THRDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, OMIL, ONTARIO s CYôfor ~f~. in Wlne Silk Jersey, winc bat, aera ta take immediate praceedînga Groefrit ncouifooolv hIN black accessaries and fur coat. ta bave any errors or omissions CHOIGELE HEA& - SOLEX mach 200 meke their home li Bowmanvilla. day for eppeel being Friday, UcLRE--OooedAtrtermtrtpte iicretdacrigt e th et NEW 10W P RUCE Leauce- - ech loc23, 4, 60 ad 100woffs2lst day ai November, 1941. LXMGE Letuce-- ach10. 25,40,60 cd 00 o#sTherelore, comae what may, bold * A. J. LYLE, LAFGE GRMEN LUXOR 2 for 250 fast.ta lave. Tbough mcen should Clark of thje Townxi ura CéUry.- 2for19.30 and 60 wmfts rend your bcart, let tham not cm- of Bowmenvilic. 2____aura____ Secord DRUGIWeDlîe b o 1eitter or harden it,-F. W. Robent- Dated this 7th day of Candies son., . November, 1941. 46-2Phn79 UUM UM* mm u-m mm mu* **...,.nurse, offered vocal selections in TENDER!9D BANQUET LIF'S DRAMA ....... ... .......1TW 3a manner that evoked hearty ap- .... C Xpreciation of the members and I wish your hair. were brown - - ~g :iHuma eiiyi rdcdnt guests.-Belleville Intellingencer. agamn, s e ti en uc' SO I L A D P R O A oko eeln o nieAs 'twas long years ago, IE AiW 8 bgea ieesmigo ]Phone 68 ufaeat Rtr seidom hog owi' wieaà eu T e e Is S flaetmntfr :M mm- - - - -_ - complete. Now al that is needed tfl ientbiltteadanaesthtocu AC2 Ken Nichols, Toronto, was Misses Joan Bradbury and ing raom will likely bè construct- It tells me we are aging fast, Irn B l usinE v home. Mavis Garton, Toronw spent the ed li the very near future. This And drawing near the, end, Sl Mr. Robert Fisher, Napanee, is weekend et the latle.fa1home. work is being done by the Rotary M Wen Life's 1"drap curtalh" soon, m MMrgt vlslting the Carter family. .Sg.C'cMs. eombes, R.C. sClub. rdscghteousness, lust, covetousnessachinenvv miss Viola Brown visited her AFBrantford ';Mkiied her pr- Provincial Constable David Sil-mteiaisx aetht hrexsnoFrd y, avmr 7hbth. Asay lt ecac rges hyma aunt, Mrs. Brooks, Oshawa. entÉ, Mx.. 'thtMils. L. Hilderley. vester is much improved inl ilnlydeced.Oeiofitienha t saxd is rahxn your 7hrthdAsay lt vv evengaefeagae MisAieLe ootvstd D- -health and able to be up every 1. t 1lIsme that u uue 11w sentiment in business, particularly token of esteem and remembrance met raflyadavrae r Miss Alic Lee Tor ntavisied D.. angÇ s. . Elnore Rea- day. Amon rec ntVv1itrs w re be flt belastng lng, mang *bi firsbiB t al ays, we wButpease ask au a acept, tble wul upr at al ha pine a.- ber mother over the weekend. mian, Guelph, were weekend Chief S. Newell, Inspector -Reid lO, Lifews brigbt stage we've play- samewhere, appears the kindly, with the compliments of aur a-Mr ae dy ,Mrs. George Horswell, Toronto, guests of Mr.. and Mrs. A. M. and Det. J. Naples, Peterboro, ec our raies thoughful, act, the kind word pany, a case of Nabisco Shredded Hpiesi o eadi ~~ed Mr. nd M s. lare ce O - Ha dy.M rs. John Silvester, M idland, Mr' n d a a l v n o g which proves there la stili plenty W heat which we are forwarding is a c, n e u n e. n e s f birne. Mse oeadGeaPle n r.DvdSletr t We've said our lines, we knew our of the milk of human kindness ta yau. Mr.andMrs