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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1941, p. 3

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p. i MAKI G B EN G NS ITy lrTx T ( A T? un prce eted, rder-i-Coune jî A s e e tLIVILI1J.1 KU Peggingdprices and wages, and in BY apt Emor PilEtttwo hur exposition, the Ottawa ST Y W RTIME guesth traced, step by step, from 1939 onward, just why the final DPf%1DL'1Ioapped wat whesat hen termedwa STOR SINALSTip Canada, Would sPlit this Domin- 'pie t ha letem" ."h When one travels from far ion with disastrous effect. 1, for scogia mmetPNvr Western Lanada ta te c nte o eone, do ot agree with tee lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pinirontie ha ee eadoffa moe ucd evi ew ever thneheco intnref thnseprtert . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 'invariablY feelser' But everybody can agree on Vr itihsbe er fwsamr ui eiwee hange in physical climate, but ar arpliie, hpeitofc c h n r e hrob in l the u s a cnet s abro d, e a nnoTh t in ore groups which are being formed was the suggestion that the gen- th icraedthobi te uleou wr oices saedtafaefor the purpose of studymng war- ea ulcogtt eifre of national lufe Ihv awy acts abt omd e O o ineorfthos facsacncdus ost key mn n tesgor- erad to c ug a nwolme- tîmeandphatwarerbemuforwith the saine clarity; that a fore- feltor magnedt 1 avealwys actsat ain- Oe ofthoe fctsthe purpose Of Presenting thei rovs sor ate txtote gnerl e lt r a in e ha t h angerbp utis that the minority has certain cn lso suandm n nt eg w r a t e st andoing en ra Itee Sa muco as onhis tp ihts.A more important fact is a-la audrtnigadwoe Itreuie~nopschc if t tatte majority also has. Indeed wme prcaio fti a' tksta huhtbc ihhn ta igt t 1ernment t the end that their bur- hearted acceptance f this new toastp that important nationa th- olcy heseae tsues were soon due for d eî- s- eorc.wceon.eito ftiswrstksta togtakwt ---aion.eseuestions0fmcompulsarypFrted TO FACE - M 4 0 e q u e s t is ro nu n e sso fg h t b e u n a r t e j t o a n d , i n d u e c o u r s e , i t w i l l b e p u t a a e t h n e l t r o . V FACT TO ACEthe gneral public. Western and into effect. Thus it is seen hnd fought out can be confrmed by The first great fact that Canada Ma8xegop r npoes0 eieain of the committee You Maybv t hne ae n. ce ntcaneNO .. Vers Volntay sevic mus besity for the movement were a few I his neview, the speaker ne- an x ere c d no ke h as to face is that we have natricl u a n y e x p ri e c ed o nl ok e w h hle a d e rs in u n iv e rsity a n d b u sin e ss f rre d b u t b rie f y to a g ric u ltu re , But ith is e e andce nr alo Cn taa ecape d losain t t e a s bt of n r l s i To nt . S v a mO w s n t veiling through the prairies. the contrary have only narrowiy out.of to.n.peo.le have.bee i- reachedgeatfnear aenich hhe circles n Tonono. Sevenl m tha final ation wa flot . quality...hayocadeedo ings have taken place and a ew takeneduntiler fam pnces hadet r vited - ta sit inueaashaa therandcetoleve swing around central Onta rio in haf system i which we now use eti d.E tos f w eky p - m iisth tlg d T e i at osbe smagi n e fthe ore s as t e old- ifn ld wats c e rn d osbe ve p it ni h e e- tte ee a tte onîy dm- . chantg e riYU OW s tl t the p ssibe strm i the air-b - watefu and if n t yet usel se- per froi sevral oint wer ni ion w ichsollo ed fr ovr an o pointsaI'.th. iade fore one hears the first ubeo visibly within sight of the end of Eedyih olow W edn sda ev n g hour centred about indust y and r. by special invitation. atten ance Wedneday ven- labon, with scancely a word about R gl monsthsewichdie hat s eantrs sefCanada, this fan, as tdy arcutue.Tatsan fatre asua The possible dangers in the It happened that I came nigh Te young woman shown inithis photo is welding cartridge SCh arsJoBramnlCongseC.Vatr;epapiers.every dhyin centresad In nh he i h a ut b s t eCamonrs thesemwere Lonserv agricultu r vre t ame f etreis . *SLi ** Ul v a ea pea#0. a apparent ta any Canadian Who0 provinCna , ecutig aiie clips for Bren machine guns. These light and efficient Weapons Andrew Hebb, Newmarket Ena; about industry and labor in ala. eis Fopeidte a~wrevnil be tn rlie" aebigtre u y h udesi aaa oh tis rcbiga knows the basic facts of Canadiai rebing held. In every single aràen undotb hehnrcsi aaa on tis rqbigadprice and wage discussions. They history . F r b h n e. super- province the rallies had exactlyth d or f T e S aes n.k w t ei tuf a d ae p ac di i s e b t e o v t e c o n c ip in a - t e d p oib y t h e f g e r m u n t . T h e -A o t 3 e o m d e n s i e n g t i n t b f rh p o fional dasesote comsrinn-theopst fetfo htii * * *= .um H T TS A day's discussion which met for pie and