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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1941, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1941 jThe Newcastle Indepeideutmq Phoneo Clarke 1114 A number of carloads of grain have been unloadcd at the C.N.R. station this past weak. Mr. and Mis. Adalu Hancock, Toronto, were Sunday guests o Mr. an~d Mis. J. C. EHandock. Miss Catherine Minto, Third Lina, entertained heu young fri- ands at a jo11y party at her home on Tucsday evening. Mis. J. H. Jose and sister, Mis. Frank Mason, Oshawa, motored ta Torono ta sec their cousin, Mis. Raincy, who is critically il. Weekcnd gucsts with Mis. W. H. Pearce wcre: Mr. and Mis. Norman Williams, Gait, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwilll and Miss Jean, Tarante, and Roy of tic R.C.A.F., St. Thomas. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Jose and Mi. and Mis. J. T. Brown attended thc complnnentary banquet tcndered Eynesight Education And Efficiency Br C.H.Tuck Optemetrlst Eyuwgh* SpeciaisI Disney flîdt. (epp. P.O.) Numben 200 Teach' habits of cleanliness. Bathe thc child oten. Teach thcm face and hands muit be washed clean. Wash the hands and face before aid alter meais. Give plenty af water ta drink. Tcach the child ta retire early aid keep the regular routine. Young chul- dren should have a nap evcry day alter the noon-day meal. Do nat be taa ready ta grasp what is advertised as a benefit for childien. It may be only a icheme ta make moncy. Simple foods arc hast. Keep the teeth clean-each child like thc grown-ups should have their own tooth brush. Teach Uic childrcn te keep Uic fingers out a! nase, mouth aid cars. Do not hang a rattlc or toy of any nature above the child's cyes to swing- as a source of amute- ment ta quiet hini while in his carniage. This has been knawn ta cause Uic cyes ta turn inward. (ta be cantinued) Oshawa, Ont. NOW SHOWING Ani Sheridan Jack Onkie sud Martha Ray ""NAVY 1BLUES"' Revival Frlday Fred MacMuray 'Rangers of Fortune' Monday, for 3 days * CHARLES BOYEIR OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND PAULETTE GODDARD Zola DACE THE DAWN Thurs., Fr1.. Sat. SPENCER TRACY in a roie ha glorifies DL JEETL ad ML. RDE LANA TURNER UNORUD BERGMAN DONALD CR151> * IAN HUNTEIR BARTON MacLANE C. AUDREY SMITHf iby Holstein buceders to Mr. and Mns. R., M. Holtby,, Port Pcruy, at Lindsay on Nov. l9th. MrqriCi? Hull, Bowmanvilie, as- slsted the United Church Choix Sunday morning and sang "The 1Holy City." Heu aged grand- mother, Mus. J. A. Fry, was amang thase present te hear heu sing. Officeus o! Thc Live Wires S. S. Class, il. C. Sunday School, Char- les. Glenncy, teacher, arc: Puesi- dcnt-Laurence M o r t o n; Vicé Presidet-Harold Hoar; Secue- tary-Jamcs Patterson; Treasurcu -Robert Allia; Advisory Coin- mittee-Ross Allin, Stanley Allin. Sympathy is cxtended ta our aged citizen, Mu. Sam Brown, in the dcath o! his wifc on Monday. She had been in poar health fan some tume. She was the former Caroline Waldon, Newcastle. Be- sides heu widowcd husbaid she is survivcd hy four sons, Robeut, william, Albert and David. Officers o!f'the Newcastle High School Liteuary Society arc: Pue- sident-Pauline Deline; Vice Pue- sident-Muriel Peciwell; Secretary -Laurence Morton; Tuasuer- Robert Aluin; pianist-Laurence Moton; Ass't. Pianist-M ur id Pcdwell; Editer The Buzze- Keith Braiton; Ass't. E dito u- June Allia; Historiai-Leslie Gib- son; Poet-Doris AlUin; lat Form Rcps.-"MarY Purdy, Sam Brere- tan; 2nd Foum Rcps.-not yct ap- pointed; 3rd Fan BReps.