PeerEleent viite teiraun, Ms. ayPie- Cthaine.eues, being distributed, li generous Again our sincere sympathy and, hav ete me nto vsn a t Hilir alx Prnca e wrd C asth a narnilb tngs.Yau aiways played your part- quantities, ta cheer, console and with best wisbes for your cantin- c e t r r a , a v o v d n o o n at H ll e r i P i n e E d a r M n s a n d a n C l b m e ti gM y o p p o site , in e v e ry sc e n e , in sp ire . - u e d g a a d h e a lth , w e a re ternwhm.out.on Nov. 21stet Balmaral Hotel xsndpaeitwlea eat vr.ited his.RotheM. ll ln Miss Amber Morton attended the final banquet af the 1940-41An lydiwedarhrt the eaiaddnea h seasan. However, new members eYtuyors Balson, Kingston. RoyavlarTntodanceatudywlbe aewecm fo the Bt soon for us the curtain now came ta aur attention. It will be re- Roya Yok, Trono, Sturay wll e mae wlcom foxth rise on Life's last act; called that several times we have The Canadian Shredded Wheat Mrs. H. W. Weegar is spending evening. coming season at this meeting. Be We'Il sxng aur final sang, my dear, made comment in these colunins 1Compa.ny, Ltd. a few weeks with her deughter, M.Wlo elad~. sure ta bear John Callingwood 'Twill be aur last play-act. ta aur 11e-long friand, Mrs. Min- F. E. Malrolm, Sales Manager. Mrs. E. A. Summers.ori Reade vive frthadasev-Weve dane dur best in every nie Barton. that belaved and bard Mrs. E. A. Schlievert and Miss Mrchi Ms S . son, Vitriraav -ie tians an "Britàin at War." evG.AEdostn scene, working saul, wbo for aver half and MrsudleS.BeT.villesosi,-dPro- Miss Helene Hayes received ber ReeG .Emnsoe Same plaudits we bave won, a century, bad worked in many of FARM CO-OPERATIVES ed Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dudley. Ms orvyRibrs'n dipiomna iast week from the Ann At a banquet in Cobourg Wednes- But there will be na curtein cal- the best homes in this tawn. For IN CANADA > Miss CurrieNursRichacool andsM* day nxgbt, Reave G. Alex Edmand- For then aur Lifa-play's done. aver tan years, on accaunt of paor Alice Lee, Toronto, attended txr with banors. Miss Haye's, wha is stane af Bawmanville, Warden af -RALPH GORDON. healtb, sËe bas on medicai advice, xCadatexpninoc- grndote's94b itbaypa-on the nursing staff f the Home the United Counties af Nortbum- 628 Crawford St., Tarnto. practically lived an a dietvI0f operative activity has taken place ty on Saturday. for Incurable Children, Tarontaý berland and Durbam, was signal- Sbredded Wheat. mast rapidly and ta the greatest Miss Gladys Jamieson, R.N., spent the weekend witbh er par- ly banored by bis coileagues. lI It was natural that wa wbo degrae in tbe marketing of farin visiting ber parents, Mr. andMr. r.Hysiinorbet. in tbe wider realm af caunty poli- hulct Drco ave knawn ber so well shouid praducts. In 1940 a total af 601 D u t W att1 ito ticsn Ms M. aesduirpo hsthng ict Dretr ypathize with ber in the sud- farmers, co-operativa marketing MitnJmeo.Three baptisms were perform- isra n 1941 this affair was 0f Red Cross 19 de passing of ber son, Will, Of associations with 3,065 places-ô0f Mrs. Harry Smitb and son Her- ed at St. Paul's Church Sunday arnged. An address autagraph- Fr e Rochester, whose obituary appear- business reparted ta the Market-- bert attended the wedding af bar morning by Rav. A. R. Cragg. The ed by ail .tbase wbo worked in Fo m d or ed li The - Statesman last week. ing Service, Econornics Division, niece, Miss Tean Stuckey,. et infants presentad were Larry association with Warden Edmond-. It was a sad blaw ta a mother who Dominion Department of Agricul- :î . Grand Valley, Ont.