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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1941, p. 9

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1 , ~~~~~~~~d o n a t e d f o r t h e B r i t i s h W a r V i e -e l , s o k n s c u e , g f s tims. These wi11 be sent through animas, and wreaths for a border Z.t eD o@.M s. P t o n th e b lack b oard of C h ristm as - terson gave a worthwhile talk on DUShngs . .whtaewCu.vWVlin Caainzainýho ecnabout Japan. . . . We are taking______________ hep léCanadianiz in o f he a thngs.abou .t Weh r sts i gstrangers wha core ta ur cun- Some of the children are makingLea heytlp me CanaWdianrs o heo- s a ouetshoutma ofwo.. ed the new 'Alrgraph' forms and There were pictures of things ini described how they are used. Next diffément countries at church Sun- M .V OLBALLD M ajor . Lycett was home, meeting Dec. lOth. neekday night. B rit r S lctr N t r * Horace York was home. yoee and harness wee bdlyTOYPREBIENT __________ m M.C. C. Cain li ensc. damgd RE -TCL R Er Miton Green~ was home. Clarke contributed 65% of its C O N SER V A IV ES FEDT XE AY S O L U TCHEA Dw Mi., Vsi a m. a d Mr. Ja e aritr, S iio N tr AC.Dent+ was home. quota on the War Savings diive a o Mrs. Frank u .oa ~~on 9 Lcett la home. which finished on the 2th. Many Reeve T. A. (Bert) Reid, Clarke,~ TABOO IN CROUP COq& a rgt n m n r.Frn oiîa orBnM~Mnra placs w ere the pa ih a pr- lare T wnsip a ser atîe L ~ F 1'b~ H yla d, resden of Motbems. you w if vloome the. W right. . . . Miss Janet Watson terar is viitng in paurce n re twork yi a utier-wCasrke-eTo dwn s set a the W right ith Mr. an ocete.relef tram mlsery that cre with Miss Annie Sticland, Osh- Mr K. A rchie M D onald visited is n a t hcaun td he rw e p an9re s a tneta hll mSa t ngday n ' culture, w as guest speaker at the m uffl e Sm . . . M . a d M s o . F r celSmt.snt thoughtedhewae panwhchAsociaton hl at h eting h eldvte uhmFeeain !Ar- lha VpRSrasg. ~ aa. M. and Mrs. GJos.eFordarL..1AONB.. Ne bos ae rlvdatte rInttuecls mtSauda g. Other officers elected were : Orono Woman's Institute on Fn- ment, the oultice-an -vaor an r.Jh Fod wt M. Hiryr e Mna ra ta receive instructions prpama- lst Vica-J. .Lwrrn Wlththlamoret y lrg reto rt . . M.adMs ereFre arse oii iýra met 8 8on a d. T surer tory ta learnng t m ir h u 2 d ice-M as Jennie Thompsonw s e rd tan c lh- b r nd M s T .Smt-n ail td 8laneyowasan~td coats and sleeping garments, andNewcastle; Secetay-R. R.Wad- wltherigeat nerstiy a lare etleypmImmifrItath randMms.ensaa ainia tsbace rtyo!te Bbe as. gteig h eril cmdas sages ec-wlth sootblng ma'y.Mr. C - cuia m and Mrs.ThsSmhadOfienmdatyestfRoa elto eleet affîcers. Jeanne Formanr elOon;As.ScstMs .an m kle a s..poultioe or Lnsy Dm. ly d CttflveitdB isbleatd aiatL sa HmioOrn; rasMr-o-. ad r. Heyland to the vaPOU. - sik tT lia LiMs.Lab wihrltvsnThae i a lce-prsdnLnora Hrmeeting. Teaurr-Go-plnfte ... g quMr. Coleman, Wycliffe Collage,PhnOfie68 Hm 53 Drw utl iie don Matn Lake Sh~ore. Auditars Mr. Hayland bagan his infor- rlit awayl RsutedOIelisOvn Wa ncareo ot on father i M . S. C utteil. Wood