-Eileeii F a r row, James Pattersan; 4th Form Rcps.-Hazel Powell, Robert Aluin. Young Pcople's Union on Mon- day cvening was in charge of Miss Louise Hancock. Louise conduct- ed the devotional, assistcd by Kay Toms, Kay Minto and Helen Hooper. Mus. Percy Haie cantin- buted two readiags and Louise aiso cntertained with a ueadiag. The main act was a play in which the participating actons weuc: Kay Toms, Kay Minto and Helen Hoaper, maie characters in amaz- tag costumes, and Evelyn Allun, Doris Allin and Louise Hancock, Uic females in the act. President Marjorie Lycett conducted the business session. NEWCASTLE HIOR SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Betty Eawright Recelves Four Valuabie Prizes and Graduation Diplonia - Maurice Pedweli Presented With Montagne Scho- larahip Fer Boys Newcastle High School lived up ta its best traditions at the Com- mencement Exercises lait Friday evening whcn it drcw s crowd that provcd the event Uic popular local entetainnient af Uic year. As the thuongs entercd the large auditorium o! Uic communlty hall they wcue met by bnigpit looking students, wearing achool uniforms and displaying the school's classy colaurs o! purple aid gald. Girls distrihuted programs turned out by Uic school's pninting plant and boys did Uic usherlag. Mn. H. J. Toms, Chairman o! the Boardio! Education, was chair- mnuo! Uic cvcning. Uc eulogized the school aid expresscd his sp- preciatian o!fUic'tremendous t-in terest shown by thc pub#int thein attendaice in such large numbers. Rev. D. B. -Dcwdney of St. George's Chunch conductcd devo- tional exercises. Laurcnce Moton, a seftior stu- dent, secretary aid pianist o! the High School Literary Society, had an especially heavy evcning as pianist Uroughout the pragrain; but he mcasured up with Uic veuve and aplomb o!fUichemr genlua. The whole body a! Uic school made its first appearance, with Laurence ai Uic piano, tai O Canada, sung in English and ihen i Latin, !ollowed by Uic Schaol Sang, Dear Old High. Principel Hugh M. MeColl, B.A., won the napt attention of Uic audience ita Ms cordial sddicss a! welcome. Numbens prcseatcd es- pecially hy Principal McColl and the boys weue the Humai Pyra- mida, anc set near Uic béginning of the prograni and Uic other near Uic end. It was claver work and the lests the boys accomplish- cd were astonishing. A group o! girls, tralaed by Miss Helen M. Smilth, B.A., appcarcd ta a grace- ful folk dance, and Pauline De- line and Jacqueline Smith enter- tained with tap dancing. Six girls did an alluning minuci with violin «w Croe.' W. DAUiv. -accompaniment by Jirs Pattersan raid Glenn Allin with Laurence at the piano. The six girls. were Doris Allin, Ruth Bonathan, Paul- 9 mne Deline, Muriel Pedwall, Hazel Powell, Jacqueline Smith. As in *the foregoing, i response ta the vigorous applause o! Uic audi- ence, the girls retuuned with an encore. A notcwarthy number was the girls' chorus, conducted by Miss H. A. Mason. This was in two parts, Uic !irst being the new Vic- tory Sang, written and set te music by Bawmanville musicians who werc present te hear it sung. A second patuiotic sang followed. Further highly appreciated nani- bers werc: A patriotic recitatien by, Keith Buanton, a vocal duet by Pauline Ddline aid Doris AI- lin and a violin solo by Jimn Pat- terson. Intcrspersing Uic entertainmnent numbers was thc presentation o! prizes, schalarships, diplamas aid certif icates. Intermediate certifi- cates were awardcd ta: Doris AI- lin, Bob Allun, Murmel Pedwell, Pauiline Deline, Eieen Farrow, Farncomb LeGresley and Leslie Gibson; and