclal Sunday and banquet. $10,00 was granted ta purchase flowers during thc wln- ton, whidh aie givea tote ick iollowig Uic churdli services, Mus. O. W. Roîpli iavored with a loveby solo "Let Us Have Peace" Lwith Mus. R. H. Brown at Uic plana. Nomlnating committee ai Mus. W. M. Stutt, Mrs. F. Cawi, LMn.. WCoucli Mr%.N. .Porter and Mus. R. E. toganwas ppoint- cd ta bring ln a siate aif oficeus et the next meeting. Frlday aiternoon pujpis af Miss LMeDowedlls room provided neaily >an houu's entertainaient for par- ente and interested fiends, wi collection beig taken fan buying instruments fon a rhythmi band. Items on thc mucli enjoyed but informai programiIncluded: Cho- rus by ail; "«Finger geme" led by Denny Lynchi; dancc and sang, "dThe Fainies"; recitation "The Policemen" by Keli W e s t; "Squinnels" led b y Lamna Clarke; recitalion "The Craw" byJune Glanville; Festival sang "usie" by eight boys; "Five Little Pige" b tnpupls; adrll by ail; 11hre Litle Ktten" (a1111e playet) wlIh Denny Lynch as neaden, Lonna Clarke as thc mo- thon and June Gianville, KelUi West and Gwea .rlasey.behig.tIc hMUSIC T.achlng D- Prals.d by InspecUtr ri- At Teachrs' M«ibng thi y A moat inteuesting meeting af c- Uic ratepayere teacheus, trustees, in S. S. secretaui and cauncillars waa held i Orano tawn hall on id Tliuredny evening'covering In- id spectorate No. b, called by W. H. d.Carleton, I.P.S. Thos. Radger, id Newcastle, pnesided. as. Roy Patton, Na. 9, spoke on r 'Public Speaklng," streesing Uic st fact that more empliasis should is be plac'ed an the effect praduced en anhUi audience by the speaker aand Uiat every opportunity slioubd te be taken ta lielp Uic pupil acquire good diction, etc. Ho alsa mon- tioned wlth regret Uic back ai Ln adubt audiences at these contesta. 'S Mr. Rodger gave an outline ai [n the variaus teachers' meetings n0 held bast year, mcntianing partic- Sularly Uic one at Onono and Maple Grave. Splendid piano duets werc ren- idered by Misses Edilli Truil and a, Bessie Haîbert. ýo Inspector Carleton openod has le romarks by expressing hie appre- ciation ai the co-operation ai the teacliers and caunicil and mention- ing the fact that this was the s ourtli meeting of its kind this ifail. Ho discussed these p rab- ýg lems* sanltary conditions, iglit- . ing, lieating, cloak rooms, desks' d blackboards, cauctaklng, imprave- Be mente of grounds, necessity ai -plentiful oquipinent for manual -training, hot lunches, extra chairs, c grant. (liaw obtained, etc., and 4 what percent ai Uic' cost was 3granted), teacliers' salaries, music d edctian pblic spoaklng, re- ligiaus training, co-opeiation be- twoon trustees and teachers and -botwe&-en parents and teachors. Ho î told how each scliool was stand- *ing up ta these ideas, makihg par- Iticular mention af Orono and rKirby. laI commending or con- idèmnning the vaniaus schools liec 1mentioned same Uiat had stoppcd - Uic teaching ai music aniiIDre- guetting this fact lie mentioned the wonderiub work Mrs. Robb le doing teaching music. Ho cm- pliasized that law teachers' sal-t aries, poor lighting and lieating,1 and insufficlont andpon equip-t ment were falue economies. c Ho arinounced the meeting Nov.E * 8tli ta consider lowering educa-5 tional caste without affectlng Uic efficiency aif staff or equipinent, tby combining various schaols un-1 don anc board, and urged all ta camte witli an open mind. Paut Mastrs Nlght At Woodutock H.adod bY Oronoit. E. C. Thoraton Master 38 Years Ago - Again In Charge With *Speclal Staff Many af aur readers in Durliam County, particubanly in Orona dis- trict, will be intenested in the fallowing article about Ed. Thorn- tan which appeared in Uic Wood- stock Sentineb-Review aio Nov. lltli:i In Decemben 1903, 9. C. Thorn- ton was installed as master ai Oxford Masonic, Lodge and pro- sided aven Uic badge for Uic on- suing terni. Ho. presided again