vice-pr sident, S h rley P _ T . C aw an and L yall L ow ery w eme D enak b a i g h t t e0 r a d 1 a o u .a d e e i g e v c t S . J h ' Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., eOril- tmsceay adAde l-also re-elected and the hemanmue. talko b hdsang htete aid fiena a!VapoRub. ws", nias m ucheo bnathmmnn t livislted her parents. rngs treasurar. It is axpectad thare a! the polling subdivisions weme * f4 arers were now belng vaiced Wlth al Its beneft - manage A ongiatCuahion sut r nd . B on Pattarson Oono's irst Air hi p o! n e m ei s B ssndet the appointed with few changes. i h o m to f t e F d r - V p R bf r8 m n t so i Force graduate, was home leTheréeninon meetingsthundar -onwhich is to put their PRAI poLwsSai ntar25hwd sisai:D.E.W iss Adee ndDlk alenaTro- rshi fre MicatstanB le aactiont adallRwAed the min- . C et Ha a kno hi Club et ii j Ji Ms rdLct t nbeteutes, traue' eot n ui a- el as throat and chest - ding anniversary on Nov. 22nd. Gauto oa etlCl awee adhome. ro, orn girls to learn the art af sewlng ~tesrmsrpradad-~, tion bafore the public just as pmead a thlck layer an chest, Girls' Hmemng Clbegeot.',we r tnoto ecordobook tors' report, all pmaented by B. R. '"manufacturera, labomers, bankers aaverwitli a varmed clôth. fE at Mrs.A. . Bily . BdforBothevlf h Misiss dCabldikToono, copltar adal, nda omiteTreorroanncamo, o!comecewee vh t ue emin, neofstcitcs.mmeric'efo te thOfic u visited hiem parants. Union meeting Monday evaningpmsndb JH.Lwrsh-X' able to influence the govamnment. ti VAPORUE. meeting in the unit "Sleeping9a..t6pm dly Miss Ednah Stutt, Grafton, Was in charge o! Muriel Tannant. ing the seeming impossibility o!fHaersnedIotEtat te famer Garments." Président Jean Tomsecptuna visited friands. Tapie was taken by Mms. S. Little- forming a Junior Consarvativa '-Had otredjobstproducthg, ar- openad the meeting. SacretaryPan79 -Ho.phe83 Wifrd rotehs ea clldwood on "Serving with the Sons Association. ka etland inaly hainga ome Dorothy Wotton ead the minutas. XRaEupmninOfc up for radio wark ini the navy. of Chu," with the assistance of Mr. Raid thankad the members tinMans Clubin thaOrangeHall. ith on Meb raquieetheol a o M . and Mms. W. K. Sloané, Stlla Bat, Elsie Rowe and Edna for their show a! confidence and the civicanffars. Hate darepepig mad thee afer oo lack o! monetarye's clnsiderhe iong Mal ihemr answred nthofrailcîl_________________ Petarbora, visited hiem father, Mr. Myles who ead short portions. A called on thrae staunch Conserva- Reeve T. A. Raid for the farmarwho,salthougtminom.WntrCak leiggamn.Taatmoo R .O IE cornet.solo was randemad by Roy tives-R osa Stnika and Milton El- w ho has again be an lected P r si- food la a m unition a! w àr, are the new lyw ads, hav a tak an r o m in as s nt n a te ng a at rn Of ce ou s n O o o: M d y Mm. W. alt rs ele rat d hs F rra ter wit Ji Po ers at he liott of Bow m anvilla and F. W . d nt of Clarke Township Conser- nly class whose living is not in- the P nw ard n house. utting garm ents and fitting n s ta F d y (i c u ve fr m 9 am bithday Sunday by having his Piano. Stella Bést, Mary Harris