graduation diplomas ta Betty Enwright and Jean Bona- than. Betty Enwright also won the Prof. John Squair French prize o! books for proficiency in Firench, the Thas. Montague Scho- larship of $125.00 and Uic Samuel Wilmot Gold Medal .for high e standing in the Junior Matriculà- tion Class-and the W. H. Anderson prize for highest staninmg in Mathematice. Betty also gave a splendid valedictouy addrcss. The Thos. Montague Scholarship of $125.00 for boys was won by Maurice Pedwcll, now enibarked on a Pharmacy course in Toronto. In his absence his sister Muriel «raciously received the cheque i Mauuice's behàlf. Other prize winners wcre: June Allin-the Mrs. L. C. Fallis prize of a notable book for proficiency in Laweu School English; Jean Gray-the J. E. W. PhilpShield for Grade IX pra!icicncy; Farncomb LeGresley -Uic Dr. J. A. Butler Shield for Grade X proficiency; Betty Van- Dusen-the P. R. Langman Shicld for Senior Athîctici; Keith Brai- ton-the J. Anderson S m i t h Shield for Senior Boys' Athîctica; Jacqueline SmiU-a silver cup for Junior Girls' Athletics; Ted Pybus-a hockey zlove for Junior Boys' Athîctics. Maurice Pedwell also won the A. E. Mellow shicld as the most popular student in 1940-41. from diuggist as is ta druggist to be-a good amen. Chairman H. J. Toms prcsentcd the diplomas and certificates aid scholarships; Mis. A. D. Whceler, Bowmanvillc, Uic gold medal com mmratinagheUic Uicaid works o! her grandfather; Miss Hatie Mason, the Mus. L. C. Fallis (Marion Rowland) prize; Bev. Father Coffey, Uic W. H. Ander- son mathcmnatics prise; Miss Nor- ma VanDusen, Toronto, her own prize of a silver cup for Jr. Girls' Athîcties; Ted Hoar, the school pnize fou Jr. Boys' Athletics. Those prcsentmng shields on be- hall o! the donors wcrc: Principal Hugh M. McColl, Principal Thos. A. Rodgcr, Miss Helen M. Smith, Miss Doris Allan and Laurence Morton. The program concludcd with an exciting mystcry play, The Mas- ter Key, which kcpt evcuyonc at high tension froin start ta finish fallowing Uic quickly niaving in- cidents and trying ta figure out who was thc No. 1 light-fingered rogue. Those appearing in the cast wcre: Doria, Robert and June Allit. Pauline »Delinc, Mary Pur- dy.,Keith Brantan. Principal Mc- Coîl diuccted, Uic play. COMING EVENTS On Thursday, December 4th, the ladies o! St. Andrew's Chuuch are hsvtag a sale of apuons and other usaful articles, also homemade cooking. Afternoon tes will ho senved. Came and hring a fricnd. 48-1 Danlingten Township Sunday School Convention will be held at Zion Church on Wednesday, Dcc. 3rd, ai 2 o'clack S.T. Please at- tend. 48-1' A dance will he held in Tyrone Hall on Fridsy, Dec. 5th, under auspices a! Salem Girls' Basebal Teain. Good music. Dancing froni 9 ta 1 D.S.T. Admidssion 25c. 48-2' Round and Square Dancing every Friday at Pidduck's Hall, Courtice, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Alec Bar- clay's Orch. Admission 30c. 48-2' Don't forget the Home League Sale 'ai the Salvation Army on Wednesday, Dec. 3nd, !uom 3 pi. ta 5.30 p.m. 48-1 Courtice Circuit Brothcrhood will meet to-night, Nov. 27th, la Maple Grave Church. Mr. M. H. Staples, Orono, wlll speak on "Iais Experiences In Gcrrnany"; alsa sleight o! hand tricks by Mr. Lawrence Wnagg. 