goverfiment. Just befone _____les af rmre________________he______ the h eT H E S A E S A N n e ditorh eof niver s t atesmb an d. thno m t ir g " s t"and lare Tha e th r le afar m ref nd m ntimen and women brought to cen- AO O L Tb ou 0 ne o m c e ns iedi etn tbfr ah p !ssu . I is tha of the eneal a a f om. ll ver wesebecause the editor had ta attend Statesman's representative i n-~ ed by ord Duofnhn eturyMaor verny painy e were peopelinlie = t S yTifESE STORES a pivate dinnen at the York Club truded the observation that we races in Canada. It is that describ- favon of conscription --- and s te saine . M. . RssStikg e tand Anu te eon eve f f whic ws when he taîkeci about "two n a- wîth fia political axes to grind- -eHaptne. Aderon & Drugl iarA.h aer tok alag weneayntvrelof atarttaisis tions warring within the bosom of and selected under government ST'KL NOT ENOUGR amtn:GsAeBrnt&So. turai EdirA. L er two pre-n Thobabeyingothrealized atOtawa a igesae"plcas being otlkytab MOMENTUM Enniskiilen: T. M. Siemon & Son ail former discussions neceived took senmous cognizance of the The Eflglish and French speak- able ta revive the dwindling ne- (Simcoe Reformer) Bunketon: Harold Giil. absent treatment. Heads of im- agnicultural situation, the out- i n g s e c i o n o f C a a d a a r e n o t t . ls e n t e a r m p r l o l e n i w h c h oi T h em e eo t i g h u s p r l o n e d t h e n in scios fCaaa refOtcuiin lo.The crux of the The campaign ta abolish sîot Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. piemnt alndtiuou scmpancis, rodotivcornfwhc il bme action y nwwarnîng among themnselves 1wholethifng is. this, as pointeci out machines and pin-games from, Nestleton: J. G. 'rlompson. fiancsla instituts,fiaa pro dutienficaieaatin o p en ly . B u t b eh n d th e ad v an - G e e a H arv ey o f C alg ary : O n tario m u n icip alities is g ain in g P o n ty p oo l: W . 1 . H oop er.g ve m e a vi o s p fe sot h w t e t e n 0fe CL .i tages and disadvantages m moufcos h ann yr els D u tre f eo o is n tes frm u sihg 0 f a y C a n a d a h a s e n o u g h t r a i n e d e - e . O r o nom d c a e adh e n 7 li particular war policy wh ih Can- iservesrtoomake good battle lasses oRecentmexpoaure 0f the unsavothe ,...e mong la ers PinneBow anvl y gopaers, ar exprts, provincial ummryeadesharegen thre nef Sheppaird & 91L me o ada as a nation might want ta in about two weeks of real fight- deal by which "Bull" Fielding Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Ca. the forum. Guest af the evening places and il is with pleasune that adopt thene lies now, as a century ing. Windsor slot machine racketeen' Tyrone: F. L. Byam. was a special adviser ta thegv The Sats nisbetorpt ro ck w h ich says, in eff ect: E v ery In o th er w o rd s, th e v o u n tary secu re ci th e im p o rtation 0ftatÔC u t c : F an a t n r i e t a a n f o e d n e e ve m n i n le ts c os ta n great national decsion must systemn is fia longer -suppying woth of the machines from the Cadmus: Elliotts Store. university. Names of half those endeavor ta assist its famer readi- either carry a duble majoity- enough men to bing and keep ta United States, in spite of foregn Bowmnanvile: W. J. Berry, J. present are natinally or inter- ers. Sa long as we are honoed as that is in French Canada as wel strength the army formations a- exchange regulations, has playe1 W. Jewel J. H. Johnston, Jury & nationally known. guests of thebCoamittee, DurhamSyelaSov. as in the othen section--or reai ready authoizedi-anc apart fromn an important part min arousing Loveil. e ra tpi w sth rcnCo ty ilfom danger is threatened to the exis- hush-hush raiding parties Cana- public opinion against continued___________________________ tanc cfthi Doinin, s sch. dians have flot yet been in action openation of the machines. The GnrltpcwstercnCut ilb er rm Thtwas the case in Mac- on land. Windsor Star has given praise- donald's day, and that of Brown worthy leadership in an attempt Tpper and other fathers of con- FORCEDà TO ACT ta dlean up the situation at the :federation. It was the necessity of Canada literally mustmae brder. Down s at mWeiangd te cît escaping from this paralyzing decision soon on the manpowen onirtisls etn eie ratythat was the driving force question because the effects of flot not to renew amusement licenses bhn confederation itself. But having done so are already dan- fon premises where siot machines the rut istha th yer 141 grou, ad mghtsoo beomeare operated. Heretofone Welland ee s u r b ta eyasic 19bem 1fot O aute , . d gh o n eo had licensed premises at $200 9~tC . FRYIRISETO niuchdiffrentsicfrom that af 1841. y sa.each, which permitted aperation Tuhre are mny fof the most8ne- In this section of centrai Can- of one