Bowan, Ex-M.P., o! Newcastl- vative Association. Bert has been craased by bonuses. The fariners' Y. P. U. o! United Church held which had bean basted at home,.a5pm vnig yapIt chlldmen and grandchlldren ta tea and Sam Keane were appointed for short addmessas. All the speak- honorad with this office sa many pricas are not in proprio athair fimat meeting since rai- Leaders Mms. A. Bailay and Mms.POnant Several. Oronaites attendad ý ta sea about putting on a pageant. ara mentiqnad with approvai the times it almost looks lika a life the coat o! what they hae a uytion on Nov.rightth, with Prhesidant banqet t Lidsa la ono o!Owigt many people not un- appointment o! Rt. Hon. Arthur job for him. from mrchants, and hae also stat- Frank MeMullen in the chair. The of fl seam. Jean Toms demon- Stra rm9am a6pm Mr. and Mrs. Holtby. derstanding0 what the two-year Meighen as leader o! the Cap- ed aieasol o b lse iua ee edb.Scy l trated the correct methad o! sew- Tîpo rn 81 _________________________miute_______ For appoiAntmeonbutonsntol cll.nex Mrs. Fred Lyctt was hostess ta termi o! councillors, sehool trus- servative paty and stressed the wlth laborers but rathar business fred Radknap. Lana Kimball was îgo utn.Rl alnx the young waman's Bible clasa tees and Police trustes means, an need of gatting organized and mén as they had. invested monay in charge of davotional. Bamniace oetia nd th b amgoe kindatra Tuesday evening. axplanation is givan. There will standing behind Mr. Meighen in C w n il in farma while laborars marely Milligan conductad this program to f r ndthe t hdof h ei sl'~ Scouts met Thusday evening be no Elactions this year for coun- his difficuit task. had tools ta buy. Solo, Gwan Gilmar; speech, Kaith or type of garment a wîc uneasaI'relr with 19 présent. Knatting tests cils, police trustaes or in achool' The necessity o! total war a!- r.W . Mr. Heyland autlined the pro- Stapleton, on l'T'he Ideals o! De- béat suitad. _______________ ners are now fullY co ppleted. school section belonga to m re sd by the speakers, the explana- Crossley at M . Chas. Béeba's, grss a! the Fédération since its mocracy"; eading, Laurna Pea ua Ja W ih ttn e heP N R L I E T R were prepaed for. Th four cor- sectionstxcapttintcsas wh7rA heufortnwd aamostho oughlondîsuseVisntoriMm.eaCdnMs.ntion inceToanyth h ~~ A splendid picture ol Ron Pat. than one municipality, but thare tian being given that compulsory Orano. .. Mr. and Mms. E. Farroiwicpin ttngta o 7Aqi and gainsvacodctaIntt ta lnveio inTonto e r aya taean, graduate o! R.C.A.F. train- will ba (there has ta be) Annual sélective service allowed each tao at Mm. T. Stephans'. . . Mr. and caunties in Ontario had these by Jean Campbell. Lunch round- ainogave a alk andtemoDra- een and gro pstiHn oni tbehaut o!t phli-urhaut a.pF .aM o rrisenC o . '4 ng schaol at Aylmer, appeared in Meetings. These meetings are im- do his or hiem winning the Mrs. Clarence Burley, Domeenand srouasbe. Hepomted ut taol- W.d1.out platsanaveilg. ar Girls Club, Work. Md MtrEupnnAn '~Friday's star, portant as reports will be given war in the aphere in which aach