G last night-38 yeans later-an tUic t occasion ai Uic annual past mas- ters' niglit and again conducted p tho meeting with the saine on- b tuiasm lie dispbaycd wlien lie b was Uic rullng master of that by-.' gone year. W. Bra. Thauntan'le the second oldeat past master aof h Oxford LUdge, W. Bro. Harry Big- fc gins. now ai London, being Uic ti oldeat, and all thuaugh Uic years ho lias taken a keen inteuet ià the afiairs ai hie badge, being a ni regular attendant when hie busi- b] nesa affaire would permit, and ri tadgpart la epeclal events, sucli D alatniglit, from Urne ta Urne. The annual past masters' nlght fc le an event tliat le abwaye ai upc- D clal Interest, wlien Uic masters af ly othen yearu again take charge for C the evenlng and endeavour ta y( show, usually wiUi marked sue- 0: cous, just liow tliey think tlie cere- px mony sliauld be conducted. Last Bi niglt's gathering was again ai a very lntenesting nature and the past masters dispbayed their abili- ty with mucli credit ta themacîves, as tliey conferrcd the third degnee on a candidate. Aiten Uic regular opening with thie master. W. Bra. Dave Mac- Bi Donald presiding. the badge waà bh turned aven ta W. Bro. Thoraton 'J2 and hie staff ai past masters and M the degree confenred.W At the conclusion ai the degree eil wark the rullng master, W. Bro. 50 MacDonald, tlianked the past Wl masters and complimented them YW GIRL GUIDES HOLD OPEN NIGHT FOR COMMISSIONEI 1 Divisionel Commiseloner ai ti Girl Guides, Oshiawa, accompeniq by Oshawa Guide., camne ta Quoi as a campany and colon par Tueday evening, pnoviding mast intcresting clltertainaier The event, held la Park St. S. roam, was largely attended. Bal thc Oshawa Guides and Onr Guide leaders boaked smaIt j their blue uniforme, and gave very creditable performance. Mr M. H. Staples, diainman, intri duccd Uic variaus memben. aif t Guide committee. The Divielonal Commissionen i a bnief speech autined the war and worthwhilcness ai the Guid wonk in whicli sle pointed ai that the Guides "llived" thecm r ligion. She thon called on tii Guides, wlio stood in honseshc formation while these leadeî wene cnrailed: Captain=Marjani McDowelb; Lieut.-Mus. Wni Armstrong; Guides-Ruthi Goodi Canal Staples, Gwen. Tennan Jean Fonnester, Margaret Flintai Lenona Wood. Demonstrations wene givon 1 Morse code and instructive game including e knot-tying neiay., talk on nature study was given i Uic fana ai a story about th cliestaut troc, aiea a talk an Finç Aid wlth a demonutration on th art aio' bandaging. Next came question forum, foilowed by sing-sang. Lunch was served b, Orono Guides. Obituary NMs A. J. Stapies There passed te rest in Tarant, an Novemben 15th, Mn.. A. J1 Stapbes, Orana, foilowing a long tly period afi lu heelîli. Deceasei was ai a quiet friendly nature ang wes well liked by ail *wlo knov lier. Heu chief interostu were lie home and churcl inIDwhidli eh toçk a great inteet as long a hcalth pcrmlttcd. Deceased wa the former Isabel Bailagli, boni on Uic Bailagli faim near Orono and the widow ai former tawn slip clcnk A. J. Staplos who pro Leceased hon a few yeaie ega. Survlvlng are anc daugliter Miss Mathleen Stapbos, B.A., ai thse staff ai Pont Hope Hig] Sclaol, and anc sieten, Mus. Wil liem Staples, Toronto. The funerel, lield Monday fron hon late residence, waa bargel, attended and Uic many floral tri butes testiiied ta Uic 0.10cm ii which deceased wee lield. Servici was conducted by Rev. S. Little wood, assieted by Rev. W. J. H Smythe ai Port Peruy. Beaier wene: Arthur Beamieli, J. J. Cor aleli, W. J. Riddeil, A. H. Keano A. J. Tamblyn and Carl Billings DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of November 19, 1925 William Armstrong and Ormi Garnby ettendcd Uic Royal Win. ter Pair. R. R. Waddell lias -men eni* ployed uemodelllng tUic btlbiâ barn, Uic south part ai whlch le being, fitted up for 'an