- Wayne Purdy, son of Mr.. and Mrs. stone was reed and presented ta J. Noal Kelly, formerly Manag- bad reared so worthy a son. Men- ture. Membersbip tatalled 394,102 Sert. le C.Colile ~ Clffod Prd; Gori Sra mihbim as well as the token gift of a ing Editor of the Vancouver News tion was made, toa, af the many wîtb salas of farmi praducts end Pilot Officer Danny Raymes, New- daughter af Mr.. and Mrs. Fred oktwac n î. TeHri n atrywt heVn etr h eevdfom bis supplies amaunting ta $219,045,- fonlnaevstngM.adSih n DulsCalsTy Warden responded tanking the couver Sun, as been appointed friends and associates, deploring 896 during the year. It is estimt- ' > <JMrs. oudand ex ovisitngMx. adSi, nd o ugli.andsChar gatbering in well chosen words. National Publicity Director for bis passing. ofed that ail marketing co-opera- aris Ex-Mayor W. R. Strike, Bowman- The Canadien Red Cross Society. Nwwecreotepin0fivs adedarxitîy 6 Winners of the four Lions Club H. Taylor. ville, was guast speaker of the This annauncement was made by w we say ther itahearontt a v e cen a e aoi aim pro- hockey tickets iast Saturday were A group of members of Beehive even 1ng. . Han. Mr.. Justice P. H. Gardon, soulin Bg say eiss.ahe nderucentarn oftemmein alcpan- -. * ~~Jack Reynolds, Hampton, and Joe Rebekah Lodge, Bowmanville, ______________Chairman of the National Execu- Shreddid BBuneMeampnth aI naI additrinl5chfan- AN D' eatyetrandb 5 tive Committea of The Canadian Niagara Falls and Toronto, learn- mers' co-operative purcbasing as-'- Mx.. Harr Hy e, T iniyeCo-SDr e e,s atw berTh oe , 8ueed Cros.ed of -the Passing of er son, th y soc ations witb 56,351 m em b rs lege Scbool, spent the weekend AbrOSre, saa.Tegussu c-uay "The entire field of pubiicity sent this latter of sympatby. And reported total business transacted. .. with bis mather and bis grand- included Mesdames W. J. Rich- ____taucbing the Red Cross bas been I mthe, rs.A. cCeiln. ards, W. R. Harrison, E. Wood, C. they dxd not forget ber 75thbibrth- af $17,276,570. The purcbasing mohe, r. . elela. Moore, H. Joint, T. Wright, J. Wm. MeReynolds surveyed," said Judge Gardon. day. That, we dlaim, supports the organizatians bave been farmed Deputy Reeve C. G. Morris bas ukeH Po lM. or, "Al af the leading newspapers in1 thesis that Big Business is nat el. princîpally in the rural areas aof retBuckieyoH. PowellaM.hMoore, Wm. McReynolds,. wha until Canada bave made suggestions ways the big bogey sometimes ai- Western Canada for the purpose This hdutm s r:trn:d.rorn is anuel bntingand C. McMann, ail of Bawman- five y e ga was a most familiar and these suggestion OmlgdThSttsajons withaIbyigsuflisuual bl a in bgbuk.MaS. . mtinth enrI apdin diec sdyCompany in extending birth- commodities, sucb as gasaline, This CILieuts. W. Brown and Wm. G. t ay x .o m .o.,,l8tins.theBawanvilla, passad