Kanneth, Mr. and Mms. Was tcsws ame.Haenaebraye. .me a rs îii F-thy la epnc qe m~~~~n th t w m n o h v h ro 's ih M s. G. M artin in the i c r y m y is e t n ae a d I v nd C . T l- Orono Red, Cross last shipinant and financlal stataments présent- displayad most talent. The third Stringer at Mr. Willis Farrowsîgta onn h aatarwswîth toMms. P. Wood in hier sad poe4oo 3,Assat53 mncluded: 12 quilts, 8 pr. saanen's ed. point coverad by the speakers was Port Granby. an a'h job o!fapend ing %a!taft onrh vr was aciadta aplyere avret _____________ long socks, 4 scarves, 19 pr. mitts, the necassity o! organization and __________ tefml' elh renwpr-wl an xhneo hit A Mm oFl r ampsons on ur- n d 8 helmets, 9 tumtleneck sweaters, with it the training o! youth i te a if ta tar nw a t h i oe a but Chrismas Ms lmThpn's oSatu Lcn dA cioer id 0 p. scks th prncilesof onsrvaism -ners if they happen to be farmnera' g ft tisyea btgf will b day evaning in honar o! Mm. Hec- ot tepicpas fCnsaratisn. wives and tharefore should taka callected foi Port Hope Shaîteropo.n hsbie haEMRWLU Polce rutée mt Mndy. hespekes wrehead ithLokhafsSch olan intareat in the Fédération and Mrs. Haskin had charge o! ahe orma Miss Marydhittrie, Osh-eape na tH.A. Clarke was appointaci ta see CELEBRATED AT great interest by a faily large former huMiatndtsseeigs nMargaryRal alANoedCnaWwawiowaernmna a ,S Osmham-Llatok about taninery hlllrepaira at once. "H RA G "crowd. soudated hem'tnsa dianogrMrsRalrca r KAoedaalw, h.eemar tthe A bill from.the vrono Garage for ____Following the singing o! the'N.9 oe nfoho Cu rmwit hh en le allt un-radion ,erstn tlkonY ' ' 5rsnaeBlackstock on Nov.15 * ~as for tire angine aniountmng to National Anthern, wlth Mms. J. H. etetanigClkeUnionClb forms hic enblaallto n- gve n îtamst tak o "C On N ovem er 17, " he G de stand th feautifullegi.dtsnwameonracso ovGwImpG lemrn sd Thd FunmngturespSales ÎÏ.72 was oderad paid. ONombr1,ThGrange," Lowery at the piano, lunch and Dec. 3rd. Good tumnout la axpect eadt he!rpolmaoinizt ationsaaGwn iler;e.Tenena a pn h. ' Durham's winnar in public home o! Mr. W. F. Riekard, M.P., social chat was enjoyed. ad. Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn axprassed cata a odced by Len playing carda and dancing ta mu-, hp o emaadDt a speakiùg came firat also at Brigh. and Mms. Riekard, Newcastle, was Sale of tickets an' the 9 lb. truit the gathaming's appréciation of Kimbaîl. Naxt me~eting Dec. 2hsisupedb Gln Gbo, ton sa, Alex Kallough will coin- the scene o! a happy party -ta 'cake la prograssing welL Procaeds M. Hayland's aduress. . M. S. o Unitad Church mat Dave MeMullen, Clarke WilliamsCLIOR PTCK * pete at the O.E.A. îLt Easter. Sec- celebrata the 801h birthday o! for war wark of No. 9 section. Musical numbera inciuded: Vo- Nov. llth. Mms. C. Robinson lad and Stuart Thompson. Lewis Ensi1j ond winnerMrs. David Moffat, Orno, (Ms. Silver Medals Ms. Cecil Malley, Mrs. . W. cal dut by Ms. Mary Phasey a n mprayer. Miss Laing read items Stinson calid off. Mr. and Ms an p iz w nn r, Frase r C arr,, R ickard s m other). O v r sev nty A a d d F r T l s B w n a d