48-1 Concert ta Long Sault Church, December Sth at 8 p.m. Bulan Flaherty, Bowmanillc, will en- tertain. Draw on quilt will be miade. Admission 25c and 15c. 48-1 1HOIRTRORN ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting a! the Dur- ham Couaty Shorthorn Breedera Association willl eha ld ln, Uic office o! Uic Deparinent of Agri- culture at Bowmanvillc on Satur- day, Dec. Oth, at 2 p.m. Standard Tume. Ail farinons interested in Shorthouns arc lnvited te attend. Cyril Mumford,. President. S. Chas. Allin, Sac-Trous. îBAILSON-In Bownianfflo Hos- pital, on November 24thi, 1941, ta Mr. and Mis. Gerald Balson, Hampon, tic gift of a son. 48-1' DEATEIS BROWN-In Bowmanvllle, Nov- ember 23rd, 1941, Caroline Brawn, beloved wlfe of Samuel Brown, Newcastle, in her 7Oth year. LARMER-Suddenly, at Bowman- ville, on Novembeip 23rd, 1941, Earl H. Lainier, Oshawa, dearly beloved huaband of Greta Go- heen, ini his 42nd year. LINTON-At Toronto on Noveni- ber 24th, 1941, Aifretta Marjory Doncaster, 130 Galley avenue, widow of!tUic late G. H. Linton and loving mother of Iva C. and W. Reginald Lmnton of Toronto and G. M. Linton of Ororia. In- terment; Orono cemeteny. MARR1AGES HELLS-ROGERS- On Satuiday, November 15th, at the United Church Parsonage, Hampton, by Bey'. W., Rackham, Betty, dau- ghter of Mi. Frank Rogers and the late Mis. Rogers, Hamàptan, to Gardon Albert, eldest son of Mr. and Mis. Albert Hila, Ty- rone. 48-1 ROBINSON-PARKCIN - On Fri- day, Naveniber 2lst, 1941, at Toronto, Marjorie lilzabeth, daughter cf Mr. aid Mis. F. W. Parkin, Brooklin, and Clyde David, sonl of Mr. and Mns. C. Robinson, Bowmanville. 48-1 IN MEMORIAM MASON-In ever lovlng rpemauy of my dear mather, Melia Hl. Mason, who passed ta Uic Great Beyond on Dlec. 3rd, 193,1. -Daughter Hattie. 48-1' PARRINDER-In sweet and loy- ing memory of Mary Earleen Pairinder who fdil asleep in Jesus five years ago, November 24, 1936. As we loved her, sa we miss her; -Sadly missed by Mother aid Daddy and Evelyn. 48-1' Cards of Thanýk§ Mr. aid Mis. Charles Hone ié"d family wish to cxtend their sin- ccreàt thanks ta Dr. Siemon and friendi aid neighbors who sent floral tributes ou helped in any way during their recent sad ber- cavement in the loss o! Uieir don Harold. 48-1' Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy wishes ta cxtcnd her appreciatian and thanki toa ai relatives, friends aid socicties for their hclp and klnd- ncss, also for letters and carda af sympathy duuing the iilness, ancl death o! her father, Mr. Chas. Mé- Gill. 48-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mis. Wm. A. Halkwell o! Starkvillc wish ta announce Uic engagement of their daughter Meda Bernice ta Mu. Hugh Waiker Stapleten, son o! Mr. and Mnas. Maxwell Stapleten, Clarke. The marriage ta take placc the latter part of December. 48-1' P)ont get stung on inferior, unbranded coaL. Our RESD trade marked coal Famous Reading Anthracite,_ docsn't ceai yen one cent more. And those RESD trade mark spots guaranece you that Iong-burning, non-cinkcrlng per ormancc that has made fasteat seflins bard coai. le.lJ. FLETT FUELS Rom.: Ontario St. Yard: CN.R. Phono 2695 Phono 2073 BO WMAN VILLE Claulk AdRats' One cent aworash, eaeh Insertion (iimmcharge 25e). Charte of 25e extra la made when advertisement is net pali maine week as laser- tion. Extra. charge -et 1o when replies are dlrected to %a Btatesmmu. box number. Dthdeatha anA" marriaffes soc eaeb uMemerlarn,50oc for motte. plus 10oe per fine for verue Claaalfled adver- tisements accepted up ulitil 6 p.m. Weduembay. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-STRAw FOR SALE. A. E. Osborne, R. R. 2 Bowman- ville, phone 2280. 48-1 FOR $ALE-TiflRTEEN'PIGS, 7 wceks old. James Adamis, Pon- typool;' RAR 3. 48-1* FOR SALE - PQTA TOES, CAB- bage, cockerels te seil. Stenger, Ennlskillen, telephone Bowmnan- ville 2824 . 