iniplemeni warehouse. The pbenk walk et Uic tennery bridge is in adangerous condition for pedestriens, It having beem nderniinod by Uic froquent raine, At Uic KlIrby annlversary Sun- day week Uic very pretty duel reported as sung by Misses Cob- bledlck and Tamblyn sliould have ed Miss Gladys Cobbledick and Dorothy Henry. WIihUiceappraacing election tor the boys' parleament Uic West Durhiam centest wlll be especlal- [y intonestlng ta Uic people cf Drono and more particuleuiy Uic young people, Norman Wintcr, nanao, being a candidate. Hie op- anent will be Alex McGregon ai Bowmanville. Newtonviile Vigitane: Miss Alice Martin, 3rigliten, wltli Mus. George Kimi- )al... Alfred Redknap -and Mol- ie Semis in Toronto... Mu. and [ns. Arthur Redknep and Mus. N. Whlttaker with Oshewa fnl- -n..... Mu. and Mus. Lanson Mill- on and Doreen aI Mn. Bort Cald- 'd'e', Toronto. . . Mu. and Mus. V. J. Trenouth, Nepanee, wlo are * . y AA f Y ES.SIP.- LEAVE 1T rr O T rGeÔCDI PURE MiLk 9- RN GLNgARY The SWEET, PULL PLAVOI of GLEN RAE MILK make luienda; tle HEALTEFUL NU TR1TOUS quallies keep them. TUR«rTTE NEW IP0VED Chocolat» Daîry Drink. t ce Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, Mis. a Evelyn Harniess, Orono, Mr. and a Mrs. Malcolms Elford and Donald, q* Part Perry, Mr. Rose Adams, Mr, Buddy Elford and Mr. Henry De. Mille, Bowmanville, Miss Evelyn Marlowe, Nestieton, Mr. and Mrs, Sid. Hutchisan, Newtanvillc, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Bullid and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams on Saturday evcning, Nov. th, and helped colo rate their 20th wedding an« ;0 niversary. Keith Burley is home frar work with a sprained* wrist. d Mrs. J. McLachlan gave an ad- ¶ diress at the W.M.S. thankoffermn Ar at Kirby Sunday. r Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie and ýe Mirs. Robt. Morton attended the " funeral ai Mrs. Thos. Barrie at s Canton. i Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Clark (nee Dorothy Qg- don) who were married at the -Parsonage Saturday by Rev. J. McLachlan. Eileen Ogden- and SHarold Burley were thoir attend- i ants. h On Friday evening a*- miscel« Ilaneous shower was held in the nU. C. Sunday School roram i hon- a ur of Mrs. Vance Cooper (nee SMarguerite McKay). A large -crawd was presont and onjoyed Sth~ alwn pragram: Plano ýe s eetas by Edna Denault, Jean Camipbell and Bud Janes; read- ings by Laurna Pearce and Alice 'sMartin, Brighiton; vocal duet by Marion Bruce and Laurna Pearce. Lena Kimbaîl read an address *which expressed the higli estoon i which the bride is held, to which she fittingly replied. Wni Laing was chairman. The many beautiful gits were admired anc lunch was served. Mrs. 'George Campbell played the wedding music for her cousin Miss Frances Smith and Sua. Lieutenant Cliffard White, R.C.N. aV.R., at Old St. Andrew's Chapel, *Toronta, Nov. l5th. Pte. Elgar Millsan, who lias - been home an lbave, reparted for 9duty iToronta Saturday. 3 Men's Club entertained their tladies at a progressive euchre par- ty in the Orange Hall Wodnesday rnight, nfter whicli lunch was serv- ied. 1 Last week being Education Week aur teacher, F. McMullen, and pupils marched ta, church ser- t vice Sunday evening. Rev. J. Me- Lachlan preached an interestlng sermon on Education, stressmng the wark cf the home, the s0haol and the church int the oducation ai a child. Mrs. Arthur Redknap ttook the sala part i the anthem. Starkville The faamlly oi Mr. and Mns. Victor Farrow gathered at their homo and prosentod them with a radio an their wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. Arthur Dunn has a severe cold. Miss. Ogden and Mr. Clarke were married on Saturday. Miss Medla Hallowell entertain- cd her young iriends ta, an evon- ing dinner. Rev. MeLachlan gives a Bible, lalk ta the pupils in aur school every Thursday afternoon which is very commendable and worthy. Pupils prosented their comrade Josie Trim with a nice remcm- branco beo re leaving for lier home in Oshawa. Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. Warren Carson and family at Mr. John Scotts at Newcastle. .. Miss Meda Hallowell, Newcastle, waa home. . . Mrs. Wîll Todd, Oshawa, with Lamne and Fred Todd. .. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery at Mr. Mul- drew's, Elizabethville. . . Calvin and Murray Dunn at Mn. Austin Turner's, .Newcastle. . . Mr. Mc- Culloch, St. Thomas, with Mrs. H. B. Gilmer. . . Mn. and Mrs. Laur- ence Savery and sons, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. Savery's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and daughter at Mr. Ed. Ruthven's, Zion. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Andree and family at Mrs. M. Shutka's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell at Mn. Ed. Whitc's, Elizabethville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone with their son John in Orono who la quite ill. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rusk, Port Hope, at Mr. Sid. Hallowell's. A small group af wise thinkers is btter than a wilderness af dullards and strangor than the might af empires.-Mary Baker Eddy. ORONO ier and tht e Can'adia n -Higli "Caom- missioner, the Canadien Corps Commander and many ai lis oUi I cers and soldiens, and e hast ai the "common people" ai England wia have came through bombings, ,DCIOU have lstelIbm homes and their ICOI relatives, yct carry an n laBrtain's houn ai need. I have tastcd the haspitallty ai great and smalla England and have made new fnl- ends there. B3 *There have been pienty of NIEWS thnlbl. I have flown down the Èrownsaa Bay af Biscay in a seaplane iylth nat a liglit showing and Uic has- Home and School Ass'n. mot tile enemy coasI not fan away. I ' Tuesday wlth 2nd vice presidont have stood on a roof-top in Lon- in charge ai Uile prograin: Vocal don with the fire-watchers and Isolo by Mr. Mitchell; neading by have seen the distant flashes ai Mn.. Reiclirath; Mr. J. J. Mellor, anti-aircrait guns sliaotlng at an Orana, spoke on taxes and liow enemY plane appraachng the theUi tax monoy le spent; a mauth- city. I have been thnough a "bhtz" ongan sebection by Mu. Curzon; myseli-have seen and licard and SWylme Farrow read the Home & foît the explosions ai huge enemy Sclioob Paper; Mus. Reichrath had band mines and have came Uiro' charge af conteste and Miss Cain thc ordeal unscatlied but knowing led lna e ing-song. that if any anc af a dozen things- Red Cross met at Mus. Welling- lied been sightly dificrent, 1 tan Farrow's. Mus. J. Curson, woubd nat have been bore at all. Miss Jean Perrin and Mise Wylma I have been at a bomber station Farrow are in charge af a card and have talked ta the boys who Party. Mus. H. Reichrath an make the long tripe over France Mus. Walter Farrow are in charge and Gormnany ta unload' their ai cut.ting out matenial fon ne- cargees ai death, and I bave seen fugee clthing. Next meeting at Uic Royal Canadian Air Fonce Mus. H. Reichrath's Nov. 201h. fighter pilote came back ta their Visitons: Miss E. Reid, Toranto, airports alter being in action. c et Mn. R. Gnaham'u. . . Mise Jean 1 have heard Churchill deiend Curson wlth lier sister in Taranto, hie actions on the faon aif thep . . Mn. andMUrs. Clarence Turner House ai Comnions and have and Sam at Mr. Chas. Osbonnes, stoad amid the ruineai Coventry - Ebenezen. Catheda-al. I have walked la the Geo. Steplienson ia at Minoose London blackout and In Uic pleas- - Rdeer liunting. ant Englieli cauntryside, wliene Auction sale at F. Wvebbens was every gardon had !ta barge, bate eS well attended. rases. I have been tualbed by the j.. _____________ Genman geutapo la Lisbon and have seen a bulifiglit. 