M . R s e l O b m e M s e r a t a l o a o o fr m the P re byta ial held t E n- H ector T ho rpson ar a living P oeinm a vilS2 3 came third at Brighton. Good relatives and friands made up the A aratotTle oene adisrictRulicOspore yMms. HJ.y aT rown ocSa'slniskillen. Mrs. McCullough took Oshawa. Seilzn aFmnLvsok work, boys! happy gathe ing including hiemrn, T m e a c ing contest on Friday at Brighton. piano du t by M s. M . H. Staples h r e a h rg a : M s . A The Agriculture Society haed a I pe n ns a d F m u e S ls Mr. Bryson, Kirby, had his teain immédiate famlly o! seven, two Mms. W. T. Brunt, Mr. and Mms. and Mms. R. H. Brown* and vocal Barrie raad a paper by Rav. W. B. social avening in the canimunity C24 of horses run away Monday after- daughtars and fiva sons, with Gwan Chatterton, Clarke Un- Ceeul Malley, MissMryBoanduat by Mms. Howard Allin, Ne- iang an "Theology in the ser- hall for membars on Friday aven-. osi efrtrsaddts non n atouhneijuy their familias, and relatives and ion, an dPeter Chmara, Orono, and Mm. F. W. Bawen attended the castle and Mms. J. T. Bmown, vice o! aur country"; reading by îng. At the card garna Mrs. Percy Columbusr Hss esled hsfredifope Tpnt, ONewaleo, - nd abr Mr. H C~owa hol Cons Th npry at Brown's Shaw1s.' Laureen McCullough; a paper by VanCamp and Mr. Albert Wright Odeyorcutrhclbo _______E_______Columbfiansfope Tnt, Newal, i(b.ath terd y ms. H oard Rad Cros usard Mmu Roiph gave a short report Mms. G. MCullough on "The Pli- won the prizas. at Ti ttsa fie Bowmanville and Orono. Aftar'a W.C.T.U.) were declarad winners ofthecovention__ Toronto, crim osa nihpayRoaby Meeting __________________________ slprt pragram o!f userécita- o! silver madals by the judgas, daaling chiefly with Miss Agn as Bley ihpae yMs S LEE Au tiona, speeches anidgaes lunch Miss Haibert, Leakard, Mr. Frank d Macphail's address. on the wark It la elcmestotecn was semvad. The house was p rat- MeMullan, Newtonville, anid Mrs. K nd lof Co-operatives and thse Wo- I sum e ta e nw tol thaton mwâ*.m~ tlly decorated with' rumsanid the Delve, Orono, at the silver medai ensInttuebt lo i inglasonto be tlpitaced ligl B1WR ER S E table tastily arranged with caru- canteat held Friday evenlng, un- mupon pricas. butmirninti -*-* NORTH ANERICANpôn pices faVigiaadtrm hrMdasI-Tobad thia was nat put la affect dies and .birthday ce4e. About dem auspices O! the W.C.T.U. Vsio: Robt. Alexander, To- stitute meeting demonstratad at sooner, befoma prices soamad. At y« imeup v midnight the cornpany> departed All contestants eceivad booksa onta, at home. .. Miss Mary Mc- the convention. fi7'ts reW wishlng Mms. Moffat many more presantad by Miss Halbert after en aot thm...Ms She announcad that the girls' cts lae atew a nnatsehw~ LIE S RAr u.wîJLesiues happy bithdays. Mr. MeMullen had delivamed the Flarence Wrighit with hiem daugh- club wamk, o! which Miss Bassinet cts ayganbreduced to a *.