slot machine and one pmn sponsible leaders of Canada, who adanthiendt. al wrieffortve -have access ta ah the real facts,smaugificent. F a c tomies. hv en oduing revene0f actio who believe that unless Canada ospunt upie m ushrooms.Buttheanuly Poietksitac adopts conscription and mobilizes autut iireankahe.But he ilosofacton hen w ole anpo er, oneycompetition for manpower is a i- ring te pop itr o i 1s - - per , ah ine m power, a dmo ra edecueayihn h uies r mssta dispose of their ma-* sI I Uv . powr n tiswa fo vry un srua cutelfs beinteebusiityschines al: once, on penalty of pro- powe, mchie poerandmora stuctre isel, a beteenitysecution for illegal operation for pivaertha the arfr wr iser- and country, andi as between busi- failure ta do so. Thus is another _ _ _ _ _ _ P L Y1fre wol1 tsefI J TH a a ,olfanI I NL r,; m ay not survive. A nd i th ere ar ne s s a w h e a d t e a m y blow dea t at one f the m ost in- L oers equally sincere, who say I heard of one battery in Ot- sidius and parasitic rackets in- that any such policy if. adopted tawa itself which taok five weeks Ontario. ........ Swithaut sanie support from Fench ta maise 50 of the needed 250 men.____ _______________________I drive down one long business street in Toronto andi ahnast ev- SHORTAGE 0F FOOD ery second shap has a sign "help (The Printed Word) wanted." A Quebec friend teils The most obscure feature of me that the young people are Mr. King's address annauncung fiocking inta industry from the the freezing of pnices, rents and farms--and the exodus to U. S. is wages r ...e to;heM:1mers increain1ygeat. Many of them may have hope The Air Force la stiil taking in that, as this war cantinued, they menan amazing rate-sa that would benefit fromn higher prices......... there .are now more Canadians in as they did from'1916 and as they Air Farce uniforms than there did ini Civil War and Criniean were in the whole Canadian Corps War conditions. But it would in the last war. And, as final proaf appear that, if the pnice-freezing of the utter absundity of the siily policy continues, the farmers' op- charge that this generation "llacks portunities af achieving ecmnomic guts," in the sainie city where parlty with urban workers Winl army recruits were this week as be blasted. One hesitates ta be use scance as hiens' teeth no less than dogmatic, but it daes seeni that 400 men applied in a single day eithen they must continue in their ............... for service at sea with the mer- present condition or the palicy chant marine-where nothing is must be broadeneci ta give the certain except that many of them. fanmer mare. And if hie gets more, E lD lS O NI ill laie their'lives. food prices wul. ise agin. And . .~ FARMER 18 BLAD the munitians factories where the M A L IA I then~t oupl 0f etiirfs are more definite, the In te nxt oupe 'f weksI onuses mare certain, than the expect ta hear a lot froni Ontario direct and indirect benefits of fariens. But I have already heard aceg loaes nd fe ehngs ae lkeymea hape Be- relght on feeci. Already there is mn nugh aemkeymearaliethat- creaeé iowtaesf and fbor. cause the Ontario farmen la mad. aeeesotg ffn lbu ake ia istae aout hatHis-sa severe that a pasitive shart- M M P S awn yong foltkehaveoutned t.heage of food ather. than grain is awnmvor ganeoff haetjiedthetapossible within a year or twa. If woric. His perpetual probiem af befarrd isthea gocnent asWeil the "1hired mnan" always vexatiaus faeiwtartingaswl in tis rovncehabecme it. asa price-fixing probleni. eialyim posibe. sbeoeli- It is easy ta finci the questions;..... eralyimosibe.the best cf luck ta those wohn It is an astouding fact-and .the..answers... one th t sha ld mak s p a n s ble qCna d a t. k, t a aIthe news must be told- eLry -v & nywy tgesYUbgr au lierigenLo e ta t-hi dgPlanta *uiUI, long, m assive n a ppa ance, w th c nceale ci saves y au m nan y - protects yo ur m to ing in ve t ae hge mT @fk *althe newfaithfully and ac- radusbordindnlul En-tle iteios D Ous du srnnntb ads an aoyan w mos ment. Se it right away 1 atl. hrefore, every dollar W7 ru Dr. Choses can c1yonserve aut ai ur bud- glesa *Naval g ets t a b e sp en t in a ctu a l p u r- G hou L rria* ch e ai Pace w ll be a v ctory 25 -Lo ri an beWf ru r cause the pecullar Guam. stregth Of ur demacracy is its uouoiIo lupleasant fa1abiilytafce the facts andi carry MeaI~.l îLe o fw and Ian" remarkobl Hu.Itler, of course, haî neyer fol- eiecîlve In tele t hisal'yand nfiaonc ex- - el .1 of pected thlm ta ldý o sbecause aur l th tof a de o ra y and D ~ ~ U & I W W a.£ ~ ajg <Austnian paperhanger thinkoaJ aiM KE VE that enflightened creedi . on 41BW ULIIIII a- %eW v v£vain& y I V Ojc 1I I .4.4 6 1 ýj

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