48-1 FOR SALE - A NEW SCALE Williams upright piano ini excel- len condition. Phone Bowmian- villUe 2871. . 48-1 FOR SALE -'28 OLDSMOBILE, M6.0,god tires, new battery, excellnoto mator, L. D a.rech, phone 2884. - 48-1' 'FOR SALE-VENETIAN BLINDS' steel or wood iat, at lowest cast. Northcutt & Smith. 47-4* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually ini stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. .46-tf FbR SALE - LARGE QUEBEC heater, good condition, $7.00; Star power engine swap for 3 or 4 h.p. stationary engine; cut box wanted. C. Mitchell, New- castle. 48-1' FOR SALE -COMFORTABLE, commodjous residence on Mill St. Nonth, Newcastle. Amy rea- sonable aller will be consider- cd. Ehiquire P. O. Box 45, New- castle, Ont. 48-2 FOR SALE - RANGE, REAL good condition, 6 lid, coal or wood , ni ao cie r n attach mcents. Cheap for cash. Apply C. L. Moore, Corner Wellington and Brown Sts. 48-1' OSHAWA-S NE* FUENITURE Store - Everythlng in modern, chestenfield, bedrooni, dining suites, and studios. Bedding aid floor coveringi a specialty. Quglity mnerchandise at coin- petitive pnices. Before buylng visit Bradley's Ne w Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE ON south side of Qucen St., near Liberty. AU canveniences. Im- mediate possession. Apply Con- ant and Annis, Oshawa. 48-3 FOR SALE-GRASS FARM, Concession 2, Lot 21, about 90 acres, 10 acres af cedar aid 6 acres of elm aid hardwood more or less. Apply ta H. B. Foster, Bowmanville. 46-3' Work Wanted WANTED - YOUYNG GIRL DE- sires work i store or house- work. Write Box 22, Statesman offe, Bowmanvllle. 48-1' ffc Found . FOUND - SUM 0F MONEY IN Bowmanville on Sunday, Nov. lOth. Owner may have sanie by proving prapcrty aid paying for this advt. Apply Stateiman Office. -48-1 Personai BEAUTY CULTURE - A NEW hair style wlll pep you up. Make an appointmcnt to-dny Phono 2245, Jean -Stevens,'o0i- crator. 48-2 PILES-WHY SUFFER HUMILI- ating misery? Whene ta get ne- lief? Write Box 27, Bowman- ville. 48-3 Veterlnary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; fl.V.Se. Voernarlan Church St. - Bowmanvillie Phone 843 29 tf Druglesa Practitioner RLOBEIT COLVILLE Druglesa Practîtioner Liberty Street - Bowmanvile Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjuatinonts and Massage. 46-7 -ENTERTAINER Soeure 8LP GORDON, tiâs wonderfdflversatile en t er- tainer, for rour meut entertaln- ment. tflustrateil ciroulafre. . - M38 Crawterd Sitroot, Toronto Undmr a hcading "Preachen m,,Raa Idlatry and Bvrg d1Y? oomi"Uic eterboro Exaer Sgiveaa eood accaunt o! Bey. A. R.Caggsasermon when ho apoke fl'iu w REM Sunday at Uic 8lst ariversary af Knox United Chuich in that clty. Bey. MacDonald, Peterbono, spoke ,m-hore ln St. Paula Fqrmelr, Attention 1'1ARMERS, ATTENTION 1 - Faim machinery manufacturing has practically ceased today. Be wisa, i]*y "ready for dcliv- ery" NOWi, te get quality while it laits, at rogular pruces, and no tax. Oillcss bearing Spread- crs, $200.00. Wagons for,rubber tires, $65.00. Autotracs, plows, rakes, steel wheals,- steves, sleighs on hand. One used steel truck. Thanka .for your past business. One and a quarter cords Beach furnace wood. Carl Todd, Clarke, phone 15r20. 48-1* NOTICE NOTICE-WE WISH -TO ADVISE our customers that we are un- able te continue oui Wednesday alternoon delivery. F. C. Van-* stone. Two or two and a hall thousand fiet af one-inch pine, sawed and iglld at WoQdley?'s Mni. Was left thnee or four years ago. Will be sold If flot claimed by Deciamber lit, 1941. Clarence Woodley, Tyrone. 46-3 Wanted To Buy WANTED TrO BUY - OX stove. Apply P. O. Box 18?. 