-«CO AN te ièlemdges décsio andpresntedtheter, Mms. Leonard ......... Mr.and and Mms. F. Lycett are taking 1décent levai unleas the 'callingl r Idansy va outjudges deisinadpana the mdl. Mms. L. D. Bell anid tanily at MÉ. charge, would start Sat. 22nd. collapses bign rcsdw Mdfm eLake Shore, Clarke ineswihth edl.Carmen Blls. .. Mm.and Mms. MsF abyn m.R .with it. bign ncsdw nsucsteapitin the______O The four boy contestants were: Win. Mercer anid family at Mmr. A. ForstF.rad y Mrs. o. Ai . Thare wera twa charivaries on - eamdvseVictor Wamner who as ok on Grant'a near Uxbidge. terviaw cauncil regerding Nov. 17th, one for Mr. and. Mrs. neaavseVîsitors:, Mms. W. H. Jaynes at "-Wly I Beliave in Tatal bsing h Walter Clark and ana tam Mm. and :,ho.Attii bi StE f aisNecaslean Mr. Rg. n ThaDanerus bstn- Russel Suteliffe, who has been price o! the hall for the nine tinua s Clinton Farrow. sý fRichmond Hill.. Mrs. Nommnan ence," Kanneth Dent who spoke employed by Win. Jackson, has ai ilb aurdfrtegrs inagtee rdyae- -~. sudtin, te. t te &t 'mis Necatle an Road"g.,h "Patergrosjobd" Peer thb thethehydmai Ohala Osiiawa.eed riMms.en Taroto, ~ ~. Cinea o spoke on Congratulations ta Pte.and Te in' rpr h. wad at hNewtonville cammunity dny li--fr Ovbr ffl a ewtuy dt Ii. n's.. Mr. and Mms. C. J. Mit- James Evans," anid Mont Richard- Mrs. A. Mavin on the arrivai of $7 1.69an handepr.ah we hall ta aonor aur nawlywads, Mmr. avrt kuuay rsudy. Easyte ta".114 -hall at Mm. H. Paters', Part Bni- son who spok69 on "WyIBeivand Ms atrCak m m- ".......... 'i...Misa Olive Whitney, Port la Total Abstinence." afneso. W ere 5orry tà m.R.Da ilb acag an ce scama i Thlor g r o t sa t e a r t a ntoMat er e nhsp tona vi ! na t m etn ,short pragrain was enjoyed: P iao*. . . . . . . A I '%nr and Mra. W. Adams and fainWetwhseWeaxen iy t M. A Suchs, hilh. "Robin'S Mistak," K a t h 1 e e n Gmenwood a n a aMs faction that Ms. Rolph was nom- ton Dy Dorothy Stapletn; speech adPearl on the natd président at the Tronto by Rev. J. MeLachan; and a pianafOrw Red Cross met at Mms. Homes' Ganusby who spaka on "A Casa deatii O! Mr. Greenwood. Thay convention andmagret that she slcinb enCmbl.Aa ersnaiewt ! last Thursday and at Mma. J. Hen- for Charity," Betty Chapinan aewtiW.Hsélns tpe a ihrw hmnie econau addesas aa byll.. dry a thia Wednesday. wiiose tapie was "John Barlay- sent. nmnto etanybroughum Wes. rin er, olwa ead by fs Mr,, Wallace Holmes attended corn Jingles,1" nid Gwan Chat- A bingo was held at Mrs. Hil- hnrtbteQoobrihy ihwr utbl cnweg- Oshaw II ED the Wamen's Institute Convention tartan who spoke on "Haw Punch ditch's la aid a! the JuniorRe Mrs. Jt. C. Tamblyn addressed wi nch w siaerved niwld tii IU LIV LIi oot. nieiDiklateLs a. Cross. About $4.80 was realized. the gathaming egarding the school r~aniro h vnn a 0 tu ih nwH. & S. Association was iield Other much enjoyad numbema A miscellaneous siiower was nyh aniisrmet n semn adanin. ofBll tbshee saelalytriedtegie eui dve md eU its m sba Nov. lth, with opening exercises an the ragrani, over which Rev. hyhml o m.ndMs.Oabl 50 anvitntruets and y« a ,961 r esonuctd y PasieniBonHn--. ittewod prasidaci, weme: when they presented them wlth a Roll calwas asae yaci NewtonvIlle Sehool NewsonIsrea atrseteCmayspeet iihhls sbp~btmataouLt Itpemssut dry. Port Britain