1 have nid- den on trains, in busos, In cars, in Lake Shore, Clarke the underground, and have talked Red Cross met at Mn.. Chas. These are the Uhilgs I shal Aildred's on Friday when two lrite about in thc seules ai atonies- quibta were finislied. Mu.. Alldued whlcli will eppoar in this news- rcalized $1.60 la aid ai Red Cross paper during the next Uiree tlirough the sale ai home-made mantha. Always providcd, afi candy. Next meeting at Mus W. 'course, that the Excambian daei Hobmes' on Nov. 201h. net meet an unfriendly suban. t Mn.. W. Halmes is having Uiheie an bombing pbane somewhere watenwonks installed in ber home. deaNwYnk Len Buckler and Arthur Bcd- wmn have obtained positions ln the Goodyear, Bawmenville. C d u 5S Mn. and Mus. C. Mitchell and C d u Ld Miss Bcighton attended the show- oi r iD honor of Mu. and Mrs. Ken. , Sympathy le extended ta us r. Ashby at Port Britain. Milton Grey an the passing ao ho D_ Recent Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. iter, and ta Mu. Mervin ount- IT' Orme Falls and Mus. T. Falls at jay an Ui death ai hier inthon, S. W. Adams'. . . Mn. and Mus. D. Charbes McGIll, whose romains r. Grnlougliby, Whitby, at S. Powebl's wcre interncd in the Union Ceaie- ýd - Miss D. Taylor with mus. A. tor on Monday. d Bedwin... Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown - James Crawford lias enlisted in LY at Mn. N. Heerd'., Port Hope. Mn. a unit in Toronto. ýd and Mus. M. Heard returned home Ms ni onjy u.E with them... Mn.. W. H. Jayneu Eisst andMu . beon sp E. la Lindsay. . . Mn. and Mus. R. SlUotndwt . Gardeon Mc-n n Alldred and Lois, and Dorothy LeaUxbnldge. Gro c Brown, accompanied by Mu. n eanissMraie Gîrili pi 1-Mn.. Les. Alldred, Mapbe G nove, vle Miss ide Glrih, SBaly- ig at Mn. R. McKay's, Bronte. . .Mn.vle n is iaGnBly and Mn.. Bey Jaynes and Len duff, were home on Sunday. M( ,d Bucklen with Mus. J. Scarl, On- Mn. Frank Goff le visiting in bu ae na. .. Mn. Rolit. Martin et Mn. Toronto. p ItW. Lewis', Welcome. . . . Raîpliîiens ClaUice Parteneai war Simipson spent Sunday at Beth- red nte neeto a *any. .. Mu. and Mus. A. Bedwin wark an Seturday ovening. Il wes- " t Mn. E. Gilbank's, Kirby. decided ta hold a meeting et the different homos ta croate a mare Le social atmosphere and eci do 1. their bit toward lielping the less Li Portugal te NeW York favored one. A delicious lunch was served.. <Continu.d fromn page 1)> weeks before aur turn came ta go B1 k~' -- eon the Clipper. One week in thet ]OLLFsCïck 1city got us down. Those who were ce not actuaily sick were ontinely W. M. S. met et Mus. A. Johins- Sp e unenthusiastic a'- out eiiy mare ton's Nov. 12tli, with President la Li Lisboa meels or climate on scen- Mus. Jebez Wright prosiding. Mn.. Lo ery. We were neuvous aften being j. E. Elliott took the Bible study. P n treibed day aiter day by membens The roll cafl was answerel by a 1- ai Uic German gestapo who stay- thouglit on peace. Lettérs aif *e d In the samie hotel as we did. thanks were red froin those wlio y When Uie chance came ta beave lied received inuit or flowcrs, aisa by boat, we taok it. e btter irom Miss Laura Hambly, SOne ai Uic editors leisfnmSt. West China, tefling ai Uic damage Sp * John, N.B. Ho loves the sea and donc ta their city and, thc greal Ir, * boats and alb thinge connected need among the famine war- CE witli them, and ho jumped et the stricken people. Mus. John Mc- chance ta came by slip. AilUiheKcc's greup lied charge ai the renst ai us would have preienred PrOgnam. Mus. E. Dorreil gave e ta travel by air. neading by Dr. B. McClure. Mus. -1 Four deys before we left Lis- Frank Stinson noviewed Uic study ýbon, Uic papers ai that city were book. Lunch was senved ta Uice S *aIl cxcitcd because a Pontuguese 16 ladies presont. W *slip lied been sunk by Uic Ger- Nov. 1 bth ciglit qufits wene te mens, apparontly because ai made intheUiccmniunity hanl by m tungstcn are an board, destined ladies ai this district. for