48-1l Notice To Creditors And Others In the Estate o! EPHRIAM EVANS Ail .erons having daims against 'Uc etata af Ephriam Ev- ans, late o! thc Township af Clarkd, deccased, who dled on or abbut thc 28th day of September, 1941, are herebyt natified te send in ta Uic underslgned personal representatives of the said de- ceased on or before the 29Ui day of Navember, 1941, ful particu- lars af their daais. Imniediatelyr after Uic said date, Uic sald Per- sonal representatives wrnl distri- bute the assets af thé said deceas- cd having regard only te dlaimIs af which it shail then have.,notice ta the exclusion of allfôthers, and it wiil-not be liable ta any persan of whosec caim they shal not then have notice for'the assets so dis- tributcd or any part thereof. .Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 7th day of November, 1941. ARCHIE WILSON aid ARTHUR ROWAN, by their. Solicitors, CONANT & ANNIS, Oshawa. 46-3 Notice t. Crediiors AU persans having any dlaim against Uic Estate of Minnie J. Phare, Deceased, who' died on or about Uic 23rd day of Octobor, 1941, at Uic Town a! Bowman- ville, in the County aofIDurhami, arc rcquired ta file Uicsanie wiUi proof Uiereof wiUi Uic underslgn- cd Executors, or thair Solicitor, net later Uian Jaiuary iOth, 1Q,42, alter which date Uic Estate will be distrlbuted and aldaais do! which the Executors have net re- ceived notice will be barred as against theni. Datcd at Bowmanirne this 21st day of November, 1941. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, Executons, By,,M. G . V. GOULD, Bowmaiville, Ontario, Uielv-Solicitor. 48-3 FOR SALE-8 PIGS;fl WEtCS' old. Phone 2590. 48-1* FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE white brood saw, due to farrow in two weeks. Apply H. E. Tink, phone 2232. 48-1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Percheron mare colt 5 nionths old for sale or wlU exchange for cattie or plgs. Apply Frank Orchard, Enniskillen. ph on e 2552. 48-1* For Rent FOR RENT-SIX BOOM HOUSE on Carlisle Ave., electricity and bathroom. Phono 2100. 48-1* FOR RENT-FRONT BED SIT- ting rooni, furnlshed, an ground floor. Runnlng water and sink. Sultable for light liousekeeping. Write Box 16, Statesman 0 ce, 'Bowmanvllle. Please give phone number when replying. 48-1l Wanted to Rent WANTED - TWO OR THREE heated roomi for young couple. Apply Box 19, Statesman Office. 48-1* Help Wanted HELP WANTED-MAN OR OLD- en boy for dairy and fruit farm. (Milking by machine). Apply Wilfrid Carruthers, phone 2625. .48-1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY-KIT- chen woman, also experienccd hall and dining-room girl. Ap- ply, Matron, Ontaria Ladies' College, Whltby. 48-1. WANTED - SINGLE EXPERI. enced farim hand te wQrk on farm. Comnmence-Dec. lat. Ap- ply to S. C. Allin.&'Son,-R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2198. 48-1* WIlson's Furniture Co. November Furulture Sale Wise shoppers woula do well ta avail thernscîves o! aur low priced specials. Vcry large solectian froni our two stores. Wilson'a values lcad the nmarket. Xmas Gitt Suggestions Cedar cheats, book cases, lampa, faicy cushians end tables, che- nille bedspnesdâs, imokers, coffe tables, accasional chairs, dol pranms. Hundieds o! ather i-i at Wllson'a lower pnices. Innor Spriug Mattrese $9,9-Spri±ig filllcd mattreases la hoavy striped ticklng, rl cdgo, handles and ventilatons. Ail aises. Wonderful values. Fleen Coeriug Specils $l.49-New borderlesa mrga, 0 fi. by 9 fi. You wiil find at Wilaon'a everything ta faon ýcoveringi. Personal attention- toa ai your faon coering problems. Inlaida, coagoleunis, feltols, heavy lino- leum. Ail wldths. Wilson's prices arc lower. *Traie-lu 1epartment Jammcd ful - hundreda of goad used fuiniture bargains; We must make rooni at once regardiesa o! price - Chesterfield Suites, Din- ing Suites, Kitchena b ah n c tas, Dressera, Beda, Ruis, Staves, Couches, etc. It wlll psy yau ta visit our atones. Wilson'sa Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Churh St. OSRAWA. 