H. & S. Assoc. Wosip perlod; two sélections by number of useful anid beautiful telling the naine o! the moat (By Dorathy Stapleton, Grade IV) o nuac atr otecm b 084get sidog qqà put on this progrmiwth Presi- the O.C.S. Glea Club; vocal duet Présents and ta wish them iiealtii, troublesome weeds la the main- We are putting a Christmnas and prospaective puehV es ~ e ~ dent Mms. H. Holman la charge: by Murmel and Gwen Tannant; waalth and happines Whe. js, im ets gais eut i Sélections by the SnellOrhsr;paosl yDndStps; WI.mtNvlt ath b bers' gardans. The meeting cloaed barder around the blackboard. Orhetr;biao ol b Dnad tao.; . .m. Nv.Rev.n he4. R. E.uch W aeMortonescadls i-M i cdn&yW e..E.Mro,- Newcastle, -vocal solo by Lenora 'Wood; piano ary. In the absence a! Ms. IR. wt uc.W r utn racnis h md i&ffl ,t aa gava an address; solo by Ronald sala by Dawn Mo!fatt; and piano Marcer, Mme. John Patton was la EWa tm-èdc ,Dagget; speech by Jacqueline duet by Camaianid Anna Staplas. charge. The aid waollens are ta iW, àx- o i] thedUnie. Clarke; dialogue entitled '"When. Audrey Billings waa pianiat for ba taken to the library betome the Frw3$yqarathoiaeanda * Women Hava Their Rlgiits"; con- the solos and Qlea Club sélectiena, flext meeting ta be sent ta To-- e tn il dm im~ his-Wdth Fmt-a.fie. test conductad by Mms. H. Hal- and Mrs. J. J. Melaor for tiie hymn ronto. Rail call for next meeting now. . Try Ibt4dU--ou'ii a.Lnhwssra i nteoeig'osi perioci and is the gift of an article ta be Visitons: Mr. and Mms. Stafford degmsdhvulhyu' et i.asocial hour follawad. the National Anthei.HceTonoMm. and........ w en .. m ilaa ~25ek, Lunch was servad ta thase wha Wm. Murphy, Patarboro, Mmsg waadr ap- ae ath h rorm ft n ln Percy Checklay, Hamilton, Mrs. RU h ll ES au SlL, pers are obtainable atihis officehdtknprlatapoai, V m sAoe Gardon Werd, Calgary M m ut -1SeLv«obe a c a py. Frank Squa4,, Mr. and Mma'. Law'- ..... LI L rance, Squai Providence, at Mr. TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1941 s~nîîs ant~lady friand, Part Wheat isradckd ready î'a.kl iss Meida HaÏiowell, New- W Hope, with Mr. McGregon Jones. 100%7owhole wvbeat, inducling the. valu- castle, was hom. .. Hugh Staple-.. Mrs. Thos. Stapleton at Mm. tan at Will Hallowell's. . . Mm. . eorge Srnlth's, Starkville. able wbeat germ-equaily appetizia and Silvar Io home frain Toronto. . . F. MeMullen was a judge at nourishing for breakfast, lunch or as a Mss Helen Moore, Oshawa, wlth the W.C.T.U. contest ln Omono an bew nmalsakAkfo byti Je Je M A SO N & SON mFaro', - ne hpmu $us Whty tom...A obo akMeaha jon: thei ullname 5bico hedd ha INSURANCE AGENTS Mm:. Victor Farrow la Toronto. ... offl. ew - Isfl. Rie C** - Fred Hendenson, san o! eou, Phno68 ow anlle aMi n Giller, Newtonvllle, Handerson, has as ie Arthu Dun l8ita fie hane. -R.C.A.F. Arthr Dun lot a ine ome.Mrs. Dudley Joncssud Mr. Mi. Silver ha a telephone Willis Jones wene the prize wln- lnstalled la their home. nenu'at the. cuchre put on by the. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVILLE, ONTAIRIO

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