away sud- Society publicity undex. the drc a gréetings ta Mrs'.B 1arton. The trector fuel, coal, wood and binder f r ayrom No.rx8h MsnW denly et the home af bis deugb- tian af Mx.. Kelly. It wiil be bis latter follows: twine. Some are opereting stores Dou't walt until thc lest minute James, on ana week's leave f HCarruthars presidad and gave tex., Mrs. W. Willis, 911 Lgan wrk ta co-ardinate the informa- cerrying a full lina af generai to make your Christmas pur- their Armaured Unit, Camp Bar- the cail ta warship. Davational Ave, Taronto, an Nov. 7tb. tion arising fram aour aversees chu«e. Now la the urne to s~t dn revstngte prns period was takan by Mrs. Rabt. Born 79 years ega on December activities witb thet wbich arises Trno nmarchandise. Chltmsshpig.Sto u Mrs. Nelson Jackman, St. Cath- Hetherington. Mrs. Gea. Chae 25tb eat'Portadawn, County Ar- from the national operetions af November 10, 1941 Credit unions ara activa in al Chrstms hoping St oe k9 rines, visited ber parents, Mr. affered prayex.. Mrs. Kenneth magh, freiand, Mr:. McReynaîds the Society and, hico-operation Mr. M xne Batomaoies 1,100 nadre Aproxin mrater, crowds fewer, bargains and Mrs. R. Witheridge. Mrs. E. Werry gave a vary intaresting was the second son af James and witb the provincial divisions, ta Liberty Street, Canadaas00 et e caere1,1940 are bigger at Hunt returned borne wlth hier. addrass an the lives ai some of Eliza McReynalds. Sixty yeax.s provida the newspapers and other Banaamaanville, Ont. 940 Miss Bessie Clarke, Mrs. Ed. the missianaries in Chine, show- ega ha came ta Canada, 50 years publicity media witb exectiy thea omnilOt witb a membership close ta IS Bowles and Arthur and Edward, ing maps and pictures. ofa whicb wera spent in Bowmen- material tbey bave askad." Dear Mrs. Baitan: 200,000. Mare than $100,000,00 OH ~M. Harry McLean and baby son Gardon Slemon and Bryan Fia- villa, wbera hae cerried an a vary Mr.. Kelly servadhin the Royal We bave îearned witb very f the variaus cradit unians in JOHN TONMury, orotovistedMrs. RO- harty mystified Part Hope Lions succesful deiry business. Navy in the lest war and bas an much regret af the sudden pass- Canada during their period ai BOOK STORE bart Richards. Club and hr guasts with sieight- In 1886 the daceased was united enviable thirteen years' record îng af yaur son in Rochester,. N.Y.Lanyar13 FraaalMr.. Harry Robinson, Mrs. Wm. of-hend tricks whan the club an- in marriage with Miss Lillian viitb the coast newspepers. Ha recentîy. optiot Lad $i9the00,00193 Fo saldeposit, any article H. Celver, Mr.. and Mrs. H. Pao, tarteined streat faix. helpars on Jane Trick. Fiva yaars ega they has won international recognition May we take t9s000,0tu00t will be put away untll Christ- Rochester, N.Y., spent the waak- Thursday evening. The two young celebraed thair golden wedding on numeraus occasions in Tim a etk hsopruiy Dux.ham County Federation aI mnas.en thMs ineBroad Bowmnanvmale boys paeria r mi a d et their home on Scugag Street. Editor and Publisher, New 1 af extending ta o u OtArcluemgtpoial n ________othar relatives. theix. repertaire with casa and Retiring busines i ar ol-Tlge n h ahbeaitfait sympetby in