48-tf mi,- SALE KEGISTER i Tuesday, December 2nd. .cf tian sale of 40' head of dU harses and hogs, the proper àe~ Cameron Faims, lots 4 and 5, éon. 2, East Whltby, (llarmnony). Sa>e at 1.30 o'clock (D.S.T.). See blDm. William Maw, auctioneer. 48-1 WOOP.fAL The undersigned wlll »U y, public auction for Mrs. E Strutt, Lot 9, Con.. 9, Darlnin (Tyrone), on Saturday, Dcme 6th, 1941 - 2 acres standiig hbard. waad, 1 acre standing pine, to be sold in 1/¾-acre lots more or. leu. Purchasers wlll be igiveii until, April 1943 ta remove t1uber. Sale at 1 o'clock Standard Tlie. TewxÉa cash. Cliffarci Pethick, auctione&. > 48-2 AUCTION SALE 0F .IEE8KYB Monday, De6ember lsI, 1941, Fred Bawn, 1 mile south of Port Perry, will sel by public.auetloit. the followlng: 21 head purebred Jeïseys, some fresh, others spring- ing and milking well. Herd test at Toronto 5%. Dlsposlng of en- tire herd. Also 4 hanses. Ternis cash. Sale at. 1 p.m. Standard Tume. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 48-1 Teacheir Wanted WANTED-PROTESTANT TEA- ~ cher wanted for Sc4.oî Section No. 9,. Clarke, duties te com- mence Jan. 5th. Apply te E. F.11 R. Osborne, Secretary, Newcas- tic. . 48-1 j- For Eveyoue We invite yen te visit oupâ lie to sece ur assertment of giftti befere 7ou buy. A IFEW SIPÈCIALS BOXED STATIÔNEIRY i5c te 2.bOO FRIENDSHIF MOTTOES sud FRAMED PICTURES 19o te $2.75 ENGLISKffCALENDABS 150 t se810 HANbI!ERCHIEFS Becune we purchasedluaad-, vsucb we cesi effor very attrac- tIve bargains lu hsudkercefW, for young sud olil. SINGLES AT Sc to Sb BOXE» Ise te 9-c 'Christmas Cards Ise per doz. and up iL W, JEWELLý Pheae e MOI St e e Personal Gr..tlng Carde Made tramn that interestlng negative. Unique Photo Service offens .. . Carda, biack and white, dos. ..-...ose Colored, des.--- 8---- 1.98 Foiders $1.50 plain - $2.50 coloreil Framed Enlargemente Make very acceptable Christmas presenta. Frames - Ebouy on Walnut ------ be Speélai photo ln Walnut trame--lu blRek sud White ---- 90 Beautitul ceiored photos at allght extra cont. SEE TifEN TODAY.I 1 Toiletry glU seta--Dremer sets Haudsome Pen and PenclI Sets Waterman's 100 year guarautee $.-- 12.25 Othen sets trem $2.25 up VITAMINS Ayerst Ced Liver OU1, 10D strength Ce msd 81À~ Bquibbs Cod Liver OU - 55 - $1.10 - $1.97 Pureteat Qed Liver OU1, two aises 75o - 81.8 Frosat Ne. Chemical Food $1.15 - $2.45 aise Neo Chemical Food Capsules 81.25 and 83.3 Moen we test oyes It le doue propenly. phono 8 M . yu, . * vlb The Rexaîl Drug Store C.N]R.'Ticketa ~ * .: Llvestockl For 'Sale Auctloiae .For The Weekend Market Basket FIRST QUA1-ITY NO. 1 ONTARIO POTATOKS ( 181la) bas....$11 TANGY, CIiOICE OLD CANADIAN 45c IEEHIVE GOLDEN'CORN DURHAM, T SYRUPCORN STARCH Un dise Ecoomy Package FLOUR, 98 lb bas XXXX $2.70 I2VNT A» VEGETABLES always plentiful at your favorite grocery. IIehnz Coupons. oomvaluable Reins ceupeus bore ALLIS PAGE TEN mmc:wcxmq=c> iltf li tir Da"d us Eme WA N TBA 6ý MW TÉURSDAY, NOMMER 27, 1041- THE CANADIAN STATESbUN, BOWMANVffýLÊ, . oNTARIO É py

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