Uic United States. Two deys Sympathy lsecxtended ta Mns. rlaten, Uiey were mounning the Robt. Sadler an Uic deeth afilheuLa doallis af two Britishi families mather Mn.. Joncs, ai Clareniont; rfxom Portugal, returning te Eng- aiea ta Mn.. Mervin Mountjoy an land until their ahi p was tarpedo. Uic death ai lier fether, Chas. Mc. *ed off Uiecocast. On Uic way ta Gill. Lisbon, this sanie steamship Ex. Mn. and Mus. Fred willan, Miss Bo% cambion was met by e Geuman Eva English, Mrm. S. A. DeviIt and- Lbombing Plane whlch clrcied Mus. Cecil Hill attonded Uic fun- Mn. around it, mast-hlgh, and thon oral ai their cousin, Mrs. Arthur Jea flew away agein. On the day we Gillson, Lindsay: seîled from Liebon, news came Visitons: Mr. and Mus. P.6se Mu thet Uic German lied tarPedaed curtis and fanily, Cobourg, Mus. and Uic American destroyer Kearney. IR. Bruce and Miss M. King, with mei Two dayu out, an American Mr. and Mus. Gardon Strang. . ,.MMu freiglit boat was sunk la Uic At- Mâiss Mabel VanCamp, B.A., ai Mu lantic, straighî .auth ai whcre V/ O.C E.,Toronto, with lion parente. Joh wene. This very mornlng, when wve ewoke, Il was ta sece nather slip caming dloser. As it drew nean, we could soc Ihat it wasn't the menchant vessel it puetended ta, 'e, but lied businesslikc guns R p e g o fore and ait. It lied no flag, nan Re w " o gave any signal but crossed aur bows and went on. We ail neeliz- cd these dangers, but as the days M passed and aur boat cantinued on ite way, tie tension relexed.Th restfuil, monnotnaus days onnn ord A 1-B"rirctor Legal ML 0. V. GOULD, M. A, L.L*. Barrister, LZcito0r Notary Banks of Commerce Bldg. Bowmnanville W. a. STIKE BSistrSolicit"ori Notar Koney to, Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notar Public - Etc. Law in i h.branches O~ffice irnmediateiy east of ]Royai Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 .~..'* Dentlst DM. 3. C. DEVITT Aasistant; Dr. B. W. Slason Graduate af Royal Dental Cal- lgc, Taronto. Office: Jury Jubile. BlMg., Bowmanville. Office haurs 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday 'lhane 790 - House phane 888 X-Ray Equlpment in Office DR. R. 0. DICKSON Office haurs i Orana: Manday' to Friday (inclusive) fram 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evonings by appoint- poitment. Office hours in Newcastle: Every Saturday front 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. For appaintment Telephone Orono 1Srl. 46-3* EDrug1ess, Practitioner ]ROBEET COLVILLE. DagimsPatto Liberty Blueet - Bowmanvlle Eloctrical Treatments - 'Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 46-7 Fanerasi Direct ors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any liaur. any day F. F. Morris Co. lodern Mator Equipmnent, Amn- ulance and* Invalid Car. Tele- hone 480 ar 734, Assistant 573. Veterlnary IL . . MRAT, V.B.; D.V.So. Veterinarlau Chureh St.- - BewmaavUe Phono 843 29 ti Liceqsed Auctioneers ECLMR WNLRUR H&mpton - Ontarlo >eclalizing in Farn, Llvestack, mplements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phane for Terme and Date ta: Bowmanvifle 2428 CLILFFOED PETHICK Ennishullen Phane Bowmaanville 2536 ;ecializing in Farm LIdvestock, mplements and Furniture Sales. >nsult me for terms and dates. 42-40 ENTERTAINER Seure RALPE GORDON,, the. wonulerffflirversatile eat e r- hMbu, for your nexi enter"ai- amt. lumfrtmel cioul h4fe. .Addreas - M8b Craw6TEI Street, Toron"e Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, )wmanville, at Mfr. O. Wriglit's MiUss Eva Parr ln Toronto. . rs. A. W. Stephensan, Douglas, an and Bruce, Rlcbmnond MU, rs. S. J. Beacack, Toronto, Mr. td Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Bow- anville, at Mr. Cocil Hils. . .. rand Mrs. Chas. McConnell and a. Paterson, Narwood, at Mr. in Jabb's. Var Savingsl THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO IDAMV. TJTNW-