yaux. sad vestigateaend dîscuss mavemants _______________ Mrs. W. J. Stuckay, Actan, and skfll whîch the plaudits af ega, they have spent the lest fiva ington, D.C., Timas-Herald. -bramntadgetos. athskd.Te c-prtv Sec these for your Soldler Mx.. and Mrs. Charles Symans, the audience and dalightad cvery- years very enjoyably et the home The passing af aux. loved anas idea bas nat made progress in thisa Friends: Leemingtan, ware recant visitors ana, especially a few of the young- af thair deughtar in Toronto, Thinking, not growth, makes leaves waunds that aie deep and distric t. N I with the formex.'s -daughter,.Mrs. ex. boys present an the occasion- wbera meny new friands have manhood. Accustom yao u r s a i f, sore and while time is a greet 55f ~I Bn Fohis -- $1-10, $1-25, $1-50 Harry Smith, Qucen St. Port Hope Guida. been made. By bis cheery "hello" theref are, to thinking. - Isaac heaeax, the scier eiways remains. LeaUier Money Belta, eaeh $2. Mrs. Major Higdon, Fanelon Oshawa citizens ara baginning and bright smile, Mr.. McRaynolds Taylor. We bave, bowevax., consolation in Science Teachar: "What hep-Jee Foldrs wth-witin papr an 'Falls, conductd special services ta realiza that it's a stupid pice as endeaerd bisef ta al is It is the hardest ting in the the fact that we wil be tgether pns when a body is immrsd in Fodea lU-wltngpacraxu t the Salvatin Army Sunday. af legisation toalelow beverge frinds. Little childrn wra world ta be a good thinker with- again in a short wie. water?" - envelopea in Khakl and Air She also brought grcetings frm roama ta remein open tili mid- deaily loved by bim. out being a good self-examiner.- We would also like ta axtend Dumb but beautiful: "The taie- Phone 6 ln t Force coloraech -------69e Brigadier Gertie Hollande ta ber night when reail. stores close Tefnaisrices, which Szfesu..ta you aur cangratulations on phone rings." PanandPenilin eaUcr Bawmanvilae friands. from two ta four bours aarliex.. A wara lex.gaiy attendad, were con- Pen nd encl Inleaher Mx.. Fred Haggarty, structural meeting xs bexng held in Simcoe ducted by Rav. Norman MecMur- Cases-Khaki or Air Force tcnce ncntuto tli St. S. S. on Nov. 25th et 8 p.m. rey af Denforth Avenue United $50ed5OOIterhnmeinc o.t30,tio an- t a te the nacessary steps ta have Church, Toronto, et the home of ----- ville, was cellad ta Kingston aver the beverege rooma in the Motor bis deugbter, and aiso et Txipty . R V E ~ FS A IG S T Photographel pletures of Uic the waekend on gavernment work City close et 10 p.m. Dr. Gea. A. United Church, Bawmanvilia, o AaIV E W O Kin ad uen, ac ...50e bu rtunedTusdy.Little, Toronto, will be the speak- which ha was a member, wbex.e Kin an Queneac ,. 0e Mrs. Victax. Spencer, Japan, .s ex. t this.meeting. Rev. J. E. Griffith assisted. The L Reiius Wall Mottoca guest ai Canon and Mrs. C.R Hugb Tamplin, aditox. af the presanca of meny aid friands and 10e ~ $.GOSpencer. She is spaking Thurs- Fergus News Record, recntly r- neighbrs t the church and the -M on mssonay apc.It is an tain with a party ai Canadien gava evidenca af the bigb esteem NEW LENDING LIBRARY op a meetiong f oaie. newspaparmen, says that "the hi whicb the deceased wes held. C HISM A I 10 N - d FrcraopwGes etsnaIfMradies.GA first tbing aux. soidiax. boys naed Irtarment was made et Bowman- 1 %1 McTa-En Fre's w Ggrts wfere . and MG.A. is lettars, personal, friendly let- villa Cemetery. The pallbeaiers Sec the many smart, yet prechlcal gints Uiat are, now on dlsplay et your Paolv-----9et$11 novel-aaogMr.E.MTgar n onl,~ tara. If you have neyer bean fai were John Willis, Thos. Whales, LOWEST T. D. A. Store. Tlxere's a wide range for you'te choose frolu for evryone- Plolv E.d Mx..Care admDonang, T-away from home, you bave no Robert Clarke, Marvin Clarke, e 59e teh bysInth$freCo15el IflIITfN rntSx. and Mrs. lieAmtg S ov ide aifthe craving fox. naws af John Thampson, Orvilla Hoopex.. RC Sepcel teby Itefres. And you'il find Uat your money wHi Cogt' ]JH ST N rnt, r. ndMr. G Svaea home. We would lika every par- The flower beaiers wex.e S. Be- P IE go farther et lnoney-saving I. D. A. prices. -Plan now te settle some of Woodbury's. .29,5e$10 Mr.. and Mx.s. M. Baifourxan son who reada this ta it down and dali, H. Simmons, E. Gallagba., -----YOur gift problams this weekend. WilIllam's60,$15$20 BOOKSTORE* Douglas, Thornhlll. write a latter toay ta sama sol- P. Gellaghex., J. Dale, L. Dale, P. ______________ Yardley'a - -iîot 5o hoi65Kigt. At a meeting ai the Registared dier. Make it newsy <gossipy if Patérs and Thos. McReynolds. CHRISTMAS A RD Lnhei Nurses'6Asociationai.Ontaix like) and write it soon, and Mr.. McReynolds leeves ta moux.n * ~ -n~Iue vKSLnhre----.$.0t s Miss Marian Dudley, student folow it with others." bis pessing bis widow, ana deugh- u Special Boxed Assortm.nt, 10 carde 19e __________________________________tex. Myrtie <Mrs. Willis), a daugh- L V I Other Boxed Assortments .. 12 for 25e M ST B C O tex. A'edra having predeceased X A hlm eigbt yeers ega; a brother, Individilal CARDS 2 for 5e, Sep 10c, 25c Sse o$ 0 James McReynolds, Muakegon, W edding Mîcb., and ea ister, Mrs. W. H. ____ Gay Osbewa.ORDER LAURA SECORD CANDIES FOR XMAS IAt Mutton-Haileran Soldiers Marrying CHRISTMAS NOW soc t 50 The home af the bxide's mother English Girls CLAK' POK AMFIR ilbPkg. hiOshawa was the scana af a Probably Lonely GLAâKISPeORè& Marshmallows 27C pretty weddixig when Theixna F SFO TH LA Y X S1 Winnulred, daugbtar af Mrs. and (Fergua News-Record) *** * ** **GFSF RT EL D M SCG R T E DEANS GOLDEN RIBBON the lete John Calvin Halleran, be- This lonelineas for home la * 5 -GO l$ 2 Pears 15 oz tin 10c came the bride af Bruce Ives Mut- probabiy ana reeson why so many *u u uy Evenin g ln Paris Sets --- 85e up *ULK ULA K ton, son ai Mx.. and Mrs. ala h adesaa ~ 3 Tins 250 ~Pepper -- lb 25C Mutton, Concession Street, Bow- England. The colonel ai ona On- eatnSs 30to$.0Dhl Lg ~. ~,* maxiville. Rev. A.* D. Cox.nett, Pas- teria Battelion toid me that anae * ilettà Tech Razor * PeaSecrne Sets ---. 30e te $5,00 DunhîlI Llghtes----$.0u lKI..n.X 10 - 29# Oshawa, periormed Uthc cere- in Engiexid. Ha dismissed our in- * '* Other Llgrhtcrei 9et 35 A~ ~unj CLARK'8 mony amid e loveiy setting af sirluations and said that the girls **Prciaangneusyt MAL gFPJ1LTomato and Vegetablo tel.sandrdsfilled wi41tb11ail.ete '1m1,y- eea h rgtj tpwti oiyu*Yrly i es-$,0te$0. oac ouhs Ieec